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(Enclosed with Proposal letter of investment No. ……… date …../…../2020 of GREEN HC

JUNE 2020
TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................................i
LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLES...................................................................................................................... v
I. PROJECT SUMMARY...........................................................................................................1
1.1. Project Owner................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Name of Project................................................................................................................ 1
1.3. Location of project implementation..................................................................................1
1.4. Scale of project implementation.......................................................................................1
1.4.1. Designed capacity of facilities...................................................................................1
1.4.2. Input materials of project...........................................................................................1
1.4.3. Products of project.....................................................................................................2
1.5. Area and land use.............................................................................................................2
1.5.1. General introduction of area and land use..................................................................2
1.5.2. Area of land for project implementation:...................................................................2
1.5.3. Plan of land using......................................................................................................3
1.6. Investment capitals and value.............................................................................................10
1.7. Plan of project investment..................................................................................................10
PROVINCE............................................................................................................................... 10
2.1. Present status of municipal solid waste of Ba Ria – Vung Tau province........................11
III. TECHNOLOGIES OF PROJECT.......................................................................................11
3.1. General introduction for technologies of MSW treatment invested in phase 1 of project:
............................................................................................................................................... 11
3.2. Process overview............................................................................................................12
3.3. DETAIL OF ECO WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (EWMS)...............................17
3.3.1. BEFORE EWMS.....................................................................................................17
3.3.2. AFTER EWMS.......................................................................................................35
IV. ADVANTAGES OF TECHNOLOGIES............................................................................50
4.1. Advantages and benefits of EWMS................................................................................50

4.1.1. COMMERCIAL VIABLE.......................................................................................50
4.1.2. ADVANTAGES IN FEATURES............................................................................52
4.1.3. BENEFITS AND SAVING.....................................................................................52
4.1.4. COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE..............................................................................53
4.1.5. COMPETITIVE SUMMARY.................................................................................54
4.2. Advantages of leachate treatment facilities.....................................................................54
V. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COST.....................................................................55
5.1. Operation cost................................................................................................................. 55
5.1.1. EWMS..................................................................................................................... 55
5.2. Maintenance cost............................................................................................................56
5.2.1. Period of maintenance.............................................................................................56
5.2.2. Method of maintenance...........................................................................................57
5.2.3. Maintenance cost.....................................................................................................58
VI. SUMMARY OF INVESTMENT........................................................................................58
6.1. EWMS............................................................................................................................ 58
6.2. Leachate treatment system..............................................................................................58
6.3. Ash and residuals treatment............................................................................................58
VII. MASTER SCHEDULE OF PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION..........................................59
7.1. EWMS............................................................................................................................ 59
7.2. Leachate treatment system..............................................................................................59
7.3. Ash/residues treatment system........................................................................................59
VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION...................................................59
8.1. About air pollution.........................................................................................................61
8.2. About water pollution.....................................................................................................61
8.3. About solid waste pollution............................................................................................62
8.4. About rainwater run-off..................................................................................................62
8.5. About occupational accidents.........................................................................................62
8.6. Measures to minimize adverse impacts - prevention and response to environmental
incidents................................................................................................................................ 62
8.6.1. Measures to minimize impacts from waste transportation.......................................62

8.6.2. Measures to minimize impacts from landfill gases..................................................62
8.6.3. Measures to minimize exhaust from EWMS system...............................................63
8.6.4. Measures to minimize exhaust from Centralized waste water treatment plant.........63
8.6.5. Measures to minimize impacts from leachate of landfill and wastewater from
wastewater treatment plant................................................................................................63
8.6.6. Measures to minimize impacts from wastewater of waste transpoetation vehicles
washing............................................................................................................................. 64
8.6.7. Measures to minimize impacts from overflowing rainwater....................................64
8.6.8. Measures to minimize impacts to soil and ecosystem..............................................65
8.6.9. Measures of occupational safety and fire safety......................................................65
8.6.10. Other measures......................................................................................................65
8.7. Measures to prevent and respond to incidents................................................................66
8.7.1. Construction period.................................................................................................66
8.7.2. Incident during waste collection and internal transportation....................................67
8.7.3. Incidents at landfill..................................................................................................68
8.7.4. Incidents from EWMS system.................................................................................68
8.7.5. Incidents of wastewater treatment plant...................................................................69
8.8. Environmental quality monitoring program....................................................................69
8.8.1. Preparation and construction phase..........................................................................69
8.8.2. Operation phase.......................................................................................................69
8.8.3. Cost of environmental monitoring works (check again total general cost of
Complex)........................................................................................................................... 72
IX. SOCIAL – ECONOMIC IMPACTS...................................................................................72

Figure General layout for 01 module of EWMS system 100 tons/day........................................4
Fig. General flow chart of EMWS system.................................................................................13
Fig. Typical picture of MSW receipt area from transportation vehicles....................................17
Fig. Typical picture of MSW receipt area from transportation vehicles....................................18
Fig. 1. The process flow chart of integrated treatment of MSW landfill leachate......................21
Fig. Typical picture of hot air drying process and solar drying.................................................22
Fig. Picture for description of Odor control and treatment system............................................24
Fig. Typical picture of structure and operation mechanism of EWMS chamber.......................37

Table …....................................................................................................................................... 3
Table Summary of technical and auxiliary facility before EWMS system..................................6
Table Summary of technical and auxiliary facility after EWMS system.....................................8
Table 8.1. Main impact sources of project.................................................................................59
Table Locations of emissions monitoring..................................................................................70
Table Locations of wastewater monitoring................................................................................70
Table Locations of ashs/slag monitoring...................................................................................71

1.1. Project Owner
– Name: GREEN HC Co., Ltd
– Address: No. 156, Vo Thi Sau Street, Long Dien town, Long Dien District, Ba Ria – Vung
Tau province
– Representative: Ms. Ly Minh Anh Title: Director
1.2. Name of Project
Investment Project of Eco Waste Management System “EWMS” as understand as MSW
treatment process by using Magnetic Ionization Method.
1.3. Location of project implementation
Investment Project of Eco Waste Management System “EWMS” is implemented at Green HC
Waste Treatment Complex at Lang Dai commune, Dat Do district, Ba Ria – Vung Tau
1.4. Scale of project implementation
1.4.1. Designed capacity of facilities
a. Facility 1 (sanitary landfill for non-degradable components and generated ash/slag): with
area 43,296 m2 for 1st phase
b. Eco Waste Management System (EWMS): total designed capacity for Eco Waste
Management system is 400 tons/day with 04 modules, each module has capacity for 100 tons
MSW/day treatment.
c. Centralized waste water treatment plant: with designed capacity 150 m3/day, the treated
water shall be satisfied Level A according to QCVN 40:2011/BTNMT
1.4.2. Input materials of project
According to Decision No. 2553/QD-UBND dated September 9, 2016 of PC of Ba Ria – Vung
Tau province regarding approval on adjustment of master plan of solid waste management of
Ba Ria – Vung Tau province until the year 2025, direction to the year 2030, Lang Dai waste
treatment area, Dat Do district has 52 ha area, for treating solid waste of Ba Ria City, Long
Dien district, Dat Do district, Xuyen Moc district and a part of Vung Tau City.
Capacity of 1st phase (20 ha) of project is 400 tons of MSW/day and 300 tons of non-hazardous
Planed capacity of 2nd phase (52 ha) of project is 600 tons of MSW/day and 400 tons of non-
hazardous ISW/day

1.4.3. Products of project Products of Facility 1
Currently, for satisfying demands on treating ash/slag and non-degradable components, we
invested 01 (one) sanitary landfill cell with area 10,700 m 2 and Centralized Waste water
treatment plant with capacity 150 m3/day for treating wastewater which generating from
landfilling activities and wastewater from Eco Waste Management System. Products from EWMS system
– MSW Treatment
– Clean Flue Gases with advanced pollution control equipment and systems.
– Ash for tile manufacturing.
– Electric Power for in-house self consumption as well as balance grid transfer.
– Leachate treatment for reutilization.
– Pollution free systems.
1.5. Area and land use
1.5.1. General introduction of area and land use
According to Planning Permission No. 06/GPQH dated April 24, 2017 of PC of Ba Ria – Vung
Tau province, area for project implementation has following characteristics:
– Total area of land: 51.74 ha
+ Area of phase 1: 20.8 ha
+ Area of phase 2: 30.94 ha
– Structure of land using:
+ Land for architectural construction: 10% - 15%
+ Auxiliary area, technical area and landfill area: ≥ 55%
+ Areas for transportation, yard: ≥ 8%
+ Green area and water surface area: ≥ 10%
- Height of buildings: 1 – 3 floors
- Setback space: complied current standards and regulations
1.5.2. Area of land for project implementation:
Land for project implementation is located at Lang Dai commune, Dat Do district, Ba Ria –
Vung Tau province with area 51.74 ha. The sides of land are adjacent:
– North of land abuts to internal channel;
– South of land abuts to road;
– West of land abuts to agricultural land;
– East of land abuts to transportation road.
Land for project implementation is handed over by PC of Ba Ria – Vung Tau province to
GREEN HC Co., Ltd for investment implementation and issued Certificate of Land use rights
No. 926779 dated June 15, 2017 (map No. 35, 36; land parcel No. 372,588)
1.5.3. Plan of land using
Land for Project implementation on 20 ha area (phase 1 of Project) is divided into following
functional area, includes:
Table ….
No. Items/Facility Area (m2) Percentage (%)
1 EWMS system 34,445 25.20%
2 Leachate treatment plant 8,242 6.03%
3 Sanitary landfill for MSW and non- 43,296 31.67%
hazardous ISW
4 Influent Wastewater storage pond 9,421 6.89%
5 Storage pond of treated water 9,523 6.97%
6 Auxiliary infrastructures and facilities 17,940 13.12%
7 Roads 13,827 10.12%
Total area for project implementation 136,694 100%

3 Proposed General Layout of EWMS system

Figure General layout for 01 module of EWMS system 100 tons/day

 Area for arranging of 01 module of EWMS system with capacity 100 tons/day:
a. For EWMS system: Total Floor Space occupied by Crusher Unit + Input Feed Conveyor +
EWMS + Serflo Separator + AUFIG Separator + REDOX Unit + ORC + Stackmax + Pumping
Systems + 3 Stage Water Scrubber + ID Fan + Chimney
Length – 20m, Width – 21m, Height – 8m.
Occupied Ground Floor Area – 420m2, Volume – 3360 m3
b. For Floor Space Occupied by ORC System
(1) 500Kwe ORC
Length – 11m, Width – 5m, Height – 6m.
Occupied Ground Floor Area (500Kwe) – 55m2, Volume – 330m3
We will be putting 2 No’s of 500Kwe ORC Systems to make it 1000Kwe (1Mwe).
(2) 1000Kwe ORC
Length – 11m, Width – 13m, Height – 6m.
Total Occupied Ground Floor Area (1Mwe) – 143m2, Volume – 858m3

