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and interfaces

H2O/D2O Contrast Variation for Ultra-Small-Angle
Neutron Scattering to Minimize Multiple Scattering
Effects of Colloidal Particle Suspensions
Akira Otsuki 1, *, Liliana de Campo 2 , Christopher J. Garvey 2 and Christine Rehm 2,3
1 Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Géologie, GeoRessources UMR 7359 CNRS, University of Lorraine,
2 Rue du Doyen Marcel Roubault, BP 10162, 54505 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France
2 Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation,
Lucas Heights, New South Wales 2234, Australia; [email protected] (L.d.C.);
[email protected] (C.J.G.); [email protected] (C.R.)
3 Guangdong Technion Israel Institute of Technology, 241 Da Xue Road,
Shantou 515063, Guangdong Province, China
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +33-372-744-543

Received: 20 August 2018; Accepted: 5 September 2018; Published: 7 September 2018 

Abstract: This study investigated the use of solvent contrast (H2 O/D2 O ratio) as a means to optimize the
ultra-small-angle neutron scattering (USANS) signal. By optimizing the signal, it was possible to reduce
the undesirable effects of coherent multiple scattering while still maintaining a measurable scattered
intensity. This result will further enable the use of USANS as a probe of the interactions between colloidal
particles and their structures within concentrated suspensions as well as particle dispersion/aggregation.
As a model system, we prepared silica colloidal particle suspensions at different solid concentrations.
USANS curves were measured using the classical Bonse–Hart double crystal diffractometer while varying
the scattering length density of the aqueous phase, thus varying the contrast to the silica particles. As a
means of assessing the impact of multiple scattering effects on different q-values, we analyzed the scattered
intensity at different contrasts at three different q values. The data were then used to determine the match
point of the silica particle suspensions from the expected square root dependence of the scattered intensity
with solvent composition, to analyze any differences associated with the solid concentration change,
and to determine the optimum H2 O/D2 O ratio in terms of high transmission (TSAS > 80%) and high
enough scattering intensity associated with the contrast of the system. Through this investigation series,
we confirmed that adjusting the contrast of the solvent (H2 O/D2 O) is a good methodology to reduce
multiple scattering while maintaining a strong enough scattering signal from a concentrated suspension
of silica particles for both USANS and rheometric USANS (rheo-USANS) experiments.

Keywords: silica; rheo-SANS; q-dependency; scattering length density; TSAS value; solid concentration

1. Introduction
Concentrated colloidal particle suspensions are found in a wide range of daily products
(e.g., milk, cosmetics) and industrial products/processes (e.g., mineral pulp, drug production).
Precise understanding and manipulation of interactions within such a particle suspension and its
resulting bulk behavior are thus of great interest and importance in both science and engineering.
In this work, our primary interest is submicron to micron size particle aqueous suspensions relevant
to the current and long-lasting challenges associated with colloidal particle processing/separation
(e.g., [1]) and their characterization methods (e.g., [2,3]).
The majority of characterization methods either requires some special sample preparation, or those
suitable for direct characterization of particle behavior in a solution require a very small volume fraction

Colloids Interfaces 2018, 2, 37; doi:10.3390/colloids2030037

Colloids Interfaces 2018, 2, 37 2 of 13

of particles (e.g., 1 × 10−5 vol % for dynamic light scattering [4]) due to the strength of the interaction
between light and the particle suspension [5]. Furthermore, when the linkage between microscopic
structure and bulk properties of a suspension is affected by an external field, such as a shear field,
techniques which can probe structure in situ are highly desirable. A related difficulty is to precisely
quantify the interactions in concentrated colloidal particle suspensions commonly prepared/processed
in actual plant operations (e.g., [6,7]) from the extrapolation of dilute solution studies.
Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) methods have the potential to probe bulk average
structures in a concentrated colloidal particle suspension/dispersion and allow us to understand
and quantify the particle–particle interactions [8]. Scattering curves are interpreted in terms of the
angular or q-dependence of the scattered intensity [9].
4π θ
q= sin (1)
λ 2

