Moh Giles 2
Moh Giles 2
Moh Giles 2
A physician discusses a patient’s plan of leukopenia peripheral edema hypokalemia altered pH balance 1
care with a physical therapist. The
patient is a 29-year-old male that
sustained deep partial-thickness burns
to the anterior surface of his lower
extremities. The physician discusses
the possibility of disconti
A patient recently admitted to the you may feel as though you may experience your aerobic capacity you may have a 4
hospital with an acute illness is referred your muscles are weak frequent nausea may be reduced tendency to become
to physical therapy. During a scheduled fatigued
treatment session the patient asks
what effect anemia will have on his
ability to complete a formal exercise
program. The MOST appropri
When performing range of motion heterotopic ossification spasticity of the biceps anterior capsular triceps weakness 1
exercises with a patient that sustained tightness
a head injury, a physical therapist notes
that the patient lacks full elbow
extension and classifies the end-feel as
hard. The MOST likely cause is:
A physical therapist develops a problem donning and doffing donning and doffing dependence with independent donning 3
list after examining a patient with a prosthesis requires verbal prosthesis requires donning and doffing and doffing prosthesis
transtibial amputation. Which of the cues verbal cues and minimal prosthesis in one week
following would be the MOST assist of one
appropriate entry in the patient
problem list?
A physical therapist monitors a 6 foot 3 patient age percent body fat somatotype extremity 4
inch, 275 pound male's blood pressure circumference
using the brachial artery. Which of the
following is MOST important when
selecting an appropriate size blood
pressure cuff for the patient?
A patient informs a physical therapist ask the patient if it is an complete the transfer transport the patient instruct the patient 3
that he has to use the bathroom emergency training as quickly as back into the hospital that in the future he
immediately after being transported possible and allow the to use the bathroom should use the
outside the hospital to practice car patient to use the bathroom before
transfers. The physical therapist’s bathroom beginning physical
MOST appropriate response to meet therapy
the patient’s physical need is to:
A physical therapist works with a alternating isometrics approximation rhythmic initiation timing for emphasis 2
patient status post stroke on a mat
program. The therapist assists the
patient in lateral weight shifting
activities while positioned in prone on
elbows. Which therapeutic exercise
technique would allow the patient to i
A patient informs a physical therapist offer to go with the patient offer to call the physician suggest that the tell the patient it is a 3
how frustrated she feels after being to her next scheduled and ask any relevant patient write down very normal response
examined by her physician. The patient physician visit questions questions for the to be nervous in the
explains that she becomes so nervous, physician and bring presence of a
she cannot ask any questions during them with her to the physician
scheduled office visits. The therapist's next scheduled visit
MOST appropriate respon
A physical therapist observes an sinus bradycardia sinus tachycardia premature ventricular ST segment sagging 1
electrocardiogram of a patient on beta- contractions
blockers. Which of the following
electrocardiogram changes could be
facilitated by beta-blockers?
An athlete is forced to contemplate grade III ACL sprain with a grade III ACL sprain with grade II ACL sprain functional instability 4
knee surgery after spraining the grade I posterior cruciate a lateral meniscus tear with a medial
anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) while ligament (PCL) sprain meniscus tear
playing soccer. Which situation would
provide the MOST direct support for an
anterior cruciate ligament
A physical therapist employed in a long- Barthel Index Berg Balance Scale Functional Reach Test Tinetti Performance 1
term care setting attempts to identify a Oriented Mobility
screening tool that examines a patient’s Assessment
ability to perform a variety of activities
of daily living independently. The
therapist would like to readminister the
tool to asses
A patient rehabilitating from a lower Hubbard tank highboy tank lowboy tank walk tank 2
extremity injury is referred to physical
therapy for hydrotherapy treatments.
The physical therapist would like the
patient to fully extend the involved
lower extremity while sitting in the
hydrotherapy tank. Which
While examining a patient diagnosed abduction, dorsiflexion, adduction, dorsiflexion, abduction, plantar adduction, plantar 1
with Achilles tendonitis, a physical eversion inversion flexion, eversion flexion, inversion
therapist notes that the foot and ankle
appear to be pronated. Which motions
combine to create pronation in a non-
weight bearing foot?
A physical therapist performs centered over the external centered over the center centered over the C7 centered over the 2
goniometric measurements on a auditory meatus of the cranial aspect of spinous process midline of the occiput
patient rehabilitating from injuries the head
sustained in a motor vehicle accident.
When measuring rotation of the
cervical spine, which of the following
landmarks would be the MOST
appropriate for the
A physical therapist performs girth The right quadriceps will be The left quadriceps will The right and left Not enough 4
measurements on a patient capable of producing a be capable of producing quadriceps will be information is given to
rehabilitating from knee surgery. The greater force than the left. a greater force than the capable of producing form a conclusion.
therapist takes the measurements 5 cm right. equal force.
and 10 cm above the superior pole of
the patella with the patient in supine.
The girth measurements are recorded
A physical therapist instructs a patient expiratory reserve volume inspiratory reserve total lung capacity vital capacity 4
to expire maximally after taking a volume
maximal inspiration. The therapist can
use these instructions to measure the
A physical therapist participating in a the effect size the likelihood of the validity of the the reliability of the 2
research project decides it will be rejecting the null outcome outcome
necessary to utilize a relatively large hypothesis measurements measurements
sample. By including a large number of
subjects, the researcher hopes to
A physical therapist monitors a heart rate elevated 18 respiration rate of 18 systolic blood pressure diastolic blood 3
patient's vital signs while exercising in a beats per minute above breaths per minute decreased by 25 mm pressure less than 100
phase I cardiac rehabilitation program. resting level Hg from resting level mm Hg
The patient is status post myocardial
infarction and has progressed without
difficulty while involved in the program.
