Bookmatter EngineeringThermodynamics

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Theory, worked examples and problems

G. Boxer
Senior Tutor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Aston in Birmingham
© G. Boxer 1976
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced
or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without permission

First published 1976 by

London and Basingstoke

Associated companies in New York Dublin

Melbourne Johannesburg and Madras

ISBN 978-0-333-19226-9 ISBN 978-1-349-02828-3 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-02828-3

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Preface ix

Nomenclature xiii
Some Useful Definitions and Analogies XV
system, boundary, state, property,
process, cycle, control surface,
control volume, work and heat

The Structure of Engineering Thermodynamics xxiv

interrelationship of the fundamental
laws with auxiliary information

A Fundamental Approach to the Solution of

Thermodynamic Problems XXV


elementary applications of the sign
convention for work and heat transfers


the calculation of work in certain
specified cases


the non-flow energy equation - internal
energy - heat and work transfers


use of property tables to find values for
the five thermodynamic fluid properties
pressure, volume, temperature, internal
energy and enthalpy - interpolating in
tables and graphical explanation (gas
equation not treated at this stage)


the application of the non-flow energy
.equation together with the use of property
tables and the characteristic gas equation


the steady-flow energy equation and the
use of property tables - throttling
calorimeter - nozzle-turbine

steady-flow energy equation and the
characteristic gas equation - mass
continuity equation


pressure and momentum thrust - jet pump or
ejector - rocket nozzle - turbo machine


unsteady-flow energy equation applied in
simple cases for both gases and vapours


Dalton's law - characteristic gas equation
applied to specific gases and mixtures -
the kg-mol - mean values of c , cv, R and y
- volumetric analysis and par~ial pressure -
use of first law of thermodynamics

mass balance and molecular change for
reactants and products - stoichiometric
and non-stoichiometric combustion - analysis of
post combustion products - mixture strength


internal energy and enthalpy of formation and
of combustion - internal energy and enthalpy
of undissociated gases - non-flow energy and
steady-flow energy equations in combustion -
effect of temperature on enthalpy of combustion


heat engine and reversed heat engine -
efficiency and coefficient of performance

14 ENTROPY 102
reversible and irreversible forms of the first
law - statement of second law - entropy as a
property and its use in solving real problems
- isentropic efficiency and process - combined
first and second laws - calculation of entropy
for gases and vapours - isentropic processes
for gases and vapours - nozzle efficiency -
the sense of steady flow and non-flow processes
by applying the second law when the first law
is of no help


cycle efficiency - work ratio - specific fluid
consumption - Rankine cycle - Carnot cycle for
a vapour - throttling and superheating -
resuperheating - mixed pressure cycle - binary
vapour cycle - pass out cycle

a comparison of various idealised gas power
cycles with similar boundary conditions -
efficiency - work output - maximum and mean
effective pressures


high and low grade energy - energy degradation
- non-flow and steady-flow availability -
irreversibility - ground or dead state -
effectiveness of a process - graphical
representation of availability - second law
analysis of power plant showing the
irreversibilities of various components

The difficulty in preparing a tutorial volume on a subject like

engineering thermodynamics is to select problems covering an ad-
equate range of material and to the right depth which can be con-
tained in a published form which is economically acceptable to all.
The content of this book is based on material taught to all first
year mechanical engineering undergraduates at Aston university and
is offered as a reasonably self-contained basis of fundamental work
essential to any more advanced study of the subject.
The greatest benefit can be obtained by the student in the use
of this book only by the exercise of considerable self-discipline.
He or she should first attempt the given questions unaided and refer
to the solutions for comparison and clarification only if diffic-
ulty arises. It is all too easy to read the question and solution
together and convince oneself that the whole is fully understood.
It is only by approaching all questions as though they were set
in an examination (with no help available) that one discovers one's
weaknesses. Then it is possible to do something about it by further
reading and further practice. This is the very essence of learning.
The teaching of engineering thermodynamics has changed radically
in the last twenty five years or so mainly through the beneficial
influence of Professor Keenan at Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology. It is vital to define all terms as rigorously as possible
and an attempt to do this is made in the following pages.
All units are in the Systeme International d'Unites, or SI for
short. It is perhaps right to mention here the dnal practice with
regard to the unit for pressure. Some authorities favour the use
of the pascal (Pa) i.e. 1 kN/m 2 , others the bar i.e. 10 5 N/m 2 or
100 kN/m 2 • In this volume both are used since there is no clear-
cut all-round agreement.
I believe very firmly in the concept of one symbol for one phy-
sical idea and use T for all temperatures (and let the units dis-
play whether a scale or thermodynamic-temperature is in use). Thus
(a) T = 20 °C is a scale temperature
(b) T = 293 K is a thermodynamic temperature.
However, a change in either a scale or a thermodynamic temper-
ature is always given in degrees Kelvin.
The student must learn the vital importance of distinguishing
between physical equations and numerical equations and in an effort
to encourage this the Stroud convention is used throughout.
Anything multiplied by unity is unchanged and, for example, if a
force of 1 N accelerates a mass of 1 kg by 1 m/s 2 , then Newton says
force = mass x acceleration