where θ is the scattering angle and λ is the wavelength of the scattered radiation.
However, at high solid/particle concentrations, multiple scattering may hinder extracting the
desired structural information directly from the interpretation of SANS curves due to the consequential
q-dependent distortion of the measured scattered intensity [10]. If multiple scattering occurs for a
given particle/solvent system, it attenuates scattering of the incident beam that should be going in
a given (forward) direction and, therefore, distorts the signal which would have been recorded in
the limit of single scattering. It follows that the straightforward relationship between the differential
cross section and the pair correlation function, i.e., between the structure of the material and the
measured scattering signal, is lost [11]. While a typical approach to reduce multiple scattering is
either or both (a) reducing the particle concentration and/or (b) reducing the sample path length,
they have obvious limitations in (i) using the behavior of less concentrated suspension to understand
the more concentrated suspension; (ii) difficulty in proper feeding of a viscous suspension (in other
words, heterogeneity as well as the impact of the sample cell geometry on the structure could affect
the sample subjected to the beam and, thus, produce a misleading result); and (iii) the increasing
volumetric effect of the surface perturbation of two cell faces on the decreasing bulk of thinner samples.
On the other hand, for neutron scattering experiments, it is possible to optimize the scattering strength
of a sample by decreasing the contrast between the two phases, particulate, and solvent (water) in
a way that is analogous to the role of refractive index adjustment in light scattering [12]. In this
study, we adjusted the scattering length density of the solvent by varying the H2 O/D2 O composition,
i.e., by contrast variation (e.g., [13]). In other words, we utilized the difference between the neutron
scattering length densities (SLD) of H2 O (−0.50 × 10−6 Å−2 [14]) and D2 O (6.37 × 10−6 Å−2 [14])
in order to adjust the scattering power of the sample, and thus to minimize the effects of multiple
scattering. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, systematic and extensive study of this approach
has been very limited. Apart from optimizing sample preparation, multiple scattering effects may
also be corrected for during data processing. For that, a variety of procedures is available such as
analytical approximations as discussed by, (e.g., [15–23]). The multiple scattering of neutrons has
also been studied using the technique of Monte Carlo simulation (e.g., [24–27]). Additionally, in the
case of thick samples, a partial correction for the effect of multiple scattering can be done using an
empirical approach (e.g., [28,29]), where various thicknesses of one sample are measured, the data
fitted—possibly using the equation described by Vineyard (1954) [15]—and multiple scattering from a
sample of known thickness accordingly corrected for.
In this article, we report our investigation on using a H2 O/D2 O contrast variation in conjunction
with ultra-small-angle neutron scattering (USANS) to limit the effects of coherent multiple scattering while
maintaining strong enough scattering that can be utilized to understand the particle–particle interactions
and particle dispersion/aggregation within highly concentrated colloidal suspensions. Multiple incoherent
scattering is out of our concern in this study since it contributes only to the background and can be
tolerated. Particle interactions and dispersions/aggregations will be separately reported in detail, and thus
Colloids Interfaces 2018, 2, 37
x FOR PEER REVIEW 33 of 13

separately reported in detail, and thus are outside the scope of this article. The experiments were
are outside first
performed the scope of this
in a flat article.cell
tumbling Theto experiments were performed
ensure homogeneous particlefirst in a flat without
dispersion tumblingparticle
cell to
ensure homogeneous particle dispersion without particle sedimentation. Then,
sedimentation. Then, similar measurements were performed in a rheo-USANS sample cell with similar measurements were a
performed in a rheo-USANS sample cell with a Couette geometry [30]. The series
Couette geometry [30]. The series of investigations showed that contrast variation was able to of investigations showed
that contrast variation
continuously vary the wasscattering
able to continuously
power of vary the scattering
a sample, allowing powerfor of
ana sample, allowing
optimization for an
optimization between minimizing multiple scattering and maximizing the
minimizing multiple scattering and maximizing the scattering power of the sample. This is scattering power of the sample.
This is particularly
particularly useful useful
in the in thewhere
case case where the sample
the sample thickness
thickness is fixed
is fixed and cannot
and cannot be adjusted—e.g.,
be adjusted—e.g., for
for rheo-USANS measurements. In this study, the existence and degree of multiple
rheo-USANS measurements. In this study, the existence and degree of multiple scattering effects scattering effects in
samples were
samples were determined
determinedvia via(a)
scattered intensity as as
intensity a function
a functionof
H 2 O vol % in H 2 O/D 2 O ratio, as well as (b) sample transmission, T SAS . The T SAS value
of H2O vol % in H2O/D2O ratio, as well as (b) sample transmission, TSAS. The TSAS value will be defined will be defined
and explained
and explainedin inthe
discussion section.
2. Materials and Methods
2. Materials and Methods
USANS experiments were performed on the Kookaburra beamline on the cold-neutron guide
USANS experiments were performed on the Kookaburra beamline on the cold-neutron guide
CG3 at the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology
CG3 at the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology
Organisation [31,32], with a monochromatic wavelength of 4.74 Å. Kookaburra is based on the
Organisation [31,32], with a monochromatic wavelength of 4.74 Å. Kookaburra is based on the Bonse–
Bonse–Hart method [33] and utilizes two identical, multi-bounce, channel-cut, perfect Si single crystals
Hart method [33] and utilizes two identical, multi-bounce, channel-cut, perfect Si single crystals
labelled ‘monochromator’ and ‘analyzer’ (arranged in non-dispersive or parallel geometry) in Bragg
labelled ‘monochromator’ and ‘analyzer’ (arranged in non-dispersive or parallel geometry) in Bragg
reflection, see Figure 1. When the monochromator and analyzer crystals are aligned (analyzer deviation
reflection, see Figure 1. When the monochromator and analyzer crystals are aligned (analyzer
angle θ = 0◦ , i.e., the analyzer crystal is in the ‘peak position’), an incident neutron beam is totally
deviation angle θ = 0°, i.e., the analyzer crystal is in the ‘peak position’), an incident neutron beam is
reflected into the main detector. In addition to the main detector, a transmission detector is in use to
totally reflected into the main detector. In addition to the main detector, a transmission detector is in
monitor the intensity of the neutron beam transmitted through the sample, including all neutrons
use to monitor the intensity of the neutron beam transmitted through the sample, including all
scattered to low angles apart from the q-value that is reflected onto the main detector.
neutrons scattered to low angles apart from the q-value that is reflected onto the main detector.