Which of the follow
A physical therapist establishes the ambulate with walker 75% ambulate with walker ambulate with walker ambulate with walker 3
following short-term goal for a patient weight bearing and 50% weight bearing and 50% weight bearing 75% weight bearing
rehabilitating from total knee moderate assist of 1 for 30 moderate assist of 2 for and minimal assist of 1 and minimal assist of
arthroplasty surgery: Patient will feet within one week 30 feet within one week for 30 feet within one 1 for 10 feet within
ambulate with a walker 50% weight week one week
bearing and moderate assist of 1 for 20
feet within one week. Three days lat
A physician orders a nasogastric tube administer medications obtain gastric specimens remove fluid or gas obtain venous blood 4
for a patient on an acute rehabilitation directly into the from the stomach samples from the
unit. Which of the following does NOT gastrointestinal tract stomach
accurately describe a potential use of
the nasogastric tube?
When observing a patient ambulating, a CVA Parkinson’s disease post-polio syndrome multiple sclerosis 2
physical therapist notes that the
patient’s gait has the following
characteristics: narrow base of
support, short bilateral step length, and
decreased trunk rotation. This gait
pattern is often observed in patients
A physical therapist prepares to I want you to help me Try to utilize your own Only grab onto me if it Pretend you were 2
complete an assisted standing pivot perform the transfer. strength to complete the is absolutely home alone and
transfer with a patient that requires transfer. necessary. needed to complete
moderate assistance. In order to the transfer.
increase a patient’s independence with
the transfer, which of the following
instructions would be the MOST
A physical therapist instructs a patient clips safety pins tape Velcro 1
with a lower extremity amputation to
wrap her residual limb. The patient has
mildly impaired sensation on several
localized areas of the residual limb.
Which of the following would be the
LEAST acceptable method
A physical therapist attempts to heart rate blood pressure high-density low-density 3
identify a patient’s risk factors for lipoproteins (HDL) lipoproteins (LDL)
coronary artery disease as part of a
health screening. The patient’s heart
rate is recorded as 78 beats per minute
and blood pressure as 110/70 mm Hg.
A recent laboratory report indi
A physical therapist performs palpation mediastinum upper chest wall motion middle chest wall lower chest wall 4
with a patient positioned in standing as motion motion
part of a respiratory assessment.
Which structure would be the MOST
appropriate to assess with the therapist
positioned behind the patient?
A physical therapist prepares a wrist and hand thigh elbow foot and ankle 2
whirlpool treatment for a scheduled
patient. Which treatment area would
place the patient at the GREATEST risk
for hyperthermia?
A group of physical therapists conducts refer the adolescent for educate the adolescent devise an exercise instruct the 1
scoliosis screenings on adolescents as further orthopedic as to the cause of the program for the adolescent in the
part of physical therapy week. The assessment scoliosis adolescent importance of proper
MOST appropriate action after posture
identifying an adolescent with a
moderate scoliotic curve is to:
A physical therapist checks the water 64 degrees Celsius (147 71 degrees Celsius (160 83 degrees Celsius 94 degrees Celsius 2
temperature of the hot pack machine degrees Fahrenheit) degrees Fahrenheit) (181 degrees (201 degrees
after several patients report the heat Fahrenheit) Fahrenheit)
being very strong. Which of the
following temperatures would be
A physical therapist employed in an complete the exercise test secure another physical contact the referring reschedule the 4
outpatient physical therapy clinic therapist to witness the physician and request exercise test
attempts to obtain informed consent exercise test approval to complete
from a 17-year-old male prior to the exercise test
initiating a formal exercise test. The
patient signs the informed consent
form, however, the patient’s parents
A physical therapist attempts to obtain review the patient's conduct a patient conduct a physical consult with family 2
a general assessment of a patient's medical record interview examination members
cognitive status. The patient is a 62-
year-old female three days status post
total hip arthroplasty. The MOST
appropriate action is:
A physical therapist attempts to secure standard chair with a rigid lightweight chair with a standard chair with a lightweight chair with 2
a wheelchair for a patient with an frame rigid frame folding frame a folding frame
incomplete spinal cord injury. The
patient is a 28-year-old female that is
very active and relies on a wheelchair
as her primary mode of transportation.
Which type of wheelchair
A physical therapist attempts to select cane axillary crutches Lofstrand crutches walker 4
an assistive device for a patient
rehabilitating from a traumatic brain
injury. The patient is occasionally
impulsive, however, has fair standing
balance and good upper and lower
extremity strength. Which of the f
A physical therapist examines a 16- 20-30 degrees flexion 30-40 degrees flexion 40-50 degrees flexion 80-90 degrees flexion 1
year-old male diagnosed with left knee
anterior cruciate ligament insufficiency.
During the examination a Lachman test
is performed. Ideally, the therapist
should perform the test with the knee
A patient with cerebellar dysfunction rapid alternating pronation placing feet on floor walking at varying marching in place 2
exhibits signs of dysmetria. Which of and supination of the markers while walking speeds
the following activities would be the forearms
MOST difficult for the patient?
A physical therapist examines a patient Is this the first time you Have you ever been to How long after your What do you hope to 4
referred to physical therapy diagnosed have injured your knee? physical therapy before? injury did you see a achieve in physical
with a medial collateral ligament physician? therapy?
sprain. During the examination the
patient appears to be relaxed and
comfortable, however, is extremely
withdrawn. Which of the following qu
A physical therapist conducts a pre- 6-8 weeks 12-14 weeks 24-28 weeks 36-40 weeks 3
operative training session for a patient
scheduled for surgery to repair a large
rotator cuff tear. The patient is a 54-
year-old male who is employed as an
insurance agent. During the pre-
operative training session th
A physical therapist determines a 40 beats per minute 60 beats per minute 80 beats per minute 100 beats per minute 3
patient’s heart rate by counting the
number of QRS complexes in a six
second electrocardiogram strip.
