Question Bank
Part A
1. Differentiate between passive attacks and active attacks.
S.No Passive Attack Active Attack
Passive attacks are in the Active Attacks involve some
1 nature of eavesdropping on, or modification of the data stream or the
monitoring of transmissions. creation of a false stream.
Part B
1. State and Describe Fermat’s theorem and Euler’s theorem(16)
2. Explain about classical crypto systems (substitution and transposition)with two examples for
3. List the different types of attacks and explain in detail.(8)
4. Describe Chinese remainder theorem with example.(8)
5. Evaluate321 mod11using Fermat’s theorem.(4)
6. Find GCD using Euler’s Theorem. Find GCD of 1070and 1066 using Euclid
7. Encrypt the message “PAY” using hill cipher with the following key matrix and show
the decryption to formulate original plaintext(8)
|17 17 5|
K=|21 1821|
|2 2 19|
8. Generalizethesecurityservicesclassificationsandsecuritymechanismsin detail.(8)
9. Summarize the following in detail
(i) Modular Exponentiation(8)
(ii) Finite fields(8)
10. Apply Caesar cipher and k=5 decrypt the given Ciphertext
11. Apply Vigenere cipher; encrypt the word “explanation” using the key “leg”. (8)
(i) Discuss briefly the Discrete Algorithms.(8)
(ii) Discuss about the Groups, Rings and Field(8)
13. With a neat block diagram, explain the network security model and the important
parameters associated with it.(8)
14. Differentiate active and passive security attacks. Categorize these attacks and explain one
examples of each(8)
15. State the Chinese Remainder Theorem and find X for the given set of congruent equations
X≡2 mod 3, X≡3 mod 5 and X≡2 mod 7.
16. Discuss the following
a) Message Integrity(2) b) Denial of Service(2) c) Availability(2)
d) Authentication(2)
Part A
5. What are the requirements for the use of a public-key certificate scheme?
Four requirements can be placed on this particular scheme:
1 Any participant can read a certificate to determine the name and public key
of the certificate’s owner
2 Any participant can read a certificate to determine the name and public
key of the certificate’s owner
3 Only the certificate authority can create and update certificates
a) Any participant can verify the currency of the certificate
1. Describe in detail, the key generation in AES algorithm and its expansion format.(16)
2. Describe Triple DES and its applications.(8)
3. Explain the modes of operation in block cipher.
4. Formulate the single round of DES algorithm and design the key discarding process of DES.
5. Describe the RC5 method used for encryption and decryption
6. Draw the general structure of DES and describe how encryption and decryption
are carried out and identify the strength of DES algorithm.
7. Analyze how meet in middle attack is performed on double Data
8. Discuss in detail about Blowfish.
9. Evaluate using Diffie-Hellman key exchange technique. Users A and B use a common
prime q=11and a primitive root alpha=7.(i)If user A has private key XA=3.Whatis A’s
public key YA? (ii)If user B has private key XB=6.Whatis B’s public key YB? (iii)What is
the shared secret key? Also
10. Describe RSA Algorithm and Estimate the encryption and decryption values for the RSA
algorithm parameters.
11. How is d iscrete logarithme valuated for a number? Summarize the role of discrete log in the
Diffie-Hellman key exchange in exchanging the secret key among two users?
12. What a r e e l l i p t i c c u r v e s ? Describe how the elliptic curves are useful for
13. Briefly describe the idea behind Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem and describe the key management
of public key
13. Apply the m a t h e m a t i c a l foundations of R S A algorithm. Perform encryption decryption f
o r t h e f o l l o w i n g d a t a .P=17, q=7, e=5, n=119, message=”6”. Use Extended Euclid’s
algorithm to find the private key.
14. User A and B use Diffie-Hellman key exchange a common prime q=71 and a
primitive root a=7.Calculate the following. If user A has private key XA=5, what
is A’s public key YA. If user A has private key XB=12, what is B’s public key YB
and what is shared secret key?
15. Consider the elliptic curve E11(1,6);that is the curve is defined by y2=x3+x+6 with a modules
of P=11. Calculate all the points in E11(1,6). Start by calculation the right hand side of the
equation of all the values of n?
16. Explain briefly about Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm with its pros and cons.
Part A
11. What is the difference between an unconditionally secure cipher and a computationally
secure cipher?
An encryption scheme is unconditionally secure if the ciphertext generated by the
scheme does not contain enough information to determine uniquely the corresponding plaintext,
no matter how much ciphertext is available. An encryption scheme is said to be computationally
secure if: (1) the cost of breaking the cipher exceeds the value of the encrypted information, and
(2) the time required to break the cipher exceeds the useful lifetime of the information.
12. What is the difference between a message authentication code and a one-way hash
A hash function, by itself, does not provide message authentication. A secret key must be used in some
fashion with the hash function to produce authentication. A MAC, by definition, uses a secret key to
calculate a code used for authentication
1. Where hash functions are used? What characteristics are needed in secure hash Function?
Write about the security of hash functions and MACs
2. Describe digital signature algorithm and show how signing and verification is done using
3. Explain the process of deriving eighty 64-bitwords from 1024 bits for processing of a single
blocks and also discuss single round function in SHA-512 algorithm. Show the values of
W16,W17,W18 and W19.