or 1 N = [N s 2] = UNITY
1 kg x 1 m/ s2 [kg m]

This unity bracket can be used as a. multiplier to rationalise
the units in a numerical equation.
For example, to obtain the temperature equivalent of a fluid
velocity of 600 m/s, the following calculation is appropriate to
air with cp = 1.005 kJ/(kg K).
8 Temperature equivalent of v u 2 /2c (physical equation)
u p

600 2 m2 ~ [~ [kJ ]
2 x 1.00 5 gT kJ [kg m)[kNm] (numerical equation)
600 2
2000 X 1.005 = 179 · 1 K

Furthermore, for example, in calculating the power delivered from

an engine which has a torque of 80 Nm at a speed of rotation of 2000
Power rate of work transfer = torque x angular velocity
T x w (physical equation)
80 Nm x 2000 ~ [2n rad][min ][ kJ ]
min [ rev ][60 s][lOOO Nm]
16.76 kNm
= 16.76 kW (numerical equation)

The last three terms in this numerical equation are unity brack-
ets and can be used whenever convenient. The use of such brackets
obviates the need to worry about homogeneous units since a physical
equation is valid in any system of units.
I have endeavoured to grade the problems in each chapter to cover
a range of work from the most elementary undergraduate calculations
to those appropriate to a first-year examination at University.
Occasionally I have borrowed questions from London University B.Sc.
Part I degree papers and am grateful to that institution for per-
mission to do so whilst accepting sole responsibility for the sol-
utions which are presented in this book.
The whole of engineering thermodynamics is based on the three
fundamental principles of conservation of mass, energy and momentum
and the concept of energy degradation embodied in the second law
of thermodynamics. It is vital in the solution of all problems to
find out just how these principles are brought into use.
It is equally vital to avoid splitting up the subject into pure-
ly artificial compartments with labels e.g. reciprocating compress-
ors, gas turbines etc. and to endeavour to bracket certain form-
ulae with each section.
To assist the student in formulating a logical approach to the
solution of all problems in the subject I have laid out a set of
fundamental questions to be answered each and every time until the
right habits have been formed. In order to answer these questions
correctly he will have to understand the basic definitions and the
associated principles in the subject but once these are mastered
he will find his approach is consistent and much more readily app-
licable than any arbitrary sectioning of the material with its de-
mands upon pure memory as distinct from any appeal to logic.
The figure numbers are associated directly with the questions

in which they occur and are not chronologically placed as in other
texts. Thus figure 14.3 refers to question 3 in chapter 14 and is
not necessarily the third figure in chapter 14.
Throughout the book reference is made (in parentheses) to page
numbers. The latter refer to tables of thermodynamic properties
of fluids and other data by Y.R.Mayhew and G.F.C.Rogers published
by Blackwell which should be used in conjunction with the solutions
in this book.
I acknowledge with gratitude the help I have received from my
colleagues at Aston over many years and particularly from Mr.F.R.
Taylor who is responsible for a considerable proportion of the des-
criptive material at the start.