Table Summary of technical and auxiliary facility before EWMS system
Nos System/Equipment Function
Area for gathering waste Waste transportation vehicles is gathered at this area for empty their load onto the floor or directly
transportation vehicles to Factory into the pit as per predefined unloading bay.
A tipping area is designed to receive all kinds of waste from collection vehicles, it may be used
2 Tipping Floor Area
waste storage pit or concrete floor for gathering waste before sorting
Sort and Remove out of system the non-degradable materials (i.e stone, tile, etc.) or large or bulky
objects (such as stoves, refrigerators, bed, white goods, etc.) and hazardous materials which still be
3 Manual Visual Presorting of MSW mixed in MSW (i.e battery, light bulbs, electronic materials, etc.); other materials which is possible
to cause environmental accident (i.e gas bottles, fire-fighting bottles, radioactive material) before
putting them to treatment chamber.
Storage Area for Accepted Material The receiving area consists of the tipping floor and the storage pit.The tipping floor is a flat
to EWMS system concrete surface where waste vehicles empty their load onto the floor or directly into the pit
There needs to be room for discarded materials—non-recyclables—that will place in a separate pile
5 Rejected Material Area
to be pushed to outbound haul vehicles to take to the landfill after pre-treating.
6 Rejected Material Shredder Unit The rejected material is shredded into acceptable range in order not to take place/volume in landfill.
Rejected Material Shredder Unit to
7 The shredded material is carried from Shredder Unit to Trommel Screen
Trommel Screen
Collect runoff and leachate from production areas then convey to wastewater treatment plant before
8 Leachate Discharge System
discharge to surface water or the municipal sewage system.
To treat runoff and leachate generated from production system and internal of factory in order to
9 Leachate Treatment System satisfy environmental standards/regulations before discharging to surface water or municipal
sewage system.
Consider: ceiling height, free space with few if any obstacles, easy access in and out to discard
10 Top Cover Exhaust bunkers, conveyor line cleanup, width and length of load-out hole, and type of load out, such as
below grade, half separation, or same level.
11 Air Flow Thermal Heating of MSW During Air flow thermal drying, a significant amount of water is evaporated from mixed waste that
Nos System/Equipment Function
help for reducing moisture, improving significant calorific value of waste, increasing
Waste (Dewatering System)
decomposition, saving fuel, Pollution reduction, ease of handling and a wider range of applicability.
Ventilation Exhaust Fan Creates a Negative draft conditions, to exhaust out the odourous and gaseous air created on account
(Odor Control) of Waste storage. These kinds of gases air shall be collected to treatment system (bio-filter unit)
Biofilter Unit It is used industrially for eliminating unwanted harmful substances or odours from gases, vapours
(Odor and exhaust Control) and liquids or for satisfying standards/regulations.
Wheel Loader (JCB Machine) or A motorized vehicles which be it a wheel loader, rubber-tired excavator/material handler, or
14 Rubber Tired excavator / material excavator, the stockpile should be situated so that the machine loading the feed lines has minimal
handler movement and can pick, sort, discard, and feed the lines for needed production per hour.
15 Trommel screen feeding conveyor Conveyor carries material from Wheel Loader feeding to Inlet of Trommel screen
Trommel screening is one of the most important primary unit operations in advanced refuse
16 Trommel Screen processing systems for separating combustible and non-combustible components; separating waste
with large size and small size
Trommel Screen Rejected Material
17 Conveyor carries out rejected material from Trommel Screen
Discharge Conveyor
Trommel Screen to Magnetic
18 Waste feeder feeds the material to Magnetic Separator
Separator Conveyor
A permanent magnet type magnetic separator shall be placed over the conveyor for removal of
ferromagnetic materials. The separator shall be so installed to drop the collected metal pieces
19 Magnetic Separator
directly into the drop boxes below, from where the same can be stored in the container yard for later
resale/reuse to a metal vendor.
An eddy current separator uses a powerful magnetic field to separate non-ferrous metals from waste
20 Eddy Current Separator
after all ferrous metals have been removed previously by some arrangement of magnets.
The Air Density Separator efficient^ separates waste input into two fractions, heavy and light, using
21 Air Density Separator
the latest in air separation technology.
22 ADS to Shredder Unit Feed The lighter components alter air density separator IS carried forward to Shredder unit

Nos System/Equipment Function
A shredder unit shall be provided to shred the recyclable material, wood, rubber, thermo coal,
23 Shredder Unit
Styrofoam, cloth etc. any such material as required to meet the recycling requirement in the plant.
Conveyor - Shredder Unit to EWMS
24 Feed Transferring shredded material to EWMS hopper

25 EWMS Unit Converts Waste to Heat Energy

Table Summary of technical and auxiliary facility after EWMS system

Nos System/Equipment Function
EWMS Flue Gas Outlet Temperature
26 Monitors and Regulates Flue Gas Temperature exiting out from EWMS Chamber
Monitoring and Regulating System
27 Serflo Separator Traps and removes large size (Up to 20 Microns) fly ash particles
28 Automatic Flue Gas Filter Unit Traps and removes Small size fly ash (Up to 3 Microns) particles
29 Redox Unit Converts Flue Gas Nox & CO to Acceptable N2 , CO2 & H2O
30 StackMax Captures Flue Gas Heat Energy and Convert it into suitable for ORC Operation.
31 ORC Power Generator Converts Heat Energy from StackMax into Electrical Energy
32 Bypass Condenser Unit Bypass Condenser Unit is used in case the ORC system is to isolate for maintenance attendance.
33 Water Scrubber Unit It removes unwanted pollutants from the flue gases.
34 ID Fan Creates negative draft in flue gas exhaust line.
35 Chimney Section Facilitates exhaust of flue gas out to the atmosphere at acceptable height.

Nos System/Equipment Function
36 Air compressor Provides Compressed air to utilities

1.6. Investment capitals and value
– Total investment value for equipments and infrastructures: ……………, in which:
a. Investment value for main treatment equipments
+ Sanitary landfill
+ Eco Waste Management System (EWMS)
+ Centralized Waste Water treatment plant
b. Investment value of auxiliary infrastructures and faclities
+ Internal roads;
+ Rainwater drainage system;
+ Waste water collection and drainage system;
+ Power supply for production and lighting;
+ Water supply system;
+ Fire-fighting system;
+ Information and controling system: internet, Camera, Telephonic system, Fax, etc.
+ Green area;
+ Weighing scale station, truck washing bay, station for repairing and maintenance of
vehicles and technical equipments, Parking area, etc.
1.7. Plan of project investment
Schedule for project investment is planned as follow:
– Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 of 2020: studying and selecting suitable technologies.
– Quarter 3 and Quarter 4 of 2020: submiting dossiers to government functional departments
for reviewing and proval of project. Revising relevant legal documents (i.e Decision for
invesment policy approval, EIA report, detail planning with rate 1/500, etc.) which related
to changing of contents of project such as capacity of waste receiving, master plan of
project, etc.
– Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 of 2021: signing Contract for equipments manufacturing with
partner, constructing infrastructure and factory used for equipments installation;
– Quarter 3 of 2021: Installing equipment and no-load operation for system acceptance with
– Quarter 4 of 2021: doing Acceptance for construction, submision for trial operation and
acceptance and confirmation for completion of environmental protection facilities before
official operation.
– Quarter 1 of 2022: Official operation of project.
According to area constructional planning of Ba Ria – Vung Tau province, from now to the
year 2025, urban system of whole province including 14 urbans, in which, there is 02 urbans
with level I, 03 urbans with level III and 02 urbans with level IV and 07 urbans with level V
with 1,500,000 resident. As a province playing a role in strong promoting the socio-economic
development of the region as well as the whole country, besides the field of oil and gas
exploitation, Ba Ria-Vung Tau is also one of the energy and heavy industry centers, center of
logistics, tourism and ports of the country, GDP per capita in the year 2015 was 17,067 USD.
2.1. Present status of municipal solid waste of Ba Ria – Vung Tau province
– MSW of Vung Tau City, Ba Ria City, Tan Thanh district, Chau Duc district, Long Dien
district and Dat Do district is sanitary buried at landfill of KBEC VINA Co., Ltd with
quantity around 564 tons/day (according to Report about General environmental status of
Ba Ria – vung Tau province No. 187/BC-UBND dated November 14, 2016).
– MSW of Xuyen Moc district is non-sanitary buried at Bung Rieng landfill with around 20
tons/day, the other 30 tons/days is manual burned, buried at temporary garthering station of
communes (according to Report about General environmental status of Ba Ria – vung Tau
province No. 187/BC-UBND dated November 14, 2016)
– MSW of Con Dao district is transported to existing landfill at Nhat Bon stream area (Bai
Nhat). Where, MSW is burned by Sankyo incinerator with around 5 tons/day capacity, the
rest 5 tons/day is stored temporary together with storing waste with quantity 60.000 tons
(according to Report about General environmental status of Ba Ria – vung Tau province
No. 187/BC-UBND dated November 14, 2016)
Technologies of MSW treatment shall be applied in complex includes:
– Sanitary burying for ash/slag and non-degradable components
– MSW treatment technology by Magnetic ionization method or Incinertation combined with
power generation and air exhaust treatment accompany by;
– Technologies of waste recycling: compost and organic humus manufacutring, plastic
and/or constructional waste recycling from waste;
– Leachate treatment technologies.
3.1. General introduction for technologies of MSW treatment invested in phase 1 of
– Name of technology: Eco Waste management system (called “EWMS”) applied the
technologies of MSW treatment by Magnetic Ionization method
– Origin of this technology: USA
– Designed capacity of technology: 100 tons/01 module. It is based on total treatment
capacity of Complex for proper installation of module in order to get efficiency on
investment and environment.
– Analysing and reasoning for technology choosing:
Advantages of Eco Waste Management System (EWMS):

 Treating various type of wastes such as municipal solid waste, paper, wood, rubber tires,
plastic pags and styrofoam, plastic bottles, etc. for 24/24 operation a day.
 It doesn’t cause incineration process, therefore, limited to generate the exhaust pollution
and dioxin/furans
 NO using fuel and electric power for waste treatment; the main part of treatment process is
self-maintain 100% of operation, except the minimum energy for off-gas treatment system
and comveyor. Temperature of decomposition process has range 350 – 1200oC.
 The ratio of ash generated is about 1/200 - 1/300 compared to amount of input waste to
 Capacity is diversified and suitable with investment costs in developing countries, easy to
install, easy to move, able to treat waste in areas with difficult travel conditions.
 Lower investment and operation costs in comparison with other technologies with the same
3.2. Process overview
Eco Waste Management System (EWMS) is a technology using series of mechanism to
create an efficient, commercially viable, eco-friendly and permanent solution to waste
The innovation addresses solid waste disposal with the use of magnetic ionization instead of
conventional fossil fuels. The system help to reduce waste volume in the ratio of 1/200 to 1/300
compared to amount of input waste to system, is compact and mobile, suitable price on
investment at developing countries and has relatively low equipment and operation and
maintenance costs.
The overview of EMWS system process is describe as below


Leachate Vehicle unloading bays Clean

ID fan Bio-filter
Leachate discharge
system MSW floor area

Leachate filtration Shredder
Visual separation/sorting material
system machine

Acceptable material area Shredded

Treated water material
Air thermal heating unit Wheel loader JCB

Trommel screen feeding

Manual sorting 50mm discharge 50mm fraction
Trommel screen 50mm conveyor x 2NOS (stone,sand)
oversize +300mm
+50mm conveyor
Bags, textiles
OBM separator Ferrous metal
Reuse/Recycle/landfill Non-ferrous vender
Eddy current separator metal & glass

Air density separator Heavy fraction (stones)

MSW shredder 100mm


Flue gas 900 – 1200oC Ash collection pit


Dispose of as
(800 – 900oC) matter > 8µm hazardous/ landfill
burying (non-
hazardous)/ reuse as
Air cooled Compressed AUTOMATIC FLUE Particular construction
condenser air GAS FILTER (AUFIG) matter (2.5 µm)
materials (**)

Drainage water
REDOX UNIT Hot water
from ReDox Unit


Drainage water ENERGY Electric
Cold water
Drainage water 3 STAGES SCRUBBER electric
from scrubeer UNIT grid
Cleaned flue gas Ash/ sludge
(45 – 50oC)

Fig. General flow chart of EMWS system

Demonstration of MSW treatment process by EWMS system
Works on MSW receipt area:
MSW shall be collected at resident house by Environment services and Urban project JSCs and
cooperative sociaties, who has function of MSW collection, by special vehicles and delivered
to GREEN HC Waste treatment Complex (Lang Dai commune, Dat Do district) for treatment.
The collecting and transporting company shall secure only MSW. Total MSW weight amount
shall be clarify by difference of in-out weight of each vehicle to Complex.
The arrived MSW is unloaded into MSW receipt area and Vehicle unloading bay where consist
of the tipping floor and the storage pit. The tipping floor is a flat concrete surface where waste
vehicles empty their load onto the floor or directly into the pit. On this area, the workers shall
visually check and separate manually the white goods or refected materials such as stoves,
refrigerators and other appliances, as well as potentially dangerous items such as pressurized
vessels or combustible liquids/gasses. White goods are removed for material recovery purposes
while dangerous items such as propane tanks are removed to avoid equipment damage and
personnel injury. The rejected materials then be moved to shredder machine for reducing size
proper for screening step of process forward, then, transferred to Trommel screen feeding
feeding conveyor via a conveyor for shredded material.
The acceptable (MSW after sorting) shall be stored under condition of Air thermal heating unit
(heat recycled from ionization process) for reducing water content inside before its moving to a
Trommel screen feeding conveyor for few steps of separation further.
The Air thermal heating unit shall be applied for MSW drying work on period (as proper
detention time of acceptable material in storage area) around within 160 – 260 minutes. It use
air heating mechanism, from that, the MSW (acceptable material) shall be reduced up to 97 -
100 % of moisture content in MSW, and has weight reduction average 30 – 40% with hot air
flowrate is 0.1 m/s
Leachate of MSW stockpile and discharge from other unit forward on process (i.e ReDox unit,
Maxima ORC evaporator, 3 stages scrubber unit) shall be collected to leachate discharge
system and treated via Leachate filtration system (set up and operated in GREEN HC waste
treatment complex, with capacity 150 m3/day) in order to meet Government’s standard before
discharging or recycling for reusing.
Odour from whole area of MSW receipt shall be collected under negative pressure created via
ID fan and treated to become ordourless by Odor control and treatment system equiped in
MSW receipt area. This system works by adsorption mechanism of fine-grained activated
carbon with a highly porous structure and a very large surface. Activated carbon shall be
replaced each 6-9 months/time depending on the variable season and dust load conditions that
needs to be treated. It should be monitored for efficacy every after 1month.
MSW then will be moved to Trommel screen feeding conveyor by Wheel loader JCB for next
steps of screening and treatment.