Assuming the therapist identifies eight
QRS complexes in the strip, the
patient’s heart rate should be recorded
A physical therapist prepares to apply a bandage dressings medication towel 1
sterile dressing to a wound after
debridement. The therapist begins the
process by drying the wound using a
towel. The therapist applies
medication to the wound using a gauze
pad and then applies a series of dres
A physical therapist develops a chart C4 C6 T1 T3 2
detailing expected functional outcomes
for a variety of spinal cord injuries.
Which is the highest spinal cord injury
level at which independent transfers
with a sliding board would be feasible?
A patient rehabilitating from a spinal hydraulic reclining unit elevating legrests heel loops and/or toe detachable swing- 3
cord injury has significant lower loops away legrests
extremity spasticity which often results
in the patient's feet becoming
dislodged from the wheelchair
footrests. The MOST appropriate
modification to address this problem is:
A physical therapist utilizes a manual manubrium epigastric area xiphoid process umbilical region 2
assisted cough technique on a patient
with a midthoracic spinal cord injury.
When completing this technique with
the patient in supine, the MOST
appropriate location for the therapist's
hand placement is:
A patient 72 hours status post stroke is every thirty minutes every two hours every four hours every six hours 2
referred to physical therapy. As part of
the patient care program, the physical
therapist makes positioning
recommendations to the nursing staff.
How often should turning occur?
A physical therapist prepares to use utilize proper draping explain the treatment ask another therapist describe the benefits 2
soft tissue massage as part of a procedure and obtain to be present during of soft tissue massage
treatment plan for a patient with an patient consent the treatment session on muscle strains
adductor strain. The MOST appropriate
therapist action prior to initiating
treatment is:
A physical therapist moves a patient fair fair minus poor poor minus 3
from sidelying to supine after the
patient was unable to maintain the
manual muscle test position for the hip
abductors. Assuming the patient is able
to complete full range of motion in the
horizontal plane, the MOST
A physical therapist completes a lower soft firm hard empty 2
quarter screening examination on a
patient diagnosed with trochanteric
bursitis. Assuming a normal end-feel,
which of the following classifications
would be MOST consistent with hip
A physician utilizes diagnostic imaging computed tomography fluoroscopy discography radionuclide scanning 2
to show motion within a joint through
x-ray. This type of imaging is BEST
A physical therapist reviews the intravenous line arterial line central venous line pulmonary artery line 2
medical record of a patient recently
admitted to the intensive care unit. A
note from the patient’s physician
indicates an order for arterial blood gas
analysis six times daily. Which type of
indwelling line would be use
A physical therapist completes a family explain that it is difficult to provide information on refer the patient to the refer the patient to 2
training session with a patient predict since all patients the expected prognosis director of the physiatrist
rehabilitating from a spinal cord injury. progress differently based on the nature and rehabilitation
During the training the patient asks a severity of the injury
question regarding their functional
ability following rehabilitation. The
MOST appropriate therapist
A physical therapist positions a patient on the lateral midline of perpendicular to the along the midaxillary over the olecranon 4
in supine in preparation for goniometric the humerus using the floor line of the thorax process
measurements. When measuring lateral epicondyle as a
medial rotation of the shoulder, the reference
therapist should position the fulcrum:
A physical therapist examines a patient pulmonary edema persistent cough dependent edema muscular weakness 3
diagnosed with left-sided heart failure.
Which finding is NOT typically
associated with this condition?
A physical therapist monitors a patient R-R interval is irregular R-R interval is irregular R-R interval is regular R-R interval is regular 4
with a single lead electrocardiogram. with a rate between 100 with a rate between 40 with a rate greater with a rate less than
After carefully examining the obtained and 200 beats per minute and 100 beats per than 100 beats per 60 beats per minute
data, the therapist classifies the rhythm minute minute
as sinus bradycardia. Which
description is MOST indicative of this
A physical therapist washes his hands wash all hand and wrist wash your hands, wrists, wash for at least 30 select warm water to 1
thoroughly after treating a patient with jewelry and two to three inches seconds allow soap to lather
a suspected infection. Which of your distal forearms easily
statement regarding hand washing is
NOT accurate?
A physical therapist uses a 3.0 MHz 1-2 centimeters 2-3 centimeters 4-5 centimeters 5-6 centimeters 1
ultrasound beam at 1.5 W/cm2 to treat
a patient diagnosed with carpal tunnel
syndrome. The MAJORITY of
ultrasound energy will be absorbed
within a depth of:
A physical therapist serves as an 24 inches 30 inches 32 inches 36 inches 3
accessibility consultant for a local retail
store. What is the MINIMUM width
required for a patient using a
wheelchair to safely traverse through a
A physical therapist reviews the heart failure arrhythmias thrombus formation heart structural 2
medical record of a 52-year-old male damage
status post myocardial infarction. The
patient is currently in the coronary care
unit and is scheduled to begin cardiac
rehabilitation tomorrow. Which
potential complication of a myoc
A physical therapist positions a patient 2-4 towel layers 4-6 towel layers 6-8 towel layers 8-10 towel layers 3
in prone on a treatment plinth in
preparation for a hot pack. When
preparing the hot pack for the low
back, the therapist should utilize:
A physical therapist attempts to 1 inch 2 inches 4 inches 6 inches 2
determine if a wheelchair is the
appropriate size for a patient recently
admitted to a rehabilitation program.
