United States Patent Office: Ch-Ch-Oh

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United States Patent Office 1.

Patented May 31, 1960
where R is a hydrocarbon radical having from 1 to 10
carbon atoms and, in addition, when p=0 and n=1, R
also represents the
2,938,805 R
Maynard C. Agens, Schenectady, N.Y., assignor to Gen
era Electric Company, a corporation of New York CH-H-OH
No Drawing. Filed Mar. 31, 1958, Ser. No. 725,451 O
grouping. R is a substituent selected from the group con
10 Claims. (C. 106-1) sisting of hydrogen and methyl, m is an integer and is at
least 1 and no more than 4, n is an integer and is at least
0 and no more than 3, p is an integer and is at least 0 and
The present invention relates to a process for stabiliz 5 not more than 1. The particular values of m, n, and p
ing copper plating solutions used to autacatalytiaclly plate must be so chosen that they fulfill the following equation:
copper onto metals or onto non-metallic surfaces. More
particularly, this invention relates to a stabilization proc Further details concerning the use of these solutions
ess which comprises producing oxidizing conditions with 20 are shown by the examples and by reference to the Cahill
in said plating solutions whereby the formation of cuprous patent and the above-mentioned copending applications.
oxide, which causes these solutions to become unstable, Many of the solutions disclosed in the Wein publication
is greatly minimized or substantially prevented without can form copper films or mirrors on surfaces that have
the prevention of the reducing reaction which causes the not been sensitized with metallic films.
copper to plate. All of these solutions autocatalytically plate copper.
In my copending application S.N. 725,449, the co 25 By this terminology I mean that the solutions are capable
pending applications of Robert M. Lukes, S.N. 725,450 of plating copper without the application of an external
and S.N. 725,452, all of which are filed concurrently here
with and assigned to the same assignee as the present in force, e.g., electricity.
Solutions known. to autogenously plate copper as a
vention, in the patent of A. E. Cahill et al., U.S. 2,874,- 30 Smooth, adherent coating do so according to the following
072 and assigned to the same assignee as the present in equation:
vention, and in the phamphlet Wein, Samuel, "Copper
Films,” PB 111, 237, U.S. Department of Commerce,
Office of Technical Services, 1953, there are disclosed
plating solutions comprising aqueous, alkaline solutions 35 A subordinate and yet significant, reaction also occurs as
containing formaldehyde and cupric ion complexed to illustrated by the following equation:
prevent precipitation of cupric hydroxide to which my
process is applicable. (II) 2Cutt--5OH--HCHO->CuO--HCOOH-3HO
Specifically, Cahill discloses complexing agents which Since the reaction expressed by Equation II does not
are tartrates and salicylates used in the presence of O require activation by an extraneous material, it will occur
carbonates all of which are water soluble. Lukes discloses merely upon the solution standing at room temperature
in his application S.N. 725,450 complexing agents which and is hastened by heating. The cuprous oxide product
are ethyleneaminoacetic acids which are selected from is reduced by the alkaline formaldehyde solution to cop
the class consisting of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, per metal which is one of the metals that is catalytically
diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid and 12-cyclohexylene active in initiating the plating reaction expressed by Equa
diaminetetraacetic acid. In application S.N. 725,452, 45 tion I. Therefore, the reaction of Equation II causes
Lukes discloses complexing agents corresponding to the these solutions to spontaneously decompose and to be
formula: come useless upon standing for long periods. Although
R’ the complexing agents used in any of the above copending
sch-it-on). applications greatly suppress the reaction expressed by
50 Equation II, nevertheless, high concentrations of cupric
ion and the high alkalinity of the solutions over-ride some
cE-cooH). of the effect of these complexing agents. Furthermore, it
where m and n are both integers and are at least 1 and not is not possible to completely suppress Equation II with
more than 2, p is an integer and is at least 0 and not more any complexing agent.
