Olympic Games

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Part I
І. Read the words:
[ ] name, favourite, later, game, became, skating
[s] stop, sport, sent, skating
[s] central, city,
[ k ] competitions, committee, country
[ ] game, Greece, governing
[ ] running, jumping, curling, skating, skiing

ІІ. Study the meaning and use of the new words in the following examples:

favourite (Br), favorite (Am) [’feIv(ə)rI t] – улюблений. My favourite kind of sport is swimming.
Agatha Christie is my favourite writer from the Great Britain.
B.C. [‘bi: ‘si: ] – до нашої ери: The Olympic Games began in 776 B.C. in Greece.
А.D. [‘ei ‘di:] - нашої ери: Greece lost its freedom in 394 AD.
Event [I ’vent] - вид спорту: The program of the Olympic Games includes many events. Football and
hockey are the most popular events of the summer and winter games.
Abolish [ə’bolI ]- відміняти: In 394 A.D. the Games were abolished.

III. Read the text:


The Olympic Games have a very long history. They began in 776 B.C. in Greece and took place
every four years for nearly, twelve centuries at Olympia. They included many different kinds of sports:
running, jumping, wrestling, etc. All the cities in Greece sent their best athletes to Olympia to compete in
the Games. For the period of the Games all the wars stopped. So the Olympic Games became the symbol
of peace and friendship. In 394 A.D. the Games were abolished and were not renewed until many
centuries later. In 1894, a Frenchman, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, addressed all the sports governing
bodies and pointed out the significance of sports and its educational value.
Two years later the first modern Olympic Games took place. Of course, the competitions were held
in Greece to symbolize the continuation of the centuries-old tradition.
In 1896 the International Olympic Committee was set up. It is the central body of the Olympic
movement. It is formed by the representatives of all countries, which take part in the Olympic Games.
Summer and Winter Games are held separately.

IV. Answer the following questions:

1. Have the Olympic Games a very long history?

2. When did the Olympic Games begin?
3. Where did the Olympic Games begin?
4. How often did the Olympic Games take place?
5. For the period of the Games all the wars stopped, didn’t they?
6. When were modern Olympic Games renewed?
7. What summer kinds of sport do you know?
8. What winter kinds of sport do you know?

V. Перекладіть наступні речення:

1. Олімпійські ігри мають дуже давню історію.

2. Олімпійські ігри розпочалися у 776 р. До н.е. у Греції і проводилися в Олімпії кожні чотири
3. Усі міста Греції посилали своїх кращих атлетів в Олімпію для участі у змаганнях.
4. На час проведення ігор усі війни припинялися.
5. Олімпійські ігри стали символом миру і дружби.
6. Літні й Зимові Олімпійські ігри проводяться окремо


1. Read the text.

All kinds of physical exercises are very helpful to make our bodies strong. If you do daily exercises
regularly you will have good health and won’t catch cold. That’s why everybody must go in for sport or
sport games.
There are some popular kinds of sport in our country: football, volleyball, hockey, gymnastics,
athletics, skiing, skating. Some people like boxing or wrestling, others prefer 2alisthenics or figure
skating. Everybody may choose the sport he (or she) is interested in.
My favourite kind of sport is swimming. I have been swimming since I was seven years old, and the
more I swim, the more I like it. I think that swimming is the most useful kind of physical exercises,
because it trains all the muscles of the body and develops your lungs, makes you feel refreshed and have a
good posture. Swimming is a very pleasant kind of sport. In summer you can swim when you have a rest
near the sea, the river or the lake.
In winter you may go to the swimming-pool. I don’t stop swimming all the year round. Of course I
like also skiing and skating, diving and rowing. Sometimes I play tennis and volleyball with my friends.
But I like to swim best of all, because swimming makes us healthy and strong.

2. Розкажіть про свій улюблений вид спорту.


Part II

I. Read the following words:

[ n] know, knife, knowledge, knew, knock;

[ ] hour, honest, honour;
[ ] each, peace, achieve, compete, Greece;
[ ] game, race, later, day, fame;
[ ] friendly, city, country, colony, many

II. Study the meaning and use of the new words in the following examples:

race [reIs]- змагання з бігу: The program included only one event, a race round the park.
measure ['mе ə] – міра, вимірювати: Time was measured by the four- year period between
the games. We can measure this distance by metres.

