Flash and Condensate Savings Calculator

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Flash Steam Savings Analysis

Part I: Determining the amount of flash steam produced

A. Condensate Load 1000 lbs/hr

B. Annual hours of operation 3470 hours
C. Steam Cost 5 /1000 lbs produced
D. Flash Steam percentage from chart below 7%
E. Flash steam produced: 70 lbs/hr
D x A = Flash steam produced

Part II: Determining the Dollar Value of the flash steam

F. Annual potential flash steam savings 1214.5

Flash Steam Savings = E x B x C

condensate savings analysis

Condensate Savings Analysis

Condensate Load * 1000 lb/hr

Annual Hours of Operation * 3470 hrs.
Total Water Costs
c1. Untreated water and sewage * 0.002 $/gal
c2. Water treatment chemicals * 0.003 $/gal
Total 0.005 $/gal
Make-up water preheating requirements
d1. Condensate return temperature * 160 F
d2. Make-up water temperature * 60 F
Total 100 btu/lb
Steam Cost 5 $/1000lb
Savings in water costs 2080.3 $/yr
Savings for preheating make-up water 1735 $/yr
Cost of steam to run Armstrong Pump Trap 52.05 $/yr
Total annual savings 3763.3 $/yr
Payback period 1.35 yrs.

Equipment cost * 5063

An * next
next to a field
indicates required

Alternative Savings: Less than 100% condensate return

Annual Savings Payback Period
90% return $3,387 1.49 yrs.
80% return 3,011 1.68 yrs.
75% return 2,822 1.79 yrs.
70% return 2,634 1.92 yrs.
60% return 2,258 2.24 yrs.
50% return 1,882 2.69 yrs.
40% return 1,505 3.36 yrs.
30% return 1,129 4.48 yrs.
25% return 941 5.38 yrs.

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