A Non-flow availability or Area

a Non-flow specific availability
B Flow availability
b Specific flow availability
c Heat capacity
cp Molar isobaric heat capacity
cv Molar isochoric heat capacity
c Mass isobaric specific heat capacity
cv Mass isochoric specific heat capacity
d Change in a property (e.g. dv)
E Internal energy
e Specific internal energy
f Saturated liquid state
g Saturated vapour state or gravitational acceleration
H Enthalpy
h Specific enthalpy
i Constituent gas
k (y-1/y)
m Mass
mw Molecular mass

m Mass flow rate

N Rotational speed
n Polytropic index OR number of mols
p Pressure
Heat transfer
Rate of heat transfer
q Specific heat transfer
R Gas constant for individual gas
Ro Universal gas constant
r Compression or expansion ratio
s Entropy
s Specific entropy
T Temperature
t Time
u Velocity
v Volume
v Volume flow rate
v Specific volume
Work transfer
Rate of work transfer (i.e. power)
w Specific work transfer

x Quality of liquid/vapour mixture OR mole fraction
x Mean value of x (e.g.)
z Datum height

y cp /Cv = c p /c v
0 Change in a non-property (e.g. oQ)
8 Angle OR change in temperature
11 Ratio of circumference to diameter of circle
p Density
n Efficiency
e: Effectiveness
T Torque
w Angular Velocity
l Sum of
~ Sum of - round a cycle

Historically, thermodynamics grew from the study of heat and temp-

erature, which were often confused! Many of the terms and concepts
used in thermodynamics, including heat, have been abstracted from
common everyday usage where their meanings are very loosely defined.
In the scientific study of thermodynamics precise definitions must
be adopted and the thermodynamicist must accustom himself to using
these terms in both contexts. Initially some self-discipline is
necessary to adhere to the rigorous definitions used in thermodyn-

·TherrrodynamicsThermodynamics may be described as the study of the

equilibrium properties of large-scale systems in which temperature
is an important variable.

System A prescribed and identifiable quantity of matter.

State The overall condition of a system at a given time.

Thermodynamic state That part of the overall condition of a system

at rest which is dependent upon the state of motion and interaction
of its component particles.

Property Any characteristic of a system which can be used to define

its state i.e. which depends only upon the state of the system.

Extensive property A property whose magnitude is dependent upon

the amount of matter considered e.g. volume.

Intensive property A property whose magnitude does not depend on

the amount of matter considered. N.B. These are the potential
properties e.g. pressure, temperature, electrical potential, etc.
which tend to cause a change in state.

Specific property An extensive property expressed per unit quan-

tity of matter. In the sense that this is independent of the mass
in the system it may be regarded as an intensive property for the
purpose of defining the state. Lower case letters are used for
intensive properties and upper-case letters for extensive proper-
ties. e.g. a system of mass m and volume v has a specific volume
v = V/m.

Equilibrium state A system is in equilibrium if its properties do

not change in value when the system is isolated from its surround-

Therrrodynamic equation of state Any mathematical relationship for

the thermodynamic properties of a system in thermal equilibrium
e.g. for a perfect gas the equation of state is pv = RT where R is
a constant depending on the particular gas.

simple (or pure) substance A substance which is

(a) homogeneous in chemical composition

(b) homogeneous in chemical aggregation
(c) invariable in chemical aggregation.

N.B. such substances are important because the state of a system

composed entirely of a pure substance may be completely defined by
two independent, intensive properties.

Process A change of state of a system.

Cycle A process with identical initial and final states.

Phase of a substance The term phase is used to denote the molecul-

ar regime of a substance e.g. ice, water and steam are respectively
the solid, liquid and vapour phases of HzO.

Internal energy (E) The energy possessed by a system by virtue of

the motion and arrangement of its molecules and the vibrations with-
in the molecules. It is a property since its value depends only
on the state of the system.

Work (W) Work is energy transferred across a system boundary by

virtue of a potential property difference, other than temperature,
across the boundary.

Both heat and work are fundamentally different from properties

and are known as interactions because they are transient in nature.
The nature of heat and work is dealt with in some detail in the
following pages. However, the subject of thermodynamics is in ess-
ence the study of heat and work transfers upon the properties of a
system and conversely the effect of a change in properties on the
heat and work transfers.
It is vital to distinguish clearly between the properties of a
fluid (p,v,T,etc.) and the interactions at the system boundary Q
and W since the latter by their very nature can never be considered
as properties. Q and w never exist IN a fluid - they occur at the
boundary of a system and are transient in nature. To emphasise
this point consider the following analogies.

Analogy 1 - Cloud/Lake

The figure depicts H2 0 in three forms.

(a) As vapour in the cloud.

(b) As liquid in the lake.
(c) As liquid falling from the cloud to the lake.

