A Review of GTAW Gas Tungsten Arc Weldin PDF
A Review of GTAW Gas Tungsten Arc Weldin PDF
A Review of GTAW Gas Tungsten Arc Weldin PDF
Abstract- There are number of welding methods available for The Gas Tungsten arc welding system set up is
joining of engineering materials, such as shielded metal arc illustrated in figure 1.1 here. Shielding gas is fed through the
welding, Gas metal arc welding, Flux cored arc welding, torch to protect the electrode, molten weld pool, and
submerged arc welding, electro slag welding, electron beam solidifying weld metal from contamination by the atmosphere.
welding, and Gas Tungsten arc welding methods. The choice A constant-current welding power supply produces energy that
of the welding depends on several factors; primarily among is conducted across the arc through a column of highly ionized
them are the compositional range of the material to be welded, gas and metal vapors known as plasma. TIG provides the
the thickness of the base materials and type of current. GTAW welder with greater control over the weld than competing
is the most popular gas shielding arc welding process used in procedures such as shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) and
many industrial fields like Aircraft industries, Farm gas metal arc welding (GMAW), thus allowing for stronger,
Machineries etc. Other arc welding processes have limited higher quality welds. However, GTAW/TIG is comparatively
quality when they are compared to TIG welding processes. more complex and difficult to master closer tolerance
However, TIG welding also needs improvements regarding requirements and filler metal usually added by other hand, and
spatter reduction and weld quality of the bead. Shielding gas is significantly slower than most other welding techniques as
in TIG welding is desirable for protection of atmospheric well. It will also cover core competencies such as setting up
contamination. TIG welding process has the possibility of equipment, preparing materials, fitting up, starting an arc,
becoming a new welding process giving high quality and welding pipes and plates, and repairing welds.
provides relatively pollution free. This paper reviews the
introduction of GTAW, various gases used in GTAW,
Application of GTAW and its process parameters for joining
alluminium alloy.
Mathematical equations have been developed using process parameter on the bead geometry, and to predict
factorial technique and the result of various effects are the optimum setting for each welding process parameter.
indicated. They also investigated that Penetration is the AA 7039 is employed in aircraft, automobiles, high speed
distance that the fusion zone extends below the original trains and high-speed ships due to their low density, high
surface of the parts being welded. specific strength and excellent corrosion resistance.
2) Pawankumar, Kolhe K.P And C.K. Datta studied that 6) Kolhe K. P and Dharaskar R. M studied that GTAW
effects of pulse parameters on the bead geometry of welding is mostly used for welding agricultural machines
welded Aluminium Alloy 7039. In this paper, the effect of are largely fabricated, by village craftsmen and small-
pulse currents, secondary currents, pulse frequencies and scale industries. Tractor, engines and oil mills are
pulse duty cycles on the bead geometry of GTA Welded manufactured by organized sectors. The small-scale
AA7039 has been studied. From this investigation it is industries seldom have R/D facilities and they depend
observed that the penetration and penetration / width ratio upon public institutions for the advance technology. This
increased with increase in the heat input i.e. pulse paper focused on the advance of arc welding technology
currents, secondary currents, pulse frequencies and pulse e.g. electric arc welding, gas metal arc welding, tungsten
duty cycles. During welding, they observed that on arc welding, submerged arc welding etc, to improve the
increasing of frequency, there was a harsh sound in the mechanical properties such as strength, ductility hardness
welding machine. etc., Microstructure, Heat-affected zone and welded
structure of farm machines.
3) Kamble A. G, Rao R. V and Kale A.V studied that
Welding process aims at obtaining a welded joint with the 1. Equipment used in TIG Welding.
desired weld bead parameters, excellent mechanical
properties with minimum distortion. Quality of weld joint The following equipment is required in TIG welding,
depends upon welding input parameters. Manufacturer are a) DC or AC power source
facing problem of controlling the process input b) TIG torch
parameters to obtain a good welded joint with the bead c) An inert gas cylinder
geometry and also Prediction of weld bead geometry play d) Welding cable for electrodes and ground connections.
