Comso, Ees
Comso, Ees
Comso, Ees
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Degree Awarded:
Summer Semester, 2013
Darshit Rajiv Shah defended this thesis on June 12, 2013.
The members of the supervisory committee were:
Juan C Ordonez
Professor Directing Thesis
Patrick J Hollis
Committee Member
Jose Vargas
Committee Member
Wei Guo
Committee Member
The Graduate School has verified and approved the above-named committee members,
and certifies that the thesis has been approved in accordance with university requirements.
To my parents, whom I acknowledge, now, more than ever
I would like to acknowledge the constant support and guidance of Dr. Juan Ordonez
throughout my degree and for introducing me to this project. He has been patient with me and
pushed me to achieve success for which I am grateful to him. I would also like to acknowledge
him for his guidance and support in making this project a wonderful and enjoyable experience.
I would like to acknowledge the constant support of Dr. Alejandro Rivera – Alvarez and
Dr. Lukas Graber, who got the ball rolling initially and without whose help this thesis work
would have been impossible. I would also like to acknowledge the support of Dr. Sastry Pamidi
I would like to acknowledge my family and friends for giving me the support and making
My research group has been engaging: giving thoughtful suggestions, throwing dinner
parties and making life much better. For this, I would like to acknowledge Michael Coleman,
Sam Yang, Piero Caballero, Julian Ramirez, David Delgado, Matt Vedrin and Obie Abakparo.
Consortium (ESRDC), Office of Naval Research (ONR) and the Department of Mechanical
1.3.4 Fault Current Limiting HTS cable with Con Edison ............................................... 8
3.2 Turbulent 3-D Simulation using κ-ε Model .............................................................. 47
4. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................... 61
REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 67
Table 2.3 Heater wire configuration to obtain various heat load values ...................................... 36
Table 3.1 Pressure drop validation results with experimental data .............................................53
Table 3.2 Optimum values for objective function under given constraints ................................. 58
Table 4.1 Relative error percentages between numerical and experimental results ..................... 62
Figure 1.1 Comparison of overhead power lines to HTS cables ( .................3
Figure 1.3 3-in-one cable termination for Albany project cooled by LN2 .....................................5
Figure 1.7 A schematic diagram of the superconducting cable termination with heat sink (red),
cable (green) and copper conductor (yellow). ........................................................... 14
Figure 2.1 Plain fin arrangements in a compact plate heat exchanger .........................................18
Figure 2.2 (a) Interferograms for plain fin arrangements for r =1 mm, Re=500
(b) Results obtained using COMSOL with isotherm temperatures in K .................... 20
Figure 2.3 Axial temperature variations for heat transfer in a tube .............................................21
Figure 2.4 Axial temperature variations obtained using FEM technique .................................... 23
Figure 2.5 Design of the prototype cable termination (total view) and cut views to show the
internal fin structure (vertical and horizontal cut) ..................................................... 25
Figure 2.6 Variation of density of gaseous Helium with temperature at constant pressure .......... 27
Figure 2.7 2-Dimensional FEM model of the heat sink with important boundary conditions ...... 30
Figure 2.8 Surface temperature distribution (in Kelvin) with h = 90 W/m2 K and ṁ = 1.5 g/s ..... 31
Figure 2.9 Tpeak and Δp curves for various mass flow rates ........................................................ 32
Figure 2.11 Experimental setup with flow lines and heat sink with heater attached .................... 34
Figure 2.12 Heat sink wrapped in MLI before insertion into the cryostat ...................................35
Figure 2.16 Heat sink surface temperature (in Kelvin) with the fluid velocity field shown by
black arrow heads .................................................................................................... 44
Figure 3.1 The average velocity component and the fluctuating velocity component (32) .......... 47
Figure 3.2 Mesh structure obtained by separately meshing the domains and the interface
boundaries ............................................................................................................... 50
Figure 3.3 Convergence curve for stationary turbulent flow solver ............................................50
Figure 3.4 Streamline velocity field in the heat sink for case no. 6 .............................................51
Figure 3.5 Temperature profile in the heat sink for case no.6 ..................................................... 51
Figure 3.7 Comparison of model results with experimental data for fluid outlet temperature ..... 54
Figure 3.8 Model validation for peak temperature of solid copper block .................................... 54
Figure 3.9 Model validation results for pressure drop across the experimental setup .................. 55
Figure 3.10 Vertical cut section showing geometrical optimization parameters considered for
the study .................................................................................................................. 57
Figure 3.11(a) Variation of heat sink peak temperature with fin spacing
(b) Contour plot showing optimized geometry for minimum peak temperature ........ 59
Figure 3.12(a) Variation of pressure loss across the heat sink with fin spacing
(b) Contour plot showing optimized geometry for minimum pressure ...................... 60
Figure 4.1 Optimal topology and temperature distribution slices of 3D design domain .............. 64
Figure 4.2 Schematic representation of the superconducting cable volume elements in radial (r)
and axial (z) direction .............................................................................................. 65
Superconducting power devices require cable terminations to intercept the heat inleaks
from the ambient temperature, thus, maintaining the superconducting cable within operating
cryogenic temperature limits. Owing to the possible safety hazards such as asphyxiation and cold
burns resulting from the use of liquid cryogen, use of gaseous Helium as a possible cooling
medium for superconducting power devices is being considered. Also, the use of helium gas
facilitates operation of the superconducting device at temperatures much lower than even sub-
cooled liquid Nitrogen, thereby, increasing their critical current density. A model is being
developed using the finite element method (FEM) to study the feasibility of a helium gas cooled
heat sink to be used as a cable termination. The results obtained from the simulation model are
validated with an experimental setup. The numerical coolant temperature and pressure drop as
well as the heat sink temperature correspond well with the experimental results. Furthermore, the
heat sink is geometrically optimized for given mass flow rate and input conditions to produce a
better thermal and fluid performance in terms of temperature gain and pressure loss. It is found
that an unequally spaced heat sink, which distributes the flow uniformly across all the channels,
This chapter reviews the basic applications of cryogenics and superconductivity in power
systems. It also gives a bibliographical review of the various types of cryogenic superconducting
cable terminations presently being used in demonstration and research projects worldwide. It
lists the objectives and challenges of the work done in this thesis. An overview and scope of this
A collaborative research program between Office of Naval Research (ONR) and Center
for Advanced Power Systems (CAPS) is ongoing at Florida State University. The primary
(HTS) based degaussing system. This novel degaussing system promises a 75% reduction in
system weight and a 80% reduction in installed cable length (1). Following up, it has been
envisioned that HTS power devices cooled by gaseous helium be used for naval and airborne
applications (2), (3). Continuing with this, a research program has been setup for understanding
The author is involved in this program as a graduate research assistant. Most HTS power
devices and systems are cooled by liquid nitrogen. As a small part of the entire HTS cable
system, the author was involved in setting up a thermal and fluid flow model to perform basic
With the help of the collaborative research group, the present thesis develops a Finite Element
Method (FEM) model and the simulation results, thus obtained, have been validated with
experimental data.