Now we describe the HzO in the cloud as WATER vapour, and that
in the lake as WATER. However, we have a distinct name for the

H2 0 in the act of passing between the two. We call it RAIN. The
rain is not stored in the cloud nor in the lake - as soon as the
rain reaches the lake it becomes just water. The analogy is that
this corresponds to the transfer of HEAT from a hot body to a cold

Cloud (water vapour)

I I I Rain
I I I Figure (a)
Lake (water)

body wherein the hot body has high internal energy (relatively)
and the cold body a lower internal energy. The heat transfer is
also energy - BUT the internal energies are properties - the heat
transfer is not. The internal energies correspond to the water
stored respectively in the cloud and the lake and the heat transfer
corresponds to the rain.

Analogy 2 - The Mountain

Figure (b)

SO m
Direct route

The figure depicts a mountain with the customary hazards facing

any would-be climber. Assuming that the area has been properly
surveyed, the height of the mountain summit above sea-level will
be known (say 1000 m) and let us suppose that a starting point
for a climb is at say SO m above sea-level.
Let us first assume that the climber is ambitious and attempts
a climb by the most direct route. He will probably encounter scree
slopes where he may slither around (we hope he is properly shod!)
and if he knows what he is doing he will ultimately reach the top.
The point is that when he gets there his overall change in height
will be 1000 m - SO m i.e. 9SO m.

Let us now assume purely for the sake of argument that this is
a mountain with a well-worn and measured path which follows very
easy gradients so that it is possible to walk up all the way with-
out the considerable effort required in real mountaineering. When
the top is reached the change in height is still 950 m.
We should now realise that the values SO m and 1000 m are PROP-
ERTIES relating to the system (the mountain) and the PATH taken
does not affect their values. However, the amount of work done by
the person trying to reach the top depends very much on the path
chosen and so does the amount of perspiration given off (i.e. the
heat transfer). These latter cannot therefore be properties.

Digression on the expression 'change in' We have just used the

expression change in height. The student is constantly involved
in finding changes in quantities while studying mechanical engin-
eering and many students do not understand this correctly.
Clearly we must know whether work is being delivered by a system
or done on the system and whether heat is being added to a system
or rejected from it. Thus sense plays a vital role. In other
words Q and w have magnitude and sense (but not direction and are
therefore not vectors).
Quite naturally as engineers we are interested in the production
of work and it is logical to call work delivered positive work.
Since we most commonly achieve positive work from a system by first
of all supplying heat to it then heat supplied is also treated as
positive. Conversely work in to a system or heat rejected from a
system are treated as negative.
It is vital to adhere to this scheme of things by interpreting
changes in properties correctly.
In this sense I have found the bank-balance analogy useful as a
means of getting the signs correct.
Suppose your bank balance on Monday was £5 and because of var-
ious demands you have an overdraft on the following Friday of say
£1000. Suppose further that the bank manager calls you in to dis-
cuss the deterioration in your affairs. How will he present the
case to you? The initial state of your balance was +£5 (i.e. in
credit) and the final state is -£1000 (overdraft).
Will he say that the change in your balance is

Initial - Final i.e. +£5 - £(-1000) = +£1005?

Or will he say that the change in your balance is

Final - Initial i.e. -£1000 - £(+5) = -£1005?

Clearly the latter is correct i.e.

change in means final - initial.

Thus for example the change in internal energy from state 1 to

state 2 is (E2- E1).

Control surface and control volume It is vital in the study of

thermodynamics to distinguish between two kinds of process.

(a) Non-flow process.
(b) Flow process.

To make this distinction we now define a control volume as any

region in space having a fixed boundary and position. (Note that
a system has a boundary which can change its shape and position
but the mass contained therein is constant.)
We now define a non-flow process as one in which the system
boundary change occurs wholly within the control volume under ob-
servation - i.e. no mass crosses the control surface which bounds
·t he con tro 1 vo 1ume.
Furthermore a flow process is one in which the system boundary
change is such that mass does cross the control surface.
Note that Q and w can cross both s ystem and control volume boun-
daries but by definition mass can only cross the latter.

Example of a non-flow process - expansion in a cylinder

Figure (c)
System boundary

In the expansion depicted in the f igure there is work transfer

across the system boundary due to a pressure differen ce , there may
be a heat transfer across the system boundary due to a temperature
difference, but there is no mass transfer across the system boun-
The same remarks apply exactly to the control surface depicted.

