Portarlington Parish Newsletter 18th October 2020

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Very Rev. Thomas Dooley P.P. Tel: (057) 8643004  Rev. Joe O’Neill C.C., Tel: (057) 8646517
Very Rev. Michael Noonan P.E. Tel: (057) 8684995 (Please note change of number)
Tel: 057 8643004 - Email: [email protected] / Parish Office Hours: 9.30am – 1.30pm Mon. – Fri.
Anniversary Masses, Baptisms and Weddings can be booked by contacting the Parish Office during opening hours.
DIOCESE www.kandle.ie SAMARITANS 24-hour helpline: 116 123 Email: [email protected]
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 087 7640557 AWARE Lo-call Helpline 1890 303 302 G.R.O.W. www.grow.ie Info:1890 474 474
PARISH SAFEGUARDING REPRESENTATIVES: Jackie McNulty; Frances O’Dwyer ; Mary Joyce; Clare Nerney
Diocesan Designated Liaison Person (DLP) Tel: 085-8021633 [email protected]


St. Michael’s Church, Portarlington
Saturday 6.15pm
Sunday 9am and 12.15pm
Monday to Friday 10am

Sunday 18th October, 2020 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

PORTARLINGTON We welcome into the Christian Live streaming from St.
Community through Baptism Michael’s Church, Portarlington
WEEKEND OF 17TH / 18TH OCTOBER as follows:- Saturday 6.15pm
Sunday 9am & 12.15pm
Saturday 17th October 6.15pm Mya Amelia Donnelly, Kilnacourt Woods
Monday – Friday 10am
John & Dinah Hehir Paul Edward Casey, Woodlands Park
Link to live streaming:
Larry McCann, Bishopswood Oisín Denis Martin Byrne, Clonkeen
Bernie Keogh O’Reilly, Foxcroft Avenue Olivia Teresa Dowling, Ullard
Peggy Whelan, Bishopswood (B/Day Rem.)  DECEASED  portarlington
Sunday 18th October 9am / 12.15pm Prayers are requested for :-
Eileen Fingleton, Shandra (M.M.)
James & Josephine Nolan & deceased
Mary Hyland (nee McCormack), Station Road COVID-19 DIOCESAN
Sr. Michael Roe, Presentation Sisters
members of the Nolan Family, Walsh Island UPDATE
Bernie Keogh O’Reilly, Foxcroft Avenue ADORATION OF THE BLESSED Masses
ANNIVERSARIES SACRAMENT No public Masses are allowed in Level 3, all
St. Michael's Parish Church on Sunday 18th Masses to go online from midnight Tuesday
KILLENARD 6th Oct. All churches are to remain open
October from 4pm to 6pm.
for private prayer.
Sunday 18th October 
Mick Terrett, Rathleash (1st Anniversary) First Communions / Confirmations
Breda Fitzpatrick, Tierhogar; Mark & Margaret I am aware many ceremonies are
Fitzpatrick, Tierhogar; scheduled for the coming weekends, sadly
ANNIVERSARIES all ceremonies are to be postponed
until a later date.

Sunday 18th October Baptisms
Liam Hogan, Jamestown Planned baptisms for the coming days or
weeks are unfortunately to be deferred until
ANNIVERSARIES a suitable date can be arranged later.
Rosary each day for the month of October Funerals
Saturday 17th October - The Grotto, Emo – 12.30pm. The maximum that can attend a funeral
James & Annie Kelly, Caron, Emo - St. John’s Church, Killenard 4pm in Level 3 is 25.
Jer & Matthew Kelly, Caron  
October invites us to recover a renewed Marriages
Sunday 18th October appreciation of the rosary. The maximum that can attend a wedding
--- in Level 3 is 25.
WEEKDAY The Finding in the Temple
The Finding in the Temple FEAST DAYS
through Mary seeking her lost Son, DURING THE WEEK
 may we be given grace
always to seek for the Christ-child
Mon. 19th Oct. - St. Paul of the Cross
Thurs. 22nd Oct. - St. John Paul II, Pope
and always to find him. Fri. 23rd Oct. - St. John of Capistrano
Mon. 19th Oct. 10am
Let us find him in all children,
Kathleen Higgins, Patrick St. (2 nd Anniversary)
and in all who have a child’s needs
Tues. 20th Oct. 10am the helpless, the sick, the simple, the aged;
Mick & Mary Fingleton; Nora Fingleton; in all who serve and are trusting and poor;
Paddy Fingleton in all who are lonely and homeless.
Let us too become as little children,
Wed. 21st Oct. 10am to find the Divine Child in our own hearts.
Eilish O’Neill Caryll Houselander 1901-1954
Thurs. 22nd Oct. 10am
Phil & Bridie Lynch, Ballymorris & Dec.
members of the Lynch & Donegan Families
Fri. 23rd Oct. 10am
“Jesus is waiting for you in the chapel.
Go and find Him when your strength and
patience are giving out,
St. Michael’s Church, Portarlington - View live when you feel lonely and helpless.
streaming of all Masses as scheduled above Say to Him, ‘You know well what is happening,
during the weekend & next week. my dear Jesus. I have only You. Come to my
www.watchmcnmedia.tv/camera/st-michaels- aid.’ And then go your way. And don’t worry
church-portarlington about knowing how you’re going to manage. It is
Visit website www.mcnmedia.tv and follow the enough to have told our good Lord. He has an
links to Republic of Ireland / Laois / excellent memory.”
St. Michael’s Church. St. Jeanne Jugan