As part of the assessment, the therapist
examines the distance from the front
edge of the seat to the posterio
A patient using a wheelchair arranges 6.2% 8.3% 9.5% 10.4% 2
for a local contractor to build a ramp
that will allow entry into the patient's
house. What is the MAXIMUM
recommended grade for the ramp?
A 16-year-old female accompanied by document the mother's ask the patient if her ask the mother to discontinue the 3
her mother receives exercise comments in the medical mother is verbally return to the waiting treatment session
instructions. During the treatment record abusive area
session the mother makes several
comments to her daughter that appear
to be extremely upsetting and result in
the daughter losing concentration. The
A physical therapist working on a a patient requiring pre- an incomplete exercise an unfinished a written note from a 1
medical/surgical rotation returns from operative instruction flow sheet wheelchair order form staff dietician
a morning inservice and finds a number
of items that require her attention.
Which of the following items should be
given the highest priority?
A physical therapist employed in a busy beam nonuniformity ratio frequency of use cost associated with availability of qualified 2
outpatient orthopedic clinic attempts calibration and personnel to inspect
to determine a schedule for calibration maintenance the unit
and maintenance of an ultrasound unit.
The MOST important factor for the
therapist to consider when determining
an appropriate schedule
A patient rehabilitating from a parallel bars walker axillary crutches straight cane 1
fractured acetabulum is referred to
physical therapy for ambulation
activities. The patient has been on bed
rest for three weeks and appears to be
somewhat apprehensive about weight
bearing. The MOST appropriate device
A seven-year-old boy sitting in the abdominal thrusts chest thrusts back blows finger sweep 1
physical therapy waiting area suddenly
grasps his throat and appears to be in
distress. The boy slowly stands, but is
obviously unable to breathe. The
physical therapist recognizing the signs
of an airway obstruction
A physical therapist assesses a patient's radial tuberosity antecubital fossa biceps tendon styloid process of the 4
upper extremity deep tendon reflexes radius
as part of a screening examination. The
MOST appropriate location to elicit the
brachioradialis reflex is the:
A physical therapist prepares to assist a place the sliding board move your buttocks onto complete a series of secure the wheelchair 4
patient with a sliding board transfer under your buttocks the mat table push-ups brakes
from a wheelchair to a mat table.
Which of the following would be the
MOST appropriate INITIAL instruction
to the patient?
A physical therapist completes a pleural effusion pulmonary edema consolidation atelectasis 1
respiratory assessment on a patient in
an acute care hospital. The
examination reveals decreased breath
sounds and decreased fremitus. This
finding is MOST indicative of:
A physical therapist records the volt hertz coulomb pulses per second 2
parameters of an electrical stimulation
treatment in a patient's medical record.
The standard unit of measure when
recording alternating current frequency
A physical therapist working in cardiac level walking at 1 mph jogging at 5 mph cycling at 10 mph walking on a treadmill 4
rehabilitation progresses a patient at 3 mph
involved in a phase II program through
an established exercise protocol. The
patient weighs 70 kg and has
progressed without difficulty through
the rehabilitation program. The p
A physical therapist utilizes continuous decrease the intensity of modify the duty cycle discontinue ultrasound unplug the machine 4
ultrasound to supply thermal effects to the ultrasound treatment and label - "defective,
a patient rehabilitating from a lower do not use"
extremity injury. During the treatment
session, the patient suddenly becomes
startled and reports feeling an electrical
shock from the
A physical therapy department embarks dismiss the findings discipline the staff dismiss the findings notify the staff that 4
on a quality improvement program. because discharge members who did not because a random discharge summaries
Results from a random sample of summaries are not directly complete the discharge sample does not are to be completed
patient charts reveal that 40% of the related to the quality of summaries and continue provide accurate on all patients and
charts do not include a discharge patient care to monitor the situation information continue to monitor
summary. A logical next step to the the situation
quality improvement program would
A physical therapist employed in a Does it hurt to take a deep Do you experience heart Do you frequently Are you susceptible to 2
rehabilitation hospital examines a breath? palpitations or shortness experience dizziness, bruising?
patient that exhibits several signs and of breath at rest or with headaches or blurred
symptoms of anemia. Which question mild exertion? vision?
would be the MOST useful to gather
additional information related to
A physical therapist performs postural reassure the patient that assess the patient’s vital elevate the patient’s call for assistance 3
drainage to the anterior basal segments the response is normal signs head
of the lower lobes. During the
treatment session the patient suddenly
complains of dizziness and mild
dyspnea. The MOST appropriate
therapist action is:
A terminally ill patient completes a living will physician’s directive durable power of euthanasia 3
formal document that names his attorney
daughter as the individual to make
health care decisions in the event that
he is unable. This type of advanced
directive is termed:
A patient recently diagnosed with a hypotension depression excessive thrombocytopenia 3
deep venous thrombophlebitis is placed anticoagulation
on heparin. The PRIMARY side effect
associated with heparin is:
A patient is asked to complete a pain nerve root muscle bone vascular 2
questionnaire. The patient selects
words such as cramping, dull, and
aching to describe the pain. What
related structure is MOST consistent
with the pain description?
A physical therapist examines a patient Adson maneuver Halstead maneuver Froment's sign Wright Test 3
with suspected vascular compression in
the shoulder region. Which special test
would be LEAST beneficial to confirm
the therapist's suspicions?
A 29-year-old female status post Colles' volumetric measurements circumferential girth measurements anthropometric 1
fracture is referred to physical therapy. measurements measurements
The patient has moderate edema in her
fingers and the dorsum of her hand and
complains of pain during active range
of motion. The MOST appropriate
method to quantify the
A physical therapist inspects a wound stage I stage II stage III stage IV 3
over the sacrum of a 58-year-old
female. The therapist would MOST
accurately classify the presented
wound as:
A physical therapist observes a diaphragm external intercostals internal intercostals upper trapezius 3
patient’s breathing as part of a
respiratory assessment. Which muscle
of respiration is MOST active during
forced expiration?
