What Is Online Learning (Question)
What Is Online Learning (Question)
What Is Online Learning (Question)
In a traditional classroom, you often learn by listening, reading, writing, and doing other activities
designed by your instructor. Online courses are different because you are not in the same location as
your instructor or the other students. In fact, you probably will never meet your instructor or fellow
students in person.
2) What are the key factors for making an online course effective?
Answer: When we talk about online courses, it is essential to distinguish
what type of online courses we are considering. The big dividing line is
between credit-bearing online courses offered as part of a degree program
and noncredit online courses that result in a certificate or other
nontraditional credential.
In general, although this is changing, credit-bearing online courses tend to
mirror the size and costs of residential (face-to-face) courses. Noncredit
online courses can enroll many more learners (sometimes in the hundreds
of thousands, but usually much less) and are often (although not always)
considerably less expensive.
For either online course scenario, credit-bearing or noncredit, what is most
important is that the design of the online course achieves its goals. To
judge success, we need to know what job the learner is hiring that course
to accomplish. These goals will be different between and within various
credit-bearing and noncredit online courses.
If I had to pick one factor that drives online courses' success, I would say
engagement. If a learner is not engaged in the course, their fellow learners,
and the educator leading the course, then the learning will not occur.