Pet Plan T&C
Pet Plan T&C
Pet Plan T&C
need to know
As the UK’s No.1 pet insurer, we know that owning a pet is full
of highs and lows. It’s a journey we like to call Pethood, and
we’re going to be there to support you and your pet on this
journey, with personalised advice and handy tips from pet
experts and fellow pet owners.
Wishing you and your pet a happy and healthy year ahead.
Demands and Needs - Who is this product suitable for? 4
Terms and Conditions 4
Definitions 4
General conditions that apply to all sections of your policy 6
Veterinary Fees 8
Complementary Treatment 8
Death from Injury 13
Death from Illness 13
Theft or Straying 13
Advertising and Reward 14
Third Party Liability (this section only applies for dogs) 15
Boarding Fees 16
Holiday Cancellation 17
Emergency Repatriation 17
Quarantine Expenses and Loss of Documents 17
Lawphone Legal Advice Helpline 18
General exclusions that apply to all sections of your policy 19
Fraud 19
Claiming 19
Making a complaint 21
Financial Services Compensation Scheme 21
Fair Processing Notice – How we use personal data 22
How to contact us 24
Please contact us if you require a copy of the Policy Booklet in large print or Braille
Petplan does not provide advice or any personal recommendation about the insurance
products offered
The details of your pet’s cover are shown in these Terms and Conditions. Your policy may not include the
Death from Injury and/or Death from Illness sections of cover. These are only included if they’re shown on
your Certificates of Insurance. For cats, your policy does not include the Third Party Liability section of cover.
It’s important that you check your pet’s cover and contact us as soon as possible if it is not as expected.
These Terms and Conditions are part of your insurance contract. The other parts are your Certificates of Insurance
and your application. To understand exactly what your insurance contract covers you must read your Certificates of
Insurance and Insurance Product Information Document, together with these policy Terms and Conditions.
These definitions apply throughout the Terms and Conditions. Where we explain what a word means, that word
appears in bold print and wherever used it has the meaning stated in this section.
Certificates of Insurance: The documents we provide which are titled Certificate of Insurance Policy Details and
Certificate of Insurance Animal Details.
Clinical sign(s): A change(s) in your pet’s normal healthy state, bodily functions or behaviour.
EU countries: All countries which are members of the European Union. This is Austria, Belgium,
Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany,Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.
Family: • Your partner, who is your husband, wife, civil partner, girlfriend, boyfriend or other life
• Your, or your partner’s, child and/or step-child, and
• Your, or your partner’s, parent, grandparent, grandson, granddaughter, brother and/or
sister (including any step-sibling).
Home: The place in the UK where you and your pet usually live.
Hydrotherapy: Any treatment of injury and illness, with, or in, water, including swimming in a pool and
the use of a water treadmill.
Illness, illnesses: Any change(s) to a normal healthy state, sickness, disease, defects and abnormalities,
including defects and abnormalities your pet was born with or were passed on by his/her
Illness which starts in the • Any illness that showed clinical signs in the first 14 days of a) your pet’s first policy
first 14 days of cover: year, or b) the section being added to your insurance.
• Any illness that has the same diagnosis or clinical signs, as an illness that showed
clinical signs, in the first 14 days of a) your pet’s first policy year, or b) the section
being added to your insurance.
• Any illness that is caused by, relates to, or results from, a clinical sign that was
noticed in the first 14 days of a) your pet’s first policy year, or b) the section being
added to your insurance.
• Any illness that is caused by, relates to, or results from an illness that showed clinical
signs, in the first 14 days of a) your pet’s first policy year, or b) the section being
added to your insurance.
This applies in all cases regardless of whether the clinical signs present in the same or
different parts of your pet’s body.
Immediate family: • Your partner, who is your husband, wife, civil partner, girlfriend, boyfriend or other life
• Your, or your partner’s, child and step-child, and/or
4 • Your, or your partner’s, parent.
Injury, injured, injuries: Physical damage or trauma caused immediately by an accident. Not any physical
damage or trauma that happens over a period of time.
Journey: Travel within the UK and the other EU countries.
Market value: The price generally paid for an animal of the same age, breed, pedigree, sex and
breeding ability at the time you took ownership of your pet.
Maximum benefit: The most we will pay during the policy year as shown on your Certificates of
Member of a veterinary Any person legally employed by a veterinary practice under a contract of employment.
Personal circumstances: Circumstances about you, your family or your pet which you have limited or no control
over. Examples of personal circumstances are (but not limited to) a lack of transport,
your pet’s size or behaviour, your home environment, your or your family’s working
hours, your child-care arrangements, your family’s other commitments etc.
Pet passport: The pet passport issued for your pet under the terms of the Pet Travel Scheme (PETS).
