2014-11 Issue No 703 $4.00: Index
2014-11 Issue No 703 $4.00: Index
2014-11 Issue No 703 $4.00: Index
Issue No 703
© Cosmic Awareness Communications. You may share with family and friends,
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The following is extracted from Revelations 84-20; Paul Shockley However, there was enough substance to these
Interpreter; Avaton & Vikki Energizers and Questioners stories that the exaggeration was not so great as to
Getting History Straight render her innocent by any measure of the word.
Throughout history however, the feats of villains
"BAD" KING RICHARD THE 3RD IS and heroes in future generations will always tend
to be dramatized in the telling, and drama tends
VINDICATED AT LAST! toward exaggeration.
We’re always interested in articles that might Then the entity Richard did not kill his nephews
possibly get history straight, and although this as depicted in the Shakespearean play, is that
could be classified as trivia, I’d like to ask correct?
Awareness if it’s valid. It was an article in the
local paper from London, and I quote: COSMIC AWARENESS:
"A group of British, Americans and others, is This is correct.
trying, on the 500th anniversary of his ascension
to the throne, to clean up the image of King
Richard the Third, portrayed in books, films and Avaton’s Note:
Shakespearean drama as a hunchback who had his * According to many historians, Catherine the Great was one of
history’s great sexual athletes; her astonishing escapades are
nephews murdered in the Tower of London. ‘He legendary. One instance was recorded that she allegedly
didn’t have a hunchback, he was quite a good announced it was time to enhance the morale of her troops, and
king, and it is unlikely that he had his nephews proceeded in the ensuing vigorous 12 hours to take on an entire
killed,’ says Jeremy Potter, the group’s chairman. company of her Cossacks, one by one, until she had accomplished
her missionary task. As she limped off the field of battle, she was
He and other modern day admirers claim reportedly heard to say: "Next time I shall take on an entire
history and Shakespeare wronged the Duke of regiment". (No wonder she was called the “Great”. She was
Gloucester, who became King June 26th, 1483, probably taking GH3).
but there are others who still refer to him as Bad Was the Author of the King James Version of
King Richard, and hold that he was rotten. The
group behind Richard's new book for the 500th the Bible Really Burned at the Stake?
anniversary of his ascension and his coronation QUESTIONER:
July 6th, is the Richard the Third Society. The
society has 2500 members in Britain, United In the last reading there was a question by W.L.
States, Canada, Australia, and South Africa. They regarding the scribes who wrote the King James
wear an enameled white badge with their hero's version of the Bible, and who were murdered
motto: ‘Loyalty binds me.’ Their patron is Prince when the project was completed. In the reading,
Richard, Duke of Gloucester, cousin of Queen he wanted to know if Awareness would confirm
Elizabeth the Second, and the only other Richard, that. I don’t recall that was covered in the reading,
Duke of Gloucester, in English history." but a related question was: William Tyndale, the
And it goes on a little bit and it says: "First poetic translator of the King James Bible,
Potter wrote a novel on this subject, now he has appointed by King James himself to do this
written a history book: Good King Richard. It monumental work, was reportedly burned at the
puts the other side of the argument out, he says. stake for his efforts. The question is: was this true,
We believe Richard was seriously maligned and and if so, why?
Does Awareness agree with that entity that This Awareness indicates this as having been
Richard has received a bad press all these years? so, but there were also other reasons for this. In
terms of the previous question, this also as true;
that these entities having put information in the
This Awareness indicates this is in the King James version which was not exactly
affirmative. The written dramatizations and accurate, and those behind this did not want this
stories relating to this entity have been highly information to be released. There are many slight
exaggerated for the telling to increase the variations that were brought into the King James
excitement of history. This is not at all uncommon version in terms of the translation from the earlier
however. In many instances when one ruler is works, and these variations assisted in giving a
overthrown, the next ruler will have his or her slightly different slant, therefore creating a
own historians write a history of the bad deeds of different kind of control that the King James
the previous ruler. Thus, any entities that are still version brings about.
loyal to the previous ruler will be classed with all This Awareness indicates that in a general
of his bad deeds. sense, the literal interpretation of the King James
This Awareness indicates that this is a very version now being promoted is that the symbolic
common way whereby those ascending to power meanings were hidden. There are however, other
can deal with those who have left power, and to interesting sources, which allow those in esoteric
assure that they, or their followers will not return religious studies to discover what was being
to power, or to threaten them. This has also been hidden and left out of the King James version.
similarly used by Nero, and by the historians who Entities who study the original writings of the
followed, being loyal to their emperors. This Hebrew text and the Greek text, and those who
Awareness indicates that the entity Catherine the study the Apocrypha and the Lost Books of Eden
Great as also having been somewhat maligned in and other earlier Latin texts, can begin to unravel
the stories of her escapades. * certain of these differences which were lost in
This Awareness indicates the Dead Sea Scrolls apex of this pyramid of power, the final chance to
also shed light on many of the early Christian put into effect these plans they have been working
teachings. This Awareness suggests also that toward for millennia.
those who are aware of symbolism may find many This means that these times right now are
parallels in various religious teachings from intensely critical to the future timelines. The ones
different parts of the world from different that have been in charge have had it their way for
cultures, this through comparative religious so long, working below the surface, working
studies. secretly always to manipulate, control, to destroy
and devastate all chance of ever awakening to the
CAC General Reading October 2, 2014, Will Berlinghof, higher truth, but the ones who have known power
Interpreter; V Sharp, Energizer & Questioner for so long for themselves no longer know what
their future is, for there is now what could be th
QUESTIONER: called a barrier to them from working with the 4
Does Awareness have a message about current dimensional timelines as they have traditionally
political events? done.
There is, because of the order of affairs, the
THE END OF THE EXPERIMENT IN nature of the Grand Plan, that point where they
CONTROLLING HUMAN have now reached where they can no longer
accurately see that they are guaranteed to stay in
CONSCIOUSNESS IS AT HAND! control. For these ones, it is as if they could see so
far into the future and no further.
Therefore, part of their purpose in the formation
This Awareness does have a message about of these plans was to set up the best case scenario
current political world events. These are fraught for themselves so that even though they could not
times. The actions of the Powers That Be are see beyond a certain time, that time being 2012
being ramped up; one needs only look at the and beyond, that they still would carry out their
evening news, or read the daily paper, or listen to plans to give themselves the best opportunity to
reports on the Internet to see that this is so. These still be in charge on the other side of the shift in
events that are occurring are designed to provoke consciousness that is now occurring.
maximum fear, terror, stress and anxiety amongst This is a flaw for these ones. They can no longer
the populace, not only the populace of the United see into the future to view the results of certain
States of America, but in all nations, worldwide. manipulations they have done in the past. They
It is so that America is receiving the brunt of are traveling blindly now. This is a weakness for
this attack on humanity. It is the cutting edge of them in that they are not as assured as they once
the ax head that is being used to cleave humanity were that they will have total complete control
into small bits so that the plan that has for so long going into the future, yet they also do not know
been drawn up by these ones in control and in that they will not still be in control after the
power can be initiated. It must be understood that barrier that is blocking them is passed. This means
despite what is being presented through the media that due to their nature, they were forced to act in
as the current events that are unfolding, in truth the same way as they always have, of putting into
and in actuality these events are not spontaneous effect their plans, their designs, even if they did
events, are not simply the actions of a few in the not know 100% if these plans and designs for
moment, but rather long drawn-out plans that complete control and domination would succeed.
have been meticulously formed and manipulated This is in effect their Achilles’ Heel. They
and controlled, not for years, not decades, not cannot change. They cannot understand the need
centuries, but literally for thousands of years. to grow and evolve. They are desperate to hang on
The ones that are at the top of that pyramid of to their power and their ways, and it is part of
power that is overlaid upon this plane of Mother their plan still to take as many with them as
Earth have been planning and working toward this possible, to destroy those who are superfluous,
time for thousands of years, extending back even who are not needed. These ones see that their
beyond the time when the entity known as Jesus best-case scenario would involve a small portion
Christ appeared and a new philosophy was of humanity to continue to serve them and be
presented on this planet. These ones have their available to them as a food source, an energy food
roots in antiquity, back to the Babylonian times for them, but they no longer wish to carry the
and even back to the early Sumerian times. They billions of humans on the planet, and thus their
have the capacity to work with timelines from the plans still involve a major eradication of large
4th dimension. amounts of human beings. But this is not entirely
In the 4th dimension, multiple timelines can be in accordance with the higher plans of the Divine.
seen clearly and these ones who have been so long It is the Divine Source, the Godhead, the power
waiting and active during this time period have that is the eternal focus of the Divine Being that is
seen for centuries upon centuries where things the true Godhead, the God Source that is very
would go, coming to this time, this immensely much involved now in the future and what is
important moment in the grand plan of things. manifesting itself on the planet at this time. This
These ones understand that this time frame is Awareness has often spoken of this time as being
most critical and crucial to them to finally, an experiment in consciousness, an experiment to
completely and totally establish and carry out see what would occur when aspects of Divine
those plans that have been so long in their Source and Spirit come into a dense third
manufacturing. Observing these timelines has dimensional reality, forgetting their own natures,
given those 4th dimensional beings that are at the
separating from Spirit and living separately from the spin-doctors who have had power and control
Spirit. for so long. They are now desperate. They know
At the same time, the experiment involved those that their time is almost up, and that the moment
who were and are spiritually corrupt and felt they they have controlled and dominated for so long is
had the right to have control and manipulate, for about to end.
in this experiment it was wondered what would They are in panic mode, and they are pushing
occur if such a scenario was allowed to take place. world events to an extreme degree. Therefore, in
It may be thought this would be and is perhaps a the months ahead expect to see extreme things
cruel expression of Divine Spirit to allow such a unfolding—wars accelerating, disease being out
thing, but in the Eternal Reality of Consciousness, of control, especially that false scene known as
that which has been the experiment is but a very the Ebola virus. You will see economic factors
short time, and even though in the linear breaking down, and the security once known by
measurement of time this experiment has been having savings taken away; food supplies,
underway for thousands of years, to an Eternal weather conditions, geological events all
Consciousness it is but a blink of an eye before becoming more and more extreme over the next
things change and readjust back to the norm, back 14 or 15 months or so.
to what is true connection with one’s spiritual The year 2016 is seen as a time when their
understanding and awareness, back to the actions will no longer be tolerated, and they will
integration of human lives that are being upon a be shut down. Anything that they wish to achieve
third dimensional reality, as it once was. must be achieved before the beginning of 2016.
