Bookmatter EngineeringThermodynamics
Bookmatter EngineeringThermodynamics
Bookmatter EngineeringThermodynamics
Theory, worked examples and problems
G. Boxer
Senior Tutor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Aston in Birmingham
© G. Boxer 1976
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced
or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without permission
Preface ix
Nomenclature xiii
Some Useful Definitions and Analogies XV
system, boundary, state, property,
process, cycle, control surface,
control volume, work and heat
steady-flow energy equation and the
characteristic gas equation - mass
continuity equation
mass balance and molecular change for
reactants and products - stoichiometric
and non-stoichiometric combustion - analysis of
post combustion products - mixture strength
14 ENTROPY 102
reversible and irreversible forms of the first
law - statement of second law - entropy as a
property and its use in solving real problems
- isentropic efficiency and process - combined
first and second laws - calculation of entropy
for gases and vapours - isentropic processes
for gases and vapours - nozzle efficiency -
the sense of steady flow and non-flow processes
by applying the second law when the first law
is of no help
a comparison of various idealised gas power
cycles with similar boundary conditions -
efficiency - work output - maximum and mean
effective pressures
or 1 N = [N s 2] = UNITY
1 kg x 1 m/ s2 [kg m]
This unity bracket can be used as a. multiplier to rationalise
the units in a numerical equation.
For example, to obtain the temperature equivalent of a fluid
velocity of 600 m/s, the following calculation is appropriate to
air with cp = 1.005 kJ/(kg K).
8 Temperature equivalent of v u 2 /2c (physical equation)
u p
600 2 m2 ~ [~ [kJ ]
2 x 1.00 5 gT kJ [kg m)[kNm] (numerical equation)
600 2
2000 X 1.005 = 179 · 1 K
The last three terms in this numerical equation are unity brack-
ets and can be used whenever convenient. The use of such brackets
obviates the need to worry about homogeneous units since a physical
equation is valid in any system of units.
I have endeavoured to grade the problems in each chapter to cover
a range of work from the most elementary undergraduate calculations
to those appropriate to a first-year examination at University.
Occasionally I have borrowed questions from London University B.Sc.
Part I degree papers and am grateful to that institution for per-
mission to do so whilst accepting sole responsibility for the sol-
utions which are presented in this book.
The whole of engineering thermodynamics is based on the three
fundamental principles of conservation of mass, energy and momentum
and the concept of energy degradation embodied in the second law
of thermodynamics. It is vital in the solution of all problems to
find out just how these principles are brought into use.
It is equally vital to avoid splitting up the subject into pure-
ly artificial compartments with labels e.g. reciprocating compress-
ors, gas turbines etc. and to endeavour to bracket certain form-
ulae with each section.
To assist the student in formulating a logical approach to the
solution of all problems in the subject I have laid out a set of
fundamental questions to be answered each and every time until the
right habits have been formed. In order to answer these questions
correctly he will have to understand the basic definitions and the
associated principles in the subject but once these are mastered
he will find his approach is consistent and much more readily app-
licable than any arbitrary sectioning of the material with its de-
mands upon pure memory as distinct from any appeal to logic.
The figure numbers are associated directly with the questions
in which they occur and are not chronologically placed as in other
texts. Thus figure 14.3 refers to question 3 in chapter 14 and is
not necessarily the third figure in chapter 14.
Throughout the book reference is made (in parentheses) to page
numbers. The latter refer to tables of thermodynamic properties
of fluids and other data by Y.R.Mayhew and G.F.C.Rogers published
by Blackwell which should be used in conjunction with the solutions
in this book.
I acknowledge with gratitude the help I have received from my
colleagues at Aston over many years and particularly from Mr.F.R.
Taylor who is responsible for a considerable proportion of the des-
criptive material at the start.
x Quality of liquid/vapour mixture OR mole fraction
x Mean value of x (e.g.)
z Datum height
y cp /Cv = c p /c v
0 Change in a non-property (e.g. oQ)
8 Angle OR change in temperature
11 Ratio of circumference to diameter of circle
p Density
n Efficiency
e: Effectiveness
T Torque
w Angular Velocity
l Sum of
~ Sum of - round a cycle
the thermodynamic properties of a system in thermal equilibrium
e.g. for a perfect gas the equation of state is pv = RT where R is
a constant depending on the particular gas.