very important role in determining the quality of weld. e) Inert gas regulator & flow meter
f) Electrode holder
4) Pawankumar, Kolhe K. P, Morey S. J and Datta C. K g) Non consumable tungsten electrode. Etc
has studied the effect of process parameters of pulsed
current tungsten inert gas welding on aluminum alloy
6061 using sinusoidal AC wave with argon and helium
gas mixture. From the study they have found that pulse
current pulse duty cycle, frequency, percentage of helium
in argon plays an important role on microstructure, and
hardness of weld, Pulsed current plays major role in all of
them. Lower micro hardness was ob-served in the weld
zone because of using filler rod, dendrites solidified
microstructure and segregated phase. It is also ob-served
that the pulsed parameters play an important role in
development of fine microstructure.
inert shielding gas supplied through the torch shields the 4. GTAW Torch
molten weld metal, heated weld zone, and non-consumable
electrode from the atmosphere. The gas protects the electrode The main purpose of the TIG torch is to carry the
and molten material from oxidation, and provides a welding current and shielding gas to the weld. The TIG torch
conducting path for the arc current. An electric current passing is constructed on the basis of the welding handle and a torch
through an ionized gas produces an electric arc. In this head that is coated with an electrically insulated material. The
process, the inert gas atoms are ionized by losing electrons and torch handle is usually fitted with a switch to turn the welding
leaving a positive charge. Then the positive gas ions flow to current and the shielding gas on and off. GTAW torch as
the negative pole and the negative electrons flow to the shown in fig. 1.3.
positive pole of the arc. The intense heat developed by the arc
melts the base metal and filler metal (if used) to make the 1. Torch head
weld. As the molten metal cools, coalescence occurs and the 2. Handle
parts join. There is little or no spatter or smoke. The resulting 3. Control switch
weld is smooth and uniform, and requires minimum finishing 4. Electrode cap
(Figure 1.2). While there is not need to add filler metal when 5. Sealing ring
welding thinner materials, edge joints, or flange joints. This is 6. Electrode collet
known as autogenous welding. For thicker materials, an 7. Heat shield
externally fed or "cold" filler rod is generally used. The filler 8. Collet body
metal in gas tungsten arc welding does not transfer across the 9. Gas nozzle
arc, but is melted by it. strike the arc in one of three ways:
a) By briefly touching the electrode to the work and quickly
withdrawing it a short distance.
b) By using an apparatus that will cause the arc to jump from
the electrode to the work.
c) By using an apparatus that starts and maintains a small
pilot arc. This pilot arc provides an ionized path from the
main arc. The torch then progresses along the weld joint
manually or mechanically after remaining in one place
until a weld puddle forms. Once the welder obtains
adequate fusion, the torch moves along the joint so the
adjacent edges join and the weld metal solidifies along the
joint behind the arc, thus completing the welding process.
Figure 3. TIG welding torch
3. Power source
5. Applications of GTAW
TIG welding normally uses constant current type of
power source with welding current ranging from 3-200A or 5- Gas tungsten arc welding is widely used because of
300A or higher and welding voltage ranging from 10-35V at its versatility. When weld purity is important, this process
60% duty cycle. Pure tungsten electrode of ball tip shape with welds stainless steel, low alloy steel, steel, nickel, cobalt,
DCEN provides good arc stability. Moreover, thorium, titanium, aluminum, copper, magnesium, and most other
zirconium and lanthanum modified tungsten electrodes can be metals in all positions and produces clean weld deposits. Some
used with AC and DCEP as coating of these elements on pure application of GTAW are as follows,
tungsten electrodes improves the electron emission capability
which in turn enhances the arc stability. TIG welding with a) Industrial Piping
DCEP is preferred for welding of reactive metals like
aluminium to take advantage of cleaning action due to Manual TIG is appropriate for welding pipe and
development of mobile cathode spots in work piece side tubing in all positions. The excellent control of heat input
during welding which loosens the tenacious alumina oxide gives maximum penetration while preventing melt through on
layer. This helps to clean the weld pool. DCEN polarity is the root pass. Welders use TIG in both the manual and
used for welding of metal such as carbon steel that don’t automatic methods to weld industrial piping made of various
require much cleaning. metals and thicknesses. The maximum thickness welded
depends on the equipment available and the type of metal.
