Group 4 Research
Group 4 Research
Group 4 Research
A thesis Presented to
The faculty of Bachelor of Science and Business Administration
Kolehiyo ng Pantukan, Pantukan, Davao De Oro
In partial fulfillment of
The requirement for the degree
Bachelor of science in business administration
Quality of practice has become an aspect of every rice vendor to gain the trust
of their customers. It has been proven by some researchers that quality practices are
evaluate service quality, in line with this, ice Mill industries ensure that information
from institutional catering and other forms of quality practices are all verified in
Kipling's (2014) mentioned those goods and services they require for daily
business activity. This is important for rice vendors to update their expectations and
HACCP to strengthen the food sector, regular food safety and hygiene workshops
and training for food handlers that commensurate with their roles were made.
their definition about quality practices for rice vendors; factors rice vendors in the city
Consequent, the need for the development of a training program for food
vendors reflects an increasing awareness of the fact that the eating quality of rice
production of the food the germination of the seed, and culminates in its
consumption. From this point of view street food handler is inevitably involved in
cases; some can influence providing recommendation about the kind of rice they sell
in the market. Apart from the problems of handling and proper cultivation of rice
which seems likely that the rice miller will become increasingly concerned with
enhancing the biological value of traditional food. Further, there is the potential for
involving entirely new ways of preparation and handling as a result of the pressure of
increasing population diversity and demand. This is likely to produce and need for
Barth & Toledo (2011), the rice mills Iloilo that purchase of no household food
preparation accounted for about 30% all food expenditures and that each purchase
On a daily basis, a majority of the vendors in both cities were found to earn incomes
greater than the national minimum wage. Rice vendors offered traditional foods.
They were extensive users of domestic food supplies. They played a role in the
The study will examine the quality practices of the rice vendors especially
the countries with huge land area for farming, most Filipino farmers have low income
just enough to sustain their needs. Countries rice supply will be significantly affected
by low income of rice farmers and thus loyal customers and provide good reference
The purpose of this study is to describe perception of the rice vendors in the
quality of their practice especially those who started from hard and become
successful business growers. it is an intellectual mystery of conducting this study
were in only few choose to pick this real life topic such in relating to quality practices.
However, it is broad concept because of its concept and has various factors
affecting and contributing the quality of practices for rice vendors. Therefore, we will
have focused on the specific aspects that citing the quality of practices in rice
However, show that in the earliest rice vendors were known to be the
primordial assets in our country. Our present government creating various programs
for the rebuilding the agricultural sectors especially rice businessmen which shall be
In general, the aim of this case study is really is to explore more on what
Research Question
The following are the questions that will help the researchers obtain data
1. What is the factors contributing the quality of practices for rice vendors?
Theoretical Lens
The Philippines is the 8 th largest rice producer in the world accounting for
2.8% of global rice production. It is also the world largest rice importer in 2010
Filipinos are rice farmers. The rice culture in the Philippines was believed to be the
wetland system of cultivation. Rice was originally grown in a wet land as a
In addition, the Philippines is one of the largest importer of rice in the world
with 1.8 million tons in 2008 (world rice statistics, 2008). Rice is the important, food
in Asia. It also became self-sufficient rice country has to adopt existing technologies
disasters. The Philippines has a total 300000 square kilometers of land area are
used for rice production. Rice quality is context-specific and consumers are
heterogenous with respect to how they perceive and differentiate quality (Custodio,
Rice vendor farmers, cultivated good species for varietal improvement rice to
produce sufficiency , for high yield rice in the Philippines the culture of any land rice
in the Philippines (halls and scrivener 2006). So that visual characteristics of rice
grains are important search attributes that affect consumers purchasing decision are
used as some of the first selection criteria in the varietal improvement programs
(Raymi 1960).
The researchers believed that the result of this study will serve as the basis
for the different quality practices of rice vendor owner. The result of this study could
help the rice vendors to improve their business and to understand better on how to
interact with their customer and more importantly, it could help them to enhance the
Definition of terms
the customer comes first and is of the highest priority. It is the desire for utmost
quality. Vendors are too complacent with their stability; the focused on how to
expand their business only but they lack the need of customer. Eventually, customer
Rice Vendor. The rice vendor farmers, cultivated good species for varietal
improvement, rice to produce sufficiency for high yield rice in the Philippines the
culture of dry land rice in the Philippines. The rice vendor displayed different variety
of rice.
willingness to pay a price for specific good or services. Holding all other factors
constant an increase in the price of a good of service will decrease demand and rice
specific good or service that available to consumers. It can relate to the amount
available across a range of prices if displayed in a graph. This relates closely to the
demand for a good price of the supply provided by the producers rose rise.