Analogy 1 - Cloud/Lake
Now we describe the HzO in the cloud as WATER vapour, and that
in the lake as WATER. However, we have a distinct name for the
H2 0 in the act of passing between the two. We call it RAIN. The
rain is not stored in the cloud nor in the lake - as soon as the
rain reaches the lake it becomes just water. The analogy is that
this corresponds to the transfer of HEAT from a hot body to a cold
I I I Rain
I I I Figure (a)
Lake (water)
body wherein the hot body has high internal energy (relatively)
and the cold body a lower internal energy. The heat transfer is
also energy - BUT the internal energies are properties - the heat
transfer is not. The internal energies correspond to the water
stored respectively in the cloud and the lake and the heat transfer
corresponds to the rain.
Figure (b)
SO m
Direct route
Let us now assume purely for the sake of argument that this is
a mountain with a well-worn and measured path which follows very
easy gradients so that it is possible to walk up all the way with-
out the considerable effort required in real mountaineering. When
the top is reached the change in height is still 950 m.
We should now realise that the values SO m and 1000 m are PROP-
ERTIES relating to the system (the mountain) and the PATH taken
does not affect their values. However, the amount of work done by
the person trying to reach the top depends very much on the path
chosen and so does the amount of perspiration given off (i.e. the
heat transfer). These latter cannot therefore be properties.
(a) Non-flow process.
(b) Flow process.
Figure (c)
System boundary
Figure (d)
control volume volume
The nature of work transfer
~ Figure (e)
J Ldx A
or ow (pA) X dx
p dv
where dv is the volume swept out by the piston in this time.
Assuming the flow continues in this manner.
inal state
woverall dv
~ni tial state
Conversely, as is the case in practice, when the flow is turb-
ulent and free, there will be pressure gradients in the fluid at a
given time and p will not have a unique value at all points in the
fluid at that time and nor will it be a unique function of v during
Under these circumstances
w 'F f dv
The graphical interpretation of controlled, streamline flow is
as shown in the figure.
Figure (f)
Area - 1w2
1W2 = Area under the curve 1-2 which represents the controlled
expansion where p is some known function of v and all intermediate
states between 1 and 2 are known.
Conversely free, turbulent flow must be represented as below.
Figure (g)
No area under a curve can be found since there is no known curve
between 1 and 2. A state cannot be found between these two states
because the fluid is never in equilibrium. In order to calculate
w in this case other information must be available. For example,
from the first law of thermodynamics
102 - 1W2 = E2 - E1
Provided that the initial and final states 1 and 2 are known
and also 102 then 1W2 is calculable.
The above arguments relate to a non-flow process if the control
volume just embraces the entire cylinder.
However, many students cannot distinguish between this work
transfer and that corresponding to a flow process made up of three
distinct parts, namely suction, expansion and exhaust.
Figure (h)
Thus for the same cylinder but now assuming a constant pressure
suction process to start with, the same expansion as before and a
constant pressure exhaust process to finish with we have the con-
figuration depicted as shown in the above p-V diagram.
The total work done is given by the work of suction (positive
because fluid does work on the crank) plus the work of expansion
as before plus the work of exhaust (negative since the crank does
work on the fluid in this case).
Thus w = wsuction + w +
or w Pl v1 +1 V2
p dv - Pl V2
Figure (i)
Figure (j)
(a) Liquid?
(b) Liquid/Vapour Mixture?
(c) Saturated Vapour?
(d) Superheated Vapour?
(e) Perfect Gas?
(f) Semi-perfect Gas? (i.e. one with variable cp and cJ
(a) Non-flow?
(b) Steady-flow?
(c) Unsteady-flow?
5. Do you need to use the mass continuity equation?
mv = uA
6. Do you need to use the momentum equation?
7. Have you used the correct language? e.g.
win kJ/kg, win kJ, win kW, etc.
8. Always put in dimensions with the numbers in your reasoning.
Dimensions are a check on your arguments and are more important
than the numbers in front. Use unity brackets to rationalise the
9. Do not effect numerical calculation unti 1 you have to.