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T. O.1L-10A-4 a4 TECHNICAL MANUAL ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN USAF SERIES OV-10A _ AIRCRAFT (HORTH AMERICAN ROCKWELL CORPORATION) Contrort NOw 65-0178 F41608.0-0-A006, | PUBLISHED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE, povronce ves 80-09 T SEPTEMBER 1968 CHANGE 48 — 1 JULY 1980 1.0, 11-10A-4 UST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES INSERT LATEST CHANGED PAGES; DISPOSE OF SUPERSEDED PAGES IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICAELE REGULATIONG. ; NOTE; Zero nthe Change Ro. column Indcates an oval page. Chane 30 015 Jun 77 : Change ©3715 Dee 77 DATES OF ISSUE FOR ORIGINAL AND CHANGED PAGES ARE: Chane AJi172 Change ..3B..15 May 78 i _ BRR ESSERE Gun 33 20 * Ogata ideee dng 68 geet ey70 BE oe TIGR pees Ghenge! TRS. Taam Fo hee: 3ESSSABE TE Ghangessat soc Ane 9 - “15 Mar 69 Change. A A Jul 70 ange D5) Change.» 42... 16 Ape 79h . Hes GR AE UMTS Gites 2020 ob Tg) uA. 10 Awe ease: ee eee eT Naeger ot. 15 Aue 79 = ARE Ge 2e. 1 Nee Go bem cham a Te eT ee as is Derg Rese ghia agwet yy eer Mee ote? 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(304 Aas eon gpa 778 Blank oo a tina ea oe St Bin a ol 695-697... oa fee oa 9. oa too. 71 iad 702 646 703. oe a eS & Ea ee cee 20 Bink os, oe Ea ian, ts nee He ak mY column indicales a orginal page T.0. 1L-10A-4 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I INTRODUCTION Page Source Code Data Explanation. 2... ss 1 Kit Source Code Data Explanation - . . . 3 ‘Maintenance Repair Level Code Explanation se ee ee es 3 How to Use the illustrated Parts Breakdown. «ss we eee ee) Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers | 11) 5 SECTION i} GROUP ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST Page AIRPLANE ASSEMBLY - LOOSE EQUIPMENT. 2s eee ee eee 4 AIRFRAME SYSTEMS Loose Equipment ‘Airplane Assembly - Major Installations . | 26 Spare Horizontal Stabilizer Assembly. . . 268 Spare Wing Assembly... .... Ds 26D Spare Boom and Vertical Stabilizer LeftHand se ee = 26K Spare Boom and Vertical Stabilizer Rigi Hand eee 26P Nacelle Assembly Spare Left Hand. . - 26T Nacelle Assembly Spare Right Hand». . 26X Nose Assembly. ee 2% Nose Assembly Spare... .. + + 285 Intermediate Fuselage... ss + + e380 Windshield Structure. 2) 22222 86 Windshield Glass Installation |)... . 38 Canopy Structure... ee ee aR Canopy Panel and Door Insiallation’ |.) 44 Panel Assembly Fuselage Station 34 to Station 168... ar) Pilot and Observer Access Door Assemblies . ee ee cc) Canopy Latch Mechaniom <1... Isa Canopy Balance Bungee Assembly | >. . 58 Pilot's Bulkhead... ws bio60 U) Fuselage Lower Deck Assembly (Sheets Land 2)... ss. ee Pilot's Compartment Console Support. . | 66 Ait Center Fuselage Frame Assembly . . 68 Top Deck and Side Panel Assemblies Fus Sta 215 to Station 256... . . . . 708 Lower Deck Assembly Fuselage Station 218 to Station 256. +. + TOD Aft Fuselage Lower Deck Assembly... 72 Cargo Door Lateh Installation... . +. 76 Wing Assembly and Installation © 12) 78 Flaps Assembly (Sheets 1 and 2)... | a2 Aileron Installation...) 1... 86 Alleron and Tab Assembles" |. 1! | 90 Page Alternate Souree List... ee 1a ‘Alternate Parts List for Selected Hardware Items eo eal Abbreviations. . | perth Line Assembly Specifications |)... 2.) 18 Usable on Code Explanations 21)... t 20 ‘Time Compliance Technical Orders ||) ) > a1 Page ‘Spoilers and Lateral Control System Spoiler Drive Rods Installation... . . 92 Wing Structure Assembly... ss. ss 94 Wing Box Assembly. . . ++ 100 Wing Inboard Lower Panel Assembly 102 Wing Rear Spar Assembly (Sheets Land 2)... 2... +104 Wing Front Spar Assembly. |) 1 1). “1008 Boom and Nacelle Assembly. . | 2 u0 Nacelle Assembly (Sheets 1 and 2) |) 114 Boom and Vertical Stabilizer Assembly | | 118 Boom Assembly... . . Aeghes 320 Vertical Stabilizer Assembly | | | 104 Empennage Installation (Sheets 1 and 2)! | 126 Fuselage and Boom Fairing and Cover Installation, . « ‘i = 192 Wing = Upper Access Doors | 2 2 1! 134 Wing - Lower Access Doors. |) 1) | 136 Empennage - Access Doors...) |) | | 138 Sponson Access Doors... 5. 2. 2 M0 Cargo Bay Access Door. Dl aga Engine Fire Extinguisher Installation |) 144 Cargo Bay Special Provisions Conversion Package... ...... 148 ‘Smoke Generating System...) 1.) 189 Cradle and Camera Actuator Mechanism | 152 (booted hee eet nal Cargo Bay Signal Package ..7.."."..", 155 Armor Plate Package...) 1) 11 156 FLIGET CONTROL SYSTEMS Lateral Control System (Sheets 1 throwhS) so. ee as - 160 Lateral Control System Reduced Speier" Bungee Assembly . .at Longitudinal Conteol Viscous Damper | | | 378 Longitudinal Control System (Sheets 1 through 4) 2. see + 180 Longitudinal Control System Spring ‘Trim Actuator (Sheets 1 and 2) . Longitudinal Control System Spring Trim ‘Actuator Motor and Brake Assembly . .194D 194 CHANGES i 1.0. ILIOA-4 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT) FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEMS (Cont) Longitudinal Control System Elevator ‘Spring Tab Bungee. ss. Directional Control Sytem Cheats 1 through 4). 7 Directional Contrél Rotary Servo ‘Actuator... Directional Conirol Rotary Servo ‘Actuator Motor Assembly... . . Rudder Pedal Screwjack Adjust. <1 | ‘Wing Flap Control System Installation (Sheets 1 through 3). = « Wing Flap Actuator Assembly. Wing Flap Motor Gearbox Equipment [Aeconibie ees erry wee Flap Control System Surface Preload Bungee Assembly... Flap Control System Drive Mechanism — Torque Shaft Assembly... Observer's Station Control Bquipinest Package (Sheets 1 through 3)... . « Ait Cockpit Rudder Pedal Assembly | - Forward and Ait Cockpit Control Covers and Scuff Guards 2... . HYDRAULIC POWER SYSTEM Hydraulic Equipment Power Unit Installation Utility System Reservoir Assembiy” UiBity System Motor Pump Hydraulic Equipment Assembly sss. ss Relief Valve and Pressure Switeh| Hydraulic Equipment Assembly... ‘Wing Flap System Hydraulic Lines and Equipment Installation Solenoid Selector Valve Assembly |. Main Landing Gear Hydraulic Lines’ and ‘Bqulpment installation (Sheets 1 and 2) Nose Gear Hydraulic Lines and Bguipment Installation Hydraulic Landing Gear Valve ‘Assomily se eee = Manval Control Valve | - Main Landing Gear Actuator Cylinder” Hydraulic Equipment Assembly... . Wheel Brake Hydraulle Lines and ‘Equipment Installation (Sheets 1 and 2) Brake Control Actuator Assembly (Shoots 1 and 2) . ‘Nose Gear Steering Hydraullé Lines and Equipment Installation... Nose Gear Steering Selector Valve Hydraulic Equipment Assembly... . - CHANGE 5 Page + 195 + 196 2088 . 220 m2 224 226 1238 + 240 m2 er) 248 = 280 = 252 Daa + 286 262 - 264 266 = 286 +210 276 = 280 202 LANDING GEAR SYSTEM Main Landing Gear Installation (Sheets 1 and 2)... 5 ‘Main Landing Gear Chassis Assembly) | ‘iain Landing Gear Uplock Switch hasan eer Main Landing Gear Downlock Assembly « Main Landing Gear Free-fall, Uplocte and Wheel Door Bungee Assemblies... Landing Gear Release System Balance Bungee Assembly . . oe Main Landing Gear Wheel Brake” Assembly. . 5 Malin Landing Gear West Assombiy Gear Position Indicators... ss. Main Landing Gear Shock Strat” Assembly (Sheets 1 and 2)... . « Main Landing Gear Strut Assembly | > | Nose Landing Gear Installation (Sheets ajand ayeeg Nose Landing Gear Chassis Assematly Nose Landing Gear Shock Strut Assembly Gheets 1 through 3) « Nose Landing Gear Door Operating and Uplock Bungee Assemblies Nose Landing Gear Steer Damper Bungee Assembly « — Nose Landing Gear Oleo Assembly (Spares) Nose Landing Gear Drag Brace Hydraulic Equipment Assembly. . . . Nose Landing Gear Drag Brace Assembly». Nose Landing Gear Boor Operating | Shaft Assembly... Nose Landing Gear Steering Aciustor Hydraulie Squipment Assembly - - Nose Landing Gear Steer Damper ‘Assembly (Sheets Land 2). +. « Landing Gear Control System Cable Installation (Sheets 1 through 4). Forward Cockpit Landing Gear Conirot Handle and Torque Tube Installation... Forward Cockpit Landing Gear Control Handle Assembly Att Cockpit Landing Gear Control Handle Assembly. . Pilot's Parking Brake Installation | > HEAT AND VENT SYSTEM Controls... Windshield Defrost System Fuselage Installations «2... eee Page = 24 1290 - 23 1294 296 = 298 + + 300 + 302 1 304 = 306 £310 312 118 + 320 = 926 = 328, - 330 332 + 934 + 338 . Ma = 952 - 384 + 996 2358 0. 1L-10A-4 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT) Page HEAT \AND VENT SYSTEM (Cont) Windshield Detrost System Engine AirBleed 2. ++. er 1st Mixthg Chamber 202 Dt 310 Rain Removal Provisions | 111 1 | 2374 Plot and Navigator Footwarming and Anti-G Suit Provisions»... . . . 396 Relief Tube System 2. 2. 1 1 380 ‘OXYGEN SYSTEM Pilot and Observer Oxygen Package . . . 98% ‘Oxygen Supply System Assembly. . | | 386 ESCAPE SYSTEM Pilot's Ejection Seat Installation... . , 388 Pilot's Ejection Seat Interconnect Lincs | 390 Observer's Seat and Bullhead Packages vee ee ee eee 392 Bjection Seat Complete... | | sas Ejection Seat Personnel Parachute ‘Assembly. ves 808 Personnel Parachute Thruster Assembly... ee +. 398D Ejection Seat Assembly (Sheets 1 and 2). 4008 Bjection Seat Back Assembly... . . . 404 Bjection Seat Back Subassembly |. |). 408 Ejection Seat Carriage Assembly | | |. 408 Pitot-Static System... 41a POWER PLANTS Engine Power and Condition System (Sheets 1 through 6)... ws . 4 Forward Cockpit Quadrant Installation... ee 487 Forward Cockpit Power Control Quadrant (Sheets Land]... . . . . 428 Power Control Quadrant Plate and Closure se 432 Power Control Switch and Actuator” < | | 434 Power Controi Condition Levers and RH Power Lever... ++ 486 Power Control Condition and Steave Assembly... ws ee + 4368 Power Lever and Sheave Assembly. 4363 Control Quadrant Frame Assembly. |. 436F Aft Cockpit Power Control Quadrant | | 436i Oil Cooler Door System... es 436M Engine Installation... . 1. Lt 436P Engine Accessories (Sheets 1 through 7). 4367 Engine Mounts... eee 438A Propeller Governor and Beta Valve Assembly. ve ee ea 436AK Propeller Cam and Linkage Assembly . 43¢AM Low Pressure Fuel Filter... . « 496aP-1 Page POWER PLANTS (Cont) Variable Pitch Propeller Assembly. . 436AR Engine Cowling... . ara Heat and Vent System = Engine Bleed Air Shutoff. 0,0... + 442 Starter Generator Assembly... 444 Fire Detector System... +1446 Fire Detector Control Unit Assembly | . “446B, Engine Pod Package... 1. ws. 448 Engine Change Consumable Parts Kit.” .” 452 Engine Oil Tank and Filler Assembly .”.” 4528 FUEL SYSTEM Complete Installation... - . + 454 Fuselage Fuel System Equipment...) 456 Positive Displacement Pump Assembly | | 460 Wing Fuel Tanks Installation (Sheets iitrcagh One ewe rE 462 Wing Fuel Tanks Foam Block Installation (Sheets 1 through 9}... . . 464 Wing Fuel Equipment Instaltation (Sheets 1 through)... +... 466 Engine Feed Pickup Assembly ‘and Outboard Wing Tank Vent Manifold Assembly... . ease 230-gallon External Fuel Tank Assembly. . ses 484 230-gallon Fuel ‘Tank Foam Kit Installation. 2. 2s ee ee 486 External Fuel Tank Package” |? 1 4g7 Fuselage Centerline Stores Pylon Package (Sheets 1 and 2)... . . . . 488 AVIONICS AND ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS LHNacelleandBoom ... 0... 494 RHNacelle and Boom | Be roi Pilot's Cockpit and Forward Fuselage (Sheets 1 through 4)... wee + 500 Observer's Compartment (Sheets Atiiougls) eee ee 512 Avionics Control Transfer Panel Assembly ss. sss 517 Intercommunications System Resistor” Board Assembly... . eee oi Stall Warning Panel Assembly |) | | 5188 Forward Catgo Bay Area (Sheets 1 through 3) os + + 520 Forward Curgo Blectrical Bay Circuit breaker Panels (Sheets 1and 2)... . 526 Generator Control Unit (B/N 382060DC147F1). 2... 5248 Generator Control Unit, (B/N 382060DC 16341)... . oak Aireraft Power Inverter | 21). | 524 CHANGE 10 tit 1.0. 1LI0A-4 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT Page AVIONICS AND BLECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS (Cont) Alt Cargo Bay Area (Sheets 1 through 8), . 530 Yaw Damper Amplifier . . ve. 5988: tema Coupler Support ‘Assembly |. 839 Wing en I) 540 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS Starter-Generatar Control Panel... . 542 Battery Installation... Dill sae Pilot's RH Circult-breaker Panel Assombly s,s Bead A-CFusePanel |e 547 ‘Cockpit Reading and Floodlights ||). | 348 Interior Lighting Control Panel |). | 850 Warning and Dimming Lights Panel Assembly. . Sood = 852 Pilot's Exterior Lights Control Panel”. . 554 Pilot's Trim Control Panel... ss 556 Pilot's LH Electrical Service Panel |. | 558 Pilot's Center Pedestal... . |. | 859 Pilot's Bleed Air Panel [tt 1 860 Carsera and Smoke Contzol Panel |... | 561 Pilot's Console Panels Sheets 1 and 3) | | 562 INSTRUMENTS Stall Warning System, Boose) Campass System AN/ASN-75. |. | 864-6 Pilot's Instrument Panel Dill sea Observer's Instrument Package |. | 584F Observer's Training Instrument Control Panel. ss see es os 586 ARMAMENT SYSTEM Left-hand and Right-hand Weapons Control Panel and Camera Smoke and Gunsight Control Panel... . . S10 Pilot's Missile Control Panel: ) | $72 Pilot's Gunsight . . . fli Lew Pylon Fairing Assembly |. 2... S748 External Store Sponson Package | |. 516 Sponson and Centerline Pylon ‘Adapter Harness...) ss. S6B ARMAMENT SYSTEM (Cont) Left-hand Spare Sponson Assembly. Right-hand Spare Sponson Assembly Left-hand Sponson Assembly (Sheets Vand 2)... Right-hand Sponson Assembly (Gheets 1 and 2)... LH and RH Sponson Flectrieal ‘Equipment . LH and RH Sporison Weapons Package Gun Charger Actuator Assembly Gun Charger Actuator Distribution Box Assembly. c Gun Charger Actustsr Motor” Assembly... Gun Charger Actuator Gearease Assembly ae Gun Charger ‘Assembly. ec Gus Mounts (Sheets 1 and 2) | Stores Jettison Controls SPECIAL SUPPORT EQUIPMENT Jacking and Mooring... Engine Hoisting. | Fuel Quantity System Test Bet Assemby Adapter - Engine Transport ‘Assembly of... Power Control Quadrant Check Fixture Power Control Quadrant Light «<< | | Sight Group Assembly - Aircraft Boreatghting... . . Ge ‘Trailer Loading and Adapter < | Complete Engine Stand Assembly... ee Aircraft and Wing Hoisting Sling | Assembly ‘Special Tools - Rigging Fixtures | (Greets tand 2)... Bose Special Tools - Propeller and Governor oe we ao Special Tools ~ Maintenance ‘Equipment ~ Propeller (Sheets Ltbrough4) ve eee SECTION JI] NUMERICAL INDEX NUMERICAL INDEX... . REFERENCE DESIGNATION INDEX . 2... 5 iv Change 42 SECTION IV REFERENCE DESIGNATION INDEX Page 518 1818-4 - 882 588 1590 ‘5028, 5920 50211 502K 502M 504 a) = 604 oan, 04D sur sou eos 6085 604K count soup = 608 - 610 eit - 016 18 1.0. WIOA-4 Seution | Introduction. SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION —— ‘This Miustrated Parts Breakdown is applicable to Alr Force Model OV-108 Aircraft manuiactured by North Americas Rockwell Caxp-, Columbus Division (69272), Contract NOwES- o1ie-r @va-s1l)- to be used for requisontng, storing, issuing, and identifying parts and to ilustrate assem and diésassembly relationship, ‘To avold costly delay in procuring syare or replacement items, it ts suggested that the model, serial number, part number, ‘the purpose of thé Illustrated Parts Breakdown is to lst all Federal Stock Number, and other dtta relevant to accurate part items uecessary for support of the alreraft, The breakdown 18 identification be furalshed to the supplying agency. ‘wore, Asterigi (*) previously usod in otter margin to identity changes fn Soetion K tave been dlscontinued. Asterisk (¥) remaining wil, ‘be deleted during subsequent changes on affected pages SOURCE CODE DATA EXPLANATION Polleles, general information, and procedures for changing source and maintenance coding are contalnedn T.0.00-25-195. Generally, the source codes and maintonanco repair level codes, herein (See Source Code and Repair Code columns), were as signed by Air Force personnel when this equipment was pur~ chased. Astlgament of codes was influoncody (a) maintenance policies of the Air Force base self-sufficiency program, (0) predicted maintenance actions, (e) base facilities and capa Ditties, and (f) economic consiterations. Deflations of hese odes follow SOURCE CODE DEFINITIONS (CODE P SERIES - PARTS PROCURED AND UNDER INVENTORY STOCK CONTROL. CODE P Identities parte which may be requisttioned and Installed by any Tevel of malntenance consistent with the activity’s authorized scope of mainte= nance. Code"P" is appliedtoparts on which usage {s anticipated or known. Restri service manufacture of code " Sidered practical but may be accomplished only after confirmation of sonavailabiliey from supply CODE PD Identities parts which may be requistioned and {installed by AF activities authorized depot level maintenance only. Code "PD" ts applied to parts ‘on which usage Is anticipatedor know. Restricted (emergency) service manufacture of code "PD" parla is considered practical but may be accom= plished only after confirmation of nonavallablity from supply sources. CODE Pi Ideatifles parts which may be requisitioned and installed by any maintenance level consent with ‘the activity's authorized scope of maintenance, (Coge "PI" ts applied to parts on which trage 1 anticipated or known, and whichservice maniac {ire ie considered impractical, CODE PLD Identities parts which may be requisitioned and Installed by AF activities authorized depot level maintenance only. Code "PID" is appledtoparts ‘on which usage 1s anticipated or Inown, and which Service manufacture is considered impractical. CODE P2 Identifies insurance-type spareparts which canbe instilled by any AF activity consistent withthe activity’s authorized scope of maintenance. "This ode is applied to such parts as are basically structural items of very limited usage, require ‘special tools, templates, and/or jig, andare very dittcutt, impractical, or uneconomical to manti= Iacture by AF activities, ‘These Items are not subject to periodic replacement or wearout but may require inirequent replacement as a result of accidents or other unexpected occurrences. De layed procurement items are ineluded under this code, CODE P2D Identifies insurance-type par's which may be n~ stalled by AP activities which are authorized depot lovel maintenance only. This code is alted to parts as described under eode""P2" andtodalayes procurement items. (CODE M SERIES ~ MANUFACTURE PARTS NOT PROCURED CODE M Identifies parts, tho manufacture and installation fof which are within the eapabilties of leldmain- tenance activities, and to watch all of the following conditions apply: 1, Procurement ie not justified because of tow ‘usage or peculiar storage an installation factors Needs are to be met by local manufacture only as required. 