Works outside of MSW receipt area of main parts (or the other subsidiary equipments):
MSW acceptable materials (after primary sorting) shall be passed Trommel screen with size
50mm to separate the fraction smaller than this size (i.e stone, sand) which is conveyed out via
2 sets of 50mm discharge conveyor for its treatment or disposal by landfill or other facilities.
At Trommel screen 50mm, there is also the manual sorting for taking out the waste with larger
than size 300mm (i.e bags, textiles) to advoice clogging of conveyors and next steps of
screening and separation. These large size waste shall be reuse, recycle or landfilling under
practical conditions.
Waste after Trommel screen 50mm, which shall have larger size of 50mm, be channeled by
+50mm conveyor with Magnetic separator placed over and across the conveyor for removal of
ferromagnetic materials and droping them directly to dropbox located below, to Eddy current
separator. The Non-ferrous metals (i.e. aluminuin) are thrown forward from the belt into a
product bin, while non-metals simply fall off the belt due to gravity out of MSW before it enter
to shredder machine on the flow of process of MSW treatment. The ferrous metals and non-
ferrous metals both of them be handle or sell to metal vender for resale/reuse.
Air density separator is applied on line of process after Eddy current separator for separating
heavy fraction remaining (i.e stone) before waste then come to Shredder machine 100mm to
reduce into size 60 mm to 80 mm before conveyed to EWMS system via MSW shredder
discharge conveyor. Separated heavy fraction shall be treated or disposal in landfill under
practical condition.
EWMS chamber is heart of system where inorganic dry fraction of waste is treated under Low
temperature Plasma Generation mechanism. In EWMS chamber, the ionized air breaks the
atom into electrons, neutrons and protons. Some electrons are removed from the atom and the
molecules are free to move which is created by the permanent neodymium iron boron blocks.
This increases the temperature to about 300°C-400°C. Acceleration of electrons creates a
strong energy which increases and maintains the heat in the chamber. As time goes by, the
temperature inside the chambers increases to 800°C -1100°C. Inside the chamber, the oxygen
which has negative ions is highly oxidative, thus decomposing dioxins and other harmful
compounds by oxidation. The EWMS chamber process shall generate emission which may
contain some toxic components like dioxin and furan, heavy metals, nitrogen oxides,
particulate matters etc. The average temperature range of flue gases will be in the range of
900°C -1200°C. This flue gases shall be further treated in few step before emission while the
bottom ash of chamber is conveyed to a pit for disposal or re-using as construction materials or
tile manufacture factory.
In order to prevent dioxin/furan formation, flue gases from EWMS chamber need to be cooled
very rapidly from about 1200OC to 45~60OC . This rapid cooling is carried out within few
secons (around 2 to 3 seconds) in few steps of Serflo separator – AUFIG – ReDox Unit and
Maxina ORC STACKMAX. In which:

The Serflo Separators works similar to a cyclone separator, where large particles with high
inertia fall into the dust collection chamber. The dirty flue gases are fed continuously. The
particles hit the inside walls of the container and drop down into a collection hopper. These
chambers are shaped like an upside-down rectangular serpentine section to promote the
collection of these particles at the bottom of the container. The cleaned flue gas escapes out the
top of the chamber. Most Serflo Seperators are built to control and remove particulate matter
that is larger than 8 micrometers in diameter.
The flue gasses coming out from Serflo Separator pass through the Automatic Flue Gas Filter
Unit. The filter unit entraps and removes particulate matter up to 2.5 microns. The filter unit is
designed to withstand high-temperature flue gases. Clean flue gases are then passed further to
ReDox System. The entrapped particulate matters are then removed from screen surfaces
automatically with the help of rotating scraper and compressed air jet. The unplugged
particulate matters go down to the bottom part of the filter unit where it is removed periodically
as on when necessary.
A ReDox Unit is a sophisticated proprietary set of equipment used in the flue gas exhaust
system. It converts harmful gases in the EWMS exhaust to relatively harmless gases. The
exhaust gases from a EWMS contain harmful substances such as oxides of nitrogen (NOx),
carbon monoxide (CO) and Hydrocarbons (HC). These substances produce extreme
environment hazards. ReDox Unit convert these harmful substances to less harmful nitrogen
(N2), carbon-dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). Redoxes are so named because they are capable
of eliminating three pollutants - NOx, CO and HC.
The maxima range of ORC evaporator, then, recovers heat energy flue gases from ReDox unit
and reuses it, typically heating ORC working fluid for converting it into useful electrical
energy. The maxima condensing evaporator is used to drop the temperature of the flue or
exhaust gases as low as 40°C-50°C within 2 – 3 seconds trapping both sensible heat and latent
heat in the flue gases. Above 40°C- 50°C the heat is suitably trapped and converted into
electrical energy. The convering heat to energy in this process shall be demonstrated in Organic
Rankine Cycle (ORC) Circuit at related section below
The low-temperature acid-free flue gases after Maxima ORC evaporator is further treated via 3
Stage Scrubber Unit for removal of balance pollutants if any. The first-stage scrubber has a
sodium hydroxide solution (NaOH) which is sprinkled with nano sprinkles from its separate
water tank. This cleans the left over toxins. From the first-stage scrubber, the flue gas goes
through the second-stage scrubber, which has dolomites and clinoptilolite. This further reduces
the left over toxins. Finally to eliminate odour and any remaining toxins that go out of the
chimney, the flue gas goes through the third-stage scrubber with activated carbon.
The cooled flue gases is finally drawn through the ID fan before being emitted to the
atmosphere via a chimey

In order for continuous working of MSW treatment process while maintenance works of
Stackmax – ORC unit, the Air cooled condensor shall be applied as bypass line between flue
gas of EWMS system to 3 stages scrubber unit.
Ashes and particular matters also be managed separately and handled, and treated according to
environmental protection regulations of Vietnam

Fig. Typical picture of MSW receipt area from transportation vehicles

– The receiving area consists of the tipping floor and the storage pit. The tipping floor is a
flat concrete surface where waste vehicles empty their load onto the floor or directly into
the pit.
– Typically, MSW receipt area facilities have a flat floor, where the manoeuvring, unloading,
and material storage all occur on the same floor level. The processing equipment may have
an elevated or inground in-feed conveyor or shredder.

Fig. Typical picture of MSW receipt area from transportation vehicles
– A tipping area is designed to handle inbound, recovery, and outbound loads to meet
specific production requirements and efficiencies while keeping costs low.
– The composition of waste will determine the amount of storage space needed because
different wastes have different densities and volumes.
– The composition of material will determine the amount of storage space needed because
different materials have different densities and volumes.
– Protect doors on each side with large, concrete-filled steel pipes because distracted drivers
could hit them accidentally.
– You will want a bright interior for safe operation so make sure you plan for natural light in
addition to overhead lights. Skylights, panels that are translucent and door openings will all
help light the work area.
– Proper ventilation is very important for safe working conditions. Odorant systems can help
reduce odors. Biofilters can collect and process air.
– Inbound stockpile needs to be close to whatever machine is feeding the sorting lines.
– The tipping floor allows the facility personnel to physically shift or visually scan through
the incoming refuse for white goods such as stoves, refrigerators and other appliances, as
well as potentially dangerous items such as pressurized vessels or combustible
liquids/gasses. White goods are removed for material recovery purposes while dangerous
items such as propane tanks are removed to avoid equipment damage and personnel injury.
– One key consideration is whether the provided storage space for incoming material is
sufficient to efficiently handle material stream fluctuations.

– If the tipping area is too small, either the trucks have to wait in line for floor space or the
loaders stack up material, making access to the system in-feeds difficult.
– Be it a wheel loader, rubber-tired excavator/material handler, or excavator, the stockpile
should be situated so that the machine loading the feed lines has minimal movement and
can pick, sort, discard, and feed the lines for needed production per hour.
– There needs to be room for discarded materials —non-recyclables—that will place in a
separate pile to be pushed to outbound haul vehicles to take to the landfill with minimal
movement and distance.
– Consider: ceiling height, free space with few if any obstacles, easy access in and out to
discard bunkers, conveyor line cleanup, width and length of load-out hole, and type of load
out, such as below grade, half separation, or same level.
– Control of the incoming waste stream is necessary to ensure safe and effective processing,
treatment, and disposal of the waste and the quality of end products (e.g., compost). While
procedures may vary depending on the nature of the waste and necessary processing
methods, recommended measures include: Visually evaluate, weigh, and document
incoming waste loads;
– Reject or, if the facility is equipped to process the waste, segregate potentially hazardous
materials or wastes identified, including infectious waste, and manage as a hazardous or
infectious waste, as applicable;
– Analyze suspected hazardous materials before acceptance so that they are segregated
relative to compatibility and so that they can be adequately treated and disposed of
according to law and regulations;
– If possible, isolate size reduction equipment (e.g., shredders or grinders) in an explosion-
proof area with proper ventilation and pressure relief to reduce the impacts of potential
explosions that could be caused by materials such as gas cylinders and ignitable liquids that
may be present in MSW. Visual inspection of the incoming waste, along with sorting and
removal procedures, can minimize this potential hazard;
– Separate recoverable secondary materials for recycling and organic waste for composting
to the extent practical.
– Vehicle Unloading Bays
– Material Storage Space.
– Processing System In Feed.
– Received Material.
– Rejected Material.
– Commodity Storage Space.

Leachate is a major problem for solid waste landfills, and causes a significant threat to water
tables. Leachate is defined as a liquid that passes through a landfill, extracting dissolved and
suspended matter from it. It is generated from rainfall on the site, as well as liquid contained in
the waste, and the natural surrounding water table.
Leachate from waste piles caused by exposure to precipitation and from residual liquids in the
waste itself may contain organic matter, nutrients, metals, salts, pathogens, and hazardous
chemicals. If allowed to migrate, leachate can contaminate soil, surface water, and groundwater
potentially causing additional impacts such as eutrophication and acidification of surface water
and contamination of water supplies.
Collect runoff and leachate from areas used for waste storage, and treat runoff to meet
applicable environmental standards before discharge to receiving sources or recycle for
The complex composition of MSW landfill leachate suggests the multi-stage treatment of
seepage waters, comprising different stages. The study of individual stages of the treatment
process and their combinations with the development of technological modes and norms was
carried out using specially designed experimental facilities. In the process of conducting
experimental research, the authors studied and proposed the following stages for the
development of an integrated technology for the treatment of MSW landfill leachate,
containing organic impurities resistant to oxidation:
– Mechanical filtration;
– Chemical physical treatment low and high level;
– Anarobic treatment combined with Anoxic process;
– Electrochemical oxidation;
– Filtration and Ultrafiltration;
– Reverse osmosis treatment;
– Ultraviolet disinfection.
At the first stage, polluted water undergoes mechanical filtration. MSW landfill leachate is
characterized by increased colour index, turbidity and increased content of suspended solids.

The nature of suspended solids in leachate can vary, but typically they include clay matter,
sand, unoxidized organic particles including fat, etc.
The importance of mechanical filtration is that it, by performing the function of primary
removal of undissolved impurities, eliminates many of the problems in addressing the
subsequent tasks, greatly reducing the load on the following stages. In this technology it is
proposed to use a mechanical self-cleaning strainer, which ensures the regeneration of filtering
surface by the reverse current of water with the simultaneous use of special brushes, making it
possible to remove contaminants from the the filtering surface of the strainer, wherein the
operation of the strainer can also be automated.
A series of tests of the self-cleaning strainer, used to reduce the content of suspended solids in
the leachate of the MSW landfill, was carried out.