referred to as cryogenics. A special property, of certain materials, that only appears at cryogenic
electric resistance and appearance of perfect diamagnetism. Superconducting power cables are
Electric power is becoming the standard to how the society is developed well and its
demand is increasing rapidly over the world. However, in most power systems, there are several
difficulties from generation to distribution. Long transmission and distribution lines drive the use
of cheap, reliable and efficient conductors like aluminum and copper. However, such conductors
have ohmic losses and restrict the capability of thermal rating of electric facilities. On the other
hand, superconducting cables in distribution class can deliver about 5 times more power than
conventional XLPE (Cross Link Poly Ethylene) cable of same dimension. Comparing 66kV, 3
kA, 350 MVA class cables, the loss in a superconducting cable is approximately half that of a
conventional cable (4). DC superconducting cable can even eliminate AC loss in superconductor,
thereby, further increasing the system efficiency. Their study is in research stage and will be
applied to HVDC transmission system. After McFee developed the idea of a superconducting
cable in 1961, much work in Low temperature Superconductor (LTS) power cable cooled by
liquid Helium have been done in 1970’s and 1980’s (5). In 1986, Bednorz and Muller developed
High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) cable cooled by liquid Nitrogen. Research on this
topic has progressed much and it is currently in industrial application stage. A schematic
comparison of overhead conventional power lines to underground HTS cables is shown in Figure
1.1. The figure demonstrates the relative less space occupied and less construction costs incurred
by a HTS superconducting cable system. These advantages are further amplified in highly
The main components of a HTS cable system (4) are HTS cable, cooling facility, cable
termination and monitoring system as shown as an example in Figure 1.2. Different types of
HTS cables are used for different purposes viz. single core for transmission, tri-axial type for sub
transmission and co-axial type for distribution. The superconductive nature of the material
vanishes when it reaches a particular critical temperature characterized by various parameters.
The cooling station cools the HTS cable-termination system and is required to maintain the
temperatures. The termination locates both ends of HTS cables and connects the HTS cable to
ambient temperature power line. Because of large difference of temperature between HTS cable
and outer weather, termination has to sustain temperature difference and pump out heat inleaks
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is partnering with industry to fund various
projects to demonstrate the use of HTS cable technology in power system devices. Various
research and demonstration projects on such HTS technology are going on worldwide.
Prominent among them are the ones in Albany, NY, Columbus, Ohio and Long Island, New
York (6). Apart from this, research and demonstration projects of various types and scales in
HTS superconductive power devices have been going on at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(ORNL) (7), Con Edison (8), JAPAN (9) and others. Case studies reported here focus on cable
In June 2005, the Albany project (10), (11) planned to place a HTS cable with 34.5 kV
and 800 A between two substations in the existing Niagara Mohawk power grid. In this project,
liquid Nitrogen is circulated in a loop, through the HTS cable, joints, terminations and a return
Figure 1.3 3-in-one cable termination for Albany project cooled by LN2
The entire 3-in-one type cable termination with current leads is housed inside a cryostat
cooled with liquid Nitrogen. Figure 1.3 shows the basic structure of the HTS termination wherein
the porcelain connection houses the normal copper conductor and it is connected to the HTS
cable at its outlet. The coolant fluid is circulated using a cryogenic pump with a second pump in
parallel for redundancy. Normal operation consists of sub-cooled LN2 loop being continuously
refrigerated using a cryocooler with the operating temperature being in the range of 67-77 K. The
coolant flows at a maximum rate of 50 L/min at a gauge pressure of 0.5 MPa. During the test
phase, the total heat loss measured, throughout the 350 m HTS cable system including the
The U. S. DOE funds the design, development and demonstration of first long length
transmission HTS cable to be installed in the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) grid. It is
In this project, unlike Albany project, each cable phase is connected at both ends with
terminations that act as an interface between the HTS cable and the grid. Figure 1.4 shows the
thermal budget of various elements of the system being operated under different conditions. The
effect of various conditions and defects in the system on the performance of the HTS cable can
be seen in the figure. The cable cooling system uses a Brayton cycle refrigerator with helium gas
as working fluid. This cold helium gas at the refrigerator outlet cools the liquid nitrogen to
minimum temperature of 65 K. At full current load, the nominal heat load on the HTS cable
including the terminations is about 12 kW. This heat load is removed with the help of LN 2
flowing in at 0.375 kg/s at 18 bar maximum pressure and a maximum operating temperature of
72 K.
A joint program between ORNL and Southwire Company is set up to develop a HTS
cable test facility and evaluate the performance of prototype HTS power transmission cables at
different lengths between 1-5 m with support components like terminations and cryogenic
cooling (7). The facility provides cooling to the cable and terminations of up to 1 kW with the
help of boiling LN2 with an operating temperature range of 70-77 K. The pressurized termination
uses two warm bushings. Between these two bushings and the ends of the HTS cable is a
concentric arrangements of copper pipes designed to minimize heat load on to the system as
shown in Figure 1.5. Each termination has two main feedthroughs, one making transition from
ambient (295 K) to vacuum (295 K) and the second making transition from vacuum to subcooled
LN2 (67-77 K) at 1-10 bar. The LN2 skid provides a nominal cooling of 1 kW at 67-77 K for the
Figure 1.5 Schematic of pressurized termination concept
This project is part of a Secure Super Grid program which addresses the need to inter-tie
distribution links at a low cost to enhance the system power capacity and limit fault currents. The
cable system to be installed at the Consolidated Edison grid has a length of 300 m operating at
4000 A and 13.8 kV and consists of three phase Triax cable, vacuum jacketed piping and
terminations (8). The terminations provide a transition to cryogenic temperatures from ambient
conditions; serve as a connection point for the liquid nitrogen cooling system and also serve as
an entry point for all the connectors and wiring system as shown in Figure 1.6. The cable and
Figure 1.6 A typical HTS cable termination in operation
The primary cryogen in most studies to cool superconducting cable and their support
terminations is liquid Nitrogen (6)-(10). Low cost, high specific heat capacity, ease of pumping
and ease of availability are the major factors that drive the use of LN 2 in superconducting power
devices. However, as visible in the case studies described earlier, the operating temperature of all
cooling media (i.e. sub-cooled liquid Nitrogen) is 65-77 K because under ambient conditions it
solidifies at 63 K. However, in the case of HTS materials, the critical current increases with
decrease in their operating temperatures: for commercial HTS materials, critical current increases
by 10% for every degree temperature lowered (15). Hence, lower operating temperatures
facilitate higher operating currents resulting in smaller and light weight superconducting power
devices. Moreover, a wider operating temperature range enables larger current density variations.