2, Thelr manufacture does not require tools, equipment, or skills not normally authorized at Hold maintenance ievel. 1.0. 1LIOA-4 Section | Introduction 5. Does not require test equpment notnormal~ ty authorized at field maintenance level. 4, Does not require material not rormally available in AF inventory. CODE M1 Identifies parts which can be manufactured atac- tivities authorized depot level malatonance Zaeil- Iles and £9 whieh all ofthe fllowing conditions 1. Procurement is not justified because offow usage or peculiar storage ud installation factors. ‘The noeds of base activities aro to be met by re- ‘quisttioniag from the geographical AMA, SS AMA, oF IM AMA, 2, ‘Thoir manufacture is beyond capabilities of Hold maintenance activities as outlined above. 3, ‘Thetr manufacture does notrequire tools or ‘equipment not normally authorized at all AMA's, CODE A SERIES 1 ~ ASSEMBLE, ASSEMBLY NOT PROCURED 1. Code "A" identities items eapable of being assembled at any level of maintenance and is ap- piled to asdemblica of two or more parts, the Inajority of which are purchased and/or service manufactured. 2, Code "Al" Identifies assemblies which can be assembled at AF activites authortzod depot level maintenance only and ts applied to assem~ blles described under "A" code, CODE X SERIES 1 - PARTS CONSIDERED IMPRACTICAL FOR SERVICE MANUPACTURE. cope x Applied to main structural members or similar parts, which, if required, wouldsuggest extensive Tepair. Tho noed for a'part or parts coded" (elag spars, center section structure, ete) should Dormally result in a recommendation toretire the artic from service, cope x1 cope x1D cope x2 cope x2 ‘dentiies parts applicable at any level ofmainte- nance consistent with the aotiity's authorized Scope of maintenance and for which St ts mare {eastble to obtain the next higher assembly; for ex= ample, an integral detail part such a8 2 Welded ment inseparable from its assembly; a part ‘machined in a matched set; or a part of any a5~ sembly which, sfrequired, would suggest extensive Feconditioning of ach astemy. In some case, code "XI" may be used to indicate au integral ‘detail part of anassembiy whieh as no anticipated ‘usage and as an assembly was source-coded "Mi eer Identifies parts whlch are deseribed under the "31" code bat which are applicable to AF activ ‘ties authorizes depot level maintenance cay. dentiies parts which are applicable to any level fof maintenance “consistent “witn the activity ‘authorized scope of maintenance, for which there ‘is no anticipated usage, and which are impractical {or service manufacture, This type of item will not be stocked, Such paris sballbe obtained trom reclamation or, if not available from this source, requisitioned through normal supply channels to ether with supporting fustftoaton for one-time Procurement and immediate use. Repeated re ‘quests shall justify a change {0 2 code "DI" or "BQ," a8. applicebe, if considered economical to procure and atore auch pats. deptities parts which are described under the "2" code but which are applicable to AF activities authorized depot evel maintenance ony. Repeated requests for such parts shall Justify achangeto 2 PLD" or "P2D" code, a8 applicable, considered ‘economical and feanibie to procure and stock such parts. ‘CORE U - PARTS NOT PROCURED, MANUFACTURED, ‘OR STOCKED cope u Applied to tnstallatfon drawings, dlagrams, ia~ struction sheets, fleld service craving numbers, And parle not olhorwise of supply significance, {including obsolete parts, whlch eamnotbe procured or service mansfactured. 1.0, 1L10A-4 KIT SOURCE CODE DATA EXPLANATION KIT SOURCE CODE DATA EXPLANATION Kit source codes are codes which reflect supporting ine items sand materfal witch will be procured, stocked, requisitioned, ecounted for, and used on a kit basis Zor maintenance and ‘Overhaul of selectedstype end items. Kit parts should not be ‘ordered from separate stock to make up a it. KIT SOURCE CODE DEFINITIONS cope syaBOL DEFINITION © Cure-dated components Kits containing replace ments for parts subject to deterioration due to aging oF exposure to aromatic fiels, such as rubber gaskets, seals, packings, aud "0" rings. Kite coded C may include nogeure-datod gaskets, packings, ete, necessary for reassembly after Servico Change or Bulletin compliance, D_——_Overhant its available ony to activities author {aed to perform major overhaul. Dees not contain cure-dated parte, Section I Introduction KIT SOURCE CODE DEFINITIONS (Cont) cooE SYMBOL DERMMITION F Field dts available to activites authoriedtopor~ form minor oF field repair. This includes aver hhaul activites in support of Bact maintenance, Does not contain curendated parts, KB Components of both F kit and D kit. Aleo stocked ‘separately in the appropriate class if followed by the eter P. KC Components of C kits. Also stocked separately in the appropriate class if followed by tae lotter Py KD Components of D kits. Also stocked in the p= ‘roprlate class if followed by the Letter P, KF Components of Fits. Also stocked separately i the appropriate class if followed by the letter P. EXAMPLE REPAIR PARTS KIT LISTING (ote that its are neither assigned index numbers nor ilus- of indentation a8 the component or assembly to which the kit ‘rated, and thatthe deseriotion for a Ki\is inthe same column applies.) Se, asa GEES besenirvi Ee 1 ‘As00-30 \VALNE, HYDRAULIC (10210) (PARTS KITS AVAILABLE)--~ 1 a De00-2 BND, FITTING (10210)-----=0e-=== 1 2 ANB22T-1T + PACKING (Kc) | ~ 1 3 Dots-s0 SPOOL, MAIN (T0210) 1 as 804-1 SEAT, VALVE (10210) (KD) 1 3 sor FILTER (10240) (KC) none nenav-na 1 %6 500-30 [BODY ASSEMBLY (10210) (PARTS KIT AVAILABLE) ~ 1 2 Davsas END, BODY ASSEMBLY (KE) 1 3322, Pants kif, BODY, FIELD (10210) a a PARTS KIT, VALVE, OVERHAUL (10210) 1 5585, PARTS KIT, VALVE, CURE-DATED (70210) 1 MAINTENANCE REPAIR LEVEL CODE DATA EXPLANATION Maintenance Repair Level codes sdentify the repatrableor non- reyalrable character of Air Force items, the depth of repair, and the highest level of maintenance at which repair Will bo accomplished, MAINTENANCE REPAIR LEVEL ‘CODE DEFINITIONS. copes NO REPAIR Code "5" identities items which are nonzepatrable land have no reclamation value. When these tems fall, they wil be disposed of atuserlevel as Gon- emned material. cone B cope F NO REPAIR; RECONDITION Code "BY identities sssomblies or parts that will be reconditioned at the user level by adjusting, Cleaning, soldering broken connection, ete. If these items eannotbe returnedto servicesniecon- dition by such means, they wil be elapsed of at ‘user levelan condemned material. Noepair parts DF tools are specially procured for maintenance of these ttems. REPAIR AT FIBLD LEVEL Ccode "F identities items which will be repaired by the fold level maintenance activities. Normal Section 1 1.0, 1L10A-4 introduction servicing will be done by organizational level maintenance, Selected pari, tools, andtechnical wth authorized parts and tool, they wil ber turned to supply for shipment fo the designated ‘order data areprocured and provided oapplteable SRA, Held tovel maintenance activities for repair of these items. No SRA is established for these COPEDM LITED FIELD REPAIR; MOBILE DEPOT {tems, If the condition of theseitems is such that OVERRAUL ‘hey cannot be returnedtoserviceable condition by the fleldlevel maintenance activity with authorized parts and tools, they wil be disposed of as con~ Gomned matoriai. If ropair of "coded items fannot be accomplished due to unavallablity of authorized parts, tools, or other capability, the applicable SSM/IM wall be soadvised with request {oF disposition Instructions. "F" codedI-Valuor Code "DM Identities items to which al the eon- alitions of code "D" apply except hat repair beyond fleld capability wil be’ done by the mobile depot activity (MDA). “If the MDA cannot repalr these Htems, they will determine whether theae ters should be condemned or tent to the SRA, Critieal ems, regardless of condition, will be CODEL DEPOT LEVEL, MAINTENANCE ONLY turned into upply for disposition instructions ‘rom the applleable 8834/18. CODED LIMITED FIELD REPAIR; DEPOT OVERHAUL Code "D" sduntsies stems on which s ited de~ igree of repair can be accomplished by feld level ‘maintenance activites. Normal servicing Willbe done at organizational level. SRA is established for overhaul of these Items. A range of repair parts, tools, and technieal order data consietent ‘wth the eapability ofrepair areprocuredandpro- vided to applicable Meld maintenance activities Code "1 tdentites items that wil be repatred only st designated SRA, Repalr partsandtools for re~ pair are procured and provided only to these au {horiged activities. Required functional checkout and bench check equipment may be provided to applicable organizaticnal and fleld level mainte nance activites for accomplishing external ad fustment oF calibration and for verifying service sbbity of these items, Jf they are found unserv= fceable, they will be turned in to. supply for shipment to the SRA, Because of te design characteristics and.com- CODE LM DEPOT LEVEL MAINTENANCE ONLY; plexity of repair, the degree of repair which is authorized on these items atthe ied alntenance evel ts necessarily determine’ hy the degree of technical skills required and the Cost of spectal toals, spectal test egulpment, spare parte, andthe predicted frequency offalure generation. Ifthete ‘tema cannot be returnad to serviceable condition MOBILE DEPOT ACTIVITY Code "LIC" identifies Items to witch all conditions ‘of code "L" apply, except that repair will be 2e~ complishod by MDA, If MDA cannot repair the tems, they will determine whether these items should be condemned or seat tothe SRA, HOW TO USE THE ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN WHEN THE PART NUMBER 18 NOT KNOWN Determine the function and applicationofthepartrequired. 3 ‘Turn to the Table of Contents and select the most approp= late ttle, Note the iMiustration page number. ‘Turn to the page indicated and locate the desired part on the iltustration. WHEN THE PART NUMBER OR REFERENCE DESIGNATION 15 KNOWN When the part mumber is ows, refer to Section MI (mu ‘erleal tales). Locate the part mimber and note the Sig- ‘ite and inde timber assigned to the part number. ‘Turn to the figure number tndlcated and locate the index 5, number referenced inthe mumteriel index. fa pletortal representation ofthe part or ite location @ 8, ested, refer to the sams index number on the aecom= pany Ulustration. From the tlustration, obtain the fodex nomber assigiedto the part desired, Refer tothe accompanying deseription fr specitte information regarding the part. When the reference designation le known, reter to Section TV (reference designation index). Locate the reference designation and note the ‘gure and index number aad the part number aselgned, ‘Turn to the figure indented and locate the Index number ‘efarenced in the reference designation index, 18 a pletortal representation of the part oF sts location 18 desized, refer to the Same index number oa the accom= panying tustratlon. 00899... 00358 cote 00502 00824 corre. . Hoos. ouat. . . ozs. . 01208 01795. 0152s. . oxe70 o2ceo . . 7.0. TI0A4 FEDERAL SUPPLY CODE FOR MANUFACTURERS ‘The Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers 1s anumerieal cod published by the Ortice of the Assistant Secretary of Defense {Supply and Logistics). The code is employed to indicate the ames, addreages, anf related data of manulacturers whohave produced or are currently producing items usedby the Federal Government. ‘ho folowing listing ofcodes # rvangndin merical sequence tnd reflects te nanes and adaressee f hose ranunelarers ‘Stnuving tems forte rer Absonce of a code or contractor's name and address inthe eseription column of Section I indicates the item is a North ‘American Rockwall Corp., Columbus Division (69872) part. 2601 8. 25th Are, Broadview, Tlinola 60159 41200 Firestone Parioray ‘Atron, Ohio 4857 Section 1 Introduction Bee 60616 02097. . , Parker Seal Co. Division of Parkor-Hannitin Corp. + Van Dusen Aircraft Supplies, Ine, 17925 Botta Ave 2801 E. Tein Se. Cleveland, Obio 44112 Minneapolis, Minnesota 85420 02738. . . US Bearing Div. of Networks + Westorn Gear Corp, Bloctronles Corp. Electro Products Div, 9150 De Soto Ave. 75W. Green 8, Chatsworth, California 91311 Pasationa, California 01101 02907 . . . The Bendix Corp. Adel Division of be Laval Turbise Flight and Bagine Instruments Dit. California, Ine. South Montrose, Penneyivania 39689 10TT Van Oven St Burbane, California 91509 08206... . Nylon Molding Corp. 40 Brown st, + Aerogutp Corp. Springtleld, New Jersey 07081 ‘Alreralt Div. iackeon Plant 300 8. Rast Ave. 09461. . . Goodrich, B.. Co. Jackson, Michigan 49203 ‘Aerospace and Defense Products Div. ‘Aico, OND AMP Ine. 0 Box i608 08880. . . Seo Soa7e Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. 17105 03705. . . Apex Machine and Toe! Co, Aerospace Techniques, Ine. Bison of Gendner-Denver Co, Del Dios tughway. 4025 South Patterson Blvd. Escondido, California 92025 Dayton, Ohio’ 45402 Allen-Bradtey co. 04169... Wostern sy Industries Division of Atlas Corp. 4201 South 2 st. 21800 Cloud Way. Milwaukee, Wisoonsin 59204 Mayward, California S55 Viler Engineering Corp, 04420... mtnols Toot Works, Ine, 8900 santa Montea icon Division os Angeles, Caltfornia. 90060 6615 W. Irving Park Road Chicago, Diineis 603s General Flectrie Co, Direct current Motor and Generstor Dopt. 04865... Barry Controls 001 East Lak Road Midwestern Operation Erle, Ponreylvanta. 16511 1035 Webster 8 Dayton, Obto 45404 + Texa® Instruments, Ine, Semlconductor-Components Diviston 04713. . . Motorola Semlconductor Products, Inc. 15800 North Contral Expreasvay 5005 F. MeDowell Road Dallas, Texas 75231 Phoentk, Arizona 85008 General Electric Co, Specialty Control Dept, 04927. . . Hlexible Tubing Corp, PO Box 612, 805 Croscent Way Waynesboro, Vieginia 22980 Anaheim, Californla + Bee 2110 08418... Firestone Coated Fabries Co, ‘Amphenol Corp. Division of Firestone Tze and Rubber Co. CHANGES 5 ‘Excel Industrie AIST Bain Se (Clarence, New York 14031 Oss71 . . . Spague Electric Co, Paeifie Division ‘Los Angoles, California 05574... Viking Industries, Ine. 21001 Norahott, Chatsworth, California 91311 05507 . . . Couch Ordnanee, Ine. 3 Arlington st Quiney, Massacmmsetts 02171 08624... . Barber-Colman Co 1300 Beek Rockford, Miinois 61101 95800 . . . Chromatloy American Corporation Propellex Division BO Box 18? Bdwardsvlll, Uinols 62025, 05005 . . . Consolidated Airborne Systems, Ine. 118 Old Country Ra. Carle Place, New York 11514 06008. . . See 43394 06170... Baumbach, B.A., alts. Co. 1012-24 8 Kilbourn Ave, Chicago, Iinols 60623 06177... Pneudranties, Ine, 4061 Central Ave. Montclair, California 91763 06229... slectrovert, Ine 6 Hartford Ave. Mount Vernon, New York 06725... Air Industries Corp. 412670 Kot Garden Grove, Califorsia 07088... Bendix Corp. ‘Aerospace Systems Division 3300 Plymouth Road ‘Aon Arbor, Michigan 48107 fovoa7 . . . ‘The Rose mation Co, 511 Second Street Dike Southampton, Penasplvania 18966 07083... . American Potash nd Chemleal Corp. S008 W. 6h 8 Loe Angsies, Casifornia 90005, 07148... Dynamic Controls Corp. 8 Nutmeg Ra. South Windsor, Connectient 0607s loris7 . . . Sperry Flight Systems Division of Sperry Rand Corp, PO Box 2829 BUN. 10th Ave. Phoenix, Arizona 85002 Jovess . . . American Machine and Foundry Co. Leland Alrome Products Division Vandalia, Onio 45377 6 CHANGES 7.0. H0A4 orwer 01940 oapss 08035 . oes 00026 0287 8455 sae 0001 10980 11328 . ert 11007 . 11060 . 12060 rans 251 + Hocker Solenoid Co, 1500 West 240th st. Harbor City, California 90710 + Rovaleo Controls 1500 Weet 240th St, Harbor City, California oott0 Noreo, Ine. PO Bor 405 Georgetown, Comecticut 06829 + Granger Associates A601 Catifornia Ave, Palo Alto, California 94304 Goneral Electric Co. Semleonductor Products Dept Carroll Ave. Lynchburg, Virginia 24802 + Baheock Blectrontes Corp. Relays Div, 3501 Harbor Blvd. PO Box 1499 Costa Mesa, California 92626 W.8, Shamban and Co, 2851 Bremer Drive Fort Wayne, Tnaiana 46803 Lear Siegler, Ine, ‘Traneport Djoamies Division 3131 West Segerstrom Ave. Santa Ana, California. 92762 Burndy Corp. ‘Richards Ave. Norwalk, Comectieut 06262 - + Naval Ordsance Systems Command Washington, D.C. 20360 Naval Paractnte Factlity EL Centro, California, + Linair Engineering Teledyne Co. 851 W. Knox st. Gardena, California 90247 Chicago Aerial Industries, Inc. 580'W. Northwest Highway Barrington, Minos 60010 See 20972 « Havog Industries, tne, Alveraft Products Division 396 Weir st. ‘Taunton, Massachusetts 02780 + Diodes, tne. 20235 Nordiott St. Chatsworth, California 9131 = Talley Industries 4551 £, Mekellipe Re, PO Bax $20 Mesa, Arizona 85201 Nash Controls, Ine. Division of Simmonds Precision Produets, Inc. | 1275 Bloomfield Ave Caldwell, New Jersey 07006 7.0. TL10A4 Section | Introdeton Lao0t . + Clarosa ge. Co, te. 2s06 Fatt Boring co, Serer ate Pane Deer Reet, a. ve, New Hepenire 0820 Sree Se toon2 . -« GleetandPowunaie Tot Co 5st be 19108. « Thermatey co. Pavtwcot Bodo Tsand 0262 Rottadigebe 18821. ton Deven, te Goyer ee ote sats pees sororee ae Fee Tee Font 10s FS enayrana 158 180. «Cates Rao Ce 221 «reson Try and mater Co SEAS Te soe Sos Pretone tunes iver, Ons fait Fe te ot 22080... ast Step Nut Division of Amertce Kana Corp. Boer rena ise Sag 3. Bais Pomorie Berta Gaon 03808 Faye Gaerne s14r 870 . General Dynates Corp dower... Hewat, Seer See ioe Plat Bilalora Eat sti, te. SoU RSs Pose Sur ear Operations To BnCattorna ozt2 Ti ootyenee ote Cee a toes iauinee dast0... . Magara Pastis Co, Brg Comet nts WEnhaene oe L4H. . Aero Tobe sd Commuter Co Er Pomerania 16500 Peer ortinten, oto 408s Maat «impo, te Tus. 1eIBt .. - Adpusabe Bashing Com Probes Rhode eta e208 Nove Holiatos, California 60s sti... condor Pet tnaustces of Calor, ne Siena ae 1st05 -. . Cater-tanma, tne See Pane Strata 2306 Hwaiog, coin 3838 2021. Gall Vote Corp ite ters ae 18004. Mageta, te fitter, Cases ooo ro. Fonte, Caos octoz 2810... Gide austrian ett a, sse8d aaa ate co, te, Bese ae, een aes Dayton aon Eyes Bo FB cee 28008 «Tem Altborme Pratits Cox ‘Fullerton, California 92634 ‘Tndustrial Blvd. Sriitnpton Benya 10066 20181 . . Physical Slenees Comp, 21586... IMG Floctronte Product, Ic. poeta, alors Sos Ta latronie Frode, 1258 sca tet te tn Fe Speen Celor ooeT0 Ea, ae Oia toma. Tela tron Fastener Ditton ‘Bevtenk, California #1004 ‘Torrance, California 2008 5 5s Pleads Ie 2168 tet ie ee SS sone Fever Ba ee Enoelnt, Oo 44104 Tes Seats povare ; ches rhe ioe... toner os POET siTecod, calorie o6tt max Kohler, Wisconsin $8044 Changest 7 Section | Introduction 834... Leach Com. Relay Division 5018 avalon Boulevard {Las Angeles, California 90008 35018... Lowls Bnglnoering Co, 258 Water St Naugutiek, Conectiout 06770 80596... . Simmonds Precision Produets, Ine ‘1-08 48th Ste ‘Long Teland City, New York 11101 38448... Maglln-Rockwoll Co, Div. of TRW, Inc 402 Chandler St. ‘Tamestown, New York 14701 + MPB Corp. Precision Park ‘Keene, New Hampshire 09431 ‘40020 49904... . New Departure Hyatt Bearings Division of General Motors Corp, fayes ave. Sindusky, Ohio 4480 «Nice Ball Bearing Co. 30th & Tuning Park Ave. Philadeiphia, Pennsylvania 19140 43168. 