Stakeholders in Security Policy Development: December 2011

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Stakeholders in security policy development

Conference Paper · December 2011


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3 authors:

Sean B. Maynard Anthonie Bastiaan Ruighaver

University of Melbourne 56 PUBLICATIONS   664 CITATIONS   

Atif Ahmad
University of Melbourne


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Stakeholders in Security Policy Development
S. B. Maynard a, A. B. Ruighaver b, A. Ahmad c
Department of Information Systems, The University of Melbourne, Victoria, 3010
School of Information Systems, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

The Information Security Policy (ISP) of an organisation is expected to specify for employees their behaviour
towards security, and the security ethos of the organisation. However, there are a wide range of opinions and
expertise that should be considered by organisations when developing an ISP. This paper aims to identify the
stakeholders that should be utilised in an ISP development process and how this may differ based on
organisational size. The research identifies from literature nine stakeholder roles that are suggested to be
required in an ISP development process. Contextual interviews are then used to validate these nine stakeholder
roles from a practical perspective.

Security Policy, Stakeholders, Information Security Management

Organisations are continually having to protect themselves from a myriad of security threats which have been
shown to be on the increase (Dhillon 2007). Hu et al. (2007) suggest that an organisation, whilst having
technical security controls, needs to also have good managerial practices regarding security, in particular having
a good information security policy (ISP). “Undoubtedly the singularly most important of these controls is the
information security policy” (Hone & Eloff 2002, p.402). An ISP defines how information and related assets of
an organisation are protected from various threats that may impact on the accuracy, availability, integrity and
confidentiality of an organizations’ information (Doherty et al. 2009).
One of the concepts of ISP development that is generally agreed upon by researchers is the need to involve
multiple perspectives (Warman 1992; Szuba 1998; Swanson 1998; Dhillon & Torkzadeh 2001; Tudor 2001).
Having multiple stakeholders involved in ISP development will help to produce a more balanced policy that will
be applicable to the diverse stakeholders of the organisation, whilst still defining the security agenda of the
Given the importance of ISP to an organisation and that multiple stakeholders should be involved in policy
development; two questions arise a) which stakeholders should be involved in development and b) when should
stakeholders be involved with development. This research aims at answering only the first of these questions:
which stakeholders should be involved in development. The second question will be dealt with in future
In order to determine which stakeholders should be involved in ISP development a conceptual review of the
literature was undertaken. This was followed up by a number of contextual interviews with information security
experts to determine a practical perspective. This research reports on these procedures.

The purpose of this paper is to investigate which stakeholders in organisations should be involved with the ISP
development process. Initially a conceptual study was undertaken that identified nine stakeholder roles that are
discussed extensively in the literature. Next, a series of contextual interviews (as defined by Holtzblatt et al.
2005) were undertaken to determine which stakeholders practitioner experts thought were important in ISP
Experts were selected for this study based on the amount of experience they had in information security and in
particular whether they conducted ISP development. Identification of experts was obtained through contacts
provided by colleagues and through calling organisations to talk to information security managers. The full
process for this was to identify a security expert, to then make telephone contact, ascertain their suitability and
interest and to then conduct an interview. All interviews were recorded digitally, were transcribed and analysed
to gain an insight of their perceptions regarding stakeholder roles in policy development. The interview process
was conducted until saturation was reached. Table 1 summarises the experts interviewed.
Table 1: Contextual Interview Experts
Interviewee Job Title Industry Sector Years of Security Experience
Fred Manager IT Security Supply Chain 5 years
Greg Security Analyst Supply Chain 4 years
Hilda Security Specialist Automotive 7+ years
Inga Security Manager Financial Services 4 years

Participants were asked two main open ended questions: “How are ISPs developed in your organisation,
including who is involved with the development?” and “Which stakeholders should be involved with the
development, implementation and evaluation of security policies?”. The second question was asked later in the
interview, and elicited similar stakeholders to those previously identified in their description of policy
In the following section each of the stakeholder roles will be described, and the results of the contextual
interviews will be presented.