This study focused only on the responses perceived by the customer and the
vendors of Pantukan Davao de Oro about the service and quality of rice and their
satisfaction. The respondents were only taken from Pantukan Davao de Oro which
Hence, the result may truly represent the reality of Pantukan Davao de Oro
population as perceived by the entire population of the said province and this will
eventually help the community of the said municipality in evaluating their services in
Chapter 1 introduced the rationale, its purpose of the study, research question, and
theoretical lens. We also articulated the limitations and delimitation of the study and
presented the related literature of this study which are in this section.
Chapter 2 presented the research design used in this study, the role of the
Chapter 3 presented and introduced the methodology, research design, role of the
consideration and reference the most important of the chapter 3 is the survey
The Philippines to become self -sufficient rice, country has to adopt existing
2004). Rice vendors farmers, cultivated good species for varietal improvement rice to
produce sufficiency, for high yield rice in the Philippines the culture of any land rice in
In (2004 Roferos, Juliano & felix) reported the result of their study comparing
the grain and quality of rice with other commercial varieties known until 2002. They
employed the method of cluster analysis these varieties were classified based
On the other hand, in 2002 the rice program of the department of agriculture
(RPDA 2002). Conducted an informal survey to verify the top varieties planted by
farmers in the 79provinces of the country. The situation improved somewhat in late
1980s and smaller amount of rice were imported. In 1990 the country experienced a
According to( Arz Glipo V.V 2002) the probable cause of the current rice
crisis, is due to the consumers and producers move, about 68million Filipinos spends
24% of their income on rice. The effect of large price increases lowered the standard
of living because the more they spend on rice purchase they could hardly afford
(Toxis 2008) rice is one of the most important food crops as it is consumed by
more than half of the worlds population, despite its importance, the international rice
several ways. Product characteristics could either be intrinsic, such a taste ,texture,
or color which extrinsic to the product such as packaging and brand ( Sepco 2009).
Rice is one the most valuable crops in philippine agriculture. Rice contributes about
17% of the total agricultural gross value added 2.6% of the gross domestic product,
which is the largest for any single agriculture commodity (NSCB 2009)
Rice is also the most extensively grown crop in the country planted in about 30% of
the total agricultural area harvested (Dawe 2003). For 2million families rice farming is
the source of over half of the household income. Philippine rice production tripled
from 5million tons in 1970 to more than 16million tons in 2008, with only a 44%
public, quick positive and affective processing of a transaction between the entire
enterprise and the customers. During a series of transaction customers judge that
fulfill relevant markets needs or wants. Product can be divided in to 2levels first is the
core product which offers the main benefits and uses that consumers needs, second
is expected productis a set of attributes and conditions that are expected when
conformity of product performance with the stated standard of a product. and also
Therefore the total quality of the customer and the vendors experience relies
on the mutual support and differences habits will effectively help improve to cater the
customer through their buying a rice to the good quality of the product.
Research Design
rice vendors decision, perception, and experiences from their customer. The aim is
to get responses about the quality practices, though and feelings of the rice vendors.
In this study, we utilized the information gathered from IDI and FGD
background of this paper. Second, we discussed the nature of the study to the
participants while providing them a comfortable place to give their satisfied answers.
After the data collection, common themes were established and analyzed by
chronological order and after the analytical phase, we drew meaning and
Research participants
The discerned participants of the study of quality practices of rice vendor are
participants selected in-depth interview (IDI) and (10) participants for focused-group
discussion (FGD). In FGD, there could be no right and wrong answers but only the
differences in point of view and that participant do not need to agree with each other
The data for this study were collected from both primary and secondary
sources. Primary data were collected from samples of the respondents. Sources of
primary data were smallholder farmer, traiders, brokers, retailers and rice millers.
Davao de Oro employing guide questions to determine the work and performance of
the participants. Interviews will be audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. The
guide questions were the only instrument used in this inquiry. It also served as a
guide during the in-depth interview (IDI) and focused group discussion (FGP).
Generally, the queries were based on the research questions that revealed
the experiences, coping means and the insights of the customers and seller who
a). Data on quantity of rice marketed, price of rice supplied, total acreage of rice
service contact, were collected and these were used to analyze factors determining
b). Data on output produce and sold, production costs, input costs and marketing
costs, were collected and used to analyze the net returns (profitability) of rice
production and the cost and price information used to constract marketing and
barriers to entry and capital were collected sample informants using a questioner,
information, and institutional support activities were collected and used to analysis
In addition to primary on the above issues secondary data like population number,
agricultural inputs and output prices, land used pattern, agro-ecology, list of license
and non-license traders, marketing agents and their role. Marketing directions,
Data analysis
Ethical consideration
services and management. The aims of this research were first to map ethical issues
in workplace as they work each day. Second from a normative ethical perspective on
workers on how they serve customers, third the management on how will they keep
consideration. A strong expectation of loyalty and respect within a team and a best
service for customers and management develop strategy that can keep workers.
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