This facilitates operation of devices at the temperature most appropriate for a given current
density suitable for a particular application. In some military applications, compact and
lightweight power devices that offer a wide operating current density window are beneficial.
At Florida State University, the research consortium is assigned the task to investigate the
feasibility of the use of HTS cables cooled by gaseous Helium for naval applications. Generally,
board naval ships, passing through the living spaces. One litre of liquid nitrogen, for example,
during boil-off can occupy 682 litres of space. Thus, in the event of a system breach, a leaking
liquid cryogen would present asphyxiation and/or explosion hazards. Due to its high heat
capacity, it could result in cold burns to nearby people and equipment. During the research for
the possible use of HTS devices for naval and commercial applications at Florida State
University, the optimum system weight was determined based on several factors. One of the key
driving factors is the system operating temperature. The ideal temperature is found to be 55 K by
Fitzpatrick et al. (1). For these safety and operational reasons, the use of gaseous cryogen
becomes necessary.
The only cryogens in gaseous state at around 55 K are Helium and Neon. However,
1. Neon is more expensive and has lower thermal heat capacity than Helium. Haugan et al.
(16) presented the benefits and analysis of compact and lightweight power transmission
devices cooled by gaseous Helium for specialized high power airborne applications
2. Another benefit of the use of gaseous Helium is that there exists no phase change during
its operation allowing for much larger temperature gradient during the operation of the
Hence, cold Helium gas is considered as the cooling fluid to maintain the operating
temperature of the HTS cable, terminations and other support systems. There are, however,
1. Gaseous Helium has much lower heat capacity and inferior dielectric strength.
2. The efficiency of commercial cryocoolers, used for cooling gaseous Helium to the
operating temperature range, is low as compared to those available for liquid cryogens.
3. Another additional challenge is the difficulty in achieving the required mass flow rates
1.4.2. Objectives
The above mentioned challenges drive the need to investigate and determine the
feasibility of such a concept in commercial and industrial applications. The following are the
General Objective: To simulate and optimize a cryogenic heat sink cooled by gaseous
Helium for superconducting power cable applications in order to study the feasibility of such
a concept.
Specific Objectives:
Develop a 2D FEM model to determine the number of fins in the heat sink.
Develop a fully coupled 3D model to simulate the heat sink behavior under various
operating conditions.
Validate the model with experimental data from tests conducted on a prototype heat sink.
Optimize the geometry for fixed flow conditions in order to improve its performance.
1.5. Overview
Power cables have terminations on either end to guarantee dielectric integrity. In case of
a superconducting power cable, the terminations additionally need to link the operating
cryogenic environment in the cable with the room temperature environment of the non-
superconducting elements of the power system, such as copper cables, power transformers,
surrounding such terminations cause substantial heat influx into the superconducting cable. It is
of utmost importance to minimize the heat influx to maintain the operating temperature of the
superconducting cable as well as to minimize the capacity of the cryogenic system and operating
costs of the superconducting cable system. Hence, a copper heat sink, also acting as the cable
termination, is required to intercept the heat leak from the room temperature components to the
termination is as shown in Figure 1.7. Copper is the material proposed for this heat sink. This is
so because copper has the highest thermal conductivity amongst metals and can be easily
incorporated into the copper current leads to be placed into the system.
Many numerical optimization studies for heat sinks of various types have been carried
out in order to obtain high system performance or least flow resistance (17), (18) and (19).
However, numerically optimized results for heat sinks using helium gas as coolant for cryogenic
applications are not readily available. Also, there exist various numerical techniques for finding
approximate solutions to boundary value problems. Finite Element method (FEM), Finite
Volume Method (FVM) and Finite Difference Method (FDM) are some of them. However, for
better quality of approximations and discretization of the problem into larger number of
cells/grid points, the Finite Element Method (FEM) is the choice for solving the problem
presented in this thesis. Here, commercially available finite element analysis package, COMSOL
Multiphysics is used to study the feasibility and, after validation with experimental data, optimize
the geometry of the heat sink under manufacturing and overall dimensional constraints. The ease
of availability of a licensed version of the software and the computational power to simulate both
heat transfer and fluid flow mechanism are the driving factors for the choice of this software.
The dissertation is composed of two major parts. The first part describes the problem
statement and the thermodynamic and fluid flow model developed to solve the problem. A
couple of verification cases have been used and modeled in order to demonstrate the ability of
the user to model a system correctly. The simulation results for these cases were validated with
known analytical and experimental values. Then, a two dimensional FEM model is developed to
determine the optimum number of fins inside the heat sink for varying mass flow rates. This
model simulates the heat transfer mechanism whereas the pressure drop across the heat sink is
calculated using standard correlations for fluid flow inside a channel. Based on that, a heat sink
is manufactured and tested experimentally. The test results are reported here. A laminar three
dimensional FEM model is developed in order to simulate the laminar flows reported in the
experimental results.
The second part models the more unpredictable turbulent flow results reported during the
experimental tests on the heat sink. The laminar and turbulent models are validated with the
experimental results. There seem to be a good agreement between the numerical and
experimental values.
Figure 1.7 A schematic diagram of the superconducting cable termination with heat sink (red),
cable (green) and copper conductor (yellow).