A physical therapist treats a patient decreased cell metabolism excessive the involved extremity decreased nerve 3
who sustained a right lateral ankle vasoconstriction of cannot be elevated conduction velocity
sprain less than six hours ago. The blood vessels
therapist contemplates the use of cold
water immersion as a cryotherapeutic
agent. What would be the primary
limitation of this type of interve
A physical therapist reviews the results chronic bronchitis emphysema spinal cord injury pulmonary fibrosis 2
of a pulmonary function test for a 58-
year-old male patient recently admitted
to the hospital. The therapist notes
that the patient’s total lung capacity is
significantly increased when compared
to established nor
A physical therapist observes a continue with the present select an alternate limit moist heat discontinue the moist 4
patient’s skin shortly after applying treatment superficial heating agent exposure to five heat and document
moist heat to the low back. The minutes the findings
therapist identifies several signs of heat
intolerance including uneven blotching
and a surface rash. The MOST
appropriate action is to:
A physical therapist prepares a patient perform hands-on training videotape the patient provide written meet with family 1
status post CVA with global aphasia for sessions with the patient performing transfers and instructions on all members to discuss
discharge from a rehabilitation hospital. and family members activities of daily living activities of daily living the patient’s present
The patient will be returning home with and functional tasks status and abilities
her husband and daughter. The MOST
appropriate form of education to
facilitate a safe disch
A physical therapist treats a 36-year-old muscle weakness bony obstruction inhibition by pain patient apprehension 2
male status post knee surgery. The
therapist performs goniometric
measurements to quantify the extent
of the patient’s extension lag. Which of
the following would NOT provide a
plausible rationale for the extens
A patient successfully completes ten anterior lunge with anterior lunge with anterior lunge with anterior lunge with 2
anterior lunges. The physical therapist concurrent bilateral elbow concurrent bilateral concurrent unilateral concurrent bilateral
would like to modify the activity to flexion to 45 degrees with shoulder flexion to 90 shoulder flexion to 90 shoulder abduction to
maximally challenge the patient in the five pound weights degrees with five pound degrees with a five 45 degrees with five
sagittal plane. Which of the following weights pound weight pound weights
modifications would be the MOST
A physical therapist teaches a patient capsular tightness latissimus dorsi tightness pectoralis minor quadratus lumborum 2
positioned in supine to posteriorly tightness tightness
rotate her pelvis. The patient has full
active and passive range of motion in
the upper extremities, but is unable to
achieve full shoulder flexion while
maintaining a posterior p
A physical therapist observes a burn on superficial burn superficial partial- deep partial-thickness full-thickness burn 2
the dorsal surface of a patient’s arm. thickness burn burn
The wound area is mottled red with a
number of blisters. The therapist
informs the patient that healing should
take place in less than three weeks.
This description is MOST
A group of physical therapists develops protect the hospital from ensure the rights of examine the design of assess the financial 2
a research project that examines the unnecessary litigation research subjects are the research project ramifications of the
effect of increased abdominal muscle protected research project
strength on forced vital capacity and
forced expiratory volume. In order to
conduct the study, the therapists are
required to have the appro
Members of a community health task adaptability selectivity sensitivity specificity 3
force evaluate a proposal for a new
adolescent screening program. Several
members of the task force raise
questions as to the validity of the
screening instrument. Which measure
of validity examines the instrument’s ab
A physical therapist attempts to Maximal exercise testing Maximal exercise testing Maximal exercise Maximal exercise 1
quantify a patient’s endurance level by requires participants to does not typically allow a testing is not useful in testing requires
administering a maximal exercise test. exercise to the point of steady state heart rate diagnosing coronary progressive stages of
What is the PRIMARY limitation of a volitional fatigue. at each work rate. artery disease. increasing work
maximal exercise test? intensities without
rest intervals.
A physical therapist prepares to presence of a skin graft depth of burn injury percentage of body extent of hypertrophic 2
complete a sensory examination on a surface affected scarring
patient rehabilitating from a lower
extremity burn. Which of the following
would serve as the BEST predictor of
altered sensation?
In a randomized control trial, the BEST randomly assign patients to perform an intent-to- use a double-blind use a single-blind 3
way for a researcher to protect against the intervention group treat analysis of the data research design research design
the biases associated with the patient’s
and investigator’s knowledge of the
treatment the patient is receiving is to:
A physician orders compression 10 mm Hg 18 mm Hg 25 mm Hg 35 mm Hg 4
garments for an ambulatory patient
who has significant difficulty with lower
extremity edema. How much pressure
would typically be necessary to control
lower extremity edema?
A physical therapist monitors the vital failure of the heart rate to rise in systolic blood rating of 12 on a rating of 2/4 on the 1
signs of a 52-year-old male during a increase with further pressure of 50 mm Hg perceived exertion dyspnea scale
graded exercise test. The patient was increases in intensity when compared to the scale
prompted to seek medical assistance resting value
two weeks ago after becoming short of
breath on two separate occasions.
When interpreting the data col
A physical therapist performs an amyotrophic lateral peripheral neuritis neurogenic spina bifida 4
examination on a patient with hip- sclerosis arthropathy
knee-ankle-foot orthoses. The patient
can ambulate independently with the
orthoses and Lofstrand crutches,
however, due to the high energy
expenditure often becomes fatigued
very rapidly.