Figure 1.
1. Sketch
Sketch of
of the
the Kookaburra
Kookaburra USANS
USANS instrument layout.
instrument layout.

In a typical USANS experiment rocking curve profiles are measured by rotating the analyzer
crystal across the peak position and measuring the neutron intensity as a function of the momentum
transfer (or scattering vector)
vector) q at which data are collected
collected at one value of q (or θ)θ) at a time. q is related
to the rotation or scattering angle θθ via via Equation
Equation (1).
Note that
Bonse–Hart USANS
USANS technique
technique as applied
as applied on Kookaburra
on Kookaburra is only sensitive
is only sensitive to
to scattering
scattering in onewhile
in one direction, direction,
in thewhile in the perpendicular
perpendicular direction thedirection the measurements
measurements are averagedare averaged
over over
the possible
the possibletransfers,
wavevector wavevector
i.e., transfers,
Kookaburra i.e., Kookaburra
measures measures
scattered scattered
intensity intensity
from the sample from the sample
with excellent with
resolutionangular resolution
horizontally of a fewhorizontally
arcseconds but of awith
fewaarcseconds but with
large acceptance in thea vertical
large acceptance
direction ofin the
a few
vertical direction of a few degrees, which is described as ‘slit smearing’. The high angular resolution
Colloids Interfaces 2018, 2, 37 4 of 13

degrees, which is described as ‘slit smearing’. The high angular resolution required for USANS experiments
is enhanced through multiple reflections of the neutron beam before and after the sample.
In this study, two different sample cell setups were used and a series of silica particle suspensions
were measured. The first one is an aluminum cell with a neutron path length of 0.5 mm and quartz
windows of 4 cm diameter, which was mounted onto a sample tumbler to avoid the effects of sample
sedimentation, and the beam was shaped by a Gadolinium aperture of 30 mm diameter. The second
one is a Couette quartz flow cell, outer diameter 54 mm, with the Anton-Paar MCR 500 rheometer
accepting the neutron beam in the normal (perpendicular) direction (Figure 1). A 25 mm circular Cd
aperture was mounted directly in front of the curved Couette cell, and its effective path length was
experimentally determined from a comparison of the scattering curves between the Couette and flat
cells. The Couette cell has a nominal gap of 0.5 mm, leading to a total beam path of 1 mm theoretically
(0.5 mm on each side). However, it should be noted that the effective path length can be slightly longer
because the Couette cell is curved, which is particularly important for the large apertures as used here.
Silica particles purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA) with a size distribution
of 0.5–10 µm—with approximately 80% of particles between 1–5 µm—were used to create
sample/aqueous suspensions. Their physical properties are: D50 (average particle diameter measured
by laser diffraction) is 2.4 µm, BET surface area is 5.2 m2 /g, and density is 2.6 g/cm3 . The literature
value of the scattering length density of silica is 4.1 × 10−6 Å−2 [14]. USANS measurements were
conducted in the q-range from 3.5 × 10−5 to 0.01 Å−1 . Silica particle suspensions were prepared in an
electrolyte solution of potassium nitrate (1 × 10−2 M) consisting of milli-Q water and D2 O in different
volume ratios. Solid concentrations were adjusted to between 5 and 40 vol % in order to investigate
whether there is any influence on the optimization of the H2 O/D2 O ratio. Once a suspension was
evenly mixed, its pH value was adjusted to 10 using 1M and/or 0.1 M KOH in D2 O. The suspension
was then mixed by magnetic stirring for 30 min. The suspension was then transferred to a flat cell
for USANS measurements or a cylindrical cell (Couette geometry) for rheo-USANS measurements.
Experimental rocking curves were reduced and normalized to absolute intensity scale using the
standard procedure [34] adapted to Kookaburra using Python scripts on the Gumtree platform [35].

3. Results and Discussion

Figures 2 and 3 show the results of contrast variation with 5 and 10 vol % SiO2 at pH 10,
respectively. Figure 2a shows the absolutely scaled slit-smeared intensity for a H2 O/D2 O contrast
variation series to investigate its effect on the scattering intensity and transmission of samples with
5 vol % silica. All the curves are fairly featureless which would be anticipated from the polydisperse
silica samples. Starting from a 30/70 H2 O/D2 O mixture, the signal increases with increasing H2 O
content, and therefore contrast. It should be noted that the error bars are given in all the figures in this
article, but they are mostly smaller than experimental dot points.
The first step of this investigation was to determine q-dependence of the match point, i.e.,
the contrast, H2 O/D2 O ratio, where the scattered intensity is equal to 0. To extract the potentially
q-dependent match point from the data, the intensities at three q-values (1.0 × 10−4 , 2.6 × 10−4 ,
6.7 × 10−4 Å−1 ) from each scattering pattern were plotted as a function of H2 O vol % in H2 O/D2 O
ratio. As an approximation, the square root of the intensity is expected to give a linear relationship with
the H2 O vol % [36,37], as plotted in Figure 2b. For a group of identical, randomly oriented particles,
the intensity of coherent, elastic scattering is dependent only on the magnitude of the scattering
momentum transfer q, and is defined as [11]
I (q) = N ∆SLDV P(q)S(q) (2)