After model validation, optimization studies are carried out for the heat sink. The heat
sink is optimized for various geometrical parameters keeping the flow conditions and
surrounding temperature and pressure boundary conditions fixed. It is found that an unequally
spaced heat sink that uniformly distributes the coolant flow leads to better performance in terms
of decreased pressure drop and peak temperature of heat sink. Finally results of this research are
This thesis focuses on studying cable termination for a superconducting power cable
cooled by gaseous Helium at 40-60 K range. The idea is to develop a model for the heat sink
using Finite Element Method (FEM) and then validate the model with experimental results with
a prototype heat sink. Initial studies concentrate on two and three dimensional modeling of the
convective cooling phenomenon in forced flow. In laminar flow regime, fluid motion is highly
ordered and it is possible to identify streamlines along which particles move. Surface friction and
convection heat transfer rates highly depend on whether the flow is laminar or turbulent. When
dealing with an internal flow problem, it is necessary to be concerned with the existence of
entrance and fully developed regions. However, for simplicity, all flows have been assumed to be
in the fully developed region. This assumption is valid in this case, because the geomtery of the
heat sink is so small that the entrance region effects can be neglected.
where is the mean fluid velocity over the tube cross section, is the fluid density,
is the fluid viscosity and is the tube diameter. In a fully developed flow, the critical reynolds
number for the onset of turbulence is (20). For thermal simulation of heat sink in
COMSOL Multiphysics 4.3 is used to perform finite element analysis for the heat sink.
All numerical computer simulations are carried out using the in-built Heat Transfer module. The
simulations are run on a computer with eight CPU dual - cores (2 × Intel Xeon X5570) with 24
GB RAM and 2.93 GHz processor clock speed. Due to the system symmetry, only half of the
heat sink is simulated to reduce the total of number of finite elements and thus reduce the overall
computational time to arrive at steady state results. In the course of laminar forced convection
flow model development, two points are of great interest in order to achieve the final objective:
1. To determine the ideal number of fins for a given overall width of the base plate of the
heat sink to have the best balance between heat transfer enhancement and pressure losses.
This is done with the help of a two-dimensional (2D) steady state model of the heat sink.
2. To validate the simulation results with experimental test runs on the prototype of the heat
sink. For this, a three dimensional (3D) model is computed to give a fully coupled
analysis of the fluid flow and heat transfer mechanism using the design parameters
obtained in 2D analysis and the space constraints associated with the prototype. The 3D
model gives a more accurate representation of the actual flow field in order to validate it
2.2.1 Verification Cases
Flow and heat transport phenomena in heat sinks of various types have been thoroughly
occurrence of such devices in various thermodynamics systems. However, before any FEM
model, is deemed suitable for further simulations and analysis; the process of FEM modeling
used by the author, should be thoroughly verified and if possible validated with known
experimental and analytical results. Here two verification cases have been presented. They are
compared with results obtained from the FEM model developed for the system represented by
these cases. These specific verification cases closely relate to work done in this thesis. The
results for both the experimental case and the analytical case match with those obtained with the
FEM model. Since COMSOL is the FEM modeling tool used here, the match indicates the
ability of the author of this thesis to correctly discretize the system into various elements and Verification with experimental data. Fehle et al. (21) conducted a study aiming
at enhancing the heat transfer in a compact heat exchanger. In order to have the exact knowledge
of the temperature distribution in the heat exchanger, they applied holographic interferometry to
visualize the temperature field. Figure 2.1 shows the heat exchanger prototype along with the
necessary dimensions, as given by the author, shown in Table 2.1. The flow conditions for air
and the thermal and fluid boundary conditions are applied using the in-built module for the
geometry as described above. The interferograms produced are processed using a digital image
Table 2.1 Dimension of plate fin arrangement
Height of fins, e 10
Length, lr 300
Fin thickness, tf 2
Radius, r 1
Governing Equations: The governing energy equation for heat exchanger solid domain
is as follows:
where the symbols stand for their usual meanings. The dependent variables in this type of
Boundary Conditions:
6. Thermal Insulation: Applied to all solid and liquid interfaces not covered by other
boundary conditions.
7. No slip: This condition prescribes that the fluid at the wall is not moving.
The test section is itself supplied with six water-supplied heating plates. The temperature
temperature. Figure 2.2 show the close resemblance for the results obtained by holographic
interferometry by the author and COMSOL. Fehle et al. report that the temperature difference
between two neighboring isotherms is approximately 2.3 K. This particular observation can also
be seen in the results obtained with the FEM model developed for this particular system.
Figure 2.2 (a) Interferograms for plain fin arrangements for r =1 mm, Re=500
(b) Results obtained using COMSOL with isotherm temperatures in K
20 Verification with known analytical results. A known problem in the field of
heat transfer is temperature distribution in the flow of a fluid stream inside a solid object.
Because the internal flow is completely enclosed, an energy balance is applied to determine how
the mean fluid temperature, Tm, and the solid surface temperature, Ts, vary with position along
the enclosed space, a tube in this case. The solution to this problem with constant surface heat
Governing Equations: The governing equations for the incompressible internal fluid
Boundary Conditions:
4. Total Heat Flux: Enters the total heat flux across the boundaries where the node is
5. No slip: This condition prescribes that the fluid at the wall is not moving.
The mean temperature thus varies linearly along the tube and the temperature difference
(Ts-Tm) also varies along the length. This difference is initially small but increases due to
decrease in h (convection heat transfer co-efficient) in the entrance region. However, in the fully
developed region, h is constant and hence, the difference remains the same. In order to simulate
this problem using FEM modeling technique, a system of heating water from an inlet
temperature of 298.15 K is considered. The water passes through a thick walled tube of inner and
outer diameters of 20 mm and 40 mm respectively. It is assumed that the outer surface of the
tube is well insulated and electrical heating provides a constant heat flux distributed uniformly
over the entire tube periphery. For a water mass flow rate of 0.1 kg/s, Figure 2.4 shows the
results obtained during this analysis. The same trend in temperature variation along the axis is
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Axial Length , x (m)
The analytical and experimental cases are considered for simply verifying the proper use
of the software in general and the heat transfer module in particular to develop an FEM model
for various systems with known, reported results. Chapters 2 and 3, further talk about validating
the FEM model for superconducting cable termination with results obtained from the
experimental setup consisting of the prototype heat sink manufactured specifically for this
2.2.2 Two-dimensional FEM model
A superconducting cable termination essential consists of, for the sake of simplicity and
the purview of this thesis, a heat sink that is required to intercept the heat leak from the room
In order to validate the computational FEM models, a prototype heat sink is manufactured as
shown in Figure 2.5. This is a scaled down version of the actual heat sink required to be installed
in the superconducting cable system. The heat sink designed and modeled in this study is made
of copper and features 18 fins of 10 cm length (22). It is integrated in a cylindrical copper tube,
flattened on the bottom side. The flat surface allows for known and variable thermal load to be
applied to the heat sink. Cryogenic helium gas is injected at high pressure by an external helium
circulation system (15). The temperature and pressure at the inlet to the heat sink can be adjusted
depending on cooling requirements. The assembled heat sink was wrapped in Aluminized Mylar
foil and enclosed in a vacuum chamber to reduce the conduction and radiation heat inleaks into
the system.