Fig. 1. The process flow chart of integrated treatment of MSW landfill leachate
CO. Cl, C2, C4. C5, C6 - containers for receiving and preparing a solution of reagents
Pl, P2,P3tP4-pumps
PD1,PD2,PD3: PD4. PD5 - dosing pumps
FM1. FM2 - mechanical filters
EFD - elektroflotodestruktor
TLS - 3etder with thin-layer modules
UFM - ultrafiltration membrane module
ROM - reverse osmosis membrane module
AD - adsorber
ws - ultraviolet sterilizer

The operation of the strainer with combined filtration (100 ụm filtration rating) during the
mechanical treatment of MSW landfill leachate showed that this strainer ensures reproducible
quality of filtration. After multiple washes the strainer performance is restored almost to initial
values; the design of the strainer, having the built-in brushes in its housing, makes it possible to
effectively clean the filtering screen from adhesive contaminants, typical for landfill leachate.
The volume of water, required for washing the strainer, is not more than 1.5% of the total

volume of water passed through the strainer during one filtration cycle, which doesn't present a
significant load on the water disposal system HOT AIR DRYING SYSTEM

Fig. Typical picture of hot air drying process and solar drying
– The MSW Storage area can also be heated by Solar Energy (Solar Drying) through
corrugated iron roof.
– Long time ago, The heat from the sun has been used to dry food crops for preservation for
several thousand years. During the last decades, several developing countries have started
to change their energy policies toward further reduction of petroleum import and to alter
their energy use toward the utilization of renewable energies. Accordingly, the availability
of solar energy and the operational marketing and economy reasons offer a good
opportunity for using solar drying all over the world.
– Solar drying can benefit the environment due to its utilization of renewable energy source
and exemption for GHG emission despite the high capital investment cost.

– In solar drying process, drying takes place in a modular solar dryer with forced convection,
of which the design supports the heating and air circulation. In solar drying of agricultural
products, the moisture is removed by the solar heated air, having a temperature range of
50-60°C. Solar dryers have been currently adopted in various type, size and design
– The dewatering option is named thermal drying when an external auxiliary energy source
allows the heating of the waste. During thermal drying, a significant amount of thermal
energy needs to be transferred to the wet solids to evaporate the water and to heat the solids
and remaining water.
– The use of thermal drying enables a product with high solid content to be rapidly obtained,
this technique is, in most cases, neither cost-effective nor environmentally friendly because
a non-renewable energy resource is consumed.
– The approach of thermal drying has been fully developed for sewage sludge but the
applications of drying MSW are found to be emerging.
– Convective thermal drying process at 0.1 meters per second of hot air flow rates in an
experimental scale.
– About 100% of moisture reduction in MSW was achieved at drying temperature of 107-
167°C during 160-260 min.
– The improved gasifier design with the recovered waste heat could be commercially
profitable and environmentally friendly since the utilized fuel was biomass.
– When the drying oven is used for drying process, it causes the objects to dry out through
evaporation, by using convection heating, in which the object is heated by air currents
– Gravity convection or forced air convection drying ovens could provide a greater degree of
evenness, control of temperature, rapid drying capabilities.
– Oven drying can yield efficient dehydration process and short drying times, with a
maximum temperature of 250-350°C. ODOR CONTROL SYSTEM
– Odor is one of those nuisance issues that surface, and commonly need to be addressed in
one manner or another when Waste treatment complex is located within close proximity to
a community.
– In the design stages, the type of waste stream, footprint, operating objectives, and location
all play critical roles in the factors determining the scope of an odor management plan
– Odor control systems or materials reverse fuel system (MRFs) adopt a variety of odor
technology ranging from carbon, biofiltration, and scrubbing techniques in closed cell
environments, to the most conventional type of odor control, including fixed nozzle high

pressure and mid pressure misting of deodorizers with nozzles positioned in ceilings,
around bay doors, and around the perimeter of properties.
– The Odor Control is designed to work under negative air systems.
– The model study is done, that shows where and how the airs is moving within the building
in direct relationship to that negative air system, and know what is being captured and
what's not being captured. It helps with the design work on the front end, as opposed to
redesign work on the back end.

Fig. Picture for description of Odor control and treatment system

 Designed for: gas, air
 Filtration element: activated carbon
 Other characteristics: anti-odor
 Flow rate: 13,000 m3/h (459,090.667 ft3/h)
 Microporous structure allows high adsorption rates
Activated carbon is fine-grained carbon with a highly porous structure and a very large surface.
It is used industrially for eliminating unwanted harmful substances or odours from gases,
vapours and liquids or for the recovery of residues. The substances are bound to the activated
carbon by adsorption.
Activated carbon is used as a powder, granulated or pressed into pellets or carbon compotes.
For selected applications, the activated carbon can be impregnated with chemicals or metal

The arrangement of the equipment is important to minimize unnecessary conveyors, all of
which need regular maintenance. “Careful selection of equipment to best return the desired
results in performance is critical. If low upfront costs (investment costs) are most important, the
system will likely use more hand sorting, requiring higher staffing levels. Conversely, use of
more automated sorting processes like optical sorters will minimize staffing requirements.
The waste shall be conveyed from MSW Receipt Area to Magnetic Separator with the help of
trough conveyors. Conveyor type and capacity shall be provided as per required minimum
sizes. The trough conveyors has to be secured in place properly with due diligence on Safety
Norms. The trough conveyor transfers the material from receipt area to magnetic separator.

Smart Orbiters trommel screens are ideal for screening MSW Biomass and Compost materials
for size separation.

Smart Orbiters offers a wide range of sizes and capacities, custom built one at a time and
tailored to the needs of individual customers. Built for heavy duty applications they are
designed to provide years of trouble-free separation.
– Heavy Duty Turning Wheels.
– Optional In-feed &Discharge Conveyor.
– Optional Multi Screen.
– Optional Cleaning Brush.
– Screen Cover with Hinged Access Panels.
A permanent magnet type magnetic separator shall be placed over the conveyor for removal of
ferromagnetic materials. The separator shall be so installed to drop the collected metal pieces
directly into the drop boxes below, from where the same can be stored in the container yard of
recycable waste for later resale/reuse to a metal vendor.

The magnetic separator shall be placed outside the manual sorting room to ensure operators are
not exposed to magnetic fields.
An easy to see safety notice (regarding electromagnetic fields) for the location where the
separators are set up shall be provided. It should ensure that staff is not exposed to magnetic
fields that are too strong.
The iron separator shall remove ferromagnetic materials that are contained in the flow of
materials. In order to optimize the separator's performance the device shall be designed with a
pole shoe extension.
The permanent magnet shall create strong magnetic field. A conveyer belt shall run over
magnet and pick up ferrous material. As the belt moves away from magnetic field, material
shall dislodge and fall into a chute.
The belt of magnetic separator shall be manufactured to a reinforced design (at least 15 mm
thick) with supports made of rubber or non-magnetic metal. The alignment of the belt shall be
provided by fixed rollers on the side of the magnet. The transfer chute shall be manufactured of
antimagnetic material. This chute shall transport the metal scrap to the collection container.
Especially this chute shall be designed in a way to prevent material blockages due to hook up
of e.g. metal wires or conglomerates of metals and other parts. The end section of the
conveyors must be made in stainless steel. The device shall be provided with support
structures, which are height-adjustable to ensure the height of the devise can be adjusted over
the conveyor belt.The technical specifications are as follows:
SR NO Parameter Data
1 Input material Dry Waste over the conveyor belt
2 Quantity (kg/day) 120TPD
3 Bulk Weight (kg/m3) Approx........100 - 400
4 Throughput Rate (Ton/hr.) minimum 5TPH
5 Type of magnet : Permanent magnet
6 Belt Width (mm) As per Vendor Design
7 Orientation: In-line to feeding Conveyor
8 Direction of metal extraction In direction of feeding Conveyor
9 Separation Efficiency (%) minimum 85 % of incoming Fe
Magnetic Field (center)
At a distance of 300 mm to the belt(Gauss): minimum 800 Magnetic Field (side)
At a distance of 300 mm to the belt(Gauss):minimum 350

An eddy current separator uses a powerful magnetic field to separate non-ferrous metals from
waste after all ferrous metals have been removed previously by some arrangement of
permanent magnets. The device makes use of eddy currents to effect the separation. Eddy
current separators are not designed to sort ferrous metals which become hot inside the eddy
current field. This can lead to damage of the eddy current separator unit belt.
The eddy current separator is applied to a conveyor belt carrying a thin layer of mixed waste.
At the end of the conveyor belt is an eddy current rotor. Non-ferrous metals are thrown forward
from the belt into a product bin, while non-metals simply fall off the belt due to gravity.
Eddy current separators may use a rotating drum with permanent magnets, or may use an
electromagnet depending on the type of separator.


Smart Orbiters Air Density Separator (Wind shifter) use controlled air to efficiently and
reliably separate waste by its density characteristics. These units are at the core of MSW

sorting process, and are used to liberate the lighter (and higher value) products from inert and
contaminated materials.
It is an ideal solution for air separation of light and heavy materials. The 10001500mm wide
accelerator belt with dual radial blower fans maximises capacity and efficiency for waste
Using a powerful air stream the wind shifter can blow light particle away from heavy particles
in the waste stream to achieve a density separation. The static wind shifter requires minimal
maintenance and has minimal running costs which make the wind shifter the optimal
– Compact.
– Safe/Simple Operation.
– Protects other equipment in processing cycle-e.g shredders.
– Requires little floor space.
– Extra heavy-duty construction.
– Low maintenance.
– Fixed and static applications.
– Construction & Demolition Waste (C&D).
– Electronic & Electrical Waste (WEEE).
– Refuse derived fuel (SRF/RDF).
– Compost over sizing Cleaning.
– MRF Glass Cleaning.
– Heavy Duty Blower.
– Inbuilt Conveyors.
– Adjustable air flow and angle.
– Uniform Blowing.
– Easy Blowing.
– Different Bale Sizes.
– Auto/Manual Operation.

A shredder unit shall be provided to shred the recyclable material, wood, rubber, thermo coal,
styrofoam,cloth etc. any such material as required to meet the recycling requirement in the
A single shaft, low speed shredders shall be provided having a high throughput rate, a well
thought-out construction and reliable operation. Shredder shall have following features:
– Sturdy construction,
– High throughput rates for very reliable, easy to use
– Easy maintenance and wide range of possibilities for use
The shredder shall be provided with its own feed hopper and a conveyor belt. The feed hopper
shall have a height of not more than 1 m for easy feeding via bobcats/wheel loaders. The
shredder shall be used to shred the following items as applicable,
– Plastic
– Plastic bottles
– Cloth
– Thermocoal sheets
– Cut tyre pieces (Whole tyres shall be manually cut to 200 x 200 mm size before feeding)
– Wood, branches TROUGH CONVEYOR

The trough Conveyor carries material from the Shredder outlet to the Top of EWMS hopper.

Waste goes through the conveyor and into the hopper. Only the top gate of the hopper is open
during loading. Once the hopper is fully loaded, the top hopper gate closes and the bottom
hopper gate opens, thus the garbage drops into the main chamber. When the waste drops into
the main chamber, the bottom hopper gate closes. (The opening and closing of the hopper is
powered by cog and gear system.)


Fig. Typical picture of structure and operation mechanism of EWMS chamber

a. Before putting waste into the chamber ensure all nozzles & internals of chamber are clean
from dust & soot deposits.
b. At the starting up time of system, an ignition process of the chamber is initialized. Dry
waste which consists of paper and plastic is ignited by matches or lighter in the chamber.
Then, the ignition door is closed.
c. Once the ignition chamber & Ash Collection Door is closed, the waste is dumped in from
the top feeding chamber.
d. Once the waste is dumped, the magnetic valves are released and atmospheric oxygen is let
inside the machine through the magnetic alignment. The outside air gets ionized. The
ionized air in the chamber breaks the atom into electrons, neutrons and protons. Some
electrons are removed from the atom and the molecules are free to move which is created
by the permanent neodymium iron boron blocks. This increases the temperature to about
300°C-400°C. Acceleration of electrons creates a strong energy which increases and
maintains the heat in the chamber
e. Inside the chamber, the oxygen which has negative ions is highly oxidative, thus
decomposing dioxins and other harmful compounds by oxidation.

f. As time goes by, the temperature inside the chambers increases to 800°C -1100°C.



g. The decomposition of waste takes place stack wise so that the heat energy generated will
be continuous. Located at the bottom of the destruction chamber is a tubular type radiator
positioned near the lower layer of the equipment where ash gets deposited and separated.
The waste heat is recovered through a tubular heat sink arranged near the upper layer of the
deposited ash of a hearth centre section of said decomposition chamber and said hearth
periphery. This entire structure will support heat transfer, recovering the waste heat and
applying it back to the wet waste, thus reducing the moisture content dramatically.
h. The flue gasses emitted from the decomposition chamber is released by induced draft. The
emission may contain some toxic components like dioxin and furan, heavy metals, nitrogen
oxides, particulate matters etc. The average temperature range of flue gases will be in the
range of 900°C -1200°C.