III. a) Say what sports competitions you know include many events.
b)Say how we measure time and distance.
Example: We measure time by.. .
c)Say what races big sports competitions include.
Example: They include the 100-metre race, the 10,000-metre race.

VI. Guess the meaning of the following words:

Greece [gri:s] physical ['fizIkəl]
interval ['Intəvəl] culture ['k l ə]
stadium ['steIdjəm] festival ['festIvəl]
discus ['dIskəs] to result [rI'z lt]
boxing ['boksI ] cycle [saIkl]
religious [rI'lI əz] committee [ka'miti]
olympiad [ou' lImpIæd]
Athens [æ'θənz] Helsinki ['helsI kI]
St. Louis [sən'lu:is] Melbourne ['melbən]
Stockholm ['stokhoum] Rome [roum]
Antwerp [ 'æntwə:p] Tokyo [ 'toukIou]
Amsterdam ['æmstədæm] Mexico City ['meksIkou 'sItI]
Los Angeles [los'ægen ələs] Munich ['mju:nIk]
Berlin [bə:'lIn] Montreal [,montri'o:l]

V. Read the sentences, pay attention to the meanings of the verb “ to be”:
1. It is a very old tradition in the world of sports. It is not known how the Olympic Games began. 2.
The Olympic Games were very important to all the cities. They were held every four years. 3. At first
there was only one event. Later other events were added. 4. At that time there were many wars. But all
wars were stopped or the Olympic Games.
VI. Read the sentences, translate the italicized words:
1. The young workers of this factory built a new football field in their free time. Many boys come to
the field built by the young workers. 2. Physical culture played an important role in their life. They
discussed the role played by physical culture in the life of ancient Greece. 3. They held a festival of
sports. The festival of sports held in the summer was a success.

VII. See whether you can translate the following sentences correctly:
1. The program, including the religious ceremonies, lasted seveji days.
2. The greatest honour that could be achieved by any Greek waj to become a winner in the games.
3. He believed that nothing but good could result if athlete! from all countries of the world got

VIII. Read the text.


The Olympic Games are a very old tradition in the world sports. It is not known how the Olympic
Games began. But it is known that the ancient games began in 776 В. C. in Greece. They were held at
four-year intervals until the year 394 A. D. when Greece had lost its freedom.
All the cities in Greece sent their best athletes to the city of Olympus, to compete in the games. At first
the program lasted only one day and included one event, a race round the stadium. Later other races, the
discus throw, the long jump, boxing and other events were added. The program, including the religious
ceremonies, lasted seven days. Only Greeks were allowed to compete in the games, but competitors came
from all the Greek colonies. Women were not allowed to compete or watch the games. All wars were
stopped, so that competitors could travel to the games without danger. The games played such an
important role in the life of Greece that time was measured by the four-year interval between them - an
"Olympiad". The greatest honour that could be achieved by any Greek was to become a winner in the
games. The Olympic Games were very important to all the cities. They helped the cities to know each
other and to understand each other. That is why the Olympic tradition is a tradition of peace.
It was Pierre de Coubertin* (1853—1937) of France, a well-known scientist, but not an athlete, who
gave the Olympic Games a new life. He decided that one of the reasons for the fame of ancient Greece
was the role played by physical culture and athletic festivals often held at that time. He believed that
nothing but good could result if athletes from all countries of the world got together once every four years
on the friendly fields of sport. He organized an international conference in Paris in 1894 to which nine
countries sent their delegations. In 1896, people of many countries came together and decided to have an
Olympic Games Committee. The members of the Committee decide on the place of the games and the
sports that the athletes will compete in.
The games of the first Olympiad of the modern cycle were held in 1896 in a new stadium built in Athens
for the purpose. After that games were held in Paris (1900), St. Louis (1904), London (1908), Stockholm
(1912), Antwerp (1920), Paris (1924), Amsterdam (1928), Los Angeles (І932), Berlin (1936), London.
(1948), Helsinki (1952), Melbourne (1956), Rome (1960), Tokyo (1964), Mexico City (1968), Munich
(1972), Montreal (1976), Moscow (1980). The games of the VI, XII and XIII Olympiads were not held
because of wars — the First World War in 1916, and the Second World War in 1940 and 1944.
Of course, every country is happy when sportsmen win sports competitions. But they go to the games
not only to win medals. They go there because the Olympic tradition is a tradition of peace and

*Pierre de Coubertin — Пьер де Кубертен, французький вчений, який відродив традицію

Олімпійських ігор.