The simplest Finite Element Method model is designed to determine the optimum
number of fins required for the heat sink under the constraint that the overall base width and fin
geometrical parameters remain constant. The model takes a vertical cross section of the heat sink
as shown in Figure 2.6, and hence the focus of 2D numerical simulation is solely on the heat
transfer mechanism. The pressure loss across the length is calculated analytically taking into
account the flow between the parallel fins (plates) of the heat sink along with the entrance-exit
Figure 2.5 Design of the prototype cable termination (total view) and cut views to show the
internal fin structure (vertical and horizontal cut)
The density of helium gas varies largely with temperature and pressure. Hence, average
density is calculated and used based on the inlet and outlet temperatures of the fluid. Heat
Transfer in Solids (ht) module available in COMSOL is used over a parameterized geometry so
as to easily allow sweeping over a number of fins. The software calculates the properties of
copper, namely thermal conductivity, κ; specific heat at constant pressure, ϲp, and density, ρ,
The helium properties are calculated using Engineering Equation Solver (EES) software
package at the required temperature and pressure. The idea of using EES is to find the value of
convective heat transfer co-efficient, һ, which is used for applying the convective cooling
boundary condition in the 2 dimensional models. This co-efficient is found using inbuilt EES
functions and thermophysical property tables for gaseous Helium. EES uses an implementation
of (24), (25) for calculating thermophysical properties except for thermal conductivity which is
computed using (26). Reynolds number ( ) is calculated using the hydraulic diameter
concept for parallel plate fins consistent with the geometry and mass flow rate assumed. The
calculations are carried out for various mass flow rates so that flow stays mostly in the laminar
regime. Correlations for both laminar and turbulent flow (if any) between smooth parallel plates,
as given in (20), are used to find the heat transfer co-efficient and pressure losses inside the heat
For a smooth surface the friction factor for laminar and turbulent regime respectively is
given by
usselt umbe
P = 8 bar
ρ (kg/m3)
40 45 50 55 60 65
Temperature (K)
Figure 2.6 Variation of density of gaseous Helium with temperature at constant pressure
Figure 2.6 shows an instance of density variations across various temperature domains
for gaseous Helium under 8 bar pressure obtained from RefProp which a standard software to
From this figure, with a 20 K increase in the temperature of gaseous Helium, its density reduces
by approximately 33%. Hence in order to account for the pressure drop due to acceleration and
deceleration of the fluid stream due to density variations, an additional term is evaluated as given
by (27).
( ) (2.8)
where G is the mass velocity of the stream. ̇ ; A = channel cross sectional area
In order for the two dimensional model to be more precise in calculating the
pressure drop across the channel, entrance and exit effects due to sudden expansion and
[ ] (2.9)
[ ] (2.10)
respectively; d, D are the smaller and larger diameters of the connecting pipes
Total pressure drop across the heat sink for a given flow parameter is given by
For the various cases of different mass flow rates and different geometries, the helium
flow is found to be in laminar regime mostly and is modeled in COMSOL by providing the
convective cooling boundary on the fin walls. In the case of the model with 9 fins, for example,
using the above relations, an effective heat transfer coefficient value of h = 90.25 W/ (m2K) for
the convective boundary condition is calculated. Separate values of h are calculated for different
flow conditions and geometries. All the calculations for h and are performed using EES and
Governing Equation: The steady state heat transfer equation for heat flow in the solid
where f
Boundary Conditions:
2. Heat Flux: A heat influx boundary condition of 50 W is applied at the base of the
2D model appearing as a line at the bottom in the front view as shown in Figure 2.7
4. Thermal Insulation: The thermal insulation condition is applied across all other
The mesh size is chosen as “no mal” with the default values as available in the gene al
physics category. The normal mesh with 2986 elements is sufficient to satisfy mesh
independence. Stationary Linear Solver produced the results as shown below in Figure 2.8 which
indicates the surface temperature distribution across a vertical cross-section of the heat sink for a
Figure 2.7 2-Dimensional FEM model of the heat sink with important boundary conditions
The objective of the 2D computation was to find the number of fins required for optimum
performance of the heat sink, i.e., a best tradeoff between temperature gradient and pressure drop
across the heat sink. The entire heat sink is modeled for varying mass flow rates and varying
number of fins (incremented in steps of 3) for a fixed fin thickness. It can be seen from
Figure 2.9 that the 9 fin heat sink model (corresponding to half of the actual design) provides a
good system balance for the heat sink performance. This primary two dimensional study forms
the basis for further detailed three dimensional analyses and experimental validation.
Figure 2.8 Surface temperature distribution (in Kelvin) with h = 90 W/m2K and ṁ = 1.5 g/s
140 80
ṁ = 0.5 g/s
ṁ = 1 g/s
120 ṁ = 1.5 g/s 70
Tpeak (K)
Δ P (Pa)
0 0
0 3 6 9 12 15
Number of Fins
Figure 2.9 Tpeak and Δp curves for various mass flow rates
described in detail in (22) is used to validate the simulation model. The prototype heat sink
consists of four parts: The base block with fins, two end plates, and the surrounding enclosure
(partially shown in Figure 2.10). All parts except for the cuts between the fins are machined
using mechanical manufacturing processes. The cuts for the fins are machined by electrical
discharge machining (EDM). The four parts are joined through silver brazing for maximum
conductivity and excellent structural strength. The supply tubes are soldered to the end plates
using tin-lead solder. A heater with a nown esistance of 10.09615 Ω is attached to the bottom
plate. Two temperature sensors are attached to the side walls of the heat sink to determine the
Total Length 6
Two additional temperature sensors are attached to the supply and exit tubes to measure
the inlet and outlet fluid temperatures. An adjustable DC voltage source is used to control the
heat influx to the heat sink. The helium circulation system allows adjusting the pressure and
temperature of the helium flow at the inlet of the experimental setup. A differential pressure
gauge is used to measure the pressure drop across the heat sink. The experimental setup with the
gaseous Helium flow tubing, sensors attachments and heater wire within the cryostat is as shown
in Figure 2.11. The heat sink, wrapped in aluminized Mylar (multi-layer insulation, MLI), is
Figure 2.10 Copper heat sink prototype used for experimentation
Figure 2.11 Experimental setup with flow lines and heat sink with heater attached
Figure 2.12 Heat sink wrapped in MLI before insertion into the cryostat
The experiment is conducted for different gas mass flow rates entering the system at
different temperatures and pressures. Three different total heat flux values of 30 W, 50 W and
100 W are applied at the bottom of the heat sink in order to obtain a good range of experimental
data in both laminar and turbulent regime. The pressure drop across the heat sink is located at the
cryocooler. Table 2.3 shows the configuration settings for the heater wire in order to achieve
different thermal load values whereas Table 2.4 shows the experimental data obtained by
operating the heat sink at various temperatures and pressures and under different flow conditions.