In ISP development research, a number of different stakeholders have been suggested. These are summarised in
Table 2. This table contains two columns; the first column gives a synonym for the stakeholder type and the
second column list the stakeholders of that type. In this section the stakeholder roles will be discussed in detail
and the results of the contextual interviews will be presented.
Table 2: Stakeholder roles suggested in the literature
Synonym Stakeholder
Executive Management Top Management (Abrams & Bailey 1995)
Managers (Baskerville 1988; Leinfuss 1996; Szuba 1998; Tudor 2001)
Senior Management (Henderson 1996; State of Oregon 1998; Woodward 2000)
Corporate (Robinson 1997)
Business Unit Group Management (Warman 1992)
Representatives Business Units (Anderson Consulting 1999)
System Owner (Baskerville 1988; Swanson 1998)
Resource Owner (Tudor 2001)
Information Owner (Swanson 1998)
Data Providers (Szuba 1998)
Junior Management (Warman 1992)
User Community End Users (Baskerville 1988; Warman 1992; Leinfuss 1996; Swanson 1998)
Computer Users (Abrams & Bailey 1995)
User Community (Robinson 1997)
Data Entry Staff (Szuba 1998)
Data Processors (Szuba 1998)
Information Collectors (Szuba 1998)
User Groups (Diver 2007)
Human Resources Human Resources (Anderson Consulting 1999; Diver 2007)
ICT Specialists Technical Computer Specialists (Warman 1992)
System Designer (Baskerville 1988)
IT People (Robinson 1997)
System Administrator (Swanson 1998)
IS Professionals (Anderson Consulting 1999)
IT Department (Woodward 2000)
Technical Writers (Diver 2007)
Technical Personnel (Diver 2007)
External External Consultants (Gritzalis 1997)
Representatives Clients (Baskerville 1988)
Legal & Regulatory Legal Department (Robinson 1997)
Legal Counsel (Szuba 1998; Diver 2007)
Legal and Regulatory People (Anderson Consulting 1999)
Industrial Standards and Professional Licensure (Baskerville 1988)
“The State” (Baskerville 1988)
Audit and compliance (Diver 2007)
Security Specialists System Security Manager (Swanson 1998)
Synonym Stakeholder
Security People (Anderson Consulting 1999)
Information Security Team (Diver 2007)
Public Relations Public Relations (Anderson Consulting 1999)

From Table 2 it can be seen that many researchers discuss which personnel should be involved with the
development of ISP (Warman 1992; Szuba 1998; Swanson 1998; Dhillon & Torkzadeh 2001; Tudor 2001), or
the stakeholders who should be involved with security in general (Baskerville 1988). Each stakeholder role may
have involvement with ISP development at different levels, at different times and may have differing opinions
about the policy. Thus, it is important to include all possible stakeholders in the development process. It is
important to note here, that these are stakeholder roles, as opposed to jobs, and as such a particular individual
may take on more than one role. For instance in a small organisation a single IT manager may be employed and
it would be likely that they would take on the roles of ICT Specialist and Security Specialist during the ISP
development lifecycle.

3.1 User Community

The User Community for any organisation consists of individuals (and groups of individuals) who carry out a
variety of diverse functions. ISP literature tends to group the User Community under a number of banners, the
most popular being “end users” (Baskerville 1988; Warman 1992; Leinfuss 1996; Swanson 1998). Other terms
used in the security literature include Computer Users (Abrams & Bailey 1995), User Community (Robinson
1997; Diver 2007), Data Entry Staff, Data Processors and Information Collectors (Szuba 1998).
Robinson (1997) and Diver (2007) suggest that the User Community needs to be represented well in the
development effort to ensure that the multidisciplinary nature of organisations is intrinsically integrated in the
ISP. Furthermore, Szuba (1998) suggests that having involvement of the User Community in the development
process results in “buy-in” in the development process creating a sense of ownership of the ISP. Diver also
states “it can be useful to work with users to determine how successful current security policy is, and thereby
determine how the policy may need to be changed to make it more usable for your target audiences” (Diver
2007, p. 17).
Whatever the concerns of the users may be, the consensus in the literature is that end user, or User Community
consideration in the ISP development process is extremely important for a number of reasons, including the fact
that so many security incidents are caused, intentionally or unintentionally, by employees within the organisation
(Baskerville 1988; Warman 1992; Leinfuss 1996).