In some ways it is the circle completing itself, Unfortunately, this does not mean that there will
the unbroken circle. It is at the same time a spiral not still be events and actions after 2016 that seem
movement, moving not only to complete the still to be the desperation of these ones, for when
circle, but also to move consciousness forward, this Awareness speaks of a time or a date such as
for much has been gained in this experiment, in the commencement of 2016, It is offering a
this playing out of a possible reality construct. It broader view of the matter that can help those
is of course an experiment that has long who are enduring and going through the chaos
dominated from that perspective of linear time, and challenge of this time, a reference point to
but from the viewpoint of the Divine Spirit God work with that will show them that even though
Force, it has only lasted a second or two. Even there may be some mercenary groups that are still
this is not entirely accurate, but this Awareness seeking to do things the old way, that the energy
presents this as a concept for the many who supply that these ones have been using and
wonder why these ones who are so separated from manipulating will be shut down for them and
Spirit, who have had only the purpose to destroy ultimately, the whole will be affected. Ultimately
and devastate Mother Earth and humanity, why it the New Order of collective consciousness will be
has been allowed to carry on for so long. established.
From the perspective of the Eternal Now, this This is not the New World Order that these
timeframe is not long, but very short indeed, and ones have worked for diligently for thousands of
now that the circle has been completed and the years, but rather the New Order of Divine
spiral has moved upwards, it is time to move on to Consciousness that is available in a powerful and
reestablishing the true order of Divine Expression. real way to each and every human being.
Having said this, the events that are unfolding on It is still a learning curve however, and it will
the planet at this time that are carrying things to still take time to reach the apex of that which lies
their final conclusion still seem to be taking quite ahead, but the message this Awareness would
some time to complete, and it seems that the leave all with today is that things are underway
corrupt ones are still very much in power. and even though it seems like things have never
For those who are still asleep, for those who been worse, this Awareness says “Things have
have not been shaken out of their coma, who have never been better!” There is an opportunity now
not gained that spark of desire to question all, to to see the end in sight and to realize that this long,
change things, who still accept the status quo as it long journey is coming to a conclusion in an
is, it still seems as if things will never change, for uplifting and inspiring end goal, to see and to
the same ones that have been in power and control understand that this is unfolding even now.
for so long are still in control, or so it seems. Be patient. Be valiant and be positive. Do not be
But it is also a time when many are awakening. deceived. Do not be drawn into the chaos, panic
Many are beginning to ask questions. Many are no and fear. Know that the death throes may be
longer willing for the old masters to continue in violent, and it may still create much panic and
their roles of dominance. They wish now for a destruction, but know that this is as it should be,
change, a deep profound change. This is what this and it is part of the ending of the old order so that
Awareness would call the God Spark that is the new can begin. These are what are often
awakening within the breast of humanity itself, referred to as the End Times, and it is imperative
within the heart of the collective human that during these End Times, no matter that they
consciousness. may still take several years to complete, it is one’s
Therefore, this Awareness asks all who are own personal focus and willingness to look ahead
still going through difficult times, who are seeing and hold the highest that is of the greatest
their lives in terms of great difficulty and importance.
challenge, to understand that no matter what The warning has been given many times not to
presents itself at this time, it is not the truth of the be drawn into the negative chaos of those who are
situation. Great changes are underway, and one now being canceled, those who are now being
must not get caught in the illusion being spun by nullified, those who are now being dismissed.
Do not focus on their desperate actions, their lies Thus there has always been what can be called
and manipulations. Know that they are coming to the angelic realm, however, these are not the
a completion and to an end of their time and this angels that are normally thought of and referred to
experiment in consciousness. These are exciting by those who work with the angels and with the
times; times full of opportunity for personal angelic realm. These ones are those that could be
growth and development if one is not drawn into called a construct of mind and imagination. These
the quagmire of despair, destitution and depravity. ones that are most associated with angels and the
This Awareness sees the future and says that it angelic realms have been created through the
is bright and strong. It asks all to look forward to powerful force of mind and imagination.
their futures and to always hold that it is a bright They have been created because they have been
strong and spiritual future that awaits them. This presented for a long time as being real, being of a
completes this opening message at this time. nature that puts them close to God, and thus they
are godly representations of that One who is God
QUESTIONER: Itself. However, this has been heavily influenced
Thank you Awareness. The lighter we are, the by Christian mythologies, by Judaic belief
stronger we are against the chaos. systems, and even the Muslim faith has their place
for these angels, but generally speaking, those
COSMIC AWARENESS: who are most worked with and referred to stem
This is correct. If one burdens themselves with from Catholic and Christian origin, and meets the
great weights and suitcases on a turbulent voyage, requirements of the Catholic and Christian faith.
if the boat sinks on the turbulent sea, and one is This goes into the mythology of the angelic
holding on to heavy weights and heavy loads, they realms, as being ones who were close to the
will go down. If one is lightweight, they will be Essence of God, who divided amongst themselves
able to rise to the surface and swim to safety. This and did battle amongst themselves, and a dualistic
is a good analogy, indeed. version of the angelic realm was presented—one
where there were good angels and one where
CAC General Reading, September 15, 2014; Will Berlinghof there were bad angels. The bad angels were the
Interpreter; Zoey Zen Questioner and Energizer ones who broke away from God and challenged
God and who wanted to be their own gods. They
MORE ON THE ANGELIC REALMS: were led by the one known as Lucifer, and this
group battled those who were loyal to God, under
ARE ANGELS REAL? the leadership and command of Archangel
These ones were successful—the chosen ones,
Awareness, this is from LJ. “Could Awareness the ones who were the champions of God were
please comment about angels? Are they real? successful in defeating the Luciferian forces and
Thank you.” driving them out, casting them down. Since that
time, those angelic forces that were the champions
COSMIC AWARENESS: of God have been seen and presented as ones who
This would depend on what one’s beliefs are on will have dealings with human beings.
this matter, for this Awareness could say that they The mythologized, Christianized version of the
are not real as so many hold them to be, but this angelic realm has been available over several
Awareness must also then say that they are real, hundred years, and even in historic times, the
as many think them to be. How is it that it can be angels of God were pictured in the paintings of
both? This is of course a paradox. There are those the times and in the stories of the times. This is
one could say are from the angelic realm, and the area that this Awareness is speaking of when
have always been, and have never had a purpose It says that these are the ones that were created
or goal of coming into earthly interaction with and promoted by their presentation to the public.
human beings. The public at that time of course was not as it is
This level of spirit, this level that is known as now, but it could be understood that they were the
the angelic realm has existed forever and always ones that were converted to Christianity from
as various levels of consciousness came into other faiths and religions, and part of the
being. These are not the same ones that most indoctrination process was the inclusion of angels
would call the angelic beings of the angelic realm. above, angels that had much to do with the birth
This is not referring to Archangel Michael, or of Jesus, and everything from the coming to
Gabriel, or Raphael, or the Seraphim, the Mother Mary and announcing that she was with
Cherubim and the many layers and levels that child and that this was the inception of God, and
compose the angelic realm. that God Itself had impregnated her, God Himself,
These are pure beings of consciousness that for of course it was the Old Testament God that
have what is traditionally recognized as the form was referred to. There were allegedly angels at
of angels, but they are etheric beings of light and the birth of the Christ Child, and angels played a
love and not those that have a form or even a large role in the early representations of the
composition that could be recognized as an church to the people, the faithful followers: the
extension of human consciousness or human public.
behavioral types. These ones are ethereal in nature In recent times this has been personalized to a
and have the intention and purpose of existing in more accessible level. Previously, the angels were
the etheric levels, in the higher levels of there, the history of the battle between the good
consciousness with their own purpose and their and the bad, the evil, the dark ones, was a well-
own reason for being. known mythology of Christian faith, but over the
last 30 years, the angelic ones of Biblical renown ones in more concrete ways, more directly
were made more accessible, more personal, and approachable ways, and certainly in ways that laid
one of the facets of what could loosely be called the groundwork for the belief in God as it was
the New Age movement, was the direct presented to those who wished to present this
intervention of angelic beings in private lives, in conceptualization of their Divine Father. In other
personal lives, not simply to saints and martyrs words, this Awareness is saying that the church
and the historic figures of the New Testament: itself has constructed mythology that has been
Mary and Joseph and Jesus and the Apostles. adopted and accepted, so that the ones who were
Thus, it has been the case over the last 30 years drawn to the faith would believe the projections,
that many have started to report sightings of would believe the mythologies that were being
angels and hold them as real beings that have presented.
intervened in their lives and have presented them This Awareness must say here that the
with miracles. This Awareness does not say that Christianized version of a god sitting on a throne,
this is not valid, or that they are having artificial, judging all and dispensing wrath to those who do
false experiences, for the experiences of those not measure up is an outdated way of
who are from the constructed angelic realm are understanding the God Concept, and yet millions,
real, and are valid. But how is it so? These ones billions still hold this to be so and are energizing
who have been created by those with certain this daily to be so, and therefore, on some level it
agendas to create a mythology of faith, whether it is so for them, just as it is so for the many who
is Christian, Judaic or Buddhistic or Zoroastrian believe in the Angelic Realms, whether it is in the
or Muslim, whatever the faith may be—how is it more traditional Christian way or in the New Age
that these ones have acquired legitimacy and way where it has become very popularized and
validity? very personalized.