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IJSART - Volume 3 Issue 8 –AUGUST 2017 ISSN [ONLINE]: 2395-1052
Sometimes, pipe welders will use consumable inserts in TIG can provide maintenance and repair by both the
critical service applications. These inserts reduce porosity manual and automatic methods. Several industries use this
when alloyed with deoxidizers, improve the contour of the process because its versatility and weldability permit quality
underside of the weld, and minimize cracking in the weld. In welding for various applications. The TIG process repairs cast
thin pipe wall (depending on the base metal), complete fusion aluminum engine blocks and heads. The area of a defect is
is obtainable without using filler metal, but of course filler puddle melted, scraped out with a steel rod, and finally filled.
metals are used with thicker sections to fill the joint. This process also repairs stainless valves and copper heat-
sealing dies for heat exchangers. Repairing the part instead of
b) Nuclear Power Facilities buying a new one saves money and time. There are many
other possible applications for gas tungsten arc welding in
The construction and repair of nuclear power maintenance a repair.
facilities requires critical welding. Many nuclear applications
use both the manual and automatic methods because of their 6. various gases used for GTAW
precise control of the welding. Gas tungsten arc welding
performs the welding for end closure caps and plugs to fuel Various gases used in GTAW are explained as
rods, and the airtight sealing of the end closures on fuel rods. follows,
This process is also a primary welding method for rod type
fuel elements. It is used to close a backfilling hole that was a) Argon
used to pressure the fuel rods after welding the end closures.
Argon is a heavy gas obtained from the atmosphere
c) Ships by the liquefaction of air, and is available as a compressed gas
or a liquid, depending on the volume of use. It is obtained at
TIG applies also to the shipbuilding industry because much lower prices in the bulk liquid form compared to the
it uses different materials like aluminum, stainless steel, and compressed gas form, and it is the most widely used type of
molybdenum. On hydrofoils, which are primarily made of shielding gas for gas tungsten arc welding. Argon has several
aluminum, light gauge material and root passes of heavier advantages over helium:
sections are welded by this process, with GMAW usually
completing the weld on the heavier sections. Stainless steel 1) Quieter and smoother arc action.
hydrofoils and struts are virtually all welded by the TIG 2) Easier arc starting.
process. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) tanks have a stainless 3) Lower arc voltage for current settings and arc lengths.
steel liner inside the vessel that is completely TIG welded. This is good on thin metals.
4) Good cleaning action, which is preferred for the welding
d) Aerospace of aluminum and magnesium
5) Lower flow rates are required for good shielding. Argon
The gas tungsten arc welding process is the major is heavier than air.
welding process used in the aerospace industry. This industry 6) Lower cost and more availability.
includes the welding of aircraft, spacecraft, and launch
vehicles. Some of the materials welded include aluminum, b) Helium
titanium, low alloy steel, maraging steel, magnesium, nickel,
stainless steel, and super alloys in both the manual and Helium is a light gas obtained by separation from
automatic methods. In the aircraft industry, examples of the natural gas. It is available as a liquid but used more often as
many different welded parts and assemblies include the compressed gas in cylinders. Since helium is lighter than air, it
fuselage, wing and tail assemblies, landing wheels, engine leaves the welding area quicker and therefore requires higher
parts, engine motor cases, and conventional aircraft assemblies flow rates. Another disadvantage is that it is more expensive
such as ducts, fittings, accumulators, check valves, exhaust and is less available than argon. Helium does have several
mufflers, and fairing and cowling components. Most advantages over argon shielding gas:
aluminum tank fabricators use TIG for the critical pressure
vessel butt welds. 1. Gives a smaller heat affected zone.
2. Produces higher arc voltages for given current settings
e) Maintenance and Repair and arc lengths. This is good on thicker metals and metals
with high conductivity.
3. It is better for welding at higher speeds.
4. Gives better coverage in vertical and overhead positions. 3. Thickness and shape of base metal weldments — Thick
5. Provides deeper penetration because of more heat input. sections or complex shapes may require maximum
6. Tends to flatten out the root pass of the weld bead when ductility to avoid weld cracking. Filler metal types that
used as a backing gas. give best ductility should be used.
The argon-helium mixtures provide the better control a) Produces high quality, low-distortion welds
of argon and the deeper penetration of helium. Common b) Free from spatter & slag
mixtures of these gases by volume are 75% helium- 25% c) Can be used with or without filler wire
argon, or 80% helium-20% argon. A wide variety of mixtures d) Can be used with a range of premier supplies
is available, particularly for their wide usage in automatic e) Welds almost all metals
welding. f) Give precise control of welding heat.