42900. . North Amerfoan Rockwell Corp. ‘Los Angeles Division International Airport 1Los Angeles, California 90000 444055... Ohmite aig. Co, ‘3001 W. Howard st. Biotse, Tiinois 60076 45402. . . Paoitle Sclentiic Co AB4G &. Slate College Boulevard ‘Anaheim, Calsoenia. 02005 50599. . . Resistflex Corp. Woodland Ra. Roseland, New Jersey 07085 50625". . . Rovere Corporation of America Wallingtord, Connectiest SUG... . Robinteeh, tne. PO Box 640 ‘Mount Kisoo, New York 10549 82008... SKF Industriea, Toe. Front sand Ble Ave, Phiiadelphia, Penneyivania 19132 85998. . . Sonatone Comp. Sewnill River Ra. Elmatord, New York 10523 50289. . . Sprague Rleetric Co. North Adams, Massachusetts 01247 50878. . . Standard Pressed soe! Co PO Box 106 Senkintown, Pennsylvasia 51448... Stephens-Adameon Mig: Co. 218 Riagoway Ave. ‘Aurora, ilinls 60507 51171... Hawn. Stimpson Co, Ine. 10 Franklin ave, Brooklyn, New York 11208 8 Change 97 7.0. TL10A4 50790 50675 0030 oso ones e1os7 coat ro1s4 0195 ono more ums nee 286 near nis90 nes ‘2100 = Thomas and Betts Co,, The 36 Butler 3. iszabeth, New Jersey 07207 + TRW Mechanical Produets Div, 23595 Buell Ave. Clovelatd, Onto #4117 ‘Timken Roller Bearing Co, 1838 Dueber Ave. 8. Canton, Ohio + Torrington Co., The 50 Feld Torrington, Comecticut 06790 + United-Carr, Tne. Bite 4600 Prudestal Conter Boston, Massachusetts U9 SM Corp. 140 Federal s Boston, Massachusetts 02107 Wagner Electric Corp. 1400 Plymouth Ave St Louls, Missouri 63133 «= Agro Instrument Co., Ine, 14901 Emery ave, Cleveland, Ohio 44185, ‘Peledyne, tn. Linalr gineering Div, TOLN. Federal Highwsy Dania, Florida 39004 «AlReseareh Mig. Co. 9652 Sepulveda Biva. Los Angeles, California 80002 + Associated Spring Corp. 46-30 ain se. Bristol, Connecticut 6010 + Burklyn Co, $29 Glendale Blvd, ‘Los Angeles, California + Cambridge Thermionie Com. 465 Concord Ave, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 + Camloe Division Rex Chalntult, Ine, 22 Spring Valley Ra. Paramus, New Jersey 07682 = Dover Com. Cook Alrtrenle Division PO Box 1038 Louisville, Kentucky 40201 ook Electsie Co, 16803 Oakton St ‘Morton Grove, Winots 60083 + Grane Packing Co. {400 Oakton Morton Grove, Minois 60058 Marshalitown att, Ine Dial Thermometer Division 610 &. Nevada St. Marshalltown, Towa oouss ooe7a. 9004... + Koch H, and Sons Highway 101 Corte Madera, Celifornia 4925 + Stellar Hydranties Co. 11310 sherman Way ‘Sun Valley, California 91952 Security Parscinte Co. 205 W. L4lst Ave, Ban Leandro, Califorala 94578 7.0. 11OA-4 sero. . ooee2 . . ero. . Section | Introduction = See 81640 Carr Lane Mig. Co. 4200 Krause Court SL Louis, Missouri 63119 + Aeroquip Corp. Alreralt Diy, BLBEECO Plant 1130 Maynard Ra. ‘ackson, Michigan CHANGES ot Section | 7.0. 11-4004 introduction ALTERNATE SOURCE List Quatiied alternate pasts for apcitc Hero ited inthis mamsat ‘are controlled by North American Rockwell, Inc. (NAR) (89372) Specification contro Drevinge. ‘The applicable control drawing umber" ia tecluded in the’ description ‘colon of Section Uy, Group Assembly Parts List, Erample: BEARING, SLEEVE (21338) (NAR. SPE CIFICATION CONTROL. DRAWING HEIS1- oass-coun) Part numbers provided inthe following tt may be sed itar= changeably under the assigned control drawing amber: contRot ALTERNATE oR coxrRot ALTERNATE «MFR DWO NO. PARTNO. CODE DWO NO. PART NO. cone weios-8901-0001 1040 e03en weLii-oox0-o008 —asczzortma sores Mettt-oom-oeos— deeoi-t-08 sir tiszzeane Bene Netenscesos —eseaces Teas wei11-0032-0008 —HtToes nist Semone way Heliicoosscosss— Geazeranzz 3600 E11 1-0004-0202 Bie etttcaosraote —Aeiiceeoue Seer ons hetiiconazcaots—Abettt-neots Vat at Wetttceocecgoce —brutze tease MeLitcovosctoos — Tetoose E13 1-0008-0308 seen Telos Meltcoeoe=seae uns Thess Stans weLLieoi9s-3008Tetae ss oe Teese Rier weLii-o10s-1006 Tigre we111-0008-0306 was Tees weaee weisi-o203-1008 Thdoo-s oases WeLiicoves-ioos = thaaa-s3 wetn1-0011-0503 ier Haooce3 leat REP wettnsioniooe —Tueit, MeLLtcont ase Bist mecniceanieor ET Wetitcovie-oco2 it Sosnez2s bier a iicesascoce: | wipeesce Hetitoviscosoe —czoenens ab mennig203-2009 Too=so9 NeliiContecocon —fedoreta Ber nerni-o20%2010 Tanai prerea was area tm zoreere ner weni-ozos-100s —Tha00-2-8 wenti-oore-onos — agocees Bir oseseeal seaotats Ber wenniozoeciooe — TeBeo4-e tions Bau hE lUr wenr-oorn-osos — HeSoeees Bie weLii-czos-1008 Thao fore 2G Tioo-ece Wetnt-oorn-osog — W3orece ir verut-eroiacme = HSS S wencann ees cet Netttcorecctore — Thaon=t-40 fUt-0018-0608 ner Wz00-e-t9 sean -20r8eooe Bet mute: Ut sguatonie-unr Be vevstconoesonn REBECA HELL 1-0018-0805 m7 Tooter oe Bin meni-oromtoor Tag wettt-oo1t-o808 nist ree nae By es Mgttgatg- 2406 Rie etsi-ozos-1009 Thanos ned tmaote=06m3 iat MetSBhoetets Rasn-a- Me 111-0019-0606 atm 6 m7 eke weryi-o2os-1an1— Waposset weris-ooys-ouor —skcene aa Meiticogosczots — Teoa=9-16 SSSenegsee ny Weiinaeriens Thay sie141-0027-9508 seaus HeLii-o206-1007 —Th20o-6-7 sett rpeztcasos nie seiiicaee tear hese Rist SeUtcazoectonn | Haa0-k-19 a Troscecto NEILt-0027-9908 Mi sanerOe Rr eee eer anes 111-0027-061 54-6-10 cae *etI-eozT-0810 me maT HEL 1-0408-2012 ‘T1¢00=4-12 12 Change 40 conrsot, WO NO, ne11-o600-2012 MELE conom20ts HEL11-0605-1006, We111-0405-1908 HELIL-o4os-1010 re111-0605-2019 We111-0405-2014 We112-0004-1006 we1i2-oo0e-Loor Rett 2-o00¢-1008, etia-oooe-Lo12 wea1<-0002-0002 hette-o004-0001, Welte-o00s-o001 Helts-0006-0008 He114-0006-0003 1We114-0008-0002 We114-0009-0002 We114-0009-0003 wetts-a009-0003, NeIts=o013-9002 14€114-0019-0009 We114-0018-0001, We114-0018-0002 We114-0018-0003 we116-0019-0006, We114-0019-0005, we1r4-o021-0001, helts=0027-0006 Melts-o029—0008 He114-0030-0006 We114-0030-0008 WeI14-0030-0106 Ne116-0030-0108 WEL14-0001-0008 HeLLs-o0n1-o108 WeLt4-0032-0005 we114-0032-0006 We116-0073-9001, wr114-0093-0002 T.0. 114004 ALTERNATE conrRot. PART NO, DUG No, m400-4-12 tado~ents taog-ente Hetis-oots-oo0e wiao-3-6. NEtte-a934-0005, Fetoo=5- et szooss-onot naeo-5- Weaoo-3- He114-0040-0001, mago=s-t0 Neits-o0s8-9008 msoo-s-18 Wette-oo4s-a005 wegeacsc8. Helts-oose-0007 Thago-s-te Ne te-aoe8-9001 ferretetars Me lt4zopee-0002 1361 1o32-7 Melte-o008-0009 SHEIRE, Aas BS Beton Zech Hark Ses, SHEE SESE, Bobi EEE ei Bee Bet ee ee gee Bes He He waa) Sealeso-o48 stapes SUS Sese6 none) WElLe-008 NEIts-o048-0006 Netts-aose-oooe Metts-oose-o003 Ne ts-00s8-0008 Nelts-aos9-o008 Retts-oose-o008 Metts-oose-ooer REtLS-o069-0007 Netis-oort-0008 Retta-oottcoooe Netts-oo71-0108 Hetts-o07t-oo0l Metta-onrr-ooes Hetis-oost-o003 e114-o081-oo08 et4=00ns-0003 e114-0085-0003 e114-0085-0008 e114-0085-0005 tHe114-0086-0005 He1Lé=0n47-0003 weet4-o087-0103 Hetia-oost-to04 Mettscongt—3002 He114-o102-0006 Nelte-a1oe-ogoe Metiscno5a~3909 Weltsconne-az0q Netts-oana~3209 MEL Ico90 19808 wenat-noni-o4or Me ba=aopscanay frtgoconsem0002 We122~5072-0001 we124-0005-n001, ALTERNATE PART NO, nasot-o80 trove feora S2cha 95-02 sabiasisco2 Ceunas Seewsen Serene seeuna0 ‘run, netsoo-o6 Neteoo-os metsoo-s Hs300-3 Ris3oo-3 Fesoo-o8 Fetnons evo-02 Seonae feteses. 5 wsics-to Mesatinsar2-6-n2 Aesetnasa7 noone Ansztimeayace-o2 Teno Terto00t > inate Tevtooo.s Tuwtoook wares meatooous teres. Ttooo.e Tentooots, Thorens Temoines reMtoi9s Tewtoiocs W295 305 Heitazou prtere Tewtezou ae tatoos niorers mizeaicaz-2 M2ert-o7-? teitanere Stvoi-a-as SLioissea8 veeons ontsone sesre6 sso Stisso0 sine Heaok T2A-1 Change 4013 Section 1 Introduction ‘contot. DWG NO, Me1ge-ooti-noot hmeLgarontamonat weL24-soos-o002 Metga-sene-0001 WEL2S"Snoe-ho0e WWe127-0004-0005, E127-0016~3306 e127-0096-0007 we 127=0035-0001 neLgreoptecnoos e127-0036-0008 meLzToo037~9009, ne127-9037-0008 REL2Too9 eca008 F127-0049-0001, Wetzronosscoa9e wrigt-oost-o0ot we121~0043-0008 Me12%=o088-0009 weizacon2-0001 fe1s-oong-no0e Re tzecnang-0103 We128-0009-0001 hetgs-ooa-oeat etee-oois-t001 welbe-ont3-to0) MELgS=no13=3610, we Lpacoatyesott RElzecont3=3027 weran-nnrs-r047 Metesconts-s0re yetzs-oorea.19 selacnor coor er2n-n913-4001 etan-oase-nonl hetancnosectnot hetzeconzn=s0ot hetpncnosesnot Mcigaconsecovoe Helzaconseceloe Nelancnooacoz0n Relancananason Nelascnesacting WetSacnosecptog melgezon2n-ni0e wetze-onre-r19% Mepaanoeanai ta, tetercaneactias metSacnnascs tos WE LDA-AM Ron Le, 14 Change 40 TO, 1L-10A4 ALTERNATE PART NO. Bit meee: HS 3195-1 e325 Bt. mine et armas 2133-9 pras Teas conTROL DwG No, wetzs-oo2a-a10y Me i2acnozacmtos tetencaoee-to0k etea-oo30-0595, He lan-onvn-0a08 etaa-o0y0-0307 Neta4-on30-0308 wetan-oovn-o3tt We12a-oo3o-2001 wetzacoovt-0008 wet2s-onal-o0%0 Weteecnosi-o508 fe128-o0s1-9108 MEDD Ioanas0408 NE131-9008-0006 EIB IZatt=9005, e191-0014-0002 eisicaots-9003 WeL3I-901 79008 Weiai-onzo-noot WeIai-o022—9008 ets 20925-2008 ve191-0n79-0001 e131-0030-0001 Het3t-onat-oo0s Het3i=on 31-0008 wwe191~0038-0001 Weisi-on42-0108 me1y1-p042-1107 MeDicogezcttts Weta Ioones-onee E13 i-aoee-0001 we131-9044-0002 Welaicooeenog03 HEI 91-0066-0006. we191-0047=2006 ALTERNATE PART NO, Sst Sera bat dee foter t= Fraeorea mn etace Star 75 Reraners2i0 fercoarcio, Rereatero. ReFtoareto ee ne ey ze 03-709-08 Bune i a Enns conTRoL WG NO. we191-0047-2008 Net ino0e7=2005 E13 1-0047-7006 e1y1-0051-2005 HEIaIcoosi-ao08 e191-0081-¢008, He 1a1-0032-2001, He13 Icopse=2003 E13 I-0055-0006 NeIaico085-0011 Weiai-0055-0012 1W€132-0057-0002 MeL3I-o063-9006 ei31-0065-0001, et3i-o08s-o002 We131~0065-0003 Meta Icoona-t ane neato Rs=5500 NEL I-anse-0008 He191-0093-0001 NELaI=0086~0005 We131-0097-0001 we 40-0001-0001 teteo-on07-n001 feigo-$202-0013 we I¢0-5002-0015, we 440-594-0008 Ne t40-s00¢-0009 fe la0-so0s-9003 Weiso=s907-0003 Wee 140-507-003, He teo-s00-9003 etso-s016-9001 fie eo-s0 10-0003 HEL44-0023-9001 We eazo023-0002 Welge-aoe7-ooot Me lae-ooes-tool Ne lse-o020-3001 Helge-oo79—s tol Melee-poza-etot He tas-ooot-oool hetes-olos-aom1 We lagcsoot=a009 Neles-soot-oor! WeLes-son1~001 3 heie7-o901-0001 fete7-s001-9000 ete 5002-002 Retsacacoi-o0ot e1s3-0001-0003 He153-0001-0010 e1s3-0002-0003 MEIS32a00d-n000 He 154-002-0001 Me tse-aon2-0003 NElbs-a002-0208 Wetgecono4-o00e 3on4-0004 7.0. 1L1004 ALTERNATE PART NO. Rewaarcio Ronesci Remioare1o Renisater2 Reestonrei? Rovesce Rewsaatcto-> vimeer Rens totren2-s Faulere Fouzorezeals faewoossenort Faszorr zea fervooss-0012 Ronto-to neato weaies Padi taaanr woseareze westoarez2 festzatess woveast2 SSs00r3e Repars. Rerarors2i0 reise see eee RéPans-g€9906 eeapaisese S10 Bt tazena-1 Delszenrt Fouiszeur-t parted sitet Bsziaat Nvceoase—1 Mrteanaecd tyessorte wrest perereey 33205000 S205-001 Stb0s-002 Cacaiass~se Paternal Scteaani9-3 Diesaen B3235-020-268 aaascssozeey Baaascoze-20a ‘adscone-20) Moanssoze-27 AeSenassozo-e7 Votioanee Seelesean deste 160 Srsanaso-t2 Arogensecie con7RoL WG NO. Reis i-oo01-0006 ‘E16 I-o082=0002 E16 10003-9001 feels tzone3-0008 fete -ooe3-vont fete tcaone-ooot ete t-o908-0002 E16 10006-0001 Me talconne=n002 Me 1st-o906-0002 Hels iconne-no0s Metetzooas~2000 te let-onn9=0002 Weis i-so0i-o00t Ne tst2so02-s00t Meteicsone-cott Nete2-ao01-500t e162-0002-1001 Ne ls2-o002-2001 we is2-a002-s00t We162-0002-5001, ie 162-0002-002 Ne is2-o002-r002 We lea-s004-0005, Wels2-s004-0009 Nels2-sn07=0005, eie2=5007-0006 Ne ls2-s007-0007 Ne tez-sont-n009 Welez—so07-0013, wete2-soor-0019 Wete2-soo7-o023 bets2-soor-go23 telez-snor-ooa? ete2-soor-o029 Wriea-sn08-0003 Wetni-oool-o00i Metnt-oo92-a001 0001-0001 we 190-o001-002 we190-npa2-o001 wWe190-one3-0001 e190-000e-o001 Neteo-soot-ooot Ne 190-s0n2-000 He 190-S002-0002 Net90-9002-8003, 803-0003 03-0008 we t32-soor-o001 We ez-s00%-0003 we 192-soo8-oo01 elea-snoz-o00t Helee-so0i-n001 We ige-sont-oont Neroe-soni-on1 pe oe-s00t-naly Ne Losssoot-o0et Ne Lse=s00l-n025 We 19425001-0027 ¥e196-$001-0029 etoe=sooe-2008 Hetoe-sone-on03 hetos-onoe-2003 helosconer-2003 Section | Introduction ALTERNATE, MER anePART NO. cope aazenae Site Bas2500~7 Stree Bazs00-2 Suma "stoose srs Vétoose 32215 Ystoone eras vetoes seas S178 Teor teat Yoeot reat matt a9 267500-26 ‘tutes Ehoars00-85 isle Saas mine ino ino Bowie eno. SFE meL62-s004-0008 SLoeeeoooe Beata a3 ose Tees 2007 betas Bala Deasis Yersin9=o8, 2200 13268100 15358 1300-01 52581000-02 sPease zee srez-isao-1 Stsa-tsno-2 Srez=th00-3 foaoen acdn Feosttey Fenelis> Feoe tas 31205 erat 551300 wie enace ruRe9v is} 351200 Me Grane THeegvis3 $1200-1 PUY RATE NE sTUNE TBE 97193 Tenor to Feat 12. $1200 mu Twaake THees7is3 reso 2 19 TUR 351200 tie "neawe rieesttsy Pe tise fuse Sueno! wee, prake Taee Thy Euge> Bes 10° 1549-2 (Change 40 15° Section | Introduction conTRoL WG NO. Re toe-sooecootT Re Veecsnaeca0l Hetge-sooe-ants 3002-0001 néLoB-o009-nn07 HE L98-po9¥-0u20 we Yen-ooon-aoot wenetcanstonen3 Wr261-0011-0002 e265-0002-0001 We2as-anng-nnna nrzes-onna-0006 fe2ss-an%3-0012 He2es~soot-ooot Ne ansosond~0003 Nepvicana2=t70t ne2T1-0976-1205 rari-ont-1010 we27i-on4n-nn02 e2T1-o04n-0003 Mericanuonnone wea7i-noei-noot Wran1=sotecooot 9001 ME2T1-s014-0003 wra7i-snz0-9008 Meari-soes-a00t Me 271-0005-0007 we279-0009-0001 16 © Change 40 ALTERNATE PART NO. wri tenatsazs taaatsais. 1900-050 cad. PLATE rat (eoraarns tentearmn sssor97 93001 puto} a1 395, wistosecscoeie Waviole-sexoato totozaaooaeoria Teavioiscscroseo, aoiaeonnacensae Bonarececorse- 90 Batt tecacratane tm Teabetoneenton Veovorseaceorae Forsoar 1174-6 etree FLasom=20-4e-5, Fase EATSIO- 1-5 casecszen. Sieso0t- 1622-6 eset roast esas) tr039- a3 havane-s tira? 133579 ori Sermaneeonos CEctn ae ty Wotetonncosne Leunzenosreos, ens3znoe0e Exasznoeoe tenesennans Betsancene TO. 11004 MER cope sine Yeoos Seno many Senet Seat ware ines Pitan ona cheat oe miss Toa Taya ‘conrnon DWG No. HE279-nato-2008 Ne273-0011-9008 H€273-0029-0004 HE273-00n1-0008 Ne2ra-oost-nooe Megv3-o04z-0001 Ne2t3-0032-0002 heer3-oov3-0008 E273-bo3s-090 e2T3=002-0003 acu! He2a0-sn07-0006 Mr 2n9=9007-0206 ERE HBSS ALTERNATE PART NO. Uena3 onees weisoanoa08 Erassoneoe FRaa30ne08 tete3anoany Hetoomoacon Fansenococos (esasnoocnnas Wetsomocacce Sonatsese ease Nesazere Feesssce Newsssoe Pstaoo-2 157250-1-1 Feosaa10 Fens3al2 FeosaeLe Sctvee Feos3mi ont Feneaete-e Fensaeio-9 Fepsamtoce Fensaaioss Fensaato-e Fensaato-e Feosssro-ti Fensamto-t Fensami tel Feosamt ioe Fensam ine feosattor Fepmsatscs Fensaaticio Feosseticut Feosgatic) Fensaat iota Fe053@t 1-19 Fensaatt-te Feosaainte ORR Feos3eL2—e Fensaea-> rene3en2-t MER cope rors T34 1324 eae Soees oases aoere tsar frit toss tone 80333 933, cos oo ey sous $0333 60733 bo33 box £0333 00333 oan} e033) ood 9033 boa3) oon 95333 Goa sey coNTROL, 'DWG NO. ne2no-so07-0310, fezto-soor-o31t Heaeo-so07-0312 tezao-s007-0913 Heaao-sour-n3iy fezao-so07-0315, Heanosoo7-o31e He2ao-soa7-0317 Hezeo-sorr-o40l feaao-s007-0002 He 2so-s007-0403, Hezne-sooy-acne hease-soor-oe0> Mezao-so07-0006 Ne2eo-so07-o007 heaso-s007-0408, Nezro-so07-ocoe Heano-soor—oelt neze0-s007-0812 Ne2so-son7-o413 he2no-soo?-osls Ne200-s0on7-a615, trese-soor-oste feaso-son7-osi? Heano-s007-0618 He2uo-soor=o419 tezee-soor-osz0 Negee-soor-oee3 hezeo—soor-oeee Nezeomson'=0508 Nedas-sonr-o303, Hegno-son7-o504 Negee-s007=0305, Heasomson7-0508 He z0-$001-0308 ens007= 0812 We 280-5087~0603 Nezeo-soor-aene NE2BO-Sn07—060" Hezeo-so0t-oe08 NE 200-5007-0609 Ne2no-so07-0610 Neano-soot-oel! WE200-so0/-oe12 Ne2to-so07-0813 te 2eomsooT=onte He2no-so0i-oe15 Nezeo-soor-oeie Neano-soor-oet? Ne2bo-so0/-oeie Ne2e0-S007-0619 HE Bno=s00f-0420 Negno-sooy-oeat We2p0=5007-0007 e280-s007-0823, Nepno-sooT-oese he dro-sont-o6gs We dno-so0r-onge Ne2e0-so0/-06s? ME ze0-s007—n6an tiraa1~3902-0003, Ne2ai=sno3-9008 e2ai-Sone-0003 r201~$007=0003 we 281-5008-0001, fezes-oore-oo0t Hezee-oD7-0001 Nezes-oo1e-o00t ALTERNATE PART NO. Feosamn2-10 Fepsamiz-11 Feos3eu3-1? feosante-la Fensseta-ie Fens3at3-4 Fensaets-9 Fens3et3-10 Fensantaclt Feosaat-12 Febs3e13-19 FEDS3BL3-18 Fe0s36n3-15 Fensaati-1e Fensants-19 Pensse13-19 Feossetaat Feps3et3-23, Feossens-26 Fensante-t Feosseta-? Feps3ate=a Fens3ets-5 Feosaetene Feps3nte-t Fens3ets-10 Feos3ene-11 Setgect Scitoccis Sei9e- 15 Setroe-t? Seitoe-21 Seitoea3 Seto75 Seirece? Skitoe=36 Sloe a Senses settee Seir9e39 Settee Seiroeeed Seitee-e? Selreces Seiroest Sires Seitaeess Selreest Scireeet Selroees Jeeta 53003 52003 Sselor-» mizes-a 16, piaszeae Por T.0, 11-1084 MER CONTROL con DWG NO, 2039 wezes-a091-2001 co Wedet=oort-ocor o0333 ezaecsore-on0t 033) Med80238t9-000t oon tieane-sot9-0003 8 we 2e6-s077-0001 sos te Bee-Serncnoat 039 egeccsovn-au03 enna Wezaccsoee-onot fo ezee=soey-noot 33 Soercnoat 00333 wedee-s0s ona Weatensoss-o00 33 Wede toszscisciae Baze sta Stas S120 o5576 itd Bz Pest Sine Bon Tas 281 ana se Tate rast GaMowensz-20in-atsFaTt ane Proeea=4is Prnonaznate Proopsgenais Pronpatends anna cab as 8 aaa thas es Change 40 16A Section | Introduction CONTROL DWG NO. me4i4-0101-0001 westaro101-0002 Meete-otei-oo0s Nesiscoios-o10t e414-0194-0001 "tea ye-93 20-0001 wesiscot70-0002 nesiazotet-0001 mesis=s002-0001 vee14-003-0001 e414-5007-0001 taeais-s007-0002 Mest acsooe-o001 Nest3-0002-0001 eeis-o002-0002 wesig-$002-0001, feeig~s002-0003, wiealS-3002-0008, weats-sonz-ooor Wesid-soee-o0e9 west aae SATE Barre Pareree uci a Ecisicaa We415-5005-0021 wests-sooscone3 We41s-s005-0025 ye415-s00s-0027 HEsi5=so0s-oore mesiscsoeemaeat esis-soosmo03s esis-sone-0001 Meale-o01s-000} wes14-0001-0008 Wes t-ono1-000t Nes? 1-s003-0081 esai-opos-oa0s Nesso-soat=oo13 Wesae-saotcoo Nes30-so01-0017 Mes3o-s001-a0t3 Nesbozsooi-0033 wes30-s001-0037 hes3o-sooi-sttt es3o-soor-o02s Wes30-s0e5-0001 Me430-3003-0003 ée3o-s003-9003 ‘We430-5003-0007 eszemsoon-o009 Mtes3e-seon-0011 wes3o-so0n-0013 Ness0-so03-0013 e430-5003-0017 E43 15093-0003 tte431=S00e-0001 wes32-0003-0001 168 Change 40 TO. 11004 avgamre mie. Le Metzonas cease hast Jersonrs intzoess asvesae-s001-071 Sotones- 3 Boron? Joragen-t Sasnszeracai=nos 033-3ae-s001=008 033-S26-4031=008 b33-S26-409t-un9 Bas-sae-noat-009 Opy-szereoni=aie 033-S26c6081=019 Osesaecsost=out Sonscazecanvientz Osseszeesosi-o12 Bosseseeeno8teold Os3s26reon!