– Serflo separators are separation devices (dry scrubbers) that use the principle of inertia to
remove particulate matter from flue gases. Serflo separators is one of many air pollution
control devices they generally remove larger pieces of particulate matter. This prevents
finer filtration methods from having to deal with large, more abrasive particles later on.
– It is important to note that Serflo Separators can vary drastically in their size. The size of
the separators depends largely on how much flue gas must be filtered, thus larger
operations tend to need larger Separators.
– The Serflo Separators works similar to a cyclone separator, where large particles with high
inertia fall into the dust collection chamber. The dirty flue gases are fed continuously. The

particles hit the inside walls of the container and drop down into a collection hopper. These
chambers are shaped like an upside-down rectangular serpentine sections to promote the
collection of these particles at the bottom of the container. The cleaned flue gas escapes out
the top of the chamber.
– Most Serflo Seperators are built to control and remove particulate matter that is larger than
8 micrometers in diameter. However, there do exist high efficiency Serflo Seperators that
are designed to be effective on particles as small as 2.5 micrometers.
– Out of all of the particulate-control devices, Serflo separators are among the least
expensive. They are often used as a pre-treatment before the flue gas enters more effective
pollution control devices. AUTOMATIC FLUE GAS FILTER (AUFIG) UNIT

The flue gasses coming out from Serflo Separator pass through the Automatic Flue Gas Filter
Unit. The filter unit entraps and removes particulate matter up to 2.5 microns. The filter unit is
designed to withstand high-temperature flue gases.
Clean flue gases are then passed further to ReDox System. The entrapped particulate matters
are then removed from screen surfaces automatically with the help of rotating scraper and
compressed air jet. The unplugged particulate matters go down to the bottom part of the filter
unit where it is removed periodically as on when necessary.
The PM can be removed automatically (but with additional cost).
A ReDox Unit is a sophisticated proprietary set of equipment used in the flue gas exhaust
system. It converts harmful gases in the EWMS exhaust to relatively harmless gases.

The exhaust gases from a EWMS contain harmful substances such as oxides of nitrogen (NOx),
carbon monoxide (CO) and Hydrocarbons (HC). These substances produce extreme
environment hazards. ReDox Unit convert these harmful substances to less harmful nitrogen
(N2), carbon-dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O).
The ReDox Unit carries with it, automatic cleaning system with ultra air jet nozzles to remove
the fine dust load to ensure continuous operation of the system.
The gases that finally come out of the ReDox chamber are N2, CO2, and H2O. Redoxes are so
named because they are capable of eliminating three pollutants - NOx, CO and HC. MAXIMA ORC EVAPORATOR
The maxima range of ORC evaporator recovers flue gas heat energy and reuses it, typically
heating ORC working fluid for converting it into useful electrical energy.

1. Baffle Plate-Removes Bulk of Dust Deposits from all tubes in 360°C
2. Compressed Air- Removes Light Dust Deposits from all tubes in 360’C
3. Acid Neutralizers - Neutralizes Acids formed due to Sulphuric Add & Nitric Add Condensation.

In a maxima range of heat exchangers flue gas temperature is reduced to below its dew point,
thus condensing moisture and recovering latent heat as well a greater amount of sensible heat
that can't be recovered by a simple heat exchanger.
The maxima condensing evaporator is used to drop the temperature of the flue or exhaust gases
as low as 40°C-50°C trapping both sensible heat and latent heat in the flue gases. Above 40°C-
50°C the heat is suitably trapped and converted into electrical energy.
Temperature and flow regulating stabilizer is used to regulate the temperature of flue gases,
which should be maintained below the critical temperature of the ORC working fluid.
The system uses a condensing evaporator with a self-cleaning mechanism which helps in
maintaining the overall heat transfer rate and efficiency of the system by effectively removing
dust particles from the tube surfaces.
The Auto Acid Neutralizing mechanism is used in the condensing evaporator which ensures the
tubes remain acid-free by neutralizing acids formed on account of flue gas temperature
reduction below dew point temperature.
– Can significantly increase the thermal efficiency of the plant.
– Can be used to increase the electrical output of generating plant.
– It can supply heat for external processes..
– Can reduce the moisture content of exhaust gases leaving the stack.
– The maxima range of condensing heat exchanger goes further than this, reducing a plant's
environmental footprint by "polishing" flue gases, further reducing contaminant levels after
conventional flue-gas contaminant removal systems and protecting downstream equipment
from acid corrosion as well as offering high-grade heat. HEAT TO ELECTRICAL ENERGY (ORGANIC RANKINE CYCLE UNIT)
Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) is the same process as a steam turbine system with the driving
fluid being an organic fluid instead of steam. Lower temperature Operation uses lower quality
heat, often residual, that would otherwise be wasted to generate electricity.
The efficiency is around 10-20%, depending on the temperature of the fluid. ORC can make
use of low temperature waste heat to generate electricity. At these low temperatures a steam
cycle would be inefficient, due to enormous volumes of low pressure steam, causing very
voluminous and costly plants.

The entire plant is designed for unmanned operation and is monitored / controlled from the
control room. The project uses a highly sophisticated control system to maintain the desired
parameters to get the required output. Necessary feedback control systems are included in the
The design of the plant is based on the following criteria:
– The ORC unit is composed of a number of skids containing all the ORC components and
auxiliaries. It is easy-to-transport and easy-to-install.
– The ORC Unit uses a working fluid in a closed-loop, which is safe from the toxicological
an environmental point of view.
– The ORC Unit is completely automated, with modest requirements in terms of shut-down
time and manpower for maintenance.
– The electric generator is asynchronous, in order to allow an easier coupling to the grid.
– The whole installation and the turbine in particular, are designed to be simple and reliable.
The ORC Unit module includes:
– Evaporator
– Condenser
– Vapour-admission, cut-off, start and by-pass valves with relevant piping.

– Working fluid feed pump.
– Electric Generator.
– Turbine with relevant ancillary equipment.
– ORC Unit Control System cubicles.
– ORC Unit auxiliaries (lubricating system, vacuum pump, etc.) and relevant driving
– Cubicles.
– Switch-gear.
The low-temperature acid-free flue gases are then passed through a 3 Stage Scrubber Unit for
removal of balance pollutants if any.
The first-stage scrubber has a sodium hydroxide solution (NaOH) which is sprinkled with nano
sprinkles from its separate water tank. This cleans the left over toxins.
From the first-stage scrubber, the flue gas goes through the second-stage scrubber, which has
dolomites and clinoptilolite. This further reduces the left over toxins. Finally to eliminate odour
and any remaining toxins that go out of the chimney, the flue gas goes through the third-stage
scrubber with activated carbon.
The residues of ash and sludge oil are collected from the tanks of the scrubbers. Underneath the
chamber, fine ash is collected.

Induced Draft Fan or ID fan is used to create a vacuum or negative pressure in a system.
Induced draft Fan is also used to identify the decomposition process used in EWMS Chamber.
When mechanical ventilation is supplied to EWMS Chamber, the heat transfer rate increases
Induced draft fan or ID fan is always located between scrubber unit and chimney.
ID fan takes the cold flue gases from scrubber exhaust system and will deliver to chimney. ID
fan produce the pressure lower than the atmospheric pressure in the system or we may say that
ID fan produces the negative pressure in the EWMS exhaust line to remove the flue gases from
chamber via Redox, ORC Evaporator and scrubber unit and to push it to chimney. CHIMNEY
A flue-gas stack, also known as a smoke stack, chimney stack or simply as a stack, is a type of
chimney, a vertical pipe, channel or similar structure through which clean flue gases are
exhausted to the outside air.

Air emissions from incineration depend on the specific waste composition and the presence and
effectiveness of air pollution control systems. Polluting emissions may include carbon dioxide
(CO2), CO, NOX, sulfur dioxide (SO2), particulate matter, ammonia, amines, acids (HCL,
HF), VOCs, dioxins/furans,polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs), metals (Hg), and sulfides, etc., depending on the waste content and
degradation conditions. The following measures are recommended to prevent, minimize, and
control air emissions:
– Conduct waste segregation and/or pre-sorting to avoid incineration of wastes that contain
metals and metalloids that may volatilize during combustion and be difficult to control
through air emission technology (e.g., mercury and arsenic);
– Follow applicable national requirements and internationally recognized standards for
thermal degradation system design and operating conditions, mainly rapid quenching of the
flue gas after leaving all degradation chambers and before entering any dry particulate
matter air pollution control device but also combustion temperature, residence time, and

turbulence. Standards for stationary thermal degradation equipment which include
temperature and afterburner exit gas quenching (i.e. rapid temperature reduction)
requirements are preferred in order to nearly eliminate dioxins and furans;
– Introduce wastes into the degradation chamber only after the optimum temperature is
reached in the final degradation chamber. The waste charging system should be interlocked
with the temperature monitoring and control system to prevent waste additions if the
operating temperature falls below the required limits;
– Minimize the uncontrolled ingress of air into the combustion chamber via waste loading or
other routes;
– Optimize thermal degradation equipment geometry, materials injection, and, if used, NOX
control devices using flow modelling;
– Optimize and control degradation conditions by the control of air (oxygen) supply,
distribution and temperature, including gas and oxidant mixing; the control of degradation
temperature level and distribution; and the control of raw gas residence time;
– Implement maintenance and other procedures to minimize planned and unplanned system
shutdowns; Prior invest many modules at the same time for alternative operaiton.
– Avoid operating conditions in excess of those that are required for efficient destruction of
the waste;
– Use a boiler to transfer the flue-gas energy for the production of electricity and/or supply of
steam/heat, if practical;
– Use primary (thermal degradation process-related) NOX control measures and/or selective
catalytic reduction (SCR) or selective noncatalytic reduction (SNCR) systems, depending
on the emissions levels required;
– Use flue gas treatment system for control of acid gases, particulate matter, and other air
– Minimize formation of dioxins and furans by ensuring that particulate control systems do
not operate in the 200 to 400 degrees Celsius temperature range; identifying and
controlling incoming waste composition; using primary (combustion-related) controls;
using designs and operation conditions that limit the formation of dioxins, furans, and their
precursors; and using flue gas controls;
– Consider the application of waste-to-energy or anaerobic digestion technologies to help
off-set emissions associated with fossil fuel based power generation. ASH AND OTHER RESIDUELS - WORLD BANK STANDARD
Degradation of solid wastes generates ash and other material remaining after incineration. Solid
wastes may also be generated from treatment of wastewater from flue gas treatment (FGT).The

following measures are recommended to prevent, minimize, and control solid waste from
– Design the EWMS chamber to, as far as possible, physically retain the waste within the
reaction chamber (e.g. narrow grate bar spacing for grates, rotary or static kilns for
appreciably liquid wastes), and use a waste throughput rate that provides sufficient
agitation and residence time of the waste in the chamber at sufficiently high temperatures,
including any ash treatment areas, in order to achieve a total organic carbon (TOC) value in
the ash residues of below 3 wt percent and typically between 1 and 2 wt percent.
– Manage bottom ash separately from fly ash and other flue gas treatment residues to avoid
contamination of the bottom ash for its potential recovery;
– Manage bottom ash separately from fly ash and other flue gas treatment residues to avoid
contamination of the bottom ash for its potential recovery;
– Treat bottom ash on or off-site (e.g., by screening and crushing) to the extent that is
required to meet the specifications set for its use or at the receiving treatment or disposal
site (e.g., to achieve a leaching level for metals and salts that is in compliance with the
local environmental conditions at the place of use);
– Bottom ash and residuals should be managed based on their classification as hazardous or
nonhazardous materials. Hazardous ash should be managed and disposed of as hazardous
waste. Non-hazardous ash may be disposed of in an MSW landfill or considered for
recycling in construction materials. WATER EFFLUENTS
Cooling systems generate cooling tower blow down, which is addressed in the General EHS
Guidelines. In addition, flue gas treatment generates wastewaters requiring treatment and
disposal. To prevent, minimize, and control water effluents, wastewater from flue gas treatment
should be treated as necessary, e.g., using filtration coagulation, precipitation, and filtration to
remove heavy metals, and neutralization.