Some Tips for Praying the Mass via AN ACT OF

Technology SPIRITUAL COMMUNION Due to Covid 19 Portarlington Christmas
Tree Committee will be unable to do our
1. Dress as you would for Mass
annual door to door collections. The reason
2. Have your technology ready and be on we collect donations is to cover operational
time costs which include insurance, electricity,
3. Turn off any other technology that might My Jesus, I believe that You maintenance etc. 2020 brings our 35th
distract you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. Christmas Tree to Portarlington and we want
4. Invite a member of the family to light a I love You above all things, this year to be the brightest by far! Please
candle before Mass begins, perhaps and I desire to receive You into my soul. help and support by donating to our Go
beside a cross Since I cannot at this moment Fund Me page so we can Light Up
receive You sacramentally, Portarlington this Christmas.
5. Share in the responses, prayers and
come at least spiritually into my heart. GOFUNDME.COM
gestures (Sign of the Cross etc.) of the Please note there is a Donation Bucket
I embrace You as if You were already there and
Mass unite myself wholly to You. placed in Brian Whelan Electrical, Main
6. Stand for the Gospel and Our Father; Never permit me to be separated from You. Street & Portarlington Credit Union.
kneel as appropriate if you can; share a Amen.
sign of peace
8. At Holy Communion time, make an Act of If you wish to make a donation, the Parish The Alzheimer Society of Ireland National
Spiritual Communion Account details are as follows and you can do so Helpline 1800 341 341. For any information
on dementia contact Ann Munnelly on
9. And finally, go in peace – to live what you on line or through your Bank: Thank you.
057-866 3398 / 086-8372168
have prayed Email [email protected]
10. Don’t forget to donate on line or by other PORTARLINGTON
means to your parish, if you can Bank Name & Address - Bank of Ireland, WORLD MISSION SUNDAY
Portarlington 18/10/2020
COVID-19 SUPPORT LINE FOR Name of Account Portarlington Parish This year’s theme is:
OLDER PEOPLE No. 1 A/c Together we can do more. Blessed are
BIC - BOFIIE2D the peacemakers
IBAN - IE28 BOFI 9018 6154 5717 14
World Mission Sunday is a direct appeal
(Please put your name/address in ref. box)
from Pope Francis. He is asking all of us to
ALONE manage a national support line and
give what we can so that overseas
additional supports for older people who have EMO missionaries can reach and care for
concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the
outbreak of COVID-19. Professional staff are Bank Name & Address - Bank of Ireland, suffering men, women and children. World
Mountmellick Mission Sunday collections will be offered to
available to answer queries and give advice and
help further the
reassurance where necessary. The support line Name of Account - Emo Church No. 1 A/c
reach of
is open seven days a week from 8am to 8pm. BIC - BOFIIE2D missionaries
Phone 0818-222-024.
IBAN - IE16 BOFI 9018 1051 4302 54 (Please and mission.
put your name/address in ref. box) The collection is
CHILDMINDER NEEDED a lifeline, not
Mature lady needed to look after three school-
going children in their own home, four days a missionaries,
week. Car needed for school drop-off’s to the DIOCESAN WEBSITE
but also the
Rock N.S., Mountmellick. Hours 8am to 5pm. There is a donation facility now on the Kandle future of the
Phone Fran on 086-8640226 website & people can donate both to parishes Church.
(option for parish & clergy collection) & the However, it is in
CHILDMINDER AVAILABLE diocese as they wish. On the diocesan button jeopardy as the
Experienced childminder with BA Hons. Degree there is an option to donate to Trocaire, Retired worldwide
in Early Childhood Education / Montessori Priests or other areas. The Diocese will forward pandemic means that less of us can
teaching Diploma. Available to mind any donations received for parishes. physically attend Mass, resulting in less
child/children in her own home. Beautiful www.kandle.ie offerings. Its implications for suffering in
facilities / outdoor play area. Mountmellick area. overseas communities in the months ahead
Parish Donation envelopes
Further details please contact Laura on 085 will be devastating. Please, if you can, be
Available at the Church Porch. Thanks to all for
7405057 or Email [email protected] extra generous this weekend. To give what
your donations – It is greatly appreciated.
you can donate at www.wmi/mission, call
CONFERENCE & RETREAT October Draw Winners 2020 4972035, lodge money directly: IBAN IE12
CENTRE €10,000 Deirdre Connolly BOFI09975456961636 BIC BOFIIE2D A/C
€2,000 to John McDermot & Edith Sage, Name Society for the Propagation of the
also to Martin & Margaret Donoher Faith. Donate €4 by texting the word
€1,000 each to Christopher O’Reilly and to ‘Mission’ to 50300. (Texts cost €4). World
Thomas Duke Missions Ireland will receive a minimum of
Spiritual Direction / Accompaniment €500 each to Laura Tynan, Jason Doyle, Ann €3.60. Right now missionaries desperately
is available at the Centre for interested Molloy, Martin Hayden, Nuala Brew, Mary need your help. www.wmi.ie
individuals. Please contact us on Buckland and Grainne Ridgeway An envelope is also available in your
057 8626153 €250 to William Molloy development boxes or at the back of the
email [email protected] Congratulations to all our winners! Church.

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