~01 O34CSaer0staate 033-52e-e0et=mt 033-526-6001-01 Oa tasae-s0ot-070 So-oo2a-1 ian enuezo thse S200 26 Oreo bias west pied Oetaes metaey Bresri-2, Frees Lats Torzasel ISe58 conTroL WG No. es32-0005-000 fe432=s024-0001 eese-soascocat Wessz-sozece001 fiese3-onoe-o025 Nees "5095-1001 Neaee=s003-0003, esee-so03-n008 Nesse=Sonemonor wetes=so03-0008 wesse-So0s-o007 Nesse=sons-an07 001-000) mees2-oons-o00! e4s2-o007-oost hesb2-o019-o00! weSskcaay case} E45 2-0074-0001 wees z-soal-on03 wesS3-Sanrca008 weas2-soi=9003 e4s2-5012-0001 wmeeb2-so1z-0003 Messensoua-o00t measa-sote-oont Nessa-sots-orot mees-sote-a001 res a-snat-o00! wess2-sors-ac01 Neesa-anar-o00t wesS2-003-0001 me4s4-s001-0001 wesse-goni-2n0? ess$-0903-0001 neass-09%4-0001 He485-0010-0001 vie435-4001-0001 Nes5375003-0001 wwe4ss-s003-0009 e458>590¢-9001, Nesssos008-0001 eas3-solo-oo0t NesSS-sots-on0t teess-9003-o002 ese i-aoot-o00 ese -sons-oool neset=soos-oot! wéses=Song-a001 hese 0001-0008, Meve?=soce-oo0) Nesee-s001-001 Nesb9-s002-3015, ese 95002-0013, neges-song-o0l? Meses-S00%-0023 e413~5002-0001 wes73-S002-0003, ALTERNATE PART NO. stanenca tacts t soisan? Sozeze TeSts-« Bane Eigoesrcte Emenee Gune2— Gane stort 3005 Seabee ensaton iezeace cheisaes eeeiact ToAt 32-6 rez tareneost Eesenet mroonteas reuts Tisetooi=09 bases, Telearse6 06K 325 drew. Teocets-to0 anrasoneeSo97 nse erreseee Sriexison2sio2 aniasaae fosa=zonen0 Ront=20veot Rosazances arizaa dale-ersancare Shlaaraesio7 sre soem Jiteeddoct x24 008. wooane Hozate sea" psrery anit Teestaze-o1 rate 2am: Ssz0sapcrs7e0 38zoe00e1eaat demons deoreen ieoeezo00 ite tate rie Souzs fous rere Res shee soe meas Stas atte ooze ieee esose coNTROL. DWG NO, e4ai-ppo1-o00t e4a1-9002-0003, we4@1-g003-9001 Hesat-sons-ooo1 Neens-o00t-o00t tess 3-s002-n001 fegas=son2-9001, Nesei-annino7at Srizrozomenoos Sreidozesneooo1 Srattozoineo 20 Srittozosmenoos Stas rozsomeooo! Sra7sorosweooot Eriraozosneoo0t ALTERNATE PART NO, s22-4190-001 Teoistcaat spiesisi-oo foctee isha" dalete Storat B5raa- os Sete Titeso2-o1 qinte=ne-0? Wntveaarie 1.0. 111004 Change 40, Section | Introduction 6C/(N6D blank) rem ANSIS-ARE 1up159-0011-0002 1Lp153- 0011-0008 1upts2-ve11-0008 ‘upts9-0011-0006 1uD159-0011-0007 1Lpt83-0011-0008 1upts3-0011-0008 uptsa-p011-010 upts9-0011-0011 pts9-0011-0012 ‘Up 163-0011-0013 EDIs3-0011-0014 LD1s8-0011-0015 UD155-9011-0018 1up153-0011-0017 up1s9-0011-0018 D153-0011-0019 -upts3-0011-0020 1up153-0011-0021 Lpts3-0011-0002 up1s3-0011-0024 1LD159-0011-0025, ‘HD16S-0011-0028 Lp1s9-0011-0027 Lp183-c011-0098 1LD153-0011-068 1.0. 1L10A-4 Section | ae 7 fe WASIBS2-10 — 2W18-10nt ieee Gempoatin x 7% Nasi2se-ton —awi8-10 Msielis-, wsa2s- wasiase-4i0L awie-aiem = Namtateastaas sings” (NASI252-416H —-2W10-416 BWI8-10 ene ‘NASI252-516L — 2W18-516M eo (NAB1252-101L NASI252-616L —_2w18-616M_ awe (NASI252-41, ‘NASI262-616H —-2W18-616 awie-4i6 ‘NASIION-416H NASI262-716L —-2W18-716M awie-410M ‘NABLISD-4161 NASI262-T16H —-2W18-736 baler AB1252-6168 NASI252-616H —-_2W18-816 Bw18-6 ‘MABLIER-ETS ‘NASI262-916H 216-916 ‘Bwi8-616 (NAS1252-616H (NASI252-1016L 218-1016 ‘2W18-616M_ NASTAS2-616L ‘NASI252-1016H. 2W18-1016 2W18-716 (NASI252-716H Change 4717 TO.WA0A4 ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviations and symbols which aye used throughout various Sections of this manual are listed below and conform to ML STD-12B, ABBREVIATION WORD Asan vIATION ‘WORD Degree Heat his oF minus | yaraube e580 Tide diameter Arcratt” Tenestcation ‘aetoator Inboar’ ron Inotoasre ‘Siuminam Incicator 4s required } Instroment ‘Armament ‘eetalation areata fource ust | Interchangeable sie! Leasing edge | Landing gear Balkread nang Breakbin a Contractor-tornishea bees Aeronaiteal Bqulpment | 3e chanlsm CEE aan Contractor-furnisnea Main landing gear ‘exsipment orth Amertcan Aviation Cockpit orth American RoctorelL Commercial ‘Neat higher savembiy Compartment Nonber Control Outside diameter Corrosion-resiatant | Outboara - tect Diameter Par numba Distribution actos Drawing i Electric Pressure Elevator ‘Pounds per square tech Enecoency Quek change unt Fanreielt hick engine change Figure Flexi Reterence Fuselage Right hand Forward Specttication Fined ‘Staion Government-tursishet Staller Acronastical Egulpment Siperandes ‘covernment-furished "Traling tgs ‘auloment ‘Temperature Hexagonal head ne Horizontal ee 1 CHANGES 1s 323 124 op 0.038 ote 0.187 ote 0.167 0.187 0187 0.187 0.187 0.187 0.250 0260 0250 0250 0250 0.230, 0.250 0250 0:55 01250 0500 095 oats 0.315 oats 0.315, oats 0135 ed 0.315 oss 500 05500 0500 0.635, 0.435, 0:65, 0.835, 0.250 0:26 0.635, 0.635 0.780 0.780 0.750 0:65, 0.85, 1.000, 1000, 0.049 1.0, WHOA Section | Introduction LINE ASSEMBLY SPECIFICATION Section I, Group Assembly Parta List coverage of certain line fesemblice 1s limited to the deseription and s numerical tube ‘Example: Line Assembly, Hydraulic Vent (ube Code 11) ‘The following data, when uted in conjunction withthe specie line assembly deseription and tube code, provides applicable tubing epecitiections and sleeve and fitting part muniers. TUBE IrTING SLEEVE MATERIAL SPECIFICATION a PN 6061-76 Al Alloy) MIL~T-7081, ANeie-D | aus200t9-40 321 cRES ‘MIL~T-8808 ansis-sc | ANBI0-3¢ Copper ww-T-T165 ANED5-3 ‘ANoo0-3 Copper ww-T-T758 ‘ANBO5-3 ‘ANsooNS Copper wwe 7783 ‘ANB05-3 ‘ANBOONS ANteS-3 copper w-7-719 ‘ANB05-3 ANBOONS Copper WW-T-119, Type N ‘sN05=3 ‘ANo0%3 ‘asz2012-3 copper MIL-7-2508 AN008-3 Comer MIL-T-8508 ‘ANBO5-3 ‘Awa00-3 Antes-3 Ee copper atL--0508 ‘ANH05-3 ANBOONS ‘Type soacrrs | nuL-T-004s aszioai-4s | Musai922-4 Type Sos crEs | alnT-6045, iszi92i-4> | agszi9z2-4 ‘Type sa.cres | noL-T-8606 Axoieac | Mg2opi0-4c 5082-0 Al Alloy | wwor-7e7 ‘anais-4> | s20810-4D 5052-0 AL Alloy | WWeT=187 | Avers-4>_— | 208i0-4p Soer-TSAL Tube | MuL-T~708) aszigai-ap | msai922-4 061-78 Mite 7083 miszio2ib¢ | as2i922—4 eos1-76 aanLeT 7084 wats | a4s20810-40 b0s1-78 wwor- 70016 Aais-ep | 4sz0810-60 061-76 at rue | wwoT-100/6 ‘ansie-a> | 14s208]9-4D e0st-78 AL Tube | wW-T-100/6 ‘Aweieed | sanei0-eD Gosi-76 At Tue | WWOT=100/6 ‘avsie-o> | a4s20830-60 CRES Tube MILT 6845 szioai-or | as21022. 5052-0 AL Atloy | WW-T-100/4 Axsia-6D” | 20810260 5052-0 Al Alloy | wwoT-187 ‘axsiasD_ | ssz0819-60 5052-0 Al Alloy | ww-T-187 Musaisai-ep | sso1922-6 6081-78 Ai Alloy | WW-T=100/6 ANe1e-60 | Mseoei9-6D eost-r6 Ar Alloy | MiL~'T-7082 sisarszi-ap | sisate22-4 8061-6 Al alloy | MIL-T-7081 aisaigaiced | eaisae-6 321 GRES MIL-7=3008 Asia-8c | sys20e19-6¢ 321 cRES ‘LT -a809 Ano18-6 520810-6 5082-0 Al Alley | WworTO0/4 Axate-sn | s20810-8p ‘Type 3a1CRES | MIL-T-8808 ‘Anais-sc | sg08i0-8¢ 3052-0 al alloy | wWoTW187 aneis-6> | m1s21921-80 5052-0 AI Auey | WW-T-787 awsis-rop | 31820819100 8052-0 AL Alley | WW-T-787 ‘axsia-i0p | sasaoe19-100 ‘Type wi cres | amL-7-8600 anaiei0” | Mszost9-10, ‘Type $21 CRES | MIL~T~3608 ‘Anaiaio | a4s2oai9-10 Type tai cREs | tl~T-86506 awais-10 | sz0e19-10, type saicres | mnt-T-8606 Anaieac | ssz0810-4¢ sit cRES MOLT 8508 ‘ANele-4 ts20819-4 5052-0 Al alloy | ww-T-707 ‘aNsis-op | 34820819-100 5052-0 Al Alloy | ww-T~707 ‘seieai-10n | —a4s21022-10, Type sai cres | waL-T-8006 ANs16-120 | —34820819-120 3032-0 AL Alloy | wweTWv87 ANaie120 | Msaon19-190 5052-0 AL Tube | waaT=100/6 Aneiecia> | Ms20818-120 5082-0 Al Alley | WW-T-"87 - a 5052-0 Al Aliey | ww.T-700/4 5052-0 Al Alloy | ww-T-787 aneie-26> | msa0@ie-100 5082-0 al alley | Ww-T-000/4 aneia-ie> | mszosi8-i6, Changes Section | 1.0. L10A-4 Introduction USABLE ON CODE EXPLANATION e \weuble On Coding is exaployed throughout this Mtustrated Parts Breakiowa series to designate the effectivity of components and assembles, ‘These Usable On Codes, when decoded by use of the Master Code, indicate the Air Force ferisi numbers of the vo aircraft on whieh the coded parts are used Parts not coded are applicable to all atreraft covered within ths handbook, USABLE AIR FORCE ON CODE SERIAL NUMBERS au 66-13552 Uhru 66-18562, 67-14004 thru 67-14701 and 68-3784 thru 68-2691 aA 66-13552 thru 66-19551 AaB 66-19552 thru 66-13555 AB (66-19852 Uaru 66-19562 and 67-14604 thru 67-14617 ABA 67-14616 thre 67-14624 ABB (66-19552 ir 64-18862 and 67-14604 thru 67-14624 ABZ 61-14816 thru 67-1670% and 68-874 thru 68-3631 ac 66-19552 thru 18862 and 67-14004 thew 67-14620 ACA 67-14621 tora 07-14650 Aca, 67-14621 thru 67-14701 and 68-8764 thru 68-8881 AD 16-19552 thru 66-19562 and 67-14804 thr: 67-14850 apa 07-14651 thru 67-14701 and 68-8704 thru 68-8681 AE 166-19552 thru 06-19562 and 67-14604 thew 67-14608 a ABZ 61-14025 thru 67-14701 ar 666-18852 thru 06-19562 and 67-14604 thew 67-14653, ara 67-14894 thru 67-14701 and 68-3784 thra 68-3881, AG 65-19552 thru 68-19564 and 67-1400$ thru 67-1469 A '86-19552 thru 66-19562 and 67-14804 thru 67-1462 as 67-14880 thru 6t-14649 Az (61-1865 thew 67-1470) and 68-5784 thra 68-3831 (5-19552 thru 69-15582 and 67-14004 thru 67-14685, AL 08-1955 vara 66-13562, 67-14604 thru 67-1470) and 68-8704 thru 68-3788 aus 68-9769 thre 68-9531 a (86-19552 thru 66-19862 and 67-14604 thru 67-1464 as 6-13852 thru Q8-18862 and 67-14604 thru 67-14654 40 (6-13552 thru 60-18962 and 67-14804 thru 68-14655 ar 66-18552 tary 60-19562 and 67-14604 thru 87-1488 apa 67-14006 thr 67-14701 and 69-9784 thru 60-9891 AR 08-19552 thru 68-18562 and 67-14004 thru 67-14866 as ‘61-14651 thru 67-14701 sz 67-14701 oxd 68-8784 thea 68-3851 ar (68-13552 thru 66-19862 and 67-14604 thru 67-14649 av 67-14644 tara 67-14007 2 av 156-19652 Uaru 66-13562 and 67-1400$ thru 67-1408" aw (66-19582 thrs 66-19662 and 67-14604 thru 67-14644 » awa (66-19552 thru 66-1866 and 67-14604 thew 67-14649 20 CHANGES T.0.1L108-4 ‘TIME COMPLIANCE TECHNICAL ORDERS Listed below are the Time Complianes Technical Orders ‘that have been incorporated in ts publication. Section Introduction ‘CHANGE/REVISION/ 7.0, NUMBER DATE mmuz/Ecp, CATEGORY SUPPLEMENT DATE TL-10A-502 ‘Turbine lalet Teuparature Indication System 18 Dee 69 (BcP-oV-10A-635), 1-04-50) -81-Mar 1989 Cargo Bay Intorpbone Extenston Cord and Batlout Routine 15 Mar 60 ‘Warning Signal Installation (ECP-OV-10A~104) 1L-10A-501 —21-¥eb 1969 Fuel Tank Batfing Installation (ECP-OV-10A-94) Roxtine 15 mar 60 1L-i0A-505 31 Mar 1969 Landing Gear Warning Horn lastallation (ECP~ Routine 15 Mar 69 Ov-t0A-97) 1L-10A-50 17 Sept 1968 AN/ARC-51 BX Radio Mottcation (ECP-OV-10A-82) Routine 15 Dec 66 1L-10A-508 -30,Jan 1908 ATMS Amphevol Connector Iastallatton (ECP-OV - Routine 35 Mar 65 04-107), AL-1OA-610 25 May 1009 Observe Cockpit Controle Intallation (ECP- Roxtine 15 mar 69 ov-i0a-113), AL-10A-S11 § May 1989 Lighting Control Red Filters (ECP-OV-10A-111) Routine 15 Mar 69 IL-T0A-512. ‘28 Apri 1860. Sogt Initiator Time Delay Reduction (ECP-OV- Routine 435 Mar 69 IAs) AL-10A-514 #8 Apri11960 _Parachuto Handle Ixerlock Installation (BCP Routine 15 Mer 69 Ov=10A-120) AL-10A-816 28 April 1968 Remote Gyro Indicator Provislons Instanstion Routine 15 Dee 6a (BeP-ov-104-1224) HE-10A-523 4 Oct 1968 Replacement of Horizontal Stabilizer Assembly ~ Rowtine 1 sept 68 ‘OV=10A Alzeraft 1-0a-629 2 Dec 1969 Survival Kit (P/N RSSKEA) Replacement Ungent/Satety 15 Mar 69 1L-10A-581 12 Aug 1968 Deactivation TIT System Roxtine 418 Mar 69 1L-IOA-595 S Nov 1969 Replacement NLG Seraper Ring 415 Mar 69 1-10A-536 ‘Additional Contzol for Radlo Communication Routine 4 Apeit 70 ‘System ~ VHP/¥at (ECP-OV-10A-95A) AL-104-597 2 Fob 1969 Staxter-Generator - modification of Urgent 15 Mar 69 (nterim) (EcP-ov-10A-258), s-t0a-530 ‘Relocation of AIC-18 Intercom Control Panel Routine A Ape 70 (Ecp-av-10A-2484) t-t0a-540 1D-S81/ARN Tndleatos, Operation with TACAN Routine 15 Oct 69 ‘System ~ Provisions Yor (ECP -QV-10A-258) 1L-t0A-$41 Visual Indication - External Fvel Tank Fuel Flow Routine 15 Doc 69 1104-542 1-250 Compaas Regester Indicator Routine 15 Sept 68 (PCP-OV-10A-248) sL-104-543 Meaiteation of Yaw Damper Amplitir, Routine 1 guy 72 (OV-10A Alzeratt (ECP-OV-10A-263) Ab-f0A-844 28.0ct 1968 AERO-IC (150-gallon) Extomal Puet Strainer ‘Ungont/Satety 15 Sept 69 A-10A-545 Provislona for Static Ground Routine A Mar 10 11104-5468 Moditication of Starter Switches and Ground Start Routine 15 sept 72 Cirealtry ~ OV-I0A Aircraft and MTS AL-10A-547 @Nov 1969 _-Bleed Atr Shutott Valve Mounting Routine 15 Mar 69 1L-10A-548 9 Nov 1068 placement Aluminum Hydraulic Line Routine 18 Mar 69 (PAV 308-5ea808-3) with Steel Line 1L-104-883 Engine Exhaust Pipe ~ Redesign of urgent 1 May 1970 1-10A-860 14 Mar 1969. stiekgrip Trigger Moditication Urgent/Satety 15 Sept 60 1L-I0A-861 28 Feb 1969 Landing Gear Release System Bunge Routine 15 Sept 69 (P/A'500-997100-11 Rework 11-10A-815 Replacement of Engine Mount Truss 1 Dec 29 WL-10A-617 25 Feb 1910 Propeller Dome Safety Pin “0” Ring Ungent 1 May 72 CHANGE 2 zn Section 1 TO.1L0A-4 Introduction ‘TIME COMPLIANCE TECHNICAL ORDERS (Cont) Listed below are the Time Compliance ‘Technical Orders (Cos!) ‘that have been incorporated In tis publicatox. ‘CHANGE/REVISION/ 7.0, NUMBER DATE Tre CATEGORY SUPPLEMENT DATE TL-I0A-06 __@Mlari069 ___Blectrical Wire Bundle Support Rudder Podal Wall Routine 15 Sept 6 AL1OA-08 1 Aug 1969 Modisieation of Canopy Door Locking Mechaniam —Ungent/ 20 dune 69 (OV=10A Aircestt (ECP-OV-10A-271) Salety tL-t0A-4 Replacement Propeller Piston Assembly 15 Sept 69 (BcP-0V-10A-265A) s-t0a-866 Mofifleation of Sponson Pylon (ECP-OV-10A-268) Routine oct 70 AL-10A-587 18 April 1909 Replacement of Bolts, Exhaust Routine 15 Sept 69 AL-10A-568 Installation Steel Sout Back Lock (ECP- Routine 15 Jan 70 ‘Ov=10A-250) 1L-10K-579—-20ct 1910 -_staflon Mode Select Switch, Change of Routine 4 Jane 190 A10A-808, ‘Throttle Linkage Connections (ECP-OV -10A-283A) 1 May 1071 11 -10A-884 ‘Engine Kit - ‘Test Fittings - Addition of Amar 70 {ECP-OV 104-294) 1104-588 ‘Support Fitting Kit - Wing to Aileron, Inboard Urgent 15 0ct 69 ‘dnd Outboard (ECP-OV-10h-209). 1L-J0A-S89-200ct 1910 —Main Landing Gear Brake Seals - Replacement of Routine 1 May 10 (Bcp-ov-i0a-216) 1L-10A-800 26 Sept 1960 Provide Clearance Between Engine Oll Cooter Routine 15 san 70 Tnlot Duet Part No, 305-420012 god Ol) Filter Bowl, Part No, $05-470017 AL-10A-882 —-2.0¢t 1970 Modification of 150-gallon and 250-gellon ovtine 1 oet 70 External Fuel Tank to Airframe Interconnects, OV=10A Aircraft (ECP-OV-10A-298) 1b-10A-593 Nov 1970 __—Beta Vaive Seals - Replacement of (ECP-OV~ Rovtine 1 Aug 70 108-285) M1OA-695 Jan 1070 Cockpit Lighting Routine 18 san 70 IL-10A-596 3 Sept 1989 Blectrostatic Discharger, Attachment of outing ateri) AL-10A-599 Dec 1970 _stallaton of Rubber Chafing strip on Engine Routine 1 Ape ‘Ol! Tank (OV-10A Atreratt) 1n-10a-002, (Gun Sight Iiumination (ECP-OV -10A-200) Routine 18 Nov 71 WL-10A-608 «15 Apr 1910 Inspection and Replacement of ARC-51 Unit, Routine 1 April 70 "Part No, RI-142/ARC-51DK AL-10A-609 20 Feb 1070 Propeller Governor {averted Flight Ol Supply Line Routine 1 May 71 jsu-10A-610 1 Sept 1970 _nstallation of Automatic Actuator on Survival Kit, Routin? 4 April 72 ‘Part No, 140000105 (OV -10A Aircraft) 1-t0a-612 ‘Reverse Blade Angle Stop Replacement Routine (EcP-ov-104-200) At0a-618 Replace Propeller Spimer Busting 1 May 11 (Ecp-ov=10A-300) tn-t0a-614 ‘THT Indicating System Routine Relocation (EcP-OV-104-301), 70 cHANGEZI T.O.WIOA-4 Section 1 Introduction ‘TIME COMPLIANCE TECHNICAL ORDERS (Cont) Listed Uelow are the Time Compliance Technical Orders tat have been incergorated i this publication, (CHANGE /REVISION/ 1.0, NUMBER DATE ‘TITLE/ECP, CATEGORY SUPPLEMENT DATE TL-10A-627 27 Aug 70 —_‘Itallation of "D” Rang in Seat Bucket for Suety 1 Apri 72 ‘AN/URT-83 Perconnet Locator Beacon in Rigid Structure Sucvival Kil, Part No. 140000-105, ‘Mobile Training Sets, and Resident ‘Training Equipment (OV-10A Aircraft) 11-10A-629) AIMS AN/APK-64 System - Modilieation of Routine 15 Nov 71 (ECP-OV-104-316) 1L-10A-630 24 Feb 1971 Moalieaton of Nose Lanaing Gear Steor Damper Routine 1 Apeit 72 Universal Installation (OV =10A Alrcrat) AL-10A-631 26 Feb L921 Mosifeation of Oxygen Supply Hose Stowage Routine 4 April 2 Facility (OV-108 aizeratt) Ht0a-632 Inglallation of Radar Beaeoa Routine 16 Dee 7h ‘System Poorer Sitch OVA ‘Sineratt and MTS 11-10A-638 Rerouting of the External Fuel Routine 3s sunt ‘Systom Vent Valve Drain Line OV-10 Aircraft A-104-640 Installation of Oll Tank Assembly Support Bracket Routine 1 aly 72 ‘and Bushing - OV-10A Alreraft (ECP-OV -10A-S02) 1104-643, Directions Trim Aetua‘or Sealing (ECP-OV-10A-_Rowtine 15 Mar 72 329) Ht0A-688 Moaitieation of Lower Bautine Routine aun 1 ‘Cowlings OV-0A aircraft and mts 1L108-647 Fist Ald Kit tocalation Routine 2 May 71 Removal OV-10A Aireratt 1L104-648 Modification of Cagop Door Locking Routine 15 Dee 12 ‘Pin Assemblies O-10A Alrerall iLa-649 Installation of tmproved Male Routine ape Landing Gear Actuator Bellerzok, Bart No, 15-Taa0l/02, OV-10A ‘sirens 1L-108-851 ‘Modiltetion of Forwart Cockpit Right Side Routine 27 Fob 73 Reader Mechaniamy Closure Waealage Stations Go,0dca1 G4 OV=I0A Auroral (ECE Cherry Prov-10A-6) 04-685 Unaalation Provitons for AN/URT-29(8) “y 18 Dee 12 gnnel Locatgr Beazan ia Survival oa Hi Bert Noo bods obite Fraie- ‘ng’Sets, and Resident ‘Fratning Equipe iat" OWI0A Atrerast ne Pa SL =10A-888, Motion of Right Boor for * 2 vector Routine 30 Apr 78 11-104-659 Installation of Block Lock on Ejection Seat Routine 18 Jul 73 W04-659 Installation of Flare Release Rostine 2 aan 18 ‘Capability - OCA Aircraft iL-104-660 Mogitcation of hashing, Past Rovtine 1 Dee % ‘No. ANBGIDE-4. tt Begin OtL System, OV-I0K Alreratt 1108-668 of VORJILS Routine 1stun 78, acon BOV-IOA rtoxsea Insalaion of improved Rovting 1s son 78 TTACAN AN [ARO8¢0)) System on OWIOA Alrcate 104-690 Installs. of Emergency Locator - Te Change 4321 Section 1 T.O.1LI0A-4 TINE COMPLIANCE TECHBICAL ORDERS (Con) usted below are the Tine Compliance Teelmen! Orders Mat hase heen hicuparated on this pullieation, ‘COMMODITY TIME COMPLIANCE TECHNICAL ORDERS CHANGE/REVISION/ TLONUMBER DATE TITLE SUPPLEMENT DATE SHAR-L-801 ‘Tnrotile Linkage Connections (BCP-OV -10A-283A) Vly 1972 SHAA-5-520 Replacement of Propellee Governor Pressure Regulating 1 guy 1972 Valve (ECP-OV-10A-321) sHtA4-3-521 Propeller Govemor Bearings (ECP-OV -10A~329) 4 uly 1972 SHA2-10-801 Replacement of Beta Valve Seals (ECP-OV-10A-288) 2 duty 1972 POWER PLANT CHANGES TCTO NUMBER PPC NUMBER DESCRIPTION CATEGORY CHANGE/REVISION DATE 2776-822 38 Removal of Fuel Heater System 1 April 1972, . 