Subject: Apparel Production Management

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Subject: Apparel Production Management

Unit 5: Batch setting and line balancing

Quadrant 1 – e-Text

Learning Objectives

The learning objectives of this unit are:

 State the significance of line balancing.

 Explain how theoretical balancing is done.

 Define the significance of skill inventory.

 Explain how initial balancing is done.

 State the significance of balance control.

 Review examples from the garment industry to illustrate concepts.

 Illustrate line balancing and control using simulation exercises.

5.1 Batch Setting Process

Batch setting for apparel production

In apparel manufacturing industry, assembly line process involve set of workstation in which
specific operation are performed in a predefined sequence. The aim of assembly line balance
planning in sewing lines is to assign tasks to the workstations, so that the machines of the
workstation can perform the assigned tasks with a balanced loading, so that the mean absolute
deviations (MAD) can be minimized.

Line balancing is to set the flow through each operation to be as similar as possible, checking
from time to time, to see how things are going, and making adjustments to even out the flow

Batch Setting Methods

Batch setting by method 1

This has the following steps.

1. Calculation of labour requirements

2. Operation breakdown

3. Theoretical balance

Calculation of labour requirements

The First step is to allocate enough people to an order to ensure that it is completed on time. The
work content of one garment multiplied by the number in the order gives the work content of the
order. The time in which it must be completed is divided into the work content of the order, to
give the required output in standard hours per hour. The current figures of attendance utilisation
and performance are required. Floaters are required to cover for absenteeism and problems of
balancing. Calculation of this sort is not exact and it is usually good enough to decide upon the
number needed purely on the basis of absenteeism.

Required output in SM/hour: (size of the order*work content per garment)/time in hours

Labor required: Required output in SM/hour/60*predicted utilization *predicted performance

*predicted attendance.

Floaters + operators = labor

Operation Breakdown

The job must be broken down into operations of equal size. The operation breakdown includes
element description from method study, standard time of each operation and type of machinery
required. Special work aids and attachments should also be mentioned on it.

This table displays the operation breakdown for the back section for a pair of jeans.

Sl. Operations M/C Type SMV

1 pocket hemming APH 0.07
2 pocket o/l 3T O/L 0.3
3 pocket creasing ADPC 0.4
4 pocket attaching APS 0.74
5 second stitch @ back pocket SNLS 0.65
6 back yoke attach FOA 0.41
7 back rise join FOA 0.24
8 size label attach SNLS 0.2
Theoretical operation balance

The number of element should match the number of people calculated in labour requirement.
The alternate arrangement in theoretical balancing includes putting operators in parallel,
operators in series, method / construction changes and work place improvements. Pitch time is
the theoretical operation time; each operator should take for a planned balanced line.

It is calculated as: (SAM value of a style) / (No. of operator required to meet the target).

Batch setting by method 2

The Operation Bulletin is prepared which includes one column for calculated machine
requirement and another column for actual machine requirement as shown in the chart.

Calculated machine, which is calculated requirement mostly come in fraction. Secondly you
have to allocate correct number of machines to get output as per hourly target. Where work
content is high (greater than Pitch) you plan for more than one machine for the same operation.
When do you add one machine more and share work with other operation (machine) depends on
work content and it is decided by Upper and Lower control limits

Upper limit is calculated by adding 10 Percentage to 15 Percentage of the basic pitch time and
minus 10-15 Percentage to calculate lower limit. Standard limit is +/-10 Percentage. In the
following diagram, UCL and LCL have been drawn considering +/- 15 Percentage of Pitch time.

This Pitch diagram is drawn with operation time, Pitch, UCL and LCL. Blue line shows basic
time in seconds. When Blue line will remain within UCL and LCL i.e. +/- 15Percentage limit,
one machine is considered for those operations.
When basic time of an operation is above upper limit 2 machines will be assigned for that
operation, e.g. attach sleeve, sew side seam with label and sew sleeve hem.