This Awareness takes those who remember, Again, as this Awareness has said, if enough
back to a presentation, a conceptualization offered attention and focus is brought to this matter, there
by this Awareness decades ago. It was the is a growing of that, a coming into power of that
formation and creation of Saint Twinkle, the New which is focused upon so that it can be
Age star of consciousness. This Awareness experienced by more, and the more that
suggested decades ago, that when enough put experience it will also energize this and provide to
their attention, their focus, their imagination and others examples of how angels intercede in
their belief toward something, it could be personal lives, and ones will come forward who
fabricated and created. Thus, the suggestion from will write books on this matter, who will present
this Awareness that the CAC organization conferences on this issue, who will teach others
provided badges for the entity known as Saint how to teach others of these matters, these angelic
Twinkle. Twinkle, twinkle, little star! This issues, and even more popularize the concept of
conceptualization, this exercise was to help the the angels and the angelic realm, and it can be
many understand how it was and how it is to quite specific and quite exact as to how and who
focus on something so strongly that it manifests. they are and how they are connected to the
In this case, it was the matter of creating an Godhead Itself.
entity or being known as Saint Twinkle. Enough Many layers and levels become authorized and
people focused on this, enough sent their energies accepted and believed and energized. Thus it is
both of mind and heart into the creation of Saint that the angelic realms, and the interactions with
Twinkle, and thus it is so that at some realm, the the angels have become very popular now, and
entity Saint Twinkle now does exist, and if it were very accepted by many. It has even come to the
so that many focused on Saint Twinkle in a point that to deny the existence of angels would
manner that daily gave to it energy and power, its incur a negative reaction from ones who hold that
validity would increase and its perception, even in “Angels are real and participate in our daily lives
third dimensional reality would expand, even to when we call to them, and even some times when
the point that many could begin to report seeing we do not call to them!”
the little star Saint Twinkle appearing in their This Awareness is not denying the validity of
rooms and even having interaction with it, even these ones that are now called the angels, and the
feeling its energy of love and light and angelic realm as it is currently understood and
compassion and bliss being extended to them, and worked with. There are now those who have come
even reporting miracles when Saint Twinkle into being that have validity and that have
arrived. connection to higher spiritual forces because there
Of course this would take a focusing on this are those who believe them and believe in them.
concept, this entity, this construct, of many, but These ones have intervened, have come to many,
even one holding that such a force can exist, such and the experiences with these ones is genuine
a conscious being could be real, already gives and is honest and is real to those many who have
this validity and authority. But if millions every had experiences with the angelic realm.
day were to focus on this matter, were to focus However, it must always be understood that the
their attentions to Saint Twinkle in their prayers angels and the angelic realm is even beyond the
and meditations, then the power and strength of dualistic conceptualizations of humanity, which
Saint Twinkle would expand and grow. has needed the angels to be close to God and at
Such it is with those that are known as the the same time to battle God. This is all part of the
Angels of God. They were presented in early manifestation of belief and reality that has been
times off the reflection of the true angelic beings led by the nose over many countless centuries to
that have always been. There were those in the reach a point of acceptance that angelic beings do
early church that began to visualize these etheric exist and are close to God and now are becoming
more involved and interactive with humanity angels can do in the way of their miracles and
itself. interventions can be achieved when one has
There is of course now a pressure to believe in understood the power of their own being, the
these ones and as this Awareness just said, those expansiveness of their own multidimensional self.
who disagree, those who are not of this opinion or This is why this Awareness will conclude by
belief are often refuted and dismissed by those saying that while there is validity in the new
who are the genuine believers that know these construction of angels and the angelic realms,
angelic entities exist, and if you are not one who there is more to it. You, each and every individual
knows this and believes this, then the opinions is capable of out-flying the angels themselves.
you might hold on this matter that are contrary to Interaction amongst and between the many layers
those held by those who know, are dismissed, and and levels of consciousness and entities and
this is often why individuals have trouble with beings of consciousness is important, but of
even friends and families who do not accept the course what is of the greatest importance is that
angelic realm or the validity of such, for they one remember their own God Essence, not the
have other belief systems. It posits problems in created artificial god that sits on a throne and
families, in friendships and relationships. judges—not a group of entity/beings that serve
Having said this, this Awareness goes back now such a one, but the actual true God Spark, the
to the beginning and says that while this angelic Divine Spark that lies within each that will always
realm is perhaps the result of the construction of guide one home and always bring one into greater
belief and a creation of a level of beings on a alignment with the multidimensional character of
spiritual and even more mundane physical level, the Divine itself.
still they are there; this level of entity, of You are part of that multidimensional existence
consciousness, still exists. One certainly can work and force. You are part of the Divine and have the
with them and with these energies. At the same capacity within you that is for many
time this Awareness also says that it is important unimaginable. But God has imagined this—that
not to become ensnared by them, for in some which is the Divine Force, the Divine Essence of
ways, one of the purposes in presenting angelic All There Is has imagined this, and you are part of
beings is to entrap and ensnare. “How so?” one Its imaginings. The angelic realms are part of Its
might ask. imaginings. Even that which is known as the
When one still puts one’s power in another Fallen Angels and the demonic realms are part of
force, another being, another entity, even an Its imaginings. Remember this as you work with
angelic entity, and does not recognize that one’s concepts such as the angelic realm—that you are
self is the power source, is the creator being, and part of the Angelic realms for you are part of the
has the spark of God within him or her; if one imaginings of God Divine.
does not see this and find it within themselves You are therefore competent and capable of
because they have delegated such matters to going beyond the popularized concept of angels.
angelic beings, then one will not seek and strive You are able to go beyond the limitations of third
for the greater understanding and appreciation of dimensionality, and it is part of the unfolding of
their own being, their own exalted being. consciousness, the seeking for higher states of
Many think that angels and the angelic realm lie consciousness that drives you, that moves you and
above humans and above them in their capacity to directs you toward such things as belief in angels
be spiritual, to be of God Essence and God as an expression of a Higher Force.
Vibration, yet the truth of this matter is that the Now, if one personalizes this and brings this
human is beyond the angelic realm and has access into one’s own personal realm, one will find true
to much higher, deeper internal levels of miracles lying within, and one will be able to do
consciousness, for they are living in a reality that the most amazing things, but this is what
they are ignorant of and yet, with understanding humanity is moving toward. It is not what most
and knowing, could make a paradise of, could have at this time. This Awareness will conclude
exceed anything even imagined by the most by saying, “Believe in angels if you must!” They
imaginative in terms of creating not only utopia, have validity, but always believe first in your self,
but in truth, a true spiritual community of as a Divine Expression of the God Force seeking
enlightened and blessed beings. to know Itself, seeking to open up to the many
Yet, many do not see this; do not understand the levels of wonder and magic and mystery that
capacity or the potentiality of humans themselves. exist, and even the areas of contention and doubt
Many are still trapped in the old structures of and confusion that are meant to derail and
belief, the Christian structures, the Judaic, the sidetrack. Even these have purpose and have
Muslim, the Buddhistic—whatever the structures lessons that can be learned from.
may be that do not bring humanity into the full The angelic realm is an important part of this,
appreciation of their own being and what they are but it is not the only part. This Awareness has
capable of. They deviate. They put their focus and gone on long enough on this matter. It is now
attention into so many different areas and arenas done and complete.
—the angelic realm being one such arena to play
Thus it is that if one wishes to acknowledge the What Happens When Celebrities Cross Over The Line
angelic realm, please do so, for it has validity, but QUESTIONER:
do not allow this to stop one in striving to seek the
deeper truth and deeper essence of your own Thank you Awareness. The next question has
spiritual being, your deeper connections with the been sent in by both RH and TH. It concerns Joan
Divine and Divine Consciousness. For all that the Rivers and her recent death. Shortly before she
died on a major network, she stated more she became a threat and a danger to these ones in
seriously than not, that Obama was a bisexual and power, especially as she was getting more
his wife Michelle was a ‘tranny’—a transvestite. popular, and this also was perceived as dangerous.
Also on the Simpsons show, 23rd season, episode It was one thing when she was simply speaking
8, Joan Rivers was in a hospital. Homer Simpson to an audience in an Indian Casino somewhere or
was there and Krusty the Clown, and it ended up had a small college booking. It was another when
with Krusty the clown asking Joan Rivers to she was filling the larger events and was ready to
“Wake up! Wake up!”—that she was dead, and expand even more. Thus it is that this Awareness
there are concerns that the medical treatment that is saying that Joan Rivers’ death was not natural
killed Joan Rivers was apparently done in a and was not something of her planning in a
doctor’s office, not in an outpatient clinic, which conscious way. This is further supported by the
would have been more appropriate. nature of the operation and procedure she had
Would Awareness please comment on the death done in her doctor’s office.
of Joan Rivers? This is a woman who has had many cosmetic
procedures done. Indeed, one of the main planks
of her humor was self-effacing, was about poking
Of course the entity that was Joan Rivers was fun at her own journey into cosmetic surgery, but
well known for her cutting and powerful humor. on this occasion the intent was not to perform a
Powerful, in that she was not one who observed cosmetic procedure on her throat, but rather to
social convention. She was not one who was silence her, and this Awareness does say that she
polite and gentle in her humor, but rather was murdered with intent and purpose. It does not
powerful in attacking the sacred cows, in ruffling necessarily suggest that the doctor who performed
feathers and creating outrage through her cutting the procedure murdered Joan Rivers, but it is seen
humor, but she was not a cruel woman, although that what was in the syringe he used, assuming
she had a cruel sense of humor sometimes and one that it was all right, was contaminated with the
that certainly was uncomfortable to many, purpose of creating a heart attack, ceasing the
attacking issues such as homosexuality, of functioning of the heart itself, and that is why the
religion, of beliefs of individuals directly. Her doctor was so surprised that Joan Rivers had a
humor was well known and had found a place of heart attack in the office. It should not have
respect among the American people, for being so happened.
outrageous was her trademark and was that which She had had many procedures. She had a
people went to see and hear—to be outraged, but relatively good level of health, despite her
in a humorous way. lifestyle, and despite the many procedures, and so
Although sometimes her humor was not gentle, it was that she was rushed to the hospital and went
was not particularly compassionate, it did serve into a state of coma from which she eventually
the purpose of making people think, of changing died, when the plug was pulled by her family.
standards and attitudes. When she went on stage Can this matter of an intentional murder of the
and talked about menstrual cycles for example, comedian Joan River be proven? It could be
this was indeed a great social taboo. One simply proven, but it must be remembered that those who
did not speak of such matters, and especially not murdered her have much practice in covering their
in the way that Joan Rivers did, but she got away tracks and that there often follows other deaths to
with it. She challenged people. She certainly those who may have known something about this
challenged the authorities, and people began to matter, and rather than have ones come forward
respect her, and people began to come to her who could give evidence and direct attention to an
again. assassination versus a natural event as it is being
This woman is one who has been around for a presented, a natural reaction to the procedure and
long time in the American entertainment industry. the drugs in this case; rather than have ones with
She had earlier success and popularity, which evidence come forward, that they too are
faded somewhat in her mid-career, but did not eliminated, and the evidence goes missing.