25-716-$31 Removal of Anti-ice System 1 Apel 1972, 2 Change 39 1.0, 1L10A-4 Section I Group Assombly Parts Li 1. Airframe systems. pee Figures 4 through 34, 40 throuch 45 Access Doors, Cover Figures 35 through 39 Flight Control Syste Figures 48 through 60 Hydraalie Power System ‘Landing Goa Systom ‘eat ana Vert System ‘Oxygen Systems Escape System ae Power Plante <1) 1 | External Pel Tank Package |) 1 | Rid Syston sense tlle ‘Avionics and Bloctrical instaitalicns ‘ectrcal System [1 [Figures 149 through 161 Instruments» DLDLD TES pigures 162 and 163 Asmament System 2022S 2 epee cee aaa Figures 164 through 173 ‘Special Support Eauiprieat PD DD DD Inigites 114 through 172 Figures 61 through 75 1 wigures 76 through 101 EDD DD “pigmres 102 through 106, eee igures 100 and 110 1 Lvigures 11 through 119 1 Liigures 140 through 150 I plgures 135 and 135 181 through 137 138 through 148 Ours 8 T.O.1LIOA-4 Section It Group Assembly Parts List > ‘ese cont pneNT = 1 a05-550000 21 CME RAL ARMANCENTRTy GROUND MANOLING LERENT) LATA CASE I= — Troy tetas S11 Seton “ain eatance DATA (Grae (bara Caselew eens T Fane boro, StL Aincuser tovenrony kecnao (gras) 4nara cagele ==> DS >> T wear SEL SUACichTaaw et conte nea Coraey tata easels ==> > 7 ot SFte comms a1 1 ETont aerony an mACWTENANEE RECORD IGEarILORTA CASEI t Seto Foams 9s { Stouiryeant frevostcat etemep toss ceseh nes me = 1 2 Feue20 1 Tee istedcrren cORPCIANE! REEOAD IpATA’case)= ~ = > = 1 AP Foam 15a I Thwosce ano EAvelOPe (oars case}=~ oes = > oT i Nayurrsiiea0=a0 TORGIne coe dparacease}e 2 cre > > eeeeeees 4 = 2 Ostesnanr a 1 penn packager BICOT aNd Gaseaven (Gee FtSIBE LOo Foe i ‘aera ous as-ano0ns 41. sear pheKacey ERSERVERS STATION COMPLETE (SKE FIG. L13 FOR. 1 {oN tge0, By AND twtCHG. WITH 3Os~sG001 91 roseasoaun AL. Sear PRERAGEY OMSEOVERS STATION COMPLETE TSEE FTG. 113 FoRe 1 kon) (supa. BY. ana Twrete wrtH a09-n0009 59 = 3 woE e006 sis + sea teen otaeatene’ Sinton cage tian TSEE eroume w19 4 s0s-asoe7 sr 5 sear ohekaceeMtanEnura® Sih ELECTION (SFE FIG. LIN = = 4 ans-240092 1s 5 AULAMEAD enCRRGEy COSERVERS SPAT (SEE FIGUPE LIN EOR = = 1 enenDeN ros-snno06 a1. ecurwenr’Pagnages OISERVERS stATInN COMPLETE < ~~ ~~ et = 5 escRenare 1 CSinsthuwrnr pane. eacracry auseevees cOMPARTWENT (SEE = > eure 1e5 ce PREdKDDN) 2os-e60078 #16 5 cowrRol [peewacty OBSCRENS cOCK> IT, ABOETIONAL (SER == = 6 s0sesezer1 sys contmolsbsceaaey ervens SrarunN FLIGMt (SEE FIGURE ~ 1 = 7 sos-e60016 Ls cenvensat PRERAOECSPEETAL PROVISIONS, CARO FAY (SEE == = 1 FIGURE SU FOR BREAKDOWN) =f ansereson 1s PYLon PAEKBEEY FUSELAGE CPNTERLINE STORES ISEE FIGURE LAT = 1 Fae ant axaoun aos-sosoi8 #1. seyop SLATE pacEAGEy COMPLETE SSEE FIGURE 45 FOR AREMOOUN) — 3ngcae anos S11 Tin onceaGe, Foe extemnae (see erwite Lae FOR @REAKODNNI” — T sos-senno SLL Tine Shtkaces FUEL OHTEAMAL ISEE Flee Lap FOR MONI ossaeoaoy S31 TNE paewaces EUEL ExqenMaL 230-G4LtGw Tarenesh este Fes = 13s "For_garaxoown = 11 300-A60108 21. SONSGH satKAGE® EATERMAL STORE (SEE FIG. tev FoR = === = ‘kON) tSUPSD™S¥ AMD Inter rTH 305-200204) oseso70% st. SruSONPAGKAgED EXTERUAL STORE (SEE FIGy fo? FOR BRON = = 1 surso ay ano inten KIT So0ces01Ge) = 12 s00-nosois 1. wetvou'buceaGe, ORGOPED SPaNSON, FIRED (Lil (SEE FIGs 169 - —t aeo-n0s012 SLs save ASU AnOvE (MH) (SEE FIOURE L6T FOR pREAKDOWN = === — 1 = 19 Usreeo01F 1 Shout etekacey carga bev €See Figs #4 pam OKOND- = >> o 1 nor chan 28 -AV(248 BLANK) Section it T.O.1L10A-4 Group Assembly Parts List 2 Loose equipment © 14 305-533336 STTCoRTAINe COCKPIT CLOSEOUT ASSEMBLY OF (STORED-CARCD BAY) - 1 Saecenes-eo P foot“ktt Cangancsiy erat) tstowea-cagco gay) = = > T Sosoar b Toot aft Crone ser) tasvosy (sroweo iw canco gay) — ==> > E3075 IMG, Howace tstaveo"Ivleaco nuvie “een = L eee epnt 2 Gust Coens cokrnats «stow IN ela0ry |= ZT IIIIII OG Hts 1 Fie SAPEGve Gun Ehataee Stow tw 130755 (SEE Fics 74 = ~ AEF ernr + COVERS TANGLE OF ATTACK (STOW IN £12075) (SEE FIG. 16 -= — REF ernie = covery PITOT (STON 14 E13075) (SFE FIG. 174 FOR INSTLIC = ser enna I pins'Sarery, erueN (gram tw ELorortgce Flee tts FOR INSTL) | REF Ere TRUNSLES"UNEK AND MOOR STOW MELONS) USE FIGs Tye REF crane = LANDING GEAR SAFETY pIN (89972), sTOWED-CARGO BAY) ~~ 2 Euaris-11 1 Geekery cover tnea¥2) (stoweoveaRen Bavis == 2 = = 1 Elsraecat 1 GMEINE cover, Leer (ea3rav¢stovepecanco eayy= = >>> >>> 1 Flares 1 Fneine coven! Riour taos72s cetomeoccanco ear) == >= >> feaoaeacd 2 1 BAREKEY agoe, HOIST (GEAED (SUPPLIED HATH AEROSSAL BONE =~ 5 eoaszm16 #2 = wReNcHs COCKING (GFAES (SUPPLIED WETH AEROOSAL BONE RACK = 5 Troe TLL on-06, 222 tem‘ coor swat == See etait at Wot iiear S25 Fttew"maiat es = >>> 2222222222 peas Hier Wlteacteu-1 $2 5 piuovs eneentrar= > > 22 22D 27 Seer a Hibs IC toaceSY | $2 LRAINTENANCE MANUAL “GENERAL THEORNATION ARO SERVICING: ==> I Hint 1Cctoaca-2 $2 1 RAINTENANCE WANUAL-AIRFRARE SyStEMG sweet T Tins tctoace-3 $2 1 RAINENance Manune-ENUIROMEATAL SySrENS === =~ —>—> >> Hcton-g-4 $2 1 aUwrenance manuat-POwER PLANTS AND FUEL SYSTEM = =~ ~~~ iotoaaos Satutenance ranuat-avioutes avsvens Sse > = > = orcas PRINTENANCE RANUAL-ARRAMENT SYSTEMS ~~ = = 1 athena? 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I caRcoaay EPOLIEABLE to 2080960004 SPARE TANK PACKAGE Te istoarse2 INCORPORATED ‘CHANGE 15 2s Section 11 3.0, 1400-4 1.0, 1HOA-4 Section It [Group Assombly Posts List a DARELANE ASSENOLY-RAJOR INSTALLATIONS 205-g00et) SP Mpnaints y Ove1oe2 EXTERIOR = = = 1 = 1 see0e0o- 3 r ODbecat' inet OF strate peone= ==> DDIIIIIZ Yt = 2 deeecco- 5 Tor becat (evecr on Sear waauine Tazanaey = =~ >> 2 = 5 sescecoont= 7 LL, DEERE Coeur trtcat tov" or en iwt” shor ato exreRTon Fira 24 deocsteeer 2 BanetaN\ been mstatearion Cavgrre sss ee T 2 5 desseccos t citerr‘tiren insraLcation converts |= 22222222220 fy 2g serssseer t Elterton’Seor twseaceatiovstwass = 22222 2IIIIIZ ft Dot seeSa00s I DaTALINratuar tomy ‘Loose covtenewr aio ceweas 22D OT Don eskiste 2 eevee tngtatiptacls art cocket conta" s== > 22> Ot ace zt0cer 2 Eibennice mnstauuor ion conmeere cess 2222 ZZl Ot = 3 Hee atec0L 1 iMhentzentar staoteizet ASSenauy = 2222222222220 1 Zee fzo00t Lol Aivaten assenuye sees 22222 ZIIIIIID GY Til jecaheete IoD vemteat srasteren vie agsinsty ===> 2>2222220 3 Diz see dsccee LL minoen asgensunere SMELT TI IIIIIIIIIZ GF Tid decdarear Geom ano nAceLLE ASSEMBLY COMPLETED => =2ZTISIIII OG Beg-aziees STRACELLE INGTALLAT ONs FOS STA Lel 1D FUE STA 28672220 Bee 33coot PAIK LANEING GEAR’ MNSTALLATIONe = === t= 2 >> OT Bes-ssese1 Goveascg Insracarion ak MacELCES ==> >>>222>~°«7 Stsesaiset Avioaes twstattation cr eoon ss 2222222220 y Bee 58003 fvoewLtc eqoteweut InsraLcerowcnaceuies = ==> => dee dereee ToL acchAne Venrieal srabutzenineraruations = ==> 2222> 0 Y 3es-saanei fot I hytencs "eas temewt pisrau. ation Ae 8ooN =~ > x 3ee-saicel LoL oD Avtewies eaatonent Insratcarion cm soon ==> 22220 2g dee Seceat I Fuel sytem Mast aLarion Commute es SS Z> Oy ris descecerz I SEALING GaTar fuel, Rime fwe'waTeR Tiohmess -= 222220 ie see-4co0, 1 dnctne’ neraccarioy ose ewes 2 III 3 in desArore 2 Seoke! GENERATING INSTALLATION LH eNOINE ExMAUST= >> >>> OT =i 3es-Tencer Loan ietaturion ‘cowttens See ees 2D IIID OY dcericecee p MNnke asset eomeeres = 22 2SI 22 IIIIIID oT = 19 deecnceoe rot TTNugt svsrencauaonenr angrarcationsuans == 222220 y = 2 See snoon4 LoloD Pave Meratuatiancn Wives eos S25 lDDI2 0 f IH sestseoo2 olf Aphgtte eas iomen tistaccariow wing 222222220 y Ih Gesdsse LoL Rea" QNo vent srsten werateatiowswines 222 IID 0 f TH yess2ugat LLL FEAR consat” sestew misraccargon conmeere = >= 222 of DH SeeSeeo LoL of Duress insrauchrton wing eonevere’= === 2222200 1 2 es desc3totar I fustuacelasenety coneeres Shen TI IIII IIT of lk xeiae 1D Savtenres: ter aucaraen evar cocKett ano roawaom = >>> 1 DB descsiceot Tor EleGtetcat"rastemenr anstuuarign oestavens tea ===> T Ie desseeaet Dol arenes Tgratcatuon romano toteo saves >> T cis see seve Lo dvientes Meratcerion arreanep-eatee'= 222 222I20 re Steaecces 1 PUet*Sysrem equionent tverateatiOv fuseuaie <2 DIZ 4 IM descseoo If voeautie:coutenenr incrautarion ruseeaces = ==> 222 0 1 3 deoctrsoor IT Wainer ttstatcarion, 'piror- static sestes = > 22222207 2H 3coc5tanos Lol Gliss’nepatcatianmosnteg pe =e DZD IIII OE Ti deestoar LoL Pathan ceqraoe Ststen"insraueattoN conseere = 2222201 DH dec dicees IoD Rbatraee Canons! eean INSTALLATION eee a Se Geotseoese LoL Retter Use 'svgrewmgratcaraone = => 222225220 f Tor sessassor Lot ear ano vent sveren instaccarions ==> 2222222207 = seeesciot LoL Hau" Netattarioneners cuss 222222252220 7 Ts dtesztess IL Steenosw'contnacs twsraruarim=: ©2220 22222220 7 Sa 3050135002 I fuse" ominolasier Ineracations = 222220222020 ¢ CHANGE 5 200, Section It 7.0. 1LIOA-4 Group Assembly Parts List FIGURE 34 AIRFRAME SYSTFHS — SPARE HORIZONTAL STABILIZER ASSEMBLY 28 CHANGE 5 1.0. 1L10A-4 Section it Group Assembly Parts List 3 ATaFaane gysT#9s — SeARE VORIZOWTAL sTAGILIZER ASSEROLY = 1 s03-e29006 cM NontaowaL sTaBiciaeh, ass or Spates See nse === IE Joxszvone- 20 1 TTMGMgEAaC hociziutat sraatttaee insravcation = 222 f 2 oserels ail 1 Motes mmmaarnies Sgsreiee SSTMATIOT TIT} Th BES Hitt 1 GIG asstetnatteartotte aorsrine = > 2222227 i 23 PERS SEL LD HASGaton wtinranga teaaSteget® 2222227 i = 6 apeAzeNso0 su 22 SMRettee” aawarune vic Thang (73905) Che SPee CON T se wonner foes 5 HIRE ule ROC Ma Bebtzzney = =~ m8 wieeascisa LoL 1 1 GSN Mace rxourns roaeiisan > > = i aura Dolot FRGRNS space t epee 222 i wSissenceuaa BanS PILIIIIiiiiiiin: t Ssasoaeaa3 BERS PEILIIiiiiiicim: f sereseeats DDD oD AWB" pa 222 TTI IIT eee Ns2isionce Dofot dwell s22lillit 3 TRSUES Bee scuneeeeeeeeears A Sabie fe cunt areas i Tiscesorton ToL 1 Bkeay toind nei cone Res Uaooeh é 9153-0002-1202 pind ete ee tl taasssy - > 3 SBERERS Df BRE TEARS E38 "> : to1g3-aoti-ao0t ToD Df MaSem tar tadseat 2 >= == i Uiss-eeti-aoon bist fear 23eeay 2 222 a reretrs a = 2 SNS it = : inssbeee 53 zt 5 aosrazscas-soo + WIRE ASSY, HORIZ STAB Spake - ~~~ >>> >> - 1 wbaes tf frenmeat eal etait Senet eof ot tenner rater 23 Prater it Cite Mee Gaon ik zi sa0-eleivo det tc) ===> de fe Auniee Lt wine inate Paes miceasap-senave (t'F¥'ts) = a Ns2stasctostas oe tive = == See i Mores DtotM RoEn ae ilo ioe Lies Do Dae HS ah es iota PotD RE MS apt eee rsdosteea Pott Eat £22 4 redtocatesas epee re ee int meatuestass ee rung tetas rit = 1 508885066" 0 Tot funisstimty, joaz irae" anstaguarton — i Bos-szaooe- 40 Tot MSGS fataksstnecy, ont Stabe tnstaxcaviaw: = > > > i 2g MESHES AT ag oot SRabAsSet*tuictestnat dont sn8. Sekt vas > = i I$ RAGS SE ToL 1 theteSasste"Conerrotwas cont srs ecevato = t = 10 aomsazaee- 12 c+ + 2 sruLenilts ConCtrupinaL, SPRING TAB oRIVE ASSY OF 1 30e-dasoce 32 I If GustsuetSsovuey monte sraesmstatations’© S22 =u BERET 211 SNES LMclCctnal okt ve"teeine tan = >>> Li senses LoL LD aNete*assts"Cone"eowt srs cue Sraine tas >>> >t I WER a Lolo 1 SECEEMeS oNeMnive te Buive assyor © 2222 Lik doscdaaee TLL doatnotasive’cbne’conriSys'ammmne'tae se 22> IES ESE a Lol t WeotNere toes temanutren's 2 22IDIIZZ Tag 305c88zaa50 'S Polo RAMS Othe Tadatreiee® ©2222 eee it Manse at Lolo D seotasevs Line Gowrtve seame rags = 72 ZI2I220 Lis sSzea 11 1 RETOMGR, LINE SPkiqe'tein (S00089 oe spec cour"owe: 3 ieigorso0r~o005) = sre te oe reansalt te 22270082 1 Te 30 aSto an S21 ABREEOMTALSraarcezen, ass ar= > 2222 i SEE FLOURE 198 FoR oneAKoOM AND ATTACHING PARTS SSSohor Sexes SOpetaedes Misco" sAne‘ouSh MUNGER screw o totttetntotatenenr M2? * change 8826 Section It 1.0. L108-4 Group Assembly Parts List pansies FIGURE 38 ATRERANE SYSTEMS ~ SPARE WING ASSEWBLY 20 CHANGE 5 7.0. 1L40a-4 Section It Group Assembly Parts List a [iaenane SYSTEMS ~ SPAKE WING ASSEROLY 1 aoseezscoe wi in agsentys seetes ne ee = = - eee ed iShioe0 UL 1 iane Agsmaty’ spars Guesicuoas 205-029002 Arse Compitaice Wim .G esioeag) sens woe = 1 = 2 r0se2scon-210 + Shire Taace Prim sop6r9oane”AUBh Sot cogaktvean34) 2 TS 3eeagsseecdss 2 Nadosenstye'tne Tastateation © S's 20S7eNA*20381 i doscarrors 2 MEEET EAL ZcouEn oon “Cowra. syste ase oF= = : soetrete IoD Sthts"ott"ccocen onc covrnec stsrew 3 socarees 1 EEGs Eko Tnouccte’et re toseine’ = : : sorts 1 11 book ReErahr Se assve Ont cootes orex S i soetttore 3 ZL Reamer, ait cootee sup Seat ==>2>2=22227~«4 = 4 Jomtien isd 1 fuetsgéyievy wine Instaucatien's = 22222222222 i FresrsHitarty 1 MSS SMRSEnE Renate 22222222 IIT et SoecSsrose= it 11 MMaalGtinee Latoine Geen Covinou sister tarows 22 ascension 1501056-1 aeticesnts Taloinc" eax cowraoy evsrat rarcn, Asse Of at (Gusensties P/8 S00.9s7OSG-1 ATER Gneutance dims 0, ineloacere). es es aoo-asves?= 343 ss ss survonty Lawone cen CONTROL S¥SteM Gatch 7222 DO=saTise 9a ew LER LARDINE ck conTROL susten LATCH == === 1 yos-asv208 6355s cabLes UNDINE ba EDNrKOL STEN Uh FemwaBD = === astenaey oF aesea07208 ta. «+ cabuss"CANGINE BEAR CONTROL SYSTEM ay FERMARD = ~~ = ANP Asstt oF seesteaae ? ror Spi MaE Meant chee sen 22225222222 f lezen out 11 SPREE "Tornce!chnnkoeSy8tee ceaoins EeGe v6 Goa 305-407235 te 5 5 Sttty TRAOHTEe EDTROL SESTEN LEADING EOGE TE HocR”- 4 Soecetaci «2 SEL tL Seaker Assemmcv’ Tottee systen oreo puccey Reo => Soecaaraes LoL GMCe"etetne'eohottion canttous"ager ete SL sescesiaes ToL ot GALES ENGine Gonotrion comnaty INE Asser be => Bosses ses ToT 1 GAGLES een ove tnacasSy" an che MeNS A824 08 eae i Soscestene IoD ERLE; Polen Grey wine Assy oF n= = 2222227204 weranaee TLL GRE bowen Gte'winesassror ane 2 2222222220 1 Presets) LoL oT GLE EXtine Cosbrtion cemmmoty assy Gran > 72> soscsnare 11 GABLE, ERcine conbiTioN cowaoce Aine fgsn"or gic >> T ae tic ST asease DUreD ; os-s20106~ U1 c++ FAURLEABS LATERAL" eonTROL SysteN Fus $14 182652=— = 1 2osesaoiee 12 s+ + aLRUeAEN LaTeRtt"eonTRON. SySTER Pus S14 165082 === 1 thats essose tno, AS3¥ OF ~ 6 s05-¢29002-170 ++ susassennt nine teanacavtak sor Baoee sez eboaes 38 21S NUeMaSstnatye Swinerinersuiayions © 22222222 i doocsazess ag ttt Matavisteto, “tuttucnte, ette tocensg = 2 = = >> = 2 Sosrsassoa «23. 2 ft Sobvonny hres eowtnde Syerencanue eticasne an oscsaston= Sg > 11D keplatakantry careray cuimten tysssomine TAO IanUT 1 Sos-seasoe al $3.2 111 Getuthanty tavenat Covina Sts Cavite Imeur = es assem OF Re 0s-szea02- 10 ee + Sus suaassénatts lnc! InstauLation: = === === = SogcsSsane= AY ag 1 LT Sacn'ASSewatyy tat‘eonr vS"aicenon imveacomecy= >t 305-353000 Bh LoL ol oT Ghee Genes tinencotneets uprer assy ors = 1 sees Solo LL GSMCED CA Cake SE Mtencoumecr’ tower alsy ers 2 T Goscseanee ¢ $52 oD SGprudas‘Lar cost avs" spouvenesnietee tees So i Bosdasaees 12S LLL EHLERS Lar Cost’ SeS"anrenconmect speiien = => Sut tehen assy ar xe 205-522040- 12S ew BELLERANL, LAT CONT S¥S"S0OMLER SWITCHER == === 1 aos-e29002- 90 s+ sue susasSeniure WING susTaLLArion= ~~ == === a Soscsesaeos 21 os 111 SMaao"ASSVthy Cont SrS"avirenen vo avin center == aos-s2asz- 2 c= + MEohANtEN ASS¥y LAT CONT s¥s SPOILER ORLVE fim 1 BESET af ToL oD AMAR GiteoerTsve Soares’ ones S°2"= 2 T 1 ‘+1 CONPLETE WING ASSEMBLY, LESS FLAPS, AILERORS AND ATTACHING 13 FEE Broune 22 ro, sneanoown ano arracuii pants ‘E5 SEE FiGURE 120 Fen oREARDUNN AND ATTACHING. PARTS 435 SEE FIGURE 46° rR oneanoDw aN ATTACHING #AATS Grange 30 26e Section It 1.0. 1L10A-4 Group Assembly Parts List 38 |FRANE SYSTEMS ~ SPARE WING ASSEMBLY 303-229002-120 corn SUL SUBASSEMGLY, WING INSTALLATIONS ~~ — == —-~ 2 ¢ Bossansee te sil It TM supponre vat’ conr'sys Reoveeo seonee acr assy = - 1 205-s29936- 12 ne BELLcRAMy LAT GOVT SYS REDUCED seaLLeR ASSY CF RH 1+ BosaasaT & at SUPPORT, Lar CONT SvS SPOILER SHIFTER BUNGEE ST 305523930 21 ne co AsSty Lat CONT SYS SPOILER SMIFTER ORIVE ~~ 1 Gomes EE BELLCRane, aT Cont sys REDICED SPOILER ACr= = =~ 3os-s23302- 21 She 5 pou. astty LAT CONT sv spoILes suieter acruaToR: - 1 jos-s233%6 SEL I 1 I Guncte tsi "car" Conr sve aepucen srorems == => avtcgo3ae SEL LoL 1 RGUaoR tar Courses neouces sporuet onive ==> EF ROFaRY {osez41 Cee NR SPEC CONT OMG : fe1sorsalo-o00a) shes 4 5 ADAPTER SKTTEH ACTURTOR, ROLLER LEAF FoR MS2HOSE- 2 ‘Type Sulton (ezee¥i (Wa. SPEC CONT OVC Wtasasoao%cogei) (ae ASL) SLs + 5 ROD ASSY, AILERON CONTROL S¥E GEARED TAB ~~ = =~ #21 1D feos tas’cmr'sys sPorcen pare siNcLe une clevis END TF ASsOmaLy DF doses2sze4~ 31 42. 5 5 soDy LAF CONT S¥5 SPOILER PLATE QUAL END ASSY OF-=—- 1 3os-s23207 S222 1 RUDD CAT Cour $¥s SeotLen pcare OUAL ano CeeVis END = T+ ‘ASsenmLy oF ‘s05-523209 sis + 5 great, RepieeD’SporLen wechANISH waRNENG- = =~ ~~ = : Jorsassee SEL ff gob‘edsre tar coMT Svs sexing Tas onive ~~ >> >> : ~ 7 30g-easeor-zbo Lot duetssenacy, wino’tnsrattavsow's <= SUS DIZ III : 3os-ezsa02- to 5 ‘sun. SubaSsexaLys wing INSTALLATION” ~~~ => >>> T : See-see090) : wi chatty SUREET LOWAL CONT S¥s UBPER AFT ai = >>> : 3o0-524203- a1 : 1 S€CCeRanes DERECY Tonal conT” SYS APT LH FUSELAGE — : josssenas Ekatey DIRECTIONAL Svs Liv LOMER WING) Assy OFs =~ : Bos-senaia GROLES SIRETIONAL S45 Li UPPER wines Asse OF ~~ : Jos-saezls 2 GHBLEy ormecTiONaL Sys hu LOWER Winey ASSY OFS ~~ : Joscgeaai 1 GABLES GIRECTIONAL Sys Re UPPER WING, ASSY OFS ~ = 3 ‘3oocs2ea2) T ReotASsty DIRECTIONAL. s¥S REAR sPane — "== o> = > 2 3osesan2e3- a1 JyqStPeORT AsS¥, DIRECTIONAL $¥9.BELLCRAMK- ~~~ > = Boscezsoos= 48 Sue" SUeASsenouys wine INSTALLATIONS om == : dea-s2z025 SP GLEVES. eno, TuRBuCKLE CLIP LOCKING™ = — = : 305:385207— a1 T SELLCRate LAT cost Sus caste imPur un > — : 3oseses208- 3 2 Suppoaty"Lay cont sys came eeuvorae Ln =~ ~~~ : Boseseazos- 1 1 ReD"aSSY, LAr conr Sys" Graine TAB taut’ ~~ > =~ : joscseszia- 11 L_ReDy LAT’ cONT SYS TRIM. SPRING ORIVEy ASSY OF ~~~ : Bos-ezsaae- 26 Sua! SUbaSSexSUYs inc INSTALLATIONS ot == > > : 3oa-s22025 ectevis-enoy Tutneucnve eLiP Luckie ~~ => >>> 3 Bos-sasze2- 1 1 ReDYASs¥y Cat cant’ sys AILERON InTeRconnecT= ~~ = : doses23339. 