than 1, the sum of m, n and p equaling 3;R is a member 55 Therefore, all of the solutions used to autocatalytically
of the group consisting of hydrocarbon radicals having plate copper, such as those described in the above-iden
from 1 to 10 carbon atoms, and the tified applications have a finite life, that would be very
R desirable to extend. I have now found a very simple
CEI-CH-OH 60 and easy method for performing this function. My in
vention comprises aerating these solutions with an oxy
gen-containing gas during storage or other periods of non
use, and also while it is being used to plate copper. Aera
grouping and R is a member of the group consisting of lutedcan tion
be accomplish with pure oxygen or oxygen di
any inert gas such as argon, neon, krypton,
hydrogen and methyl. In my copending application I 65 nitrogen, and the like, the simplest gaseous mixture to
disclose complexing agents which correspond to the for use being air itself even though it does contain a minor
mula: amount of carbon dioxide which reacts with the alkali in
R the solution. From what I can determine by experiment,
(CH-CH-OH). 70
the effect of oxygen is to either prevent the formation of
cuprous oxide or to reoxidize the cuprous oxide back to
(R)-N- soluble cupric compounds so quickly that no noticeable
. .. . 3
precipitate can be observed. This is based on my obser be so arranged that the exit gases do not entrap any more
vations that the plating solutions remain clear and free than the minimum amount of reagents. In this regard,
of any precipitate for extended periods of time providing some loss of formaldehyde will always occur, due to its
a gas containing elemental oxygen, more commonly re volatilization in the gas stream. This loss can be com
ferred to as an oxygen-containing gas, is blowing through 5 pensated for by additions of aqueous formaldehyde con
the solutions. If I stop the flow of gas, a precipitate will tinuously or at prescribed intervals so as to maintain the
form in time which will disappear almost as soon as I concentration required to produce the plating reaction.
start aerating again. However, if I delay the start-up In order that those skilled in the art may understand
of the gas stream for a period long enough that the cu how my invention can be carried into effect, the following
prous oxide is converted to copper, the copper will not 0 examples are given by way of illustration, and not by way
dissolve. To restore stability in this case, the copper of limitation.
must be removed from contact with the solution, for
example by filtration, centrifugation, decantation, etc. Example 1
Furthermore, I have found that best results are obtained
if I have the gas dispersed as very fine bubbles which theOne liter of a plating solution was made by dissolving
following ingredients in enough water to make one
are uniformly distributed throughout the entire solution. liter of solution:
Should I fail to do this, I have noticed that precipitation Grams
will occur in those portions of the solution not contacted Cupric sulfate pentahydrate --------------------- 25
by the gas stream. Immediate correction of this condi Triethanolamine ------------------------------ 60
tion can be effected by vigorous agitation. I have found 20 Sodium
that the best method of carrying my invention into ef Aqueoushydroxide 37%
----------------------------- 16
formaldehyde, 25 ml.
fect is to introduce the oxygen-containing gas stream
through a disperser such as a fritted glass disk or a po - The above solution was divided into two portions; one
rous ceramic disk so that the gas is broken up into very portion was used as a control and was allowed to stand
fine bubbles, and to use vigorous agitation to insure that 25 at room temperature without any further treatment. The
these bubbles are distributed throughout the entire vol other portion was aerated by introduction of air into the
ume of the plating... solution. Since - all metals that are solution through a fritted glass disk. It was not mechani
not attacked by the alkaline solutions are catalytically. caily stirred. At the end of approximately two hours,
active with the plating solution, the gas inlet and disperser the control had started to decompose, as evidenced by the
must be non-metals. Alternatively, of course, more than 30 precipitation of copper. The aerated sample remained
one stream of gas can be introduced into the solution. clear and unchanged. After leaving the solutions over
night, the control. sample had completely decomposed,
Providing the gas inlets are properly placed, and the vol
ume of the incoming gas is sufficient, no further agitation as evidenced by the solution being colorless and all of the
is required since the gas streams themselves will provide copper being a precipitate in the bottom of the container.