– Principal sources include exhaust fans and resulting in noise from the outlet of the stack;
cooling system (for evaporation cooling and especially for air cooling); and turbine
– Measures to address noise impacts are addressed in the General EHS Guidelines.
Additional recommended measures to prevent, minimize, and control noise from
incineration include use of silencers on air coolers and chimneys, as necessary.
4.1. Advantages and benefits of EWMS
Eco Waste Management System (EWMS) is a technology using series of mechanism to
create an efficient, commercially viable, eco-friendly and permanent solution to waste
The innovation addresses solid waste disposal with the use of magnetic ionization instead of
conventional fossil fuels, reduces waste volume in the ratio of 1/200 to 1/300, is compact and
mobile, and has relatively low equipment and operation and maintenance costs.
It comes with different variants based on materials, features and capacity.
The machine is very compact and works effectively regardless of any weather condition.

The capacity of the machine ranges from 2 tons a day to 100 tons a day with most automation.
EWMS is easy to operate. Simply start the machine by igniting a small amount of waste in the
ignition chamber. Once the ignition chamber is closed, the waste is dumped in from the top
feeding chamber.
Waste decomposition occurs 24/7. Preventative maintenance cleaning is recommended 7 times
a year.
Once the waste is dumped, the magnetic valves are released and atmospheric oxygen is let
inside the machine through the magnetic alignment. By this process, the inner chamber will be
operating at 900ºC to 1000ºC and will achieve a state of ionization and thermal vibration.
At its full capacity, which is attained after approximately 5 - 7 hours of working, the inside
temperature is over 1,000ºC. At its full capacity, that is, after 5 -7 hours of running the
machine, it can be fed every 2 to 3 hours.
The output ash and oil is collected from the ash chamber and the quantity of output atsh will be
in the ration 1 by 300 to the input waste. The ash can be reused in construction and building
sectors. The oil can be processed for reuse, as well. The dioxins, furans and all other gaseous
products are disassociated within the chamber and converted to ionized oxygen, which in turn
maintains low plasma heat. Any remaining gaseous emission comes through the machine and
passes through a customized 3-stage wet scrubber. The wet scrubber makes the gaseous
emission from the chimney to be smokeless, odorless and 100% non-toxic.
The Eco Waste Management System can be used by landfills, municipal corporations,
hospitals, commercial complexes, industrial and tech parks and education institutions. It can be
used by any segment of society. This revolutionary product will make the waste management
problem extinct.
The Eco Waste Management System at full capacity may be used in the following applications:
The 2 and 5 ton capacity machine can be placed at residential complexes and the garbage will
be required to get picked up for up to 12+ MONTHS. Thus, reducing the transportation and
logistics costs for the waste management companies.
If integrated with the existing local grid system of these residential complexes, it can provide
electricity without the need for transporting electricity to these residential areas.
The 10, 20, 40 and 60 ton capacity machine can be put at transfer stations and save in tipping
fees and operating costs and generate electricity even from demolition waste.

The 80 and 100 ton capacity machines can be out at landfills to eliminate the need for any new
landfill areas and generate electricity for the entire community. The existing landfills can also
be used to generate electricity and eliminate any associated land, water and air contaminants.
This new, state-of-the-art technology does not require any input energy source like fuel or
electricity, to manage the waste. It only requires minimal energy to run the scrubbers and
The system uses magnetic ionized heat to treat and decompose waste. It is flexible in handling
different types of waste.
It has the capability to process bulky wastes such as used tires, PET bottles, plastic bags and
ionization technology is used. The system doesn’t needs the combustion process. Neither
electricity, nor fossil fuel is used.
– PROCESS AT MAGNETIZED STATE: After initial start-up fire, destruction starts
slowly by splitting the molecules into atoms. These atoms further ionized as electron,
proton and neutron and this state is called “magnetized ionization stage”.
– SMALL FOOTPRINT: A small floor space depending on the system size sufficient to
accommodate system anywhere close to source.
– QUICK & FAST: Machine can be operated 24/7. Decomposition of waste takes place at a
faster rate in 1-1.5 hours period for single batch load.
– US TECHNOLOGY: Eco Waste Management System is based on United State design
and process that works on a Programmed Magnetized Oxygenated State that eliminates any
and all kinds of environment pollutants
– LOW COST & LESS MAINTENANCE: Low capital expenditure with minimal running
– MOBILITY: Compact & Easy for Mobility
– ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY: Helps conserve the Environment by adhering to emission
norms; also helps curtail Air, Soil & Ground Water Pollution; Any non-segregated
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) can be handled effectively.
– De-Centralizes handling of waste
– Reduces Transportation Costs
– Avoids Open Burning of Garbage
– Reduces Burden on Landfills
– Phases Out Landfills with Zero Waste
– Saves the Environment from Air, Soil, Ground Water Pollution
– Low capital expenditure with minimal running cost
Solid waste disposal has been a major issue in many countries and there is a need for
elimination of problems associated with the landfilling, or even open burning or burying, of
Although landfills are one of the most widely used methods of waste disposal, it is common
knowledge that all landfills leak. This leakage often contains heavy metals and other toxic
substances, which can contaminate ground and water resources. Besides leaching, vaporization
and spontaneous fires are also a dangerous concern in landfills.
Incineration is the process of destroying waste through burning. This process is associated with
a major risk of generating and dispersing contaminants and toxic substances, due to a variety of
substances in the waste. The residue ash and the gasses released during the burning process are
often very toxic. Incineration also leads to the loss of trace elements which could have been
recovered had they been sorted and processed separately.
Additional problems created by using incineration are as follows:
– It is powered by electricity, kerosene or other types of fuel.
– Additional secondary combustion system is required
– Operates at very high temperatures
– Requires trained technicians to operate
– Maintenance is very high
– Can only be used for dry waste
– Very expensive to purchase and operate
– Dioxin levels in emissions are very high
– Creates highly toxic fly ash and must be disposed of safely
Eco Waste Management System is an amazing, new technology in the field of waste
management. This environmentally friendly machine requires no electricity, gasoline, kerosene
or any other type of fuel, which makes the running cost of this machine almost nil. It requires
no additional equipment and any layman can easily operate it. With the Eco Waste
Management System, waste is destructed scientifically by the intake of small atmospheric air
through ionization. Because of the presence of the ionization state, dioxins and furans are well
under the norms. After destruction of waste, residue collected from the closed chamber will

have certain magnetic/ceramic properties, so the ash is called ceramic ash and can be reused in
the cement and ceramic tile industries.
No electricity or fuel is required - 100% self- YES NO
Waste is destructed scientifically by intake of sma^
atmospheric air through plasma YES NO
No additional equipment is required YES NO
Adopts advanced Plasma Magnetic heat decomposition YES NO
Operates at very safe temperatures YES NO
Any layman can operate the machine YES NO
Maintenance cost is very low - No moving parts in core
machine YES NO
Can be used for any kind of municipal solid YES NO
Comparatively low in cost YES NO
Due to the controlled oxygen in flow technique, the dioxins
and furan levels in the YES NO
Dioxin and furan are well under the norms due to the
presence of plasma state YES NO
The ash can be reused in cement and ceramic tile industries YES NO
Running cost is almost nil YES NO
Can be decentralized accordingly YES NO
Can be easily transported YES NO
Has a minimum of 15 year life span YES NO
Can run continuously for days YES NO
Can be operated with less space YES NO
4.2. Advantages of leachate treatment facilities
fill up by Project Owner

5.1. Operation cost
5.1.1. EWMS
a. General cost of operation of EWMS system
Method of Total amount
No. Cost item SYLBOL
calculation (VND)
I Direct cost of EWMS operaiton T T=VL+NC+MTC 163,514
  Materials VL #Calculation sheet 1 4,461
  Labour NC #Calculation sheet 1 72,078
  Machine MTC #Calculation sheet 1 86,975
II General management cost 5% QL QL=5%*MTC 4,349
III PROFIT 5% LN LN=5%*(T+QL) 8,393
Cost by USD Tỷ giá 23.245 VND/USD 7.58
b. Detail direct operation cost of EWMS system
No. Works Unit Norms Unit price Amount
1 NaOH for scrubber Kg/ton 0.017508594 4,000 70
NaOH for leachate filtration
2 Kg/ton 0.03064004 4,000 123
3 NaOH for stackmax Kg/ton 0.040853387 4,000 163
4 Activated carbon (bio-filter) Kg/ton 0.136828571 30,000 4,105
5 Activated carbon (scrubber) Kg/ton 0.057142857 30,000 1,714
B LABOUR 72,078
1 0.18 275,117 49,521
Normal labour n
2 0.01 287,277 2,873
Driver n
3 0.06 328,077 19,685
Supervisor n
C MACHINE 86,975
1 MSW tipping floor kW/ton 1.253 1,649 2,066
Rejected material shredder
2 kW/ton 6.263 1,649 10,330
Rejected material shredder
3 kW/ton 1.879 1,649 3,099
unit to strommel screen
4 Leachate discharging system kW/ton 0.626 1,649 1,033
5 Leachate filtration system kW/ton 3.132 1,649 5,165
Air flow thermal heating for
6 kW/ton 1.879 1,649 3,099

No. Works Unit Norms Unit price Amount
Ventilation exhaust fan (odor
7 kW/ton 1.879 1,649 3,099
8 Bio-filter unit (odor control) kW/ton 1.879 1,649 3,099
Trommel screen feeding
9 kW/ton 0.752 1,649 1,240
10 Trommel screen kW/ton 1.253 1,649 2,066
Trommel screen rejected
11 kW/ton 0.752 1,649 1,240
material discharge conveyor
Trommel screen to magnetic
12 kW/ton 0.752 1,649 1,240
separator conveyor
13 Magnetic separator kW/ton 0.376 1,649 620
14 Eddy current separator kW/ton 0.752 1,649 1,240
15 Air density separator kW/ton 1.879 1,649 3,099
ADS to shredder unit
16 kW/ton 0.752 1,649 1,240
17 Shredder unit kW/ton 15.031 1,649 24,791
Conveyor - shredder unit to
18 kW/ton 1.879 1,649 3,099
EWMS feed
19 EWMS unit with ID fan kW/ton 4.384 1,649 7,231
EWMS flue gas outlet
20 Temperature monitoring and kW/ton 0.251 1,649 413
regulting system
21 Serflo Separator kW/ton - 1,649 -
22 AUFIG kW/ton 0.376 1,649 620
23 ReDox Unit kW/ton 0.376 1,649 620
24 StackMax kW/ton 0.626 1,649 1,033
25 ORC kW/ton - 1,649 -
26 By pass condensor unit kW/ton 0.626 1,649 1,033
27 3 stage water srubber unit kW/ton 1.253 1,649 2,066
28 ID fan kW/ton - 1,649 -
29 Chimney kW/ton - 1,649 -
30 Air compressor kW/ton 1.879 1,649 3,099
5.2. Maintenance cost
5.2.1. Period of maintenance
For maintaining the equipment you require 2 to 3 days shut down probably 3 to 4 times a year
the exact times woll different based on kind of waste and operations.
5.2.2. Method of maintenance
We don’t need to disconnect any part of the system, just have to replace the solution and
carbon activated granules and dolomite but that’s easy as we have trays systems.

