Homework Set 10 Solutions EECS 455 Dec. 14, 2006: B o E - 5 B B B P R N P 100 N - 6 - 5 o

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Homework Set 10 Solutions EECS 455 Dec.

14, 2006

1. (a) A type of digital modulation has bandwidth efficiency ηb = 5. Find the maximum number of
bits/second that can be transmitted in a frequency band of width 3000 hz.
A digital modulator with bandwidth efficiency ηb = 5 (bits/sec per hz) can transmit
Rb = 5 × 3000 = 15,000 bits/second
in a frequency band of width 3000 hz.
(b) A type of digital modulation has energy efficiency ηe = 20 dB and power P = 2. Find the maximum
number of bits/second that can be transmitted with error probability 10-5 over an additive white Gaussian
noise channel with power spectral density SNw(f) = 10-6.
Since the energy efficiency is ηe = 20 dB, the modulator needs Eb/No = 100 to get PE = 10-5 (note that
10 log 100 = 20 dB). Since Eb = PTb = P/Rb, we must have R PN = 100, or equivalently
b o
P 2
Rb = = = 10,000 bps .
100 No 100×2×10-6
This is the maximum rate at which error probability 10-5 is possible for the given values of P and No.
(c) A type of digital modulation has energy efficiency ηe = 20 dB, bandwidth efficiency ηb = 6, and
power P = 2. Find the maximum number of bits/second that can be transmitted in a frequency band of
width 2000 hz with error probability 10-5 in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise with power
spectral density SNw(f) = 10-6.
Due to bandwidth limtations the modulator can transmit no more than
ηb × bandwidth = 6 × 2000 = 12,000 bps
Due to energy limitations, the modulator can transmit no more than
10,000 bps (the situation is the same as in part (b))
Since both constraints apply, the maximum number of bits/second is
Rb = 10,000 bps if ηe = 20 dB

2. A communication system transmits binary equiprobable data at rate Rb = 1/Tb across an AWGN channel
using BPSK and a binary code with n = 23, k = 12 and dH,min = 7. (This code is called the Golay code.)
(a) Find the length (in sec's) of one BPSK signal. Express your answer in terms of Tb.
T = 23 Tb

(b) Find the band of spectral occupancy, bandwidth and bandwidth efficiency.
The band of spectral occuprancy and bandwidth are just those of BPSK with signals of duration T.
1 1
Therefore, the BSO is [fc-2T, fc+2T], where fc is the carrier frequency of the modulator,
1 23 23
the bandwidth is W = T =
12Tb = 12 Rb
R 12
and the bandwidth efficiency is η b = b = 23
Note: This is not the bandwidth efficiency of BPSK!
(c) Estimate the energy efficiency in dB assuming that the receiver consists of the usual BPSK receiver
followed by a minimum (Hamming) distance channel decoder.
We must find an expression for error probability in terms of Eb/No. As discussed in class we use
n e n-e
PE ≤ Pr(t+1 or more BPSK errors) = ∑ ( e ) ε (1-ε) ≅ (ne) εt+1(1-ε)n-t-1
= (23 4
4 ) ε (1-ε)
since t = 3.

where ε = Q( No ) is the BPSK error probability and Ec is the energy in one BPSK signal. Since

k 2kEb
Ec = n Eb we have ε = Q( nNo ). Setting the right hand side of the upper bound to error probability to
10-5 yields (by a little trial and error) ε = .006. (When solving I first solve (23 4
4 ) ε = 10
--5 and then
check (1-ε) . If it's significantly less than one I increase ε a little and try again.) Now solving I find

 √
2kEb 24Eb
ε = .006 = Q( nNo ) yields 23No = 2.5 and η e = 6.0 or 7.8 dB.
(d) Let us now view the combination of channel encoder and modulator as one signal set with 2 signals
of length kTb. Find the minimum (Euclidean) distance of the signal set.
Viewing the combination of encoder and modulator as one signal signal set of 2 signals of duration
kTb, we see that
there is one such signal corresponding to each of the 2 codewords in the Golay code.k
Each of the 2 signals of duration kTb is the concatenation of n BPSK signals of length Tc = Tbn .
Each BPSK signal is either plus or minus a sinusoidal pulse of length Tc with energy E, where the plus
or minus is determined by one of the bits of the corresponding codeword. If two codewords ci and cj
differ in d places, then their corresponding signals, si(t) and sj(t) have n-d identical pulses and d
pulses that are the negative of each other. It follows that the (Euclidean) distance squared between them is
kTb nTc n lTc
2 2 2 2
||si(t)-sj(t)|| = ∫ (si(t)-sj(t)) dt = ∫ (si(t)-sj(t)) dt = ∑ ∫ (si(t)-sj(t)) dt
0 0 l=1 (l-1)Tc
lTc 0, if si,l = sj,l
= d 4Ec because ∫ (si(t)-sj(t)) dt = 
4E c, if si,l ≠ sj,l
It follows immediately that

dmin = √
 
4Ec dH,min =

4 E d
n b H,min

 12
4 E 7 =

23 b
4 7
12 P
23 Rb

(e) Instead of the receiver of part (c), whichk is not actually optimal for the signal set described in (d),
consider a receiver that is optimal for the 2 signals. Estimate the energy efficiency in dB when this type
of receiver is used. You may use the fact that for the Golay code, it is known that for each binary
codeword ci there exactly 253 other codewords at Hamming distance 7 from ci.
~ K d 12
Using the union bound gives PE ≤ k Q( min ) . dmin was found in where dmin and K = 253 × 2 is
2  
√ 2No
the number of pairs of signals separated by dmin. Therefore,
253 × 2k