A physician orders electromyography electrical silence spontaneous potentials polyphasic potentials occasional motor unit 1
for a patient with a brachial plexus potentials
injury to objectively determine the
extent of pathology. Which of the
following responses is MOST indicative
of a normal muscle at rest?
A physical therapist completes a acceleration cadence velocity speed 2
quantitative gait analysis on a patient
rehabilitating from a lower extremity
injury. As part of the examination the
therapist measures the number of
steps taken by the patient in a 30
second period. This measurement tec
Members of a health promotion task physical activity survey dietary analysis measuring height urinalysis screening 3
force design a program that annually
will screen individuals in selected
retirement communities for
osteoporosis. Which screening tool
would be the MOST cost effective and
reliable to incorporate as part of the
A physical therapist treats a patient every minute every three to five every ten minutes at the conclusion of 2
diagnosed with lateral epicondylitis minutes the treatment session
using iontophoresis. The therapist uses
dexamethasone with a current intensity
of 3 mA for 20 minutes. How often
during the treatment session should
the therapist check the skin?
A physical therapist strongly suspects a continue to treat the modify the patient’s contact a member of instruct the patient to 3
patient is intoxicated after arriving for patient, assuming he can present treatment the patient’s family to leave the clinic
his treatment session. When asked if remain inoffensive to other program to minimize the take the patient home
he has been drinking, the patient patients effects of alcohol
indicates he consumed six or seven
alcoholic beverages before driving to
therapy. The therapist’s M
A patient receiving physical therapy explain to the patient that ask the patient to stop request that the request that the 4
services in an outpatient clinic explains nausea is very common taking the prescribed patient make an patient contact the
that he has felt nauseous since having when altering medication medication appointment with the physician’s office
his methotrexate medication level levels physician
altered. The MOST appropriate
physical therapist action is to:
A physical therapist completes a 6-7 months 8-9 months 10-11 months 12-15 months 1
developmental assessment on an
infant. At what age should an infant
begin to sit with hand support for an
extended period of time?
A physical therapist collects data as height weight percent body fat vital capacity 3
part of a preseason athletic screening
program designed to identify
individuals susceptible to heat illness.
Which of the following measures would
be the MOST valuable to collect?
A physical therapist employed in an anterior pelvic tilts heel slides straight leg raises isometric gluteal sets 4
acute care hospital works with a patient
on bed mobility activities. The
therapist would like to incorporate a
strengthening activity for the hip
extensors that will improve the
patient’s ability to independently repos
A patient on supplemental oxygen continue the exercise increase the amount of discontinue the contact the patient’s 1
participates in a series of active session oxygen exercise session physician
exercises. During the exercise session
the patient’s oxygen saturation falls to
the lower limit of her established
acceptable range of 92-95%. When
asked by the physical therapist how s
A physical therapist performs place the hands on the left place the hands below place the hands over place the hands on 1
segmental breathing exercises with a side of the chest below the the clavicle on the the posterior aspect of the right side of the
patient following atelectasis. Which axilla anterior chest wall the lower ribs chest below the axilla
manual contact would be the MOST
appropriate to emphasize lingula
A patient with C5 tetraplegia exercises pulse rate blood pressure respiratory rate oxygen saturation 2
on a mat table. Suddenly, the patient
begins to demonstrate signs and
symptoms of autonomic dysreflexia
including headache and sweating above
the level of the lesion. The MOST
appropriate assessment to validate th
A patient rehabilitating from a spinal complete T9 paraplegia posterior cord syndrome Brown-Sequard's cauda equina injury 1
cord injury informs a therapist that he syndrome
will walk again. Which type of injury
would make functional ambulation the
MOST unrealistic?
A physical therapist monitors a 29-year- spinal shock postural hypertension autonomic dysreflexia orthostatic 4
old male with a C6 spinal cord injury hypotension
positioned on a tilt table. After
elevating the tilt table to 30 degrees,
the patient begins to complain of
nausea and dizziness. The patient's
blood pressure is measured as 7
A physical therapist attempts to face validity predictive validity concurrent validity content validity 3
examine the relationship between
scores on a functional independence
measure and another measurement
whose validity is known. This type of
example BEST describes:
A physical therapist prepares to treat a two minutes for an area five minutes for an area five minutes is the ten minutes is the 2
patient with continuous ultrasound. that is two times the size of that is two times the size maximum treatment maximum treatment
Which general rule BEST determines the transducer face of the transducer face time regardless of the time regardless of the
the length of treatment when using treatment area treatment area
A physical therapist attempts to inspiratory muscle trainer mechanical percussors incentive spirometer flutter valve 3
prevent alveolar collapse in a patient
following thoracic surgery. Which
breathing technique would be the
MOST beneficial to achieve the
established goal?
A physical therapist reviews the surface trapezium radius capitate scaphoid 1
anatomy of the hand in preparation for
a patient status post wrist arthrodesis.
Which bony structure does NOT
articulate with the lunate?
A physical therapist conducts a sensory facial nerve oculomotor nerve trigeminal nerve trochlear nerve 3
assessment on numerous areas of a
patient’s face. The cranial nerve MOST
likely assessed using this type of testing
procedure is:
A physical therapist treats a patient in a contact nursing reposition the remove the document the 1
medical intensive care unit. The intravenous line intravenous line incident in the
therapist notices that intravenous medical record
solution appears to be infusing into the
tissues surrounding the dorsum of the
patient's hand. The MOST appropriate
therapist action is:
A physical therapist completes a orientation to time, person, copy drawn figures of discuss how two identify letters or 3
cognitive function test on a patient and place varying size and shape objects are similar numbers traced on
status post stroke. As part of the test, the skin
the therapist examines the patient's
abstract ability. Which of the following
tasks would be the MOST appropriate?
