Composites Part B: Angelo Caratelli, Stefania Imperatore, Alberto Meda, Zila Rinaldi
Composites Part B: Angelo Caratelli, Stefania Imperatore, Alberto Meda, Zila Rinaldi
Composites Part B: Angelo Caratelli, Stefania Imperatore, Alberto Meda, Zila Rinaldi
Composites Part B
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Article history: The ultimate behavior of thin reinforced concrete structures, such as slabs, can be governed by punching
Received 7 January 2016 due to point loads. This premature brittle failure mode can occur in bridge deck slabs, often subjected to
Received in revised form severe conditions of loads concentrated in small areas, and characterized by a reduced thickness. In this
27 April 2016
kind of structures, a proper punching reinforcement is not applicable, but the local and global behavior
Accepted 4 June 2016
Available online 6 June 2016
can be improved by the addition of short fibers. Three full-scale slabs, simulating bridge decks, were
tested in the Laboratory of the University of Rome Tor Vergata, to investigate the effect of lightweight
fiber reinforced material on the punching shear resistance. Furthermore, ashes coming from the com-
Punching shear
bustion of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), with pozzolanic reaction, were added to the concrete mix. The
Slabs obtained results are presented, discussed and compared with the MC2010 provisions.
Fiber reinforced concrete © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Municipal solid waste
Experimental tests
1359-8368/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
258 A. Caratelli et al. / Composites Part B 99 (2016) 257e265
capacity and ductility of flat slabs. Finally, analytical and numerical OC L-MSW L-FRC-MSW
models for the evaluation of the punching shear strength of fiber Cement 453 472 460
reinforced slabs are available in literature and summarised in MSW ashes (40% in slurry) e 140 133
Ref. [15]. Recently a comprehensive research on the adoption of Sand (0e4 mm) 986 922 1113
lightweight fiber reinforced concrete both in beam and slab ele- Coarse aggregate (2e16 mm) 678 165 e
Structural expanded clay LECA (0e15 mm) e 344 295
ments [25] has been developed at the University of Rome Tor
Water (total) 171 170 162
Vergata. The use of innovative concrete in R/C structures is Plasticizers 16 38 48
receiving widespread attention, with particular reference to the Shrinkage reducer agent 29 32 32
idea of reducing the environmental impact of new concrete struc- Steel fibers e e 30
Measured density 2340 2064 2156
tures [34]. In this context, the possibility of partially replacing the
cement with the product of incineration of the municipal solid
waste (MSW) can be of great interest [1e3,7,12,13,22]. A research on
innovative lightweight concrete with ashes coming from the program is shown in Table 1.
burning of MSW, having pozzolanic properties, has been developed The concrete has been prepared in a truck mixer. For every batch
by the authors. Its possible application in combination with steel a quantity of concrete equal to 2.5 m3 has been mixed and the mixer
fiber reinforcement is proposed for bridge deck structures. At this plant was 30e40 min from the laboratory, where the specimens
aim, experimental tests have been carried out on slab decks with where prepared. The concrete rheology was measured before
three different concrete mixes, also in presence of lightweight ag- starting the casting procedure through a slump flow test, carried
gregates, with and without fiber reinforcement. The full-scale out according to Ref. [10]. The measured diameters were 680 mm,
specimens are subjected to punching action and the effectiveness 620 mm and 760 mm for OC, L-MSW and L-FRC-MSW mixes,
of the different material solutions are remarked. Finally, the effec- respectively.
tiveness and feasibility of recent code formulations [16] for the
examined cases are discussed.
2.2. Materials characterization
2. Material properties and characterization
The average concrete strength measured on four cubes having a
Three full-scale tests of bridge decks subjected to punching side of 150 mm, at different curing times, is reported in Table 2. The
shear are carried out. Each specimen is characterized by a different last date corresponds to the test age. It can be noted after 28 days
concrete mix and the material influence on the global behavior of the OC and L-MSW mixes exhibit comparable strengths (differ-
the slabs is analyzed and discussed, with particular reference to the ences lower than 1.6%). A lower value of compressive strength is
effect of the fiber reinforcement. Besides one ordinary reinforced measured for the fiber reinforced mixes (about 10%), but this dif-
concrete slab, two elements are cast with a lightweight concrete ference becomes negligible with the time. In particular after 160
(with structural expanded clay aggregate LECA 0e15 mm) and with days from the cast (date of the test), the compressive strengths of
addition of ashes coming from the burning of Municipal Solid the L-MSW and L-FRC-MSW mixes are almost the same (65.6 MPa
Waste. In one specimen, steel fiber reinforcement is also added. and 65 MPa, respectively).
