Correlation AND Prediction of Mineral Solubilities in The Reciprocal Salt System (Na+, K') (CL-, SO:-) - Hz0 AT 0-100°C
Correlation AND Prediction of Mineral Solubilities in The Reciprocal Salt System (Na+, K') (CL-, SO:-) - Hz0 AT 0-100°C
Correlation AND Prediction of Mineral Solubilities in The Reciprocal Salt System (Na+, K') (CL-, SO:-) - Hz0 AT 0-100°C
Printed in Great Britain Q 1993 Pergamo” Press IAd
Abstract-A simplified version of the extended UNIQIJACPDebyePHiickel model is used for correlation
and prediction of mineral solubilities in the reciprocal salt system (Na+, K+)(CI-, SO:-)-Hz0 at
temperatures from 0 to 100°C. In this work the model is modified in order to contain only binary
parameters with no concentration dependence. The UNIQUACPDebyeeHiickel SE-model is used for
calculation of both ionic- and water-activities in aqueous solutions containing two or more of the four ions
Na*, K*, Cl- and SO:- at concentrations from infinite dilution to saturation and temperatures from 0 to
100°C. In addition to the activity coefficient model, an expression for calculation of solubility products for
various salts in the reciprocal salt system is presented. The results show that the extended UNIQUAC
model is able to give a good representation of ternary solubility diagrams and a fair representation of
vapor-liquid data, in the whole concentration range from infinite dilution to saturation, using the same set
of interaction parameters. Furthermore, it is shown that the model is able to predict solid--liquid equilibria
in the quaternary system (Nat, K+)(CI-, SO: )-Hz0 over a broad temperature range.
c: is assumed
= CT.
& is the standard chemical potential for water. For pendent of the temperature, and equal to the value at
the ions, we adopt the unsymmetric convention, 25°C. eq. (9) can be integrated to give
where y;f;, --* 1 asCmi-+O:
pi = ~7 + RTln(yi~,mi) (4)
1. (6)
v+pLM” + v-&z + n/L; - L&+x ” . “11ZO
K M,+x,_.~H~o = exp
Therefore, the solubility problem is reduced to solu- 1969,1971, 1981; Parker et al., 1971; Schumm, 1973),
tion of the following equation while the values for the salts are found by fitting to
(Y$;“‘.m rnM~+)‘+(y~~ ,mmx~~)Y- a; experimental solubility data.
&LY/ T h? y,E&,IRT =
( i?T > P.-j 2, TZ.
_ x,Mw4$ In(1 +ha)--ba+$ (13)
The temperature dependence of the standard enthalpy L
Correlation and prediction of mineral solubilities 3151
where x, and M, are, respectively, the mole fraction In the original version of the extended UNIQUAC
and the molar mass ( = 0.0 18015 kg/mol) of water and model (Sander, 1984), the interaction parameters be-
h = l.50(kg/mol)i’2. A is the Debye-Htickel con- tween ions and water were assumed both temper-
stant, which is given by ature- and concentration-dependent, as suggested by
d”2 Skjold-Jerrgensen (1980). The concentration depend-
ence of the parameters requires an additional set of
A = c @7-)3/Z
interaction parameters. Therefore, the concentration
c = 1.3287x 10m5 K3/2 m3/2mol-1’2 (14) dependence of the parameters are neglected in this
work, in order to reduce the total number of para-
where d and D are, respectively, the density (kg/m3) meters in the model:
and the dielectric constant of water. When the phys-
ical properties of water are introduced in eq. (14), we uiw = up, + &, (T - 300). (22)
obtain the following expression for the Debye-
The water and ion activity coefficients are obtained by
Hiickel constant as a function of the temperature T: partial molar differentiation of the g”-expressions:
where ukI and ul, are interaction energy parameters.
The ukI ( = ua) parameters between ionic species in ]n yi* .’ = In (di/Xi) - +i/Xi - In (MA + rilru
the solution are considered temperature dependent:
In (4ilei) - Qi/ei - 1 n(z)+#
Y calf -
F=x w, *
parameters r, and qk were calculated from physical i= I Y+ .erp >
properties. Sander (1984) found that very inaccurate
results were obtained when re- and q,-values cal-
culated from physical properties were used for electro-
lyte solutions. The rlr- and q&-parameters are here where y + is the molal salt activity coefficient and msa’
assumed to be equal and considered as adjustable is the salt molality of the saturated solution. NVLE is
parameters in the extended UNIQUAC equation. the total number of binary (2 ions in water) experi-
The ion and water activity coefficients calculated mental VLE data points for the four salts NaCl, KCl,
from the extended UNIQUAC model (24) are rational Na2S04 and KZSO, used for parameter estimation,
activity coefficients (on mole fraction basis), while the NSLE is the number of ternary solubility data (3 ions
activity coefficients required for solution of the solu- in water). The estimation of parameters for the recip-
bility equation (7) is on a molal basis. rocal system (Na+, K+)(Cl-. SOi-)-Hz0 included
The rational activity coefficients given by the 223 binary VLE and 340 ternary SLE datapoints.
