A-10 Thunderbolt II: Definition
A-10 Thunderbolt II: Definition
A-10 Thunderbolt II: Definition
A-10 Thunderbolt II
Definition: The A-10 Thunderbolt II, better known by points for ground attack ordinance and is particularly suit-
its nickname "Warthog," is a U.S. close air support and able for the AGM-65 Maverick anti-tank missile.
forward air control fighter (in this secondary mission, Over the course of its lifetime, several upgrades have
it operates under the designation OA-10). It was built by been made to the aircraft to enhance its operational capa-
Fairchild Republic Co. and is now sustained by Northrop bilities. In 1978, a Pave Penny laser-receiver pod was added
Grumman. to enable to aircraft to drop laser-guided bombs illumi-
nated by ground troops or other aircraft. In 1980, inertial
Features: The aircraft was developed in the early 1970s navigation systems were added. During the following de-
to provide an airborne counter to the Warsaw Pact's supe- cade, the aircraft received the Low-Altitude Safety and
rior number of armored vehicles. It reached IOC in 1977 Targeting Enhancement (LASTE) package, which provided
and is still considered the world's most effective anti- computerized weapon arming, an autopilot and a multi-
tank platform. function display (MFD). During the mid-1990s, the instru-
Designed specifically for close-air support, the aircraft ment panels were adapted so pilots could wear night vi-
is adept at operating from unimproved airstrips, maneu- sion goggles and carry out nocturnal missions. In 1999, the
vering at low altitudes and speeds and loitering over bat- MFD was upgraded and a GPS navigation system was added.
tlefields. As one of the few American aircraft built more to In 2005, the entire fleet began receiving a "Precision
withstand fire than to avoid it, the A-10 is also renowned Engagement" package that included a new flight control
system, improved cockpit displays, hands-on
throttle and stick controls, moving map dis-
plays, the capability to deliver GPS and laser-
guided bombs, digital stores management, the
integration of Litening and Sniper advanced
targeting pods, new electronic countermea-
sures, a situational awareness data link (SADL)
and upgraded power systems. All A-10s have re-
ceived the upgrade package and are now referred
to as A-10Cs.
© 2014
Specifications: A-10 Thunderbolt II
Engine(s): 2 x TF34-GE-100
Thrust: 18,130 lb. combined
Max Speed: 518 mph - Mach 0.75; 340 mph cruise speed
Max Speed without Afterburner: N/A
Service Ceiling: 45,000 ft. (13,600m)
Range: 800 mi. (1,290 km)
Ferry Range: 2,580 mi. (4,150 km)
Combat Radius: Close Air-Support: 288 mi. (450 km) with 2 hr. loiter
Deep Strike: 620 mi. (1,000 km)
G-limit +7.33
Thrust/Wt: 0.4
Wing Loading: 93.68 lb/ft2 (457.4 kg/m2)
Cannon: GAU-8/A Avenger 30mm, seven-barrel cannon with 1,350
prepared by Dan Katz
Hardpoints: 11 (3 under fuselage, 8 under wings)
Max Stores: 16,000 lb. (7,260 kg)
Weapons Compatibility: AIM-9 Sidewinder
Mk-82/83/84 General Purpose Bombs
Hydra 2.75-in. (70mm) rockets
Source: Aviation Week Intelligence Network Continued
Radar: None
Radar Warning Receiver: ALR-46(V)
Electronic Countermeasures Compatible with ALQ-119, 131 and 184 ECM pods
Chaff/Flare Dispensers: Compatible with ALE-37. Can carry 4 SUU-25/42 flare launch-