N is the number of particles per unit volume, V is the volume of the particles, P(q) is a form factor
that depends on the shape of the particles, S(q) is a structure factor that dictates the inter-particle
correlation structure, and ∆SLD is the scattering density difference between the scattering particles
Colloids Interfaces 2018, 2, 37 5 of 13
Colloids Interfaces 2018, 2, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 12

and solvent.Thus,
solvent. Thus,one
the correlation
correlation between
between the
the scattering
density difference
density asas
I (q) ∝ ∆SLD (3)
𝐼(𝑞) ∝ (ΔSLD) (3)
I (q) ∝
±± 𝐼(𝑞) ∝ ∆SLD
ΔSLD (4) (4)
The Equation
The (4)(4)isisused
Equation usedtotoconstruct
those plots
plots in
in Figures 2b and
Figures 2b and3b.

5% Silica particles

q1 q2 q3 H2O/D2O
dΣ/dΩsmeared (cm-1)

104 30/70




10-4 10-3 10-2

Q (Å-1)
5% Silica particles 5% Silica particles
700 106
q1 = 1.0x10-4Å-1 105 70/30
500 80 60/40
T(sas)exp 5% in 0.5mm

dΣ/dΩsmeared (cm-1)

400 104 40/60

300 60 30/70
q2 = 2.6x10-4Å-1
100 q3 = 6.7x10-4Å-1 102


-200 0 100
20 30 40 50 60 70 10-4 10-3 10-2
% H2O in H2O/D2O Q (Å-1)

Figure Contrastvariation
variation with
with 55 vol
vol %% SiO
SiO22 at
at pH
pH 10.
10. (a)
(a) Scattering
Scattering curves
H 2O/D2O ratios; (b) left axis: the square root of the scattering intensity as a function of vol % H2O in
H2 O/D2 O ratios; (b) left axis: the square root of the scattering intensity as a function of vol % H2 O in
HH 2O/D2O ratio and q value (brown, red and orange symbols for the three distinct q-values). The fitted line
2 O/D2 O ratio and q value (brown, red and orange symbols for the three distinct q-values). The fitted line
corresponds totothe
corresponds thedata
sign (dashed
(dashed line)
line) and
and negative
negative sign
point, respectively. Right axis: TSAS,exp in 0.5 mm path length (blue stars) as a function of vol % H2O in
point, respectively. Right axis: TSAS,exp in 0.5 mm path length (blue stars) as a function of vol % H2 O in
H2O/D2O ratio; (c) a plot of the scattering curves from (a) normalized to the same value at high q.
H2 O/D2 O ratio; (c) a plot of the scattering curves from (a) normalized to the same value at high q.

TheThe sign
sign of the
of the square
square rootroot of the
of the intensity
intensity for 30%
for the the 30%
H2 OHsample
2O sample
maymay be positive
be positive or negative,
or negative, and so
and so both values are plotted. From the linear behavior of all plots, it can be concluded
both values are plotted. From the linear behavior of all plots, it can be concluded that the match point that the
match point does not have any q dependency. The value is consistently around
not have any q dependency. The value is consistently around 30 vol % H2 O. To obtain a more quantitative30 vol % H 2O. To

obtain a more quantitative measure, we fitted a straight line to the data (Figure 2b), excluding the
measure, we fitted a straight line to the data (Figure 2b), excluding the deviation at high contrast (see
deviation at high contrast (see discussion on multiple scattering√ that follows below). Match points,
discussion on multiple scattering that follows below). Match points, I = 0, were obtained at 30.4 ± 1.2 vol
√𝐼 = 0, were obtained at 30.4 ± 1.2 vol % H2O and 31.6 ± 0.3 vol % H2O in D2O. The estimated SLD of
%H 2 O and 31.6 ± 0.3 vol % H2 O in D2 O. The estimated SLD of the particles is 4.28 ± 0.18 × 10−6 Å−2
the particles is 4.28−±6 0.18
−2× 10−6 Å−2 and 4.20 ± 0.18 × 10−6 Å−2, respectively. This is in good agreement
and 4.20 ± 0.18 × 10 Å , respectively. This is in good agreement with the expected match point of
with the expected match point of silica −6 (literature
− 2 value of SLD 4.1 × 10−6 Å−2), corresponding to 32.4
silica (literature value of SLD 4.1 × 10 Å ), corresponding to 32.4 vol % H2 O. The same is true for a
vol % H2O. The same is true for a system with 10 vol % solid content, as shown in Figure 3b, where
system with 10 vol % solid content, as shown in Figure 3b, where the match point was determined with
the match point was determined with the estimated SLD of 4.28 ± 0.06 × 10−6 Å−2 or 4.26 ± 0.07 × 10−6
−6 Å−2 or 4.26 ± 0.07 × 10−6 Å−2 . The results also confirmed that
theÅestimated SLD of 4.28 ± 0.06 × 10
−2. The results also confirmed that up to 10 vol % SiO2 there was no solid concentration dependency
upon to 10
thevol % SiO
match 2 there was no solid concentration dependency
point. √ on the match point.
Ideally, there should be a linear relationship between √𝐼I and
Ideally, there should be a linear relationship between and HH22OOvolvol%%for
fora abinary
binary contrast
system, q-dependent
system, q-dependent deviations from this indicate multiple scattering effects. These effects areare
deviations from this indicate multiple scattering effects. These effects
anticipated to increase with H2 O vol % (i.e., contrast between solvent and particles) and be more
Colloids Interfaces 2018, 2, 37 6 of 13
Colloids Interfaces 2018, 2, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 12