fully disappear, and she worked hard and was This Awareness would say that it is highly
focused and driven, and she brought her career likely no one stopped to collect the syringe that
back, and she became very popular once again. the doctor used that would have trace elements
But in the matter of proclaiming Barack Obama to still within it, and no one did proper blood work
be bisexual and his wife Michelle to be a tranny, to test for certain agents within the blood of Joan
she stepped one step too far against the system, Rivers that could have shown that this woman
the authorities that tolerated her and even was murdered. These things are simply forgotten,
supported her. or if results are obtained that would prove such a
This angered the current president and his wife, thing, this evidence is ‘lost.’ Thus this Awareness
and other comments that she recently made were would say that it is highly unlikely that evidence
hitting too close as well, and it was perceived by of a murder will be found, for this has already
not only the president and his wife, but by his been dealt with by these highly practiced
handlers, his masters, his group of fellow individuals.
conspirators if you will, that this woman was However, there is proof that is available to show
getting out of control. It was one thing if she was that Joan Rivers was targeted, to show what was
doing her humor on stage for a paying audience about to happen. It must be remembered that these
and occasionally over the television and she ones in power glory in presenting in advance their
stayed within certain limits, as outrageous as the purpose and their intent. This happens over and
limits and subject matter might be, but once she over again, and one of the most popular ways of
stepped beyond the line that they had drawn, then doing this now is over television and through
certain programs such as the Simpsons, such as This Awareness is complete in the answering
Family Guy, where certain scenarios are now of this question. This Awareness will add a
presented, certain information is presented certain small amount more to the proceeding answer.
weeks or months before the events happen. This Awareness wishes all to understand that
Thus it was that in the Simpson’s episode while there are those who have control and power;
where Homer and Krusty the Clown were there by they are not truly their masters. They have held
the bedside of Joan Rivers asking her to wake up, this concept of themselves for a long time, and
this was a presentation, an arrogant presentation they hold it now, and they certainly try to make
of the scenario of a future event that was about to those who have come into their web believe this is
happen to Joan Rivers. In other words, the so, even to the point of killing off ones who go
authorities were saying loud and clear that Joan against their power and authority as has happened
Rivers was about to be canceled, and this was here with Joan Rivers, with Robin Williams and
presented arrogantly to the nation and to the world with others as well. But they are not masters.
in the Homer Simpson episode, and this is how it They are simply ones who have such power and
is often done. Many times in the Family Guy are corrupted in such a way that they will use their
animation certain information is released that power even to eliminate human life.
comes to pass several weeks or months later. Recognize and understand that those who are
Sandy Hook and Aurora were presented in a the whistleblowers will start to come forward
Batman movie as these two were both highlighted more and more, and it is hoped that the masses
in a certain scene on a map. Why would two will begin to wake up to their celebrities who are
places of mass-shootings be both simultaneously speaking truths, and will begin to see when a
shown to all the viewers who were watching the celebrity has died under mysterious circumstances
movie? It is the way of those in power that they and how it is showing them something if they are
are required to announce their intent, and they do open to see this. This is also part of the changing
so in such a way, hidden and obscure, not taken times. Many who have gained celebrity status,
seriously, if even noticed at all. who have gained advantage and privilege are
Thus in terms of the rules of the game they beginning to think about things as well, and are
have met the requirement of speaking intent, and not feeling they can hold the lie any longer.
putting out what the plans are to the people, but Therefore, in a way, Joan Rivers and Robin
the people do not understand it, and do not Williams were potential whistleblowers who
recognize it for it is disguised and buried in the needed to be silenced, but more will come
back pages of a newspaper, or in a split-second forward, more will replace them, and it is so that
scene in a movie or as a piece of information the truth is coming out now, and there are many
presented on a children’s show, an animation that are ready to speak the truth despite the
show that of course is not for children or about consequences, and there are even more who are
children. ready to hear the truth.
Thus is the proof that there was intent to silence Thus, this Awareness will conclude by saying
Joan Rivers, who was speaking out too much, and that Joan Rivers’ death was not in vain. Robin
not simply in her usual raucous and brutal way, Williams’ death was not in vain, and many are
but in a way that was earnest and serious. She was now asking questions of their deaths. Many are
not joking in her comments about Barack Obama starting to listen to what was said both publicly
and his wife and other comments she had recently and privately, and many are beginning to look
made. There was already an attempt to make her deeper into this matter and other matters that have
look ridiculous and crazy but it was seen that this also recently come to pass where other celebrities
was not having an effect, and therefore there was have come forward with something to say, and it
an acceleration of the plan to the level of must be understood that this too is part of the new
extermination, taking her out with vengeance, energies of consciousness that are sweeping
taking her out with intent. This ultimate violence through the nation and sweeping around the
was a message to others who know what is truly globe. Whistleblowers such as Joan Rivers,
going on, who are celebrities themselves. Snowden and others are coming forward more and
This Awareness would remind all that this is the more, and it is something that will continue in the
second celebrity in a short time who has died times ahead. This Awareness is now complete
under mysterious circumstances. Of course Robin with the answering of the question regarding Joan
Williams also was found dead recently under Rivers.
mysterious circumstances as well, and these two INTERVIEW WITH AN ALIEN
in their own ways were perceived as a threat to
the authorities, the Powers That Be, for both were Are Humans Kept Imprisoned on Earth,
ready to speak more their truth; Robin Williams in Even After Death?
exposing certain areas of the satanic involvement
in the entertainment industry, and Joan Rivers to QUESTIONER:
make certain political statements about the Thank you Awareness. The next question is
president and about others as well. Neither could from SSC. She references the book Alien
be allowed to speak these things in public, for Interview. This book is about the alien space craft
they could influence too many and their deaths that crash-landed in Roswell, New Mexico, 1947.
were to both silence them, as well as to send a An army nurse named Matilda O’Donnell
message to other celebrities to mind their P’s and MacElroy was able to communicate with one of
Q’s, and to not dare speak out against their the Grey ET’s. First the Grey ET telepathically
communicated with Matilda, and eventually and shared with by the Grey that she interacted
learned English. These two spent 6 weeks with?
together, and the Grey ET communicated the It does not. This again is an area that is
history of earth in great detail, mainly referring to inaccurate in its implication. It must be
earth as a prison planet, in which few people understood and recognized that this one has been
could escape, because once they died they were indoctrinated into the support of those who have
recycled back to earth again, due to an electronic control, those who are his/her masters as well.
force field around earth which alerts the old He/she, for it is seen this one is more of a
empire. I’m sure this refers to the Anunnaki, who hermaphroditic composition, although the nurse
erase everybody’s memories and then recycle Matilda felt she was female—this one was
them back to earth. bisexual and contained both genders, if you will.
Before Matilda died in her eighties, she sent her In any event, she/he was taught the history, was
manuscript with many detailed notes to Lawrence taught what he/she holds to be the truth of the
Spencer, who wrote the book The Oz Factors, and situation.
asked him to publish it. One of the things that the The history that is reported by this one is not
ET talked about was that she said she was from entirely correct for it does not precede the time
the Domain, which was far away, and they were before the Anunnaki, before those who came to
warring with the old Empire, which apparently this planet to mine for the gold and the resources,
refers to the Anunnaki, whose presence is still on who came and created modern humans by
earth. My questions to Awareness are these: How dumbing down the humans of the time by
accurate is the information that the Grey ET performing biogenetic engineering; before all of
dictated to Matilda… this there were very advanced beings upon this
planet. There were other epical times, other
historical times than simply those where the
This Awareness will intervene here and wishes to Anunnaki arrived, but this Grey does not speak of
deal with each question separately, thus it will those times, for he/she does not know of them.
commence with this first question. This Awareness This entity speaks only of the history that has
says that this information is relatively accurate, been given to him/her, and not that which lies
but not completely accurate. The information about beyond.
planet earth being a prison planet is somewhat Equally, she/he knows of the device that
correct, but the information about the electronic or harvests souls, and it is spoken this way, that souls
electrical meshing around the planet to entrap souls are harvested. This is also inaccurate and
is not completely correct. incorrect, for the soul itself, the greater soul, the
There is indeed a grid work that surrounds the Long Soul lies outside of both third and 4th
planet, and this grid work has the responsibility of dimensionality and cannot be touched by any such
preventing a certain level of knowing from artificial devices and cannot be captured by third
occurring, even the knowing of how to proceed or 4th dimensional beings, for to go into 5th
upon death and what occurs, and how this grid dimensionality would ensure that those who have
work will redirect souls back into physicality, but so long rejected the Divine Order and Plan would
this grid work exists not only in a third be reintegrated back into the fabric of Divine
dimensional way, but also in the 4th dimensional Spirit.
levels, for once the consciousness of a being is This they will not do, and thus their contention,
released, once the consciousness of the soul as is often voiced that the soul is captured and
aspect begins its journey back into the higher imprisoned eternally on this prison planet is
realms, it leaves third dimensionality and enters inaccurate. What is correct however is that a soul
4th dimensionality where the effects of this grid aspect, an extension of the soul that has come into
have an effect of preventing a certain expansion physicality to have a third-dimensional dualistic
and direction of this soul aspect moving back into experience can be recaptured in that device that is
harmony and reunion with the Greater Soul and known as the White Light. This soul aspect may
with the Divine Spirit. come back into physical incarnation and upon
Thus, while there are some mistakes and dying may again be captured in the White Light
misunderstandings of what is occurring that could device, and again and again and again, over and
be pointed out, it is also correct that other over, for this is what is so, but does this mean that
information such as the device that recycles souls this is perpetual and eternal? Does this mean that
back into the physical and back into bodies, is the soul aspect being recycled can never find its
correct. This Awareness speaks of this as a device way home again? It does not.