3 1 Soteditrs' Lat cont s¥sspoitet sureTeR. unm = = ~~ : 305-523306= 1 1 BetLenats iat cant sve intencownecr sporueR = ~~ : ‘Serena soses2s34e- 11 she ee + meccaacs UG cour sys svosten swiscete == === 1+ yosrezsco2~ so sus suaasSemavs MING INSrALLATIONN == —————-- 10 ¢ Sospszasnae 2 sr ag0 ASSvy LAT CONT SyS\SuitcreR TO GvER CENTER => 1 aos-s23082 1 cs + MEGHANESHASSYs LAT CONT SYS_SPOILER ORIVE LM ee 30g-$23355- 21 SEI 1 1 1 Roo 'aSten Car Gow ses sparcea ontve <= =~ toe soe e2s002-106 LoL of Sue'sUenssthate ine tsraciations == = => => tof 3oesesz29— 3 silt 1 Ssupponrs tar" cow svsy min actuator ~~ > =~ toot acto2aeis-a SEL Tol T Aerustat, Sveton, euevaron, auooeR vain Gain — PE (se Tospiss-2i7=2 FOR SREAKOOMN THR SPEC Cour Ove metso-so02r0013) aos-ezsouz-s10 s+ + Sub. susasSenseYs WING INSTALLATIONS ~~ = === == RRS a TT SMstnwees Mar coer sve mdoizeo Seoruan xer= = 222 ft aos-s23337- 3 si... + surpowts Lat conr sys Seo1LER SHIFTER auNcee ~~~ + TDELLCRANK Un aos-s23938- 21 She ss 2 Mea age TAMEGtt sys sponwen suueten ove ==> fg aoseszssea~ an She. 5 + Reo asSty LAT CONT sys sponLen sureren ACTUATOR- = 2 Jos-seaave SLD 1 1 f GWncte Aer, ear cour sye Rebuceo sparen = tS awtcseaert SLID L AevUaronS tr’ courts heovcen seciten onive-~ => 1 coon 1s 5 5 + Avsorety SiITCH AETUAtORs ROLLER LEAF FOR NSzM4SG- 200 Tipe Seiten tapesty (Wm spce CONT OME Negs2-on0r~o00n) (SEE Ast} 1 SEE FIOURE So FOR BREAKDOWN AND ATTACHING PARTS. : $2 SEE Floune 23 Fon REAROOWN ano ATTACHING PaaTS. : 55 SEE FIOURE 52 Fon BREAKDOWN AND ATTACHING PARTS: : 2 CHANGES 0, LOA etal Group Assembly Parts List eine tavaae? DeseRIPTiON | ee ee sa Bie ae AIRFRAME SYSTEN ~ SPARE MING ASSENDLY 305520102 on PTT Fainceaoy toner CONT ss FUS sta 172.28 AMO 8 308-520103, #2. + + FAIRLEMGY LAT CONT S¥S FUS STA 177063 AND MING STAT 2 2094 INBOARD a0s-s20104 EArRLeRD (santas ABOVE) (OUTOCAROY = ————- ==> 1g Bensaotor FAIRLEAOr UAT CONT S¥S WING StAsSa.s0 INBUMRG = —=7> 1 8 Josszeioe FAInteno (SiMe-as agave) tguragaso) === ===> Le sosSz0it0 FAIRLEAD, AT cOMr'S¥S"wihG STA'I43.a7@ iNaoaKO => LS jos-sauilt FAIRLEAD'ISAMe“AS aBove) tourgoAaDy'="= "===> ~ 18 Jos-sauzer un Epeine assty Lat cont Sys Thine > ===> >>—=>> OL t 3es-Sasze0- 21 Roo assty AILERON ConrRoL SvS"GeARED Yaa= =~ >> >> OTF 3orszaz5e- 31 Roby tar 'cowr-svs SpoiteR Pare SincLe ano cuevIS =~ 1 Zio assenacy OF 305-523264- 91 #2. + + Roos LAT CONT SYS SPOILER PLATE OUAL ENO ASSY OF == 1 Jos Seazer S31 1 1 bbs UAT COUT Svs SpOILeR pUarE Guat AND CLevIS'= —— 1 soses22a81 s+ = DECALy REDUCED SPOILER MECHANISN WARRING! ~~ neo 30s-523506~ 1442 LD Rao aSSYs LAT CONT SYS SORING TAB DRIVES >>> =>> OL = 9 Somegsooe-130 Lot dveaggereirs Wine nsrateation| es > TZIIID ft 3os-e2s002- 20 ToL SSUeESusassevauy. wine instacatin= —— 272222201 30s-szee0s a2t 1 1 TMago"Asey rofwien spae caste, peLicname. => ->—> 1 305525901 SLL LL SEGA, CACO Ses“netderemeusecase ==> > 1S 3os-S23202- La S221 1 1 Wecverans Lat cont sys tugoxao wane FoRwan ==> 10 305-523230 22. se + Castes UAT CONT™SYS TAB ORIVE UPPER RH ASSY OF -- 1 8 3os-sazza8 32201 1 1 GROves UA Cont Svs Tas ORIVE UPpeR UR ASSY OF >> 1S 305-523032 2201 1 1 GABLES Ltr owe Ses TAB Gave Loven aw ASS OF => oT 3os-s23233 S21 11 GkUes (ar cor sve van ontve town Gr ASSY OF == Lo 305-829002- 50 Iolo dus'Sbassenyy wine meraltaviows Sos-sze201- aul 11 TMaetchanes CoxctTuoinal ses AFT upeee Fuseuce == 1 305-522202- 11 Sis + + 2) petloranee LONGtTUDINAL iNgoaRD UPPER FUS ASSY OF x 3os-s2otor S222 2 farntens Cat Cont sys wine Sra @eovtmegaRD—= "= Lt 3os-szetoe SEL 1D FAMRteso: tonottUostat cony Sv8,"Fls!ste ans.25 2° 1 soseszo1es 2s 5 FAIRLEADY LAT CONT SYS FUS STA 177.03 AND MING? === 1 # STA Seco5e, INBDARE 305-520104 42.0. + FatRueRD SANE As ABOVE) (guTBoARDD = = ~~ ~ - 1 oe 3os-s20107 32.2 1D patnteno, ‘tar cour’ srs une srass2eso Inaoaso >> —> 100 Sos-Seolog S250 1 1 FAIRCeAG: UAT Cont sys Fus‘sta‘uvises AND MING? ==> L$ STA Sez054 QUTUOARD aoss20119 ++ EAtsLenGs LAT CONT S¥S WING STA 148,578 INGCARO--- 1 ¢ Peso I o1 EAIRLEAO' (Stue"AS aaoved toufaoaaon == sm SL 3os-s20113 Lot FAIRLEAD,‘Uar-conr'svswmte sta‘ev0 ouTeoato- >> —> 13 Sos-szazes LoL GRACES one" Conr'gvs upen wine An assy cr = >> —> L$ Bossazat2 I o1 GROES LONG CONT Svs Goren Mine UH Assy or = >2>> 001 ¢ 3os-seeer5 TI GRACE, Lone CONT S¥S Loven wine Ail ASSY OF= = ~~~ tof Sos-sazzra IL Ghates Lone Cont $¥s Cowen wine OH asst o= - =~ > ro eSos0 Lot Yalnstucers Cet (eSsush tna Sree cour owe ===> 2 fe 'E405-5003-000) = 9 305-e25002-140 ss sueassenli Suite inetaltarioy = — = 2 —— o-oo = 2 Boscsacaesm 3 os 1 SLIME, AURICIARY FUEL TRANSFER, OSE TO CHECK VALVE = a rag ON MING REAR SPAR, ASSY' cr (TUBE CODE 230 seassia-ie fot tMitne: 2222222 eee Nisssteen rot cronter atte fete eee eet teat 2 10 SesStooi2 fivonautte equienenr insrattarton, wing => =>22222~ Ii Basses 1 AVIONTE INSTALLATION, MING COND Li = = ~~ = rita Diz jorsteco 2 TAMONTE TnSTaLcATION, Wine Cone Re => — =~ i 215 305535502 TREAT" AND Vent S45 INSTALLATION, WING COMPLETE: t SM 30s-s26001 1 FLAP conrnot_ system” INSTALLATION cOMPLETE> Dorf 30FXeo008 I Tank Gigractation, rue wine ss Sas 22D ITZ nel Bop-aevuos TFUEL SYSTEN'EqUuPKeNT InStaLLaTions MING === 7722200 3 $1 SEE EIOURE 49 FOR oReAKoONN AND ATTACHING PARIS. : 432 SEE FIGURE Se FOR BReAROoW AND ATTACHING PARTS i 135 SEE FIGURE 25 FOR SaeARooW AND ATTACHING PARTS. : 3h SEE FIGURE ide" Pan ene aKooan ‘ano ATSaceING’ PARTS 3 $5 SEE FLoURE ASU FOR GREARDORN AND ATTACHING PARTS : 136 SEE FiGuRE 4a‘rhm G1 FOR BnEAKOGIO AND ATTACHING PARTS : 47 SEE FlouRe 104°FOR eReaKSoMN AND ATTACKING PARTS : 35 SEE FIGURE 36" sto ai" Fon aneawaowt AND ATTACHING pass i TD SEE FIGURE 134 FOR GREARDOW AND ATTACHING PARTS : CHANGES 4G Section I Group Assembly Parts List 1.0. 1L10A-4 2 ATRERARE SYSTEMS — SPARE WING ASSEROLY = 17 a0s-1goat0- 4 a Witno assy OF (WING. Sta 105-75) Wy - ~~ = ~~ - 3osetsoaio- 2 ee ine assy OF twine Sta tesc7s) Ra >> >>> 3os-tecalo- 11 I oT SBeitens Wine Assy OF Guns Sra ilo ano 132025) un = > = dos lecaio- 12 IT Shoners dine ASs¥ GF (WING Sta 119 AND 322251 fe > =~ Sos-leeeto- 51 11 SSUILERS Aine assy oF Guine sta tases) uae se so 3os-Le0ato- $2 LoL Seciten, Wine Assy oF (ine Sta tascs) wis 2 >>> > = 1g dosctieoste “T Io aixc'ol“ceu‘aevatnen assy ore 22 DD D> Ty 3oscttoose- 5 32D stb, win skin pane suPeoar atracn = >>> > 22227 2 yo 30s-tioose- 11 22. Fhané,"Si Sein PANEL Suprant, ‘Assent of =~ >> = >> IH Seruteede: al S22 1 BUCK’ wine Ehaoana: PANEL’ upped ASsemscy oe = >>> >> 522 Sosctteese= 79 2 DT Gusher} Wing'tvaoanD.pavev”Uppen oouRe ——= = = = > >>> 3ostiooe- 321 1 books aite tboaao paNen UPPER assenoLt oF ~~ - ~~~ — = 23 30s-tieoor 352 f wine'staocrune assenture wns sneer SID IIT 24 3ostooo1s- S21 1 Bustaney wine racine eioes > > 22> DD IIIIIII = Wot zc007-os08 11 Sthevy fenntess wwe (siova1- = = 2 >>> 2 >>> 22— 2B Monz-o007-o708 1 SGtewt Reaocess awuon (fayogy2 = 22222222222 22% wottz-oao7-aa08 I oI SeREMS feaaess muon (a3yaor= = = 22222225222 © 28 wont2-o008-0ac If. Senews Far nego nvlow (43990) = = = > 2 >>> DL e 33s Sestfoaors- 1 dushiney wine yaatcine-eoce’= == 222222 2IIIII¢ Soo-szaouc- 13 2 Cine, ela Coxtna. c1pren oeive assy of = = >> >>> >>> Soo-szeoei- 1 1 BEtLEeanky FLAP COATAOL CIPPER RIVE ASsy OF = ~~~ ==> joo. Stone 1 CineSRsSehetvy ecar cowrkct cipper ontves © >> >>> >> tors3-dort-0013, : Mamaseee sce cee ee hastioerae. : eeeeessa hasiiee-39 : eee es hastioe-140 : eee aaa Nast toe=at0 e ete ere aetete steerer = 30 S0se1te08e" 1 1 FATHING, WING To MACELLE ASSY GF (Fo Be FURNISHED Less ~~ a2) naa G14 HOLES) sr1s6i-1022-7 + sonew 1Fale3} (Mk SPEC CONT OMG WELLZ-coow-LOCr! {SEE ASLI~ 41 See FIGURE 29 FOR BREAKDOWN AND ATTACHING PARTS: 22 See Floue 19 FUR BREAKOOWN AND ATTACHING PARTS 35 Ske Froute 25 FoR ReARoaW AND ATTACHING PARTS. 36 GOnpoNENTS OF $05-S26001 FLAP CONTROL INSTALLATION TO Be ‘SHIPPED LOOSE ss 0s-Tloosecil 10 Be sitereo Looses FURNISHED Less {21 a2. DIA HOLES (SEE FIGURE” 26°FOR BREAKDOWN AND 2H CHANGES NAVAIR 01-606CB-4 ~ Section it Group A_.embly Parts List Cae 22 MEST SRP Bee iso 222d aan 465-735003-1) 7 30s-135002- geil 1 Cine assy. etee extincursnen orsciance some to--—- 1 testes 21) YM este tees =o 22 eaeeaea Ss7-39-1-8 loop stems = gift 2 re ah: BAe: eae 4 ans2o-Lons asl oD D sceew = = tttt-- 2 HEES: Pil: Soeeeeseecee tt TES Bhar See eee : ets Pil as See ieee ss272iz-1-2 : [TERMINAL STREP> ~~ —- >>I LILO LLL lll e 2 euler 2 AGRE gh tie Wie edrieanie: ©2222 : msisersci.e TE Gover ganas Prov wsiesasiiL 20 sifted testoeanes Sop MIIILtcrcct Beeee eect ut seouieiee sae > ae Seat lire eau sty = === ‘ aa i] MNGnR Beaters o2fc22 it Se eT Ce aes sxe ows a 1.0. IL1OA-4 Section II Group Assembly Ports List 1.0. 1L10A-4 Section It Group Assembly Parts List 3 AIRFRAME SYSTEMS ~ SPARE OOM AND VERTICAL STABILIZER ASSEMGLY EFT HAND = 5 30%-229002- 50 SS SSUBASSEPOLY, Q00M AND VERTICAL INSTALLATION= == ---= 1 2roseoise 3 ey pecan eee eerie 2ieseoise Lot fetes 22ST ISIIITIIIIIIIIsIIin 3 Sossuaz 7 covery cow antenna euTour= === 2222222220} Bod-seante 1 fovem Poaatien tion ©2222 ZTIIIZII=I=0 Boscseisia 5 ons nore eer te eerie Bessa 7 Se i Setoaessa ari 1 1 GiGi tazere uk Sete cont ove fears-sooscoozin= => Aaeoane STL T anretg” GGraert'S 27S 5287 ONS TES ae i Ub133"e602-1202 ToL 1 GASH. neoueeo oo casseer= = = : [is3-aot0-000s, Io o1 MMSHERs Reovceo 00 (e3se01— = = é Pata ieetenis DoDD Masnent SDSS PPO III IIIT 5 insite velit Magis sllliIlII2 ee 5 hite2o24 Dil dal llliIisliiiiiiiit 2 sszisievere Dolt Gime llll2 2222222225262 2 meatoiewc3 235 GMBILIISIIIIIIICS 2 RSzisiowes: anes 2 Beatstswce Dobb eit? 2IITIIIE i Aseiotatoe Dit mfll22 A fnszunaed72~6-82 ILL MOF Trbgtet wm Seec cont ave wei14-aoat-o00: 7 = 19 s05-425003- 40 ++ SUBASSERBLTs. BOON AND VERTICAL INSTALLATION= ===> ~> 1 TD 3oscs29003-s20 11 TMfane’assévocy, soow' ano vesrieat Tnstactation = => = 1 Ti2 dosce29003-020 ToT oT TNusnssinalt, soon avo venrieau InstaUcaTioN: ===> 3oo-seiat 3 tee mabe apne ane era teeter rere eee tbae LoL ft Gowecrok tasstar tia siez cow pwe= = = == 222 i hesi4-oa03-o001) {See ASL) anuzaraasiss cs + + netay (OS020) te SPEC CONT NG HE4SS~5003-0002) - sap938 ToL f Gapacarote noran' RuMWiNe v75"Micko eaRAD (56269) ——— TAR" SPEC CONT DG. HE4es-0007-0001) (Greasy axons shee ee RELAY Mut Trani) = =~ = 2 eee 1 tree? S51 111 chave assy (335250 ine spec cont owe |= 2222 OT ereans oS ee came WSS4 133825 UR SPEC CORT OMG =--~ ~~~ 4 109-116-801 s+ sour NGFAES (SEE Teo 12R2-4-90-4 FOR BKDM --~ 1 Asas050—23, Dol duran S28 © pee eeeeee a4 = 13 Sesteaeo03-ato TT AIAETASsenau¥, e008 ano VeRricaL INSTALLATION i 30sS3ss5— 11 IoD Covers puer near ano vent. Iwenters == == t Bos-saaals 11 Mokrée?winess, Sut rey 20 Bveass O1ScONNECT- i Besser 3 1 1 Coveks acow anrénna. cutout = == == i dossaiaae IoD athetdrs "Su fer-a0"evpass o1scomeer > 2 >>> 2 IZ 1 5133¢0002-1202 : febuceo oo (4398917 = a torsd-cco2-1203 ie REDUCED Ob (439991~ — Puaciectcte ToD snent SAIESS See T Fy anststans ag sees Seer A wS2io4209. a Eee ei a Rsatans.oe ea DLtlliiiiit 23 nszisisnca tt di 2IIii oe fa hzlsisnc? a See : fsziaiswee 5 Eoeeeee = 5 Rszisisuos ao Pillii: i ns2ie1syei0 Dol dime 22227 2 fsatstoncis Be See See a = te Sostezsoess 10 1 SustsSetaty, Goon ano venrrcaL instautateax © >= ZI 2 TIS 305-eas003-200 2 SNSUB!SUBASsewstyy BoOH AND VERTICAL. INSTALLATION > ~~ Soo-sezz04— 21 Tor Maco "assy, Coke sve art Uepem rusetages = = = ee Boa-szazie- 1 ToL 1 GELLGRNG, Oineetional cont ses VERT Stas assy Ge= Boo-szeaii- | I o1 1 Supsoete"dutecriona Conr svs versstase == Oy 3o0-sesais II 1 ckotes Sueeerionae th ureet soon, assy or ===> ~ 1 Soo-szeazie ITT GAMES DIRECTIONAL LH Lowe soon, Assy Ge = 22> ‘ry SEE FIGURE 138 FOR NA AND ATTACKING PARTS 3 S5s200 SCREW sUPERSEOEE ANGIE SAKE OASH ALMBER SCREM FOR FUTURE REPLACEMENT 49 Weps70r ScaeM,SuneAScoes ansz0 SaME ASH NUMBER ScREM 36 See Floune 126 FoR Ria AND artachiNe PARTS Se SEE FroURE 52° rom wha ‘AND atraciiNe enRTS CHANGES 260 Se ni Group Assembly Parts List eer = 17 30023210032 21 1.0. 1L10A-4 AIRFRAME SYSTEMS ~ SPARE BOOM AND VERTICAL STABILIZER et” SUbTSUDnSSeMaLY, SOO" AYO VERTICAL INSTALLATICN 1 ado"Ag5y, Cote con Sts" spaine 1 ToL 1 nop Assy Cone Cont sys vert Stabe =~ 11 Betcening, Cove" courses "venr-tn AFT cAGLE = — SUPBckty vane CONT’ sts SPRING TRIM INPUT = = =~ Chale, LONG CONT s¥S AFT SUOM UPPER ASSY OF ~ — — 2 CABLE, LONG CONT SYS FWO BOON TO WING ASSY OF - 1 FatRtdase toNe ano ommecTiona cont caste ~~ > = 1 FAtRLER® (SAME AS AB0vE)~ "PLANE, ASSENBLY OF Cove EON S¥S AFF aoom CawER assy oF = > = SEE FIGURE 49 FOR NMA AMO ATTACHING PARTS SEE Flouwe 30 FOR NMA AND ATTACHING PARTS Ghaces Lens CUNT SYS FAD Bo0n assy of =~ = => => 200 CHANGE 5 7.0. 1LIOA-4 Section I Group Assembly Parts List eee Pane see pase se = DesceirTion = ae = 2 305625003-190 1S 'SUBASSEWBLYs 8008 AND VERTICAL INSTALLATION- ~~~ --- 1 0 308-738003- 5 Sill LT erackery Fine extincvisnen sotrue (seo on ==> > 1 : reat) po dekeins Sharan ee a eee = 9 305-z29003-140 SUEASSEFBLYs BOOM ANO VERTICAL INSTALLATION: ~~ 1 . SOE) LT Eee eee aleree ssiver == = === i aos sa24i3 9 Soff Aoaprens ecec mounting INveRTER = =~ === >>--> 02 8 = 9 38ic829003-120 IoD Susassemaiy, aoow ano vertscac instautation= === >>> 1 tesseu Be ee eee eee | ieee, pease ee ee = 19 305-829003-110 21 Susisserony, aoow ano verTicat Insrauuatton= = =~ => = 1 305-541412- 9 Did ‘soon ANTENNA GUTOUI- = 222222 IIIIIZ fT : BeBe p00 ff P BRUR eet bem ibe 2222222222272 i MEM $0011: GRUNT I ITri cers oici 2: ea ina gyi 1 Wistee aee aageiney miei bey= 2222222 it TEE SDP 1 HRIRRr ah ingengy etek be 22> TT oi ERE Sfp ene te ete ee ieoieatthe, 7 2: BMS eb femisten 0222222222222) ae iegrameies 72 1: ERR UMS Wiser 22222 Sees ne tise ai) RRBUSS SSRI: See. NS2i91s063. Doll daei ill l lil lIIIiiiiiiiiiic 7 . Hates el san te ltteer H mS2icezLoe i yp oo en 3 = 1b 395-825002-100 2D Suanssenoty, Soom ano veaTteAL INSTALLATION sii 43 ToL TINusasséeatvy soon! ano VERTICAL INSTALLATION SEE F1GURE 40 FOR WHA AND ATTACHING PARTS HSSstoe Senéu SUPERSEDES aND15 SAME OASH AUMBEA. SCREW SEE FIGURE 155¢FO" NIA AND ATYACHING PARTS S3520Y Scaeu sUureRSEDES ANSz0 SAME ORS ALMBER SCREM Fon” FUTURE REPLACENENT AIRCRAFT HAVING TETO ICoA¢Be INCORPORATED change 26 UN Section It 1.0. 1L10A-4 Group Assembly Parts List Puscaieon FIGURE 90 AIRFRAME SYSTENS SPARE 00H AND VERT/CAL STABILIZER AESERELY RUGHE aND 2 CHANGE 5 1.0, 1LIOA-4 Section It Group Assembly Parts List ie a vaaasae pescnirrion a 2 AIRFRAME SYSTEMS ~ SPARE BOOM BNO VERTICAL STAGILIZER _ Hae Beene seat stenoses = eee eefee are ia estes Seer 305=542412- 1b av lolol 1 panec’Susassemsiy cuseo on 3os-seqi2y — > 2 TD OD ferent retest Pe eee eae en earner a Sate nonsumie G22I1; ie Fee eerie 015 9-ocoz-1202 2 wasmeRs ReGUCEO OF (az9991- - > === 27D II III tater Ee ete tee os tbe cle ANS1 5-888 2 screw ~ >= 2-2 252 55222222 IIIII wS2t04203. Damm cli lll lllllliliic s2ia15K66 2 Game 2222 IL IIT ieee eee wS21 5156614 Docuame 2 22D IIII III Ns2L9LuC La a uae iultlle: sen angprad janaunnme 220727 Soo-szeane IL 1 DeLechant, OtaecrtoNAL CONT SVS VERT STAB ASSY OF= Seeszeatie | SurPoRT, bueecrionae conr'svs veRTeavane—"s = o> Jorszeait Eksce, SuRECrioNL RH UnpER BoDMy ASSY Gr= ===> f Soonseeaia J, ,tHBtey DIMECH ONAL Ko LOVER SoOmy ASSy OF= ===> OT = an 305cazse03-230 Sunt Sisadsenaty, BOOM AND VERTICAL INSTALLATION 1 Soscgeanss- ak Pago assy, Low cont Sys VERT Stabe = = = i Soisageaene 2 TT SLR, Motetoaikt CBN 8 %ekr an art == aeseszzzeH 3 155 5 + + supports LONGITUDINAL CONT Sys AFT CABLE ATTACH: = 4 BELLERAN SEE ELOURE 139 FoR Mik AND ATTACHING paRTS SEE FIGURE 128 Fon Nit AND ATUACHING BARTS NS35208, SCREW SUPERSEOES. ANSIS- SAME OASM NUMBER SCREW Fon” Futuae Atetacinent, ‘4 WS35207" SCREW SUPERSEDES AN520 SAME DASH NUNGER SCREW Se See Fcune 43 For WA ino ATrachiNe PARTS cms 60 Section I 1.0. 1L-10A-4 Group Astambly Parts List perma oar wn ow prscnrerion a soar anne = a 8 “AIRFRAME aTENS SPARE BOOM AND VENTION STABILIZER - 305-222067 gy TY Ghetes"Cike cone ses arr po0m urpeR assy of =~ --- 4 Jos seezen GABLE, Lone GOW SYS fu goo" LOuER Assy Gr => ==> OTS” Sossazare EABLe, Cone cowr Svs art GouN LOWER Assy OF == ==> Lt 3eacs8Mase 3 FAIntEabs owe avo bintertesac contac. easuee ===> EE Joosatase 3 FAINLEAD (sane AZ-ABOVE|ow weet Z ZT = 19 38e58t00R at oom Went stasit tenceavico fuseiace sta ase T= ==> LF Se pencent PLANE AtSEnoLY OF #4 SEE FIGURE 49 FuR NMA AND ATTACHING Pays + 2 SEE FIGURE 30 FOR AHA AND ATTACHING ARTS : 2k CHANGES. T.0.1L10A4 Section It Group Assembly Parts List \— "ant eR Peano eeeee besemprion ~ Uys age 3 “RANE SVSTENE ~ NACELLE ASSEROLY SPARE LEFT WAND D1 os-ezs00e 11 SMMMCELLE asst, SPaRe Leer jan =~ ene on Boose = 2 josceesoeen sto 2 MtasSEtbve macette mstaccanion: 222222272220 P t 2 5 Sostessoocare Tor SMCUb Siatgsthaty, saceuce-maseacuarion = > 2 = ct2 Boorssscom 1 en 22S "gmucnety man CanoINe GeAn MneeL Coon ToRGue Swart aSsthalytor tn doo-sa007- 2 egAckeT (save AP ASOVED (RW) =~ == == == =-- 24 300-333008 TOccLe, ntGrwneer oom TORQUE suAFY AcraGsy a= > 2 See da;eee 1 EHLLCRING, (mle uneey Doo AcT assronuwts's S22 Gf doscsaaoie ime beet Souk AcTuaFaR ASGY GF = 4 Soo-333013 Fit¥aney me uveet ‘oon cane = =~ — to: seo-saa0ia AED ENDy MLE OOUR ‘LIN Uprea = = = > > ae soo-anp04s 400 Endy ALG Door Cink Lowen = = = > = 2 3 3oo-aan016 Shtct MUG MHEEL eOOn TORQUE aSbv OF i sao-dua0t atnere ASsve"me gnetu ooone S="°E 22> 7 2 i seo-a33025 LL Ctants LS moBeL BOR SaaeT APTA Bos 3acms3a0ze fy nu aeceL Suen Tonque shart stews SD seozsaa030 oUy, "neo wwEEL OooR ACTUATION Lineage = ==> > > 3 Seozas303t ity’ wte:aerueton cingaces 2 AE DTI I I i Seos3e3013- 5 S0U, "ito dow arragts = = = Sere tataane Note SELF Cocaine DOUBLE FeaAGON tod6e0) TNR SPeC™ cOvr owe HeLie-obee~odce! USEe ASL) ewaaicto #1. 5 + + BEARING, PLAIN ROD! END SELECALIGRING Tee LINED ~~ MALE THREAD 250°F (24335) {MR SPEE CONT us weisi-ooste20ce) see ASL) emtoarcio OL. + + BEARING) PLATA ROD END SELE“ALIGNING THE LINED == 2 VRALE THREND 250° (219351 nn SPEC CONT fauna one ao = ng meme HB REET oe sane pie eee Ee eed eras ela ase eras Soest: BERR, gd 1s pgp dete tee 22202: eG bP D1 2 HAG pista oe fccf222222 oe RE SSD: RuMS me Mgtag 222cclici: bo BEES | HE ff | SPUR MIRE MURINE «222: i eae if] Ree eee ce See eeee i: 2 BBs, 0D dali ecg jennie 222227 ee ff EOS PED ERGEEAGE Sc lieenic 222222222 $i sara Si pees nana Scie eens os + enue SHR ORME noewacenc: ft 22 SEE SEE We ru it i era an : chANGES 268 1.0, 1LHOA-4 Section TI Group Assombly Parts List 1.0, 1IOA-4 Section It Group Assembly Parts ist 3 TIRGRANE SYSTORS ~ NAGELLE ASGENOLY spane LEFT Pano = 11 ans-e2vo0r- 90 SMSboasserour, cette tastautarion’ === = 2 == IE REGuCs Lo Mune kSstmats Swecetcetnenageanion = = 22222 i SoecSaresemtk ona TD sagttenane Undine ceat enatioe Svs carck ===> se1056-1 4 mexzeatitty Uisblie cxan comeon, Sesmbx tas SEiv'ob Ia" Cotressenes B]a Soo: sa7osectt abreR Grains Ginn ono) ee 1 aoo-aav0s7= 3 ane. «+ Supboniy Canoe Gena contact SS Laren = 22224 aoo-aa7ise- 3 roveRy Uinbine cE sys Latch 1 BELLCRANK LH 7 aeor237080 = seam, EH : Seo=d3n005 f, gant" ueeont sea Ge art ags¥ o2 2222IZIIZ0} <1 esezsese- 30 Suekgserdury mactuue insratcartons c= ==> 2>22>~ Ot parame iosettteertd ‘She wekdstnacys naceutetnerauuavion = => Z22>2~ Ot Seccesrosi-'tt ‘sierony enolic cowraon ays" cono en0Le ASSY GFZ =>} Sergi st ES 1, eo dads Ene cSa Sysren pusrerdees S's SLID G wis Wesco Lol oL SusTStaAdSthotty Gececcetatattarion’s 22 DI20 deerearoaie 11 : stevony encine’ Conta, ven Level Asieor >>> 2 ecwtarosse ot : 5 nebcaadvs tneccont sysronpusteruiss =e 22> 3 SESE Th : anes shinee aeruS ine TaN nz asia = dereanaes 3 2 thy" ston kerustine. vanpine GEAR wanntnge “== t ithekasee Loot Mie Motne’seaeakateatfon guten tarazay as =f = 16 SOSEERGe 20 Tot dulilgeiyy iucece naracario i aoossereise “3 pot teoveme’s MESHES 7 : weresseeeeaade ToT ot MRSEEAS aeasces oo” casgoa2 = a Paeen Dolor washes £ = $ Aetoastoe cae eee Seca Reatatida B88 riiii 3 Resists Ae Eoeee : = 17 305-829004-300 1D Suaassenscy) wacetue insratcarion= = = = = 2 ot Ti Me eesaer se 2D OSIMENGEisitvetnscetceiAStattanion = = a SLL 1 WStthrion steevioy eufe seceiae puaroze, russ > 3 Teamatatoypéay‘thne spec cont ove nszoesscat Bremner eee ‘ Masses eee nea fateh etere oteteteictreiate : Resltice Dl TaMMEE : teesss Soe wne ater see i ~ 19 Seetedtooe-sie Dol D dnttes eG waceuie wstalarios : derrsceessoanie DODD NAEEve agate en = i Teadibesscees) ate sats = 20 Se tesans20 fone hate nacecieostacearion =~ > BEEtES-tasas 1 Ct a sooeas RESIN i Boscatiee- Beery satréty covets MACECLE ASSY UHC Roop MAceLue exrreny assy Of = == ~ Gchnen snccey Sarent suPront hactLtt ~~ Coves'aSsr, exrteny postrive Teaninat ~~ Scat, “Aviéuics EaUromeNT IDENT IF teat tan™ Gecat’ avioMses EaviomeNt 1OENTIE eaTion= BUS eins. aWeVeR shunt. 