Intro To Biology: Cell Theory

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A Transcript to CampBell Biology 11th Edition

By: Kendrick Tagab

 They are the basic unit of structure and
Intro TO BIOLOGY function in living things
*Source: Campbell, Biology 10th Edition
>Levels of Biological Organization  functional components (parts) of the cell.
Biosphere-> Ecosystem-> Communities ->
Populations -> Organisms ->Organ -> Tissues ->
 chemical structure consisting of two or
Cells -> Organelles -> Molecules 
more units called atoms.
*Mnemonics (BEC-POOT-COM)
Biosphere Emergent Properties
 all life on earth and where it exists -> arrangement and interactions of parts as
 Bio(life); complexity increases.
 sphere(kay spherical ang shape sa Earth duhh) System Biology
Ecosystems  exploration of the bio system by
 biotic (living things) and (abiotic) non-living analyzing interactions among its parts.
things in a particular area.
>The Cell: an organism's Basic unit of
 array of organisms in a particular ecosystem. Structure and Function
(meaning ani ang different organisms like naay The cell is the smallest unit of life organization
zebra, elephant, giraffe ganern) that can perform all activities for life.
 refers to the organisms (biotic factor: plants,  
animals, fungi and etc.)
 set of population that inhabit a particular area.
Cell Theory
o Species — a group whose members can -> first developed in the 1800s
only reproduce with other members of the -> serves as the basis on which everything that
group. we know about the cell is anchored.
Population There are three elements to this theory;
 all individuals of a species living in a specific 1. All living things are made up of cells.
area 2. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in
o (one time of organism ra sya) living systems.
Example: 3. All cells come from preexisting cells
 naay rose sa foot of the mountain, nya Two Types of Cells:
one variant of rose ra sya mao na syay 1. Prokaryotes - single-celled microorganisms;
population of rose a. Bacteria(bacterium)
Organism b. Archaea (Archaean)
 living individual  prokaryotic cell lacks a nucleus or
Organ other membrane-enclosed organelles
 body part that is made up of tissues and has a 2. Eukaryotes - Multi-celled organisms.
Wings for the birds to fly. MATERIAL
The wings is an organ of the bird which serves its Each chromosome contains one long DNA molecule
purpose is to let the organism fly. containing numerous genes.
Tissues Genes
 group of cells that form an organ and has a the units of inheritance.
specific function They encode info which are vital to synthesize
Cells all of the molecules synthesized in the cell,
 basic unit of life which establish that cell's identity and function.
 All living systems are composed of cells. Provide the blueprint for making a protein.
A Transcript to CampBell Biology 11th Edition
By: Kendrick Tagab
DNA molecule is made up of two long chains,
called strands, arranged in a double helix.
o Each chain is made up of four kinds of
chemical building blocks called
nucleotides, abbreviated A, T, C, and G 
Protein-encoding genes control protein
production indirectly, using a related molecule
called RNA as an intermediary.
Sequence of nucleotides is transcribed into
mRNA -> translated to series of protein
building blocks called amino acids.
The entire process by which the information in
a gene directs the manufacture of a cellular
product is called gene expression.

This universality of the genetic code is a

strong piece of evidence that all life is

Genomics: Large-scale Analysis of

DNA Sequences
The entire “library” of genetic instructions that an
organism inherits is called its genome.
 A typical human cell has two similar sets
of chromosomes, and each set has
approximately 3 billion nucleotide pairs
of DNAs.

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