The entire experimental setup is initially cooled to the inlet temperature specified in the table
Table 2.3 Heater wire configuration to obtain various heat load values
30 1.72 17.4
An essential first step in any convection problem is to determine whether the flow is
laminar or turbulent. Surface friction (hence pressure drop) and the convection heat transfer rates
depend strongly on which of these conditions exists. Table 2.5 relates the experimentally
measured gaseous Helium flow rates with the corresponding Reynolds number calculated using
the standard definition as given by Equation 2.1. The wide range of Reynolds number indicates
the range of experimental data available for further validation with simulation results. This
chapter only focuses on developing a FEM model for gaseous Helium flows through the heat
sink in the laminar regime. The turbulent flows result in fluctuations that enhance the heat
transfer rates and lead to increase in pressure drop. These fluctuations have to be dealt with
differently and thus the turbulent flow FEM model for cryogenic heat sink is presented in the
next chapter.
Approxim Measure
Applied Inlet Volume
ate mass pressure
Case No. Heat Load Pressure Tin (K) Tout (K) T peak (K) Flow rate
flow rate drop
(W) (bar) (m3/h)
(kg/s) (mbar)
4 100 9.73 65.5 71.7 81.8 0.890 1.7 2.97
11 30 8.85 41.1 43.4 47.6 0.699 2.29 3.12
Table 2.4 - continued
1 0.18 540.4
2 0.24 684.1
Laminar Flow
9 0.98 1978
10 0.98 1913
3 1.50 4522
4 1.70 4226
5 1.26 4592
6 1.17 3857
7 2.50 8162
8 2.39 7263 Flow
11 2.29 7800
12 2.38 7650
13 8.56 27306
14 8.35 26491
2.4 Laminar 3 Dimensional FEM Model
Cryogenic circulation systems have been typically limited by the pressure loss handling
capabilities. Two-dimensional analysis gives us a rough estimate of the pressure losses inside the
heat sink. But, the fluid flow behavior could not be predicted accurately and can only be
estimated in two dimensional studies since the entrance and exit chambers substantially impact
the flow pattern. Therefore a three dimensional FEM model has been developed using the
Conjugate Heat Transfer physics in COMSOL Multiphysics 4.3 to simulate a steady state, three
dimensional fluid flow and determine its effects on the thermal performance of the heat sink. The
fluid velocity field in certain cases is low enough to be assumed as laminar flow. Steady state
results, assuming laminar flow consistent with experimental mass flow rates, are obtained.
The entire geometry is divided into solid (copper) domain and fluid (helium gas) domain.
The copper and helium properties are temperature and/or pressure dependent. The property
functions are implemented in COMSOL using (23), (29), (30), (31). For temperatures below
140K, COMSOL does not provide any temperature dependence density function in the module
present with us. For this, EES was used to calculate a piecewise function for temperature
dependent Helium properties. Helium density is evaluated at average fluid operating temperature
Governing Equations: The governing energy equation for copper domain is as follows:
The governing momentum and energy equations for fluid flow domain are:
where the symbols stand for their original meanings as explained earlier. The dependent
Boundary Conditions:
12. Total Heat Flux: Enters the total heat flux across the boundaries where the node is
13. Thermal Insulation: As described earlier, the thermal insulation boundary condition
is applied to all solid and liquid interfaces not covered by other boundary
14. No slip: This condition prescribes that the fluid at the wall is not moving.
Due to the laminar inflow assumption, a parabolic velocity distribution at the entrance is
assumed, and a surface heat flux at the bottom is used to simulate the heat influx into the heat
sink from the ambient. The meshing is carried out with an aim to keep the computational time as
sho t as ossible and yet not affect the esults thus obtained. The solid is meshed by a “no mal”
sized mesh whereas the fluid and its interface with the solid a e meshed with a “fine ” mesh
wherein the meshing technique chosen is default as provided in the software.. The heat sink
geometry consists of 9 fins, which are very closely spaced, forming 18 boundary layers on either
side. In order to capture all effects, the meshing density is higher than usual.
This amounts to a total of 1.54 million elements taking 156 minutes for convergence. A
non-uniform mesh with higher mesh density towards the fluid/solid interfaces is chosen to ensure
greater computational accuracy. The results are computed using the stationary solvers, which
incorporate a GMRES solver and a non-linear solver at default settings. GMRES required 240
iterations and the non-linear solver 45 iterations to arrive at steady state results as shown in
Figure 2.14 GMRES solution curve for each iteration
Figure 2.15 Error curve for non-linear solver using default settings
In both the curves, steady state is achieved when the relative error is less than 10 -3. The
temperature and velocity fields (shown by arrow heads) obtained from the computation are
shown in Figure 2.16. The thicknesses of the arrow indicate the magnitude of the velocity and
Figure 2.16 Heat sink surface temperature (in Kelvin) with the fluid velocity field shown by
black arrow heads
Figure 2.16 clearly show the effect that entrance and exit chambers have on the nature of
fluid flow as predicted and calculated by 2 dimensional analyses. The heat sink heats up as you
go downstream. The results obtained by the laminar model, as explained above, are presented in
the next chapter. After formulating a 3 dimensional turbulent model, all simulations results from
both the models are validated with the experimental results for the prototype heat sink. In order
to increase the effectiveness of the heat sink, geometrical optimization studies are carried out by
keeping the inlet fluid flow conditions and overall dimensions fixed.