A patient fails to attain established request additional visits request additional visits inform the patient that discharge the patient 2
physical therapy goals within the from the referring from the third party physical therapy from physical therapy
number of visits approved by the physician payer services may not be with a home exercise
patient's third party payer. The patient fully covered by the program
has made progress in therapy, third party payer
however, has been slowed somewhat
by an adverse reaction to medication.
The M
A physical therapist documents in the absence of associated disappearance of voluntary movement normal motor 2
medical record that a patient has reactions spasticity begins outside of function
moved from stage 5 to stage 6 of synergy patterns
Brunnstrom’s Stages of Recovery. This
type of transition is characterized by:
A physical therapist preparing a hot power failure seepage from a hot pack ineffective heating thermostat set too 2
pack notices the water in the hot pack element low
unit is cloudy. The MOST probable
explanation is:
A physical therapist designs a home limit the exercise program select a maximum of five select exercises avoid physically 3
exercise program for a patient to 10 minutes different exercises consistent with the demanding exercises
rehabilitating from a lower extremity patient's rehabilitation
injury. Which step would be the MOST goals
appropriate to maximize patient
A physical therapist performs gait cerebral palsy Down syndrome Legg-Calve-Perthes spina bifida 4
training activities with an eight-year-old disease
child who utilizes a reciprocating gait
orthosis. Which medical diagnosis is
MOST often associated with the use of
this type of orthotic device?
A physical therapist instructs a patient standing sitting sidelying hooklying 2
rehabilitating from thoracic surgery
how to produce an effective cough.
Which patient position would be the
MOST appropriate to initiate
A physical therapist provides pre- ability to perform ankle ability to ambulate on a ability to achieve full ability to utilize 2
operative instructions for a patient pumps and muscle setting frequent schedule hip range of motion pneumatic
scheduled for hip arthroplasty surgery. exercises within the allowable compression devices
As part of the session, the therapist limits and elastic stockings
discusses the importance of preventing
deep vein thrombosis following
surgery. Which finding is the BEST
A physical therapist performs an ask the patient if she tell the patient to relax complete the ask the patient about 3
examination on an 84-year-old female understands why she was and speak louder examination in a her rehabilitation
in the physical therapy gym. The referred to physical private treatment goals
patient answers the therapist's therapy room
questions in a very soft voice and
appears to be intimidated by the
bustling environment. The MOST
appropriate therapi
A group of physical therapists design a sampling error tendency to rate too change in test forms change in subject 4
research study which examines the strictly or leniently due to sampling of situation over time
reliability of the Functional items
Independence Measure. To measure
reliability the therapists utilize a test-
retest design. What is the MOST
significant source of error with this type
A patient status post knee surgery instructions on progression utilization of proximal recommendations for orientation to remote 4
receives instructions on the use of a of range of motion and distal stabilization cryotherapy following on/off switch
continuous passive motion machine. straps treatment sessions
Which of the following would be the
MOST essential to ensure patient
A physical therapist instructs a patient ask the patient to use short sentences draw pictures to do not utilize a home 3
rehabilitating from a rotator cuff repair memorize the exercises consisting of simple describe the exercises exercise program
in a home exercise program. The words
patient is a 27-year-old male who is
illiterate. The MOST appropriate action
to promote compliance with the
exercise program is:
A physical therapist treats a patient discontinue the exercise use a gauze pad to use a gauze pad to document the finding 3
status post femur fracture with external session and contact the absorb the drainage and absorb the drainage and discontinue the
fixation. While monitoring the patient referring physician notify nursing and continue with the exercise session
during an exercise session, the exercise session
therapist observes clear drainage from
a distal pin site. The MOST appropriate
therapist action is:
A patient eight days status post limited range isokinetics at unilateral leg press mini-squats in standing active knee extension 3
anterior cruciate ligament 30 degrees per second in short sitting
reconstruction using a patellar tendon
autograft is examined in physical
therapy. Which of the following
exercises would be the MOST
appropriate based on the patient's
post-operative status?
A physical therapy department in an the physical therapist of the physical therapist the director of physical the director of 1
acute care hospital utilizes physical record assistant of record therapy rehabilitation
therapy aides to perform a variety of
patient care services. What health care
professional is directly responsible for
the actions of the physical therapy
A physical therapist is scheduled to gloves mask gloves and mask gloves, gown, and 2
treat a patient requiring droplet mask
precautions. What type of protective
equipment would be necessary prior to
entering the patient's room?
A physical therapist collects data as provide initial and increase observer have an observer ask the children to 3
part of a research project that requires refresher observer training awareness of the spend time with the ignore the presence of
direct observation of children influence of their children before direct the observer
performing selected gross motor background observation
activities. The therapist is concerned
about the influence of an observer on
the children's performance. The MO
A patient reports to a physical therapist grade I sprain grade III sprain grade I strain grade III strain 2
that she completely tore one of the
ligaments in her ankle. If the patient's
comment is accurate, the injury to the
ligament is MOST likely classified as a:
A physical therapist prepares to treat a lesser tubercle of the greater tubercle of the supraspinous fossa of deltoid tuberosity of 2
patient diagnosed with impingement humerus humerus the scapula the humerus
syndrome with iontophoresis directly
over the insertion of the supraspinatus
muscle. What bony landmark BEST
corresponds to this site?
A patient status post motor vehicle diathermy ultrasound hydrotherapy hot packs 3
accident is referred to physical therapy.
The patient has multiple injury sites
including the hand, wrist, elbow, and
knee. As part of the patient care plan,
the physical therapist attempts to
increase tissue temperat
A physical therapist presents an I, II I, III II, III III, IV 4
inservice on graded oscillation
techniques. Which grades of oscillation
are the MOST appropriate for
stretching maneuvers?