sufficient agitation of the solution. Preferably, the entire 35 The aerated sample was still blue in color and had a pH
liquid phase should be saturated with the oxygen-contain of 11.5. There was a small amount of copper metal pres
ing gas at all times. Filters can be used in conjunction ent in the solution indicating that the solution had not
with the aeration to remove any solid material. Super been well stirred. The example was repeated, except that
atmospheric gas pressure can be used but is not required. this time the solution was stirred vigorously in addition
to being areated. At the end of 12 hours, no decompo
Sub-atmospheric pressure is not desirable since it does not 40
permit as effective saturation of the solution with the sition of the plating solution had occurred, the pH was
11.9. A piece of sand-blasted paper-base, phenolic-resin
oxygen-containing gas as do higher pressures. -
. I have also found that aeration can be accomplished laminate was sensitized by immersing it for one minute in
by flowing thin films of the plating solutions over the a stannous chloride solution made by dissolving 10
surfaces to be plated. By this means, a small volume of grams of stannous chloride and 10 milliliters of 12 molar
liquid is exposed to a large volume of oxygen-containing 45 hydrochloric-acid in one liter of water, rinsed with water,
gas. By inclining the surfaces so that the liquid flows dipped for one minute into a palladium chloride solution
rapidly, agitation is also provided. The surfaces to be made by dissolving 0.5 gram of palladium chloride and
plated can be arranged in a step-wise fashion so that the 10 milliliters of 12 molar: hydrochloric acid in one liter
liquid cascades from one surface to the next in series. If 50 of water, and again rinsed in water. When the sensitized
laminate was placed in the aerated solution, a coherent,
non-metallic spray equipment is used, the plating solu bright film of copper plated onto the laminate simultane
tion can be sprayed as an atomized mist to provide aera
tion. In any of these applications, if a reservoir of liquid ously with the evolution of hydrogen from the surface.
is present, additional aeration of the liquid in the reser Example 2
voir will usually be required. A filter can also be in 55
The solution as described in Example 1 was dupli
stalled in the line to remove any solid material. . . cated and divided into two portions, into one portion, a
Since the amount of oxygen actually consumed is ex stream of nitrogen was admitted at the rate of 0.4 cubic
tremely small, there is no critical concentration of oxy foot per hour. In the second-portion, a flow of pure
gen required in the gas composition used in my process.
The actual amount of oxygen is dependent on the cupric 60 oxygen was admitted at the rate of 0.4 cubic foot per
ion-concentration. This amount can be supplied by low hour.nitrogen At the end of 12 hours, the solution aerated with
oxygen concentration at fast flow rates or high concen the was beginning to decompose and at the end
tration at low flow rates. From a practical standpoint, by the solutionwas
of 2% hours, completely decomposed, as evidenced
being colorless. The solution aerated with
there is no advantage in using a gas containing less oxygen
than the approximately 20% contained in air, since this 65 oxygen was still bright blue in color, with no signs of de
composition at the end of 48 hours, but there had been
the cheapest and most readily available oxygen-con
gas. Oxygen in a compressed gas cyclinder is a Some depletion of formaldehyde. The amount of form
convenient source to use where there is no source of com When aldehyde lost was replaced and the pH adjusted to 12.8.
pressed air, or where mobility of the plating equipment had been a piece of paper-base, phenolic-resin laminate which
is desired. However, my results with pure oxygen have 70 solution, itsensitized as in Example 1 was placed in this
was found that the copper plated on the sensi
shown no added benefits over the results I obtain with
air. The oxygen-containing gas should be free of oils, tized Surface at a rate of about 1 mill per hour. When
greases and other contaminants that would affect the moved 4 mils of copper had built up on the board, it was re
- quality of the copper-plate produced by the solutions: oxygen from the solution. The solution was aerated with
Preferably, the container for the plating solutions should is piece offorphenolic-resin
an additional 24 hours. When a sensitized
laminate was inserted into the
plating solution, the copper deposited at the same fast Solution A: -
rate of 1 mill per hour. After a film of 3 mils of copper Cupric sulfate pentahydrate ------------g-- 20
had been plated onto the sample, it was removed. Al Glycerol --------------------------ml -- 80
together, the solution had remained clear and useful as a Aqueous ammonia (28%) ------------ml -- 20
plating bath for about 80 hours with no signs of decompo 5 Solution B:
sition. Sodium hydroxide (9% aqueous sol.) --ml -- 400
Example 3 Sucrose (10% aqueous Sol.) ----------ml. 200
Two liters of solution were prepared containing the Nitric acid -------------------------ml- 0.5
following ingredients in the stated concentrations: Water -----------------------------m 250
0. Solution C:
Molarity Aqueous formaldehyde (37%) -------ml -- 80
Cupric sulfate ------------------------------- 0.10 Water -----------------------------ml. 1250
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid --------------- 0.10
Potassium hydroxide ------------------------- 0.80 The three solutions combined in the proportion
Formaldehyde ------------------------------- 0.30 5 Solution A -----------------------------ml -- 120
A piece of paper-base, phenolic-resin laminate having Solution B -----------------------------mill 850
an area of 50 sq. inches which had been sensitized with Solution C -----------------------------ml. 1330
palladium as in Example 1 was placed in this solution. The resulting plating solution was divided into two
Air was bubbled in through a fritted glass filter diffuser 20 portions. One portion was aerated with air at the rate
at the rate of 0.2 liter per minute, while the solution was of 0.5 cubic foot per hour while the other portion was
stirred vigorously with a mechanical stirrer. At the end permitted to stand at ambient temperature as a control.