that has been created by those who have long Contained within each and every soul aspect, in
manipulated humanity and the course of human each and every particle that exists, be it on a
events. physical level or a non-physical level, is that
These ones, the Anunnaki, the Masters, the which this Awareness calls the God Spark, and
ones who have presented themselves as gods over many who are spiritually sensitive are drawn by
the millennia, created this device as a way of the God Spark to go home, to return back to one’s
ensuring that certain ones would not be released spiritual beginning and source. It is why so many
from the prison planet. This was and is their of the spiritual seekers on this planet find it so
intent, for this device of the White Light still is difficult to stay in this oppressive physical
functioning. But does it mean that all are trapped environment, for their true home, their spiritual
and all are returned back into physicality as is home, their spiritual source always beckons and
suggested in the book by Matilda as dictated to calls to them, and it is a supreme sacrifice to stay
in this corruption of physicality and dualism for investigating certain core beliefs that are
many spiritual seekers. normally held as unapproachable, and true and
Thus, the teachings, especially in recent times, correct, when in actuality they are simply beliefs
have had the effect of creating a belief system that that have been accepted by the individual, that are
has supported the concept and belief of going to held to be true and correct and unapproachable.
the White Light when one has an experience of This is dangerous, for this will always keep one
death, when one is crossing over. The Archonic in that loop that would allow one to be recaptured
forces of the Anunnaki, of those ones who have and be recycled over and over again, until finally
manipulated and controlled for so many eons are a time is reached and will be reached, when the
aware of this. They are the perpetuators of the soul’s need to return outweighs the misguidance
dogma and the beliefs that have guided many after of a soul that holds something erroneously to be
they crossed over, and they are the perpetuators correct, and is incorrect in the belief that is held
also of the origins of certain popular beliefs that erroneously. Thus it is that many are coming
have now found great impact and force in the forward at this time with this information.
New Age community. A recent event that occurred for the Interpreter
Many in the New Age community hold that the and his partner was an exposure to an individual
White Light must be gone into, for it is how one by the name of Simon Parks who began to talk
returns back into one’s spiritual essence. One about such matters and it was through him that
could call this the dogma of the White Light that they heard of this device of White Light that was
has become quite popular over the last decades. used to ensnare and recycle the soul and the soul
This dogma is one that many have problems with aspects. Again, this is not the Great Soul, but
when it is challenged, when others come forward simply the soul aspect that is returning back to the
and say, “Do not go into the White Light! It is Great Soul.
evil! It is a deception! It will trap you! Run from After hearing this information through Simon
it! Go in the other direction! Do not even look at Parks the Interpreter and his wife began to receive
the White Light for it may capture you!” For those from other sources similar information, and thus it
who are challenged by such assertions, the is that events have progressed now on the planet
reaction will be powerful, for this is one of the to bring this information forward, this information
deepest core beliefs that many spiritual seekers that can free one from long-held core beliefs that
hold: that the White Light is there as the avenue to were erroneous and are erroneous, but it is
go in one’s return back into their spiritual being, challenging. This is the right timing however for
back into the spiritual home. this information to be released by whatever means
To suddenly have it suggested that this may be a is used for it to be put out there.
device that entraps and recycles that soul back The information that the Interpreter and his wife
that is seeking to return home is not only a received challenged them, but this has not held the
challenge to most who hold this to be valid, but an Interpreter back, and he has allowed this
insult, something that simply cannot be true, and Awareness to speak on this matter as It has done
those who deliver such assertions cannot be so over the last several weeks and now in this
correct. Yet this Awareness is saying here that newsletter for Cosmic Awareness
they are correct and that many have spoken of this Communications. This is a very challenging area
matter. Not only this nurse Matilda, who in her for many who have long held that the White Light
discussions and exchanges with the Alien Grey shall set them free. There may now be a confusion
received these instructions, but others as well. about entering the White Light or working with
Many years ago she was given information that the White Light, but this all can be learned once
the device of the White Light was designed to this has been understood, and there is still
entrap individuals, but she was also given certain information that can come forward.
misinformation from the Grey, that it was First and foremost, it is important to know that
something that could not be escaped from, and it is now important to challenge the sacred cows
that the prison planet could not be escaped from, and to look at those things that one has held so
and other information that the Grey gave to sacred for so long, so that they can be understood
Matilda was tainted by that which this Awareness and perceived, so that they can be released if
would call the indoctrinization of this one. But erroneous, or supported, if correct. Ones like
still, the information therein was challenging, in a Matilda and Simon Parks and Alfred Webre and
way too challenging for many, and was not and is others, these ones are part of a movement to bring
not held as valid. such information forward at this correct and right
This Awareness however confirms, despite time. This Awareness may have more to speak
certain inaccuracies and misinformation, that it is about on this matter at a future time, but this
valid information, especially regarding the Awareness is complete on this matter at this time.
information on the White Light device and the
concept of the prison planet, but it is not the only QUESTIONER:
information that has been released. There have Thank you Awareness. S’s second question is,
been others who have also spoken of this matter, “The ET said that it came from a place called the
and it is now starting to come more and more into Domain. Where is the Domain?”
the forefront, for it is time now for many to be
challenged by this information, to look at their COSMIC AWARENESS:
sacred cows of belief and to understand and
realize that the intent of information of this nature The Domain is a galaxy beyond the solar
is not to smash down an individual and their system. It is one of the many, many galaxies that
beliefs, but to open them up to the opportunity of are contained within this universe that also
contains the Milky Way galaxy and thus, also So it is that this alien being, this Grey, in
your personal solar system around that speaking of such matters to the nurse, was serving
being/consciousness that is represented by your a higher purpose. While it did present much
sun, Sol. The Domain is a galaxy many light years misinformation, not even intentionally, but
away, from which the Greys, the Zeta Reticulans because it was the misinformation that it was
come from. As their name suggests, they come taught and believed to be true, even so, a higher
from the Galaxy Zeta Reticuli, and it is there purpose is being served and has been served by
where the Domain exists. the exchange that occurred between the nurse
These ones are of insectoid origins, and they Matilda and this Grey entity.
have what could be understood as a hive mind, This of course serves the higher purpose of
and this Domain is that place that supported these Spirit, and thus in this way it can be understood
ones in their development and the growth of the that this being was serving the Light, even though
hive mind and the expression of individual beings it did not realize this to be so. This completes the
that were and are part of a hive mentality, a hive answering of this third question.
Do Scalar Electromagnetic Fields
There is a degree of individuality, but the true
individuality of human beings is not that which Create the Veil of Forgetfulness
these ones know. They wish it to be so, and in the Around Planet Earth?
hive mind it has been accepted as being of
greatest importance, and it is part of the reason QUESTIONER:
why they began the program to create hybrid
Greys to impregnate women so they could take Thank you. I know she will be pleased with
the fetuses and conduct genetic engineering to these answers. The next question is from LJ. It
create a new individualized Grey entity or being, concerns scalar electromagnetics. She asks, “Did
but this is another matter. As to the question of scalar electromagnetics cause a force to be built
where the Domain lies, it lies in the Zeta Reticuli around earth? Does this contribute to the veil of
galaxy. This completes the answering of this forgetfulness of past life incarnation upon planet
question. earth, or is that something else? Is this scalar
electromagnetics similar to the electromagnetic or
QUESTIONER: EMS pollution that has increased on earth since
Thank you. Her final question is, “Was this the introduction of computers and electronic
Grey a Light Being?” devices?” Would Awareness please comment?
Again, an answer that is paradoxical: Yes, it was This is a complex area that would touch on many
a Light Being, and no, it was not a Light Being. matters and many things, however this Awareness
Strictly speaking, this entity did not come forward will attempt to give a relatively simple
with the intent of liberating humanity, of uplifting explanation of the matters involved here. First and
it and bringing spiritual understanding and foremost, it is indeed scalar electromagnetic
awareness to humanity. Thus, in this sense it was manipulation and scalar technologies that are
not a Light Being, or a Light Worker. But at the employed to create that field of resonance, that
same time, the fact that it came in contact with grid-work that surrounds the planet.
Matilda, that it had survived the shooting down of But it is more than this, and it is here that it will
its craft, and then it went on to explain certain not be possible at this time to explain the deeper
things to Matilda that were meant to enlighten and mechanics involved in creating this force-field,
to give the truth of the situation to her, and thus to this wall, this veil that has been erected around the
humanity, is that which can be said to serve Spirit, planet, for it is 4th dimensional technology that has
to serve the Light of Consciousness. also been employed, for the scalar
Thus, in this way, this being, even though it electromagnetic fields that are gridworked around
was not its intent or purpose, was serving the the planet also extend off planet, or off
Light, and thus could be understood to be of the dimensional planet, for it extends into the 4th
Light, for this reason. This is often the case. Ones dimension and is maintained there, which is why
who seem to be the barbarians, the despots, the when certain ones go into the 4th dimension they
tyrants, the evil ones, even though committed to are constrained from proceeding beyond theth
corruption, are still serving a higher purpose electromagnetic scalar that is there on the 4
beyond their comprehension and understanding. dimension as well.
This certainly does apply for example to many What is important here is that there is such a
of your political leaders. Indeed, all of them. Even force field, such a curtain or blanket around the
though they seem to be working for the agenda of planet that has been erected, and it is correct that
the Anunnaki, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, this is what is known as the Veil of Forgetfulness.
the Orions, the Reptilians, etcetera, the Powers There are other terms that have traditionally
That Be, still there is a master plan beyond explained this distinct process that occurs whenth
anything that these ones can plan. It is even so one is entering into or crossing back from the 4
with extraterrestrial beings that have come to this dimension that has been spoken of over many
planet to serve their own masters, to serve the hundreds of years. It basically is so that the grid-
forces of suppression and oppression. They too work, the force field, the scalar electromagnetic
can still be part of a greater Divine Plan. network that has been erected around the planet to
serve as a wall that retains the soul aspect from
returning properly, is that same barrier that is This is still to come, but the first step is simply
known as the Veil of Forgetfulness. to be aware of such things and not to shut off and
It is part of that which is the whole experience shut down the information, not to reject it, but to
of physicality that the soul will project itself into look at it deeply and earnestly, especially in light
when it sends an aspect of itself into physical of what it may actually mean to you, how you
reality as it is to be observed and experienced on may be holding contrary beliefs that support
this third-dimensional planet. It must be beliefs that are negative. This is a time of great
recognized and understood that the soul, when it challenge for many, as their dogmas of belief are
plans to have a physical incarnation knows what it challenged—dogmas of belief on all levels:
is getting into, knows of this field that surrounds religious levels, physical levels, economic levels,
the planet, this force-field, this barrier of scalar political levels and spiritual levels.
electromagnetic 4th dimensional forces that will It is a time for knocking down the barriers, not
make the experience a soul has one of separation only that surround the planet, but surround each
from itself. and every individual, for a type of barrier is
It is what is sought: to have the experience of erected in accordance to one’s beliefs, and the
what it might feel like to be in a third-dimensional world is then seen through the filters of this
form, on a third-dimensional planet without any encasement, this negative armoring, and this too
direct recollection of one’s origin or one’s source must be broken up and replaced by energies, by
that lies well beyond the physical. This has been awareness and consciousness of a much higher
the intent and purpose often for sending an aspect order. This can only be done when the sacred
of the soul into physicality to have this cows are challenged and when truth that can set
experience, to have also this experience of what it you free is accepted, even though it might be very
might feel like to live on a planet where Divine uncomfortable and challenging at first.