Pet Travel Scheme (PETS): A government system which allows people in the UK to take their pets to certain
countries and bring them back again without the need for quarantine.
Policy year: The time during which we provide cover as shown on your Certificates of Insurance.
This is normally 12 months but can be less if your pet has been added to, or cancelled
from, your insurance.
Pre-existing condition: • Any injury or illness that happened or first showed clinical signs before a) your pet’s
cover started or b) the section was added to your insurance.
• Any injury or illness that has the same diagnosis as an injury, illness or clinical sign
your pet had before a) your pet’s cover started or b) the section was added to your
• Any injury or illness that has the same clinical signs as an injury, illness or clinical
sign your pet had before a) your pet’s cover started or b) the section was added to
your insurance.
• Any injury or illness that is caused by, relates to, or results from, an injury, illness or
clinical sign your pet had before a) your pet’s cover started, or b) the section was
added to your insurance.
This applies in all cases regardless of whether:
- The injury or illness presents in the same, or different parts of your pet’s body.
- You knew, when starting cover for your pet, that you would need to make a claim for
the clinical sign/injury/illness.
- We place an exclusion for the clinical sign/injury/illness.
Select breeds: Please refer to the ‘select breed’ section on your Certificates of Insurance to find out if
your pet is a select breed.
Therapist: Any person who is a member of one of the associations/organisations listed in the ‘Who
needs to carry out Veterinary Fees and Complementary Treatment?’ section on page 12.
UK: The United Kingdom, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.
Vet: In the UK - a Veterinary Surgeon who is registered with the RCVS (Royal College of
Veterinary Surgeons). In the other EU countries – a fully qualified Veterinary Surgeon
registered in the country where he/she practices.
Veterinary treatment: The cost of the following when required to treat injury and illness:
• Any examination, consultation, advice, diagnostic procedure, surgery and nursing
carried out by a vet, a veterinary nurse or another member of a veterinary practice
under the supervision of a vet, and
• Any medication legally prescribed by a vet.
We, us, our: Allianz Insurance plc.
You, your: The person named on your Certificates of Insurance.
Your dog(s): The dog(s) named on your Certificates of Insurance.
Your pet(s): The dog(s) or cat(s) named on your Certificates of Insurance.
General conditions that apply to all sections of your policy
You must keep to these conditions to have the full protection of your policy. If you do not, and the condition you have not
kept to relates to a claim, we can refuse the claim.
1. Precautions or any illness that showed clinical signs, before your
Throughout the policy year you must take all cover started. This is regardless of whether:
reasonable steps to: • You knew at the time of taking cover that you would
• Maintain your pet’s health. need to make a claim for the clinical sign, injury or
• Provide a secure and safe environment for your pet illness.
to prevent injury, illness, theft or straying. • We place an exclusion for the injury/illness
• Control your pet to prevent injury to a person or • We remove any exclusion (as in point 6 below).
another animal and damage or destruction to any For further details please read the definition
property. ‘pre-existing condition’.
If we state that you have not taken reasonable steps 6. Extra exclusions that can apply to the cover for
and you disagree, we can appoint an independent your pet
national welfare organisation or vet, mutually agreed We can place exclusions on your policy at the start of
upon for their opinion. If you ask for this to be done, your cover based on your pet’s veterinary history and
you agree to accept the independent opinion and we your answers to our questions. We can also place
will also do the same. We will pay any costs relating to exclusions during the policy year but we can only do
this. this if we find out, that when we asked during your
2. Providing routine care – what you need to do application, you did not tell us about something or you
You must make sure the following care is provided for provided us with inaccurate information (regardless
your pet: of whether or not you thought it was accurate at the
• Dental care – your pet must have a dental time). In these cases the exclusion(s) will be placed
examination by a vet at least once every 12 months. back to the start of your policy.
Any treatment recommended as a result of this An exclusion is a condition, group of conditions or
examination must be carried out within 3 months of event which is usually covered under the policy,
the examination taking place. but isn’t for your pet. Exclusions are in addition to
• Preventative actions – you must take any actions what is stated as not covered within these Terms
normally recommended by a vet to prevent or and Conditions. Any specific exclusions on the cover
reduce the risk of injury/illness. Examples of this for your pet are shown on your Certificates of
are (but not limited to) regular worming and flea Insurance. Your policy does not cover any claim that
treatments and providing a healthy diet. results from an injury, illness or incident which falls
• Vaccinations – your pet must be kept vaccinated under any exclusion placed on your policy. Some
against: exclusions are temporary and on your request may be
For dogs - distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis and removed by us providing certain criteria are met. If you
parvovirus. would like to discuss any exclusions on your policy
For cats - feline infectious enteritis, feline leukaemia please contact us. Please also read point 12b) in this
and cat flu. section which explains when we can limit or remove
If not, we will not cover any amount for the illness Third Party Liability cover at renewal.
which has not been vaccinated against.