0 FUSELAGE GROUND = Cooma at tigy peat Tes (OVL38) ton Sree asneey netucen a5. 1439990~ == = = = Dost SHE FgURE 97 FOR Na AND ATTACHING PARTS. Change 2 2a ‘Section 1.0. 1108-4 Group Assombly Ports ist wot ons Psat manor Saceaeeneranaesad besceirTion vas a se ee i Be 71-33 eis 2D uae ae Ribu PED Biba icwoeisnicae 2222222 See / wSdtceacoe gp ae unre orete ma Hess See mae eee mS2izeo-1h DoDD ceowwer e225 04 Biss eee se er : ws25080—5 alo do snus 222 II III I-22 ees ERECT BR eee arte ft ts Ho Boat nei eis : BBS beet ise ee : Nasi aeanea 2 Geeaver fitiliitt 2 a L Geeuer = iit SurhonT ANGLE, aug weet Doe TOMGLE SHAFT $ SUpeuer ANGLE" Sane" as.A0avE) Cen) = == 1 3 SuppcRr ametes Le WHEEL DOCH TORCUE SHAFT QRKI'LGRER LR Soorasaeae: s SUpecat ANGLE’ voane AS. ABOvED (Rng = ones en nen t 22 Jossate 1 HVORRUL IC EGUIPRENT ANSTALLATION RACELLE (UI > > t ritestrectey Misheh, FLAT (agony seen ee sD ee Pa beatoasue ete eee reer te Rastigess WILLIIITIZILLLLLIt fiiiiiin % Maitete (ogc ste ete ay a eater tt _ = 2s So0tk2tot ot NACELLE ASSEMAL¥, CaNTED FUSELAGE STA LaLse 1G 786 TUWI= 1 S66 F1oURE 150 FoR qa ANE ATTACKING exers 32 #535208 ‘Seatu supeaseaes ANSLS SOME DASH MUMDER SCxEK For future strcacenent 33 SEE FiqURE 26" FOR mk AN ArTachiNe. eaeTs 0-SEE FIGURE 25 AD 49 THRU 61 FOR Noy SREAKOCAN AND : ArTacrING. PaaS as SEE ‘FIGURE 20 FoR nna ANG ATTACHING Pants 26 Charge 25 1.0. L10A-4 Section It Group Assembly Parts List 1 Taenane SvaTErE ~ WAGHLLE ASSEROLY PANE RLONT Fano = 1 aap szsooe 1 CT MMCELE assttatry sPate aut mangers —e =n ' aaa certTy + MPSUESSEERE Aac2tte Hata Clitc == TD III III a Tod petezseotsieo Tot TRIS hatistaate, naeecee neesiusrion >> 22> 22 Soocsiscer= tant It SMPAdabters"marh Cansthe GOac"bneeeboce roneud Sard joonsasc07= 2a seacner ISMtE AE ABOVE Y= = = = 2 = ‘ 3950353508 Tegstey scence ou tabe” Siar aE abey Ge : 38ec313808- 1 viel atett Bade Ath S87 of Ue SeLecrane’¢Same'as Auover cease St soe 33018 LoD DRIVING wheet Sup act" assy or= = 2 22 >= Sapa ToL LL Ghee We sheet" Stue?acruatun'assy ar > 222 yeerase1s ToD 1 FIRS WSaeer" doa 'caee “S78 DTT T Boo 3s3ane ODD oD pap ines ate Boor vie ubeea = = 2 DID Soe s3303 ToL off Rte tee ats took Cine towee =~ > 2 sao sso PDD Sitar tychneet"onow rckube assy soontisers DoD DD RGNGEE ASSee"HCS tee "ooaee 285" 3eea330% LoL 1 RECChants cchantet pote: Seaer avtach ast or = 3eer3}acee, LoL BM HCENMCED Soon vomabe sears’ 2i2°? 5 door 33006 LoD L oD RG. ieee coon aeruarion Caweace = => >= : 00-3807 ToL T ot pita ’CeSotuie Acrustan tineace <2 [TI I2 2 : Soongaan- 5 Ml oLof of edi" etebonearrace svee | TTD IIIZE : ate SEL LoL 1 RG TSELE (SERIA TaSUaLE Hexacon Goneecy aww $reC= : Cet Owe mE lta~ 9846" 0G08) (SEE ASLD wewnarcto Ls ey 5 muanince Puan RODEN SELFoAL TONING TEE Line == 01 ‘hue fates 25006 (21395) Uwe SPEC CENT he weisiccoetzcces (see ast) semtoateio. sb 5 5 5 BEARING, Platine aoo tNo SELPAALIONING THE LIne == 02 Pi tHnesG 2500" 12195) tie SPLE CON ving TRO Meta roosTe teh SEE ASL) Rasseteacis, pe ecm eee eerie SH 3 Samet rectrrrerrey LoL of dus ’SiaSsieacY. sacdule” mstatearien = > Dit soensSout Tol o1 TMatncee sssvy "ate" uecuces = eee es > > Doi 3eeraaoues 2 ToT 1 Osteck, Math Chtoine cea assy OF wh = Doro seorsenaae- 3 : Seitce'assry ate Untcce nase Sn oT Sh 6 Seocsteogs- 4 : Telcgees ALG UpcoeK. suiren aie = > >> es Soarseecae FI ‘ate uPLOcK suitor assy = = = = : : Soar sccces Wee uPLace Satvey cine: = ~~ >it Seas a T dovehtyy Cabnee AS STATSbeS aM sot Prnuste-32~02 Dold Wishes 2222 eeeeee 2g ~ 5 TOES e LoL SuolSSERECys aacetue insracan t 3uo- Sacer Tor MMccoen até tice assy urs 22> >> = Joo a33eas TLL RGtMindey 605 weet oboe pange eine = = = rr invari LoDo L hinge'enk Tadeyer = oA DTT 2303 © Jeserscoyteo ToT Sueesseraty) nacecce Ingraucarigns => 72 T Dots = 4 jagezsooe aso Tot S'SUaSSaAsstrocrs nacetce dnsraciarion = > ce Pant aol 11 SMSIPERSSTGEL oneseune (Heated Gan see Dobot SRC Gg ap ee teeeneeet eee are eyet cece eeieietete tien an | sStosies04 20005 fo paanes 22DIDII22 ete tes Sebseiicee Blof op pean 222222222222 2II2 SH 3 Sosvaatuae- 5 S31 LD Unt SGE as Conen wane te Canto ecummeng asivor = Tt Sescancans. 3 Sol oL oT TINE: FUEL fh wan" uoser wive'to caren vatve assy= > 1 Besqacaie 3 S31 1D CINED FUEL AN soum heck Watve™tocawret Butxmeae => 1 Assteec"or ws2ucese ae everett eee ee ~ 0 Teese 40 Tot SuedtSenocvy hacetee iaseaccations 2222 D22IZ727 PS Pot eo DMR EeearUassesh' tut sree cunt one newue-soeimcesn= - dt = 9 ASStEBso0e- 20 LoL SuenSsepetys aad eceeanstaruationsts 22228132 i 3 sbocn3sor3 sel 1 SM olates Flee oerecritn tocar sarery wimtng > 2222S banaae SOD DL fecknte’ Gisess"tua Sete cowt bro hessorseer=cein= = +10 E82 bsc0e- 100 LoL duehsSthitey nicetueninstatuatione's Sse PS soornionoes say LT ™NCIRE’ASS¥, "Fane: extincursrn Discearce, FITTING r= TF Eanted Fus S18 280 To-canteD Fus' STA 226457 Je TISHCE 345 ew + LINE ASSty FIMESEXTINGUISEER DISERARGEY CAME (aad = 1 Fs" sta 226.51 To CANTED FUS"SIA'204e256 (Am) weserssaces 3 soe e+ tine 0534, Fine extinguisher brsonaRel, caktecs == =e POS" staZoe. 250 tO TEE I ENGINE BAY URED SI Sep E1guRe To FoR wHs ane ATrAcHANe PARTS + TE SEE ESURE a Fon Ai ino Srraceis Paste : nny 27 28H 10.1108 Secon Group Assembly Parts List soe oa se a BRR: } BeeSoneeee ag lor MMGatUEhabee'Uindi' cae connoe sts uarane > ==> stot v1 1 mye le em co sar une Bos-aarzze IL Lanky swtTeH ACTUATING LANDING GEAR WARNING ASSY OF = 1 eer in siete ameeranniee SP Sf + Seo BoM Oke yedascaont ooo eta aes =o pee Reatotoaes Dit See se seeies : : 2m BEIRE ge 0 ff ett RL ner Ea cysas LoL f Tnsutarion Sueevines reec specray puarose, fuac-- 2 s28036-27 Dololof remumay =o 2 52552222255 552222 3 Hes P22: ABRBRESSISIIIII222 eee creas, FOLD f INutarioR Stecycs cuec speciat wuavoses Face = 4 Ws2s e520 DoDD of reams 22222222 fitit 2” eae Sec lemetininiceeeee sr peers HERES ¢ gg! 2] ithe je 2222 pees : HER 2 Bit) BREE Wa aie wane cci2i22 | 308541322 S52 2 blocks eartety coven. surporr nacetter aoueeee BREE BLL 2 GRibabe aati = 22 a BRR gL] ERR eee 222222 SEE FIGURE 97 FoR Nit AND ATTACHING PARTS for front neotacenes ‘26 062 BLANK) 0, IIOA-4 Seaties Il Group Assembly Parts List Se, ar Teese? oesonOn ae a TIRGRANE SVSTERS ~ HACELLE ASSEWALY SPARE AUGHT Rano auc 2-16-32 st tigen Gaamieie = ns eee itetectenss PotD Mstes 1iisee)< = 2 2 EESEiD 2 sensei eetene DDD MMGSBML IIIS IT ILIIIII2 22222 i ssreaceeis Doll Sate tas) 2222 eee BREE ei ta trade casera tect eee eee: ned Mi MBB LDLiziizsziccciziiiz ft iSiseane See ee eet eres eee so) ANS39R6U oe eye aac alee ela ae iaree ane ee 2 rr netnoas-ice ToL t tigetas rac eee S ee Belaedecisie ToD o1 CRUER UAE FROM NS 12 eet Maes a eee io Reateeahae Sea reese es Replaee-2m rower oe SSotstsaeto ft dae ag 4 Sehtsionee Scan ee teatsiene? Pit etiae = lu te88tticas olt Atm: === oa nents ToD D Tani stale a teatcie Dot remmat Sey a neanatacice Lott TERMMAG Stans 2 2 2 oe tasaencaes fot Ah i2 2 Sk tuahesae wii MGeiiliiii: See 4 meses Mtott Mile 222227 eee mopaaets Sil wPSDIIIIII: eas maidens eee erste tet Sat westaennea tee puma are eo * = 20 So0ess027- 3 sal D Suepoer anotes ue wneeL bc eit Miccaaegt: SL SUphoer anete'cfane’ as haoues tangs SUa'T SAAT eRe Nf Seocssauee= $3.11 Skeronr ANGLE, ave wheel boon TORGUE Shar anicr"Lowen Le 1 Joocgaiose= 4 $2 1 Eupeone anete’roane ascanavey trey. S22 eee 2> 3 telp3socticoots PT AUUNEn fbr dotn MSTA Meenag ems > zig Wash 1ga~5, iofogar-2-22-22flt err este eee -- 4 Mstetce Ey ate tte arate terete waz MOSot ae os 11 RSEELLe adsinacys cantea Fuselage sta vate wo ase wwe 1 SEE FIGURE 150 FOR NA AND ATTACKING PARTS 2 RS35208. SCREW. SUPERSEDES ANSI SAME’ DASH RUNBER SCREW Fon FuTume REpLacesent 2 SEE FIGURE 76 FOR Aka. AND ATTACHING SA SEE Floune 25 Axo 48"TARU G1'FOR Nae BREAKDOWN AND drrscning. ears 5 SEE FIGURE’ 29 FOR WHA AND ATTACKING paRTS T.O.TLIOA-4 Section It Group Assembly Parts List 4 AURERANE SYSTENS ~ NOSE ASse¥@LY soscsiyoa1 SINERAME_ASSEWBLY, FUSELAGE COMPLETE = = = = ~~ ~~ ~~ = nee = OST 1 Nast assemly, tus stao"ta te.a0 COMPLETE ISEE FIGURE 5 REF Fak ADDITIONAL @REAKOOMN = 2 sosattoiy 5 c++ panRy MOSH: ASSEMBLY HUN SIDE ONLY} = === — = =~ ~ ner F3 FOSSSSR ToL T MER *eUS°Srt"iSr00"«'5'on noni tao Pus wast Gears = 'E ook nince SupPant tw este 341 ono Ee : = Tootsiteae Be 6 Re rer eee Soenee Soaemec Dos eae ToL TSAO ett eR ean, tonansery clase You enance INIWIATURE, C-BORE{19053) (Nha DESION Srec"Cownkot ous. wel ie-a028-0001) tnasaeontteoont cos wasneRs FF Uasioys een ag ~ sn sabia? LoL DREMREO CaT etttiSte8 wavy Fowu-sérs cuose vou 72212 eaaosa-2-2 fs Mury SELE LOOKING, PLATE: THO LUGS» FLOATING ~~ =~ 12 RINEATURE C2B0RE, (15653) (WA SPEC CONT 046 Retie"ooiacaooty' See ast = 8 1s6ea6 c+ + SeReM"00e FLUSH MT=SHEAR HEAD, TORGHSET, cLOSE- ~~ roLeRanee (43990), nasiagea, toe MIAME eee teen ene 8 - or Weta ToT 1 SeReue "tos Fests frcsiean WeAd, ToRG-SeT, chose => 38, rougtanee, (439999, mevansn-a- se + murs SELESLOGKINGY PLATE, 140 LUGS» FLOATING, = ~~ — 34 MINIATURE, C-BORE{u3633)- CRA’ BESTOW Spectr icatiow conrtac. onawine wet is-o018-9003) = 1a Ts3enae c+ Sete 1ooe" FLUSH MIESHEAR HEAD, TORGSSET, cLose= == 4 roueaance (49999), Lousd-oa02-140 5 wastens REDUCED a) t4a99q)~ ~~ --=-------- 6 weztonges 5 fe rere ere ay re T83e°3ee IoD TD Stree eruersren wend, roro-ser, close roueminces — = o1s3-vog2-1409 see uasnery REDUCED aD Caasaer~ ~ Boeceoo 6 Seaiaa23, et wee eee Pease = = 4 haseteas fees worries ere e eerie eee Tt Saststotze 3 DoD oL ekeee ty etec e-aaio avrewie souwrine = 2222 LIZ Say Races Io f wess"rug Sta‘i5.00"tup'as-00 FAD FUS NOSE Gea paow = ‘ince suoposr th soo-s1 gas & cos Wety SaMAS anoVED S's = =~ ~~ ---22--- 1 <1 Mestsrar LoL of Rpboaty etter srarie mare 2222222222220 f TAL GoStetoz- aay LTD gkaeKers puvor Starie paessuse swivon assyror 7 ==> TU escSteios Spot otf pecker Sanelas movers ee SET IIT tasoanas eee en rureca ee Deeper eateries 1g MooestTatot ToL 1 husty"f08"Sya 9 7a 24.00" aSsenaue or eeeee 1S 30023t1343- "ot ToL LT Givens FS Sri'o ta 3se00.assensty eee Die jap 3ttoss- Tolot ot Sheotry Stor grarie tune = ees Dap WBTStstce 5 Tanned, Btrov Starie eReseURE SMITCM ASSY= TIIII nee Thithentne rants) = 6 ansa9-108e Oe eee Seer tmrSscoatt-on fowiShtay Rar aes SIIIIIIITIIIIIIIGID 4G = 1909-94003 5 + RETAINER ANGLE, FUS STA 34,00 ARMOR GLASS LOWER ~~~ - ~~ 1 DELETED BY TeTO 11-104-67m Change 30 28a Section It Group Assembly Parts List T.O.1L108-4 FIGURE 4A AIRERAME SYSTEMS — NOSE ASSEMBLY spane are = “ATRERAWE, SYSTEMS — NOSE ASSEMOLY Sane 1300-92900 sage SEEhnt, sbaae— SEES SPARE pe 1 2} doocSHtett-vor nit *osey Fu5 31k 0a Fus STA 34s00 ASS" OF i 24 GnocStoron hacker, eee prtor Tuse bise= = 1 A Goocsttoss. 1 BINGE, fus"sa!i5e00' 70.34.00. FD FUS NOS t aoo-a1n99%- vainae tSameAs ABOVE) RH ~~~ 1 = 5 Becatie: 3 BLOCK, ‘Pus sth 15.00 70"24.00") t Bon-aitoae- 4 BLOCK’ (Sane AS abiwea RIE =~ = t = 6 3e073ttest= 3 1 ShePOwraNGLey fus Sta tss00 To 36-00 FxD NOSE GcaR i Doon HINGE bx soo-siros1~ ++ SUPPORT? ANGLE (SARE. AS anovet at 1 = 7 Secation= at 221 1 Webs FUs Sta Lss00-4No Seq00 VERT FAO FOS NOSE GEAR ooDR MInGe suabonr, asseiaey OF = 9 00-211088- at 224 + wee, FUS'SIA' 15100 4N0' 34200" VERT FD FUS NOSE GEAR OOD — HINGE SUPPORT, assevaLy = 9 aeration 9 = wee, FUS"StA'LSs00 AND 34.00 MORIZ FAD FUS NOSE CEAR——~ 1 = 4 ToL kes, "Pos" sta 48000" ano 3 1 HINGE sUepoRT ‘Cn ‘ wea (SANE. AS ABOVE) Re — x -u 3 en, FOS sta 15e00 AnD 2 } iNge suppor F 2m CHANGE 1 sce FLouks 4 FoR BREAKDOWN 2 SEE FIGoRE $ Fan aneaKoown T.O.1LI0A-4 Section tt Group Assembly Parts List feel ar a Teast? omermon ae 3 AIRFRAME SYSTEMS — INTERMEDIATE FuscLAGE 1 josegun90~ SINFRAME ASSEROLY, FUSELAGE CORPLETE = =~ = = = — = ~~~ 1 22 3ascanistes 1 TMMAME ASSEMGLY, FUSELAGE STATON 34,0 10 STATION 177.26> 25 doezatzoz0- 1 11 TUL UnetD, FUSELAGE stariow 34.0 ¢LOSEOUT ASSEMBLY OF Tod Joocgessin= 1 Tor 1 TNCUNR panitne ottke cououiT CoweR sueporT une == Son. 5263t7- 2 ToL 1 1 etl faite Grace Conautr CoweR suprawr woe SZ Nastoeotost Dollof amare 222222 ee eee eee Nastossas. Diop Mite [IIIIIIIIL ILLITE Seeee ae = an Sogess33a5 1 BUeK, MEAT ano vewr-svs FUS STA 24.0 BHD assy oF= 2 3950533325- 9 1 OMELaNGe atk rtow wostete aL 3H’cL ToL deoaoe = GRICE, OD 465010 2453 INCHY a05-535325- 8 soe 8 5 TOME ARE Faw Gaoi—F6 AU TURE On035 cause == t+ = 5 isa a4 + SCREW. FLAT FILUIGTER READ, TOROSET, CLOSE --- =~ 6 TOLERANCES SHORT THREAD. (43099), \ois3-0002-1203, +4 + MAseny REDUCED’ 09 Uaao90I= = = 2 = 5 wetson-> LoL OD ONGNPSELECockings carey. 140 tuGe miniatuney = >>> 8 FLOATING, ig0,000 #5175237? INR SPEC CONT ke MEl14-aceé-bo0H (see ase) ris05e-32 ss + NUTy SELFSLOGKINGy PLATEs THO: LUGSs FLOATING, — = =~ 2 uma xtuney ¢-o0Re. {156539 (NR SPEC CONT” OWE Reto-oou-coath Isee ASC! = 5 s05-atti96- 9 s+ + LONGERDN, FUSELAGE: STATIEN 34012 10 STATION 173.50¢ = 1 UPPER UH sosanii96 4 f+ + LONGERDN, FUSELAGE STATION 34,12 TO STATION 173-50° = 1 = 7 He19058-3-2 ++ + MUTe SELESLOEKING) PLATEs THO LUGS» FLOATING, = =~ etiavogib-0901) (SEE ASU) = 1 y00-218040- ss + mane RSSEMOLY, FUS STA 42002 WINOSMIELO CROSS TIES = 1 3o0-3taneo- th CSGeaSsenstys US STA 4 siete enoss THE> = tS 3oo-staoso- 12 SUBASSEMaLYy FUS STA 42288 WINDSHIELD CROSS THE = 1 isedance Sareuare: oo se ES eS Seorsttono- an T Supassenaty, us Sra azcea wmnnswieco crass Tie = tS setaao=oa 1 TNute SeUf-Lockine etkres two We hintaruRe == 8S FLOATING, s0)000 "St (7S2a7} INA SPEC Eout owe" wertseoo4s-ooa3)( see ASL? aveachin ARTSY * asson—aaze ee neces eee oe toisso002- 1404 Tol oD oD daster, ‘eeoucen co (soo) = D> peel ote Wsz0so0-428 Fey eee este eee ear tea ete = 1 s00-s24055 s+ + SuPpoRT, penal ADJUST T oRIVE asseMBLY-----~-- 1 Soots2xas- 3 ol Df Sippoet, eeoat aoiusr r oatve fliiiiio i og 30s-Seotad Tol oD 1 guteners peoat tovust 1 orive= See. =e Soocshatss Iolo D deackete tec! ertors uiciirenstry Crate assy OF => Tt inse97aose ey ott seg ret are fete ere eee eee treet rer ist te Sooeseotes 3 Lol oD Ll bateners coke pivors aucuwrensivy et wee 2222 00Y 0S - w dnssseate T ToL oD eaceere Mar'ano’vewr srs Woreatm SuPPLY puGr= => PS ‘SUepoar ASSroF naseare + onyrpare = SSE eee BOSeS3S ne 3 LoL GRAGRET, Hear ano ven? Sv HoT Aim suppLy oucT ~~ 4 — 9 sPlgaseca"9 Thurs "SEteLockince putes Two Lua, FLOATING, == => 2 wunnavey E-nRE 34330 wn” SPEC” CONT one = 9 305-s92000 + + cases SAFETY LOCK PIN ASSEWGLY OF (SEE FIGURES 82° = 1 # ANOLE) = 10 so0-a97150 s+ + RACKET ASSERALYs LANOING GEAR FARWARD UPPER PULLEY = 1 Tat Goscationt— ToD BEM" rusisra"otlssi piuors auueMean supPoer Upeess = T# Assenscy ue gos-attomi~ 11 c+ + + SUBASSENBLY, SEAM FUS STA 916551 PILOTS aULKHEAD- 6 ‘SUPPORT UPPER 3os-stto41~ 12 ss = SuBASSEMELY ESAME-AS gagyey-~-—------2-- 4 oe frineo-oa Pol oT t MAUN"SeletCoceans peates two Loss wmuiavues == Tt FLOATING, 140;090. 951° (73257) (NR SPEC CONT Ma WELTACo048-0003) SEE ASL? CHANGED 7 Section II Group Assembly Parts List DETAIL ROTATED CHANGE 1.0, 1108-4 S z 526,520 oe a HTL ® 528, 52F oeran © 2 88 ane BIEL T.O.1LI0A-4 Section II Group Assembly Ports List > ATRFRane Svareng — TERAEDIATE FIRELAGE cna aossnn 1 on ANE SUE GUSH abuso To z1s.se canon etoon ~~ 1 aP soscnauis 2 Hs + 5 GUIDE ANGLE SANE 45 ABOVE we = ===--7227 «LO Sotto a urbe ANGLE, Pus sta 160.90 To aissse eaeo Fiaok =f soscsiaiis- 12a. ue AALe TSAnt as anoves (unye === == =e Coiss-ca02- 1203 ToT Shay ReouceD oo c4s9e9)~ = 2 >= > fiiiiiii 4 Radios ae : iti: saioeacs od Seoseceo Fi < 12 spasms <= + saaceey MESEBY, none ceaR Fonvano LoveR vuLLeY - 1 Seer BHSi: at 111 GRARLER SEsentes ENGNG GEAR FoRtann CoueR puter >t sas Soesssecr 111 GRESINSrAUURrtdve'taess coeerionvaear iwrencomneer= 1 eee rigune iuS"ron neantond = 16 s00-sa3085¢ 7 ss + supvontystatenaecoMTwOL S¥SFO0 Tacks INTERMEDIATE: = 300~523055— LL ++ SUPPORTy LATERAL CONTROL SYSTEM IOLER INTERMEDIATE: ~ 1 = 15 soo-ssr152 sss amacne ASTER LANOIRG ean OPERATING SvSTEH === 214 aooato4ee s+ + omacneT ASSenburr Lanta Sean cowrnoL svsten == == 1 fufetace Station tio-r®"ubstR roonsa7048~ 5 cos + emsonel aasenerye Ung rteGdan Pawo. systen =~ == fugetace station tener ubrce 300-297068- 7 cs OMCKET ASSERELYY LANNE BEAR CONTROL SYSTEM ~~~ Tuketage-giaTion 29073 vpren = 17 s00-218000- 11 ++ + MINDSHIEEEDS EOcKPIT ENGL UORE MSSEIALY OF SEE FIGURE — 1 = 10 300-st9010- 11 ++ + canonyg Fave" ENelaie assenetr oF (SEE FIeiRE 8 ~~ 1 219 pooeaieise. 5 ++ otassy_ FUSELAGE. STATION 136,00 10 canreD FUSELAGE ~~ 1 sfation tateay fot aSeeuty or tn aoo-netae & cs otes5y FURELAGE STAT OW’ 13G00"10"CANTED FUSELAGE ~ = siaribu tsiees stot Asean OF a = 20 aos-a11030- 1 s+ + ouuauedottdsenstts scars Ginteo ruse See stanton ~~ Sisded. (SEE FIGURE La Fon ane ANDOU Seosekcee Dig WRee cli liii2iiiiiisiciics ‘ matowas peck et etree eee Peeeeeceee == $ Tee ToL 1 Metewe 190s fue fuisheke"oEad, vona-deTe aose => rleeantty sat weno (30999 Lo1s3-9011-0013 cos MgheRe FUT tsboamie 2 sap tageetis Lo Wture 222222 S i 2B MSs et sorcerer teterete : TBrH°Gofa-oona Dot liSheey cule” dasean2 2 { Loiss-eott-oats LT ARSHERS FUE 339012 2 : tots3-o011-oo1t si WASHER, FLAT (439991 = = = >= =~ = 8 ~ as fastioste Bot eorsteteeeieet i Sts aatt-oon Lo MSteny Fear spear : isaac Beg sees i - 26 SK 111 Ske vo0s funn iacsvene nena, rig rOeeantey shan simedD a Lprseeoott-o012 es + asians BEAT Iason = ete “os SNS ee ween tafe ates tetetef ete tatetercre ea mar BH PT 1 Seteks 1o0e Fuss fusicke weno, ro8e-SeFr cioge => acFaahet, "shay Tacedo'(as799t = 29 1s97-3K6 ++ + sensu Taos tubH hicsnEae MEAD. TOLE-SETy CLOSES ~ = 20 asoasas cose gyrggaree EEE IRD rs 2 nro MER Dio RWWEDIIT eee #1 305-312119-11 AN 12 TORETHER WITH NASI193~35.S27039~ {0153~0002-t203 ano aszio42Ls SUPERSEDES 3033121191 AND “alga FUTURE PROCUREMENT, d05-919419~1. AND ~2 MAY REUSED TATERGHANGEABLY WITH 305-S12119-11 AND 12 AND RARDRARE ON AIRCRAFT CODED (aed craNcee 31 Section It Group Assembly Parts List 2 Aasitose3 to153-0011-o011 heatanaey ri Ais20" Lone. (5153"8002- 1203 nstiosae3 rs3T-3K6 astosens hasitgo0suM {ots3-0002- 1203 piece Jostattias. 3 300-918087 Uoisseaatt-oone ms34ces-302 fast to6-170 tbtss-oont-oo1e ‘enatsecdoy inieore anargee chance 8 ‘AIRFRAME. SYSTEMS-INTERREDTATE FusEL ace T.0.1L10A-4 SEAL, CANOPY AND WINOSHIELD ENCLOSURE — tibhen, euardaagvars 22D DIIT S35 one, sus sta 136 waten cuTrea ovensoano oaain ti (axe rQH 5052-0 AL TURE 04375 005. 