Example of a flow process - flow through a nozzle

Figure (d)
control volume volume

In this case there is no work transfer or heat transfer to con-

sider but mass does cross the control surface even though by def-
inition it does not cross the system boundary where in this case
the system is taken to be unit mass of fluid passing through the
nozzle .

The nature of work transfer

Work was previously defined as energy transferred across a system

boundary by virtue of a potential property difference, other than
temperature, across the boundary.
For example, electric currents represent transfers of energy
due to electric potential (voltage) differences across a boundary.
More importantly for mechanical engineers, movement of some part
of a system boundary due to a force (or pressure difference) across
the boundary is a typical example of work transfer.
The force and motion may be either perpendicular to the system
boundary or tangential to it. Energy will be transferred as mech-
anical work provided that some component part of both force and
motion act in the same direction.
It is now necessary to discuss the difference between controlled
streamline flow and free, turbulent flow.

~ Figure (e)

J Ldx A

Consider the expansion of a piston under the action of a fluid

contained in a cylinder (see figure). The fluid is the system and
its boundary is shown dotted.
Let the area of the piston face be A and firstly let us assume
the expansion to be so controlled that at a given moment the press-
ure everywhere in the fluid is p. The force on the piston face
due to the fluid will be pA.

has moved a distance dx

Now assume that after an infinitesimal lapse of time the piston
to the right and the flow is so controlled
that although the pressure has changed infinitesimally it is every-
where the same at all points in the fluid.
The work done during this piston movement by the fluid on the
piston is the product of force and the distance moved

or ow (pA) X dx
p dv
where dv is the volume swept out by the piston in this time.

Assuming the flow continues in this manner.
inal state
woverall dv
~ni tial state
Conversely, as is the case in practice, when the flow is turb-
ulent and free, there will be pressure gradients in the fluid at a
given time and p will not have a unique value at all points in the
fluid at that time and nor will it be a unique function of v during
Under these circumstances

w 'F f dv

The graphical interpretation of controlled, streamline flow is
as shown in the figure.

Figure (f)
Area - 1w2

1W2 = Area under the curve 1-2 which represents the controlled
expansion where p is some known function of v and all intermediate
states between 1 and 2 are known.
Conversely free, turbulent flow must be represented as below.

Figure (g)

No area under a curve can be found since there is no known curve
between 1 and 2. A state cannot be found between these two states
because the fluid is never in equilibrium. In order to calculate
w in this case other information must be available. For example,
from the first law of thermodynamics
102 - 1W2 = E2 - E1
Provided that the initial and final states 1 and 2 are known
and also 102 then 1W2 is calculable.
The above arguments relate to a non-flow process if the control
volume just embraces the entire cylinder.
However, many students cannot distinguish between this work
transfer and that corresponding to a flow process made up of three

distinct parts, namely suction, expansion and exhaust.

Figure (h)

Thus for the same cylinder but now assuming a constant pressure
suction process to start with, the same expansion as before and a
constant pressure exhaust process to finish with we have the con-
figuration depicted as shown in the above p-V diagram.
The total work done is given by the work of suction (positive
because fluid does work on the crank) plus the work of expansion
as before plus the work of exhaust (negative since the crank does
work on the fluid in this case).

Thus w = wsuction + w +

or w Pl v1 +1 V2
p dv - Pl V2

This work is clearly given by

W =J"V dp

which is the total work of suction, expansion and exhaust and is

represented by the area shown shaded in the figure.
The distinction between !p dv work and fv dp work is very impor-
tant and further consideration will reveal that the terms P1V1 and
P2V 2 represent the energy transfers associated with the movement
of the system (a given packet of fluid in a given time) into and
out of the control volume (the cylinder) .
. One should note that these latter energy transfers take place
with no change in the thermodynamic state of the fluid in the sys-
tem - they are there simply because mass is being transferred into
and out of the control volume. However, work transfer inevitably
occurs with these mass transfers.
The thermodynamic state changes from 1 to 2 when a fixed packet
of fluid contained within the control volume undergoes an expansion