of 5 hours an additional 25 milliliters of formaldehyde When a piece of paper base-phenolic-resin laminate that
was added and 2 milliliters of a wetting agent compris had been sensitized with palladium as in Example 1 was
ing an ethylene oxide and propylene oxide polymer was 25 placed in each of the two portions copper plated onto
added. The thickness of the copper coating was 0.6 to 0.7 the sensitized area. The pieces of laminate were re
mil thick and no decomposition of the plating solution had moved and the solutions allowed to stand overnight. In
occurred. At the end of an additional 1% hours, the solu the morning the non-aerated sample had formed a smooth
tion was plating satisfactorily and was left overnight, for mirror over the entire area of the glass beaker contacted
15 hours. No decomposition of the solution occurred 30 by the solution which was now depleted of copper. No
during this time and the solution was still plating, how sensitization of the non-metallic (glass) surface is neces
ever, at a very slow rate. An additional 50 milliliters of sary with this solution to obtain the mirror. The aerated
formaldehyde was added and enough potassium hydroxide sample had not decomposed either by forming a copper
was added to increase the initial molarity of the base by mirror or by precipitating cuprous oxide. At the end
an additional 0.80. This caused the solution to start plat 35 of three days it was still stable and plated copper on the
ing rapidly again. At the end of 4/2 hours, the solution sensitized laminate. By stopping the aeration of a sample
was still plating at a rate of about 0.1 mill per hour and of this solution, a copper mirror will form on the walls of
the total thickness of the copper plate was about 2% mils. the container on standing overnight.
Although no undesirable decomposition of the solution Example 6
occurred, the plating reaction was stopped at this point 40
by acidifying the solution to a pH of 2, whereby 56 of the One liter of solution was made containing the follow
original 60 grams of the ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid ing concentration of ingredients:
was recovered by filtration of the solution, since this re-. Molarity
agent is insoluble in the reaction mixture at this pH. Cupric sulfate -------------------------------- 0.1
Example 4 45 Glycerol ------------------------------------ 0.45
Ammonium hydroxide ------------------------ 0.4
One liter of solution was made containing the follow Sodium hydroxide --------------------------- 0.6
ing ingredients: - Formaldehyde (37% aqueous sol.), 80 ml.
Cupric nitrate trihydrate ----------------------- 15 This solution was divided into two portions, one of
Sodium hydroxide ----------------------------- 20 which was aerated with air as in Example 5. Both por
Sodium bicarbonate --------------------------- O tions plated copper on a piece of phenolic laminate sensi
Sodium potassium tartrate ---------------------- 30 tized as in Example 1. The non-aerated portion decom
posed in 15 to 20 minutes while the aerated sample was
This solution was divided into four equal portions of still plating on the laminate at the end of five hours
250 milliliters each, and into each portion 25 milliliters when the test was discontinued.
of 37% aqueous formaldehyde was added. One portion Example 7
was left standing at room temperature as a blank; the
second portion was aerated with air using a fritted glass One liter of solution was made containing the follow
disk to disperse the gas stream. A paper-base, phenolic ing ingredients in the stated concentration:
resin laminate which had been sensitized as in Example 60 Molarity
1 was placed in each of the third and fourth portions. Cupric sulfate ------------------------------ 0.1
The third portion was not aerated and the fourth portion Glycerol ----------------------------------- 0.45
was aerated in the same way as the second portion. In Sucrose ------------------------------------ .15
both the third and fourth solutions, the seeded board Ammonium hydroxide ----------------------- 0.4
was plated rapidly with copper. At the end of about Sodium hydroxide ---------------------------- 0.4
20 minutes, both the first and third solutions which had Aqueous formaldehyde (37%), 80 ml.
not been aerated, were starting to decompose as was evi
denced by the formation of precipitate of cuprous ox The procedure of Example 6 was repeated with almost
ide. Both the second and fourth solutions were still identical results. The test for the aerated sample was
clear, with no evidence of decomposition at the end of 70. discontinued at the end of eight hours with no sign of
7 hours. decomposition.