Source and Spirit are not in control, where there is It is the time, and the time is now to look at
an oppressive force, an Archonic force that has these challenging issues at deeper levels and to
control and has power. This is all understood in understand that this too is part of the Divine Plan,
advance of a soul ever projecting itself through the return to full consciousness and the breaking
the layers and levels of Spirit, through the down of the barriers, the walls, the
gateways into finally a physical form that can live electromagnetic scalar grid-works, etcetera, that
on a physical and dense planet. have for so long stood in place to shield the truth
Thus it is that even though this barrier, this from those who have come into this physical
force-field, this construct exists that acts as an realm. It is now the time, and the time is now.
outer wall preventing the soul returning directly to This completes the answering of this question at
Spirit, it must be seen that it is part of something this time.
much greater that is agreed to. The Soul that sends QUESTIONER:
its extension of itself into physicality not only
knows of the circumstances that await the soul Thank you Awareness. There is a follow-up
aspect’s arrival, but also is in agreement to this, question from SG, who seems to think that scalar
and has agreed to the rules of the game. It has waves can basically be free energy and do a lot to
agreed to enter this state of apparent delusional improve life on this planet earth. Would
separation from Spirit so that It can find itself, Awareness please comment?
even under these extreme circumstances.
Individuals Are Complex & Have Ulterior
The Soul further knows that it may take a while
for the soul aspect to wake up, to remember and to Purposes That Often Contradict Each Other
return finally back to its spiritual source. But as COSMIC AWARENESS:
the Soul, as Divine Spark and Divine Spirit is
Eternal, what does it matter if it takes 70 years or This source of energy can be tapped into, but
7,000 years, or 70,000 years to return back to the there are other sources as well. In this matter, SG
Soul and back into Divine Spirit? It will occur at is presenting something that has validity and has
some point, and this is known in the levels above potential, but this Awareness would also use this
the physical. But in the level of physicality where opportunity to present the information that SG is
separation from Spirit is so, where there is not always correct about everything, and it is seen
forgetfulness because of the electromagnetic that anything this individual presents must be
scalar 4th dimensional technological waves that questioned. Some of the information he is
dumb down and shut off such awareness and presenting such as scalar power being used for an
understanding, even this is known and accepted at alternative source of energy is valid and correct,
the higher states of consciousness which sees the and yet other information he is presenting is not.
matter from a completely different perspective. He has become quite a popular figure for the
Thus it is that understanding and awareness of disclosure movement, and this is true intent, but at
these devices and such force-fields that employ the same time, there is much that he does not wish
physics beyond the level of third dimensional to be disclosed or understood. He has his own
physics, that have understanding of technologies agenda. He is somewhat in alignment with those
beyond human technology now, that these factors who would keep mankind dumbed down and
are all very much underway and have been for ignorant and enslaved, but this does not mean he
some time. However, this Awareness can also say is not working in his own way toward creating a
that there is growing awareness of such things, situation of disclosure. This then is again a
and growing understanding that these devices can situation where one can be working for a higher
be recognized first of all, and dealt with secondly. purpose, for the Light of Divine Consciousness to
be brought into the planet, and at the same time individual, but through the surgeon’s scalpel,
have ulterior motives that are in opposition to the through pharmaceutical drugs, through
higher intent. chemotherapy and radiation and all of the other
Sometimes this is intentional, and sometimes it tools of the allopathic world, for these are what
is not, for it will also depend on what is accepted the programming has accepted.
by an individual as the truth of their being, and It could then be understood that there is a
this one SG has his own definition of the truth and belief in this allopathic level of healing that
how it can be served that may not be of the supports healing, that defines healing, and thus the
highest level. Yet, in his own way, he is trying to majority still do not accept that hands-on healing
work toward the highest result. The purpose of for example, is relevant, and that one can heal
expressing and sharing this information about this another with one’s healing power and gifts, or that
one, although the question was not directly about there is a higher force that can be channeled
him, is to help many to see that there are multiple through the healer and assist the healing. It is
purposes in any individual, multiple reasons for simply not their programming. But this is
actions in any individuals, even those who are obvious. This is seen by many and understood by
firmly in the hip pocket of the Archonic Forces of most.
the High Elite may still be doing good, even Now, to take this to a level where one is perhaps
though he is serving evil. one who truly does accept that healing is possible,
SG is doing good in pushing for disclosure, that one can be the vessel and vehicle of healing
even though some of that which he is trying to energies, either by generating them within oneself
shut down is not serving the highest purpose. He and healing another, or by being a conduit for
is certainly one who is complex, and cannot higher energies to flow through, to work on the
simply be judged as being evil or being good, but individual. If you have such a belief and then you
simply as one who is serving as is required, and is yourself need healing, then to go to a healer will
part of something that is greater, but also has his be an experience that one believes in. The
own individual journey as well. This Awareness is programming thus is different, and the low self
complete at this time. may allow healing through, because there is
CAC General Reading, September 3, 2014, Will Berlinghof, alignment and agreement, and because the
Interpreter; Zoey Zen Energizer and Questioner programming holds it to be so.
SPIRITUAL AND PHYSICAL HEALING Unfortunately, more often than not, even though
one may think they believe in healing and the
QUESTIONER: healing capacity of others to effect change, to give
healing, often the deeper program does not
Thank you Awareness. We next have two support this, and has bought into the beliefs of the
questions on the nature of healing. The first is masses, of the collective, that it is difficult to heal
from RH. “Awareness has indicated that mind is cancer on your own or through the efforts of
the builder and controls all bodily functions, but another. Thus it is that even though many project
the mind can be controlled by suggestion, and that they are believers of spiritual healing, when it
suggestion is the force that heals. If these facts are comes down to it, their own programming still
the basis of spiritual healing, that the power that betrays them, and they are at the effect of the
effects a healing is invocation, that in actuality no physical body and the physical reality.
outside or objective mind takes part in the But more to this question—the supposition is
spiritual healing, can one conclude that a perhaps that ultimately it does not even matter
healing’s success is based upon acceptance to whether another tries to heal you or is believed to
suggestion and not necessarily powerful forces have healed you, when the truth of the matter is
that allegedly work through a medium, or through that the power of one’s own mind, one’s own
a healer, other than the faith-inspiring power?” beliefs, one’s own programming may affect the
Thank you. energies, may affect the healing that one accepts
and receives. This is so, but it is also true that the
intent of others can be very beneficial and can
This is a complex question, for it asks to look also have an effect, maybe not ultimately the
into this matter and to analyze it and dissect it to complete effect, for if one truly believes one
such a degree that one can then authoritatively cannot be healed, the intent of others that one be
state, “This is what healing is”, and it is not quite healed may not occur.
so simple. There are paradigms, matrices, and But that subtleness of intent and desire to assist
templates that are set up regarding physicality, others may help reprogram the original
and in this matter, the health of the physical body. programming and may reach deep into the
There are programs that the low self runs that subconscious, the low self, and assist it to take
are based on these templates that are in agreement affirmative action and to heal the body. There is
with the rules of physicality that exist on this third also the matter of being receptive to high spiritual
dimensional level of existence, and the common energies, the energies from the High Self, from
theme at this time is that the body is physical and Spirit.
is subject to breakdown, to disease, to attack on Many think that when this is invoked, when it is
various levels, and that a physical approach is called in, that High Divine Spirit, the High Self,
needed to cure the illness or disease or to treat any will miraculously heal another. This can happen if
physical problem. the powerful subconscious allows it to be so. If
For those who hold this layer or level of the subconscious, the low self has understanding
thinking, healing is not accomplished through and is in agreement that it will be open to high
spiritual means or the laying of hands on an spiritual energies for miraculous healings, then
high miraculous healings can indeed occur. They inspired to take the next steps in the creation of
have occurred many, many, many times over, for their lives, and the creation of their realities at all
it is the capacity of the low self to reverse any levels. It is complete. It is done.
illness, as long as it has not reached the final and
critical stage where the body has degradated itself ENERGY HEALING AND THE EGO
so much that it cannot come back.
Saying this, even this can occur if one truly can
reject the programming. It is so that the body has Thank you Awareness. The next question on
a limit, a tipping point that if exceeded, usually healing is from LH. “I am an energy healer. I
leads to death, and the low self holds this to be so, know that when I saw that, I am not healing
even if healing energies are being brought in. But anyone, but rather tuning in, raising my vibration
even this can be overwritten, this level of and thus am a conduit for Universal Source
programming. Even if the tipping point has been Energy to flow through my body into the
reached and exceeded, miracles can still occur. individual. I’ve always wondered what makes
The dead can be brought back like Lazarus from some energy healers more effective. Is the
the dead, but this is a huge leap, a tremendous effectiveness of a healer in direct correlation with
level of transformation that is needed to change the level to which they can raise their
the programming. consciousness?”