IX. Find 8 international words in the text and say what they mean in Ukrainian.

X I I. Choosean ending to each sentence that is correct according to the story:
1. Games in ancient Greece were held ...
a) every year,
b) every three years,
c) every four years.
2. At first the program lasted ...
a) a week,
b) two days,
c) one day.
3. The Olympic Games were given a new life by...
a) an athlete,
b) a well-known scientist,
c) an engineer.
4. Pierre de Coubertin believed that nothing but good could result if…
a) French athletes got together every four years,
b) only Greek athletes could take part in the Olympic Games,
c) athletes from all countries of the world got together once every four years.

XI. Answer the following questions:

1. Why were the games important to the ancient cities of Greece?
2. How did Pierre de Coubertin give the Olympic Games a new life?
3. Why is the Olympic tradition important to sportsmen?

1.Напишіть слова в алфавітному порядку:
History, event, game, freedom, year, measure, race, winner, fame, competition, athlete, honour.

2. Створить форму пасивного стану наступних дієслів:

Зразок: a) to measure — to be measured;
b) to tell — to be told.
а) to add, to allow, to stop, to achieve, to play;
b) to know, to hold, to build, to win, to lose.
3. Прочитайте текст "From the History of the Olympic Games".
4.Выпишите английские эквиваленты следующих сочетаний слов из текста "From the History of the
Olympic Games".

5. Прочитайте текст " Sport and healthy living guide", використовуючи словник.

Sport and healthy living guide

They say, "Health is above wealth." One of the first duties we owe to ourselves is to keep our
bodies in perfect health. If your body suffers from any disorder, our mind suffers with it, and we are
unable to make much progress in knowledge, and we are unfit to perform those duties, which are required
of us in social life.
There are certain laws of health which deserve particular attention and they are so simple that
even a child can learn them. A certain amount of exercise is necessary to keep the body in perfect
condition. All the powers (mental and bodily) we possess are strengthened by use and weakened by
disuse. Moderation in eating and drinking, reasonable hours of labour and study, enough sleeping time
(not less than 7-8 hours a day), regularity in exercise, recreation and rest, cleanliness lay the foundations
for health and long healthy happy life.
Thousands of people consider sports to be very helpful in gaining good health. That's why every
country pays much attention to developing sports. It is sport that helps to bring up physically strong,
strong-willed, courageous and energetic people.
In the last ten years recreational sport has become extremely popular, and, according to doctors
is absolutely essential for a long and healthy life.
The reasons of this enormous interest in sport of all kinds are varied. When you ask people why
they spend so much time, effort, and sometimes money, they will talk about the physical benefits (feeling
fit, increasing stamina, sleeping better, the chance of living a more active life), psychological benefits
(self-discipline and respect, a sense of personal achievement, relaxation, getting rid of aggression), and
the social advantages (meeting people with similar interests, the team spirit). However, the social aspect
seems to be more important for men than for women. Very often, enjoying a drink with friends after the
match is as important for the former as a physical activity itself. The latter generally see sport as a way of
keeping fit rather than anything else.
Of course, some people don't consider sport to be a hobby; it is an everyday work for them.
Much is spoken now about problems in professional sport. There is a lot drug taking in sport. There is too
much pressure on young sports people. Mountaineering and air sports such as hang-gliding, each kill at
least 16 people every year. In one Sports Council study of 28,000 people, football was found responsible
for more than a quarter of 2,000 injuries seen every year. But still many people are involved in
professional sport and millions of people can not live without it. They prefer watching sporting events
rather than taking part in them. They are so-called sport-fans. They pack stadiums during sport matches
and competitions, they sit glued to the TV, and they are ready to give every moral support to their
favourite sportsmen or teams.
In the meantime thousands of ordinary people devote their spare time to going in for sports. They
play indoor and outdoor games: volleyball, basketball, table tennis, hockey, lawn tennis. The number of
participants and spectators show that the most popular games are basketball, hockey and, of course,
football. A lot of people go in for track-and-field athletics, cycling, boxing, wrestling, gymnastics and so
Hockey, figure skating, skiing and skating are among the most popular winter sports. In summer
swimming is enjoyed by millions of people. There are also many indoor swimming pools, which makes
swimming possible all the year round. Cycling is a useful exercise, too, because it takes you out into the
fresh air and gives much work to all the muscles. So if you arrange your day correctly you can find an
opportunity for sports.
Physical training is an essential part of young people's development. All pupils and students have
regular training at PT lessons. These classes are enjoyed by everybody as they give a lot of energy,
develop muscles, make pupils strong, quick and healthy. From time to time different kinds of
competitions are organized at school or between schools. The most popular sports at school are
basketball, football and volleyball. Besides, pupils and students attend a lot of sports clubs and sports
sections after classes, where they take up their favourite kind of sport.
Indeed, sport is a part of everyday life of many generations all other the world. So if you think
that physical fitness and health are important you are to go in for sports.