3.1 Introduction
The results, obtained from the experimental setup, consist of flows in laminar or turbulent
regimes. In laminar flow regime fluid motion in highly ordered whereas for turbulent regimes the
fluid motion is highly irregular and is characterized by velocity fluctuations. These fluctuations
1. They enhance the transfer of momentum and energy thereby increasing the convection
2. They also increase the surface friction resulting in higher resistance to flow and hence
Generally, the Navier-Stokes equations can be used for turbulent flow simulations,
although this would require a large number of elements to capture the wide range of scales in the
flow. An alternative approach, widely used, is to divide the flow in large resolved scales and
small unresolved scales. The small scales are them modeled using a turbulence model with the
goal that the model is computationally less time consuming and hence less expensive. Different
turbulence models invoke different assumptions. COMSOL has a turbulence interface using k-ε
model in the heat transfer module. This model includes Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes
(RANS) most commonly used in industrial flow application (32). The RANS model divides the
̅ (3.1)
where ̅ is a mean value of a scalar quantity of flow obtained by time averaging over a
long time and is the fluctuating component that averages to zero over time as shown in Figure
3.1. The Turbulent Flow, κ-ε interface uses a RANS turbulence model type as explained in the
next section.
Figure 3.1 The average velocity component and the fluctuating velocity component (32)
Various experimental cases, reported here, lie in the turbulent flow regime. The
corresponding FEM model developed ovides fo a tu bulent κ-ε model as desc ibed in (33).
This model assumes that the flow is incompressible and Newtonian and the Navier stokes
equation is as given below. Also, for κ-ε model two additional transport equations and two
de endent va iables a e added: the tu bulent inetic ene gy κ and the dissi ation ate of
tu bulence ene gy ε . The equations fo tu bulent viscosity μ T, transport equation fo κ and
Governing Equations:
(( ) ) (3.5)
(( ) ) (3.6)
( ) (3.7)
Boundary Conditions: The same boundary conditions as described in the laminar case
are applicable for the turbulent case with specific changes pertaining to turbulence.
The three dimensional FEM model, developed using the above equations, is integrated
with the help of the turbulent non-isothermal flow model. The values of various constants,
turbulent length scale and intensity are default as provided by the interface. Helium density
averaged over the entire operating temperature range is again given as input and the boundary
conditions remain the same as explained in the laminar case. A different meshing technique has
been carried out in order to obtain the same accuracy with a lesser number of elements and hence
lesser computational time. Firstly, the interior interface boundaries between the solid and fluid
domain are meshed. Then the fluid domain is meshed and finally the solid domain is discretized.
The co e domain is meshed with a “no mal” sized mesh whe eas the fluid is meshed with a
“fine ” mesh size. The inte face between the two domains is meshed with a t iangula mesh of
default “no mal” size. This esults in limiting the total number of elements in the mesh structure
to 371842, as shown in Figure 3.2. The total computational time for any turbulent case is
approximately 185 min in order to arrive at steady state results. Figure 3.3 shows the
convergence curve for the simulation case. Segregated group 1 solves for velocity, temperature
and pressure at all the modes/grid points whereas segregated group 2 solves for turbulent kinetic
The results obtained, for case no. 6, for temperature and velocity field as as shown in
Figure 3. 4 and 3.5. The streamline velocity profile clearly indicates a little bit of separation at
the entry chamber of the heat sink and highly turbulent mixing at the exit chamber of the heat
sink. The flow remains almost laminar between the fins due to small gap between each fin. The
Figure 3.2 Mesh structure obtained by separately meshing the domains and the interface
Figure 3.4 Streamline velocity field in the heat sink for case no. 6
Figure 3.5 Temperature profile in the heat sink for case no.6
3.3 Model Validation with Experimental Results
The experimental results, as reported earlier, are used to validate both the simulation
models. In the experimental setup, the Helium gas pressure drop, reported, is measured at the
cryocooler end as shown in Figure 3.6. This cryocooler supplies helium gas at 40-70 K to the
experimental setup with the help of special cryogenic pipes under vacuum. The total length of
these 1 inch cryopipes is about 10 ft. Also the pressure drop across the 25cm long, 0.4 inch
diameter copper tubing, for inflow and outflow of gas through the heat sink, needs to be taken
into consideration. Hence, an additional pressure drop term is calculated and added to the
simulation results in order to compensate for the same. The additional term is calculated using
Equations 2.4-2.6 and using the temperature and pressure dependent properties of fluid flow as
The resulting temperature of gaseous Helium at the outlet of heat sink, T out, temperature
of the solid copper block, T peak and essu e d o ac oss the heat sin ΔP a e lotted as shown
in Figure 3.7-3.9.
Due to lack of available data of the measuring device such as temperature sensors,
pressure gauges, flow meters, etc. uncertainty analysis cannot be carried out. However, as a rule
of thumb, the uncertainty of a measuring device is 20 % of the least count (34). Hence error bars,
Temperature (K)
T_out Exp
T_out Numerical
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Volume Flow Rate (m3/h)
Figure 3.7 Comparison of model results with experimental data for fluid outlet temperature
Inlet Pressure: 5.98-12.50 bar
80 Heat Influx: 30, 50, 100 W
Inlet Temperature: 39.7-65.5 K
Temperature (K)
65 T_peak Exp
60 T_peak Numerical
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Volume Flow Rate (m3/h)
Figure 3.8 Model validation for peak temperature of solid copper block
Inlet Pressure: 5.98-12.50 bar
Heat Influx: 30, 50, 100 W
Inlet Temperature: 39.7-65.5 K
ΔP (mbar)
ΔP Exp
ΔP Numerical
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Volume Flow Rate (m3/h)
Figure 3.9 Model validation results for pressure drop across the experimental setup
The data plotted in these Figures do not show any particular trend or transition from
laminar to turbulent regimes. This is so because each and every case has a unique set of pressure
and flow conditions and also a unique matching value of heat flux is applied to each case as
reported earlier in Table 2.4. The maximum relative error for Tout, Tpeak and ΔP are 1.97%, 6%
and 17.94% respectively. These error percentages show good agreement of the numerical results
with the experimental data. The numerical results mostly lay within the experimental
3.4 Geometric Optimization of the Heat Sink
After validating the model, optimization studies are carried out for various geometrical
parameters of the 9 fin (half section) model. Many optimization studies can be carried out since
this heat sink incorporates a vast variety of variables such as geometrical parameters, gaseous
helium mass flow rate, thermal mass of copper, fluid operating pressure, etc. Here, the focus is
put on geometrical parameters, particularly on spacing between fins, keeping all the other input
parameters constant.
