Geo Notes Form Three and Form Four-1
Geo Notes Form Three and Form Four-1
Geo Notes Form Three and Form Four-1
Theme 1. Population and Settlement
1.1 Population dynamics
1.2 Settlement
Migration: the movement of people from one country or region to another for a period of
more than one year as a result of push and pull factors.
Birth rate: average number of live births in a year for every 1000 people in a population.
Death rate: average number of deaths for every 1000 people
Population growth is related to the amount of resources available for example water, wood
and minerals
Carrying Capacity – The number of people the environment can support without damaging
the environment.
OptimumPopulation – This is the amount of people that a region/country can ecologically
support, usually less than carrying capacity.
Under-population – it refers to a situation when a country has less people in relation to the
available resources. Countries that are under populated include Australia, Canada and
Northern Russia (Siberia)
Overpopulation –It is whereby there are many people in an area as compared to the available
developed resources leading overcrowding, depletion of resources and social problems.
Countries that are overpopulated includeBangladesh, Nigeria, DRC and Haiti.
Population pyramid
A Population Pyramid is a graph that shows the age-sex distribution of a given population. It a graphic
profile of the population’s residents. Sex is shown on the left/right sides, age on the y-axis, and the
percentage of population on the x-axis. Each grouping is shown in 0-4 years.
A population pyramid shows three distinct age groups. These are:
The Young population/ youth dependent population/youths-These are people below age 15
years within a population. They are also known as children and they are dependent on the
working population. Most LEDCs have a greater proportion of the youthful population due to
high birth rates. (0-14 years Proportion of the population)
Population Characteristics of
Wide base-due to high birth rates
Narrow top due to high death rates and low life expectancy.
Low median age-due to high percentage of children below fifteen years
Decreasing number of the economically active population due to high death
rates and high outmigration.
Low life expectancy due to high death rates.
B-United States of America- MEDC
Narrow base due to controlled birth rates
Wider base due to low death rates.
High percentage of ageing population/greying population
A bulging middle due to a higher percentage of the working population. This
is caused by low death rates and less outmigration.
Higher median age due to controlled birth rates.
High life expectancy due to decrease in death rates.
Stage 2: high birth rate; fall in death rate; slightly longer life expectancy; more dependency as
there are more elderly
Stage 3: declining birth rate; declining death rate; longer life expectancy; more dependency
Stage 4: low birth rate; low death rate; highest dependency ratio; longest life expectancy
Infant Mortality Rate: It is the number of children below one year who die per thousand of
live births
MaternalMortality: It is the number of women who die during pregnancy or forty-two days
after termination of pregnancy.
Life expectancy:The average number of years a person from a specific country is expected to
The higher the death rate the lower the life expectancy and the lower the death rate the higher
the life expectancy.
Most MEDCs have higher Life expectancies while LEDCs have lower life expectancies.
EG- Japan=82 years
Botswana=58 years
Population growth rate: refers to the increase or decrease in the population of an area as a
result of birth rates, death rates and net migration. It is calculated as
Natural increase is the difference between birth rates and death rates.
Dependency Ratio:It the proportion or ratio of the youths and aged people to the working
population. It is the ratio of the 0-14 years and 65+ people to that of the 15-64 years.
Dependents are therefore people who are the 0-14 and 65 + age group who rely on the
working population.
It is thus calculated using the formula;
Youth Dependency Ratio: It refers to the ratio of the 0-14 years aged people to the working
population (15-64).
It is common in most LEDCs due to high birth rates. It is common in countries such as
Zimbabwe,Malawi,Mali,Nigeria and South Africa
Catch phrase: Too many young people!
Aged Dependency Ratio: It refers to the proportion of the aged people (65+) to that of the
working population (15-64).
Aged dependency is very common in MEDCs where there are large numbers of aged people
due to high life expectancy as a result of improved medical facilities, betterdrugs, old people’s
homes and better living standards.
E.g. Japan, Germany, France, China and Sweden
Population Density refers to the number of people per unit area.E.g per square kilometre
It is calculated using the formula:
Human Factors
Better housing opportunities-People are normally densely settled in areas with better
houses e.g. in towns
Education-better education facilities and prospects also attract more people into an
Health-people normally settle in areas with better medical facilities.
Entertainment-Areas with a lot of entertaining facilities attract a lot of people.
Culture-certain areas are densely populated because people are culturally attached to
them.Eg. Most rural areas in Zimbabwe are densely populated because people want to
be nearer to their kins or relatives.
Retirement areas-Certain areas are used as retirement areas and therefore are more
densely populated. E.g. Sunny coastal areas of South-East USA.
Relief (for farming, defence)-Gentle sloping and flat relief encourages human
settlement and construction of infrastructure and therefore they are densely
populated.E.g river valley areas and coastal plains. Steep-sided areas and rugged
mountain areas are normally sparsely populated due to low temperatures, thin and
poor soil,inaccessibility,difficulties in constructing settlements and infrastructure and
high rates of soil Himalaya mountains in Asia
Climate-areas with moderate and seasonal rainfall as well as moderate temperatures
are very important for farming and human health. These areas are generally densely savannah regions. Areas with extremes of climatic conditions are less
populated e.g. desert areas are hot and dry whilst the Polar Regions are too cold and
too dry. Equatorial rainforest too hot and too wet.
Water supply- Areas with adequate supplies of clean water for domestic and
industrial purposes are generally densely populated as compared to areas that lack
supplies of clean water.
Resources-regions that well-endowed with a lot of natural resources such as minerals,
timber, water, energy sources and fish are densely populated as compared to areas that
lack resources.E.g The Copper belt in Zambia is densely populated due to the
availability of copper, The Witwatersrand area in South Africa due to availability of
Disease-areas that are relatively free from diseases and pests are densely populated as
compared to areas that are characterised by high incidences of diseases and pests.
Bridging points-Natural bridging points are very important for transport systems and
they are therefore densely populated.
Soils: Fertile soils attract people for agricultural purposes. These areas are densely
populated as compared to areas that have thin and infertile soils. Flood plains with
deep alluvial soils are important for farming agricultural purposes. E.g. the Ganges
and Brahmaputra valleys in Asia as well as the Wang-Ho river valley in China. Fertile
volcanic soils also attract a lot of people.e.g Mt Etna area in Italy and Java Area in
Natural routes- Natural routes such as perennial rivers are important for
transportation of people and goods and they are densely populated. Areas with gaps
through mountains and confluence of rivers offer good transport connectivity.
Ports-Areas with good ports promote trade, industrial development and employment of
Transport links-Areas that are well serviced with transport routes are densely
populated as compared to areas with poor transport links.
