Iphone and Ipad Management For Beginners PDF
Iphone and Ipad Management For Beginners PDF
Iphone and Ipad Management For Beginners PDF
configuration profiles and commands.
to iPhone,
iPad and iOS
management Configuration profiles MDM commands
… define various settings for your Apple devices …are singular commands that you can send to
and tell that device how to behave. They can your managed devices to take specific actions.
be used to automate configuration of passcode Has a device gone missing? Put it into Lost
Both iPhones and iPads run
settings, Wi-Fi passwords and VPN settings. They Mode or send a remote wipe command. Need to
on the iOS platform. You can
can also be used to restrict items, such as device upgrade to the latest OS? Send the command to
mange both devices with
features like the App Store, web browsers or the download and install updates. These are just a few
mobile device management
ability to rename a device. These profiles can all examples of the different actions you can take on
(MDM) which is Apple’s be specified and deployed leveraging an MDM a fully managed Apple device.
framework for managing iOS. solution such as Jamf Pro.
Zero-Touch Deployment Apps and Books
Apple’s automated MDM enrollment solution allows With Apps and Books from Apple (formerly
and programs to touch the device. By leveraging the power of zero-touch from Apple and distribute them to individuals
deployments (formerly Apple’s Device Enrollment Program via Apple ID or directly to devices without
or DEP), you no longer need to be the only person receiving, an Apple ID. Apps can be reassigned as
unboxing and configuring new hardware. Instead, you can deployment needs change. You can link your
ship new devices directly to individual employees and let Apps and Books service token (received from
As Apple devices became more them unbox it. The first time the device is turned on, it will Apple) to your Apple management solution for
popular in schools and the enterprise, automatically reach out to Apple and your mobile device assignment and distribution.
questions about how to best deploy management solution to pull down relevant configurations,
settings and management.
devices at scale, how to address Apple
IDs and the purchasing of apps arose.
Apple, of course, looked to solve
these issues and introduced various
programs and services to take device Apple Business Manager Apple School Manager
management one step further, making
it easier and more cost-effective to Apple Business Manager is a web-based portal Apple School Manager is a web-based portal for IT
manage devices in bulk. for IT administrators that combines Zero-Touch administrators to oversee people, devices and content
Deployments and Apps and Books so everything - all from one place. Exclusively for education, Apple
Not every Apple device management
can be overseen from one central location. School Manager combines Zero-Touch Deployments
solution supports Apple’s programs Apple Business Manager is available to all non- as well as Apps and Books and other classroom
and services. Check with your vendor educational organizations. Organizations with management tools such as the Classroom app in one
to ensure they support these programs, existing DEP or VPP accounts can upgrade to portal. Apple School Manager enables Managed Apple
as well as the incremental changes Apple Business Manager within a few minutes, IDs and Shared iPad and can be integrated with your
Apple makes throughout the year. or organizations can sign up for the first time at school’s student information system (SIS).
Apple IDs are the personal account credentials users use to access Apple services Apple School Manager for educational institutions enables Managed Apple IDs for
such as the App Store, iTunes Store, iCloud, iMessage and more. Depending on the students and can be integrated with your school’s student information system (SIS).
needs of your organization, your end users can leverage their personal Apple ID on Managed Apple IDs are a special type of Apple ID for students. They don’t require
the job, or you can avoid using Apple IDs altogether thanks to the ability to deploy special permission, and they allow you, as an IT admin, to create and dynamically
Apps and Books to devices direclty without an Apple ID. If you’re an education update user information. Additionally, managed Apple IDs are created in the Apple
institution, your students will receive a different type of Apple ID (see next page). School Manager portal and can sync with Classroom data.
For businesses and government organizations, Managed Apple IDs are only used
for administrative purposes within Apple Business Manager.
An instructional tool for iPad, Apple’s Classroom app empowers Supervision is a special mode iOS and tvOS devices are placed into
teachers to streamline classroom instruction, encourage interaction and when enrolled via Apple Business Manager, Apple School Manager or
collaboration, focus student iPad devices on a specific app or webpage, Apple Configurator. Supervision gives institutions greater control over
and view student devices to check for understanding. the iOS devices they own. A larger number of management features
including Managed Lost Mode, blocking apps and silently installing apps
all require supervision. It is recommended that institutionally-owned
devices be put into Supervision mode.
1 iOS deployment
and provisioning 2 Configuration
Getting devices into the hands of Applying the correct settings to devices.
end users.
3 App management
Ensuring the correct software and apps
4 iOS inventory
Reporting on the status of each device.
are on each device.
5 6
Apple’s device management
framework, commonly referred
iOS security User empowerment
to as the MDM framework
Securing devices to organizational Allowing users to self-help when they
includes six key elements across
standards. require resources and services.
the entire lifecycle of your Apple
devices. MDM is Apple’s built-
in management framework - From initial deployment to the end-user experience, it’s critical to understand, manage and support the
available for macOS, iOS and tvOS entire lifecycle of iOS devices in your environment. This ensures both the security and maximized potential
and aids with these functions: of your devices.
