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Issue No. 699


The Violation of the Red Man — 2

You are Awakening — 3
Time for an Armed Rebellion? — 4
Yellowstone Earthquake — 5
Garcinia Cambogia: Cure for Obesity? — 6
Orgone Energy Generator Pyramid — 7
The Validity Of 'Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation' — 8
Unfriendly ET's on the Moon? — 8
Obtaining GF Technology for Healing — 9
George Gurdjieff's Work and its Importance — 10
The Death Penalty and Karmic Debt — 11
Communicating with the Group Soul of Creatures — 11
The MERS Virus & The Problems with Popular Medical Treatments — 12
Meditations on The Heirophant — 13

© Cosmic Awareness Communications. You may share with family and friends but no alterations
or public dissemination of the material is permitted without permission from CAC.
CAC General Reading; Paul Shockley Interpreter; Avaton & Vikki itself through the Jewish people and prefers to call
Energizers & Questioners itself Zionism is not necessarily representing the entire
Jewish culture.
Getting History Straight This Awareness indicates that likewise a Mason is
not necessarily representing the entire Anglo-Saxon
THE VIOLATION OF THE RED MAN culture, even though most Masons are Anglo-Saxon or
of the white race in general. This Awareness indicates
More on Racial Karma that similarly, the white race is not necessarily the root
QUESTIONER: cause of the violations to the American Indians, but
rather it is that force which sent forth and used the
A question from EB of Perry, Maine, who writes: "I white race and influenced the thinking and philosophy
would like to ask Awareness about some things very and ideas of those members of the Anglo-Saxon or
important. I hope this communication is considered white race, which led to the clash between these
and sent to the membership about the races of the entities and the American Indians.
world. Why have the native people of the Western
hemisphere been robbed, beaten and slain to the point
of extinction. Are these people supposed to learn
something from being violated, and why does it seem THE 'CHRISTIANS' LABELED THE INDIANS
that the white race has always had a record for wiping 'HEATHENS' AND HELD THEM AS
out brown-skinned people?" And he wanted to know
also; does a race of people create karma for itself if it BEING INFERIOR
violates another race?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates that essentially it was the
This Awareness indicates that as was indicated in a Puritanical attitude of the early Christian doctrine as
previous reading, the forces which moved through promoted by Calvin and others of the Quaker,
Atlantis and through Egypt, through Israel, and down Episcopalian, the Protestant and Catholic religions,
through the European and American and Russian influencing the Christian belief that anyone other than
civilizations, this force which was represented by the a Christian was a heathen and therefore unworthy and
lust for power and control—this force known as uncivilized and to be considered inferior. This
Rhyee. Awareness indicates this as an action similar to that of
the spiritual snob.
The force passed from generation to generation,
whereby the power of position and the economic and This Awareness indicates that obviously, the teacher
military power, the positions of authority being passed and founder of the Christian religion did not ever
from generation to generation or from leader to leader, intend for this kind of attitude to occur, the entity
or from country to country—this particularly in having been Jewish or Hebrew, and having accepted
relation to those secret societies that were involved in the gentile.
the manipulation of this power; this is that which This Awareness indicates that such an entity would
capitalized on the use of certain forces, using certain not condone one of the Anglo-Saxon races considering
of the members of the Anglo-Saxon race to do its a member of the American Indian tribes to be inferior
work. or heathen or as being of a less significance.
This Awareness indicates that it also used other This Awareness indicates that this therefore was
races for other types of work in more recent times. developed from wrong answers given through certain
This Awareness indicates however, that the past forces which expressed through various churches,
history of the use of the Anglo-Saxons stands out through various organizations; these originating
because this was the race that this power worked essentially from levels of power rather than from
through during the past three to four hundred years. levels of mercy and spiritual wisdom or from the basic
This Awareness indicates this power has moved into essence of the race of Anglo-Saxons.
other races at this time, and has begun working This Awareness indicates that likewise, the red man
through these also. of America was not entirely without similar types of
This Awareness indicates that as this power has power and glory desires, for there were also cases of
moved through and used this Anglo-Saxon race, and savagery in these levels which are not dissimilar to
has moved into the black race and used portions of it those of the white race.
in more recent times, and into the yellow race in recent This Awareness indicates that the reason the white
times, using these forces for its purposes, the power race appeared to be more cruel was simply that the
has also reached its peak and is now in the process of white race had weapons which could and did defeat
being dissolved, therefore the appearance is that the the Indian in battle, and the Indian being under-armed
white or Anglo-Saxon race has been responsible for could rely only on the appeal to the spiritual forces and
the problems which have occurred to other races. the spiritual forces could and would only work for the
This Awareness indicates however, that it was the Indian when the Indian medicine was strong enough.
power that moved through and used the Anglo-Saxon
race, which has caused this to appear this way.
Balancing Energies Through Violation

This Awareness indicates for example, in the Battle

This Awareness indicates this as very similar to a of Little Big Horn, essentially this was a situation
previous message whereby this Awareness explained related to the balancing of energies, of polarized
that the Jews themselves are not the origin of that energies. The red people of America were violated by
which is referred to as Bolshevism or Zionism. This invaders as have been other civilizations—the
Awareness indicates that the force which expresses Russians violated by the Mongols, by Genghis Khan
and his hordes, the Romans violated by those forces COSMIC AWARENESS:
from the North, the Egyptians violated by the Romans, This Awareness would say of these times in
the various nations around the world each particular, that much is changing and events are
experiencing violations by invaders in their own times. underway: political events, social events, economic
This Awareness indicates such violations were events; and this is a time of great tension and anxiety.
occurring on this hemisphere before the white man Many of you are feeling this as a generalized sense of
arrived, between tribes of Indians who violated one disquiet and apprehension. This is reinforced when
another. one views the evening news and sees the events that
This Awareness indicates that this is simply the are taking place.
plight of humanity upon this plane in the energies This Awareness would say that this is the most
which have been prevalent and which are now being critical time not to fall under the spell of the media and
resolved, so that wars and bloodshed and conquest the Powers That Be, for they are now in desperation.
need not continue. They know that the final changes are underway that
will demand of them their final actions, and as they do
not know fully what lies ahead, as they do know that
Many Indians Have Reincarnated Today as there are many alternatives and possibilities, they are
Hippies and Environmentalists doing whatever they can to provoke the situations that
will favor them for it is seen that there are those
timelines that will lead to Planet B scenarios that
This Awareness indicates that many of the American would keep these same ones in power.
Indians have reincarnated as whites, that many of these
are presently in bodies of white Anglo-Saxons who are The difference here is that one does not need to go
working to restore certain of the principles which were into a Planet B scenario or a Planet B timeline. There
held dear by the American Indians. This Awareness is more choice than humanity has ever had before
indicates these as environmentalists and nature lovers. because more are awake, more are alert to the events
and to the power-players involved in the shaping of the
This Awareness indicates that there are also many of events of a lifetime. Therefore, this Awareness says
the present or previous generations of hippies and that in these challenging times, do not lose your
those of the alternative society culture who are centeredness or balance. Do not go into the chaos that
reincarnated from Indian lifetimes. is spinning all around.
This Awareness indicates that also there are certain It is especially important now to hold to the knowing
entities from Europe who have reincarnated from that you have within and the trusting of that knowing,
World War II who also have seen the devastation of despite what is being proclaimed in your news or by
violence and war and are working with the alternative your leaders. It is when one goes into the chaos, when
society to bring about the changes so that such horrors one accepts negative fear and responds accordingly in
need not again occur. a fearful manner, that one becomes hooked into the
agenda of those in power, who in their desperation are
This Awareness indicates that the purpose of the forcing issues.
followers of the Law of One is not to defeat those who It is seen that many situations, both locally,
are seeking separateness and power, but rather to nationally and globally are in full flight at this time,
invite those to join in the unity and harmony under the but one is to always remember that the primary source
Law of One. This Awareness indicates that those of of origin is within oneself. What this means is that if
the Law of One need not be opposed to anyone, but one buys into the unfolding events of a negative
can help to reconcile differences so that more and nature, one will manifest in their own personal reality
more recognize the Law of One, the unity of all living evidence that supports the negative situation. It is done
things. so easily and seamlessly, without a seam to see where
one piece is joined to another and how one event can
This Awareness indicates that it is time to look for lead to another through manipulation and control.
those who recognize values of a humanitarian nature Many naturally forget that there are those in power
regardless of the color of skin, regardless of their that have a hidden agenda. This of course is a curiosity
genetic or hereditary origins, regardless of their to this Awareness, for many have been given
religion, regardless of their nationalities or language. information and an understanding that it is a crucial
It is time for these humanitarians to link up, and to time and it is important not to lose one’s centeredness,
join together, for they are all of one mind and one yet despite such information being made available, a
value, this being the value of life, the love of life, and natural tendency of humans is to worry and to give in
therefore it matters not what costumes or skins or to negative thought and energies.
labels these entities put on for their purpose is the You must battle within yourselves at this time not to
same. simply fall prey to this manipulation of the mind and
the heart, not to allow yourself to look at your external
world as that which is real because you have always
CAC General Reading-April 18,2014; Will Berlinghof, Interpreter;
accepted the reality of that which is physical, that
Zoey Zen Questioner and Energizer which surrounds you.
True reality is formed from within and projected
YOU ARE SPIRITUAL BEINGS outward. It does not start outwards coming inwards to
AWAKENING TO THIS DEEP TRUTH the individual, although this is exactly the teaching
that has been given to humanity. The paradigm of
QUESTIONER: belief that exists supports this, and therefore, to hold
Does Awareness have an opening message? something other than this is not accepted readily or
Others will inform you very quickly how dangerous
and hopeless things are for they are in their fear as COSMIC AWARENESS:
well, and as fear is thought to be contagious, it easily This Awareness would say this is a significant event
affects others who then accept the reality that things in the rising consciousness of the American people.
are indeed bad and getting worse, because family and The American people on the whole are asleep and not
friends all say it is so, and because authorities speak it willing to awaken to the truth, not willing to ask the
to be so. questions and demand of their politicians and leaders
Yet this Awareness again says that these are the the actions that support, ”We, the People.”
very times that have been spoken of, that have been But having said this, there are many Americans who
predicted by many sources and most significantly, are awakening and who have for some time
most importantly, these are the times you chose to be understood that there is deception and treason at the
born into. highest levels and they have been preparing
You came into this time and place with intent and themselves for armed conflict with those in power in
purpose and even the knowing that you would be part their own government, for it is seen and understood
of the upheaval, part of this great transformation of that these ones have power.
humanity. Remember this always as you go through This militant movement of Americans toward
the changes and the chaos they may present. Know standing up against the tyrants has been an action
that even though it is taught and held that you can do underway for some time, but this incident at the Bundy
little to change your reality, that this is the biggest lie ranch in Nevada is the first time that these militia ones
and deception of all. who believe in the freedom of the people have actually
You have chosen to be here now, and you also hold gathered and been willing to resist, been willing to
it within you to create alternative timelines and to stand up against tyranny and injustice.
participate in alternative timelines than those that are This event is of great significance and indicates now
being projected at you from the Powers That Be who that there has been a shift; that there is now a
have their hidden agenda and who are in desperation at willingness not simply to train in the dark and in
this time to make it so for themselves. secret, being part of militia groups that have not come
As the events that extend over a period of time forward previously, but to actually be there, to stand
versus a single event that will change all, patience is on the line and to just say “No!”
required, especially when it seems that nothing is Previously this Awareness mentioned that It does
happening and only those in power seem to benefit foresee resistance and rebellion rising in the United
from the events that are taking place. States, seeing the situation that is current around the
It is all illusion and deception you are projecting into world of people coming together to resist the tyrants,
the reality of your experience. You can see through the to fight these same ones, and that this attitude, this
illusion and the deception. You can hold that it is not energy is seen now as very strong in the United States
your reality, and it is not your intent to go down that of America.
dark pathway that leads to oblivion. Many are realizing that it is time to stand up, and
You can hold that the events of the world are leading this Awareness would say it is more than just time
forward into that bright new dawn, that bright New they are sensing here, the zeitgeist of their time being
Age, and you will be part of this; your loved ones and to stand up. It is that deepest realization that if this is
family will be part of your life and part of your future. not done, if ones of good conscience do not stand up,
Remember, you are not alone at this time. You are then all will be lost. Finally, the people are standing up
highly evolved spiritual beings that are awakening to to the bully, and in this case, the result at this time of
this deep truth and spiritual understanding, that Spirit this communication was positive to the Bundy family
itself and all the division of Spirit, all the levels and and to those who joined them in resistance.
layers of Spirit are at full attendance at this time. It is seen there will be more such incidents in the
You do not walk this road alone, even though it coming several weeks, months and even years, but it is
sometimes seems to you as individuals that your life is important now to understand that for some whose
in isolation, is separate from what others think and purpose it is to resist in this way, that this go forward
believe. Even with pressure on you to conform it is now. The time for saber rattling is past and the time
still important at this time to remember your own inner for action and resistance is upon you. Resistance can
knowing and to live it, to be it. occur in many ways and at many levels. One level of
It is by being what you believe, it is by being your course is armed resistance.
truth that you will work your way through these This Awareness cannot and does not support armed
chaotic challenging times to reach the dawn that lies resistance, but this Awareness at the same time fully
ahead. realizes that while armed resistance is not the best type
This completes the opening message at this time. of resistance it is known and seen that many are at a
level where this is an important action. Spirit is much
IS IT TIME FOR ARMED REBELLION greater than the conflict that is underway and it is
Spirit that must be looked to now for the answers.
AGAINST THE TYRANNY OF THE This Awareness is indicating and suggesting that
POWERS THAT BE? there are forces much greater than can be applied to
that will bring a new understanding of awareness, thus
a new level of resistance forward. Having said this,
Thank you Awareness. There is a question many feel that to stand by idly meditating and thinking
concerning a recent altercation in Nevada between the good positive thoughts is not the way; that it is only
Bundy ranch and the Federal Government, and some through armed rebellion that one can change things.
people think that this is the beginning of civil This Awareness would say that this is the old way, a
resistance on the part of the people of the United way that has been practiced over and over on your
States. Could Awareness please comment? planet and the results are always the same. It is so that
one can throw down a tyrant with armed force, but it is
also so that when one tyrant is replaced, another comes your true destiny. This is the way forward.
forward. Rather than viewing these actions as the only This Awareness asks one and all to remember this
alternatives, one can truly begin to understand that true during these controversial times, these times of
resistance comes from within. It says “No!” to that resistance and rebellion and know that it is so. This
which is the manipulation of timelines, of reality and completes this message, and this question.
the paradigms of faith and belief.
The trust one has given to the old ways must be seen
now as a misapplication of trust. Trust must be the IS THE YELLOWSTONE EARTHQUAKE &
trust of Spirit, the trust of your greater reality, your
greater being. This knowing that you have must come AN IMPENDING VOLCANIC ERUPTION
forward and be actualized and be lived. It is no longer SOMETHING TO WORRY ABOUT?
good enough to simply engage in intellectual pursuit QUESTIONER:
of concepts. It is time to act them and to live them, but
not with armed resistance, for this will put you into the Thank you Awareness. Member LJ wrote in about
old paradigms or keep you at the very least in old Yellowstone National Park in the United States. There
paradigms, whereby one will give up their lives for was a 4.8 magnitude earthquake, which is small, yet it
their belief and their cause, and be willing to put down was the largest earthquake in Yellowstone since 1980.
the lives of others who believe in their cause and their There was a YouTube video posted about Bison
purpose. running away from the volcano, although there is
It is time for old ways to be put to rest, and the new controversy saying they were running away because
ways of spiritual awareness and the invocation of the Bison always just run in the Spring; nonetheless,
one’s spiritual nature is to be the way of things. The the last time Yellowstone erupted was 640 thousand
challenge will be again, as always, not to go into fear, years ago, and should it erupt again, it would be a
not to go into knee-jerk reaction, and not to think that catastrophic event for the world, due to the ash. The
the old ways are still the only ways. member has several questions. The first question: “Is
the Super Volcano at Yellowstone something to be
The new ways may not have popular support, but concerned about?”
they are the way true change and transformation occur,
and it is in these times when there is seen greater COSMIC AWARENESS:
willingness now to stand up against the tyrants in
armed opposition, that one truly recognize that this is If one chooses to be concerned about this, then one
only the old way repeating itself yet again, and for true has every right to be concerned, but what would this
success and transformation one must believe accomplish? Again, it is when one puts focus,
differently, hold things differently, see that things can attention and energies toward something that there is
change in different ways from those old ways. the greater potential to experience that something, that
manifestation of the event that is being focused upon.
The new way is to truly hold that life is not what you What this Awareness would say is that there is the
were taught it was, and that Spirit is prevalent and part potential for the situation of the caldera erupting under
of you. You are Spirit having this physical experience. Yellowstone National Park.
You are part of the greater truth and reality that goes
beyond the machinations of the few that have had The caldera has been in place for hundreds of
control for so long. Remember this! Know that seeking thousands of years, and it is geologically known that it
the Light, seeking the deep energy of God, living in did erupt once upon a time, 600 thousand plus years
the Light and in Love and in true belief that things are ago. Many hold that there is a geological time clock
different now is the way forward. that is counting down and because it has been 600
thousand years since the last eruption that it is now
See it in your own lives. Hold that in your life you due, but this is only so if one wishes to support it and
will not see this radical solution coming forward, this energize it. It is seen that there is a potential in the
radical situation of armed rebellion. Understand that it park under the surface of the ground for this caldera to
is important to stand up and just say “No!” but the line erupt, but it is not seen as a guaranteed event.
must be drawn as to whether one would pick up a
weapon in order to kill the perceived enemy or It is seen as an event that does exist on certain
whether one will stand up and say, “No! I do not timelines and if it is one’s desire to experience those
believe this. I do not believe you! I do not believe in timelines where such an event occurs, all that is
the old ways!” needed is to hold it as so, and believe the experts that
are predicting an imminent event and to misinterpret
It will be quite challenging. There is now evidence the natural movement of bison as they thunder across
such as the incident at the Bundy ranch in Nevada and the fields in Yellowstone as the movement of animals
the claiming of the cattle that was taken that is away from the volcano. It is easy to read such things
showing there is a willingness toward armed resistance into what occurs naturally.
and even armed conflict, and this too is part of these
times, part of the shifting energies. But do not get It is to be remembered that the Yellowstone National
drawn into such actions. Hold the higher moral ground Park region has always had the caldera underneath it
for yourself. Hold that you are a greater force in your and is the source for geysers in the park; Old Faithful
resistance for you are Spirit in Resistance, and there is being the most famous. This has traditionally been a
indeed another way. way of releasing underground forces, and it continues
to be so. However, if one wishes to energize this event
Find this other way. Know this other way and be that will change everything, an event that will make
willing to say, “No!” to what has always been the truth life impossible, and perhaps even lead to an earth
and reality that has been foisted upon you. Find the extinction event, one is free to do so. This would not
deeper truth that lies within, the deeper connections be recommended and is not recommended by this
that lie within. These are your connections to your Awareness.
Greater Being. These are your connections to Spirit.
These are your connections to Divine Source. This is What must be realized is that each human being has
the right of self-determination. Primarily it is so that
humans are unaware of this. Humans have been bred
and taught not to understand this, not to believe this, IS GARCINIA CAMBOGIA A WONDER DRUG
and have been taught to be victims at the mercy of THAT WILL CURE YOU OF OBESITY?
events, especially events in nature such as earthquakes
and volcanoes, but also social/political events,
economic events; all of which are out of their control. QUESTIONER:
This belief makes it so for the majority of people, and Thank you. KK asks a question. “I have gotten a
thus, when an announcement is put forward that an number of e-mails about a fabulous supplement called
eruption in Yellowstone National Park is imminent, Garcinia Cambogia that was touted by Dr. Oz for
the individual reading this information has the right to losing weight. Is it really that great?
choose to believe this and to energize this, and thus,
eventually even to experience this. COSMIC AWARENESS:
This is the gift that Divine Source has given to all, It is seen that it could be of assistance but there are
but it is also a burden. It is also an encumbrance, for it many other factors involved that would lead to
does prevent spiritual understanding and awareness. effective weight loss and the restoration of health and
Having said this, this Awareness reminds all that the well-being. There is a propensity amongst individuals
soul is that which has sent an aspect of itself, a to believe in what this Awareness will call the Silver
projection of itself into the physical to have certain Bullet concept: that one bullet will supply or take care
experiences. Some are to have experiences of the of all needs; that one drug will cure and heal
nature of reality that is affected by such an eruption. everything.
Some are here to experience armed rebellion as a In this case, it is this substance that you have
way of winning their freedom. Some are here to be presented that is seen as the Silver Bullet and as it was
rounded up and put into concentration camps, but presented on Dr. Oz’s show, it must be so, for many
many are here now to change all of this, to change the truly believe that Dr. Oz is an expert with a design of
definition of reality, to grow, expand and even ascend helping others. This Awareness points out that this
to new levels of consciousness, where new options are individual is on prime television by the syndicated
presented and worked toward, where a new reality news channel, the entertainment channel that hosts
exists that is not the continuation of the old, but rather him; one that does not necessarily have the best intents
the birth of a new reality and new consciousness. toward those who view the show and view their
Therefore, in this matter, while there is the potential channel.
of an eruption, it is but one timeline that this This Awareness reminds all that much
Awareness would ask the reader not to accept as their misinformation is presented through such programs as
timeline. This completes this answer. Please move to Dr. Oz. There is much that is good about his program
the next question. and some that is disinformation. It is a time for
discernment when one sees something reported on a
Why Would Infowars Post a Video of the popular television show like Dr. Oz’s and to still say,
Stampeding Buffalos? “It is not only one drug or one product that will do it
all, even if it is recommended by someone I respect;
QUESTIONER: even if it is recommended by someone who is being
Why would someone from Infowars post a video presented as an authority, even the authority on
about the buffalo stampeding and what was the modern health and well-being.”
purpose of posting the video at this time? One must always ask: “What is gained by this one
for being a national figurehead, someone whom many
look to? What power and prestige is gained by him?”
It is seen that the one who has posted this video is There is certainly here an area where one does need to
one who accepts that Yellowstone National Park and look within oneself instead of simply accepting the
the caldera that lies underneath poses a huge threat to word of another, no matter if he is an authority, a
humanity, and has been on the bandwagon for some public figure or not. In this case, this Awareness says
time promoting this unseen threat believing it will this product can be of benefit when it is combined with
manifest itself some day. For this individual, the video other products and approaches.
clip of the bison racing over the fields and streams was Cleansing the system of toxins, or detoxing, is
evidence to him that this event he has so long something that is highly important. The alteration of
anticipated and even supported, is underway. one’s diet is also important. If one continues eating the
In his way, he was showing proof to the world that it sugars that are so readily available and contained in
is so, for here are the bison stampeding across the the processed foods and condiments that are used in
prairies and the rivers and dales of Yellowstone, and America, it is unlikely that one will lose weight
this why he posted this video clip. It was not because effectively, even using this product. To hold it as the
he wished to create panic. It was more that he felt this silver bullet, the answer and solution, will lead to
confirmed what he so long has held would occur some much disappointment by many, although some will be
day. It vindicated him. It supported him, and he did assisted, especially if they are already eating a healthy
genuinely think he was doing a service by posting this diet, doing cleanses, taking supplements, and
video clip and sharing this information with others so exercising and being active, of course.
that they could prepare themselves for the eruption of These are all essential to a weight-loss program, and
the caldera underneath Yellowstone National Park. it will not simply occur because Dr. Oz has
This completes the answering to this question. recommended one product. It is also important to add
here that Dr. Oz is not simply saying that it is only this
program that will help and one does not need to use
other techniques, other products, or that one does not
need to take care of oneself and not take responsibility
for oneself. This too must be remembered; that he
advocates that one eat healthy, that one takes their of a regime toward introducing into your life those
supplements, that one exercises, but in this matter other devices or ways of life that will also be helpful
there seems to be a predisposition that this one product and beneficial. Trust your own intuitive instinct in this
now will answer all the questions. It will not. matter.
It is the responsibility of each who seeks to change You have purchased this product with some inner
their diet, change their lifestyle, to do so, and not to sensing of it and some inner feeling, and therefore now
simply depend on one product, one silver bullet to take that you have the product, do not second-guess
care of this matter for them. This completes the yourself. Do not berate yourself that you may have
answering of this question. wasted your money. Do not question that there was
something within you that guided you toward this
THE ORGONE ENERGY GENERATOR device. Take this device now and use it—participate in
PYRAMID that which is available to you when the ionizer is
Is It A Wise Investment? switched on: the negative ionized air molecules that
you are experiencing and the positive energies that you
QUESTIONER: will receive.
Thank you Awareness. The next question is from Know that you have made a good decision for
SP. “I recently purchased an Orgone Energy Generator yourself and hold it to be so. There is no question here
Pyramid, approximately 4 inches by 4 inches by 4 of whether or not ionizers work. They do. The
inches, made from some kind of citron resin and it has question is whether you trust your own instincts and
24 karat gold flakes, silver flakes, quartz, and other impulse on this matter. This is what you need to look
semiprecious stones such as aventurine, emerald, and at and each individual needs to look at when they are
malachite. It is supposed to eliminate negativity and making such decisions or purchases.
attract prosperity to the owner. It is based on the Finally, one last thing this Awareness will add is
research of Wilhelm Reich. Does Awareness see any that by trying this device out and finding that perhaps
validity to these claims? And was this a wise it does not fulfill one’s expectations, is a way of
investment, or a waste of money?” learning about such things, perhaps a way in the future
of remembering when one made such a purchase that
did not work out, and it can be a guideline for future
This Awareness will not say to this individual that purchases. Alternately, one may actually find that this
he or she was right in this purchase or wrong in this technology is valid and is available.
purchase. This Awareness would rather give There are other devices such as those that cancel out
responsibility back to the individual, for this individual EMF energies in one’s home. These too are suspect,
is asking Awareness to endorse that which he or she and yet these are also devices that could have great
must accept and endorse. There is importance here, for benefit. There are many other devices that are ready to
when one wishes this Awareness to endorse come onto the market that are using new technologies
something, they are not taking responsibility or even old technologies in new ways, but ultimately
themselves for an action such as purchasing the an individual must decide for him or herself, and must
product. try something to see if it actually is beneficial to them.
There is a reason why this individual purchased this When there is good press, when there is good
ionizer product in the first place. He/she has felt that general reports on these devices that confirm they do
there was something here that would be beneficial to work, then one is in a better position perhaps to make
them, and yet by asking this Awareness to endorse a decision, but when one does make a decision to try
this, to tell them if they have purchased wisely or this type of technology, do not shoot yourself in the
unwisely, they are not stepping into their own foot by questioning it. Do not present it to this
authority or their own power as a creator being to Awareness to validate your decision and your
energize what they are creating, that which they have purchase.
called into their lives.
This is the responsibility of each and every
This Awareness will say here that it is the individual that chooses to try such devices out. This
responsibility of the individual when they have taken completes this answer.
an action or are contemplating an action, to be
responsible to themselves and to accept that they are New Technology For New Times
reacting or acting from an inner guidance, an inner
awareness. When it is expected that this Awareness QUESTIONER:
sanctions an action or a product, and that only by Thank you Awareness. This energizer has a follow-
doing so it is correct and right for them or for others is up question, and that is if Awareness could comment
a misplay of the inner knowing and inner briefly on the concept of Orgone Energy. There are a
responsibility of each individual. lot of products that are becoming available. There are
This Awareness would say on a general level that plug-ins to the wall to neutralize EMF’s; there are
such instruments, such devices have merit and the products you can put in your cell phone and other
introduction of negative ions into one’s environment things. Could Awareness comment please?
has long been understood to be beneficial. Therefore, COSMIC AWARENESS:
from a general level, most of these devices are indeed
very good, but for this specific device, for this specific This is part of a new technology that is coming
individual, this Awareness will only say that if he or forward and there are very many devices now that will
she has felt it is a good purchase, a right purchase, then accomplish what they are saying they are meant for,
hold it to be so. but ultimately, again, it will be in the testing of these
Do not second-guess yourself. Do not wait for this devices and products that will determine for each
Awareness to endorse and sanction this product. Hold individual their worth and their merit. While this
it as a device that you know will be beneficial and part Awareness can speak generally favorably of these
devices, ultimately it is the individual him or herself
upon trying these devices who will make the final COSMIC AWARENESS:
decision on this manner. This Awareness would say here that for some it will
It is also so that one is more likely to believe a be a book of great interest and great significance. This
friend or acquaintance, someone known to the person, is something again the individual must determine for
and thus it is that if someone speaks highly about such him or herself. Generally, there is information seen in
devices to you, or to another who is contemplating the this book by this Awareness that has validity, yet there
purchase of such a device, this has more relevancy and are certain conjectures offered by the author, certain
meaning than simply seeing the device advertised information offered in this book that does not hold,
somewhere and great claims being made. and is not seen as being completely valid by this
Ultimately there are those with the courage to try Awareness.
these new devices, this new technology, and it is true The problem of course in such material is that
that these devices are coming forward now as part of a when certain truths are presented and accepted it is
new way and new technology that will become then easy to hook the reader into other assumptions
commonplace in the future. that are being presented, other declarations of truth.
This Orgone device is one of these devices, and is Therefore, this book is one that this Awareness would
part of the new technology that is emerging, say must be read with great discernment and a sense of
technology that often has come from many years of questioning. The information that has validity will
research and testing. This Awareness is complete in prove itself with other confirmations coming from
this answer. other sources, but it is not advised by this Awareness
that one just totally accepts this book as completely
THE HIDDEN RECORDS valid and truthful.
Megalithic Sites & Underground Pyramids This is the commentary this Awareness has on this
book. This Awareness is pleased that the individual
OY has enjoyed the book and it has had much merit to
him or her. There is information in the book that has
Thank you Awareness. The next question is from validity, but also be aware there are other parts in this
HZ, and his question is: “There is a website and book book that the individual OY does need to question.
called The Hidden Records by author Wayne This completes the answering of this question.
Herschel. The premise presented in both is that the
ancient megalithic complexes all over the world are
also star maps and relate to human origins. Can ARE THERE UNFRIENDLY
Awareness validate this premise? EXTRATERRESTRIALS ON THE MOON?
This Awareness can validate this premise, and says Thank you Awareness. The next question is from
further that the ancient sites are more than records. KN, and he writes, “Could you please tell us what is
They are active sites often still and there are many going on up on the moon? I have heard that the moon
other sites that have yet to be discovered. There is for is populated with unfriendly ET’s. I have also heard
example the discovery in recent times of pyramids all that China just landed on the moon. Can you please
around the world; the most recent are underground tell me what is going on up there on the moon, and
pyramids in the Crimea—the disputed area of the how this will affect the planet Earth?”
Ukraine that has reverted back to the Russians.
Part of the reason why Russia had interest in the COSMIC AWARENESS:
Crimea was not simply due to the political situation The individual KN said he has just heard that the
there, but also had to do with gaining control of these Chinese have landed on the moon, and that there are
underground pyramids that are of ancient origin. These hostile aliens in the moon. This Awareness would
pyramids and the megalithic sites the world over are suggest that he question these assumptions, for it has
the remnants of a past civilization. They are also there been presented by this Awareness in past issues that
to be rediscovered for what is yet to be coming—the the moon has within it now those who are connected to
reconnection with the very ones who built these the Galactic Federation Forces. The source of this
structures and sites originally. information that has declared there are hostile aliens in
Therefore, these areas, these sites are of great the moon is one that is of the Orion/Reptilian
importance and great significance and more will be connection, and for these ones, the fact that the
revealed in the weeks, months and years ahead. This Galactic Federation have possession now of the
completes this answer at this time. interior of the moon would certainly support that these
THE VALIDITY OF THE BOOK: are hostile aliens, but this is not seen by this
As to the report of the Chinese having landed on the
GENETIC MANIPULATION' moon, it is seen that they, as well as other nations have
BY MICHAEL TSARION their technology that is hidden from the public. It is
QUESTIONER: not the technology that is reported on, and it is seen
that not only the Chinese, but the Americans, the
Thank you Awareness. The next question is from OY, Russians, and other nations also have the technology
and the question is, "I purchased a fantastic book after that has taken them to the moon and beyond.
listening to an interview with the author on the Jeff Rense Therefore, this claim to have landed on the moon is
valid, but it is again not quite all of the truth for the
Show. It is a book I would greatly recommend reading and it ones in power do not wish all of the truth to come out,
is called 'Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation' which leads to all manners of spectacular claims on the
by Michael Tsarion." Could Awareness please comment on Internet.
this author's book?
This Awareness would stipulate once again that one the capacity to go into the those levels of
must be very discerning of the material they come consciousness share with their extraterrestrial brothers
across. They must ask their questions with due and sisters and are connected to them, are part of the
diligence and be open to their own instinct and their voluntary force that have chosen to be on the planet at
own internal confirmation of all such reporting. It is this time. This includes VK and many others. They
true that each has the capacity to truly sense when therefore already understand why it is so that such
something is bogus or has validity. It is the proverbial technology is not simply released by the
gut feeling on such matters. extraterrestrial ones so that humanity can benefit.
Therefore, when one reads a report that they are It may seem cruel, but it is so that they have been
dubious on, trust this gut feeling. Equally if it is a waiting to see the indicators and signs that humanity
feeling that says, “This sounds correct. This feels itself and the level of consciousness held in humanity
correct!” Be willing to be open to this. Always wait has reached a certain point, a certain level. It is not
and see what else may come forward to support such cruelness that prevents them from sharing their
claims, for ultimately, if something has truth and technology, but great wisdom and great knowledge of
validity it will be proven, and that which is erroneous how dangerous such technology can be if it is
and a lie will be exposed, especially if one holds it to misapplied, for much of the technology that is being
be so in their lives and in their reality and is willing to asked of can be disassembled and reassembled, not to
seek further, to ask more questions and to be be technology that supports healing and good health,
discerning and to be willing to trust their own instinct but rather it can be assembled into weapons and
on such matters. devices that are malevolent in nature and purpose.
This completes the answering of this question at this It is always a two-edged sword. Therefore, to sneak
time. into a ship to steal this technology so that one can do
good deeds is not appropriate or seen as that which
would be allowed to occur. Having said this, it is most
IF EVERYTHING DISAPPEARED, certainly the intention of the extraterrestrial Galactic
CONSCIOUSNESS WOULD STILL REMAIN Federation to bring this technology to man and
QUESTIONER: There is also a process that humanity has always
Thank you. The next question is from FS. “If the been involved in; this process of bringing into
universal hologram that we exist in disappears, what collective consciousness ideas and thoughts and
would remain?” inventions that are right for their times. The invention
of the airplane that the Wright Brothers brought
COSMIC AWARENESS: forward was the right invention, the right technology
for those times. Many had been searching for a heavier
Consciousness would remain—the filling of the than air device or invention that could fly before the
empty space. Some scientists would call this dark Wright Brothers.
matter, and if it is needed to understand this through
the writings of astrophysics, it would be dark matter, If one were using the thinking that is being applied
but this Awareness would say that dark matter is the now, that the extraterrestrial ones should release their
force of the Divine, of Spirit, of the Original Source technology at an inappropriate time, in this example it
consciousness. Therefore, this Awareness would say could have occurred that had the heavier than air plane
that Source remains, Divine Source, Divine been invented by someone else for example, agents or
Consciousness. individuals in Prussia or Russia, that a plane could
have been used to augment those forces at a later
This completes the answering of this question. stage, giving them an advantage over their enemies.
This did not occur for the energies were not right.
The timing was not right. But the timing was good
GALACTIC FEDERATION TECHNOLOGY when the Wright Brothers finally launched their
aircraft at Kitty Hawk.
Thus, in this matter, what this Awareness is trying to
say is that it is within human consciousness to receive
QUESTIONER: certain information that will benefit humanity and will
The next question is from VK. “We are told that the lead to leaps and bounds in advancement at the times
Galactic Federation has high technology healing that are right. This being so, trust and understand that
methods for our benefit. Could someone adept in the devices asked about will be made available and
telepathy obtain information at this time for afflictions even are being made available when the time is right.
presently difficult to heal instead of our having to wait
for the Galactic Federation to arrive? Thank you.”
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness would say if you are one that has
strong feelings on this matter, strong attraction; work
This is an interesting question, for it somewhat with your inner guidance, and allow your thoughts and
seems to suggest that this information of such healing ideas to come forward to be expressed and
technology can be obtained in devious ways, such as a manufactured, for it could be that you are the one who
thief going into a camp at night and stealing the will be the conduit through which the information will
weapons from the enemy. In some ways, this is of be released that will lead to the discovery of such
course something that many would favor; to go to that devices. At the very least, holding that this will be so,
extraterrestrial source and take this information and trusting it and believing it of course prepares the
bring it forward, for it would, after all, be beneficial to ground and certainly puts one into a timeline where
humanity and heal many. such inventions, such disclosures of such technologies
Unfortunately it is not so simple. Those who have are made and implemented into society.
This completes the answering of this question. well before Gurdjieff who have also spoken of certain
matters in ways that would not be understood and
THE IMPORTANCE OF recognized, but for their times were considered radical
GURDJIEFF’SWORK thoughts in consciousness and when they presented
these to society, they were punished. Some even gave
QUESTIONER: their lives to speak these truths and philosophies, yet
the march went on, the march of consciousness toward
Thank you Awareness. The next question is from greater understanding and conceptualization.
DV, and it regards the philosopher George Gurdjieff,
who lived from 1886 to 1949. He was Russian, Greek It has reached now a level where there is a majority
and Armenian. His premise was that most people of thought and opinion out there in public
lived their lives asleep, or in a state of hypnotic consciousness that can support such radical concepts
waking sleep, but it is possible to wake up. He said as presented by George Ivanovich Gurdjieff and these
that there were three types of men and spiritual other way-showers many years ago, but there are still
practices: those centered in the physical body, those many who would refuse these concepts, who hold and
centered in their emotions, and those centered in their even cling to the old traditional ways and beliefs.
minds, and he said that it was possible to integrate all In the end all that truly matters is that the individual
of these. is attracted to the writings of ones who speak from a
He maintained that many existing forms of religious deeper source with knowledge and understanding and
and spiritual traditions on earth had lost connection that they incorporate the information in a valid way
with the original meaning and vitality so they no into their own lives. Does this answer this question
longer served humanity, and that humans were failing adequately for you?
to realize the truth of ancient teachings and were QUESTIONER:
instead becoming more and more like automatons,
susceptible to control from outside. Yes. Thank you Awareness.
Gurdjieff’s way worked on the physical, emotional
and the mental levels and developed them together to CAC General Reading May 16, 2014; Will Berlinghof Interpreter;
promote balanced inner development. Could Zoey Zen Questioner & Energizer
Awareness please comment on the entity George
Gurdjieff, and tell us if he was a high and pure being? POTENTIAL OUTCOMES TO THE
This Awareness would say of Gurdjieff that he was
a way-shower, a pioneer. He was one who was of a Thank you. The first question is from VV, and she
high spiritual awareness and understanding who had is asking about the 276 schoolgirls who were kid-
come to begin to show the way forward. There were napped in Nigeria by a sect called Boko Haram, which
others who also came during his time that had a means “Death to Western Education.” It was reported
similar mission. His protégé Ouspensky was one such. that the Nigerian government knew four hours before
the kidnapping was to take place, and did nothing. The
Madam Blavatsky was another, and there were United States has joined an international search for the
others as well, who began to introduce certain thoughts girls, possibly using drones. What are likely outcomes
and concepts that now sound so familiar and are taken of this situation?
as accurate and correct by many, but in those times
those thoughts and ideas that Gurdjieff mentioned COSMIC AWARENESS:
were considered radical at the very least, and even That the girls are found and returned is the out-
were considered as heresy by the ones who were come that should be focused upon and held to be so,
promoting the deception and con that was fully for there are alternative outcomes that are also avail-
underway. able, such as the girls themselves being sold off into
This individual was correct in such statements and slavery or killed because the situation has become too
presentations of humans as being asleep. This extreme and the danger to the Boko Haram is one that
Awareness has spoken of this also. The understanding could bring forth too much attention and action against
that there are three parts of a human being: the mental, them.
the emotional and the physical is also a precept often Therefore, this Awareness will not speculate on
discussed, and of course one would also need to the negative possibilities. It will instead simply say
consider the 4th option: the spiritual component. At the that world attention has finally been brought to bear,
time of Gurdjieff, this was radical. This did not find and there is a good possibility for a good outcome gen-
favor. erally for the majority of these girls, but it could also
Therefore, the writings of Gurdjieff have great be that some are already gone, have been sent else-
where. On the whole however, it is seen by this
relevancy and merit, even at this time. He was a spirit Awareness that a favorable outcome can come to pass.
who came down during those times to begin a process
of introducing such thoughts and ideas and concepts, It must also be understood that it is because there
and as this Awareness has said, he was one of the is a shift and has been a shift in consciousness that at-
pioneers, as were others as well. For those who are tention is being brought to bear at this time, and action
interested, the writings of Gurdjieff, Madam is being taken by various nations to bring about a reso-
Blavatsky, Ouspensky and others may be of interest, lution to this situation.
even though they were presented a century ago. It was not the intent of the Powers That Be to do
This Awareness would also now add that this shows anything about this matter. It was simply that which
that the unfolding in consciousness of the new lay within their plans. This Awareness is not suggest-
understanding and ways is a process that has been ing that the Powers That Be designed this event, but
underway for quite some time. There are even those this type of event suits the needs of those in power to
create such discordance and hardship and tragedy. receiving a death sentence that this will relieve the
The public has been informed, and has taken an karmic debt between the individuals involved. What
interest, which has forced certain nations, including can be said is that often this does not relieve the
the United States to become involved. Not to become karmic debt, and that it will extend itself into other
involved at this time would have created a backlash of lifetimes between the individuals who were involved.
those many who find this situation as an intolerable The issuance of karma is not simply about
situation and one that must be acted upon. Therefore, punishment. It is about understanding. Therefore, as a
the Powers That Be have been forced to become in- broad example, if one were to present an example of
volved. one who has killed another in this lifetime, and the
This is a good thing in that it is showing when karmic payback or the karmic lesson that is to be
humanity itself is designating what is of importance learned would be coming back in another lifetime
and is not simply being led by the nose. The public can where the murderer from the first life became the
force actions on the ones who would rather allow this victim of the murder in another life, then one would
kind of evil to carry on, for it fuels their needs and sat- have a full picture of what it is to take another’s life
isfies their agendas. and to have one’s life taken, whether by the victim of
the first life who has become the murderer in the
Here is an example of how humanity can rise up second life, or by another who performs this action of
and say, “Enough! We will not let our children, our brutality against the individual in the second life.
young girls be treated this way!”
This has more to do with the payback of karma,
The means by which the Boka Haram can be ex- as it is commonly understood. The death sentence
posed may be through the use of technology such as therefore will not necessarily be a karmic lesson. It is
the drones, but it is already known where the girls are simply what will end a life, and move the entity back
being held, where the Boka Haram is located. It is sim- into Spirit and prepare the ones involved for other
ply that the Powers That Be are trying to use this situa- lives, if this is what is agreed upon. This completes
tion now to their advantage, to introduce the concept the answering of this question.
of drones as being readily available for such interests.
This means that they are hoping to benefit from
this situation, for it is part of a greater agenda to get COMMUNICATING WITH THE GROUP
the public to accept such things as drones and their SOUL OF CREATURES
constant availability in people’s lives. Even in the
United States where there is not necessarily a situation QUESTIONER:
at this time that warrants the use of drones, many have Thank you. The next question is about geckos, and it
become very accepting of this technology and by ex- is from LJ. She writes, “During gecko season, some
tension see that it is all right to use the drones to find geckos have come into my house. In order to keep
the girls. them from being eaten by my dogs, I caught the
As this Awareness has said, the intelligence agen- geckos in a plastic container with a piece of paper on
cies of Nigeria, the United States and several other top. They seemed scared and would struggle. I talked
countries already have the information they need as to to each gecko gently, while streaming a pink stream of
where the girls are and how many are holding them, heart energy toward the gecko as I carried it outside to
but there are other agendas being served, even though release it.
the Powers That Be were forced into an action at this After a couple of months, when I saw a gecko in
time. my house and held out the plastic container, the gecko
On the whole, this Awareness says this too is part would actually hop into the container without
of the dissolution, the dissolving of the old energies struggling. I no longer had to cover the top with paper.
that could do what they wished, when they wished, I want to know if I was dealing with an individual
and is part of the falling apart of the old powers, even gecko, or some kind of gecko group mind? I think I
though it is not recognized or acknowledged as such at was dealing with different geckos and somehow the
this time. community of geckos had communicated an
Stay positive, for those who are interested, those understanding among themselves that I would safely
who are energizing the retrieval of the kidnapped girls. transport them outside. Is this so, and how did this
Stay firm in your belief that they will be returned, come about?
and even though it has been a traumatic experience COSMIC AWARENESS:
and individual girls may have suffered more than some
of the others, that all will eventually return home. This This is so, and this came about because you have
completes the answering of this question. put the energy of love forward. You have
communicated with the group soul of the geckos.
While you may have been dealing with individual
WILL SUFFERING THE DEATH PENALTY geckos, you were communicating with what could be
CANCEL KARMIC DEBT? understood as the gecko group soul or group mind in
that region, that vicinity of the house. This is certainly
QUESTIONER: shown in your story of how the geckos would simply
Thank you Awareness. Here is a question from NJ. go inside the plastic container, allowing you to remove
“If a prisoner pays for a crime with the death penalty, them from the house.
will that cancel the karmic debt?” In some ways they wished to partake in the
adventure of communicating with you. They wished to
COSMIC AWARENESS: show you what you are capable of. You are capable of
Perhaps it will, perhaps it will not. It is always the communicating with creatures and with animals
individual example that has relevancy. This generally, but all can communicate with the animal
Awareness cannot say across the board that by world. It is part of what lies ahead for humanity, to
understand the interactive nature that truly exists fun, to try to communicate with the creatures of
between mankind/womankind, and the animal world Mother Earth and with the forces of Mother Earth. It is
as well as the plant world and the mineral world. part of the New Way. This completes the answering of
This has been a dramatic example for you, of how this question.
you can, by communicating with the individual gecko,
also communicate with the group mind, the group soul CAC General Reading, June 2, 2014, Will Berlinghof Interpreter;
of the geckos in your region, in the vicinity of your Zoey Zen, Questioner and Energizer
own house. But this should also be used as a broader
example of how one can communicate with animals WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THE
and insects. MERS VIRUS?
Many are often plagued with an infestation of ants
coming into their household. It is possible as well to
communicate with the ants and to speak strongly to Thank you very much Awareness. The first question
them, clearly to them that they are not allowed into the is from TH, and he is asking about the MERS virus.
house. One can offer an alternative to them; perhaps His question is, “Could the MERS virus be a lab-
morsels of food placed outside of the house. One can created virus to target a certain ethnic group?”
communicate to them that there might even be dire
consequences if the ants do not listen to what is being COSMIC AWARENESS:
requested. It is of course created in central labs, and it has been
What this Awareness is saying here is that it is released, but it is not the only release of viral agents
possible to communicate one’s intent and desire to the against human beings. It is being focused upon, and is
ants or to the geckos, or to mice, for those who have being developed in the public consciousness and
problems with mice. One must enter into this situation awareness day by day as attention is brought to it. The
with the full conviction that one is communicating irony is that very few have died from this latest viral
with the group soul, the group mind, whether it is the strain. Many, many, many more die each and every
group soul of the ants, the geckos, the mice, or even year from what is known as the common flu.
rats. If one doubts this, and feels that this is not Therefore, why is it that attention is so focused upon
effective or that it is silly, then the true energetic this latest virus that has been released?
communication that could occur will be inhibited and It is to control and to manipulate group
lessened. consciousness. It is to create fear amongst the
Try this experiment, if you are interested in populace to such a degree that many will flock to the
communicating with the animal kingdom, with the vaccination offices, to the clinics, to the doctor’s office
different species. Do so with your own pets, your to have their vaccination against MERS, only to find
beloved animals that are your own companions. Many that this vaccination perhaps is worse than the MERS
have long known that they are communicating with virus that is being promoted at this time.
their favorite cat or dog, and it is thus not a surprise. This can be clearly seen by those who are willing to
But for those who are not aware, do see if by thinking open their eyes to such things as manipulated events,
your thoughts at your pets or to various animals that it one of many, and while there is perhaps some concern
does not achieve results. It will achieve results, but to this virus, one should not relegate it to such superior
only if you truly believe that you are communicating, positioning that one would blindly in a state of fear
that you are part of that interconnection of and panic run and rush to get the inoculation, the
consciousness that exists between human beings, the vaccination for this created virus.
animals, the plants and the minerals and that exists Work rather on improving the immune system, not
even with Mother Earth herself. only for this particular virus, but rather to keep one
This is part of a new understanding and a way of generally healthy and well no matter what is coming
being in and on this planet, engaging and interacting down and coming through. Do not simply rush to the
with all consciousness that exists on this planet, and doctor’s office for a vaccination shot simply because
not simply seeing oneself as isolated from all else, you hear on the television that everyone else is doing
dominant and controlling of Mother Nature herself. It so.
has never been so. It is not so now, and it will not ever This is a time of personal responsibility, and even
be so. But the limitation of mind that insists that it is though the pressures may be upon one, especially fear
so has inflicted great damage upon the planet and all for one’s children, still know that there are alternative
that live upon this planet for so very long. ways of dealing with this situation: homeopathics,
Yet in ancient times, in times where the naturopathic remedies, et cetera, as well as keeping
connection between mankind/womankind and Mother oneself generally in a good state of health. Then one
Nature/ Mother Earth was such that they lived in can look at this travesty, this comedy that is being
harmony, this has also been part of the history of played out in the evening news and see how these ones
humanity and the planet. It is part of the indigenous that have power, control, and manipulate through fear,
people and their ways that were once prevalent but panic and high levels of stress.
have been lost as the experiment went forward of the This MERS virus is one of the many that have been
separation from nature, the separation from Spirit. This put out recently and this is building up to yet another
experiment is coming to completion, coming to strain and another strain, and another strain that will
fulfillment. follow—always to keep the collective in fear of these
It is time to get back to the old ways and the new unseen attackers to their health and well-being. Be
ways that are emerging and will be the prominent way aware. Know this. Take the proper measures for you
of things on the planet. It all starts with a small event and your loved ones’ health and well-being, and let go
such as communicating with the geckos, such as of fear, or doubt and panic on this matter. This
communicating with Mother Earth. It is there for one completes the answering of this question.
and all, and this Awareness invites the many to have
THE PROBLEMS INHERENT IN When one begins to look into such matters, there is
ACCEPTING POPULAR MEDICAL great challenge, for most would simply follow the
recommendations of their doctor, for after all, does not
TREATMENTS the doctor know better? The truth of this matter is that
each and every individual ultimately has the inner
QUESTIONER: capacity to know their own bodies, their own state of
Thank you Awareness. The next question is from health and well-being.
KS. Her son had a double lung transplant several years If they wish to abdicate their responsibility and
ago and she asks what helpful information can be their knowing of their own body to another, then this is
given to those who have transplants, and is there any part of their personal journey that they are
possible karmic exchange being leveled out? Thank experiencing, just as the son of the individual here
you. whose journey has been to place themselves within the
medical industry. This is not wrong. This is not right.
COSMIC AWARENESS: It is simply how it is for this young man, and how it is
There is always a personal reason why one calls for others is individual and personal.
such an event into one’s life. This cannot be Many new techniques and new procedures to attain
understood clearly from a collective level, but rather solid and excellent health and well-being are coming
first and foremost from the personal level. The son had forward now, but so is the push to dominate the
his own deep spiritual soul reason for creating and mindset of the collective that only allopathic medicine,
accepting a life wherein such an event would occur— only pharmaceutical drugs should be taken, only
the replacement of the lungs. There is much in the way medical procedures endorsed by those in control of the
of his personal journey that he will now experience as medical industry should be followed and should be
a result of the transplant that he received years ago, held by those who believe in medicine as it is
and this Awareness cannot speak further on his practiced now at this time in the western world.
personal journey.
Therefore, this is truly an individual journey, and
Be that as it may be, it is important to realize although this Awareness can speak of other ways of
always that when one calls something in of this nature, doing this journey of personal health and well-being, it
in fact when one calls anything into one’s life, there is is ultimately up to each and every individual as to the
a reason why one has done so, and such events are part path they will follow. This Awareness will always
of one’s own personal soul plan, one’s own design of recommend natural medicines, remedies and
one’s own life. This would also include learning about procedures over those what are artificial in nature,
one’s own physical body, and realizing that one can over the ones that are the result of those in power in
stay ignorant about it, or one can learn and adapt and the medical industry, but it will always be the
can bring into one’s life the very things that are needed individual’s choice as to the path they personally
to keep one in good health and well-being. follow.
The increase in the immunity system, the upkeep of It is challenging to disregard medical advice,
the immune system is of incredible importance to the especially when the doctor who is giving it becomes
health and well-being. When one has had such an irate or upset if you suggest another alternative. This is
experience as a transplant, one is agreeing to what the again a personal decision and choice, but as this
experts, the doctors are saying is now necessary for the Awareness sees it, it is a choice that is part of one’s
individual, including the taking of certain drugs growth and development and part of one’s journey in
needed so that the organs will not be rejected. these challenging times. This completes the answering
This Awareness cannot speak against this, for those of this question.
who have made such decisions. All that this
Awareness can say is that there are many ways to
improve one’s health and well-being. The proper use
of food for example, healthy organic natural fresh food
is highly recommended by this Awareness. The use of
silver colloidal water is also recommended for this is a
substance that has great merit for individuals and the
maintenance of their health and well-being or even to
fight against infection and disease.
There are many ways forward in this area. Taking
non-pharmaceutical drugs: homeopathic and
naturopathic drugs and natural remedies, are also
highly recommended. The use of certain mixtures that
increase oxygen in the blood are recommended, but
this Awareness would say, rather than simply telling
you what should be taken, that one accepts a personal
responsibility in this area to research this matter more.
Look into such things, to realize there are many
ways to keep the body healthy and well, to increase the
immune system, to reinforce the immune system, and Cosmic Tarot
what is of greatest importance is the willingness to
look into these matters and to live as naturally as one Key Number Five - The Hierophant
can, to take those substance that will be beneficial to
one and to start to move away from those substances This Awareness indicates that recapitulating from
like pharmaceutical drugs and surgical procedures that, the beginning, Aleph is the breath. Akasha is the void,
although they are endorsed by the medical industry, is the pure spirit. The Magician, the second card, is
may not be the things that they need most. the creator, the doing entity. The Magician creates in
this action on the High Priestess, who is the void left materialistic levels.
over after the Magician has removed himself as he This Awareness indicates that which would create
created himself. Upon the High Priestess, the the materialistic levels, such as science, as the
Magician creates and molds his will and brings forth generally accepted logical forms of reasoning, works
form, and this is the Empress. in the second dimension of thought. The focus and
This Awareness indicates that this has been in description and definition and boundaries and laws is
previous readings related to the church in general. The related to connecting lines between he who does this
Empress is symbolic of the unconscious, of the and the manifestation which is desired by this control.
desires, of the feeling parts of experience. This This link between these two is forming two points of
Awareness indicates that the Emperor is symbolic of dimension.
the mental directive part of form, of experience in The actual work of the Emperor is resulting in a
form. two-dimensional purpose to control, to mold and to
This Awareness indicates that this sixth card, the express his will. This Awareness indicates that the
Hierophant, is symbolic of the linking, the yoking part Emperor in forcing his will, has one purpose in mind,
of consciousness, of experience, that links together the and this then is one-dimensional thinking. It becomes
mind –the Emperor, the desires and feelings and the two-dimensional thinking, in respect that it is related
Empress—linking these two together through words to himself and his desire, thus creating two points
and sounds. The Emperor sets boundaries, creates forming a line of thought.
descriptions and is symbolic of the mind. The Hierophant is working in three-dimensional
thinking, creating lines between himself and other
things, relating the mind to the emotions, but also
linking the emotions of the Empress to the directions
of the Emperor. Not only does he work in this
manner, but works also to link these two to the next
level, that of Aleph.
In this respect, the Hierophant is dealing in third-
dimensional thinking. Wherein his arguments and
discussions are not as fixed and logical as that of the
scientific world, his purpose is not to be totally
scientific, but to link the mind to emotion, to link that
which is controlling to that which is experiencing.
This Awareness indicates that for this reason, there
is the ritual repetition and "heart-type" actions
associated with the church, through the Hierophant,
through the Pope. In this sense, the "whore of
Babylon that sitteth upon the waters" is that which is
linking the emotions of the heart, of the Empress, of
the unconscious mind, to the knife of the conscious
The Empress creates reflections, and these mind.
reflections relate to the emotions. The Hierophant The knowledge and the emotions begin to merge
links these two aspects of creation, that which sets a through the Whore of Babylon: the church, the
boundary and that, which is form. The Hierophant Hierophant—the structure linking these two. This
links this also through the doer and to the spirit. Awareness indicates that wherein this is occurring in
This Awareness indicates that the Hierophant is this respect, that this is symbolic of the Consort of the
symbolic of the linking mind. The focusing mind of Beast—the Beast being the mass of humanity, the
the Emperor is that which defines. The linking mind Beast being man as a body, as a physical entity.
of the Hierophant is that which makes connections This Awareness indicates that the beast is
between one level and the next. This Awareness symbolic of the physical part of man. The followers of
indicates this relates unto "As above, so below," and Christ, those who are Christian, are symbolic of the
"As it is within, so it is without." This relates to the spiritual identifications of man, of the life force of the
concept of being in between, and this relates also to Clear Consciousness. This Christ or crystal force that
the reconciliation of 'yes' and 'no.' is life, that is consciousness from the void, from the
This Awareness indicates that this relates also to virgin, finds its second coming during this age at this
the link between the conscious and the subconscious time.
or unconscious minds. This relates also to the link This Awareness indicates that the Beast is the
between the rational mind and the believing, emotional material body of man. The Whore that sitteth upon the
body that is generally associated with the religionists. water is the church, the Empress, the linked and
This Awareness indicates that the attempt of the organized structure of form symbolic of all structures,
Hierophant to link the creative force of the Emperor of all Hierophant and hierarchy type systems. This
with the emotional force of the Empress, the efforts of Whore that sitteth upon the waters is that which
this Hierophant to link the conscious mind with the through its doctrine, through its desire, through its
unconscious mind is symbolized in this action. needs and wishes, through its links and controls, does
This Awareness indicates that the unconscious mind have its expression throughout all of the unconscious
relates in certain levels to the church—the ritual, the levels of man.
belief, the repetition of concepts and ideas. This is the This Awareness indicates that this expression
"Whore that sitteth on the waters" of emotion. This was programmed from the time of early Egypt. The
Awareness indicates that the Emperor: the focusing, Emperor is symbolic of that Antichrist. The Emperor
the directing, ruling, slicing, and critical mind of the is the thinking, logical mind. The Antichrist is logical,
Emperor is that which relates to the creator of thinking, definitive, binding, creating laws, creating
bonds, creating bondage and creating numbers. This is inside those filled again with bubbles, you will begin
the Lucifer, symbolic of the light that was stolen from to understand slightly what this Awareness is
heaven. describing. These bubbles are composed not of layers
The light, which was stolen is the creative thinking of soap, but are solid from the center to the outer shell.
type of consciousness which molds form, which sets This Awareness indicates that the varying types of
about to contain and hold form. material in each bubble changes according to its size.
This Awareness indicates that the Antichrist as Wherein the bubble is very minute, the material from
was prophesied has set up its reign. The Antichrist is the inner point to the outer point is very solid. This is
that which now is beginning to fall. This Awareness composed entirely of light and smaller bubbles made
indicates that this is on one level. In the earlier up of these lights.
readings of Rhyee returning to Essence, this This Awareness indicates that particles of light
symbolized the beginning of the return of Antichrist are of all different sizes. One particle of light is as big
toward that which is Christ. This transfiguration takes as this universe. This Awareness indicates that other
place over this thirty-year period between now and the particles of light are as small as is conceivable by any
year two thousand. kind of action and probing. Other particles of light are
The Antichrist, which is the thinking, logical larger and larger and larger. All things are particles of
mind of science, the rational, two-dimensional type light.
thinking about three-dimensional experiences, is that This Awareness indicates that these particles of
which is yielding quickly to concepts that go beyond light are the bubbles referred to, and these bubbles are
three-dimensional and sense-experienced data. This three-dimensional and are like spheres, and contain
then is leading the scientific minds into levels that are certain types of matter. This Awareness indicates that
symbolized by the Hierophant, wherein they begin to within each of these bubbles there is the possibility for
see a relationship between the thing and the idea, smaller bubbles to exist.
between the object and the emotion. This Awareness indicates that wherein smaller
This Awareness indicates that as they move more bubbles exist, these smaller bubbles are of a denser
and more into this, they shall also begin to see the material. This Awareness indicates that wherein
purpose and meaning of ritual, which is the physical moving as a bubble inside another bubble, the denser
expression of the emotional feeling. the material, the smaller the bubbles this bubble does
This Awareness indicates that as above, so below contain.
—that which is above is reflected in that which is
This Awareness indicates that this mirror is not that
perfectly flat exact duplicate image in the sense of the
ordinary household mirror. This as a parabolic mirror,
and the curvature creates the different forms of quality.
Quantity and quality both change under this parabolic
mirror, but as above, so below—the reflection does
echo down in an exact law.
The reflection is predictable, though the objects are
not identical in looks as in this three-dimensional type
of mirroring. With the parabolic mirror of space, the
curvature of light reflecting inward toward a center,
through this ray from the curved outside toward that
inner point, this shaft of light moving in that ray, this
shaft of light moving toward that point as being in
exact proportions on varying levels. This Awareness indicates that in traveling on light,
This Awareness indicates that in order to see this, these bubbles latch onto a certain bubble's shell of a
you must visualize light as a spherical mirror. You are larger nature and begin to move off into a curved path,
inside of this spherical mirror. This Awareness depending on how straight or how curved that line is.
indicates that from any two or three points on this This is determined by the size of your bubble. The
sphere, the light does flow toward the center. Wherein bubble that extends far into space has what appears to
there is a light in the center, this reflects outward and be a straight line.
is gathered by the forces of the sphere and sent back Any ships that latch onto this and move go with the
inward toward the center, or toward some area. speed of light, the speed at which it is traveling in that
This Awareness indicates that the universe is form. This Awareness indicates that when it moves
similar to this. The universe is composed of circular into lower, denser curves, the ship would slow down
forms of light. These are not always perfect in proportionately. This Awareness indicates that when
spherical form. There are shifting areas of this light, moving into very, very condensed and gross levels of
and these shifting areas do occasionally move other form, the particles become extremely small and the
light points which are created by the outer curves, into individual moves into matter level. The ship then,
different areas. which is the soul, which is the body, moves on its path
This is what causes the movements of the heavenly much slower. This slow movement is in direct
bodies. This Awareness indicates that the heavenly proportion to the speed of the bubble on which you are
bodies in turn create, and send certain created energies traveling.
of light outward, which again are reflected back by This Awareness indicates that these bubbles are
these curves. certain magnetic fields on this earth. These bubbles are
This Awareness indicates that if you visualize expressed in many ways, in all ways, so any form of
great bubbles with smaller bubbles inside, and bubbles matter is actually a bubble. When these bubbles
become so thin in their density that the eye does not
perceive them, then you have moved into that which shape, is that which creates many multiple types of
has simply shifted octaves above that of sight. expressions. The seeds of these bubbles are created by
This Awareness indicates that these shifts of the light merging and popping and joining together.
octaves are related unto the changing size and density These seeds represented through the growth of that
of the bubble of light. The density of light moving into begin to express themselves in a physical
a very slow vibration is called matter. Light moving manifestation, which is the magnetic form of the light
into a somewhat faster vibration may be termed sound. force.
In such cases the vibration is below, and in other This Awareness indicates that light is composed
cases the vibration is above that which can be of radiation and magnetism in constant explosion/
perceived as sight. This Awareness indicates that with implosion. The magnetism and the radiation working
certain chemicals, one can see sound. The vibration of in harmony/ in opposition, in certain proportions of
the octave above sound does move, then, into that balance, is that which does have its effects, changing
which would be heat. according to the proportion of that light radiation and
the magnetic darkness.
This Awareness indicates that there are ultrasonic
tones that also are included in the concept of sound. The bubble coming in conjunction with other
Above heat, this does move into the octave of light, bubbles form certain vortices. These vortices result in
the infrared, the seven colors of the spectrum being the certain manifestations of energy, certain radiation
49th octave, and the ultraviolet being the 50th octave, energies. The particles of light coming together do
the infrared as the 48th octave. occasionally create bursts of energy wherein the
intensity of a small particle becomes so dynamic that it
This Awareness indicates that in this movement, all breaks through the wall of a larger particle.
of that which we call light and generally associate with
the eyes is that in the 49th octave of light. All other This Awareness indicates that this rupture of energy
levels also are light. Even the darkness of matter is brings about change in these forms. The changes and
composed of light that has been slowed down to the the transformations are often referred to as death.
point where it is of such a minute and condensed These movements of energies that come together
portion that it appears not to be moving. resulting in various plants and animals, do begin to
The various chemicals that make up matter are evolve according to that manner in which the bursting
created out of the splitting off of certain rays, of of little bubbles by similar bubbles, and larger bubbles
certain colors of the spectrum, as the result of running by smaller bubbles, do continue to move.
into forces created by the vortices of the various This Awareness indicates that evolution is the
bubbles. gathering of a very tiny portion, a seed atom, and as
this atom begins to take on more and more of that
which was the bubble, it identifies itself with and does
form itself into a larger and more evolved creature.
This Awareness indicates that the link between
these various bubbles is symbolized by the
Hierophant. The nature of the various bubbles does
change proportionately and the qualities do change.
This Awareness indicates that a bubble of matter is but
a small bubble of emotion. A bubble of emotion is but
a more localized bubble of nationalism or social levels.
This Awareness indicates that you visualize a
bubble. This bubble has density, as opposed to a mere
shell. This bubble resides inside another bubble. This
bubble has less density than the one that is within it.
This bubble resides within still another bubble and this
other bubble has less density even than the second
bubble. This bubble does reside also within yet
another bubble, and this fourth bubble has less density
than the other three within it. This goes on infinitely,
from the minutest particle out to the universe itself.
The vortices of these forms of the bubbles where the This Awareness indicates that as entities move
sides connect, regardless of how large the bubble, or through evolution, the minute particle, the seed atom
how small the bubble, or what other forces of other does begin to pop through the layers of the bubble next
bubbles conjoin—this is the environment for that other in line. Eventually this begins to grow ever and ever
form of light bubbles which begin to take place. out through more and more levels of awareness into
This Awareness indicates that as these bubbles the next bubble, and into the next, and into the next.
conjoin, the nature of that vortex creates the nature of This Awareness indicates that as this permeation
the manifestation at that point of these bubbles. outward takes place, that this popping through the
This Awareness indicates that these bubbles of bubbles is termed the metamorphosis—the general
light in one place may result in a plant of a certain gradual growth that is evolution. This Awareness
kind. The vortices of light in another place will result indicates that for every outer bubble that one pops and
in a plant of a certain kind there. This Awareness where one emerges into the next level, there is an
indicates that this continues, and in this manner, inward reaction on the cells of an individual. There is
certain forms do begin to manifest as accumulations of the balancing of outward movement creating the equal
light energy. and opposite action of the inward movement. The
more radiant the entity becomes and moves toward the
This Awareness indicates that this light energy in outer bubbles, inwardly there is the equal and opposite
these various portions of this earth, which is a bubble direction, which is the magnetism.
This Awareness indicates this as likened unto the is negative. These poles shifting affect the material
egg in which the white represents the radiation and the structure of matter on all levels.
yolk represents the magnetism. This radiation becomes This Awareness indicates that the movement of
greater and merges through more and more levels of light from the Clear Light down to the condensation
these bubbles, these densities, and goes into higher and that is termed the diamond is that which follows the
higher vibrational levels wherein the density is less clear spectrum. Other jewels result from the varying
and less thick or viscous. prismatic actions of the bubble, which cause certain
When this occurs, there is an equally proportional other colors to come through.
movement in terms of magnetism. The magnetism is This Awareness indicates that these colors condense
moving ever and ever more densely into matter levels. also. The pure red may condense into the ruby. This
This Awareness indicates this is creating denser and relates to gems, stones, minerals, vitamins, cells and
denser reflections from the conscious. This Awareness enzymes. This Awareness indicates this relates unto
indicates that this is creating denser and denser matter areas of the body, to various organs, to various
from the movement outward into anti-matter, or spirit, densities, and to other structures that make up the
or the outer bubbles. various levels of what is called flesh and bones.
This Awareness indicates that this density of the This Awareness indicates that the variation in these
magnetism does begin to take form in terms of matter rays of light on the different tissue, bone, blood, or
itself and does begin to create a reflective negative whatever, responds to certain light waves that work in
force which is the material, equal opposite correspondence to its own. This Awareness indicates
manifestation of the anti-material or spiritual that for this manner, the Type Seven healing of
manifestation that is going through the higher levels. chromotherapy using colored lights is valid.
This Awareness indicates that this then may be This Awareness indicates that the different psychic
seen as that which is creating the condensation of light centers relate to the different spectrum colors, and
into a diamond, whereas that which is radiating ever each of these has to do with a different bubble and its
outward in the opposite direction, and in all directions, center. These bubbles, these colors that result from the
is that which is shifting levels through these bubbles reflection of one bubble off of another, which results
and radiating ever outward—that which is moving into from the slowing down of a light particle, which
less condensed areas of light until there appears to be results in the curving of a light particle into a smaller
greater and greater space. bubble of lower vibration, are symbolic of the many,
This Awareness indicates that as these two equal many levels that make up the universe.
and opposite reactions continue moving through This Awareness indicates that as above, so it is
levels, the diamond becoming harder, the light below. As it is within, so it is without. Every point
radiation becomes freer. within the All is constantly reflecting the light of these
This Awareness indicates that in terms of forces, many, many bubbles, one within the other, often
as the magnetism becomes greater, the diamond, or the centered perfectly, one within the other, resulting in a
glass, the crystal becomes denser. As the radiation clear light, or when slightly out of balance, resulting in
begins to intensify and the consciousness of the one of the spectrum colors.
individual begins to expand into greater and greater This Awareness indicates that all of this is symbolic
levels, breaking through one bubble after another, this of the universe in its states of balance and imbalance.
creates greater and greater feelings of space, and less The shifting is the result of the changing of the
confinement. bubbles. The bubbles are changed through will.
The greater confinement of moving into matter, This Awareness indicates that the Hierophant
wherein light becomes likened unto a diamond, is stands between as the levels and the connections
symbolic of the Antichrist. As light moves ever between these levels. The Hierophant stands between
outward, moving through varying bubbles, ever the will, which is creating the different levels, and the
expanding, this is likened unto the Christ who Empress, which is the reflection of the different levels.
identifies with the All, with the Father in Heaven.
This Awareness indicates that the word heaven as
HEAVE-ON. This heaving or expanding of
consciousness releases entities from physical needs
toward greater and greater freedom in the world of
spirit, the world of consciousness. This Awareness
indicates that this movement into heaven does indeed
create the equal and opposite movement into hell.
Hell is the physical. Hell is the desires. This
Awareness indicates that as the New Being manifests
and comes into being during these next few years,
there will be the equal and opposite actions that move
entities who are of the materialistic, magnetic cycle
into denser and denser levels of matter.
This Awareness indicates that in understanding The Hierophant is linking the heart and the mind, the
chemistry, the changes that will be occurring are Empress and the Emperor, the physical and the
related to intensification of certain metals. This also spiritual, the Christ and the Antichrist. The Hierophant
relates to the breaking down of other metals that once is in between, and is symbolized as wisdom, as the
appeared to be of a durable nature. link, as the hook, as the Yoga, or the yoke.
This Awareness indicates that this occurs in all This Awareness indicates that in Yoga, the purpose
levels of matter. There will be discovered changes in is to move consciousness from the lower levels of
the quality of matter. The very density of matter shall experience into the higher levels of experiencing. This
begin to change. What was positive is shifting to what action links the lower, Antichrist self with the Father
and allows the Antichrist to transform and become capable of returning to the Tree of Wisdom, knowing
One with the Father, One with God, and One with the from whence it came.
All. This then is the Christ. This Awareness indicates that this brings about love
This Awareness indicates that this link when kept with mercy, which results in wisdom.
open, clear, and understood, is likened unto a door for
entities to move into spirit.
December 17, 1971
The link itself, the Hierophant, the yoke, the
union, the shift of levels is important. The level itself HOW TO GET THE CAC MONTHLY NEWSLETTER
is static. This Awareness indicates that the link that ONLINE VERSION: $32 per year. Sign up on the CAC
joins and moves through all these levels, when kept website: www.CosmicAwareness.org or receive the
clear and understood, is termed wisdom. printed newsletter by writing to…
When the link is broken and one level is seen and
one level is gathered, when the link is broken between
the unconscious and the conscious mind, this is
symbolized in the eating of the Tree of Knowledge, C.A.C.
the five senses which form the fruit of the Tree of P.O. Box 115
Knowledge. The conscious mind, the Antichrist is that
which is eaten of and may cause entities to forget the Olympia WA 98507 USA
levels from whence they came.
This Awareness indicates that when the Tree of PRINTED RATES:
Wisdom with its seven fruits are eaten, the seven fruits INDIVIDUAL: $52 per year or $15 quarterly
being the psychic centers, the doorways between CONTRIBUTING: $77 per year or $25 quarterly
bubbles begin to open, and entities shift levels and
begin to move into higher levels of evolution very SPONSORING: $144 per year or $40 per quarter
quickly. This is the Tree of Wisdom, as opposed to the BENEFACTOR: $500 per year or $150 per quarter
Tree of Knowledge, which is represented by the five PATRON: $1000 per year or $250 per quarter
ANGEL: $5000 per year or $1500 per quarter
This Awareness indicates that the link between these
two, the yoke between these two, is coming about in
the New Being.
This Awareness indicates there have been many
who have reached Cosmic Consciousness through the What is Cosmic Awareness?
seven psychic centers: through Yoga, through the COSMIC AWARENESS is the force that expressed it-
various fruits of the Tree of Wisdom. There have been
many who have reached this level of Cosmic self through Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna,
Consciousness. Mohammed, Edgar Cayce and other great avatars who
This Awareness indicates there are few who reach served as 'Channels' for the 'Heavenly Father' and who
the level of Cosmic Consciousness and also are speaks again today as the world begins to enter the
capable of relating well with the Tree of Knowledge.
This Awareness indicates that when the five senses 'New Age' of spiritual consciousness and awareness.
and the seven psychic centers both become understood Since 1963, Cosmic Awareness has been communicat-
for what they are, and when the Tree of Wisdom and ing through carefully trained channels. This Informa-
the Tree of Knowledge both are seen in proper relation
to each other, at that time the New Being comes about. tion is for those who desire to help in bringing in these
This Awareness indicates that the Tree of various channels, Cosmic Awareness tells us not to be-
Knowledge, which is the five sense perceptions and lieve anything, but to question, explore, doubt, and
the data gathered through them, is the tool to the Tree discover for yourself, through your own channel what
of Wisdom. Entities who eat of the Tree of Wisdom
may use their senses, but must never be controlled by is the truth. Cosmic Awareness will only 'indicate' and
these senses. This Awareness indicates those who 'suggest'. Neither CAC or any of the Interpreters nec-
believe their senses are deceived by their ears and essarily agree with the statements of Cosmic Aware-
eyes, their nose and mouth and the touch of their hand. ness. The Interpreters interpret the energies as they see
Those who believe their feelings, those who believe
their psychic centers are those who are living in the them in trance levels and are not personally responsi-
Garden of Eden and those who are ever expanding ble for what is said. The Interpreters published herein
their experiences toward those heavenly states. have no connection with, nor control over the editorial
This Awareness indicates that the Tree of
Knowledge may be sharpened; your senses may be comments and material, including illustrations. This is
made more and more acute and sensitive until they entirely the responsibility of the editor. Members of
begin to be more truthful. CAC are invited to send in questions of general inter-
This Awareness indicates that the merging of the est to as Awareness for possible publication in this
psychic centers and the senses into sharp perfection,
where there is no evil and no good, there is only truth, newsletter.
What Is, is that which begins to express the New You can mail these questions to:
Being. CAC, PO Box 115, Olympia WA 98507.
This Awareness indicates that this New Being has -OR- email us at [email protected]
partaken of the Tree of Knowledge, has fallen, has
gained understanding through the senses, and yet is

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