Industrial areas-Industrial regions are densely populated because of employment
availability, industrial linkages large markets for consumer goods, provision of better
services and infrastructure.E.g The Ruhr in Germany and the Randstad conurbation in
The Netherlands
Tourist areas-Areas with tourist resorts are densely populated.E.g the region of Costa
de Sol in Spain and Monaco.
Causes of overpopulation
Overpopulation is a direct result of high birth rates although it can also be caused by other
Low literacy levels.
Low food production.
Cultural factors which encourage people to have more children.
Lack of access to land for farming.
High rates of immigration.
Lack of family planning
Better medical facilities leading to increase in population.
Signs or effects of overpopulation Solution
High population densities.e.g in Providing education for both woman
Bangladesh. and men.
High incidence of diseases. Birth control through the use of
Lower standards of living and high contraceptives and other birth control
poverty levels. pills.
Low industrial growth and low per Using incentives to encourage smaller
capita incomes. families.
High unemployment rates. Encouraging foreign directinvestment
There will be more social investment in order to push up industrial
as compared to industrial investment. development.
High pollution levels. Developing rural areas to reduce
Environmental degradation.E.g soil movement in urban areas.
erosion and deforestation. Developing small-scale projects in
High incidence of civil strife and rural areas to raise their standards of
political instability. living.E.g small scale irrigation
Land shortages due to high population programmes.
increase. Adopting One Child policy to reduce
Lack of food leading to starvation and birth rates.
famine. Land redistribution to encourage
Corruption access to land by rural farmers.
A wide gap between the poor and the Importation of food.
rich people in a population. Practising intensive farming to
High incidence of diseases.E.g increase food production.
cholera, H.I.VAIDS, typhoid.
Strain on resources such education,
health and recreational facilities.
Squatter settlements in urban areas.
High rates of urbanisation.
Causes of underpopulation
Reduced birth rates leading to decreasing population.
High rates of emigration-The country or area becomes depopulated as a result of
outmigration of people.
Large land area in relation to the population.E.g Siberia.
Effects Solutions
Effects of under population can be positive Redistribution of population in areas
and negative: with low population densities.
Positive Encouraging in-migration of people
High standards of living particularly into a region with low population
in MEDCs. densities.
Abundant supply of natural resources. Developing infrastructure in remote
Greater potential for industrial areas.
It can lead to remoteness.
It can lead slow economic growth.
Under-utilisation of resources.
Population Migration:
Population migration refers to the movement of people from area to another for a period of
more than one year as a result of push and pull factors.
Classification of migration.
Voluntary migration occurs when migrants move due to self-will or out of choice to another
area. The migrant is not forced. Reasons for voluntary migration include:
Forced migration occurs when a migrant is forced to move from one area to another by
factors out of his or her control. The migrant is left with no option but to move due to danger
in his or her life. Reasons for international migration include:
(c) Time and frequency: Migration can be classified according to the period that a
migrant stays in the destination.
Permanent migration occurs when a person moves for a period of more than
one year.
Temporary migration occurs when a migrant seasonally.E.g Mexican cotton
pickers in California, USA.
Problems which may cause people to avoid international migration/Barriers to
international migration
Push Factors
These are factors which force people to leave their areas of origin.
High unemployment rates
Poor working conditions
Low wages
Poor health care
Poor educational opportunities
Drought and famine
Pull Factors
These are factors which attract people into an area. They are positive factors which encourage
in-movement of people into an area.
Better employment prospects
Higher wages
Better health care
Better living standards
Safety /lower crime rates
Nearness to family and friends.
The large-scale movement of people into urban areas has creates a lot of problems both in
urban and rural areas. The table below summarises the main problems in rural and urban areas
as a result of rural to urban migration.
Problems caused by rural to urban migration
Problems in rural Problems in urban areas
Rural depopulation-drastic decrease in Overpopulation in urban areas.
populations of rural areas. Rapid growth of squatter camps or
Decrease in agricultural output due to shanty towns.
lack of labour. High rates of unemployment as
Lack of development/rural areas migrants compete for fewer jobs.
remain remote and less developed. High crime rates due joblessness
Much of the tasks for domestic chores Increase in social problems such as
and agricultural tasks are left in the prostitution, begging and gambling as
hands of women and children. migrants struggle to survive.
Family ties break up as men migrate Low industrial developments as
into towns while women remain in government focus attention on
rural areas. provision of social services.
Civil strife and political instability
may arise in most urban areas.
This occurs when people or migrants move from one urban setting to another.
Better employment chances in one urban area as compared to another.
Relocation of offices from one town to another.
For holiday and social visits.
For better services
For cleaner environments
For cheaper housing and accommodation.
Advantages Disadvantages
Receiving country Receiving country
It overcomes shortages of labour Pressure on jobs
New cultures are received in the Social problems such as racism,
receiving country. xenophobia and ethnic clashes may
Cheap labour is provided. occur
Brain gain-the country gains skilled Language problems-migrants may
labour. want to impose their languages on
The country’s market structure is receivingcountries.
increased and consumption of goods Pressure on resources e.g.schools,
increases clinics and recreational facilities.
Migrants take up dirty and dangerous Squatter camps may sprout due
jobs shunned by locals. migrants.
It may lead to economic boom and Undocumented migrants/illegal
industrial expansion. migrants may pose security problems
Sending country to the receiving country.
Reduces pressure on resources
Repatriation of funds back home Sending country
Decline in birth rates It causes brain drain-loss of skilled
Migrants bring back new skills and labour to foreign countries
technology back home .e.g.engineers, doctors and teachers.
The elderly and the youths are left
increasing the dependency ratio/load.
Mainly males in the working
population age groups leave leading
to family breakdowns
Reduced economic growth as
essential labour migrates
Industrial decline.
Classic case studies on international migration can be chosen from:
Mexicans migrating into Carlifonia,USA
Polish people migrating into United kingdom
Zimbabweans migrating into South Africa
Turkish migrants into Germany.
NB: If a question asks you to identify a case study, start by stating the case study clearly.
Note the source region and destination. Do not assume that the examiner already knows
the example. E.g. Mexican to California, USA.
If it as an example of an internal migration pattern, identify the region and the
destination and the country. E.g. Mpumalanga rural areas to Johannesburg/Gauteng in
South Africa. Refer to any case study at the end of this module.
In Paper 2 and paper 4, the movement of people between areas is shown by a flow line
map which shows both quantity of migrants and direction of movement.
Refugee movements
Refugee: A refugee is a person who has been forced to move to another country due to real
danger on his /her life and that of his family.