Example 5 Example 8
A plating composition comprising three solutions use in order to obtain some explanation as to the function
ful in making copper mirrors was made up as follows. 75 of oxygen in preventing the decomposition of these plat
7 8
ing solutions, a solution was made up containing the fol are based on the reaction of formaldehyde with a cupric
lowing ingredients in the stated concentrations: salt complex in an alkaline solution to produce a film
- - Molarity of copper metal. This stabilization is apparently caused
by the ability of the oxygen-containing gas to prevent the
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid ---------------- 0.10 precipitation or formation of cuprous oxide by the sec
Potassium hydroxide ------------------------- 0.60 ondary reaction outlined above.
into this solution, 0.05 mole of cuprous oxide was The above examples have illustrated many of the modi
added, mechanical agitation was supplied, and air at the fications and variations of the present invention, but ob
rate of 0.4 cubic foot per hour was bubbled through the viously other modifications and variations are possible in
solution. At the end of 4 hours, all of the cuprous oxide O light of the above teaching. For example, the plating
had dissolved, thus demonstrating that oxygen is capable Solutions aerated according to my invention can be used
of dissolving cuprous oxide in such a solution. Formal at higher temperatures than the non-aerated plating solu
dehyde. had been purposely omitted, since if it had been tions. It is therefore to be understood that changes may
present, it would have reduced the cuprous oxide to cop be made in the particular embodiments of the invention
per. 5 described which are within the full intended scope of the
Example 9 . . . . . invention as defined by the appended claims.
The following example was carried out to see whether What I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters
or not aeration could stop decomposition once it had Patent of the United States is:
been initiated. One liter of solution was made up con 1. The process for stabilizing aqueous, alkaline, formal
taining the following ingredients: 20 dehyde-containing copper plating solutions used to auto
Grams catalytically plate copper onto metals or non-metallic
Cupric sulfate pentahydrate --------------------- 25 surfaces which comprises aerating such solutions with
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid ------------------ 60 a gas containing elemental oxygen.
Sodium hydroxide ----------------------------- 52 2. The process of claim 1 wherein the gas is air.
3. The process of claim 1 wherein the gas is substan
Twenty-two milliliters of 37% aqueous formaldehyde tially pure oxygen.
solution was added to 875 milliliters of the above solution, 4. The process of claim 1 wherein the plating solutions
which was agitated with a mechanical stirrer and aerated are saturated with the gas.
with oxygen at the rate of 0.4 cubic foot per hour. A 5. The process of claim 1 wherein aeration is used in
sample of this solution showed a light transmission of 30 conjunction with mechanical agitation. -
98%% when measured in a spectrophotometer using 6. The process of claim 1 wherein the gas is dispersed
light of a wavelength of 450 millimicrons. The mechani throughout the entire volume of plating solution.
cal stirrer was shut off and the stream of oxygen stopped. 7. A solution for autocatalytically plating copper which
At the end of approximately 1 hour, the solution became is stabilized against self-decomposition comprising an
turbid, indicating that it was starting to decompose. At aqueous, alkaline solution of formaldehyde and a cupric
this point, the light transmission was found to have ion which has been complexed so that the solution is free
dropped to approximately 2%. The stream of oxygen of cupric hydroxide, said solution containing a gas con
and the stirring were again started, which immediately taining elemental oxygen.
caused the turbidity to disappear. After 15 minutes of 8. The solution of claim 7 wherein the gas is air.
aeration, a sample was taken and it was found that the O 9. The solution of claim 7 wherein the gas is substan
tially pure oxygen. . . m
light transmission had increased to 90%. During the
entire experiment the pH of the solution had remained at 10. The solution of claim 7 wherein the solution is
12.8. This example shows that aeration with an oxygen saturated with the gas.
containing gas can stop decomposition of these plating References Cited in the file of this patent
solutions if initiated in the early stages of the decompo 45
As illustrated by the above examples, my method of 2,759,845 Hilemn -------------- -- Aug. 21, 1956
stabilization is applicable to all plating solutions which 2,801,935 Owen ----------------- Aug. 6, 1957

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