anticipatedatto low q than with
increase at highH2Oq. This
vol %effect
illustrated in Figures
between 2b and
solvent and 3b: at and be q-values
√the higher
particles) more
and q3 ) there
(q2pronounced is a clear linear relationship. For the lower
at low q than at high q. This effect is illustrated in Figures 2b q-values (q ), the I curves
1 and 3b: at the higher flattenq- as
they become
values increasingly
(q2 and q3) there isaffected by multiple
a clear linear scattering.
relationship. For theAtlower
5 vol q-values
% silica sample,
(q1), the √𝐼 multiple
is visible
as theyfor q1 at the
become highest contrast
increasingly affected ofby70multiple
vol % Hscattering.
2 O (Figure At2b),
5 and
vol % for the
silica 10%
sample,sample this is
already visible for
scattering is visible q at 60 vol % H O
1 for q1 at the highest
2 (Figure 3b). Scattering data normalized to the
contrast of 70 vol % H2O (Figure 2b), and for the 10% sample intensity at about
q2 ,this is already
a q-region thatvisible
does notfor qappear
1 at 60 vol %H
to be 2O (Figure
affected 3b). Scattering
by multiple data normalized
scattering, are shown in to Figures
the intensity
2c and at 3c.
It can be qseen
2, a q-region
that for that
5 voldoes not appear
% silica sampleto(Figure
be affected by curves
2c), the multiple scattering,
after are shown
normalization are in Figures
very similar,
and 2cthus
and 3c. It can be
multiple seen thateffects
scattering for 5 vol
are %notsilica sample
obvious. (Figure
The curve2c), the curves
at 40/60 appearsafter tonormalization are
be slightly higher
very similar, and thus multiple scattering effects are not obvious. The curve
in intensity at low q, and we attribute this to small variations in sample preparation. For 10 vol % silica at 40/60 appears to be
sample, higher inthe
however, intensity
low q partat low q, and
shows we attribute
a clear dependencythis toon small
the variations in sample
contrast. Clearly thepreparation.
sample at the
For 10 vol % silica sample, however, the low q part shows a clear dependency
highest contrast (70 vol % H2 O) has lower intensity at low q than those with less contrast (Figure on the contrast. Clearly2c),
the sample at the highest contrast (70 vol % H 2O) has lower intensity at low q than those with less
which is a typical sign of multiple scattering. Please also note that the samples at 30/70, which are very
contrast (Figure 2c), which is a typical sign of multiple scattering. Please also note that the samples at
close to the match point, appear to be slightly lower at low q. Since this cannot be a sign of multiple
30/70, which are very close to the match point, appear to be slightly lower at low q. Since this cannot
scattering, we suggest that this can be attributed to heterogeneities in the SLD of the particles, possibly
be a sign of multiple scattering, we suggest that this can be attributed to heterogeneities in the SLD
due to density variations around their average value, which can cause an effect that is only visible
of the particles, possibly due to density variations around their average value, which can cause an
very close to the match point.
effect that is only visible very close to the match point.

10% Silica particles

q1 q2 H2O/D2O
106 70/30
105 50/50
dΣ/dΩsmeared (cm-1)

104 30/70




10-4 10-3 10-2

Q (Å-1)
(b) (c)
10% Silica particles 10% Silica particles
1,000 106
q1 = 1.0x10-4Å-1 105 70/30
T(sas)exp 10% in 0.5mm

dΣ/dΩsmeared (cm-1)

600 104
60 30/70
400 103
-4 -1
q2 = 2.6x10 Å 40
200 102
-4 -1
q3 = 6.7x10 Å
0 101

-200 0 100
20 30 40 50 60 70 10-4 10-3 10-2
% H2O in H2O/D2O Q (Å-1)