A refugee is a person who cannot return to his/her own country due to well-founded fear of
persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political association or social gathering
(United Nations High Commission for Refugees-UNHCR).
Distribution of refugees in the world
There are over 16 million refugees in the world.
85 % of refugees are in LEDCs
3 million afghan refugees have taken refuge in Pakistan and Iraq due to armed conflict
between Taliban militants and the Government as well as USA and other western
About 2,3million Iraqis have sought refuge in Syria and Jordan
Recently a lot of Syrians, Jordanians and other people from the Middle East have
moved into European countries such as Germany, France and Austria due to armed
Over 1 million Somalis have sought refuge in Kenya and Ethiopia and as far as
Zimbabwe and South Africa as a result of armed conflict, drought and famine.
Sudanese have also migrated into Kenya and Tanzania due to armed conflict and
natural disasters
Central African Republic, DRC, Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda are also sources of
refugees due to ethnic conflicts and rebel movements.
NB These countries where there are a lot of armed conflicts are known as
Geopolitical Hotspots!!
Characteristics of refugees
They live in extreme poverty
They have virtually no right and are open to abuse by receiving nationalities
They are unlikely to return to their motherland and may be termed stateless people
They lack basic necessities such as health, education, food and shelter.
Asylum seekers-These are people who have left their home country and have applied to
another country for recognition as refugees and are awaiting decision on their application.
Illegally migrants
They are people who enter a country without proper documentation and cannot be recognised
as formal immigrants in a country of destination.E.g most Zimbabweans in South Africa are
undocumented because they entered the country through border jumping.
Economic migrants
These are migrants who left their country voluntarily due to economic problems to look for
better paying jobs or other economic advantages.
Problems Solutions
Pressure on resources of the host Careful and planned repatriation of
nation e.g. Shortage of water and land refugees back to their mother
Pressure on social services. countries.
Education, health and recreational Settlement and training refugees so
services. that they can be integratedinto the
Deforestation as they clear land for country’s economy.
settlement. Naturalisation by granting them
They can be epicentres of diseases citizenship
such as typhoid, dysentery and
Lack of employment may lead to Good governance-encouraging
prostitution. governments to uphold the principles
High crime rates as some of the of good governance by respecting
refugees may be trained military human rights and managing conflicts
personnel. professionally and diplomatically.
The may sour relations between
source and receiving countries.
They may strain the government’s
budget as it tries to look after them.
1.2 Settlement
Definition of terms
Settlement-it refers to any form of human habitation. It is where people stay. Settlements
differ in size from small hamlets to large conurbations or cities. Settlements also differ in
terms of their spheres of influence and the services they offer.
Sphere of influence: it refers to the area served by a particular settlement. It is also known as
the Tributary area of a settlement.
Services or Functions: These are a range of things needed by a population to satisfy their
needs and wants.E.g schools, electricity, hospitals water and police services.
High order goods and services/comparison goods:
these are expensive goods and services that are not bought frequently
.People travel long distances to obtain these goods and services and they have bigger
spheres of influence.
E.g. a motor car, universityeducation, central train station, specialist doctors
Low order goods and services:
These are goods which are cheap and frequently bought.
People travel short distances to obtain low order goods and services.
The also known as convenient goods.
They have smaller spheres of influence.
Urban areas: These are modern built up areas such as towns and cities and they provide
more high order and low order goods.
Rural areas: These are settlements in the countryside which are less developed and provide
few low order goods and services.
Rural settlements
A settlement pattern is the shape of the various settlements in area. Settlement patterns differ
according to culture, physical conditions and economic factors.
An isolated, individual building or a group of two or three buildings, perhaps forming
a hamlet, and separated from the next by 2 or 3 km.
Settlements are normally far apart or scattered.
Buildings are grouped together, initially for defence, or a common resource.
Reasons for nucleated settlements
Buildings are strung along a line of communication, for example a main road, a river
valley, or canal or dyke.
Settlements are arranged in form of a line.
Reasons for linear settlements
Due to easy access to transport links.
Due to the presence of a line of springs for water supply.
Along floodplains for rich soil, water supply and transport.
Due to fertile land and people do not want to waste agricultural land.
Site: It is the actual land on which a settlement is built. E.g. crossing point, altitude, near a
dam or lake
Factors that affect the position, size, growth and function of a settlement:
Fuel supply: for heating and cooking
Food supplies
Nodal points: where routes converge
Wet point sites - these have a good water supply. Many settlements grew around wet
point sites, e.g. villages in the South Downs.
Dry point sites - these are away from the risk of flooding, e.g. Ely in Cambridgeshire.
Defensive sites - often found on higher ground so that in the past enemies could be
seen from a distance, e.g. Corfe Castle, Dorset, or in the loop of a meander, e.g. Durham.
Aspect - settlements are often found on the sunny side of a deep valley. This is
common in settlements in the Alps.
Shelter - from cold prevailing winds and rain.
Gap towns - Lincoln is found in a gap between two areas of higher ground.
Resources - important for industry, e.g. villages such as Aberfan in the Welsh valleys
is close to coal reserves.
Bridging point - settlements with 'ford' in their name often grew around a fording
point or bridging point, e.g. Watford is found on the River Colne.
Trading centres - often settlements grow where natural route ways and rivers meet,
which helps the development of roads, railways and canals.
Soils-Areas with fertile soils are normally densely populated.E.g along the Nile River
in Egypt.
Altitude-High mountainous areas are characterized by dispersed settlement patterns
due to lower temperatures, thinsoils, high rates of erosion and inaccessibility.
Hierarchy:It refers to the order of settlements
in area from the smallest to the largest
-It can also be defined as the ordering of
settlements in area in accordance to the size of
population and the number and variety of
services they offer.
Settlements differ according to:
the population size
the range and number of services
the sphere of influence
NOTE: there are least number of capitals (1) and many hamlets.
Sphere of influence of an area differ according to
The settlement’s size-The bigger the settlement the bigger its sphere of influence
because bigger towns have bigger populations, more goods and services and have
good transport systems.
The services offered-if a settlement offers more high order and low order goods, its
sphere of influence is bound to be bigger.
The wealth of people in an area-In wealthy area, people have more money to buy low
and high order goods and services. Therefore there will be more service outlets and
therefore the sphere of influence will be smaller.
Transport facilities-Good transport links allow people to travel further to reach
services so spheres of influence will be bigger.
Competition from other settlements-if there are many service outlets which offer the
same services, competition will be stiff and spheres of influence will be smaller.
Threshold population: It is the minimum number of people needed to provide a large enough
demand for a services or good.
It is the minimum number of people needed to support a good profitably.