9-035 Hl THICKNESS, 24° ENCHES LONG use, Tsane as Apover Ate ee = fee Chrtacnine PARTS) Woes oarreny venr eaaseay= == >> >>> eee eee clang ETEAY STD EDIE eee ee ashen, aeaueed Oo taaseay= = 2 >> >> eee SOREMy 1000 FLUSH MI-SHEAR HEAD, TORG-SET, CLOSE ~ er agcesaht es SHAT THREAD (23998) SeREKy Togs FLUSH ft=sHea Head, ToRo~ OLERANCE SHOAT THAEAD (03999), EEkex, Looe FLUSH FISHER HEAD) ToRO-SeTy CLOSE TOLERANCES SHORT THREAD” (43999) washers FLAT (annem nee oe Bushing, Paes FIT FLED” (4399 WASHER, REDUCED OD (43999)~ — ashen, REDUCED OD {43999)— Nera Wiasieny REDUCED Op (43999)~ = > = Wretfesecnsee 222 Zllit MASHER, REDUCED 00 {43999)- = = Masher, Fuar caavoay= = > >> : ashen REDUCED Go (43999) WASHER® REDUCED 4D (43999)— WASHER, REDUCED O9 (43999)— - — PETTING, CANTED fus Sta 91,943 aUx LangING GEAR STEER ‘DanpeR SUPmaRT GUTFOEKS PLANE te 50 rarviney FUSSLAGE STATION 92.1" PILOTS SEAT SULKKEAO™ SUPPORT ASSEROLY, CANOPY HINGE BEAN TO PILOTS ACTAGHING PARTS, asneey Far (agony => 22> iesHen, FLAT (as999)~ = ising," Spacen (43990) { BEARING? PLAthy ROD Chey SELFCALIGAING® TE LINED, TALE Tih aD, 2508" F (2ia35h(R SPEC CONT +=, suPPaRTs CANOPY MENGE. BEAR TD PILOTS SULKHERD™ ~~ Seat CANOBY Bow CANTED FUSELAGE STATION C=SI? = > = ASSERBUY de T.O.1L100-4 Section It Group Assembly Parts List OBSERVERS CHANGE @ soot Ne no oe aa Oe IIRFAAME SYSTENS-INTERNEDIATE FUSELAGE = 47 wassete—e13 aes ees eens ens ee Ti33032Sitoze 9 Daur, fus evo Sra grzsia sue Joist => 22 ZII2 = 50° 3oo-srease- 3 FittinGy wines, canapy coy PIN SUTTOCKS puane <— => aoo-a18090- 4 cs 4 PETTING, HINGE, canooy naw PIN aUTTOCKS PLANE ~~ == 4 1.03 = 51 s0se3tn125- 3 sos + Eby FUSELAGE srarioN 98,24 19 STATION 137.53 == -— 1 ‘QeeenveRs Fuga ASSERBLY OF = 52 300-s11012- 1 + + OfGKs FUSELAGE STATION S#e0"TO STRTSOK (46.20 LOWER ~ 1 Assevacy oF 52m 30521101 1 ++ + panel, “Fus"SHA Sé,00 10 fUS STA 166030 sine SKIN -— 1 ‘ASSY OF (SEE FrGuRe 10, FOR BREAKOOWN) = 520 305-m11013 21 c+ + PaMeLy FUS STA'34500 FD FUS STA L66e30 SIDE SKIN ~~ ASSY Br(GeE Ficune 10" FOR BREAKOOWN) 520 soesae ++ + ORAGKET, ENG CUNT FWD AULLEY ASSY™OF {SEE FIGURE- == 1 Zo! FOR BREAKDDNN = $20. 305-4721 2b s+ 5 BRACKET ENE. CONT FAO PULLEY ASSY OF (SEE FIGURE- ~~ 1 To" r08 BREAKODAA = 52 saseore1e 1 +4 + BRACKET, ENG CONT FuD PULLEY ASSY OF (SEE FIGURE ~~ 1 10: FOR BREAKDOWN) = 52F sos-es7ans- 4 = + antoneTe” 6 eOht FAR RULLEY ASSY OF (SEE FIGIRES =~ = 520 ws-seasoa 1 ++ 4 BRACKET ASS¥e PARKING BRAKE CONT SYS FMD QUTBO= = —— 1 {ste Ficine’ Lor rot seeanoown) = 524 s05-s24s08- 2 f+ RACKET ASS¥s PARKING SAKE CONT SYS Fu QUIBO- ~~~ 1 {ste icine Lor FoR pReaKoown) 52) s05-s24207— ut ce BRACKET ASSENMLY, GIR GONT SYS RHLFUS STA L20-70- == 1 ste e1eute 52° FOR SREAKOOWN = 52% 305-540220- 11 ++ + ORACKET, ELEC AH CONSOLE OBSERVER WIRE HARNESS ASSY~ 1 ‘OF (SEE FicuRE TAL FOR BREAKOOMKY = 53° s00-s12089- 98 c++ Weay FUS STA'15,00 AND 34500 VERT FAD FUS NOSE GEAR = DOOR HmNee suPoRT ASSEMBLY OF aoo-stioee= 2 eee wee MRE AS aNDVES ere ~ 56 teoaaae ToL t Senéwe‘ruar eturtsren wo vaea-ser cuase rau (439999 — 12 fe aase-3-2 LoL DOP Tss85h awa’ soee cour one HeLLecoore-ogolnt see = 42 Atrenuare Sounce List? = 55 1s32-246, ScAeW, FLAT FILLISTER MO TORG-SET CLOSE ToL 43999) - 2 Serum eety ScReM, FLAT FLLLESTER A TORG-SeF CLOSE ToL (439999 — (atsa-o002-1403 hasnek, REDUCED 09 ta3999e = TG R2ianata. tures Eee IOPDI TIE firriiii 3? 51 Sosrstion 5 Door, wage assy 227 DISITIIIIIIIIID Gt (ATTACHING PARTS) nasi 103-2 encreteeer terete eee a Uoisaeboiy-2002 MASHER, Far (agen = = = TTT IIIT ITT lo4 Saunasoza-a2 MDIPLATE. Ctzah2t tn SPEC CONT. 4G HeEIT4-a011-0001)> ~ USee ALTERNATE” SOURCE LIST) = 57a soscatiisee 1 ce + HEEL REST EFD FUE 'STAC9I455 "TO FUS STA 131222- = — = 2 (aseavens”ass¥ OF hestaseas sors MBUTES BOO 22s reetts 3 metaasensez ToD DD NO"Serecvockings pure, rio wuss. euoaring <=> TMUNERTURE "GORE (15653) (WR SPEC CONT OMG Nelts-ool8) = 575 s05-s1158- 11 c+ + HEEL ReSry CID FUE STA 91.55 TO FUS STA 131220 --~ 1 ‘ORGERVERS Asst OF wiseaeas gad se vara (etal etter weotzeena a oem ere tee eee t = sre SOStSTTTe- a1 ToL oD bet RESty cto rus sta 91.55 vo Fus sya Skee > ‘askavens” asst OF nasuaseas fe ee eiete ee ee eee = Naseaces Bey a cera eerie sr ersereee cea il = 510 Sase3ttise 22 ToD feel RESRS cto rus sta oi.5s vo tus Sra iaiege= = 22 Nasesans DloDop More 2225257522 Bees at = sre S05Sttise a Iolo f feet"RESty cto pus sra 9158 10 Fug Sra dug 22> psdavens A55¥ OF sasvosens, Bee nora ee eee ee wre TOME ot Lott heet"ReST cto rus sta oiess va Fug Sra asiezes 222 ‘opsEnvens. asst 9 doom 1158 63 cos 2 + ANGLES CFD Pus STA 91.55 To FUS STA eZ - =~ = 2 Section It Group Assembly Parts List T.0.1L10A-4 sae ee < = eae a 5 AIRFRAME SySTenS~tNFEQuEDiATE FUSELAGE = 57 305-311158 42 SMDATS HEEL Esty CID FuS STA 91-59 TO FOS STA 191.220 ~~ = 1 estavens. assy OF 300-811159~ 66 eos + + ANGLES Cro us S¥A 91.55 TO FU STA ugiez2---- 1 = sm 30503211586 51 + + HEEL AEST, CTD FUS STA 91655 TO FUS STA 131.220 --—- 4 ostavens assy OF nasiosens, eo ee rence ee eee hasa9an3 es ay ureare terete erase eee Netsose-s2 TODD TMOPMELe“Ucnanes puavés rao ics, Floarine ==> MINIATURE E=BORC (154533 (ne SPEC COM DN Relig-oote-ooolicste ase) Nassua fe are eee = sro OSPSITse 52 SOLD feet nest cto rus sa oi.3s v0 pus ra aside 22> asiosaas, coe ee mrptare sss SEE Sonne ff Naseeees eee morrante telah esr SOSSSUTSe on IoD f feelRSty cio rus sta 91.35 1a Fus Sra iaeae => oT , ‘OBSERVERS. ASSY OF an doseage 2 TOLD beets" cto rus sraoi.as va us ora asiazes 222 wastoseas eee nurotite es ee eee ~ 5a Bosttaes- 9 IoD D fanGes"F0s"st413.00°10 34205 Fo Fus mose GEAR OooR- Tf 'suPPaRy 300-311093- 4 faincey SAME AS AQOVE: seer ot 59 30073230562 af Sueponty car cont S¥8-STIGK ORIVE BELLCRAN ASSY OF =~ CATTACHING PARTS) = 598 nasi io4s. oe omer Saeeaeoson 5 Uo1s3-0002-1206 LoL MiSteas Réoucéo op Gasva0) 22 2222IIIZIIII Ge ns2ioeets ee ste ena ees = 598 nasti94—6 pS eeone eee eer ----- 55 1 UD15S6000-1206 ToL astea, Reoicéo on (439909 > >> >> DIT ae 2 = 99 Sogdez0sr- 9 1 1 Wuppomry tay cone s¥s s¥1ce oatve wevicaane upper” ~ 1 2 ba" 3esceatz0e TL BRKENET ASSEWBUY) Stones Errison, Fuseuage start 1 sos-es1202- 7 ++ snacket‘R3SEnbLy, STORES JETTISoNy FUSELAGE StATION= = = 1 aws-er20- 8 ++ eacker ASSEHGLYs STORES JETTISOMy FUSELAGE STATIONS ~~ 1 1s0s80 CENTER = at Merona ++ NUTy SELRSLOCKINGS PLATE, THO LUGS» FLOATING: MINEATURE, 4 CHORE 196831 tNR. SPEC” CONT. DMO. Hel 1e-d018~0004) = 62 MEID050-96 ++ MOvy SELPSLOCKINGS PLATE, TWO LUGS) FLOAT INGe MINEATURE, —@ Conane.{1ae53) ht SPE COnT 46 Hel te=d0ra~0003), = 63 esoto + MUTy SELESLGCKNG, DOUSLE HEXAGONHIGH TENSILE (72962) ~ 9 hk Spee colt SMe Hetie~a039~9004) nsi7-070 ++ RETAINER, NUTSCORNER TYE, OauBLE HEX {034800 (NAA ~~~ 9 DESIGN SpECIEICATEON CONMROL” DRAWING snseere soreuatt2Tean2e 200"? ; ~ HSe5 ono Sep emniepe eee Seesa58 3 SPuSsistoae"e IL SGhéuy Toe iusH weaD, puniutes aecesseo, wAswen> = =~ 32 (78199) (Ne SPEC. OMG WEL L2-0004~1003) = 649 300-s11060- 11 #1. BULRHEAD ASSEMBLY, OBSERVERS CANTED FUSELAGE STATION. - ~~ REF CONPONENT OF OBSERVERS SEAT SULKHEAD PACKAGE. SEE FIGURE ihre" dReaKcown T.0.1LI0A-4 Section It Group Assembly Parts List * DMSERAME SYSTENS — MINOSHIELD. STRUCTURE = 1 300-3t8008- ut SP AWROEMIEEDs"EoegRITENEEGRURE' ASSEMBLY oF = — ~~ = -—— 4 = 2 aopnmneous- 7 Ls 5 SKIN, FUSELAGE STATION 34.0 TO CANTED FUSELAGE ~~ = ~~ 1 STATION 61-515y MINDSHIELD TO UPPER. LONGFRON, ASSenaty oF Un root 005-3 ++ + scIMTOBELAGE Stanton .4.0 vo canteo euseLace= === 1 aoo-me0us 5 ++ + pouaLesy FUSELAGE STATION. 3420 TO EANTED FUSELAGE ~~ STATION ef.5i9y MINoSMieLD. TO Upbea” LONSEROW = 3 300-316045- 0 #1. 5 skimy FUSELAGE: STATION S4n0" Td CANTED USELAGE = === — 1 STATION 674519, MINOSHLELD TO UPPER. LONGEROI, Aysenaey oF ki soo-s1E045- 4 ss + Setny FUSELAGE STATION 34.0 79 caNtED FusELAGE= == 1 STATION 47-513y MINOSHIELD TO UPPER. LONGERON a00-318045- 6 <= + pavecesy FUSELAGE STATION 34-0 "To EANTED FUSELAGE ~~ 1 Stattonaresi3y_ WINDSHIELD TO UPPER LONGERON = 4 yoo-atsoai- 9 francs FUSELAGE STATION 42-08 UPPER ILM) == mn 1 Dy Mocbteo ¢ 1 SMe As taove tay ne eee SLIT ITI Of Tog deos3tease Lt elles “Gepen supe" trawe To wiwoswreto rus Sta azcaa um >t Aaocsisoas & 11 Sane" AS?asove onan te OARS DPS eel Dog Maosstaase 3 LoL EMtney FUSELAGE starrOn 51-75 uppeR ai) ==> —>>>>>~ (OT ra joocdteose- 4 Ll GNsStove tad te eee STITT y Tig 3o0=3t8035- 3 ToT eUT “Faahe'to!siuoswieio ruseuace Srariow 51.78 (Lao > 1 THY 30073iH035- & Tor Sine"ast ase cies nn" Serer St Tab 3oorstaass- 3 LT ReTarneRy FUSELAGE Srarion 96.0 10 canreD FUSELAGE ~~ >t ‘STATION 5125 AINDSHIELD COMER (CHI = 13 300-s19035- 6 < SAME ASAUOVE (ai) Ne etene TH 30003808 3 1 Gppont, FUSELAGE’ sTatsow 34.0 Yo FuseLase StatzoN = >> “S1e8 WINDSHIELD SUDE GLASS LO¥EE (LHD = 15 s00-ste037- 4 ++ same aS Asove” emi = > 4 Iie joc-ateoge- 3 11 SUPpoth anGue, Fuseiace starson 94 annos cuass == >>> 1 Tay o0c3teaa: 3 ToL Senne ruseeack Starton a4 10 FUSELAGE STATION 6.60 => HINOSHIELD LoveR (La) = 18 200-18039- 4 +s same aS Move (aise one ey Tis 300-3ts0a- § 11 REM “TuSetate Starton 36.0 ro puseLace staTiON 41.0 =~ WINDSHIELD anaan GLASS'SuPooaT (Li = 20 3o0rs1y0a8- 12 ss sane aS ABOVE TRE = Sees SUPPIAT OD ooo Tal mneaas$! ToT Nuts Setrebeeings puate-r¥o Lis, wnrarones= >>} FLOATING, 40,090 ost (75237) Cuak SPEC CONT be. HELLo-Oose-o004) LSE ALTERNATE. SOWRCE usr) 300-318030- 4 ++ 5 BEAM, FUSELAGE STATION 24.0 70 FUSELAGE STATION ~~~ 1 6020" MEROSHEELD ARKOR GLASS SUPPORT < 22 nsznowaes Fete reer eters ee 2H tosteots-oon IoD lastens eat Ge3999) 2 DDI i ae Tak eisento-t9 LoL Steeve" robe" ruts tan taaeaey = > > 22 rsisento-12 ToT Stews Looe FLusi hex (43390) > 2 25. Aastiaaes eg mureterteereee eer i 236 Sosteores Ir Subpomr acta, euecraic oiscomecr, pivors Gunsicht= =~ 2 oe passgnatee, 11 Sonpou ASSetu¥s ettors° cin stent’ actacnmente === >= T I Mostesonae 111 RING, Gun Srest Loceine mecnanis® = > >> >> aoe 3s dos-sonitt ob of famty Gin Stent oerems wees 22D TIIIIIZ ft ao) cebienee LoL Spates Het teat, “Conpnessranmetouno ewos Casanor- =~ ‘aha’ spec’ cont’ Duc. Het99-0005-0001) tSee abteanate Since List = 31 nasseics-8 Fe le eee ee ee 232 S0s%ss010r- 3 LoD Givens un’ sitet wack necwanisn = > = au 235 jos-eeaton I oI SiMery uN Stour coekene. mecnanrsa= = > => titi ot Bos-eaorse- 11 IDL SusnsSemstys 'pttors Gun ston artacimewr= =~ > ~~ i = 34 305690110 Toll Men Gun stew sraps sts fittiio: 235 Josceeotas- a Lol oL ot Suepotrs ptiors un sicar= fiisi ot Soo-ats0ei Lf dnnbsutetornay, rusetage canted station 7.5 ==> 22> = 36 Buostarae= ToL IMoteker-evecrareat pivots stawwey cowass === IID MOUNTING CHANGES 35 Section Il 1.0. 1L-10A-4 Group Assembly Ports List vera @ O.1LI0A-4 Section It Group Assembly Parts List soo suasee- 19 21D cage af'Bove type _ - oF rFr— Bees destin * a -™ a : ce soppennese eas surmpgl ASSURE MERA IARESNAMMAGE SORE ATED ' Se mae 1 ee ne eee a Marais a ——_ i 4 200-218045-7 140 =8 SUPERSEDES 300-18065~1 AND Fon FUTURE PaOcuRESENT SJoo~51t045~1 AND =2 MAY BE USED INTERCHANGEABLY CHANGES «a7 T.0.1L10A-4 Group Assambly Part Section It Ust ae Aiernane oySniAs — wENOsvaeco ease inSTALLATION =a sowstenes GLASS INSTALLATIONy WINDSHIELD see FLCORE‘3"FOR away === 4 2 eae cssecte abet aubsutneaon Tonetsel, ce0ee focenance: ==> Rue So cers eves nrvnaltt2dblery etczosne snnasntehe anton cuAsse = == aoe-aieos0 os 2 sane SUANE USSR OUI Sos-anaescy~ = == = a5 szute 2 RRR LMACRMBAME eT TEeSe PateRtkees 222 teps-gere-oote Bromine ee = - 5 Te 1 eke joge ube wendy vxaetts hebeveuemee ==> 8 torsacertoot2 camnstegeoe ee eee eee = - 6 Baty + Mhevr aoe rivin wicgenn vedoy Tone™sery Guase ===> 8 stfeeanee tats cru eerie UPR eeeeceeesse A oe ae Ther joie rin viconeam sewoy Toeersers Gugse 22223 wes0seeses Duty STE Pte, obese ELaATIRGG® = = = == a Teen ee ae ee Nae MeteaTat oc onaey fAzePalatamae” Sone’ ate = 8 reine een Ene LE daa tess cLaaeS == erence tH a Zo wrs SERREMMSEEALSEPM ey suo wuss reoatinese = = === 3 tnEscaee okt istsay inas Ste eon obe rele ecoQtNy (Lee aureant ower ea - 9 tea + sents Ssde PERSSPRE DAGGER SEN ELGRETS = = eteantt tation = 19 soo-ssn97 rere onran icine ee eee eee. traning rants) sse-saa sco TTHOMMECATED.D, rone-sets cuose roueunete === 2 cape wey Oe Seer a wiz sense 3 « nevaaneftFuseace srarioy 2¢.0 ro cawreo ruseuace =~ Stan ae'aheS STA Meds Gonea tts <8 poesia « sete ABE nit ooeentee eet = 4 Serena eating oS stecsces | tise ecagsion ansases 7es5 kay tes oe oe « Lo sents HIRES EERO aZeracutaatePateTDMATHETEG. 1 TESST an GAeES GAMES nO <1 suepu0e2 + ep RASS HUMEME ARR ec no ae So ae 2 inl Spee EAM cccanuae vue ron at Ee ee ce acas ral ota seo-aiserae 3 «sents Laat! aap uIMssMieLe EALORE HaKE PRON = == Maes ct ANE OE REE athe MES as = 1s s00-a18072- 17 «sen EB ao emnosuietn eictosune trans eau =~ 1 See Peon aE rae SENS CONNS E&OE Wes = 20 soesysor 28 «sti, Tie? no uinopuio eciosuME tuaKE enon = = <2 eT eee ee seca Soret = 2 so-sitors 29 «sty Ean mo vonpsern0 Bouse Inte rot = nesters 35 «sents ERB" ap umnosRtELe ELOSE CuRE Fad = — == 1 ant oe ean senevs"1883"Puuan au-s4ean Wo, roRa-SeTe cLG8€ = === 2 seebeandd aaah kesst-aeti-oott Lane tr tet ee eo Besose" A 2s RASH 1 Meas Fete cub vende vone Scie ehobe uence: 2224 cunces Sextion Group Assembly Parts List 1.0. 1L10A-6 7 TInFnane sVSTERS_~ wiNOSHIELD GLASS aWSTALLATION = te Ts1030e SNM Seable ious elise neko, Totasstty CLOSE TOLERANCES ~~~ 36 toiss-cct1-oon1 se wagien RAP ug9en <= eee eee eee seaiaasts Beg ners ee ere tara eter tee tetatate stat tatate at ay war MESS. 21 ramen rustuace arariou lore canreo rustuace 72> nat Stdnfan ors atqgantce-couee ten cote <2 goes + s+ same af tothe’ ea {EEC Fidine's ton armoutng pagrsi~ — ner TH ORSHBE 3 11 AUDA: ANGLE, Rodel tee Steriov'ss tenon Glass (aees™> ~ REE Tagine FoR eTTachtng PaRt3) = 30 seo-sis0ze- 21 = + wavoswlEto" tomy" rostutee eanreD S8kri0H 67.9 (SEE = =~ ner itune’t' ron attacstne santsy = 91 soc-sisors 6742 « SEALs EAMINY AAOUHINDIMMELD ENCLOSURE OMAKE FAO = = = = 2 Athestve"cont Rubnen rave mitce-e0el8 Oe32 1073 steses soo-si80rs- 13 #2. + SEALe EANBPY' ang wINOSHIELo ENCLOSURE (MAKE FROX == =~ 6 Aohestve Come MuOHEN TAME miLSe-eoni8 Ovod2 x Ls28 sunsey = 32 soncsis0rs 15 «+ sents GNU ano winosntsto exctosvie= = === === == 2 3 etineaenat 11 Tae, SINGH WieNGnstnous thetaa‘on ecuivaentic 22> ak T 3h SOUUSEGESE ax ga URES Taide Sioe nen Uisenaey oF SEIS IDA TB RENE BUTT SUAS, UNNGSMECS Soe piel GBSeMecy er 2222220 200-318050 MAY 8E USED INTERCHANGEABLY WITH 305~310050." #etccnenense"s00eSt075"13'Rav BE G500 INTERENAMECABLY KITH Soocstaorseir. fo chances n 300318094 300-3te09e- 305540125 asi 06883, Rigose"3-4 +300-318010- {otsS*oot -oo1t to1s9-0019-0009 300-318108- 300-1098. 300-310140- 3oa-a18Lao- pooraieieo- Sossisto0- 3ou- 318080 asziaeeLy torsseoot oot 3 T.0, 1L10A-4 Se Group Assembly Parts List TUAGMRE sverons = cMarr StuUCTUN SIMCanOPrs ERAME. EACLOSURE ASSERMLY (SEE E6URE 5 FOR Wu) = — 4 1 TNSeu’agtenaufrccaory Usen rusttase canieo'startov eas =f 11 IMUBEENERorrGpven’rusechee cameo sian aes o> > f ToL oT SUppbtes tier" oboe tusethoe canes gration ve- =~ Toff same'asagdve tae <= SUN © flirt og LoL t SOMA AMYE ihdicar snrten anery asavior 72222} LLL SMeCips bee consrenr surren arere SSE IIIT Tf Dill amltesssre-seenes ll S2l2 oll y ToD hurBULPerSeur vaccine; 140 Cu ruoarine wintarute= =} ote {154591 tin sree Cont owe HEGL Sotstoons) see as) Sor Garr AIMEE CRON SivtN oe Do.0s Hi-Z ZZ 11 EMMiets AMine Euclosuie sunaszemly ay 22222222 1b Eileen: faite EneegSute Susasseanty taey "==> 522 7 "(439991 " . - Dol aasaens Fuad C3990) > 2D TIIII IIS 4 2 Nace Toone aaseaeaeeee f Tor MEN Stethe ey eusedade siattow toe toe = t TD Masten, “connostow meststanr sreet_caaggey= — >>> 25> 4 1D GARRY sisettce srarton ios cay winge weam sie => oe sane SUE : ToT EMCEE ele, FoMaao 10 Set canorY winges Fusecase= = =f + ‘sawe AS Above (RHI = ne = zere---- Tot EMfct stiths rOtuaso ano ary cinony sunece euseuace => stato foe t4BoaRD ton Sey ceelcuie ances ee eee 1 oT SMTCESSHRRS rottane ayo ser canaey suneee vuseuace => f sTaniah Loe tvaana th JL AMMGeDSpdSevéce station 62 to egseace station tony 2 >t 7 "eGRWAAD CANOPY UPPER ASSEMBLY OF (LHD foes ninGePS AM rus Siahtes! Fuo'tanory urpee == Tor dan'SSSasove: tute cus o's sot Fae PANO Gre a 11 MUMgeMEDEstata ao rug sta toe, exo canary Urvex => Tt LoL inateNSfuferase starton'USe coca ty atbemmcY or ton) => T Lot Ne as"Ubove tain SION 28 eer eee tot When ett tage) 22222222222 2222 ea 11 MRAES SUS LSM Geen eno, Totessers cusse 72223 TaLeRance (430aa) <= rates CANOPY FULELEOE’ STATION 1709 aSSEM@LY OF= = ——-— 2 Tot TMM CHEE Sotiney vthtes two eich ssoattne ooxe= == {Ys2t) tne hee eon owe net erourto0s) LoL Mister, post taaev09 [DDT IIIIZIIIIIIIZ § ToL MUM eeettctiaey tare, rao Lacy wumeariwsy 22D but tnoytoeaa0 bsT ec rseahy “tat gree" cont ha! Wette-osboagos) (SEE ALTECMATE. SOURCE +e rerranbtSBlseiace statin 171 caniey oP GLASS To: = = = whine. tus os same SBOE ta oe ee eae eee ToL OENAASAEUEELAG? station sii ehnaoy tor auass Fo TTD OT 1 30s-319008%3 AND =+ SUPERSEDES 30n—318099~7 AND = FOR Pirate meouanenenr® Suocsinoes- Pano =f war we uieO TNTERENAAGEAOLE WITH 308-309005-3°an0 “4 cuance « a Section 1 1.0, 1LI0A-4 Group Assembly Parts List vera @ eOTATED oeran@® FLOURE & ALSERAME SYSTERS-CAMUPY. STRUCTURE 42 Change 34 T.O,1L10A-4 ection Group Assembly Parts List 3 AIAronME gysrfins — cawpy sTancruse 2 a7 ase AP NUnGes FUSELAGE STeTtON Loe Til ¢4se. AGE STATION L79.5 ~ REE CANAPY UPPER ASSeHGLY UF LLY San psa seg MUNESeOS Sia Toe th Fs Sra 1fo=5- APT cUNPY UOpER = DAR GE > Lot Saadlts amv! anaes 2°18 AA a Tyke etait 6 Tor iriie2rus"staMos ty" eus sia”arace ak cayoey ened — Tym nesta LoL dunt iteeshis Cho Sra creste 1 tus ure 79 assr oF © Yectami. > LoL Gurrery latercrus ern Sra ntosta 1 fys S18 72 Ager oF = Bea 3 Tot Mabie waresorus cro sta"ereota To rin) sta Te tual — Dement Tol oD durreny areschos €r8 gra S423i3 10 fus Sta 12 teen = asaamis 4 ToL 1 SEU thee! Poa teat smn uigies cue Mere tg = eae Teta: Gurteas watea-rus ciara fs S144 Lue, ASsy'OE (Ln emia > GUTTERS wateRceus Sia TL fo rus, STA Gey ASSY OF UR Bessa 3 Cutten, wareacrus sta Ti fa Fos stm tee lust = MMe Gurren, “avestus Sta 1 to 99 Sta tus thm >>> tismeoe S Seat tage roe Tees son duane Gxta'tea$! ey > 2 = wscstion 3 1 SEAL thace Faon fess syytusaen exre Tes cab = > = sam diate ToL durteny warS-fis"sta tos Ta sus Sra Las, ass ae Ga) = anscdtaone > LoL Gurren; Sitexcrus Sra 90 12 20S, Sta tose Ssey or tan = Velden 3 por SGineRs "sarescros'sta‘ige 1 us sta bse teu) an pecttgoe o Dolot Sinem Siverceue $0 13000 us Sra Be tan 2 > = Nsom at ToL oD SER MAG Me" fese ste eumaer exte Lesa‘teh = = Perentenny ToL oT SPR INGE Fron pece Sen Munsee care 2tze Gens = sae Sosa "3 LT Longenons"rusetage Grareimeasetz Ty AuseLAGe. startOn Trie59 upper uh See Fase 5 rok baad 49 ansesttiee 4 co same AB 7Abave tan Son ISEE SEDI EPO nee DeLeTED) ‘enange 94

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