Since the GTAW process can weld a wide variety of 1) Produces lower deposition rates than consumable
metals, it generates a need for various filler metals. The electrode arc welding process.
selection of the proper filler metal is primarily dependent on 2) Requires slightly more skill as compared to GMAW or
the chemical composition of the base metal; filler metals are shielded metal arc welding (SMAW)
often similar to the base metal, although not necessarily 3) Less economical for section thickness greater than 9.5
identical. Manufacturers produce filler metals with closer mm
control on chemistry, purity, and quality than for base metals. 4) Tungsten inclusion if the electrode is allowed to contact
The choice of a filler metal for a given application depends on the weld pool.
the suitability for the intended operation, the cost, and the
metallurgical compatibility. The required tensile strength, 10. Process parameters of GTAW
impact toughness, electrical conductivity, thermal
conductivity, corrosion resistance, and weld appearance of a Control of the operating variables or process
weldment are also important considerations. Deoxidizers parameters in Gas Tungsten arc welding is essential if high
added to the filler metals can give better weld soundness as production rates and the welds of good quality are to be
well. obtained. The following are the important variables:
undercut. This over welding increases weld shrinkage and H = Heat Input (kJ/mm),
causes greater distortion. The value of welding current used in V = Arc Voltage (Volts),
TIG has the greatest effect on the deposition rate, the weld I = Current (Amps) and
bead size, shape and the penetration. When all the other S = Welding speed (mm/min).
welding parameters are held constant, increasing the current
will increase the depth and the width of the weld penetration iv. Electrode size
and the size of the weld bead.
Electrode size affects the weld bead shape and the
ii. Welding voltage depth of penetration at fixed current. Electrode size also
influences the deposition rate. At any given current, a small
Welding voltage varies with the length of the arc diameter electrode will have a higher current density and a
between the electrode and molten weld metal. With the higher deposition rate than a larger electrode. However, a
increase in arc length, the arc voltage increases because larger diameter electrode can carry more current than a smaller
lengthening of the arc exposes more of the arc column to the electrode, and produce a higher deposition rate at higher
cool boundary of the arc. The voltage principally determines amperage. Larger-diameter electrodes have a longer life but
the shape of the weld bead cross section and its external may be more difficult to arc-start at low amperages For the
appearance. Increasing the welding voltage with constant same values of current, arc voltage and welding speed, an
current and welding speed produces flatter, wider, less increase in electrode diameter results in a slight increase in the
penetrated weld beads and tends to reduce the porosity caused spread of the bead.
by rust or scale on steel.
v. Gas flow rate
iii. Welding speed and heat input
The correct flow rate is an adequate amount to shield
Welding speed is the linear rate at which an arc is the molten weld pool and protect the tungsten electrode. Any
moved along the weld joint. With any combination of welding greater amount than this is wasted. The correct flow rate in
voltage and welding current, the effect of changing the cubic feet per hour is influenced by many variables that must
welding speed confirms to a general pattern. If the welding be considered on each application. When the welding current,
speed is increased, power or heat input per unit length of weld nozzle diameter, or electrode stick out is increased, the flow
is decreased and less filler metal is applied per unit length of rate should be increased. When welding in the AC mode the
the weld, resulting in less weld reinforcement. Thus, the weld current reversals have a disturbing affect on the shielding gas
bead becomes smaller. Weld penetration is affected more by and flow should be increased by 25%. And of course when
welding speed than any variable other than current. If welding welding in a drafty situation, flow rate should be doubled.
speed is more than required heat input to the joint decreases, When welding corner or edge joints, excessive flow rates can
less filler metal is deposited than required, Reinforcement cause air entrapment. In this situation, the effectiveness of the
height decreases. If welding speed is slow, heat input rate shielding gas can be improved by reducing the gas flow by
increases, Weld width increases and reinforcement height also about 25%.
increases more convexity.
Calculation of heat input
In this paper, we discuss the influence introduction to
Heat input serves a significant role in welding. The GTAW, application of the GTAW, various gases & filler wire
rate of heat input is directly proportional to the voltage and used in GTAW, process parameter for joining the aluminium
current and inversely proportional to the welding speed. Most alloy of GTAW. To do these a thorough literature survey is
of the heat of welding will be dissipated by conduction carried out on various aspects of the proposed topic, in various
through the adjacent metal, although a small amount will be reviewed journals, books and other research resources. The
lost by radiation and convection to the surrounding prominent results of the present study are summarized below.
environment. Heat input is typically calculated as follows: All the necessary TIG welding principles, equipments,
parameters have been explained. From above review it is
indicated that Gas Tungsten Arc Welding process parameters
Welding Speed, Welding Voltage, Welding Current, Gas flow
rate, Electrode size etc. are important control on welding
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