The Range of a good-It is the maximum distance that people are prepared to travel in order to
buy a good or service. Low order goods have shorter range and high order goods have longer
Paper 4 Geography normally requires students to describe how they can carry out
research to determine the sphere of influence of a service centre. This can be done in any
of the following ways:
Using maps to determine the size of settlement and the spacing of settlements
from each other.
Population census figures can also be used to determine the populations of
settlements in an area.
Asking shoppers about the goods and services they get from a service centre, the
mode of transport they use and how regular they shop in a given town or service
Using questionnaire to ask questions on regularity of shopping and the type of
goods as well as distance travelled to get to a service centre.
(questionnaires and interviews must focus on ranges of goods and threshold
Using secondary data from shops. E.g. customer records to determine areas
where shoppers come.
Most MEDCs have a greater number of people living in urban areas therefore
they are urbanised. This is because:
They were the first to industrialise
Use of machines in agriculture which left people jobless in rural areas and therefore
migrated to urban areas.
Well-developed infrastructure and transport systems which meant people could move
easily between places.
High literacy levels
Most LEDCs have smaller proportions of people living in urban areas because of:
Poor transport systems
Slow industrial growth
Cultural reasons which keep people in the countryside.
However currently, LEDCs such as in South East Asia, Africa and the Caribbean are
experiencing rapid movements of people into urban areas due rural urban migration.
Table 1 shows percentages of people living in urban areas (2013)
Country Percentage of urban populations
Canada 82%
Denmark 87%
Eritrea 22%
Mozambique 32%
In 1900, there were only two cities with populations with populations of over one million.
(Paris and London).Today there are over 400 cities with populations of over one million.
Ten largest cities in the world
1.Tokyo, Japan 37,126,000
2.Jakarta, Indonesia 26,063,000
3.Seoul, South Korea 22,547,000
4.Delhi, India 22,242,000
5.Shanghai, China 20,860,000
6.Manila, Philippines 20,767,000
7.Karachi, Pakistan 20,711,000
8.New York, USA 20,464,000
9.Sao Paulo, Brazil 20,186,000
10.Mexico City, Mexico 19,463,000
It the relocation of people and services from large urban areas or cities into the
It is the process whereby people move back to rural areas.
It is common in MEDCs where wealthy people move away from towns and settle in
the countryside and afford to commute everyday into towns to work.
It is also a result of high property prices in urban areas.
Residential areas:
High density Residential Areas-They are relatively small in terms of area, there are
little spaces between houses, service delivery is poor and rents and rates are low. They
are mainly for low income earners.
Low density Residential areas-They have fewer houses per unit area and stands are
generally big, service delivery is more efficient. They are normally occupied by high
income earners.
Outer city estate:
They are located on the fringes of cities with varied types of housing (low rise, high
rise and single story), where people were relocated when the inner city was being
The ruralurbanfringe
This is found at the edge of a town or city and is where town meets country. It is
common for this area to have a mixture of land uses such as some housing, golf
courses, allotments, business parks and airports.
Industrial areas:
Factories were built close as possible to the CBD but with enough space, next to
canals and railways to transport materials, or rivers for cooling, power source or waste
disposal and next to land where lots of workers could live.
Pedestrianisation-These are traffic free zones. Onlydelivery vans are allowedduring certain
times of the day.They are normallycreated to reducecongestion,air and noise pollution as well
as to create a safeenvironment.
Shopping malls-These are large building builtexclusively to house shops.They are air
conditioned and theycontain major shops,restuarants,cafes and entertainment joints.
Security-To improve on safety for shoppers, certain cities have closed circuit televisions and
patrols by the police.
Visual improvements-This has been achievedthrough setting up flowerbeds,improving refuse
collection,setting up streetcafes and bars,decoratingstreets and sidewalks.
Using out- of-town shoppingmalls to reduce congestion in the CBD.
Problem Solution
Controlling the
Air pollution- movement of people
resultsfromvehicles,industrialactivities,domestichea intotowns.
tingusingfossil fuels such as coal,coalfired thermal
power stations. Builddinglowcosthouse
s for towndwellers.
Usinglaws to
limitlevels of pollution.
sources of power
Water pollution-Caused by dumping of
Educating people on
industries into water
the effects of pollution.
sources,dumpingsewagematerialintorivers and other
water sources. Using public transport
systems to limit
areas awayfrom water
Noise pollution fromtraffic and industrialactivites .
Visual pollution
s on water pollution.
Usinglegislation to
control and punish
people and
water sources.
It is the spreading of urban areas intoneighbouring rural areas taking up rural land used for
urbandevelopment.Itoccurswhenurban areas extendinto the rural-urbanfringe.
Problems of urbansprawling.
High dependence on cars for commutingmayresult in high pollution levels.
Inadequatefacilitieswithin the spreadingwithin the spreading Entertainment, shops,
doctors and transport.
High costs for public transport
Lostwork time spentcommuting and lowerproductivity.
High levels of racial and socio-economicsegregation.
Noise pollution
Reduced agricultural output as land istaken for urbanlanduse.
Conflict of cultures betweeen rural and urban areas.
Rural urbanfringe
It is zone of transition whrereurban areas and rural areas ischaracterised by agricultural
landusealongsideotherurbanlanduses.they are mostused for :
Motorwayse.g by-pass roads
Recyclingfacilities and Landfallwaste sites
Large out of town shopping malls.
Golf courses.
Park and nature reserves.
Problems of urban growth for people:
More crowded/overcrowded.
Many people are unable to obtain jobs/more jobs are needed.
Work for low pay/cannot afford housing/work in informal sector.
Inadequate investment in housing stock/people live in squatter settlements/more
housing is needed.
Pressure on schools/inadequate education provision.
Pressure on hospitals/inadequate medical care provision.
Increased crime rates.
Difficulties of waste/litter disposal.
Traffic congestion.
Noise pollution.
Spread of disease.
Food shortages.
Lack of sanitation/fresh water/poor hygiene.
Poor quality of life/standard of living.
Loss of farmland.
Problems for environment:
loss of vegetation/deforestation.
loss of habitats.
Impacts on food chains.
Pollution of rivers.
Death of fish/other species.
Pollution of ground water/seepage of toxins from dumps;
Air/atmospheric pollution;
Rivers dry up due to water extraction/water table lowered etc.
Theme 2. The Natural environment
2.1 Plate tectonics
Plate tectonics: It refers to the movement of rigid crustal blocks away and
towards each other due to convection currents in the mantle.
Oceanic crust:
Younger, heavier, can sink and is constantly being destroyed and replaced.
It is about 6-10km in depth.
It is heavier than the continental crust.