Objective Function: To minimize the pressure drop across the system and the peak
Constraints: Fixed overall base width and fin thickness of the heat sink; fixed flow
parameters such as gHe mass flow rate, inlet temperature and pressure; fixed heat influx; fixed
overall heat sink geometry. The corresponding values are as given below:
Heat influx = 100 W gHe ṁ = 0.54 g/s, w = 17.8 mm, t = 0.79 mm, Helium
Figure 3.10 Vertical cut section showing geometrical optimization parameters considered for
the study
Keeping the thickness constant, the value of d3 can be determined for various values of
x = d1/d3 and y = d2/d3 thereby satisfying the overall constraint on the heat sink geometry.
Keeping all the other input parameters constant, optimization studies are performed plugging in
the values of d1, d2 and d3 in each case into the validated 3D COMSOL model. Initial studies
pointed out the worst case scenario when x ≥ y ≥ 1. Hence, the further studies concentrated
efforts on x ≤ y ≤ 1. Figure 3.11 and Figure 3.12 show the optimization curves for a given set of
input conditions as described earlier. The contour plots help in determining the minimization
The corresponding optimum values are shown in Table 3.2. The results show that the
performance of the heat sink can be increased by incorporating an unequally spaced fin structure
that well distributes the coolant flow evenly across the fin structure in the design. This
performance increase will be considerable for operating conditions and system parameters much
higher than those considered here and in operation of the test apparatus.
Table 3.2 Optimum values for objective function under given constraints
y = d2/d3 1 0.85
d3 1.25 mm 1.32 mm
t 0.79 mm 0.79 mm
Figure 3.11 (a) Variation of heat sink peak temperature with fin spacing
(b) Contour plot showing optimized geometry for minimum peak temperature
Figure 3.12 (a) Variation of pressure loss across the heat sink with fin spacing
(b) Contour plot showing optimized geometry for minimum pressure
The results presented in this thesis have some important applications to the design of
cryogenic heat sink cooled by gaseous Helium for superconducting power device applications
and to the basic understanding of heat transfer and fluid flow phenomena in forced convection
type heat exchange devices. After summarizing the results here, suggestions for future work
including integrating the present work with on-going research efforts at CAPS, Florida State
A FEM model approach is used to simulate and optimize the problem presented in this
thesis. COMSOL software package is used as the simulations tool. Before using COMSOL for
model development, standard verification problems are presented with known and reported
analytical and experimental results. The numerical results match with those obtained by the
respective reporting agencies. A two dimensional model is developed in order to determine the
ideal number of fins required to be made inside the prototype heat sink. It follows that a
prototype heat sink with 18 fins has a good balance between the fluid pressure loss and the
A three dimensional FEM, laminar and turbulent, models are developed and appropriate
boundary conditions are applied in order to achieve steady state results. These simulations results
are compared with the experimental measured values. The simulations results for helium
temperature difference, the peak copper temperature and pressure losses across the heat sink
reasonably match with the experimental values under the same input conditions. The relative
error percentages between the numerical and experimental results are shown in Table 4.1. With
the model validated, further optimization studies were carried out under the constraints of fixed
overall geometry and input conditions. The results show that unequally spaced fin structure with
Table 4.1 Relative error percentages between numerical and experimental results
The maximum heat sink temperature difference between the equally spaced heat sink
(worst case scenario) and the optimized geometry leading to unequal spacing (best case scenario)
is about 4.5 K for the fixed constraints. This results in about 5.7 % decrease in the peak
temperature of the copper heat sink. However, the effect of uniform flow distribution by
unequally spacing the fins can be seen in the relative pressure drop difference. The difference in
the pressure drop across the heat sink between the best and the worst case scenarios, as described
earlier, is about 0.0899 mbar which amounts to 15.2 % decrease. These relative percentages
show the importance of regulating the flow field in order to improve the performance of the heat
While conducting optimization studies and collaborating with the research consortium at
CAPS, numerous ideas for future work presented themselves. Dede (35), (36) has conducted
of an iterative loop in which finite element analysis, sensitivity analysis and optimization steps,
in order to update design variables, are performed. Using FEM modeling technique, they have
reported to have obtained an optimal cooling topology with fluid streamlines in branching
channels as shown in Figure 4.1. Taking inspiration from this, this thesis work could be extended
to include optimal topology studies for varied flow characteristics and varied thermal constraints
as future work. Studies can also be done to know the effects of changing the design from a
simple continuous flat plate fin to a more complex discontinuous geometry and optimizing its
topology. This would then prove to be an ideal model to design and optimize a cryogenic heat
sink, using helium gas as coolant, which could be used for varied applications.
Ordonez et al. (37) developed a numerical model of a superconducting DC cable
contained in a flexible cryostat. This model uses the Volume Element Method (VEM) numerical
technique in order to simulate the steady state behavior of the superconducting cable to various
situations such as quenching, constant heat load, point source heat load, etc. VEM is a
conservative method for representing and solving partial differential equations in the form of
algebraic equations. Volume Element (VE) refers to a finite region/space surrounding each node
wherein the respective values are evaluated. Figure 4.2 shows the schematic representation of the
Figure 4.1 Optimal topology and temperature distribution slices of 3D design domain
The advantage of a VEM approach is that it reduces the entire geometry into fewer
elements instead of millions or more elements discretized by FEM. This reduces the
Figure 4.2 Schematic representation of the superconducting cable volume elements in radial (r)
and axial (z) direction
The heat sink cable termination design could also be modeled using VEM numerical
technique. For a FEM model which takes about 150 min for a system of equations to arrive at
steady state results, the VEM takes about 50 s to do the same job but with relatively less
accuracy. This model could then be integrated with the superconducting DC cable in order to
have a computationally inexpensive thermal model for the entire superconducting power system.
Such a system could then be useful to carry out optimization studies with less computational
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Darshit R. Shah was born on August 30, 1988 as the third child in Mumbai, India. He
obtained his Bachelors degree In Mechanical Engineering from Victoria Jubilee Technological
Institute (VJTI), India in 2010. He was employed as research fellow in the Refrigeration and
Cryogenics Laboratory, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay between July, 2010 and
June, 2011. During this term, he specialized in innovative refrigeration technologies and led the
In August 2011, he joined the Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida in M.Sc.
with Thesis program and immediately joined the Thermal Management group at Center for
Advanced Power Systems (CAPS) under the advisement of Dr. Juan Ordonez. At CAPS, he
worked on optimal heat transfer area allocation for Vapor Compression Refrigeration for cooling
periodic heat loads in naval applications. As a part of his thesis, he worked on simulation and
Congress of Graduate Students at Florida State University. He is also an active member of the