A-10 Thunderbolt II: Definition

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A-10 Thunderbolt II
Definition: The A-10 Thunderbolt II, better known by points for ground attack ordinance and is particularly suit-
its nickname "Warthog," is a U.S. close air support and able for the AGM-65 Maverick anti-tank missile.
forward air control fighter (in this secondary mission, Over the course of its lifetime, several upgrades have
it operates under the designation OA-10). It was built by been made to the aircraft to enhance its operational capa-
Fairchild Republic Co. and is now sustained by Northrop bilities. In 1978, a Pave Penny laser-receiver pod was added
Grumman. to enable to aircraft to drop laser-guided bombs illumi-
nated by ground troops or other aircraft. In 1980, inertial
Features: The aircraft was developed in the early 1970s navigation systems were added. During the following de-
to provide an airborne counter to the Warsaw Pact's supe- cade, the aircraft received the Low-Altitude Safety and
rior number of armored vehicles. It reached IOC in 1977 Targeting Enhancement (LASTE) package, which provided
and is still considered the world's most effective anti- computerized weapon arming, an autopilot and a multi-
tank platform. function display (MFD). During the mid-1990s, the instru-
Designed specifically for close-air support, the aircraft ment panels were adapted so pilots could wear night vi-
is adept at operating from unimproved airstrips, maneu- sion goggles and carry out nocturnal missions. In 1999, the
vering at low altitudes and speeds and loitering over bat- MFD was upgraded and a GPS navigation system was added.
tlefields. As one of the few American aircraft built more to In 2005, the entire fleet began receiving a "Precision
withstand fire than to avoid it, the A-10 is also renowned Engagement" package that included a new flight control
system, improved cockpit displays, hands-on
throttle and stick controls, moving map dis-
plays, the capability to deliver GPS and laser-
guided bombs, digital stores management, the
integration of Litening and Sniper advanced
targeting pods, new electronic countermea-
sures, a situational awareness data link (SADL)
and upgraded power systems. All A-10s have re-
ceived the upgrade package and are now referred
to as A-10Cs.

Production, Current Upgrades and Status:

The U.S. Air Force received 713 A-10s between
1975 and 1984. Of these, 343 remain in service
among active duty, guard and reserve units.
In 2007, Boeing was awarded a $1.1 billion
contract to replace the wings on up to 242 A-10s,
which would allow the aircraft to continue fly-
for its ability to sustain battle damage. A titanium "bath- ing until 2035. Firm orders have been placed for 173. The
tub" and armored canopy protects the cockpit as well as first aircraft with a replaced wing rolled out on February
parts of the flight control system. The wings, horizontal 15, 2012 and the last aircraft is scheduled to be turned over
tail and vertical fins incorporate redundant structural in 2016.
support. The engines are mounted high to protect them on As part of its FY15 budget submission, the Air Force has
the ground from debris and in the air from small arms, proposed retiring the remainder of the fleet. Congress is
cannon fire and infrared missiles. Hydraulic flight con- expected to make a decision on the proposal as part of the
trols are backed up by manual cable systems. Fuel cells are forthcoming FY15 National Defense Authorization Act.
protected by shrapnel-catching foam and isolated by self-
sealing mechanisms. Less well-protected components are —Dan Katz
designed for rapid field replacement.
The A-10's most notable weapon system is the GAU-8/A
Avenger - a seven-barrel rotary cannon mounted in the nose All Program Dossier data is excerpted from
that fires up to 4,200 rounds per minute. Each round is 30mm the Aviation Week Intelligence Network
in diameter and over 11 in. long - slightly longer and narrow- (awin.aviationweek.com). To learn how to
er than a 12-oz. beverage bottle - and bears a tip of depleted receive full access to dozens of updated online profiles of
uranium for increased armor penetration and incendiary ef- major international defense programs, call +1 703.997.0275
fect. In addition to the cannon, the fighter has eleven hard- or email [email protected].

© 2014
Specifications: A-10 Thunderbolt II

Designation: A-10C / OA-10C

Name: Thunderbolt II / "Warthog"
Manufacturer: Fairchild Republic Co. (sustained now by Northrop Grumman)
Category/Type: Attack Fighter
Crew: 1
IOC: 1977 (A-10A); 2007 (A-10C)
Unit cost: $11.8M (FY94) total program unit cost

Dimensions and Weights

Length: 53 ft. 4 in. (16.2 m)
Wingspan: 57 ft. 6 in. (17.4 m)
Height: 14 ft. 8 in. (4.4 m)
Wing Area: 506 ft.2 (47.01 m2)
Aspect Ratio: 6.54
Weight (empty) 29,000 lb. (13,150 kg)
Weight (max take-off) 51,000 lb. (22,950 kg)
Fuel Capacity (Internal): 11,000 lb. (5,000 kg)
Fuel Capacity (External) 3 x 600-gal. (2,270 liter) external drop tanks - 12,060 lb. (5,482
kg) total
Fuel Capacity (Max Total) 23,060 lb. (10,480 kg)

Engine(s): 2 x TF34-GE-100
Thrust: 18,130 lb. combined
Max Speed: 518 mph - Mach 0.75; 340 mph cruise speed
Max Speed without Afterburner: N/A
Service Ceiling: 45,000 ft. (13,600m)
Range: 800 mi. (1,290 km)
Ferry Range: 2,580 mi. (4,150 km)
Combat Radius: Close Air-Support: 288 mi. (450 km) with 2 hr. loiter
Deep Strike: 620 mi. (1,000 km)
G-limit +7.33
Thrust/Wt: 0.4
Wing Loading: 93.68 lb/ft2 (457.4 kg/m2)

Cannon: GAU-8/A Avenger 30mm, seven-barrel cannon with 1,350
prepared by Dan Katz

Hardpoints: 11 (3 under fuselage, 8 under wings)
Max Stores: 16,000 lb. (7,260 kg)
Weapons Compatibility: AIM-9 Sidewinder
Mk-82/83/84 General Purpose Bombs
Hydra 2.75-in. (70mm) rockets
Source: Aviation Week Intelligence Network Continued


Specifications: A-10 Thunderbolt II
AGM-65 Maverick
CBU-51/58/71/87/89/97 and Rockeye II cluster bombs
Paveway series LGBs
GBU-31/32/38 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM)
CBU-103/104/105 Wind-Corrected Munitions Dispenser

Radar: None
Radar Warning Receiver: ALR-46(V)
Electronic Countermeasures Compatible with ALQ-119, 131 and 184 ECM pods
Chaff/Flare Dispensers: Compatible with ALE-37. Can carry 4 SUU-25/42 flare launch-

prepared by Dan Katz

ers on hardpoints
Other Avionics: AAS-35(V) Pave Penny Laser Tracker Pod
A-10C: Sniper, Litening
A-10C: Situational Awareness Data Link (SADL)
Source: Aviation Week Intelligence Network


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