Restart procedure is very simple just open the ignition gate on the chambers and light 5 kgs of
paper it starts and the either parts are all PLC operated automatically. STACKMAX + ORC Operations & Maintenance Procedures
Small power plants are intended to be installed in industrial or civil facilities in which
specialized technician are not available to face system breakdowns. Therefore, low pressure
levels, limited turbine rotational speed and non-toxic organic fluids need to be used, thus
enforcing the limits to the options generally available in ORC design. The aforementioned
limitation on thermodynamic and technical parameters lowers the optimal performance of the
a. Daily inspection (performed by the operators), such as:
– Check generator, turbines, gearbox, feed pump and oil pumps for vibrations, noise or oil
– Check turbine and feed pump for motive fluid leaks.
– Noise and leaks should be checked by a technician and repaired as necessary.
b. Weekly inspection (during operation period), such as:
– Fill out the ORC test sheet and compare the results to the design point values.
– Check and compare condenser pressure with the pressure obtained from the P/T diagram at
the existing condensing temperature, if higher, release air from condenser.
– Check oil level in the oil tanks, add oil if necessary.
– Check oil level in the gearbox.
c. Monthly inspection (during operation), such as:
– Check valve shafts and pump seals for leaks.
– Check the oil ring in the generator bearing housing visually.
– Check battery.
– Check for hot spots in the power and control cabinets (connections, switches and
d. First month inspection:
– Clean motive fluid strainer.
– Replace line oil filter elements.
– Check the oil ring in the generator bearing housing visually.
– Grease all motors according to manufacturer’s instructions.
e.Six months inspection:
– Replace line filters in all systems (lubrication oil, seal oil, and gearbox).

– Tighten all construction bolts.
– Check flanges for leaks (use a leak detector).
– Grease all electrical motors and couplings.
– Check oil quantity and purity.
f. Yearly inspection, which is the most complete, includes:
– Check feed pumps shut-off pressure by operating the pump against closed valve and
reading the delivery pressure.
– Perform feed pump, generator and gearbox maintenance as required by manufacturer.
– Check turbine/gearbox coupling as required by manufacturer.
– Check turbine/gearbox alignment, correct if required.
– Check gearbox/generator couplings, check alignment and correct if required.
– Replace oil in the lubrication and oil tanks.
g. Two years maintenance procedure:
– Disassemble the turbine wheel and nozzles ring.
– Check condition of turbine wheel and nozzles ring.
– Check turbine mechanical seal, o-rings and bearings.
5.2.3. Maintenance cost
Maintenance cost for EWMS system according to manufacture is about 4% of total value of
equipment each year
6.1. EWMS
Supported by EWMS Manufacturer about total cost, price, etc.
6.2. Leachate treatment system
Filled up by Project Onwer (in case that this scope is not belong to EWMS system SELLER)
6.3. Ash and residuals treatment
Filled up by Project Onwer (in case that this scope is not belong to EWMS system SELLER)
7.1. EWMS
From the date of Order 4-5 Months, in which:
– Shipping time: 1 month of Shipping time,
– Installation-15 Days,
– Commissioning – 1 Week
7.2. Leachate treatment system
Completed the equipments installation; it can be operated immediately right at the time input
wastewater come.
7.3. Ash/residues treatment system
Completed the construction of sanitary landfill and can operated immediately when ash and
residue generated
This is a waste treatment project so that it has a positive impact on the environment: resolving
MSW of Ba Ria City, Long Dien district, Dat Do district and Xuyen Moc district, etc. that
contribute to environmental protection for the locality. Environmental impacts and pollution
mitigation measures will be presented in this report including some main impact sources during
project implementation.
Table 8.1. Main impact sources of project
Scale and space of
Object is affected Source of impacts Time of impacts
1. Workers directly - Emissions and odors In the area of Waste During the operation
operate the landfill from Centralized water treatment phase of project
site. Waste water wastewater treatment plant. landfill
treatment system. plant;
- Microclimate factors
in working
environment such as
high temperature.
moisture. speed of
- Labor accidents and
fire incidents
2. Air environment - Smell of waste from Inside the factory During the operation
the transhipment (pollution due to the phase of project
station; smell of waste
- Emissions of MSW Emissions from
treatment activities leachate treatment
from EWMS; plant, EWMS
system ....); landfill
- Emissions. noise from
vehicles transporting

Scale and space of
Object is affected Source of impacts Time of impacts
waste into
transhipment area and
- Emissions from
Centralized waste
water treatment plant;
- Fire incidents
3. Water environment - Leachate from Effect to quality of During the operation
sanitary landfill, from groundwater and phase of project
transportation vehicles, surface water of
from garthering area of local area
- Rainwater run-off;
- Water from exhaust
treatment system and
cooling system of
EWMS system
- Wastewater from
waste transportation
vehicles washing
4. Soil environment Leachate from landfill Soil quality inside of During the operation
factory area phase of project
8.1. About air pollution
 Emissions from sanitary landfill
In general, emission from sanitary landfill of new MSW is formed due to the biodegradation of
organic matters with the main components of CO2. NH3.CH4. However, sanitary landfill in
GREEN HC Waste Treatment Complex is to treat inert components such as ash, non-
biodegradable inorganic substances, therefore, the concentration of air pollution and odor is
low and trivial
 Emissions from EWMS system
The emission components from EWMS system include dust, SO x, NOx, Hydrocarbon, HCl, HF,
some heavy metals such as Pb, Cr, Cd, Hg, Ni, As, Cu, Sn, Zn usually exist in compounds such
as oxide, salt, dust particle size <2µm and trace organic pollutants such as PAHs (polycyclic
hydrocarbons), PCBs, CPs, CBs, Furans, PCDs, PCDFs
 Emissions from Centralized wastewater treatment plant

Odor and aerosol at trash rack. sludge collection tank, etc in wastewater treatment plant mainly
due to H2S, NH3, amino acids, mercaptan ... with concentrations that cause discomfort and can
affect to respiratory, reduce smell
8.2. About water pollution
 Leachate from sanitary landfill
The amount of leachate generated by rainwater infiltration, the changing in humidity of waste,
the amount of water consumed by the decomposition equation and the evaporation of water,
The amount of leachate of landfill is collected and treated at Centralized waste water treatment
plant together with vehicles washing wastewater, wastewater from other sanitary sources with
capacity 150 m3/day.
 Water from the exhaust treatment system from magnetic ionization decomposition:
The characteristic of this kind of wastewater is partly composed of fine amd acid ash. Water is
mixed with NaOH solution to neutralize wastewater, increase efficiency of absorbing pollutant
gases. Wastewater has high SS and TSS content due to the formation of salts, metal oxides.
After the circulation period, water will be conveyed to Centralized wastewater treatment
system of the Complex.
Relatively small amount of waste water which has content of BOD, COD, inorganic salts (Cl-.
SO42-. CO32-) may exceed the permitted standard. Wastewater may also contain other toxic
organic compounds, including aliphatic hydrocarbons (aliphatic), aromatic rings, halogenated
organic substances such as DDT, PCBs, which can increase the ability to complex with humic
and fulvic acids.
 Water from waste transportation vehicles washing
Water from waste transportation vehicles washing mainly contains suspended solid and a small
amount of MSW remaining on the vehicles .... and is directed to the Centralized wastewater
treatment system for treatment.
8.3. About solid waste pollution
Most of waste from the treatment areas is buried in hygienic and safe manner, which limits the
pollution caused by waste generated from the treatment areas.
8.4. About rainwater run-off
Rainwater run-off passed working floor, biological pond will bring sand, organic matter, spilled
waste, etc. into the water. If this rainwater is not well controlled and managed, it will
negatively impact surface water, groundwater and aquatic life in the area.

8.5. About occupational accidents
Reason that caused occupational accidents is that worker do not strictly comply with labor
safety regulations such as do not wear safety protective equipments when classifying and
carelessly use cutting machine, pressing machine, vehicles, etc. other mechanical reparation.
The probability of accident happening depends on the sense of compliance with rules and labor
safety rules of people working in the Complex. These effects directly affect workers such as:
causing injury of all kinds, occupational disease, or life damage.
8.6. Measures to minimize adverse impacts - prevention and response to environmental
8.6.1. Measures to minimize impacts from waste transportation
The waste transporting route will be planned by investor and on the road that allowed the waste
transportation of local area, in order to minimize traffic incidents and the risk of environmental
pollution. The route of waste transportation is selected in the shortest way, ensuring a safe
distance from residential areas, areas with water sources for daily life, without going through
large intersection with many cars and crowded people. The time of transportation does not
coincide with the peak hours and minimize transportation time. MSW is transported by
specialized transport vehicles, ensuring no odor dispersion and leakage of leachate on the way
of transportation.
8.6.2. Measures to minimize impacts from landfill gases
Landfill gas collection system includes gas collection wells installed during operation, joining
and raising the height according to the height of landfill operation. The part of pipe lying in the
surface of landfill and the overhang above surface of landfill using non-flammable materials,
withstanding mechanical and chemical effects.
Landfill gas conveying system consists of main pipes and branch pipes. Branch pipe connects
from gas collection pipe to the main pipe. After gathering from gas collection wells, gas is
burned by combustion head located at top of well.
8.6.3. Measures to minimize exhaust from EWMS system
EWMS system applies current advanced waste decomposition technology, there is no
phenomenon of fire and fire during the decomposition process so the possibility of exhaust
pollution is low. However, the system is equipped with a relatively effective dust treatment and
dust filtration system, so that, quality of exhaust gas after treatment meets the current
environmental standards.
8.6.4. Measures to minimize exhaust from Centralized waste water treatment plant
– Regular operate wastewater treatment system.
– Perform operation mode, accurately quantify materials, comply with technological

– Having a concrete pad for covering tightly the receiving pit;
– Planting isolation tree area according to QCVN 07:2010/BXD Vietnam Building
CodeUrban Engineering Infrastructures.
8.6.5. Measures to minimize impacts from leachate of landfill and wastewater from
wastewater treatment plant
A technical measure to control leachate besides using an intermediate soil cover layer of about
0.2 m thickness will be applied to solid waste layers that have reached the designed height of a
layer. Intermediate layer is used to minimize the amount of water that enters to solid waste
before burying of next layer or top cover. The base layer has an adequate slope of 1% for
drainage, the most appropriate measure is the installation of bottom liner system to prevent
leachate from penetrating into the ground and groundwater. Normally, the design of sanitary
landfill with waterproofing layer includes: clay layer with thickness around 1m, geotextile and
HPDE layer with thickness 2mm.
Besides, company also installs a pipeline system to collect leachate. The entire amount of
leachate is conveyed to Centralized wastewater treatment plant
Detail measures includes:
– Separate the storm water drainage ditch on surface of landfill cell.
– Embankment of dikes or surrounding edges around landfill to prevent stormwater from
– Install bottom layer of landfill and pipeline system for collecting leachate to wastewater
treatment plant
– Install stormwater drainage system surrounding landfill and direct flow to out of landfill.
– Regular check and maintain the stormwater drainage system, especially, rainy season.
Bottom layer and top cover of sanitary landfill comply with TCXDVN 261:2001-BXD.
Leachate collection system includes: leachate collection floor, leachate collection pipe system,
leachate collection pit.
Because the burial component is ash and industrial wastes, composition and amount of
wastewater generated are low, limiting pollution.
Collected waste water will be conveyed to Centralized wastewater treatment system of factory
and treated to meet QCVN 25:2009/BTNMT and QCVN 40:2011/BTNMT column A, then,
stored in biological ponds to circularly reuse for production activities of the Complex.
Source of the project's discharge is the Ba La canal of Dang river, a branch of the Ray River in
Lang Dai commune area.