Figure 3. 3. Contrastvariation
Contrast variationwith
vol%% SiO
SiO2 at pH 10. (a) Scattering curves of samples with different
Figure 2 at pH 10. (a) Scattering curves of samples with different
H2H 2O/D2O ratios; (b) left axis: the square root of the scattering intensity as a function of vol % H2O in
O/D 2 O ratios; (b) left axis: the square root of the scattering intensity as a function of vol % H2 O in
H 2O/D2O ratio and q value (brown, red, and orange symbols for the three distinct q-values). The fitted
H2 O/D2 O ratio and q value (brown, red, and orange symbols for the three distinct q-values). The fitted
lineline corresponds
corresponds to to
thethe data
data with
with a positive
a positive sign
sign (dashed
(dashed line)
line) andnegative
and negativesign
the first point, respectively. Right axis: TSAS,exp in 0.5 mm path length (blue stars) as a function of vol
first point, respectively. Right axis: TSAS,exp in 0.5 mm path length (blue stars) as a function of vol % H2 O in
% H2O in H2O/D2O ratio; (c) a plot of the scattering curves from (a) normalized to the same value at
H2 O/D2 O ratio; (c) a plot of the scattering curves from (a) normalized to the same value at high q.
high q.
Colloids Interfaces 2018, 2, 37 7 of 13

Another measure that can be used as a guide to evaluate the probability of multiple scattering,
is the so-called TSAS value. This corresponds to the fraction of the beam that passes through the
sample without being scattered [38,39]. The TSAS value of a sample is experimentally determined
as the ratio between the transmission of the direct beam (TRock , as measured on the main detector)
and the overall transmission of the direct beam and scattering pattern (TWide , as measured on the
transmission detector) and it can also be theoretically estimated. The definitions of these three values
are given in the Equations (5)–(7). Equation (8) was used for the theoretical estimation where Φ
is the volume fraction of particles, (∆SLD ) is the neutron contrast between the particles, SLD particle ,
and the liquid, SLDsolvent , whose definition is given in the Equations (9) and (10); D is the diameter of
the particle, L is the sample thickness, ΦH2 O is the volume fraction of H2 O, and ΦD2 O is the volume
fraction of D2 O. As a guide, the ideal value for TSAS is above 0.9 (90%) [39]. A TSAS value well above
0.9 indicates that the scattering signal is rather weak for USANS with a reduced probability of multiple
scattering, while a decrease in a TSAS value below 0.9 indicates that there is an increased probability
of multiple scattering. The TSAS value can be a very useful tool as a guide to the expected degree of
multiple scattering [38–40]. Note however, that the effect of multiple scattering on scattering curves is
q-dependent (see discussion below), and a higher degree of multiple scattering can be tolerated if the
scattering curves do not show sharp features even in the single scattering regime.
In this study, we also used TSAS values to discuss the effect of multiple scattering in two different
geometries (i.e., flat cell, flow cell), and consequentially different path-lengths, under different solid
concentrations, and H2 O/D2 O ratios, coupling with changes in the scattering intensity.

TSAS,exp = (5)

Isample(direct beam)
TRock = (6)
Iempty cell (direct beam)
Isample(direct beam plus scattering pattern)
TWide = (7)
Iempty cell (direct beam plus scattering pattern)
3 2 Φ (1− Φ )(∆ 2
TSAS,est = e−( 4 λ SLD ) DL)

∆SLD = SLD particle − SLDsolvent (9)

SLDsolvent = ΦH2 O SLD H2 O + ΦD2 O SLDD2 O (10)

Table 1 shows the TSAS values with different H2 O/D2 O ratios for a system with 5 and 10 vol %
solid content in the tumbling cell with a thickness of 0.5 mm. Table 1 also shows the theoretically
estimated TSAS values for the same samples, based on Equation (8). The parameter in this Equation
that is not precisely known is the effective particle size D (it is a polydisperse system). This value
was manually adjusted to 2.25 µm to give very good agreement for the TSAS values at all investigated
contrasts for both the 5 vol % and 10 vol % silica sample. This value was also in good agreement with
the average particle size obtained for this sample from laser diffraction (2.4 µm). This good agreement
gave us confidence to use this formula to estimate the optimal H2 O/D2 O ratio for the Couette cell
(thickness = 1 mm) for rheo-SANS (see Table 1). The nominal/path-length thickness of the flow cell is
close to 1 mm, double of the tumbling cell thickness (0.5 mm).
Colloids Interfaces 2018, 2, 37 8 of 13

Table 1. Scattering length density (SLD) and TSAS values experimentally determined (TSAS,exp ) at 5 vol % SiO2 and 10 vol % SiO2 at pH 10 with 0.5 mm path length,
respectively. Also shown are the corresponding calculated values TSAS, est for the thickness of 0.5 mm and 1 mm, using Equation (8) *.