Ultimately, what is occurring is that small steps COSMIC AWARENESS:
are being taken to radically revise the
programming. It is not that the computer of the Curiously, the questions that are presented are
low self is shut down and reprogrammed questions of the ego, not necessarily an ego that is
instantly, but rather over time, and thus it is that a claiming self-importance, not the juvenile ego that
major component of this issue and of this question is calling out, “Look at me!” but the ego that is
does involve an understanding and acceptance concerned why some healers are better than other
that it is the individual ultimately that can accept healers. On the part of LH there is seen here a
healing energies, whether from another individual genuine desire to be a better healer and to assist
directly through the sending of their love, their more, and it is a deep and earnest question, but to
healing forces, their life forces (for this type of look at this matter as an ego issue will bring a new
healing would use their own life force energy to understanding and awareness into this area of
effect healing), or whether healing comes through concern.
another as a conduit of healing force from Spirit It does not matter if another is a better healer.
Itself. What matters, if one is so inclined toward doing
To understand this is one thing, but to accept it healing work, is that one gives of oneself freely
as the truth of one’s life beyond all else is a step without attachment; that one does not compare
too far for many to take, but it is a step that must oneself to another. This is again ego that is
nonetheless be taken, and therefore the breaking involved— “Another has healed better, has healed
down of this into small steps toward the full and more! What is wrong with me?” Or is there
total realization that it is the individual creator perhaps resentment toward the other because they
being that will heal oneself, and not simply that it are better healers? This is ego. This is the energy
comes through another, must be finally reached of the ego.
and thoroughly embedded in one’s understanding When one is a true earnest participant who has
of life itself, at all levels. the capacity to allow the healing energies to pass
But how many in this moment could do this and through them, one is simply that, a conduit. Does
could be this? This one who totally accepts that the pipe that carries water into the house say,
they have created everything in their lives and that ‘Why are there pipes in the house that take the
they can do the impossible and healing illnesses water to the faucet and they allow the faucet to be
that are defined as untreatable, and that it can be opened so that the water flows? What are they
done now, in this moment. doing? How have they become better pipes than
Those reading the words of this Awareness I?” This of course would be perceived as a
must admit that they have not yet reached this ridiculous assertion and a silly way of looking at
stage, but many can admit also that they are things.
moving toward this stage, this understanding, this Yet here we have a situation where one is
level of high sophisticated spiritual programming, saying, “How is it that another closer to the action
and this is what is seen as most encouraging by is more effective and has more capacity to heal?
this Awareness, that so many have moved so far How do I become that one?” The truth here is that
over the last several years toward this deeper you need not become that one. You need not
understanding and awareness of who and what become that better healer, as the ego perceives it.
they truly are. You simply understand that you are the conduit.
Therefore, it is hoped that these words today The water that flows through the pipe at this point
will help many to realize the next level for is not affected by the conduit. The conduit is
themselves of their own journey, the journey into simply the container that allows the energy to
true acceptance of one’s own authority and power flow through it. It does not think about it. It does
as a creator being, as a spiritual aspect that is not project into the house and the pipes that are
having a physical experience, a physical life, and therein contained.
that they themselves can change so much, can It simply is doing its job. It is the conduit. As a
redefine their reality to the degree that they wish. healer, this Awareness says to LH, that as the
It is hoped that this is an answer that RH can work conduit it is not your job to wonder how to be a
with and that others who read these words can be better healer. It is your function because you
desire to be a healer, you desire to be of help and egotistic on this matter of their healing abilities,
assist, to be that conduit that allows the healing to but presuming that one is able to stay out of the
go through, and whether or not that healing force ego on this matter and simply understand that one
heals another, or has any effect on another is not is a conduit, and through them the healing
your concern. Again, to become too wrapped up energies come, and for those who are open this
in this matter, to wish for a healing and then be healing will have an effect, and for those who are
upset if a healing doesn’t happen is ego. closed it will have no effect, or little effect, and if
It is difficult for many to see this and to accept they understand this is simply what they do, there
this, especially healers who heal from their own is no ego, there is no humility. It is an acceptance
body’s life force, who are not conduits that can that this is what they do. It is an acceptance that
allow the healing energies to flow, but rather ones the force of Spirit can be neutral; they can be
who are trying to heal others often with good neutral, and the healing can be allowed to do
intent through their own life force energies, and whatever it can do for the individual by their
there are many such healers. But for those who choice.
are truly at that stage of understanding that they This would relieve one of the need for
are not the healer of an individual, they are but the comparing oneself to another, of wondering what
conduit for the healing force of the Divine Spirit, one can do to do more. This Awareness for
these ones are indeed ones who can achieve example says to LH that you are a very effective
results through this method. healer and you are doing as much as you need to
But it is still important nonetheless to recognize do. Those who wish to heal will heal. Those who
that when one compares oneself with another or do not, will not. Those who wish to move forward
has expectations that an individual is healed by will move forward, and those who do not wish to
those high spiritual forces, that this is the way of move forward will not.
the ego, and it is part of the human condition and Thus it is that this Awareness says to the
part of the challenge of moving forward and questioner: Simply be what you are, and you will
evolving spiritually in one’s capacity as Spirit find that those who need your healing, the healing
returning and evolving back into the Soul that has that you channel, will come to you. It may be that
realization and understanding of who and what It with time, more and more will come to you, for
is in this physical life. you have no attachment. You are simply doing
Thus, the ego is not always simply a negative this work, because it is yours to do, and it will be
matter or issue, but one that needs to be good. This completes this answer at this time.
recognized, for when one starts to see their own
ego participating in this matter such as in this AFFIRMATIONS FROM THE HIGHER SELF
question, “How can I be a better healer? How is DURING HEALING
that some are better and more effective?” –when
one begins to see the energy of the ego in this QUESTIONER:
matter, one can actually move past it. One can Thank you. There is another question. “When I
actually rise above such things. attuned myself and then connect with an
If one truly understands that it does not matter if individual, there is a process I go through to
people receive healing, it does not matter to the connect with the individual’s energy system.
conduit for it is simply a vessel for the energy to Sometimes affirmations pop out of nowhere, and
move through it, then one can release oneself inside I can feel the individual’s subconscious or
from their own ego. One can, in the end, only do lower self and say things that they need to hear in
what one can do in this matter of being the order for them to move past an emotional or
conduit, and that is of course allowing the energy mental issue. Often these are: “The universe
to flow through one. If the one receiving the supports me.” “I am always safe.” “I express
energy is closed to it, if their low self’s program is myself freely and openly.”
of a nature that it will not allow the receiving of I’ve often wondered where these affirmations
the energy, then they will not be healed. come from. Is it from my Higher Self to help
If one becomes upset because the healing did assist the individual’s healing journey? Could
not happen or occur, then this again is an Awareness shed some light on this?”
indication that ego is involved. If one is truly a
conduit of healing energies without attachment to COSMIC AWARENESS:
the outcome, then one realizes it is the When a healer is a conduit of healing energies,
individual’s free will and choice that is taking they are also channelers of the Divine Energies of
place here. As the individual has the right to Spiritual Consciousness. It could thus be
choose healing or not to choose healing, if healing understood that healing work itself is a form of
does not occur, it is not because the conduit was channeling, the channeling of the energies of
not good enough. healing from Source Levels that are beyond
Also, in reply to the question: “Why are some simply a physical source.
better healers?” It may well be that their belief As mentioned by this Awareness, there are
system is such that they believe they will draw to those healers that heal from the level of the
them those who are open to receive a healing. It physical through their own bodies that take on the
may be that they believe that they need do illness and disease of the individuals who are ill
nothing. They simply are a conduit, and those and affected. This is not being a conduit. It is a
who are ready will receive the healing. different form of healing, a much more costly
Again, this attitude does not compare them form of healing for the individual who does the
with others, although it is possible of course to be healing.
For those who are conduits of the higher aura, but emotions themselves—the investigation
energies of Spirit, the energies that come through of emotional issues that may underlie the illness,
and from the High Self, this energy is channeled so that they can be understood and released from
energy, and thus it is that as part of the channeling the mind.
process. Information may also be channeled, and The presumption that mind over emotions will
it is why so many healers have understanding and do it is incorrect, for the emotional energies are in
awareness of where the patient is coming from, some ways stronger than the mental energies. It
what the low self of that individual might hold, does not mean that having mental understanding
and also why it is that some feel inclined then to is not powerful, for it is, and putting out mental
speak words to the one receiving healing, be they mission statements as to what is expected in life is
affirmation or insight or whatever is channeled of course part of the programming of the low self,
through for that individual. its interpretation of its reality and the creation of
It is part of the healing process, and in some its reality. But it must be understood that if there
ways it is healing energy as well in that if what is is an emotional component that the mental will
channeled through the words that are shared helps work more strongly, and if there is a lack of
that individual to change the programming or to emotional energy, then often nothing will occur.
breach the defenses that resist receiving these Many are aware of the Law of Attraction, and in
energies, then is this not also of a healing nature recent years many have used this, because they
—this energy and these words? This too is part of thought it would bring to them the joy and
the function of a healer for those who are working happiness they wished in their physical reality,
at this level—to be open to the words, the and they used the mental concepts, but very little
inspirations, the thoughts that come through while was put on the emphasis on the emotions, but if
one is performing their role as a healer. emotional energy is not combined with the mental
This is important for all healers to understand, energies, it is unlikely that one will successfully
for it will give insight and awareness of what may create the reality of their wishes. Equally, in
be needed, or why there may be resistance from illness, if it is not recognized that the emotions
the one who is receiving the healing. It is part of and emotional disruptions will affect the reception
the art of being a healer. This completes this of energies, there will be a lack of success to
answer. one’s actual healing.