It contains Silica and Magnesium, hence it is known as the SIMA zone.
The main rocks are basalt rocks.
Continental crust:
It is older, lighter, cannot sink and is permanent.
It is 30-40km on average in depth.
It mainly made up of silica and aluminium; hence it is known as the SIAL zone.
It makes up continental plates.
It is mainly composed of granite rocks.
Collision zones
Fold mountains.
Two continental plates collide
Neither can sink both they are of the same density.
They are forced up and folded into Fold Mountains.
E.g. where the Indian plate collided with Eurasian plate forming the Himalayas and
where the African plate collides with the Eurasian plate leading to the formation of the
Alps and Atlas Mountains.
Conservative or passive plate margins
Two plates move sideways past each other.
Land is neither formed nor destroyed.
Earthquakes are normally common along conservative boundaries.
E.g. where the North American plate slide past the Pacific plate.
Definition of terms
It is the shaking or trembling of the earth’s crust due to convection currents in the
It is the point on the ground directly over the focus.
It is the point which experiences the greatest damage when an earthquake occurs.
Focus or hypocenter:
It is the point underground where an earthquake originates.
An earthquake focus can be a subduction zone or where two continental plates
Earthquake magnitude: It is the total amount of energy released by an earthquake.
Earthquake intensity: It refers to the total effects of the earthquake.
Causes of an earthquake
Earthquakes are caused by earth or plate movements.
They occur when plates move away or towards or slide past each other.
Sometimes plates become stuck in one position.
Stress and pressure builds up and earthquakes happen when there is a sudden release
of energy.
As a result of release of energy, shockwaves or seismic waves are generated.
These waves travel through the earth causing displacement of rocks.
Effects Responses
They lead to heavy loss of Evacuation of people from
life.E.g.The Haiti Earthquake killed earthquake prone areas.
more than 300000 people. Predicting earthquakes using
Destruction of essential machines. E.g. Seismographs.
infrastructure.E.g roads, Setting up rescue teams for
railwaylines, water and gas mains. rescuing affected people.
Causewidespread fire due Providing survival kits for affected
collapsing cables and breaking gas people.
pipes. Educating people on what to do
Can cause dam-bursting leading to when an earthquake occurs.
flooding. Zoning out areas that are prone to
May damage nuclear power earthquakes so that people do not
station leading to radiation settle in those areas.
pollution.E.gFukushima nuclear Appealing for disaster relief from
leakage. internationalorganizations such as
Cause landslides Red Cross International, Catholic
They cause tsunamis. Relief Services, Medicins San
Cause displacement of people to Frontiers and United Nations High
other areas. Commission for Refugees.
Cause water pollution leading to Building earthquake tolerant
outbreak of diseases.E.g cholera, building. E.g. using reinforced
malaria and dysentery. concrete.
Cause psychological problems-e.g. Using Early warning systems e.g.
anxiety, depression, stress and sirens.
bereavement. Building hospitals and providing
The cause social problems such as enough medication.
separation of families, prostitution Rebuilding after the earthquake.
and banditry as people fight for Providing psych-social support for
food and other essential services. affected people .E.g. counseling.
They cause a heavy cost on the
country and the economy may
It may cause political problems
with the government blamed for
failure to respond in time.
It is a hole on the earth’s crust that allows hot lava, volcanic ash and gases to escape
from the earth’s crust.
Distribution of volcanoes.
Around the pacific Ring of Fire-where plates converge and diverge.
At Mid-Oceanic ridges where two oceanic plates move apart allowing magma to
upwell or move up leading to volcanoes.
At destructive plate margins where an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate
leading to melting of the oceanic and continental plates due intense collision.
At collision zones where two continental plates.E.g Mount Etna in Italy where the
African plate collide with the Eurasian plate.
At hotspot-These areas which are far away from plate boundaries.E.g Hawaii.
Examples of notable volcanoes
Mt Etna Sicily, Italy
Mount Pinatubo,15 June 1991, Philippines
Mt St Helens,18 May 1980,Carlifornia.USA
Nevado Del Ruiz, 13 November 1985.Colombia.
Mt Nyiragongo, January 2002. DRC.
Materials which come out of a volcano
Gases-Water vapour, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen, carbon dioxide and
Liquids-Magma is molten rocks underground and lava is molten rocks on the earth’s
Solids-Ash, pyroclastic material and blocks of rocks.
Types of volcanoes.
Stratovolcano or composite volcano
They have steeper slopes-slope angles may be over 30 degrees.
They are formed by viscous lava that does not flow far before solidifying.
Stratovolcanoes are normally explosive when erupting.
They are common on subduction zones at destructive plate boundaries.
Have alternating layers of lava and rock fragments
Usually large and conical
Features of a stratovolcano.
Alternate layers-Layers of rock fragments and lava.
Ash/cinders and lava;
Slopes steeper at summit
Main cone
Crater-A depressionat the top of a volcano
Secondarycones/parasiticcone-These are smallconeswhichdevelop on the sides of o
Vent-Ahole on the groundthroughwhich magma moves to the ground.
Pipe-A central outletat the centre of the volcano.
Magma chamber-A large reservoir of magma underground.
Dyke –Formed when lava cuts across the volcanic cone.
Pyroclastic flow-This is very hot solid material that travels rapidly down slopes and
valleys killing people, destroying property and infrastructure.
Mudflows or lahars-This is a mixture of ash and water that travels down river
valleys.Lahars wash away homes, crops and infrastructure.
Pollution due to poisonous volcanic gases such as hydrogen sulfide, carbondioxide,
hydrogen and carbon monoxide.
Acid rain-the emission of poisonous gases may lead to the formation of acid rainfall
which can destroy building and vegetation.
Famine can result due to food shortages as crops are destroyed by lahars.
Disease outbreak due to destruction of sewers and clean water pipes.
Ash fall may lead to reduced visibility and damage of buildings. It can also affect air
Volcanoes can collapse leading to tsunamis in oceans or seas.
loss of life;
Destroy buildings/homes.
Inundate farmland/destroy crops/livestock.
Disrupt communications.
Bring down power lines/damage water pipes.
Destroy workplaces/damage factories.
Occur without warning/at great speed etc.
Diverting lava using excavators and canals so that it flows away from buildings.
Spraying water to cool hot lava.
Constructing mudflow barriers to trap lava.
Constructing building that can withstand volcanic eruptions with stronger roofs and
Monitoring volcanoes in order to give early warning of future eruptions.
E.g. checking gas emissions and ground deformation.
Remote sensing using satellites to locate volcanic cloud and volcanic eruptions.
Hazard zonation-banning construction of building in high risk areas.