8.6.6. Measures to minimize impacts from wastewater of waste transpoetation vehicles
According to the management regulations of waste treatment complex, all vehicles leaving out
the treatment area must be washed to avoid causing environmental pollution on the
transportation road. This amount of wastewater is mainly contaminated by inorganic substances
(sandy soil) and partly organic matter due to the type of organic waste that attaches to the
wheel, and on the trunk. However, due to the low quality of water for vehicles washing, the
amount of vehicles wash water is circulated after pretreatment by sedimentation process. The
amount of sediment sludge retained in the settling tank is pumped to landfill and does not need
to dry it out.
8.6.7. Measures to minimize impacts from overflowing rainwater
Rainwater is collected into water collection pits with trash bars that automatically flow into the
stormwater drainage system designed along the sidewalks of traffic routes, around factory
areas, the main structure is reinforced concrete pipes placed underground. Those sections
crossing the road use reinforced ditches with reinforced concrete cap, and the section flowing
into streams is used reinforced concrete pipes. At position connected to the open ditch with
pipe line, there is a pit installed fine trash bars with opening ≤ 50mm
The slope direction and slope of rainwater drainage system are designed according to traffic
systems. Minimum slope of canal is i ≥0.1%, minimum slope of pipeline is i ≥1/D.
Especially, in landfill site, to avoid the erosion of landfill due to rainwater overflowing, a dike
of 1m height must be built to avoid rainwater runoff from other areas into landfill. For landfill
cell that completed burying, the drainage ditches will be created on the surface and a ditch will
be installed between the two landfill cells to collect rainwater overflowing on the surface. At
the area of landfill cell is being buried, rainwater is collected along with the leachate collection
8.6.8. Measures to minimize impacts to soil and ecosystem
To avoid affecting to land and ecosystems, after closing landfill site for about 9.25 years, use
the ground surface of landfill to build the park to form a green belt for local area.
8.6.9. Measures of occupational safety and fire safety
Occupational safety and health: The proper program of checking and health monitoring, and
training, propagating for workers on occupational safety and hygiene.
Ventilate factory to circulate air to create comfortable working condition.
Prevention of fire and explosion incidents: the factory will apply synchronous technical
measures. To organize training, propaganda and legal education
Prevention of occupational accidents: During the operation, the factory will build in details of
labor safety regulations for each work and each stage, in coordination with specialized agencies

to organize training sessions on labor safety technologies and at the same time will fully equip
labor protection equipment for workers.
The labor protection equipment such as gloves, masks, boots, helmets, workwear, gas masks ...
Measures for responding to fire incidents: Raising the sense of responsibility of each employee,
announcing and calling the nearest professional fire prevention team, conducting incident
response by means and tools of fire fighting equipment euiped: CO 2 extinguisher, foam
extinguisher, sand, fire extinguishing system and automatic fire alarm ...
Solutions to rescue occupational accidents: When a labor accident occurs, depending on each
specific case, there is the most reasonable way to respond. After taking the victim out of the
affected area, the victim must be quickly transported to the nearest commune health station so
that emergency physicians can give timely first aid. In severe cases, victim must be promptly
transferred to higher-level hospitals after first-aid.
8.6.10. Other measures
In addition to the major and decisive technical and technological measures to alleviate the
pollution problems caused by humans and the environment, the supporting measures also
contribute to limiting pollution and improve the environment:
+ Educating the awareness of environmental sanitation and industrial hygiene for workers
in the Complex. Regular training courses on hygiene and waste management.
+ Together with other departments in the region, take part in implementing plans to
minimize pollutants and protect the environment in accordance with regulations and
general guidances of specialized and competent agencies of central and local
+ Urge and educate workers and employees of waste water treatment plant. Prevent fire
and explosion, and organize periodic medical examinations for waste water treatment
plant workers.
8.7. Measures to prevent and respond to incidents
8.7.1. Construction period
 Labor accident
Regulations on work at construction site include: regulations of going in and out of the
construction site; regulations on workwear; regulations of using crane; regulations on electrical
safety; traffic safety regulations; fire safety regulations, etc.
– Lighting design for places to work at night or places to dig deep to install pipes, lines and
warning signs.
– Propagate and disseminate regulations to workers in many different forms such as printing
the regulations on a board at the construction site, the camp; organization of studying
internal regulations; reminding at site, etc.

– Monitor occupational accidents, promptly identify the causes of accidents and apply timely
remedies to avoid similar accidents.
– Installing a sign to prohibit people from crossing working area of lifting device.
– Installing no fire sign in areas easy to fire and explosion (petrol and oil depots, chemical
depots, warehouse of inflammable materials, transformer stations, etc.)
– Equipping fire extinguishers at warehouses (foam tanks, CO 2 extinguishers, sand, ponds,
hooks, etc.)
– Provide adequate and correct types of labor protection equipment for workers
– Strengthen inspection and remind workers to use labor protection equipment while
working. Resolutely suspend workers' work in the absence of labor protection equipment
– Curing light occupational accidents and first aid in serious accidents before being
transferred to the hospital.
– Providing emergency first aid kits for construction sites.
– No constructing while raining.
These are highly feasible measures. However, to perform thoroughly, the Investor needs to
have a sense of environmental protection, attaching importance to the safety and health of
construction workers and even the workers themselves must be conscious of protecting
themselves from unfortunate cases.
 Traffic accident
In order to minimize traffic accidents due to increasing of quantity of vehicles and vehicles
transporting construction materials, investor cooperates with construction contractors to devise
reasonable construction methods, avoiding overlapping, limiting material gathering at the same
time. Arrange signs to notify areas where construction is underway, so that vehicles slow down
when entering the area.
 Measures to minimize incidents of fire, explosion, electrical shotage
+ Do not leave machines and equipment near electrical safety corridor.
+ During the construction of factory, there is using flammable fuels such as gasoline, oil
for construction equipment and means of transportation, if not well preserved, it can cause fire
and danger.
In addition, machines and equipment using electricity are also a threat to electrical shortage if
there is no good conductive and management system. Although the probability of a project's
fire occurrence during construction is not high, but if the incidents occur, it may cause great
damage to assets and human life, therefore, the Project owner shall always pay attention to fire
protection measures.

 Minimize incidents of subsidence due to the process of excavation, foundation work of
construction items
It is necessary to conduct appropriate calculations, carefully surveying the topography and
geology of the area before proceeding with the construction to provide appropriate construction
solutions. In case of necessity, it is possible to increase geological drill holes for sure.
8.7.2. Incident during waste collection and internal transportation
 For fire protection works
– Equip fire and explosion prevention system: CO 2 extinguishers, powder extinguishers,
sand, water, ...
– Periodically organize training in the field;
– Regular inspect, repair and monitor containers and vehicles;
– It is strictly forbidden to use flammable substances during waste collection process by
sticking prohibitive signs to collection areas, drums, trucks.
 For transportation vehicles
– Planning for collection and transportion at appropriate times with less people to limit the
risk of occupational accidents
– Comply waste collection and transportation process, to minimize spillage of waste on
internal transport routes.
– Regular cleaning, periodic maintaining.
– Drivers must strictly comply the Complex's regulations on speed, direction, routs, etc
during process of transporting wastes.
– Each transport vehicle is equipped with CO2 fire extinguishers, tools, necessary medicines
and auxiliary equipment for emergency response.
 For occupational safety
– Equip labor protection equipment for collection workers and drivers. Provide necessary
equipment, tools and medicines to provide first aid before transferring victims to hospitals.
8.7.3. Incidents at landfill
 Incident of landfll fire
Monitor the amount of gas generated from gas collection wells, automatic gas flaring for
handling; and install fire protection systems
 Incidents of landfill cracking as well as landfill dikes broken
During process of landfill operation, there are many reasons of landfill cracking such as
irregular settlement, gas is clogged in the pipeline, etc. To overcome these incidents, right in

construction period of landfill, the investor must compact carefully during the construction of
the landfill to limit uneven settlement, using high-quality gas pipelines. and properly install.
When an incident occurs, soil or cement mortar must be inserted into the crack to avoid
spreading pollutants into the environment, conduct inspections of gas collection pipelines for
timely additional repairation.
During the operation of gas collection pipe, it is possible to be clogged because of waste falling
into the pipeline. Leachate collection system at the landfill may be broken due to subsidence. In
order to limit these incidents, the investor will use reputable equipment and ensure long-term
quality. At the top of gas collection pipes, protective grids must be installed to prevent the entry
of waste and other unwanted objects. When the problem occurs, repairing will be carried out
8.7.4. Incidents from EWMS system
During operation, when a breakdown occurs, the control panel will show on the computer the
operating parameters from which the operators will review and solving/handling on fastest
way. In addition, the operator must stop feeding MSW, to decompose the remaining amount of
waste in the reaction chamber, then stop the system, check the operating parameters and find
reason and handling.

No. Incidents Methods of handling/solving Remark


8.7.5. Incidents of wastewater treatment plant

 Safety in working with chemicals
Safety in working with chemicals used for Centralized wastewater treatment plant is based on
chemical safety data sheet and complies with Decree No. 68/2005/ND-CP and Decision No.
136/2004/QD-BCN. Specifically:
– Safety measures in the process of transporting and storing chemicals;
– Chemicals are stored in storage with a reserve volume of no more than 6 months of use;
– Chemical safety signs are posted on boxes or chemical containers;

– Workers who work with chemicals are instructed on safety measures when working;
– When working with chemicals, workers must wear appropriate Labor Protection
– First aid equipment should always be placed in a location where exposed highly with
 Wastewater treatment plant
– Regular inspect and dredge wastewater storage tanks;
– Constructing a tank with surplus capacity to accommodate the sudden increase of waste
– When an incident occurs, quickly find ways to overcome in the shortest time
8.8. Environmental quality monitoring program
Environmental quality monitoring program of Complex shall be done according to guidance of
Circular No. 27/2015/TT-BTNMT dated May 29, 2015. Detail of monitoring program as
8.8.1. Preparation and construction phase Solid waste monitoring
Every 3 months, investor shall coordinate with functional unit to to statistic the construction
waste and MSW generated on the construction site according to each construction and
luminescence stage.
8.8.2. Operation phase MSW monitoring
Every month, GREEN HC Co., Ltd. performs statistics of total amount of municipal, industrial
and hazardous wastes generated by the Complex
Every year, company shall submit regular report to Department of Natural Resources and
Environment of Ba Ria – Vung Tau province. Monitoring emissions at sources
 Location of monitoring
Table Locations of emissions monitoring

No. Location Parameters

1 K1 Emission from MSW treatment system No.1 Flowrate, temperature, total

No. Location Parameters

2 K2 Emission from MSW treatment system No.2

3 K3 Emission from MSW treatment system No.3 dust, CO, NOx, SOx

4 K4 Emission from MSW treatment system No.4

Emission from odor control system at MSW

5 K5 CH4, CO2, NH3, H2S, VOC,
receiving area
Flowrate, temperature,
6 K6 Emission of landfill gas flaring head

 Frequency of monitoring
– It shall be done 03 months/time
– Monitor Dioxin, Furan: with frequency 01 time/year
 Standard
– QCVN 19:2009/BTNMT and QCVN 20:2009/BTNMT Wastewater monitoring
 Location of monitoring
Table Locations of wastewater monitoring

No. Location Parameters

Colority, pH, BOD5, COD,

SS, N – NH4+, mineral oil &
fat, vegetable oil & grease,
Cl-, Fe, Pb, Hg, Cd, Cr (VI),
Effluent of Centralized wastewater treatment
1 NT Cr (III), Cu, Zn, Mn, As, Hg,
Ni, Cyanide, Phenol, plant
protection chemicals,
Residue chloride, H2S, F-, T-
N, T-P, Coliforms.

 Frequency of monitoring

– It shall be done 03 months/time
 Standard
– QCVN 40:2011/BTNMT (Column A with Kq=0.9, Kf=1.1) Ashs/slag monitoring
 Location of monitoring
Table Locations of ashs/slag monitoring

No. Symbol Location

1 TR1 Area for gathering ash from sytem of EWMS 1

2 TR2 Area for gathering ash from sytem of EWMS 2

3 TR3 Area for gathering ash from sytem of EWMS 3

4 TR4 Area for gathering ash from sytem of EWMS 4

 Monitoring parameters
Pb, Cd, weight
 Frequency of monitoring
– It shall be done 03 months/time
 Standard
Standard for ash from incinerator QCVN 07:2009/BTNMT Monitoring solid waste and hazardous solid waste
Every 3 months, investor shall coordinate with functional unit to to statistic the hazardous
waste generated on operation of Complex.
8.8.3. Cost of environmental monitoring works (check again total general cost of


– GREEN HC waste treatment complex in Dat Do district contributes to treat more than
144,000 tons/year of MSW in Dat Do District, Long Dien District, Xuyen Moc District, Ba
Ria City, etc. Eliminate open landfills in localities, solve environmental issues, help the
province develop especially the field of industry and services.
– Besides, the project is capable of treating 93,600 tons/year of normal industrial waste.

– Implementation of the project will contribute to execution of Government's policy to do the
National Environmental Protection Strategy and Vietnam's Agenda 21.
– The project applies modern advanced technology in MSW treatment, contributing to
reducing the burial rate and protecting the environment and saving natural resources.
– Project invested in a landfill gas collection and flaring system to prevent emissions from
exposing into the surrounding area. The project also invested in leachate treatment system
with a capacity of 150 m3/day to ensure wastewater treatment meets QCVN 40:
2011/BTNMT, column A
– The fully complete investment of waste treatment Complex in Lang Dai commune, Dat Do
district, Ba Ria Vung Tau province has brought tremendous economic, social and
environmental benefits. Contribute to reducing environmental pollution, meeting the urgent
need for collection and treatment of MSW and normal industrial solid waste at present.
– The project also creates more stable jobs for local people, also, investor also participates in
supporting community activities, participating in the program to help disadvantaged
families, supporting the fund of combating natural disasters and other local charitable


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