Flat cell Flow cell

vol.% T sas, exp T sas,est T sas, exp
SLD(ave) , Å−2
H2 O/D2 O 5 vol.% SiO2 10 vol.% SiO2 5 vol.% SiO2 10 vol.% SiO2 5 vol.% SiO2 10 vol.% SiO2
5 vol.% SiO2 10 vol.% SiO2
in 0.5 mm in 0.5 mm in 0.5 mm in 0.5 mm in 1 mm in 1 mm
30/70 4.31 × 10−6 101% 100% 100% 99% 99% 99%
40/60 3.62 × 10−6 98% 92% 98% 96% 96% 92% 100% 92%
50/50 2.94 × 10−6 83% 74% 88% 79% 78% 63%
60/40 2.25 × 10−6 64% 57% 73% 56% 54% 31%
70/30 1.56 × 10−6 51% 33% 56% 33% 31% 11%
* The calculations are based on the literature value for the SLD of silica particles, and the particle size was used as an adjustable parameter to get good agreement between the experimental
and calculated values. It was fixed to 2.25 µm (close to the experimentally measured value of 2.4 µm by laser diffraction). The error in experimental TSAS values is estimated to be about 4%.
Colloids Interfaces 2018, 2, 37 9 of 13
Colloids Interfaces 2018, 2, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 12

The experimentallydetermineddeterminedTsas Tsas values
values werewere also
also plotted
plotted in Figures
in Figures 2b and
2b and 3b (blue
3b (blue stars)stars)
in order to investigate their correlation with the scattering intensity
order to investigate their correlation with the scattering intensity as a function of vol % H2O as a function of vol % H 2 Oinin
2 O/D 2O.2 O.It It
can canbebenoticed
the55vol vol%%silica
silica particle suspensions TTsas
particle suspensions valuesabove
sasvalues above60% 60%
maintained good linearity on the square scattering intensity
maintained good linearity on the square scattering intensity until 60 vol % H2O2 in H2O/D until 60 vol % H O in H O/D O
2 2O 2ratio atratio
at the lowest q range plotted (1 −4×A10 −4 A−1 ), showing only a negligible effect of multiple scattering
the lowest q range plotted (1 × 10 −1), showing only a negligible effect of multiple scattering (Figure
2b). At 10 2b).
volAt % 10 volparticle
silica % silicasuspensions,
particle suspensions,
above 70% above 70% Tmaintained
Tsas value sas value maintained
the linearity, theuplinearity,
to 50
up to 50 vol % H O/D O ratio (Figure 3b). On the other hand, for the higher q ranges (2.6 × 10 −4 A−1 ,
vol % H2O/D2O ratio 2 (Figure
2 3b). On the other hand, for the higher q ranges (2.6 × 10 A , 6.7 × 10 −4 −1 −4
− 4 − 1
A6.7 10 was
there A no ), there was no
deviation fromdeviation from for
the linearity thethelinearity
both 5for and the
vol %5 and
silica 10particle
vol % silica particle
suspension, indicating that the effect of multiple scattering present in
indicating that the effect of multiple scattering present in those systems is minimal (if not absent) those systems is minimal (if not
absent) with
with these q ranges. these q ranges.
Based onthese
vol%%HH2O 2 Owaswasselected
selectedfor forthe
SAS,est = 96% and 92.5% at 1 mm path length for the 5 vol % and 10 vol % sample, see Table 1)Table
= 96% and 92.5% at 1 mm path length for the 5 vol % and 10 vol % sample, see while1)
while optimizing the scattered intensity. Figure 4 shows the
optimizing the scattered intensity. Figure 4 shows the scattering curve comparison between the scattering curve comparison between
the measurements
measurements using using
a flata cell
flat with
cell with tumbling
tumbling motionmotionandand the the Couette
Couette geometry
geometry for for rheo-USANS
rheo-USANS at
at a shear rate of 500 s −1 . This shear rate was selected as it is well above the minimum rate that
a shear rate of 500 s . This shear rate was selected as it is well above the minimum rate that ensured

good gooddispersion
particle particle dispersion
during the during the measurement
measurement for comparison
for comparison with the with the tumbling
tumbling flatThe
flat cell. cell.
The viscosity of the suspension was measured at increasing constant
viscosity of the suspension was measured at increasing constant shear rates for a fixed period of time shear rates for a fixed period of
time (peak hold test). The minimum shear rate to maintain a constant
(peak hold test). The minimum shear rate to maintain a constant viscosity was determined and higher viscosity was determined and
higher shear −1
shear rate thanrate thethan the minimum
minimum was tested was(500 tested
s−1).(500 s ).

measurementsusing usingaaflat
and Couette geometry for rheo-USANS at 500 s
and Couette geometry for rheo-USANS at 500 s shear rate. (a) 5 vol % SiO2 , 402O
−1 shear
− 1 rate. (a) 5 vol % SiO 2, 40 vol % H in %
vol H2O/D
H2 O2O
H2 O/DpH10; (b) 10 vol % SiO2, 40 vol % H2O in H2O/D2O ratio, pH10.
2 O ratio, pH10; (b) 10 vol % SiO2 , 40 vol % H2 O in H2 O/D2 O ratio, pH10.