Relocating people to areas that are less prone to volcanic eruptions.
Providing relief services to people affected by a volcano.
Advantages of volcanic eruptions (Why people continue to live in areas prone to volcanic
Availability of geothermal power.E.g in Iceland-Electricity can be generated from heat
stored underground in volcanic areas.
Fertile soils-Sometimes of lava weather rapidly leading to the formation of fertile
soils. E.g. in Java.
Volcanoes create landmasses such as new islands and enlarge existing landforms.
Tourism-Volcanic features attract-tourists and this helps the country to develop its
economy and infrastructure.
Minerals and mining-Volcanic eruptions bring minerals closer to the ground leading to
boosting of mineral wealth and mining activities.
Gases produced can lead higher chances of rainfall formation.
Volcanic eruptions provide scenic views that attract tourists and keen photographer.
Types of weathering.
It is the breakdown of rocks without any change in the chemical composition of the
rock and it is caused by changes in temperature.
Physical weathering is common in areas with extremes of temperature i.e. where
temperatures are either too high or too low.
Physical weathering is normally helped by the presence of water.
Granular disintegration:
Like exfoliation this occurs where there are extremes of temperature as in a desert.
If the rock is made of different minerals of different colours.
The darker minerals will expand & contract more than the lighter ones.
This will form small angular pieces of rock like sand which will collect at the base of
the rock.
Biological weathering
It is the weakening and breakdown of rocks by plants animals and micro-organisms.
How it occurs
Root wedging-This occurs when seeds and tree roots find their way into natural
As roots grow bigger and seeds germinate, cracks are widened.
Release of acids and carbon dioxide by plants can also lead to decay of the rocks.
Vegetation roots allow the soil to open up and water to infiltrate deep into the soil
leading to deep chemical weathering.
Chemical weathering:
Occurs in warm, moist climates
• Lichens produce organic acids that dissolve rocks so that they can absorb the minerals.
• Rotting vegetation also releases organic acids that will chemically react with rocks.
• Many minerals in rocks can be oxidised in the presence of water.
• One on the most common minerals to oxidise is iron. It forms iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3)
or rust. This gives the rock a reddish brown colour.
• The rock is weakened & eventually crumbles away.
It is the reaction of rock minerals with hydrogen ions contained in water.
It leads to the decay of feldspar in granite to china clay.
It occurs when certain minerals absorb water and swell or expand.
This absorption leads to change in the chemical change of the rock.
E.g. Anhydrite/Unhydrated Calcium sulphate is changed to hydrated calcium sulphate
or gypsum.
Drainage basin - the area of land drained by a river and its tributaries and is separated
from another by a watershed.
Watershed - the edge of highland surrounding a drainage basin. It marks the boundary
between two drainage basins.
Source – It is the point where rivers starts or begin. River sources are normally point high
in mountain areas. E.g. a spring.
Drainage basins act as a system with inputs, (precipitation) transfers (stemflow, infiltration,
percolation, surface runoff, throughflow, & groundwater flow) stores, (interception, surface
storage, soil moisture storage & groundwater storage) and outputs (evaporation &
transpiration or evapotranspiration).
River processes
Rivers are responsible for three main processes.
River Erode, Transport and Deposit.
River Transportation
A river transports material by 4 processes:
Traction – rolling or dragging ofstones and large boulders along the bed of the river. It is a
common transport process in the youthful stage of the river where mechanical weathering is
Saltation – It is the bouncing or leapfrogging of sand particle and pebbles along the bed of
the river.
Suspension –It the carriage of silt and clay particles suspended in water.
River Erosion
It the wearing away of the river bank and bed by the flowing water and the load
carried by the river.
River Load Rivers to all the sediments carried by the river.
The river erodes its banks and bed in four main ways:
(a) Attrition – large particles such as boulders collide and break into smaller pieces
(occurs at higher part of river)
(b)Hydraulic action –it is the sheer force of the flowing water dislodges particles from its
banks and bed.
(c)Corrasion/Abrasion–it is the scrapping away of the river bed and banks by the angular
materials carried by the flowing water.
It occurs when smaller particles rub against the river banks and bed like sand-paper;
also called abrasion; occurs at low part of river (where there are smaller particles)
(d)Corrosion – it the decay of rocks forming river bed and banks due to acids dissolved in
water. It is also known as solution.
Deposition refers to the process by which a river drops sediments it is
carrying.Depsition occurs when:
(a) There is decrease in river gradient.
(b) There is decrease in river flow or discharge, especially during the dry season.
(c) When a river enters a stationary body of water. E.g. a sea or ocean or dam.
(d) When water is flowing slowly on the inside banks of a meander.
Youthful stage:
Associated landforms:
V-shaped valleys:
Near its source, a river is high above sea level so the main type of the erosion is
In theory this would produce vertical valley sides, but once exposed the valley sides
are weathered.
The loose material falls down the slope is carried away by the river, resulting in a
steep sided V-shape.
V-shaped river valleys are a result of vertical erosion.
V-shaped river valleys are associated with Gorges and Canyons.
In the upper valley a river is in the mountains.
Water takes the easiest path downhill so twists and turns around the highland (spurs)
forming interlocking spurs.
They occur when the river flows over hard rock which erodes slowly.
Beneath is softer rock which is eroded faster to form a hard and resistant rock layer.
The soft rock is undercut faster that the hard rock.
The force of the water (hydraulic action) erodes the bottom of the waterfall to form a
plunge pool.
The hard rock gets undercut as the soft rock erodes so that it eventually collapses.
After the hard rock collapses, some of the rock is swirled around the river forming the
plunge pool.
Eventually the waterfall migrates upstream forming a gorge.
Examples of waterfalls
Victoria Falls or Mosia tunya along Zambezi River in Zimbabwe.
The Niagara falls at the border of USA and Canada.
Waterfalls make river navigation difficult.
Falling water can be noise to the surrounding communities.
Tourism at waterfalls is associated with environmental pollution.
The make river crossing difficult.
They form where the river passes over hard rock, but either the band of rock is not
very deep or there are a series of shallow rock bands.
They are smooth, rounded hollows formed in the bed rock of the river by vertical
Can be found in the upper and middle valley where a river flows over solid rock.
They are shallow depressions found in rocky river beds.
Swirling water forms eddies which can cause stones to move in circular motions so
eroding circular holes in the rock.
A gorge is a steep-sided, deep and narrow river valley formed by vertical erosion.
Gorges can be formed at any stage of river development.
They are formed when a river flows over with alternate layers of hard and soft rocks.
The river digs deeper on layers of less resistant rocks forming a gorge.
