Aim Aing Aing
Aim Aing Aing
Aim Aing Aing
Godess Saraswati bestows the devotee with the memory, Knowledge and the power of speech.
ॐ ऎ ं सरस्वत्यै ऎ ं नमः
How is it that some of us are excellent at expression through spoken word, writing, pictures, art,
music, drama yet others struggle to string a sentence together?
Simplistically, these frustrating problems are symptomatic of two issues: (1) a lack of confidence; (2)
a lack of skill in articulating oneself. Physical ailments may also be present – for which medical
advice should be sought, but let’s deal with the former two points here.
None. Aim is a Bija mantra.
Note Aim is pronounced as “Eye-im” compressed into one syllable, not ‘aim’ as per the English word.
The Aim mantra is the bija or Saraswathi. It improves one’s creativity and mental agility. Speech and prowess in the Arts also follow rapidly with this bija.
Mantra for Matangi an aspect of Saraswati - Use it for Intelligence.
The word 'Aim' in above mantra denotes Vachana Shakti, the power
of articulation, calling, guiding and teaching
Aim is also the bija sound for Mercury. Mercury is the great
messenger of the Gods. He is the planet, which represents speech,
communication and commerce on all levels. In his lower function he
organises and articulates material resources. On a higher level he
connects us with our inner capacities--the powers of the mind.
AIM mantra
The mantra AIM (pronounced'I'm') is Guru beeja, the seed sound of speech, guidance and concentration. It can be used for directing mental energy and healing intentions to any marma point. It holds the
"Saraswati" energy, the energy of knowledge, wisdom and creativity, and is white in color.
The second syllable in the Raksha Mantra is Aim. It is the seed letter of the Goddess Saraswathi.
The combination of the sounds A and E produces the sound AE. If A and AE are conjoined, then the
sound AI is obtained. When the syllable Ma is added to AI, it results in the seed letter AIM.
In the AIM seed letter, there are three conjunctions or phonetic units. These three units represent three
powers and states. The Mantra Sastra declares the seed letter of AIM as the vagbhava beejam. The
Goddess Saraswathi Devi is the presiding deity of speech and education. Vagbhava denotes that which
had derived from the Goddess Saraswathi Devi. It can be construed as the one that generates spoken
words. Another meaning of this term is that of a provider. According to the Puranas, the deities of
speech, Vasinya and others, intoned the beejaksharas AIM for several years, so as to obtain the
capability to inscribe the Lalitha Sahasranama. In Sanskrit, the word AI signifies love and devotion. AI
had emerged from the beejakshara AIM. It is impossible to describe the power of this beejakshara.
Fig 1. Obscure?
Color- Black
Flower- Red
Special day- Sunday
Anniversary-Baishaakh Shukla Tritiya
Shiv(initiating light)- Matang
Raatri(energy of Shiv)-Moharaatri
Worshipped - for better inner thought, to make people positive about you. She also relates
to the ear and our ability to listen, which is the origin of true understanding that forms
powerful thoughts. She bestows knowledge, talent and expertise. She is the Goddess of the
spoken word and of any outward articulation of inner knowledge, including all forms of art,
music and dance.
Beej Mantra- Aim
AIM the seed sound of Saraswati, pertaining to the goddess of knowledge. It is
used for the acquisition of knowledge and wisdom, the mastery of words, the removal of
pain and the power of effective speech.
OM GAM Ganapatiye Namaha - This is the mahamantra of the Hindu Deity, Ganesha,
Lord of Obstacles. Chanting this can open the road and clear away any obstructions,
seen or unseen, which are standing in the way of you achieving your goal. I use this
mantra more than any other, and have not once been disappointed! Life just seems to
flow more smoothly when you chant this regularly. Use this mantra whenever you feel
overwhelmed by delays or just generally stuck, and your path will soon be free and
OM EIM Saraswatyei Swaha – This roughly translates, “Hail to the Goddess that which
enlightens all artistic and educational undertakings!” As you can see, this mantra
invokes serious aid to any creative or scholastic project. When combined with a sincere
effort to hit-the-books, this can help you pull your self up by your bootstraps and make
the grade! It can also be chanted to inspire your artistic talents, or improve your overall
academic prowess. This mantra is a powerful talisman for any student or artist!
Aim (Ehm)
Sounds of the Ether
Aim is the bij (seed) mantra of Saraswati - the source of all learning and knowledge of
art and music. She is Brahma's consort, involved with creation of new ideas and things.
She is also responsible for bestowing wisdom and knowledge. Often written as Ehm, Aim
is the dispeller of sorrow. In particular, it affects the thymus gland and has a beneficial
influence on the heart center. Therefore, it can be helpful in relieving heart diseases.
AIM (pronounced Aayim)
Aim is the feminine counterpart of Om. As Om is the unmanifest and expansive aspect of primal sound,
Aim is the manifest or directed form. As Om is the supreme Purusha or cosmic masculine form, Aim is
Adya Shakti, the supreme Shakti or cosmic feminine force.
More specifically Aim is the seed mantra of Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge and speech. As such,
Aim aids us in learning, art, expression and communication and is good for promoting learning and
education generally. Aim is also the mantra of the guru and helps us access all higher knowledge,
wisdom and understanding. It indicates motivation, direction and will power. It increases concentration of
the mind and awakens our higher intelligence.
Aim strengthens the voice and the vocal chords. It opens the lungs and clears the senses.
n the Hindu pantheon, Goddess Saraswati is universally recognized as the personification of
all knowledge; all arts -- music, dance, literature, etc.; all sciences, crafts and skills. She is
also the paradigm of total "sattva"; of complete spiritual purity.