UNIQUAC equation can be converted into molal Weighing factor for data set number i is wi. The
activity coefficients by the following relation weighing factors have been chosen by trial and error
to give a good representation of all the calculated
phase diagrams. The weight factor is necessary to give
a uniform representation of all the ternary salt sys-
where the summation is over all ionic species. tems, because of a large variation in the number of
experimental data points for the different ternary salt
ESTIMATION 0F PARAMETERS systems. Systems where very few experimental equilib-
In order to solve eq. (7) for the solubflity of a given rium data were available were, therefore, given a relat-
salt, one requires data for the interaction parameters ively high weight, while systems containing many ex-
in the activity coefficient model and values for the perimental data were given a low weight. The purpose
standard chemical potential, enthalpy and heat capa- of this work was correlation and prediction of salt
city for the salt. These data were estimated by simul- solubilities in aqueous solutions, the experimental
taneous adjustment to experimental vapor ‘liquid VLE data used for parameter estimation were, there-
equilibrium data and solubility data. For this purpose fore, given a relatively low weight in the objective
a computer based data bank has been developed. The function. It was here found suitable to weight the
data bank contains both experimental VLE- and ex- experimental SLE data with values between 1 and 10.
Table 1. Standard chemical potentials, enthalpies and heat capacities at 25°C for ions
and salts in the reciprocal salt system (Na’, K+)(CI-, SOi-)-Hz0
v V v
Name Formula (l&Ol) &lOl, (J/mol K)
Na+ 2500.00
K+ 7747.81 2500.00
Cl- 2067.02 924.12 2500.00
so: - 1403.23 1002.91 2656.14 2500.00
ho 1847.43 62.65 857.41 2237.03 0.00
CES 48:18-D
bility diagrams for the ternary system NaCl- NaCl (moles/kg HsO) ’
Na2S04-H,O, which are shown in Figs 3-6, are Fig. 4. Calculated (-) and experimental (A) (Silcock, 1979)
therefore more interesting from a scientific point of salt solubilities in the ternary system NaCILNa,SO,-H,O at
NaCl-KCl-Hz0 NaCl-NazS04--Hz0 at 50°C
800 , I
LJY 4’ooi
0.00 I I I
0.00 100 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 0
NaCl (mol/kg HeO) NaCl (moles/kg HaO) a
Fig. 2. Calculated (-) and experimental (A, n , l or 0) Fig. 5. Calculated (-_) and experimental (A) (Silcock, 1979)
(Sitcock, 1979) salt solubilities in the ternary system salt solubilities in the ternary system NaCI-Na,SO,-H,O at
NaCtKCIPH,O at 0, 25, 50 and 100°C. 50°C.
Correlation and prediction of mineral solubilities 3155
‘1 -0.60
*o.zo 1
0 00 000 I I
0.00 2.00 4 00 6.00 O.OD 0.50 1.00 I.50 2.00 2.50 3 0
NaCl (moles/kg HaO) NaaSO, (moles/kg HaO)
Fig. 6. Calculated (-) and experimental (A) (Silcock, 1979) Fig. 7. Calculated (-) and experimental (A) (Silcock, 1979)
salt solubilities in the ternary system NaCl-Na,SO,-H,O at salt solubilities in the ternary system Na,SO,-K,SOt-Ha0
100°C. at 25°C.
pearance of the various solids are correlated very NaaSO, (moles/kg HaO)
nicely by the model.
Fig. 8. Calculated (-) and experimental (A) (Silcock, 1979)
Table 5 shows a comparison of calculated and
salt solubilities in the ternary system Na,SO,-K,SO,-Hz0
experimental invariant points for the same system at at 50°C.
0~100°C. The experimental data are average vaIues of
data taken from the extensive data compilation by
Silcock (1979). From the table it appears that the The SLE phase diagrams for the system Na2S04-
calculated invariant points represent well the meas- KzS04-Hz0 at the temperatures 25, 50, 75 and
ured values considering the experimental uncer- 100°C are shown in Figs 7-10. Owing to the insuffi-
tainties. cient experimental information for this system, the
Table 5. Experimental and calculated invariant points for the system NaCI-Na,SO,-H,O at 0-100°C
I.... 25’C
1.20 . . . . . 50°C
00000 100°C
20 80 90
‘;; <o.,o
c I
d -0.40 -
g 0.20
000 T
k?? KC1
0.00 0.50 loo 150 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4. 60 0.00 1 I - -I
Na,SO, (moles/kg HzO) 0.00 200 4.00 6.00 8.00
KC1 (moles/kg HzO)
Fig. 9. Calculated (-_) and experimental (A) (Silcock, 1979)
salt solubilities in the ternary system Na,SO,-K,SO,-H,O Fig. 11. Calculated (-) and experimental (B, l or 0)
at 75°C. (Silcock, 1979) salt solubilities in the ternary system
KCI-K,SO,-H,O at 25, 50 and 100°C.
Na2S04-KzS04-Hz0 at 100°C
NaZS04 (moles/kg
-yr-y-J 0.40
X SO.'_
0.80 0.80 1.oo
Fig. 10. Calculated (-) and experimental (A) (Silcock, 1979) Fig. 12. Calculated (-) and experimental (A) (Silcock, 1979)
salt solubilities in the ternary system Na,SO,- K,SO,-H,O phase diagram for the reciprocal system (Na+, K+)(Cl-,
at 100°C. SO:-)-Hz0 at 25°C.
(N~+,K+)(C~-,S~,'-)-H~~ at 100°C
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