7. If your pet shows signs of an illness within 14
3. Providing timely veterinary attention days of your cover starting
If your pet is unwell and shows signs of an injury/ Your policy does not cover any illness that shows
illness you must arrange for a vet to examine and clinical signs in the first 14 days of your cover
treat your pet as soon as possible. You must follow starting. This only applies in your first policy year and
any advice the vet gives; if you do not, any claim does not apply when you renew your policy with us.
relating to that injury/illness will not be covered by the For further details please read the definition ‘illness
policy. which starts in the first 14 days of cover’.
If there is a delay in arranging veterinary treatment 8. If your pet is missing when the policy is taken
and we believe this resulted in additional costs, we If your pet is missing when you first take your policy,
will not pay the additional costs. If we state the delay the cover under this policy will not start until you are
resulted in additional costs and you disagree, we can reunited with your pet and any incident, injury or
appoint an independent vet, mutually agreed upon for illness which occurs before you are reunited will not
their opinion. If you ask for this to be done, you agree be covered by your policy.
to accept the independent opinion and we will also do
the same. We will pay any costs relating to this. 9. Providing information
You agree:
4. Ownership of your pet and your residence
a) You must be the owner of your pet. Your cover will
• To give us any information and documents we ask
for to administer your policy and deal with your
stop immediately if ownership is transferred to claim.
another person or organisation.
b) You and your pet must live in the UK at the
• That any vet or therapist has your permission to
give us any information we ask for about your pet.
address shown on your Certificates of Insurance. If a charge is made for this, you must pay the charge.
If your address, or the address of your pet,
changes you must tell us as soon as possible as 10. Paying your premium
this can affect the cover we provide. a) Your pet is only covered under this policy if
you pay the premium. If you pay by Direct Debit
5. If your pet was unwell before your cover started instalments and you miss an instalment, you must
Your policy will never cover any injury that happened, pay the outstanding amount within the timescales
stated in the reminders we send you . If you do not, veterinary nurse you cannot complete the veterinary
we will cancel your policy back to the last day you practice part of your own claim form.
have paid for cover. All cover for your pet will stop 17. Claim decisions over the telephone
from that date and no further claims will be paid. We will not guarantee on the phone if we will pay a
b) When we settle your claim, if there are any claim. Once we have received a fully completed claim
premiums overdue, we will deduct the outstanding form and all of the supporting information, we will
amount from the claim payment. assess your claim and only then will we be able to let
11. Renewing your policy you know if we will pay the claim. Information about
Your policy is in force for 12 months providing you making a claim can be found on page 20.
continue to pay your premium. Every 12 months you 18. Other insurances
need to renew this insurance contract to continue with We will not make any payment for any claim that
your cover. We will contact you before your renewal results from an incident covered by any other
date with full details of your premium, excesses, policy insurance. If there is any other insurance under which
coverage and Terms and Conditions for the next you are entitled to make a claim you must report the
policy year. If you pay your premium by Direct Debit incident to that insurance company and tell us their
instalment, when your policy is due for renewal we name and address and your policy and claim number
will renew it for you automatically. If you do not want with them.
to renew your policy you need to let us know before
your renewal date. If you pay by any other means, 19. Legal rights against another person
you need to contact us to confirm you want to renew If you have any legal rights against another person in
your policy and to pay your premium. relation to your claim, we can take legal action against
them in your name at our expense. You must give
12. The changes we can make at the renewal of your us all the help you can and provide any documents
policy related to the claim that we ask for.
a) At renewal of your policy we can change the:
• Premium, 20. Cover outside of the UK
• Excesses that you pay, and/or a) All sections of your policy provide cover when your
• Terms and Conditions of your policy. pet is in the UK; the following sections also provide
We will always tell you before your renewal date of cover when your pet is outside of the UK in one of
any changes so you can consider if your policy still the other EU countries - Veterinary Fees,
meets your needs. Advertising and Reward, Emergency Repatriation,
b) For dogs, at renewal we can limit or remove Quarantine Expenses and Loss of Documents and
Third Party Liability cover based on a review of Holiday Cancellation. For these sections, your
your dog’s behaviour. For example (but not limited pet is covered outside the UK for 90 days in each
to) any aggressive tendencies shown, any incidents policy year. If your pet will be outside the UK for
where your dog has caused injury to a person/ longer than this you must let us know as soon as
another animal or any health conditions which can possible as this can affect the cover we provide.
affect how your dog behaves. Third Party Liability b) When your pet is outside the UK you must follow
cover is not provided for any cat. the conditions of the Pet Travel Scheme (PETS).