The nature of heat transfer

Heat is energy transferred across a system boundary by virtue of

a temperature difference across the boundary.
For example consider block A at a uniform temperature TA and
block Bat another uniform temperature T 8 (where TB < TA)· Let
the two be brought into contact and be thermally insulated from
their surroundings but not from each other. Energy will flow from
A to B because of the temperature difference TA- T~. This will
cause a reduction in molecular activity (and hence 1nternal energy)
of block A and a corresponding increase in molecular activity (and
hence internal energy) of block B.
The choice of a system boundary is quite arbitrary. Consider
in the first case that block A is the system and that block B forms
part of the surroundings. The energy transfer, due to the temper-
ature difference, takes place across a system boundary and is thus
termed heat according to the above definition (see figure)


Figure (i)

System boundary (1) enclosing

only block A
By choosing the system boundary to include both blocks A and B
the energy transfer no longer crosses a system boundary and would
not be termed heat relative to the new system.
This second system is not in thermal equilibrium since it chan-
ges state by redistribution of its internal energy although it is
isolated from its surroundings (see figure).

Figure (j)

System boundary (2) enclosing

blocks A and B
Heat transfer is a subject in its own right and can occur in
various modes, conduction, convection and radiation or a combinat-
tion of one or more of these. We are only interested here in the
numerical value of heat as predicted by the application of the laws
of thermodynamics to systems and not in the detailed mechanism of
the energy transfer.
CD o" t-'•
"'(l p..
p) rt .......
"l "l
>: "' ll>
...::r ....::s 3...... 5!m
C/l + + + +
11 1-'·
::s "'"'
"''"' -l
I ::S ;c
ll> "l ... c: nergy Transfers Energy Change Combining Thermodynamic
n Reversibility
..., .... ::s (a) Due to Mass in Chemical Quanti ties
..... g.)
0.. ~ Reaction toichiometry
"l ... "' fg ransfers (Kinetic, +
"' "' p..
rtp.. ?te~a.!_2~~1) + +
... 0
..,., Limitation on Heat
'< 0
(b) Transfers Q Engine Efficiency -
>< "' ll> ZU> m Systems Undergoing
"!0:::>" z nd w not connected Carnot Principle/Cycle
....>< rto H
< § "' >: zm i th Mass Chemical Reaction +
::ro m Definition of
"' ll>
0 ... ::! t Thermodynamic
3 ...>: z
"'::s :::>" C'l Temperature
P..rt "' alculation of Possibility of Reaction
< roperties Occurring? Equilibriwn +
... ll> ll>
ll> .... "l (a) Perfect Gas Proportions of Substan-
.... 0 ~ imple Equation of ces in a Reacting t- + Clausius Inequality
"' ... c 0
::>"Ul !._a_g _ _ _ - - System. Maximum Work
"l "' ... Available from a Given
"' ... 0 (b) Complex State +I
0'1:1 ~ Reaction
0 ""d ..... n quation e.g.
3 ..... n C/l r== Entropy I
..... n tn apours - use Data
CD Ill'
... ....::S ·n Tabular or
P..::>" raphical Form
0 ...
e.g. Gas and Vapour Power Plant, Refrigerators,etc.
ork,Pressure,Temp. -+1 TESTING OF PLANT, etc. 1--...

The following is an attempt to assist students in adopting a ration-

al approach to the solution of all problems in thermodynamics. If
the following questions are correctly answered each and every time
a problem is attempted there should be no fundamental difficulty
in obtaining a solution.
1. What kind of process? (a) Flow or (b) Non-flow?
To answer this it is necessary to define the_ system boundary
and/or the control surface and then decide whether mass crosses
the latter.
2. What kind of fluid?

(a) Liquid?
(b) Liquid/Vapour Mixture?
(c) Saturated Vapour?
(d) Superheated Vapour?
(e) Perfect Gas?
(f) Semi-perfect Gas? (i.e. one with variable cp and cJ

3. Have you drawn a state diagram(s)?

It is vitally important to get a picture of events.

4. Which form of the energy equation is required?

(a) Non-flow?
(b) Steady-flow?
(c) Unsteady-flow?

5. Do you need to use the mass continuity equation?

mv = uA
6. Do you need to use the momentum equation?
7. Have you used the correct language? e.g.
win kJ/kg, win kJ, win kW, etc.
8. Always put in dimensions with the numbers in your reasoning.
Dimensions are a check on your arguments and are more important
than the numbers in front. Use unity brackets to rationalise the
9. Do not effect numerical calculation unti 1 you have to.


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