A physical therapist examines the pleural effusion pulmonary fibrosis impaired secretion localized stenosis 3
breath sounds of a 55-year-old male clearance
diagnosed with pulmonary disease.
The therapist identifies rales during
both inspiration and expiration. This
finding is MOST representative of:
The components of a clinical question subjective, objective, patient or problem, validity, reliability, diagnosis, prognosis, 2
posed in order to search the literature assessment, plan (S.O.A.P.) intervention, applicability intervention
for information about the effectiveness comparison, outcome (P-
of a therapy include: I-C-O)
A physical therapist completes a study interrater reliability intrarater reliability internal validity external validity 2
which examines the effect of
goniometer size on the reliability of
passive shoulder joint measurements.
The therapist concludes that
goniometric measurements of passive
shoulder range of motion can be highly
A physical therapist employed in an signs of confusion and systolic blood pressure lack of significant discovery of 1
acute care hospital examines a patient lethargy increase of 20 mm Hg clinical findings significant past
rehabilitating from surgery. The during exercise following the medical history
patient has diabetes, however, has no examination unknown to the
other significant past medical history. physician
Which of the following situations would
MOST warrant IMMEDIATE medi
A patient with a peripheral nerve injury sole of the foot plantar surface of the lateral aspect of the triangular area 3
is examined in physical therapy. The toes leg and dorsum of the between the first and
patient's primary symptoms result from foot second toes
an injury to the superficial peroneal
nerve. The MOST likely area of sensory
alteration is:
A physical therapist reviews a physician dorsum of the foot anterior thigh groin lateral calf 2
examination which indicates
diminished sensation in the L3
dermatome. The MOST appropriate
location to confirm the physician's
findings is:
A physical therapist attempts to obtain ask the patient to ask another physical move the patient to a request an interpreter 4
a history from a patient that recently communicate in writing therapist to complete private treatment
immigrated to the United States. The the examination room
patient does not speak English and
seems to be intimidated by the hospital
environment. The MOST appropriate
action is to:
A physical therapist prepares to a 38-year-old female with a a 27-year-old male with a 48-year-old male a 57-year-old male 1
perform volumetric measurements as a Colles’ fracture bicipital tendonitis with a rotator cuff tear with pulmonary
means of quantifying edema. Which edema
patient would appear to be the MOST
appropriate candidate for this type of
objective measure?
A three-year-old child throws frequent aversive conditioning extinction operant conditioning rational emotive 2
temper tantrums, usually contrived to imagery
gain attention. The physical therapist,
recognizing the child's objective,
refuses to acknowledge the action.
This type of behavior therapy is BEST
A 61-year-old male referred to physical idiopathic hypoventilation chronic hypoxemia Parkinson's disease chronic bronchitis 4
therapy complains of an excessive
cough, sputum production, and
shortness of breath. The patient
indicates that he has been bothered by
some combination of these symptoms
for over 10 years. The patient's present
A patient appears to be somewhat effleurage vibration petrissage tapotement 1
anxious after learning her treatment
will include soft tissue massage. The
MOST appropriate massage stroke to
begin treatment is:
A patient two days status post have the patient perform have the patient flex the place a pillow under discontinue the 4
arthrotomy of the knee completes a the exercise in sidelying knee prior to initiating the ankle exercise
quadriceps setting exercise while lying the exercise
supine on a mat table. During the
exercise the patient begins to
experience severe pain. The MOST
appropriate physical therapist action is:
A physical therapist enters a private check for unresponsiveness monitor airway, position the patient phone emergency 1
treatment area and observes a patient breathing, and medical services
collapsed on the floor. The patient circulation
appears to be moving slightly, however,
seems to be in need of medical
assistance. The MOST IMMEDIATE
therapist action is:
A 48-year-old female rehabilitating frequency of physical previous medical history previous functional compliance with a 3
from a fractured femur asks questions therapy visits level home exercise
about her expected functional level program
following rehabilitation. Assuming an
uncomplicated recovery, the MOST
accurate prediction of functional level
would be based on the patient's:
A physical therapist attempts to resisted extension of the resisted flexion of the resisted abduction of resisted adduction of 2
strengthen the lumbricales on a patient metatarsophalangeal joint metatarsophalangeal the the
with a low metatarsal arch. Which joint metatarsophalangeal metatarsophalangeal
exercise would be the MOST joint joint
A 46-year-old male rehabilitating from contact the patient's design a home exercise schedule the patient discharge the patient 4
a radial head fracture misses his third insurance provider program for the patient with another physical from physical therapy
consecutive physical therapy treatment therapist
session. The therapist called the
patient after the second missed
appointment, but did not receive a
return phone call. The MOST approp
A physical therapist treats a patient begin aggressive recommend a wound apply aseptic ointment discontinue whirlpool 4
with a decubitus ulcer using whirlpool. debridement culture to the wound treatments
After treating the wound for 10
treatment sessions, the wound still
shows little evidence of granulation.
The MOST appropriate action is:
A physical therapist instructs a patient repeat the exercise reduce the number of select a different conclude the patient 2
rehabilitating from a low back injury in instructions exercises in the series treatment option is not a candidate for
a series of five pelvic stabilization physical therapy
exercises. The patient indicates he
understands the exercises, however,
frequently becomes confused and is
unable to perform them corr
A physical therapist employed in a ask another therapist for have the patient perform the stand perform the stand 4
rehabilitation hospital prepares to assistance and complete a complete a sliding board pivot transfer without pivot transfer with the
perform a stand pivot transfer with a dependent transfer transfer socks patient wearing the
42-year-old male rehabilitating from a hospital-issued socks
motor vehicle accident. Prior to
initiating the transfer, the therapist
notices that the patient is wearin