They can also be formed where a river follows a fault line.E.g The Batoka and Mupata
gorges below the Victoria Falls.
They may also result from the upstream migration of a waterfall.
Middle Course River features.
A meander is a wide river bend formed by a combination of lateral erosion and
They are formed due to erosion on the concave bank/outer bank or river cliff by
hydraulic action.
Water in a river rarely flows straight; it flows in a corkscrew motion.
As a result, flowing water is thrown on the outer bank of the river where erosion
occurs in form of lateral corrosion and hydraulic action. This causes slumping of
materials on the outer bank/concave bank/river cliff.
The material eroded on the concave bank is transported by the fast current and it is
deposited on the inner bank of the river/the slip off bank/point bar.The point bar is
shallow due to deposition whilst the concave bank is deeper due to erosion.
Meander migration as a result of lateral erosion can lead to the formation of a broad
river valley or a floodplain.
Ox-bow Lakes:
Ox-bow lakes form when the neck of the meander becomes very narrow.
During high flow or floods the river cuts through the neck and straightens its course.
Depositions occur on the convex/slip off bank of the river.
The cut-off meander is an ox-bow lake.
Eventually the ox-bow lake dries.
It is a low-lying and swampy area formed by river deposition at the mouth of the river.
Deltas are formed where a river enters a stationary body of water such as a lake, sea or
a dam.
Form when a large river is carrying a high sediment load. E.g. Nile Delta.
The river loses energy as it enters a lake or sea.
The sea is sheltered and has few currents to carry away the sediment so it is deposited
in the mouth.
Sediment is deposited and chokes up the channel forming islands.
The river breaks up around these deposits forming several channels called
Example of Deltas
Nile Delta in Egypt
Mississippi Delta in USA
The Zambezi River delta in Mozambique.
Advantages and disadvantages of Deltas
Advantages/benefits/Merits Disadvantages/Demerits/Problems
They provide fertile soils for They are prone to water-borne
agriculture.E.g the Ganges delta in diseases such as cholera, river
Bangladesh. blindness and typhoid.
They are habitats for a wide variety of Deltas are normally severely cold in
aquatic animals. winter.
They can be reservoirs for oil They are homes to dangerous aquatic
reserves. animals.e.g alligators and dangerous
Deltas are important for tourism.E.g sea animals.
the Nile delta. They are fragile environments which
They are important for fishing. need to be managed properly. They
Deltas are important for recreational are easily destroyed by marine
purposes e.g. canoeing and bird pollution.
watching. They experience severe flooding due
They are sources of water for to storm surges and excessive rains.
agriculture and domestic purposes.
Flood plain:
Definition: A floodplain is flat, extensive and low-lying river valley formed by deposition of
sediments during times of floods.
The river widens its valley by lateral erosion.
At times of high discharge, the river has plenty of energy so carries a lot material in
When the river floods, the water spreads across the flat land.
The sudden increase in friction will reduce the water’s velocity and the fine silt is
Each time the river floods, it deposits a layer of fine silt.
This is a flood plain.
Examples of floodplains
Mississippi Floodplain.USA
Zambezi floodplain. Zambia.
Nile floodplain Egypt
Ganges valley, Bangladesh.
Features of floodplains
When a river floods, the coarsest material is deposited first (so on the edges of the
river) forming a natural embankment called a levee.
Continuous deposition leads to the formation of a raised bank or a levee.
People can build artificial levees to prevent flood waters from flowing into adjacent
Deferred Tributaries
It is a tributary of a major river which flows parallel to the main river due to the
existence of levees.
It will eventually join the main river at the deferred junction.
It is sloping land that marks the boundary between the floodplain and the higher
It is a thick layer of deposited silt on the floor of the flood plain.
It is formed as a result of successive deposition of sediments during times of flooding.
Floods: it refers to the sudden flow of water into the surrounding area from a river as a result
of too much rain or dam failure.
Flooding occurs when river fail to confine water within their banks and water flows
into the adjacent area.
Causes of flooding:
Physical or natural causes.
A steep-sided channel - a river channel surrounded by steep slopes causes fast surface
A lack of vegetation or woodland - trees and plants intercept precipitation (i.e. they
catch or drink water). If there is little vegetation in the drainage basin then surface run-off will
be high.
A drainage basin, consisting of mainly impermeable rock - this will mean that water
cannot percolate through the rock layer, and so will run faster over the surface.
Low-lying plains are also prone to flooding-e.g. floodplains and deltas.
Human causes
Flood management: afforestation, dams, canalising rivers, artificial levees, flood relief
canals, warning systems, dredging, cutting off meanders to straighten river, flood gates
Dams are often built along the course of a river in order to control the amount of
discharge. Water is held back by the dam and released in a controlled way.This controls
Water is usually stored in a reservoir behind the dam. This water can then be used to
generate hydroelectric power or for recreation purposes.
Building a dam can be very expensive.
Sediment is often trapped behind the wall of the dam, leading to erosion further
Settlements and agricultural land may be lost when the river valley is flooded to form
a reservoir.
River engineering:
The river channel may be widened or deepened allowing it to carry more water. A
river channel may be straightened so that water can travel faster along the course. The channel
course of the river can also be altered, diverting floodwaters away from settlements.
Altering the river channel may lead to a greater risk of flooding downstream, as the
water is carried there faster.
Trees are planted near to the river. This means greater interception of rainwater and lower
river discharge. This is a relatively low cost option, which enhances the environmental quality
of the drainage basin.
Managed flooding:
The river is allowed to flood naturally in places, to prevent flooding in other areas - for
example, near settlements.
Local authorities and the national government introduce policies to control urban
development close to or on the floodplain. This reduces the chance of flooding and the risk of
damage to property.
There can be resistance to development restrictions in areas where there is a shortage
of housing. Enforcing planning regulations and controls may be harder in LEDCs.
A hydrograph is a line graph or bar graph which is drawn to represent discharge of a river at
a given place.
Discharge-It is the amount of water passing through a given point at a giventime. Discharge
varies from time to time and from place to place.
River velocity.
It is the speed of flowing water at a given time at a given place. The velocity of a river varies
from time to time or place to place due to:
The roughness of the river bed and banks-If the river bed is rough and comprises of
hard rocks, the speed of water is greatly reduced.
The amount of flowing water-the greater the amount of water flowing in a river, the
higher the speed of flowing water.
The type of load-if a river is carrying a lot of angular load, its energy is reduced and its
velocity is also reduced.
The gradient-rivers flowing through steep areas flow faster than rivers flowing in low
lying plains.
Components of Waves:
Swash: when a wave breaks & washes up the beach.
Backwash: when the water drains away back into the oncoming wave.