The tensile behavior of the fiber reinforced material was char-
2.1. Concrete mixes acterized through flexural test on beams (150 150 600 mm3),
according to Ref. [11].
Three concrete mixes are cast and adopted in the present The nominal stress e CMOD diagrams measured on six speci-
research: mens are shown in Fig. 1. The Limit of Proportionality strength fL
and the reference strength values fR1, fR2, fR3 and fR4, defined by
Ordinary concrete (OC); MC2010 and related to Crack Mouth Opening Displacements
Lightweight concrete with ash from municipal solid waste (L- (CMOD) equal to 0.5, 1.5, 2.5 and 3.5, are remarked in the same
MSW); figure.
Lightweight fiber-reinforced concrete with ashes from munic- The slabs are reinforced with 20 mm diameter steel rebars, type
ipal solid waste (L-FRC-MSW). B450C, according to the Italian Code [8]. All the bars came from the
same production and the tensile behavior is characterized through
The components amount of the mixes were chosen in order to tensile tests on three specimens. The average yielding and ultimate
achieve, for the three materials, similar performances and work- strengths are equal to 520 MPa and 650 MPa, respectively. The
ability. Then, the lower strength of the aggregates in the light- Young’s modulus is equal to 210 GPa.
weight concretes was balanced by higher matrix strength, obtained
with higher binder quantity.
The combination of lightweight aggregate and fiber reinforce- Table 2
ment allows keeping the material density equal or lower than the Concretes compressive mechanical properties. In the table, the reference compres-
sive strengths (measured after 28 days from the cast) are bolded.
ordinary concrete (Table 1), while the adoption of lightweight
concrete in slab L-MSW gives a dead load reduction of about 12%, Time (days) Mean concrete cubic strength Rc [MPa]
with respect to the OC element (Table 1). This aspect is an impor- OC L-MSW L-FRC-MSW
tant factor in bridge decks.
3 36.06 33.55 34.33
The fiber reinforced concrete is characterized by the addition of 7 46.81 47.50 42.50
30 kg/m3 of hooked steel fibers with length (l) equal to 30 mm and 14 53.12 51.14 47.27
diameter (d) of 0.30 mm (aspect ratio l/d equal to 100). The steel 28 57.63 58.56 52.77
wire strength is higher than 2000 MPa. 50 58.18 62.0 56.0
160 e 65.6 65.00
The mix design for the concretes used in the experimental
A. Caratelli et al. / Composites Part B 99 (2016) 257e265 259
Fig. 1. FRC tensile characterization: results of the flexural test [11] and mean values of reference strengths.
the three slabs are summarised in Fig. 4, for three load levels. transducers and by the potentiometer transducer POT4 (Fig. 3a) at
In all the tests, the first cracks developed in the bottom surface different load levels. It is noted that similar displacement patterns
starting from the region underneath the loading area. Then the are registered for OC and L-MSW slabs during the whole loading
cracks propagated diagonally to the corner; more cracks developed history, while significant increase of deformation was recorded in
in the bottom surface forming the classical punching critical zone. the fiber reinforced slab, always more pronounced with the load
Ultimately, both flexural and punching cracks formed and increase.
opened. This peculiar aspect is more visible in the L-FRC-MSW slab, Finally, at the end of the tests, the slabs were cut in the midspan
where the bending and shear punching cracks are easily detectable. and the failure surfaces were analyzed (Fig. 9).
