Disease Control: Mosaic Virus: What Is It?
Disease Control: Mosaic Virus: What Is It?
Disease Control: Mosaic Virus: What Is It?
What is it?
There are two main kinds of Mosaic Virus.
Cucumber Mosaic Virus is the most common
type, and it is spread by aphids. Most
times, this version of Mosaic Virus affects
cucumbers, but it also can be an issue Check out our disease control products at
affecting tomatoes, melons, squashes and
other varieties. How to cure it:
Once a plant becomes infected, there’s no
Mosaic Virus is a viral disease, which cure for Mosaic Virus. Remove the plant
means it can be difficult to diagnose and destroy it. Once the plant has been
because oftentimes, the symptoms are destroyed, be sure to disinfect your
different depending on the affected plant. gardening tools. This includes garden ties,
The most common symptoms of Mosaic Virus pots, your hands, greenhouse benches
include mottled leaves with yellow, white and and more.
differing shades of green spots which look
like blisters. Another symptom is oftentimes, How to prevent it:
the plant will be stunted and experience The best way to prevent Tobacco Mosaic
growing difficulties. Plants may be deformed, Virus is to grow resistant species.
and leaves can appear wavy or crinkled. Unfortunately, there is not a tomato species
resistant to Cucumber Mosaic Virus, but
For Cucumber Mosaic Virus specifically, those species resistant to Tobacco Mosaic
leaves will exhibit shoestring syndrome, Virus may showcase some resistance to
where there’s a malformation of the Cucumber Mosaic Virus as well.
leaves because the edges don’t develop.
For Tobacco Mosaic Virus, leaves will be For the most part, the virus is usually spread
mottled and deformed or twisted. Sometimes, by insects. Try to cover your plants with a
the veins within the leaves will appear over- floating row cover or other methods to
ly yellow. Tobacco Mosaic Virus is spread prevent insects from reaching your plants.
through seeds and direct contact. Most commonly, aphids, leafhoppers,
whiteflies and cucumber beetles are the
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120 E 161st Street, Westfield, Indiana 46074
Phone: 317-600-2807 • Email: [email protected]
website: ufseeds.com
If your plants get infected, do not save the Seeds and plants available at ufseeds.com
seeds from this batch. The virus is more
easily spread in damp conditions, so refrain
from working in the garden when it’s wet.
Copyright 2018 © Urban Farmer. All rights reserved.