6. Выпишите 5 интернациональных слов из текста.

It is interesting to know

Part III
Date 2010, February,12–28 Blue Europe

Name XXI winter Black Africa

Country Canada
Red America
City Vancouver
Sport events 7 (Biathlon, Bobsleigh, Curling, Ice Yellow Asia
Hockey, Skeleton, Skating, Skiing)
Green Australia
Set of medals 86

Date of Paralympics March,12-21

Logotype Medals Talisman: Torch

Sumi (птиця-грім),
Quatchi (сніжна людина),
Miga (морський ведмідь)

Alpine Skiing Curling Luge Ski Jumping

Biathlon Figure Skating Nordic Combined Snowboard
Bobsleigh Freestyle Skiing Short Track Speed Skating
Cross-Country Ice Hockey Skeleton
Paralympics 7

Alpine Skiing

Alpine skiing
Alpine skiing has been practiced in the European Alps for at least 150 years. In addition to
adapting cross-country techniques to suit their steeper slopes, alpine skiers also found they needed
slightly wider skis to go downhill safely, and developed different ways to use their poles and new turning
techniques to match the more vertical terrain of the high mountains.
The sport became increasingly popular through the early 20th century with the development of T-
bars, tows and ski lifts, as alpine skiers no longer had to climb up a slope before skiing down.
Alpine skiing for both men and women debuted as an Olympic sport in 1936 at Garmisch-
Partenkirchen. In 1948, separate downhill and slalom races were added. From that time, super combined
was not contested at an Olympic Winter Games until 1988, in Calgary. The giant slalom was added in
1952, and the super-G in 1988.

How It Works

In alpine skiing, racers can reach speeds of more than 130 kilometres an hour, travelling down a
vertical drop that ranges from 180 metres (slalom) to 1,100 metres (downhill) for men and 140 metres
(slalom) to 800 metres (downhill) for women. The vertical drop is made even more difficult because of a
series of gates the skiers must pass through. Skiers who miss a gate must then climb back up and go
through the missed gate or be disqualified.

to suit- підходити, задовольняти

steeper - крутий/стрімкий
slope - укіс(схил)
slight(ly)- незначний, мало, ледве
pole- лижна палиця,
vertical terrain - вертикальна територія
mountain - гора
increasingly – зростаючий; що підсилюється
bar – планка; бар’єр, що відгороджує судій
tow – трос, канат

Київський професійний ліцей будівництва і

комунального господарства


Розробка з теми : Олімпійські ігри

викладача англійської мови КПЛБіКГ
Мілейкіної Наталії Анатоліївни

Київський професійний ліцей будівництва і комунального



Розробка з теми :
Олімпійські ігри
викладача англійської мови КПЛБіКГ
Мілейкіної Наталії Анатоліївни