3.2 Legal & Regulatory

One of the main compelling reasons that organisations have for developing ISP is to mitigate the various security
risks that the organisations faces (Doherty et al. 2009). Essentially they are protecting themselves from people
who want to exploit its resources and who, in doing so, may break laws, or perhaps act inappropriately in the
organisations eyes. As a result, many organisations obtain legal advice to ensure that their policy is a legally
binding document (Robinson 1997; Szuba 1998) and is enforceable (Diver 2007). Furthermore, regulatory
requirements of the State (Baskerville 1988), or of industry bodies (Anderson Consulting 1999) must be adhered
to and this may need to be reflected in the policy. For example many countries have introduced legislation
aimed at protecting the privacy of individuals, or to attempt to make spam mail illegal. For these reasons, the
inclusion of Legal & Regulatory personnel in the ISP development process is paramount.

3.3 ICT Specialists

The ICT Specialist is usually one of the driving forces of the ISP development process. As a result, the ICT
Specialist role is highly represented in the ISP development literature. In practice the ICT Specialist may come
from a number of varying roles dealing with the management of an organisation’s computing infrastructure.
These roles include (but are not limited to) Technical Computer Specialists (Warman 1992; Diver 2007), the
System Designer (Baskerville 1988), IT Specialists (Robinson 1997), the System Administrator (Swanson 1998),
IS Professionals (Anderson Consulting 1999), IT Department personnel (Woodward 2000).
The use of one or more these stakeholders in the development is critical as they have technical knowledge of the
systems that the ISP is being designed to protect as well as security knowledge of these systems (Robinson 1997;
Swanson 1998; Anderson Consulting 1999; Diver 2007). Traditionally, security policies tend to be developed
from the bottom up, and this process is usually driven from the IT area of the organisation. As such, policies
developed in this manner tend to have a very technical focus, rather than a focus on the organisation as a whole.
Woodward (2000) found that problems occur if the development process is purely driven from the IT
Department. These problems occur as the views of security within the IT department may differ from those of
management or other stakeholder roles. Warman (1992) shares this view and found that technical computer
specialists, whilst actively involved in the development process, should not be the only driving force being the
development of policy. Including other stakeholders in the development and quality assessment process should
reduce the impact that ICT Specialists have on the overall development, use and evaluation of the organisations

3.4 Security Specialists

The Security Specialist role within an organisation has often been played by someone in IT as an adjunct to their
main organisational role. More frequently, however, medium to large organisations are employing people in
roles focusing on protecting the organisation’s information, and on the development of security policies. The
use of people in these roles in the ISP development process ranges from the management of the complete
process, through to consulting them for ideas and advice regarding security initiatives. This stakeholder role
should be intimately familiar with security matters, but may not know about the full inner workings of the
computer systems and communications within the organisation. Often this stakeholder will be placed in charge
of the ISP development process (Diver 2007).

3.5 Human Resources

In an ISP development lifecycle Human Resource involvement is paramount to ensure that the policy meets
standard organisational practices. The focus of Human Resources will be on the consistency of the ISP with the
organisational standards, equity of the policy and on training. They will ensure that the process includes a duty
of care to ensure that all employees are aware of the ISP and understand how the policy may affect them.
Anderson Consulting (1999) suggests that Human Resources will be involved in the development process to
ensure that adequate communication channels throughout the organisation are formed to communicate the ISP
and to ensure that employees can “comment” on the policies if necessary. Also, issues such as changes to job
descriptions, motivation, training and policy enforcement, or policing, will be important roles for Human
Resource representatives to be involved with throughout the lifecycle of the ISP.

