Assignment Question, 2020: Alim (Part-II) General History (Paper-2) Opt

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Assignment Question, 2020

!6m†Ò á^ne !6na 1jãrÛ‰ ^nÒ ¸, 1‰ ojŠe æ‚ßa ØfÏjŠÚ !3

What do you undertand by "Permanent Alim(Part-II)

General History(Paper-2)Opt.
Settlement" ?
Full Marks : 50
oÒ t^Û‰^m…, …æ] t^Û‰ Üa†e 6nÚ †nÛÃi oÒ á^j‰æ‚ßâ ‚m‚q !4
Candidates are required to give their answers
!1a àm3 ^nÒ in their own words as far as practicable.
The questions are of equal value.
What are the contributions of Brahma Samaj
Answer five questions selecting
at least two from each Group.
and Arya Samaj to modern India ?

!6m†Ò á^ne çÒ h^f‰] 1Ò Ôm†vi 1Ò ð1857 !5 Group - A

Discuss the causes of Revolt of 1857.

!6m†Ò á^ne çÒ sñ^jÞ …æ] l^açqæ 1Ò -ßq 1Ò †fÓe !1
Group - B
Discuss the causes and effects of the Battle of
!6m†Ò á^ne [1ñça sñ^jÞ ^nÒ 1Ò h¡ÏÞ] o‰ oŠÞ]†Ê 1Ò1789 !1
What were the effects of the French Revolution
x•]æ çÒ l^Ï×Ãi 1Ò o߶ÛÒ ^m;Þ] 8Šm] …æ] á^_׉ ç¶n: !2
of 1789 ? Explain.
!6m†Ò x•]æ çÒ …]3†Ò 1Ò Õ…^Še 6nÚ á†ÓnÒ] 1Ò oßÚ†q !2
Discuss the relation between Tipu Sultan and
Critically evaluate the role of Bismark in the
the East India Company.
Unification of Jermany.

Contd. (2) JR -- 70/2 ( Turn over ) JR -- 70/2

!6m†Ò á^ne çÒ l^açqæ 1Ò h¡ÏÞ] o‰æ… 1Ò1917 !3

Examine the causes of the Russian Revolution

of 1917.

!6m†Ò á^ne çÒ h^f‰] 1Ò 1Þça Ý^Ò^Þ 1Ò à?nÞ Í, -nÖ !4

Discuss the causes of the failure of the League

of Nations.

!6nÖ åˆñ^q ^Ò 7çÚ^Þ…^Ò 1Ò å‚vjÚ Ý]çÎ] !5

Evaluate the work of the UNO.


A(II) --- GH (2) (3) JR -- 70/2 (1,000)


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