It is even subtler than this. When there is
EMOTIONAL & MENTAL IMBALANCE emotional disruption, the chakras can be affected,
IN HEALING the glands, the body and the energies can be
affected, and it is not simply good enough to say
QUESTIONER: and think, “My body is strong. It receives
healing.” (This of course again the mental
Thank you Awareness. Her last question, “In the energies) It is also required that one repair the
book, Vibrational Medicine by Richard Gerber, it damage in the auric fields of the emotional levels,
states that, “Dysfunction in the astral body caused and this repairing, this understanding and
by emotional imbalances can impair the flow of releasing will clear the chakra corridors and open
energy through the chakras, eventually resulting up the body’s response to receiving healing.
in glandular imbalances and physical illness.” It is therefore important in work that one does
Does this then infer that spiritual energy, on oneself, that there is a willingness to look at
vibrational magnetic healing is actually emotional one’s emotions and be truthful about these
healing?” emotions, and to investigate the source of when
COSMIC AWARENESS: these emotions were damaged, to find the events
in one’s life that had an emotional effect. Often
Yes and no. The emotions play a great, great these events occur in childhood, and thus it is
role in illness and dis-ease. It is now finally important to reach into the memory and into the
beginning to be realized by the medical profession experience that is contained within the
that this is so, for up until recently, it was thought programming of the body itself, to relieve these
that it was simply the biomechanical body disturbed emotional feelings, and to heal at that
breakdown that was occurring, and this was not level.
affected by other factors; that the biomechanical
body was designed to break down, was subject to One may do this with full intent and focus, or
picking up illness and disease. But now, even the one may do this by simply being willing to release
medical profession is beginning to peek into this those energies of the past. There are many ways to
domain that emotions themselves may highly achieve this. There are as many ways as there are
affect health and well-being, and may even be an individuals, but of course if one is not even
underlying factor for illness and disease. willing to look at the emotional issues of one’s
life, if one is in denial that emotional energy has
This is radical, that these ones are beginning to any value and prefers to simply work from a
look into this matter, but this aside, this mental level, then it will continue; the emotional
Awareness does say the energies in the auric disrepair of the emotional fields will impact the
fields, in the emotional level layers of the aura health and well-being of the physical body. Is this
have the power and capacity to affect the physical clear?
body, but also, the mental layer and level of the
aura can countermand this and change this, but QUESTIONER:
because of the energy in the emotions, it must in Yes, thank you. I think this will be very
fact be not only the repeating of mental concepts beneficial for her and for others.
that are used to heal the emotional level of the
This Awareness gives thanks for the deep nature
of these questions about healing and the
willingness of the questioner to present herself as
a focus through which this Awareness could work
to present this information regarding healing, the
ego, the emotions and the level of healing that If you seek the wisdom of the Hermit, or the
comes from Spirit that is spiritual healing. It is Wise One, the Ancient One, you must be careful
hoped that she and all others who receive this that you have a pure intent. Entities who seek the
information today take a step forward in their own Wise One in order to receive gambling tips or
capacity as healers as well as receivers of healing advice on which stock to invest their earnings in
energies. would be advised that this type of information is
not the type and kind that is given by the Hermit,
who is a seeker of Truth with a Capital T, and
Thank you Awareness! Spiritual Wisdom.
The number 9 is a number of completions
because it is the last of the numbers before the
THE COSMIC TAROT number 10, where the sequence reinitiates itself
and begins again with the number one. The
KEY NUMBER NINE - THE HERMIT Hermit is complete in himself, and some have
even said that he is absorbed in self-love, even to
The 9th Card of the Sacred Tarot has been the point of Narcissism. If you recall, the story of
referred to in the past as the Old Man, or Wisdom, Narcissus was about a young man who fell in love
or the Monk, but today it is known as The Hermit, with his own reflection in a pool, became fixated
a wise-looking older man who is seeking the truth. on it, and died.
He is wrapped in a cloak and holding a staff in In today’s world it is rare to be a hermit. There
one hand, and in the other he is holding up a is too much noise and information, and
lantern. He is a Wanderer, living the solitary life stimulation comes from all around, in every which
of a man on a spiritual pilgrimage, and at the same way. People absorb so much information now
time he is also a beacon of light for others. with the advent of movies and television, and the
It has been said that his lantern is the light of speeding up of time, that it can become very
reason and knowledge, while his cloak is the confusing for many, and some get lost in all the
protective garment of self-realization, and his information, and lose their sense of self. In this
wooden staff symbolizes his connection to the day and age, it is easier than ever before to forget
earth, and the living forces of nature. who, in fact, you really are.
He has been associated with various wise
men of the past, such as the Thrice Blessed (Ed’s Note: this was of course way before the advent of the
Hermes Trismegistus, King Solomon the wise, Internet or what is known as the Information Super Highway, and
long before the terrorist take-over of people’s minds and lives by
and in more recent times to the Rosenkreuz, the Cell Phones... Joking.....)
founder of the Rosicrucians, whose body was
found to have been discovered perfectly preserved
when his tomb was opened more than a hundred If you are a Buddhist, then you are not a
years after his burial. It could also be seen that the stranger to solitude as there are long periods of
Hermit is an older version of the entity depicted in solitary retreat that are often advised by the
the First Card: The Magician. religion. However, modern society views solitude
The Hermit is a recluse, withdrawn from the as a punishment, a torture designed to push a
world, living in austerity and purity, and devoted person to the limits of madness. When a person
to spiritual thoughts and pursuits. Often times he commits a crime he is sent to prison. If he breaks
makes an appearance in entities’ lives, when they the rules of the prison then he is removed from the
are in need of counsel and wise advice. He can common area, removed from the cell he shares
shine his light of truth and wisdom and reveal the with others and is put into solitary confinement.
secret nature of the universe. Being alone with yourself in darkness is perhaps
considered the greatest punishment of all.
The monk and the hermit choose this lifestyle in to be gained from such interludes, such brief
order to explore the limits of their being. All withdrawals from the whirlwind forces of the
spiritual traditions have produced hermits—the world. But a brief return to calmness, wholeness
lone travelers or wanderers who spend years of and wellness of the being, is but a distant echo of
continuous meditation and contemplation, but this the life of the Hermit.
is a path few choose to pursue, despite the clarity Being alone with your own thoughts, for
of mind that may come from such solitude. many, is a novel idea! Modern men and women
The Hermit holds the lamp of truth, the Light are not familiar with so much silence or such a
of intelligence that shines out for others who dramatic change in his or her routines. In fact, for
would walk this solitary spiritual path. Inspired individuals today, noise has become a constant. In
artistic creations often come from such periods of the big city, the decibel rate is so loud, that it is a
solitary contemplation away from the noisy deafening maddening roar, but still most people
smelly crazy crowds, far away from the living in the city seem unaware of this, and are
surrealistic circus of life. somehow able to tune it out and continue
Intense isolation can bring clarity of mind, an functioning.
inner vision and a sense of purpose, and this is It isn’t until they journey out into the
reflected in the journey of Jesus the Christed One wilderness to discover true silence that they
when he went into the desert to fast for forty days become astonished by a strange sound that they
and 40 nights. In this act of austerity and self- keep hearing inside of their heads. This ringing in
sacrifice, he had several visions and was tempted the ears is the city which they have left behind,
to use his power in selfish ways, but he remained and yet it has not yet left them, and has followed
focused on Higher Truths, and attained even them persistently into the wilderness.
greater understanding of his true nature. It is the collective din from all the
This is also reflected on the vast continent of automobiles, and the airplanes and the buses and
India where holy men known as Saddhus often sirens, and the rock and roll music that is played
tune in to the Hindu God Shiva who lives alone so loud that it hurts the ears, and this will continue
on the top of a mountain and who is the Lord of ringing in their ears for days and sometimes
Yoga. These holy men of India, these Saddhus weeks, until it slowly dies away as the ears begin
receive boons from their god when they deny to actually hear something that has eluded them
themselves the pleasures of a normal life. This can throughout their lifetime, and that ‘something’ is
even go to the extreme point of self-mortification, called ‘silence’. Stillness.
such as is popularly practiced by the Fakirs, There was a man who many may not be
whose arms wither from lack of use and remain familiar with, but he was a Wanderer and a
locked in a stiff position, and fingernails and hair seeker, and a composer of music, and he
grow as long as the body is tall. dedicated a great amount of time trying to find
This Awareness indicates that in the perfect silence, but he couldn’t seem to find it.
western world, as life becomes more hectic, the This man’s name was Cage. He would go to
idea of a spiritual retreat seems more and more cathedrals and appreciate the quiet, but would
seductive, even if only for a week or two. become distracted by the sound of the wind, or the
Spending time in a monastery or hiking out in the prayers of the devotees. He would venture
wilderness can help provide a breathing space underground in caverns, but still hear the sound of
from the crazy pace of modern life. There is much water dripping or the occasional creature as it
went scavenging for food.
This man Cage continued in his search to find
total silence, and finally he was told that a new
bank vault was designed to be totally sound proof.
So he received permission to go inside the vault
and spend time there, and the creators of this vault
were very proud and convinced that he would not
hear any sound at all.
However, when he came out of the vault, he
told the press and the bank authorities that their
vault was very well constructed, but he had
definitely heard sounds. When pressed to describe
these sounds he later said, that it was the sound of
his own blood pumping and the hum of his own
nervous system.
There of course are negative examples of how HOW TO GET THE CAC MONTHLY
solitude can affect a person’s life. A person, who NEWSLETTER
is seething with anger and frustration because of
events and actions perpetrated by others against ONLINE VERSION: $44 per year. Sign up on the
him or herself, can withdraw from society only to CAC website: www.CosmicAwareness.org or
nurse these wounds and hatreds, and come back receive the printed newsletter by writing to...
into the world with a clearer sense of how to
extract vengeance from his imagined enemies.
This Awareness indicates this is not wisdom. CAC
The entity that seeks vengeance for grievances, is PO Box 115
not a seeker of wisdom, but is acting out of
ignorance and is unaware of his or her own true Olympia WA 98507 USA
nature. Things that happen in your lives happen
for a reason, even if you cannot understand it at PRINTED RATES:
the time.
True Wisdom is that which allows you to see INDIVIDUAL: $52 per year or $15 quarterly
and know the higher truth of things, even if only CONTRIBUTING: $77 per year or $25 quarterly
for a fleeting instant. For that brief but eternal SPONSORING: $144 per year or $40 per quarter
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see yourself and the world can change, if you quarter
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Change is what all seekers of wisdom are
looking for—a change of heart, a change of mind, ANGEL: $5000 per year or $1500 per quarter
a change of attitude, a change in the way one
expresses oneself, a change in the way they are WE ARE NOW OFFERING BOTH THE
perceived by others, a change in the way they
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fragment of truth that comes your way can be ANY DUES LEVELS $77 AND ABOVE. LET
assembled and integrated into the bigger picture, US KNOW THAT YOU'RE INTERESTED
and this can be a map, or a model, a paradigm that
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in your mind, in your being. US YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS!