© Cosmic Awareness Communications. You May Share With Family and Friends But No Alterations or Public Dissemination of The Material Is Permitted Without Permission From CAC
© Cosmic Awareness Communications. You May Share With Family and Friends But No Alterations or Public Dissemination of The Material Is Permitted Without Permission From CAC
© Cosmic Awareness Communications. You May Share With Family and Friends But No Alterations or Public Dissemination of The Material Is Permitted Without Permission From CAC
© Cosmic Awareness Communications. You may share with family and friends but no alterations
or public dissemination of the material is permitted without permission from CAC.
CAC General Reading; Paul Shockley Interpreter; Avaton & Vikki itself through the Jewish people and prefers to call
Energizers & Questioners itself Zionism is not necessarily representing the entire
Jewish culture.
Getting History Straight This Awareness indicates that likewise a Mason is
not necessarily representing the entire Anglo-Saxon
THE VIOLATION OF THE RED MAN culture, even though most Masons are Anglo-Saxon or
of the white race in general. This Awareness indicates
More on Racial Karma that similarly, the white race is not necessarily the root
QUESTIONER: cause of the violations to the American Indians, but
rather it is that force which sent forth and used the
A question from EB of Perry, Maine, who writes: "I white race and influenced the thinking and philosophy
would like to ask Awareness about some things very and ideas of those members of the Anglo-Saxon or
important. I hope this communication is considered white race, which led to the clash between these
and sent to the membership about the races of the entities and the American Indians.
world. Why have the native people of the Western
hemisphere been robbed, beaten and slain to the point
of extinction. Are these people supposed to learn
something from being violated, and why does it seem THE 'CHRISTIANS' LABELED THE INDIANS
that the white race has always had a record for wiping 'HEATHENS' AND HELD THEM AS
out brown-skinned people?" And he wanted to know
also; does a race of people create karma for itself if it BEING INFERIOR
violates another race?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates that essentially it was the
This Awareness indicates that as was indicated in a Puritanical attitude of the early Christian doctrine as
previous reading, the forces which moved through promoted by Calvin and others of the Quaker,
Atlantis and through Egypt, through Israel, and down Episcopalian, the Protestant and Catholic religions,
through the European and American and Russian influencing the Christian belief that anyone other than
civilizations, this force which was represented by the a Christian was a heathen and therefore unworthy and
lust for power and control—this force known as uncivilized and to be considered inferior. This
Rhyee. Awareness indicates this as an action similar to that of
the spiritual snob.
The force passed from generation to generation,
whereby the power of position and the economic and This Awareness indicates that obviously, the teacher
military power, the positions of authority being passed and founder of the Christian religion did not ever
from generation to generation or from leader to leader, intend for this kind of attitude to occur, the entity
or from country to country—this particularly in having been Jewish or Hebrew, and having accepted
relation to those secret societies that were involved in the gentile.
the manipulation of this power; this is that which This Awareness indicates that such an entity would
capitalized on the use of certain forces, using certain not condone one of the Anglo-Saxon races considering
of the members of the Anglo-Saxon race to do its a member of the American Indian tribes to be inferior
work. or heathen or as being of a less significance.
This Awareness indicates that it also used other This Awareness indicates that this therefore was
races for other types of work in more recent times. developed from wrong answers given through certain
This Awareness indicates however, that the past forces which expressed through various churches,
history of the use of the Anglo-Saxons stands out through various organizations; these originating
because this was the race that this power worked essentially from levels of power rather than from
through during the past three to four hundred years. levels of mercy and spiritual wisdom or from the basic
This Awareness indicates this power has moved into essence of the race of Anglo-Saxons.
other races at this time, and has begun working This Awareness indicates that likewise, the red man
through these also. of America was not entirely without similar types of
This Awareness indicates that as this power has power and glory desires, for there were also cases of
moved through and used this Anglo-Saxon race, and savagery in these levels which are not dissimilar to
has moved into the black race and used portions of it those of the white race.
in more recent times, and into the yellow race in recent This Awareness indicates that the reason the white
times, using these forces for its purposes, the power race appeared to be more cruel was simply that the
has also reached its peak and is now in the process of white race had weapons which could and did defeat
being dissolved, therefore the appearance is that the the Indian in battle, and the Indian being under-armed
white or Anglo-Saxon race has been responsible for could rely only on the appeal to the spiritual forces and
the problems which have occurred to other races. the spiritual forces could and would only work for the
This Awareness indicates however, that it was the Indian when the Indian medicine was strong enough.
power that moved through and used the Anglo-Saxon
race, which has caused this to appear this way.
Balancing Energies Through Violation