Enrollment through a
• Shared and cart-device models, labs
Mac app that connects IT manages the setup process
Apple Configurator Yes—wired • Devices purchased through a
to devices via USB (does and hands devices to users
retailer such as Best Buy
not apply to Apple TV 4K)
BEST PRACTICE Deploy Apps and Books with Apple Business Manager and Apple School Manager
1 2 3 ? 4 5
Choose to assign apps to
either devices directly or
to a user’s Apple ID.
2 Configuration management
When it comes to configuring Apple devices, the world is your oyster. You
can personalize and tailor individual devices or groups of devices based
on the needs of your end users.
3 App management
App fundamentals
Purchase your Apps and Books here:
Today, we are all familiar with the App Store on our iPhone, iPad and
Apple TV devices. They are the only way for consumers to get apps on For the enterprise:
their devices. Apple reviews the developer’s code to ensure security
and performance. This is one of the reasons why Apple enjoys a strong
security reputation.
Apple devices are wildly popular among consumers because of the Deploy Apps and Books with
native communication, learning and productivity tools available right out
Apple Business Manager
of the box, but the rich library of apps in the App Store are what set the
Apple ecosystem apart. With a device management solution in place to
manage your app deployments, you ensure users have the apps they
For educational institutions:
need - configured for their use case and secured for your environment.
3 App management
BEST PRACTICE Deploy Apps and Books with Apple School Manager and Apple Business Manager
1 2 3 4
4 iOS inventory
MDM solutions are capable of querying an Apple device to collect a large
amount of inventory data, ensuring you always have up-to-date device
information and can make informed management decisions. Inventory can
be collected from a device at various intervals and include serial number, OS
version, apps installed and much more.
4 iOS inventory
Why does inventory matter?
Static Groups Smart Groups
Apply a configuration profile,
Find all iOS devices running 11.4.1
management command or app
You can’t manage what you can’t measure. The inventory data your MDM solution
collects can be used for a wide range of business needs and empower you to
answer common questions like:
1 2 3
5 iOS security The security and privacy of devices and access to corporate resources are a top priority for any organization.
To address these worries, Apple has a number of security features built right into iOS. Coupled with an Apple
management solution, you can ensure that your devices are not only secure, but your apps and network are as well.
5 iOS security
Unix is the foundation for Apple’s operating
systems, providing a strong kernel at the Apple’s deployment programs
core. Apple’s OS is built with security in
mind and have unique security settings
added. Those settings can be managed via
an MDM solution.
5 iOS security
MDM security
commands for iOS
MDM Lost Mode for iOS
By utilizing Apple’s Lost Mode with an MDM solution, you can lock, locate
and recover lost or stolen iOS devices without compromising privacy
through ongoing tracking. When Lost Mode is activated, iOS devices
receive a customized lock screen message, are disabled from use and
send the location to IT.
Software upgrades
By developing major versions of macOS, iOS and tvOS annually,
Apple has set the pace of innovation. Each year, Apple unveils new
and great consumer features, but also adds layers of security and
fixes vulnerabilities. These updates can be critical for devices used by
• Enable Lost Mode employees or students in order to protect their data. Your management
• Lock and wipe a device solution not only needs to be able to deploy updates from Apple, but also
• Remote wipe needs to quickly support (ideally on day zero) all the new management
• Update iOS features that come with them too.
• Clear restrictions and passcodes
• Remove MDM
• Restrict Autofill passwords
• Block passwords via proximity requests
Example: Jamf Self Service for iOS offers an app catalog that can integrate seamlessly into
any organization’s internal resources or corporate intranet.
• R educe help desk tickets and support • G ive end uers instant access to a full-
costs while maintaining control of your service destination of apps and resources Bonus: Third-party integrations
environment • Intuitive user interface personalized for
• A utomatically install an app catalog like local language and your environment Apple device management is just one piece of
your technology portfolio, but it’s a critical and
Jamf Self Service on any managed iPad •W
eb clip common web services such as instrumental piece. Regardless of whether you
or iPhone HR tools, communication platforms or
use a help desk ticketing system like Service
• Integrate with directory services internal resources for an easy entry point
Now or an SSO authentication tool like Okta, your
to personalize content based on to valuable company information
Apple device management solution must integrate
department, user role, location and more • Install organization-approved apps seamlessly with your existing IT tools.
• A utomate common IT tasks, such as without IT help
password resets and system diagnostics • R eceive real-time notifications for Extend the power of your ecosystem by
for tier-zero support available apps
leveraging third-party integrations like those seen
in the Jamf Marketplace. From cross-industry
integrations to specific solutions, integrations like
these bridge IT teams and services, creating an
integrated, secure and seamless experience for
end users.
Best-of-breed MDM solutions should offer the ability to brand your app catalog to match your
existing corporate resources. This seamlessly integrates your app catalog among existing
internal properties, increasing familiarity and ease of use.