3.6 Executive Management

As with any initiative at the strategic level it is important to involve senior management in that initiative for it to
succeed. In particular, in ISP development the involvement of senior management is a key success factor in the
development and implementation of policy (Kadam 2007). Woodward (2000) states that the impetus for ISP
must come from senior management. This is also echoed by many other researchers who state that corporate
management must be involved in policy development (Baskerville 1988; Leinfuss 1996; Robinson 1997; Szuba
1998; Tudor 2001). This is further emphasized in terms of the success of development: “Successful
implementation of a meaningful information security program rests with the support of top management” (State
of Oregon 1998).

3.7 Business Unit Representatives

At the business unit level of an organisation the ownership of systems and information are often defined. Tutor
(2001) states that the resource owner needs to be involved in ISP development as they best understand the
resources being protected. Swanson (1998) concurs, stating that information owners must be involved in the
development as they are responsible for ensuring that security for their information is effective. In many cases
though, the owner of the information or the system is simply assumed to be involved with policy development
(Baskerville 1988).
In addition to information owners, other business unit managers may also be involved in policy development.
Warman (1992) found that junior managers, with responsibility for functional areas were significantly involved
with policy development as they were required to support implementation and usage of the developed policy.
Anderson Consulting (1999) also suggests that managers at the business unit level must be involved with policy
development to ensure successful implementation, use and ongoing functionality of the policy within
3.8 Public Relations
An interesting stakeholder role that organisations are beginning to involve in the ISP development process is the
Public Relations group within the organisation (Anderson Consulting 1999). As security becomes more of an
issue for an organisation the Public Relations stakeholders need to show the public that the organisation is
committed to security. This is extremely important if the organisation has a security incident. It is expected that
this stakeholder role will only be present within large organisations.

3.9 External Representatives

In many cases for organisations it may be necessary on occasion to involve other people not mentioned
previously. For instance, for some organisations it may be necessary to involve customers, suppliers and other
external entities. Baskerville (1988) suggests that outside clients who are dependent on organisations systems
should be involved in ISP development. Also, where there are strong strategic links between organisations the
second organisation may need to be consulted in ISP development. For instance a major retailer might develop a
policy which may impact all their suppliers who are directly linked to the retailer‘s computer systems for order
procurement, warehousing and distribution. Failure to consult with their suppliers may cause problems in
ongoing strategic relationships between the organisations (Bowersox et al. 2002).

3.10 Summary of Stakeholders and Expert Interview Outcomes

As previously mentioned, in the contextual interviews, interviewees were asked two main open ended questions:
“How are ISPs developed in your organisation, including who is involved with the development?” and “Which
stakeholders should be involved with the development, implementation and evaluation of security policies?”. In
answering the first question, all experts identified a number of stakeholders as having a stake in development.
Subsequently, later in the interviews when experts were asked the second main question, a similar group of
stakeholders were identified, as shown in Table 3, which were similar to those previously identified from the
first question. Stakeholder roles as we have used them are shown in brackets in Table 3.
Table 3: Contextual Interview Identified Stakeholders
Expert Identified Stakeholders
Fred Business Representatives (Business Unit Representatives)
Human Resources (Human Resources)
IT Staff (ICT Specialists)
Legal Representatives (Legal and Regulatory)
Security Manager (Security Specialists)
Senior Management (Executive Management)
Greg Chief Technical Officer (Executive-Management)
Corporate public affairs (Public Relations)
Human Resources (Human Resources)
Legal services group (Legal and Regulatory)
Privacy officer (ICT Specialist – job to ensure IT was aligned with privacy legislation)
Representative sample of users (User Community)
Security Manager (Security Specialists)
Senior Business stakeholders (Business Unit Representatives)
Senior executive (Executive Management)
Some operations level staff across several areas (User Community)
Hilda Application business owners (Business Unit Representatives)
External consultants (External Representatives)
Internal control - legal, public relations (Public Relations, Legal and Regulatory)
Personnel Department (Human Resources)
Security and Network Specialist (Security Specialists)
Systems / IT Management (ICT Specialist)
Users (User Community)
Inga IT specialists (ICT Specialist)
Security Manager (Security Specialists)
Business unit heads (Business Unit Representatives)
Senior Executive (Executive Management)
Human Resources (Human Resources)
External Auditor (External Representatives)

