Understanding The Self

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1. What is philosophy?
2. Why is it essential to understand the self from the perspective of philosophy? Describe doing


1.) What is the relationship between external reality and the self? Relate to the famous Tarzan
2.) How much of who you are now a product of your society and family?
3.) Has your choice of school affected your self now?

Self trough the years
Paste a picture of you were in elementary, in high school.and now that you are in college.
Below the picture, list down your salient characteristics that you remember.

After having examinedyourself in its different stages, fill out the table below:

1. Similarities in all stages of my slef

2. Differernce in my self across the three stages
3. Possible reasons for the differences in me


1. How would you describe yourself?

2. What are the influences of family in your development as an individual.
3. Think of a time when you felt you were your “true self”, What made you think you were truly
who you are during this time of your life?
4. The following question above, can youprovide a time when you felt you were not living your
true self?Why did you have to live a life like that? What did you do about it?
5. What socialpressures help shape yourself? Wouldyou wanted it other wise?
6. What aspects of your self do you think maybe changed or you would like to change.


1. Elaborate the theory of the self by:

a.) Herbert Mead
b.) Thelooking glass self by CharlesHorton Cooley
c.) Med and Vygotsky
d.) Marcel Mauss

2. What is the characteristic of the self as defined by contemporary literature?

3. Explain the self and the development of the social world.
4. Explain: Self as embedded in culture
5. Explain: how anthropology considers human experience as an interplay of nature and nurture
6. Elaborate Edward Tylors the construction of self and identity.
7. Differentiate egocentric and sociocentric concept of self
8. Elaborate Arnold Van Genneps three-phased rite passage


1. List ten to fifteen (10-15) qualities or things that you think define who you are

2. Ask your friend to write things about you. Ask them: Who do you think I am based on what you
see me do or hear me say?
3. Compare what you wrote about yourself to those written by your classmates. What aspects are
similar and which are not? What’s aspects are always true to you? What’s aspects are
sometimes true or circumstantial? What aspects do you think are not really part of your

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