Olympic Games. Олимпийские игры

The Olympic Games is the greatest international sport event
in the world, in which thousands of athletes compete in different
types of sports. The Olympic idea means friendship, fraternity and
cooperation among the people of the world.
The original Olympic Games began in ancient Greece in 776
B.C. These games were part of a festival held every fourth year in
honour of God Zeus in the town called Olympia. It was a great
athletic festival, including competitions in wrestling, foot racing
and chariot racing, rowing and others.
The Olympic Games were very important for ancient world.
In the period of Games all wars were stopped. The Games were
accompanied by atrs festivals. Poets recited their poems, singers
sang hymns — all this in honour of God Zeus and the sacred
All athletes competed naked. The modern word “gymnastics” originates from the Greek word
“gymos” that means “naked”.
Only men could take part in the Olympic Games. Greek women were forbidden not only to
participate but also to watch the Games. But there existed Games for women named Gerai (called after
goddess Gera).
The Olympic Games took place from the 8th century BC till the 4th century AD. In 394 AD the
Roman Emperor Theodosius banned the Olympic Games because he decided that these competitions are,
in essence, pagan festival.
In the late 19th century, Baron Pierre de Coubertin decided to
revive the Olympic Games. For this purpose, he founded the
International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1894, and two years later,
in 1896 the modern summer Olympic Games were established in
The Games are currently held every two years, with Summer
and Winter Olympic Games alternating. The evolution of the Olympic
Movement during the 20th century forced the IOC to adapt the Games
to the world’s changing social circumstances. Some of these
adjustments included the creation of the Winter Games for ice and
snow sports, the Paralympic Games for athletes with physical
disabilities, and the Youth Olympic Games for teenage athletes.
The Olympic motto is “Citius, Altius, Fortius”, which is Latin
for “Swifter, Higher, Stronger”. The motto was proposed by Pierre de Coubertin and was introduced in
1924 at the Olympic Games in Paris.
A more informal but well known motto, also introduced by De Coubertin, is “The most important
thing is not to win but to take part!”

The symbol of the Olympic Games is composed of five

interlocking rings, colored blue, yellow, black, green, and
red on a white field. This was originally designed in 1912
by Baron Pierre de Coubertin. These five rings represent
the five continents of the world: America, Europe, Asia,
Africa and Australia.
The nearest Winter Olympic Games are to be held in Vancouver, Canada, in February 2010. Next
Olympic Games will be held in London 2012 and Sochi 2014.

Олимпийские игры
Олимпийские игры — это величайшее международное
спортивное событие в мире, в котором спортсмены соревнуются в
различных видах спорта. Идея Олимпийских игр — это дружба,
братство и сотрудничество между людьми во всем мире.
Первые Олимпийские игры состоялись в Греции в 776 г. до
н.э. Эти игры были частью фестиваля, который проводился каждые
четыре года в честь бога Зевса в греческом городе Олимпия. Это
был большой спортивный праздник, который включал соревнования по следующим видам:
борьба, бег, гонки на колесницах, метание диска и копья и т.д.
Олимпийские игры играли очень важную роль в древнем мире. Во время проведения Игр
прекращались все войны. Игры сопровождались фестивалем искусств. Поэты читали стихи, певцы
пели гимны — и все в честь бога Зевса и
священных Игр.
Все атлеты соревновались обнаженными.
Современное слово «гимнастика» происходит от
греческого слова «гимос», что значит
В Олимпийских играх могли участвовать
только мужчины. Греческим женщинам было
запрещено не только участвовать, но даже
смотреть Игры. Но существовали Игры для
женщин под названием Гераи (названные так в
честь богини Геры).
Олимпийские игры проходили от 8 века до
н.э. до 4 века н.э. В 394 г. н.э. римский император
Феодосий запретил Олимпийские игры, потому что
решил, что, по сути, это — языческое празднество.
В конце 19 века барон Пьер де Кубертен
решил возродить Олимпийские игры. Для этой
цели он основал Международный Олимпийский
Комитет (МОК) в 1894 году, и через два года в
1896 году современные летние Олимпийские игры
прошли в Афинах.
В настоящее время Игры проходят каждые два года, причем Летние и Зимние Олимпийские
игры чередуются. В 20 веке МОК изменил Игры в соответствии с социальной ситуацией в мире.
Эти изменения включали учреждение Зимних Игр, Паралимпийских Игр для спортсменов с
ограниченными возможностями и Молодежные Олимпийские игры для подростков.
Олимпийский девиз: “Citius, Altius, Fortius”, что в переводе с латыни означает «Быстрее,
выше, сильнее». Этот девиз был предложен Пьером де Кубертеном и был представлен в 1924 году
на Олимпийских Играх в Париже.
Менее официальный, но широко известный девиз, также предложенный Кубертеном, гласит:
«Главное — не победа, а участие!»
Символ Олимпийских Игр — пять переплетенных колец голубого, желтого, черного,
зеленого и красного цвета на белом поле. Этот символ был разработан Пьером де Кубертеном в
1912 году. Пять колец символизируют пять континентов мира: Америку, Европу, Азию, Африку и
Ближайшие Олимпийские Игры состоятся в Ванкувере (Канада) в феврале 2010 года. А
следующие Олимпийские Игры пройдут в Лондоне в 2012 году и в Сочи в 2014 году.

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