4. What is Digital Signature? Explain how it is created at the sender end and retrieved at receiver
end differentiate digital signature from digital
5. Describe HMAC algorithm in detail and Give the classification of authentication function in
6. Compare and generalize t h e features of SHA and MD5algorithm.
7. Analyze the MD5 message digest algorithm with necessary block
8. Describe in detail El-Gamal Public key cryptosystems with an example.
9. Illustrate Secure Hash Algorithm in detail andclassifyitsperformancewithMD5.
10. Give abriefnotesonX.509authenticationservices.
11. Discuss the security of hash functions and MACs and describe any one method of efficient implementation
of HMAC.
1 .Why does PGP generate a signature before applying compression?
The signature is generated before compression due to 2 reasons:
It is preferable to sign an uncompressed message so that one can store only the
uncompressed message together with the signature for future.
14. What is the difference between an SSL connection and SSL session?
Connection is a transport that provides a suitable type of service. For SSL, such
connections are peer-topeer relationships. The connections are transient. Every connection is
associated with one session. Session: An SSL session is an association between a client and a
server. Sessions are created by the Handshake Protocol. Sessions define a set of cryptographic
security parameters, which can be shared among multiple connections. Sessions are used to
avoid the expensive negotiation of new security parameters for each connection.
7. Why does ESP include a padding field?
The ciphertext needs to end on an eight octet boundary because the Authentication data
field is properly aligned in the packet. This is what the protocol expects and if it doesn't follow
the rules, it's considered to contain an error in the packet. It's like English or other languages.
We expect sentences to end with a period so we know where one sentence ends and the other
1. Formulate what are the requirements of Kerberos? Explain about Kerberos version.
2. Explain the Firewall design principles.
3. What are viruses? Explain the virus related threats and the counter measures applied.
4. What is meant by message digest and explain about HMAC digital signatures.
5. Illustrate the technical details of firewall.
6. Illustrate the three common types of firewalls with diagrams.
7. Describe Secure Electronic Transaction for E-Commerce transaction with neat diagram
8. Summarize on the significant types of virus categories.
9. Whatisatrustedsystem?Expressthebasicconceptofdataaccesscontrolin trusted systems
10. Describethearchitectureofdistributedintrusiondetectionsystemwiththe necessary diagrams
11. List about virus and related threats in detail
12. Estimate what is the role of intrusion detection system? What are the three
benefits that can be provided by the intrusion detection system?
13. Differentiate between statistical anomaly detection and rule based intrusion detection
14. Analyze the architecture of distributed intrusion detection system with the necessary
15. How does screened host architecture for firewalls differ from screened subnet
firewall architecture? Which of for more security for the information assets there
main on the trusted network? Explain with neat sketch?
16. Describe the roles of the different servers in Kerberos protocol. How does the user get
authenticated to the different servers?
17. Give briefly about trusted systems
18. Classify the various measures that may be used for intrusion detection.
19. Show how the encryption is key generated from password in Kerberos?
20. Explain with the help of an example how a user’s certificate is obtained from another
certification authority in X.509scheme
1. Define – Virus
Computer Viruses is defined as the malicious software programs that damage computer
program entering into the computer without the permission of the users, and also run against
the wishes of the users. They are replicated by themselves. Viruses are so dangerous and
malicious that they can be automatically copied and pasted from memory to memory over and
Types of virus:
Boot sector Virus
Macro virus
Multipartite Virus
Stealth virus
2. What is application level gateway?
An application gateway or application level gateway (ALG) is a firewall proxy which
provides network security. It filters incoming node traffic to certain specifications which mean
that only transmitted network application data is filtered. Such network applications include
File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Telnet, Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) and BitTorrent.
1. How does PGP provide authentication and confidentiality for email services and for file transfer
applications? Draw the block diagram and explain the components
2. Explain the general format of PGP message.
3. Summarize the Operations of PGP ? Brief the various services provided by PGP.
4. Discuss the threats faced by an e-mail and explain its security requirements to provide a secure e-mail
5. Describe about the PKI.
6. Describe the ISAKMP format with diagrams
7. Summarize about the authentication header of IP and discuss about encapsulating security payload
of IP
8. List the different protocols of SSL. Explain in detail Hand shake protocol
9. Tell how does the server get authenticated to client in SSL?
10. ExplainIPSecprotocolsindetail.Alsodevelopapplicationsandadvantagesof IPSec.
11. Sketch and analyze the IPSec Document Overview diagram
12. WhatisPGP?Examinehowauthenticationandconfidentialityismaintained in PGP
13. Explain the key rings and its significance in PGP. Show how the message
14. Analyze the Cryptographic algorithms used in S/MIME and Explain S/MIME certification processing