The size of waves depends upon three factors:
1. The strength of the wind.
2. The length of time the wind has been blowing.
3. The fetch or distance over which the wind can blow.
Methods of erosion:
Corrasion – large waves hurl beach
material at the cliff
Corrosion – salts and acids slowly
dissolve a cliff
Attrition – waves cause stones to collide
and disintegrate
Hydraulic action – force of waves compresses air in the cliffs
Longshore Drift:
• When waves approach the coast at an angle the swash moves up the beach at an angle.
• The backwash, however, drains straight back down the beach.
• This will gradually move sand/stones along the beach in a zig-zag motion.
Cloud types:
Cumulus: These clouds usually have flat bases lumpy tops & distinctive boundaries.
Cumulonimbus: The cloud type associated with a thunderstorm & heavy rain, (at high levels
cooled water droplets convert to ice crystals).
Altocumulus: These clouds are a good indicator of medium level instability and high
moisture content -and often the precursor for widespread thunder activity within the following
24 to 48 hours.
Stratocumulus: Low-level cloud type, varying from thin, well broken layers with little
impact for general weather, to deep, sometimes unstable character, and a risk of moderate
turbulence & moderate icing. Little rain.
Nimbostratus: Heavy cloud layer, often dark in appearance. Often combined with continuous
falling rain/drizzle or snow
Stratus: Are thin-layered clouds
• Are low to the earth’s surface
• Look like stripes or streaks in the sky.
• No rain.
Cirrus: Thin because they form in the higher levels of the atmosphere where little water
vapor is present. No rain. Made of ice crystals
Weather symbols
Cloud cover is measured in eighths:Hold the sheet directly above your head & estimate the
cloud cover directly above you.
Tropical desert:
Location: between 5° and 30° north and south of the equator
Mean temperature of the hottest month: 30°C
Mean temperature of the coldest month:no less than 18°C
Annual temperature range: less than 5°C
NOTE: during the day it can get to 50°C but during the night it gets to about 0°C so the
average is lower.
Rainfall – amount: less than 250mm in a year
Rainfall – seasonal distribution: irregular rainfall
Cloud: virtually cloudless skies
Humidity: low
Pressure: high
Contributing factors:
distance from oceans;
winds blow over large areas of land;
winds blow offshore/do not blow from sea hence no source of moisture/water sources;
low humidity;
lack of evaporation;
sparse vegetation;
lack of transpiration;
high air pressure;
descending air;
cold offshore currents etc.
Factors affecting temperature:
-latitude: closer to the equator = higher temperature
-distance from the sea: coastal area = warmer winters and cooler summers
-prevailing winds: the seasonal difference in heating between land and sea (land heats
up more quickly in summer and cools more rapidly than the sea in winter) affects the
temperature of the prevailing wind. Warm prevailing wind = rise in temperature
-ocean currents: warm currents raise winter temperatures in coastal areas; cold
currents cool them down in summer
-altitude: higher altitude = lower temperature (1° per 100m)
-Pressure systems & wind belts:
Types of rainfall:
Convectional rain:
1. The sun’s rays heat the ground.
2. This heats the air above it so it rises.
3. As the air rises it cools.
4. Condensation point is reached & cloud forms producing thunder storms.
Frontal Rain:
This happens mostly at mid-latitudes where warm tropical air meets cold polar air.
1. Warm air moves towards the cold air.
2. Being less dense the warm air rises over the cold air.
3. The air cools as it rises.
4. Condensation occurs & clouds form to produce rain.
Relief Rain:
1. When warm, moist air hits mountains it is forced to rise.
2. As it rises it cools. Condensation occurs producing clouds & rain or snow.
3. On the leeward side the cool air sinks getting warmer.
4. The air behind the mountains is warmer & dryer so there’s less rain. The rain shadow
2.3.3 Ecosystems
Tropical rainforest:
Vegetation grows in distinct layers.
Emergent layer: tall trees up to 50m. Few lower branches. Grow above others to get
full sunlight.
Main canopy: trees 30-40m forming a continuous canopy. Few lower branches.
Under canopy: trees 20m high (& young trees) – less dense can survive in less
Shrub layer: low shrubs & saplings. Shade plants.
Forest floor: little grows except fungi – too little light.
Since the trees grow so tall they have large buttress roots to give them support.
Lianas use the large trees as a support in order to reach the sunlight.
Epiphytes grow on trees to get light & have hanging roots that collect rainwater.
Leaves shed the water easily having drip tips & “channels” to direct the water.
Tropical desert:
Plants such as cacti:
have thick, waxy cuticles to reduce transpiration;
fleshy stems to store water;
leaves reduced to spines to reduce surface area for transpiration & prevent animals
eating them& sunken stomata.
Shrubs have:
small, waxy leaves & like cacti long tap roots to reach down to the water table and/or
shallow roots to collect any moisture before it evaporates.
Seeds can lie dormant for years. After rain they germinate quickly, flower & produce
seeds within 2-3 weeks.
Food Shortages:
Human Causes:
-poor distribution/transport difficulties
-war and civil conflict
-commercial farming
-poor government management of resources
Physical causes:
-soil exhaustion
-tropical cyclones
-susceptible to infectious diseases
-impair physical and mental development
-reduce labour productivity
-increase risk of premature death
-5 to 10% reduction in lifetime earnings
The Green Revolution
The introduction of modern farming methods to poorer countries to increase their food
production, such as:
1. High-yield Varieties (HYVs)
Advantage: faster growing & resistant to disease
Disadvantage: need N fertilisers & pesticides = less sustainable due to damage to the
2. Irrigation - overcoming unreliable weather
3. Appropriate technology – simple wells, low cost sustainable schemes
4. Land reform – improve efficiency, increase farm size for small landowners, set an
upper limit of land owned by the wealthy, give surplus land to landless people (this is
done in the Lower Ganges Valley)
5. Nitrogen fertilisers – increasing yield, surplus can be sold for profit but, expensive,
possible eutrophication
Food aid - collecting and transporting food to crisis areas
Inputs can be physical: amount of rain, season temperatures, length of growing season, relief,
soil and drainage
Inputs can be human/economic/social/political: labour, rent, transport costs,
machinery/technology, fertiliser and pesticides, market demand, accessibility to market,
government control, seeds – livestock, farm buildings, energy (electricity)
Outputs are the products (milk, meat etc.) and in developed countries, usually a profit
Reactor house
Cooling tower
Cooling ponds
Isolated area
Water uses:
-Agriculture: to water the plants etc.
-Domestic: cooking, cleaning and drinking
-Industrial: heated to make steam in order to turn turbines, and for cooling down reactors