 ) = 253 Q(√
~ K d Eb k Eb 12
P E ≤ k Q( min ) = Q( 2 d Non Hmin 2 7)
2  
√ 2No 2k No23

yields √
Eb 12
Setting the right hand side to 10-5 2 7 = 5.38 and the energy efficiency is

η e = 3.96 or or 5.98 dB
(f) Compare the energy efficiencies found in parts (c) and (e). The receiver of parts (c) and (d) are known
as "hard decision" and "soft decision", respectively. From this problem you will get some idea of how
much difference there is.
The energy efficiency of the optimum receiver found in (d) is about 1.8 dB better than the energy
efficiency of the simpler receiver in Part (c).
3. Consider a binary antipodal modulator with s1(t) = A ∏ T  and a receiver that employs a single
matched filter, sampler and decision rule.
(a) Draw a block diagram of the system. Be sure to indicate the input-output relationship for each block
and leave no parameter unspecified.

~ ~ ^
I = 1 or 2 sI(t) R(t) R(t) R I
modulator h(t) decision
sample at T
matched filter

t-T/2 t-T/2
where s1(t) = A ∏ , s2(t) = -A ∏  , Nw(t) is white Gaussian nosie,
 T   T 

1, ~

 1  t-T/2 R>0
h(t) = ∏
T  T 
and the decision devices produces ^I = 
2, R<0
(b) Find an expression for the error probability assuming the sampler is 10% late, i.e. the output of the
matched filter is sampled at time 1.1 T rather than T. From this you will get an idea of how much error
in symbol synchronization can be tolerated.
To compute the error probability we return to first principles:
1 1
PE = P(Ε|Ι=1) P(I=1) + P(E|I=2) P(I=2) = P(Ε|Ι=1) 2 + P(E|I=2) 2
We first consider P(E|I=2) = Pr(R>0|I=2).
~ ~ ~
When I = 2, R(t) = s2(t) + Nw(t), R(t) = s2(t) * h(t) + Nw(t) * h(t), and R = s2(t) * h(t)|t=1.1T + N,

s2(t) * h(t) = - A√
 T Λ( T ) and s2(t) * h(t)|t=1.1T = - 0.9 A√
~ 2
and as found in class, N is a Gaussian random variable with mean 0 and variance σ~ = No/2.

 

 1.62 A2T
~ A A  .9A√
 T
P(E|I=2) = Pr(R>0|I=2) = Pr(-.9 + N > 0) = Pr( N > .9 ) = Q σ~  = Q N0 

√ T
√  N 

By symmetry, P(E|I=1) = P(E|I=2), and

 

 1.62 A2T
P E = P(E|I=2) = Q N0 

(c) Compute the energy efficiency in dB assuming the receiver of part (b) and compare to the energy
efficiency of part (b). This should have said "compare to the energy efficiency of an optimum receiver,
i.e. which samples at time T."

 
√ 

 1.62 A2T  1.62 Eb -5
We observe that Eb = A T. Then equating PE = Q   = Q  = 10 gives
 N0   N0 


1.62 Eb E
≅ 4.15 and Nb = 10.6
N 0 o

Therefore the energy efficiency is η e ≅ 9.6 or 10.3 dB.

This is about .7 dB worse than an optimal receiver, which has energy efficiency 9.6 dB.
4. (a) Binary equiprobable data must be transmitted with very small error probabity across an AWGN
channel with noise power spectral density SNw(f) = 5 and P = 9000 in a band of width 100. Estimate
the maximum rate Rb at which this is possible. (There are no constraints on the type of system.)
Since there are no constraints on the type of modulation and since we want very small error probability the
maximum rate is given by the capacity of the AWGN channel, namely,
P 9000
C = W log2(1+N W) = 100 log2(1 + 1000) = 332 bits/second
(b) Suppose that nonbinary data with entropy-rate H∞ = 3 bits/sample be transmitted with very small
error probability across the channel in part (a). Estimate the maximum rate Rd samples/sec at which this
is possible. Hint: Assume an optimal lossless source encoder and decoder are used.

In this case, we can losslessly encode Rd symbols/sec into Rb = H∞ Rd = 3 Rd bits per second. So we it
is necessary and sufficient that H∞Rd < C. Thus, the maximu rate is
C 332
= = 111 symbols/second
H∞ 3

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