canbe beseen
agreement,for forthe
betweenthe theshape
shapeof ofthe
samplein inthe
500ss−1−, 1measured
500 , measured independently.
independently.The Thethickness
chosentotobe be11mmmmand andthethegood
agreementin inthe
intensityto tothe
datain intumbling
curvatureof ofthe
significantto toincrease
valueof ofthe
significantly.At At1010vol
4b),we weobserved
deviate atat low
low qq between
between these
these twotwo scenarios. The
The experimental TSAS SAS values
the55 volvol %% and
and 10 vol % silica
silica sample,
sample, Table
samples should
should notnot
inin a range,where
a range, wheremultiple
pronounced. We We therefore conclude that that this
the1010vol vol% %sample
causedby bythe
Couetteshear sheargives
motion.In Inother
present inin the
the rheometer.
Table 2 shows the TSAS values determined at different experimental conditions, such as
solid/particle concentration, pH, and shear rate. Regardless of the experimental conditions varied,

Colloids Interfaces 2018, 2, x; doi: FOR PEER REVIEW

Colloids Interfaces 2018, 2, 37 10 of 13

Table 2 shows the TSAS values determined at different experimental conditions, such as
solid/particle concentration, pH, and shear rate. Regardless of the experimental conditions varied,
TSAS values were generally high enough (>90%) to reduce multiple scattering effects. For higher silica
concentration at 20 and 40 vol %, we anticipated even more multiple scattering than 5 and 10 vol % (if
we do not apply contrast variation). Thus, we selected slightly less H2 O vol %—i.e., 37—compared
with the value suggested (40 vol % H2 O) for less silica vol %. This yielded high TSAS values in general,
i.e., minimization of effects of multiple scattering.
There is a slight decrease in Tsas values with increasing the shear rate. It indicates the presence
of slightly more scattering that can be explained by the structural effects due to shear thickening
behavior of concentrated silica suspensions forming particle clustering [30]. Small degree of thickening
(i.e., small increase in viscosity) observed during the shear tests can explain the small change in Tsas
value. Thus, samples showing significant thickening behavior could largely reduce the Tsas value that
should be experimentally evaluated. Studying the effects of changes in particle/aggregate structure on
multiple scattering effects with the application of contrast variation can be a good future study topic in
this field.
Anovitz and Cole 2015 [11] reported that the thickness required for minimizing multiple scattering
effects and having TSAS value of higher than 90% is approximately below 0.15 mm without contrast
variation. In comparison, our sample thicknesses were 0.5 mm in a flat cell and 1 mm in a rheo-cell
that is up to the factor of 7 and still achieved minimizing multiple scattering effects, shown by TSAS
values higher than 90%.

Table 2. TSAS values experimentally determined from rheo-USANS measurements. The error in
experimental TSAS values is estimated to be about 4%.

SiO2 vol.% H2 O% pH Shear rate (s−1 ) T (SAS)exp

250 102%
5 40 10 500 101%
1000 102%
250 94%
10 40 10 500 92%
1000 90%
500 98%
5 40 2
1000 99%
500 96%
10 40 2
1000 97%
500 98%
20 37 10 1000 97%
2000 94%
500 96%
20 37 2 1000 92%
2000 91%
5 94%
50 95%
40 37 2
500 95%
1000 77%
50 99%
500 99%
40 37 10
1000 100%
2000 99%
Colloids Interfaces 2018, 2, 37 11 of 13

4. Conclusions
The effect of H2 O/D2 O ratio was studied in terms of the scattering intensity and transmission
at different q values in order to further understand and reduce multiple scattering effects that can
be present in concentrated colloidal particle suspensions and maintain strong enough scattering
signals. We used two different sample geometries (i.e., flat cell,√rheo-cell) with different silica vol %,
and identified the changes in the square of scattering intensity
√ ( I) and transmission of silica particle
suspensions. In general, the deviations of the linearity of I, i.e., indication of multiple scattering only
observed at low q, well correlated with the decrease in the transmission that were evaluated by TSAS
values. The comparison between the experimentally determined and theoretically calculated TSAS
values showed good agreement. Thus, theoretical calculations were also applied to estimate the TSAS
values in different sample thickness and the selection of H2 O/D2 O ratio for rheo-USANS experiments.
It was found that H2 O/D2 O contrast variation is a good method to achieve the objectives of reducing
multiple scattering effects of colloidal particle suspensions for both ultra-small-angle neutron scattering
(USANS) and rheo-USANS experiments even for highly concentrated silica suspensions up to 40 vol %.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.O. and C.J.G.; Formal analysis, A.O. and L.d.C.; Funding acquisition,
A.O.; Investigation, A.O. and L.d.C.; Methodology, A.O., L.d.C., C.J.G. and C.R.; Project administration, A.O.;
Resources, A.O.; Supervision, A.O.; Validation, A.O., L.d.C., C.J.G. and C.R.; Visualization, A.O. and L.d.C.;
Writing—original draft, A.O.; Writing–review & editing, A.O., L.d.C., C.J.G. and C.R.
Funding: Akira Otsuki would like to acknowledge the support for his travel to perform neutron scattering
experiments at ANSTO from the scientific mobility program between France and Australia as well as the
Observatoire Terre Environnement Lorraine (OTELo).
Acknowledgments: We acknowledge support of the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering (ACNS) at the
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), in providing the neutron research facilities
used in this work.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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