Even if the failure is governed by the punching shear, a diffusion of As evidenced in Fig. 7, and confirmed in Fig. 9, the addition of
flexural cracks takes place in the central zone of the punching cone municipal solid waste to the ordinary concrete does not provide
(Fig. 5). This phenomenon was highlighted after the test, with a cut significant difference in the final global behavior. The punching
of the specimen, as specified in the following. volumes of OC and L-MSW specimens present similar dimension
All the specimens failed for punching shear, and the typical and only slight differences of the angle of the main cracks limiting
punching cone formed, as shown in Fig. 6. Finally, spalling of the the punching surface, can be noted. On the contrary, the steel fibers
concrete was observed, mainly in the MSW slab (Fig. 6c). allow the crack diffusion and an increase of the punching volume,
The displacements measured by the transducer named W3, as observed in Fig. 9.
located in the slab midspan (Fig. 3b) are plotted versus the load in
Fig. 7. The maximum loads (i.e. the slabs bearing capacity) and the 5. Comparison with code provisions
ultimate displacements are summarised in Table 3.
The three slabs exhibited almost the same value of the initial The obtained experimental results are compared with the
stiffness. (Fig. 7). The specimen L-MSW presented a slightly lower theoretical values predicted by MC2010 [16]. This code provides
punching resistance (9%), with respect to the reference slab (OC), formulations for both the cases of punching shear for ordinary
due to the presence of lightweight aggregate [16]. reinforced concrete and fiber reinforced concrete. Obviously, in the
The addition of steel fibers (L-FRC-MSW slab) leads to an in- analytical evaluations, all the safety coefficients are assumed equal
crease of the punching strength of about 48% with respect to the OC to one and the mean experimental values are considered for the
specimen and of about 57% with respect of the L-MSW slab. This strength.
increase is higher than the ones obtained in previous researches In MC2010, the punching shear resistance is assumed as:
[17] due to the use of high performance steel fibers (mainly high
wire strength), leading to higher values of the tensile residual fc
strengths (Fig. 1). VRd;c ¼ kj b $d SI units (1)
gc 0
The increase of the maximum load of the L-FRC-MSW slab is
coupled with an increase of the maximum displacement of about where, in our case, gc ¼ 1, b0 is the critical perimeter considered at a
250% with respect to the OC slab. distance equal to d/2 from the loaded area (Fig. 10); kj depends on
Fig. 8 shows the slab deformation, measured by the wire the rotation of the slab around the support region (j, Fig. 10, and
A. Caratelli et al. / Composites Part B 99 (2016) 257e265 261
Fig. 4. Evolution of the crack pattern: a) OC slab; b) L-MSW slab; c) L-FRC-MSW slab.
Fig. 5. L-FRC-MSW test: a) flexural cracks on the lateral surface; b) crack pattern at the bottom surface; c) end of the test: crack pattern inside the slab.
262 A. Caratelli et al. / Composites Part B 99 (2016) 257e265
Fig. 6. Punching failure: a) steel plate punching; b) OC: bottom surface; c) L-MSW bottom surface; d) L-FRC-MSW bottom surface.
Fig. 7. Test results: load-midspan displacement (W3 transducer, Fig. 3b) curves.
Fig. 8. Displacement along the slab length at different load levels and final crack pattern at bottom side; a) OC; b) L-MSW; c) L-FRC-MSW.
kdg ¼ 0:75 (3)
16 þ dg
According to MC2010, in case of lightweight concrete, i.e. for
slabs L-MSW and L-FRC-MSW, the value dg should be assumed
equal to zero, since the aggregate particles may break, resulting in a
reduced aggregate interlock contribution.
The rotation j at failure, around the loaded area, can be evalu-
ated considering two different situations. In a Level I approxima-
tion, (flat slab designed according to an elastic analysis) it can be
Fig. 9. Punching failure. assumed:
Table 4
Comparison between the MC2010 formulation and the experimental collapse loads.
Specimen Experimental punching load [kN] Theoretical load (MC2010) [kN] e Level Theoretical load (MC2010) [kN] e Level
L-FRC-MSW 1354 1109 (-18%) 1392 (þ2.8%) 1276 (-5.8%) 1440 (þ6.3%)
a) b)
Fig. 11. Influence of the diameter aggregate on the punching load: a) L-MSW slab; b) L-FRC-MSW slab.
A. Caratelli et al. / Composites Part B 99 (2016) 257e265 265
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