Table 4 shows which stakeholder roles identified in the literature are also identified by experts as important to
consult in the development and quality assessment of the ISP. As can been seen in Table 4, the ICT Specialist,
Security Specialist, Business Unit Representative, Human Resource and Executive Management roles were
identified by all of the security experts as being required to be involved in the development and quality
assessment process. Fred states that senior management must be consulted “so they understand what we are
trying to do, not only in IT, but in other areas corporate wide”. This is in general agreement with the other
Table 4: Identified Stakeholder Roles by Expert
Stakeholder Role Fred Greg Hilda Inga
Business Unit Representatives    
Executive Management    
Human Resources    
ICT Specialists    
Security Specialists    
Legal & Regulatory   
Public Relations   
User Community  
External Representatives  

Two of the stakeholders were not identified by one of the experts: Legal and Regulatory and Public Relations.
This may be because Inga’s organisation did not have these areas involved with the process, possibly due to the
“newness” of having a policy within the organisation as their policies were only 11 months old.
The External Representatives and User Community were only identified by two experts each. In the case of the
User Community, Inga is of the opinion that they, in large, shouldn’t have a say in the policy; “no input from
users is requested. Not every employee gets a chance to say if they do or don’t agree [with policy]”. Fred
stated that users are not consulted, and communication and enforcement of the policy is left for line managers to
indoctrinate their employees. External Representatives were identified by two experts (Hilda: External
Consultant, Inga: External Auditor). The other two experts did not see the need to have this in their current area
of responsibility.


The contextual interviews did not identify any additional stakeholders over those described in the literature. One
major finding of this research was the recognition of the importance of the External Representative, Public
Relations and Human Resources stakeholders by the expert interviewees. These three stakeholder groups were
under represented in the literature and this research strengthened their inclusion in the research model.
Furthermore, the experts identified that the External Representative stakeholder, as expected, was used in
differing ways as it is aimed at the external interface to the ISP and may include auditors and consultants used
for various aspects around security. Additionally, there was no evidence indicating that any of the identified
stakeholder roles should be removed.
It is clear that in medium to large organisations all nine of these stakeholder roles are likely to be present, being
represented by one or more individuals, who would be involved in the ISP lifecycle within the organisation.
However, in smaller organisations due to the size of the organisation, individuals would be more likely to be
involved in more than one stakeholder role and some stakeholder roles may be outsourced. To adequately
develop an ISP as many roles as possible should be included in the development process. This will provide a
comprehensive perspective of all stakeholders on the development of the ISP.
This research has identified and has confirmed with practitioners the stakeholder roles that should be included in
an ISP development lifecycle. As such organisations have a clear understanding of just who should be involved
in ISP development, which allows them to ensure that a range of stakeholders are available help to define ISP.
One of the benefits of the inclusion of multiple stakeholders in the policy development process is that these
stakeholders become advocates for the policy. This should result in ISP’s that are more acceptable to workers in
the organisation, especially as a sense of ownership is given by including the variety of stakeholder as specified
in this paper in the development.
What this research does not yet do is to specify how and where these stakeholders are involved in policy
development. Future work will use case studies to help to understand what involvement each of the stakeholder
roles has in ISP development and to determine at what stages of development this involvement will take place.
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