Exercise 1: Bring Forth or Challenge Forth

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Aspa, Llewellyn Ann N.


Exercise 1: Bring Forth or Challenge


The picture shows a dam that became an

energy source with the help of a river. It is a This picture shows a man mowing the
challenging forth technology because the grass. This is a challenging forth because it
true essence of rivers are being erased. interferes with nature. It is beneficial since
Dam interferes with nature because instead grasses can be trimmed however it affects
of letting the river flow naturally, it the grass by making it more susceptible to
harnesses its energy. It may be beneficial in diseases.
some ways but dams cause erosion and
water logging. 

The picture shows people collecting plastic

The picture shows a factory that is used for
bottles. This is a bringing forth because they
producing products. It is a challenging forth
are collecting plastic bottles to recycle them.
because lands are being turned into
It does not interfere with nature but instead
buildings. Because of this, deforestation and
it helps nature. Not only trashes are
erosion happens more often. It interferes
removed from the surroundings but the
with nature due to the air, land, and water
bottles are recycled to produce new
pollution it causes. It may have made the
economy grow more but it actually damages
The picture shows a land that was widely
drilled. This is a challenging forth because it
interferes with nature. It damages the land
which can cause erosion and will damage
easily with earthquakes. It may be beneficial
for geothermal energy but the land is being
damaged that reduces its natural use.

The picture shows a windmill which

generates energy with the help of wind. It is
challenging forth because it does not extract
and store that energy. Also, mostly, it only
pertains to the intensity of the wind and not
for its function. 

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