7680 skirt must be made in two weeks each of 40 hrs. Predicted attendance is 90Percentage,
predicted utilization 85Percentage, predicted average piece work performance on standard 95
BSI. Sam of the garment is 10 min. Performance of floater 50 BSI.

Let us Calculate the following:

a) Required output in SAM/hour

b) No. of labour required

c) No. of floaters required

d) No. of operator required

e) Pitch time for operation. What is the significance of pitch time in line balancing?


a) Required output in SM/hour: (size of the order*work content per garment)/time in hours

= 960 SM/hour

b) Labour required: Required output in SM/hour/60*1/predicted utilization *1/predicted

performance*1/predicted attendance

=22 labour

c) Floater = 4

d) Operator + Floater = Labour

22-4 = 18 operators

e) Pitch time= (SAM value of a style) / (No. of operator required to meet the target)

= 10/18 if three lines.

= .55 min

Pitch time is the theoretical operation time; each operator should take for a planned balanced
line. It is calculated as:

(SAM value of a style) / (No. of operator required to meet the target)

5.2 Process of Line Balancing

Line Balancing has three steps. (1) Batch setting (2) Initial Balance (3) Balance Control

Initial balance
The expected performance of the people available must be taken from the skill inventory, in
order to man the line in a way that smoothens out the potential variations in output between the
stations shown in the theoretical balance. It is usual to select 'floaters' at this stage, which will
help to cope with absenteeism and imbalance

Operator skill inventory

This database maintains the record of each operator, who can do what operation and at what
rating. It is very important to keep this database updated as over the time operator acquires skills
for new operations as well as improve performance in the existing operations.

Allocation of operators

Allocation also depends on type of balance required.

1. One approach of allocation is to find the closest match between operator performance required
and operator performance available. This type of allocation results intrinsic balance of line.

2. Another approach of allocation is to utilize the operators in operations they can do best. This
approach results dynamic balance of line.

Let’s understand this from this example:

Operation SAM Machine Target Operator performance


A. Collar attaching 1.5 SNLS 40 pcs. 100%

B. Cuff attaching 1.2 SNLS 40 pcs. 80%

C. Band hemming 1.0 SNLS 40 pcs. 66%

For the three operations: collar attaching, cuff attaching and band hemming, the SAM, Machine
required, target output and operator performance required is displayed.
Displayed here is the operator skill inventory chart for Sita, Urmila, Rita and Savita, for
operation A, B and C.

Sita Urmila Rita Savita

For Op A 70% 105% 140%

For Op B 80% 100%

For Op C 120% 70% 100% 70%

When operator allocation, with intrinsic and dynamic balancing is done for the three operations,
the results are different as shown here.

Operation Intrinsic Balance Dynamic Balance

A. Collar attaching Urmila Savita

B. Cuff attaching Sita Rita

C. Band hemming Savita Savita+Rita

For Intrinsic balance total three operators are allocated, with closest performance available. For
operation A, 100 Percentage operator is needed and closest available is Urmila (105 Percentage).
For dynamic balancing only two operators are allocated, total performance needed is 246
Percentage (100 + 80 + 66). Savita and Rita together (100 + 140) Percentage can match the
requirement. Here operators are allocated to the operations they can do the best. The dynamic
balance results in better operator utilisation but it is comparatively difficult to maintain.

5.3 Balance control

Balance control is perhaps the most vital skill in a supervisor, with its objective to maintain the
highest output and not just to keep people busy. To set the flow through each operation to be as
similar as possible checking from time to time to see how things are going and making
adjustments to even out the flow again. All grid station will produce the same amount per unit
time in a balanced production system.

5.4 Conclusion
To summarize, in this unit, you have seen the importance of initial balance, and ways to allocate
and utilize operators to get the optimum balance that is required. Balance control is perhaps the
most vital skill that is required of a supervisor.

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