Full details of the Pet Travel Scheme (PETS) can
13. The changes we can make during the policy year be found on the Defra website
Changes will only be made to your policy at renewal. or you can call the Defra Pet Travel Scheme
We will not change the cover we provide for your pet (PETS) Helpline on 0370 241 1710.
during the policy year, unless: c) You must not take your pet outside of the UK if a
• You decide to change your pet’s cover. vet has advised against it. If you do, your pet will
• You did not tell us about something when we not be covered when outside of the UK.
previously asked. d) When your pet is outside of the UK if any
• You provided us with inaccurate information when government or public authority puts restrictions on
previously asked, regardless of whether or not you him/her, we will not pay any costs relating to this.
thought it was accurate at the time. e) All claim forms and supporting documentation
14. Keeping us informed of certain information must be written in English. It is your responsibility to
Throughout your policy you need to tell us about provide this and to pay for any translation costs.
certain information. The things you need to tell us f) If your pet moves out of the UK to live in another
about are detailed in your Certificates of Insurance country you must tell us as soon as possible. Your
and it’s important you check any new documents we cover will stop on the day your pet leaves the UK.
send to understand the information we need. If you do 21. Jurisdiction
not provide us with the full and accurate information it a) The laws of England and Wales apply to this
can result in a claim not being paid or affect the cover insurance contract.
we provide. b) Unless we agree otherwise, the language of the
15. Upgrading cover policy and all communications relating to it will be in
If a higher plan is available for your pet you can apply English.
for an upgrade at renewal of your policy. The upgrade 22. When you can cancel your policy
is not guaranteed and we will let you know if we can You can cancel your policy at any time. If you cancel
offer the higher plan once we have reviewed your this policy in the first 14 days:
pet’s veterinary history. • Of your first policy year - we will refund all of the
16. If you are a member of veterinary staff premium you have paid.
If you are a vet, you can treat your pet but another • After your renewal date - we will refund any premium
vet must countersign the claim form. If you are a you have paid for cover after that renewal date.
If you cancel at any other time, we will refund your premiums. For details on this please read point
any amount you have paid for cover after the 10 in this section - ‘Paying your premium’.
cancellation date. 24. Cover following cancellation of a policy or
23. When we can cancel your policy removal of a section
We can cancel your policy at any time if you have a) If a section of cover is removed from your policy
been dishonest or fraudulent in any dealings with us (by you or us) all cover in that section stops on the
or if your vet or a welfare organisation advises us that date the section is removed.
you have been negligent towards your pet. We will b) If your policy is cancelled or comes to an end for
give you 7 days’ notice in writing to the address on any reason, all cover for your pet will stop on the
your Certificates of Insurance and will refund any date the policy is cancelled/ends and no further
amount you have paid for cover after the cancellation claims will be paid.
date. We can also cancel your policy if you do not pay
At Petplan, we’re proud of the insurance we provide for pets – in fact, our reputation for first class cover is one of
the reasons we’re trusted by more pet owners to insure their pet’s than any other provider. In return for the correct
premium, we will provide cover for the following sections if they are shown on your Certificates of Insurance.
Our Covered For Life promise
You have chosen a Covered For Life policy which means we will provide ongoing cover for illnesses and injuries,
year after year. To benefit from this ongoing cover you must keep paying your premiums and renew your policy with
us every 12 months (without any break in cover).
To be covered under the policy, the treatments under both sections must be carried out by a person
holding certain qualifications or membership of certain organisations. Full details can be found on
page 12 in ‘Who needs to carry out Veterinary Fees and Complementary Treatment?’.
What you pay – your excess
Both the Veterinary Fees and Complementary Treatment sections have excesses. The excesses are the amounts
you pay when you claim and these are deducted from your claim settlement(s). The excesses you pay under these
sections are explained on your Certificates of Insurance.
What we will not pay under Veterinary Fees and Complementary Treatment
1. The cost of any treatment for a pre-existing condition. 8. The cost of any charges made for the completion
2. The cost of any treatment for an illness which starts of claim forms or the cost of any supporting
in the first 14 days of cover. documentation needed as part of your claim.
3. The cost of any treatment to prevent injury or illness. 9. The cost of any treatment in connection with false
4. The cost of any treatment, diagnostic or procedure that pregnancy if your pet has received veterinary
you choose to have carried out, which: treatment for more than 2 episodes of false pregnancy.
• The vet confirms is not necessary, or 10. The cost of surgical items that can be used more than
• Is not related to an injury or illness. once.
We will also not pay for any complications that arise 11. The cost of a post-mortem examination and/or report.
from these treatments/procedures. 12. The cost of transplant surgery, including any pre- and
5. The cost of killing and controlling fleas and the cost of post-operative care.
general health improvers. 13. The cost of transporting your pet, including any costs
6. The cost of any treatment in connection with breeding, to get your pet to, or from, any veterinary practice.
pregnancy or giving birth.
7. The cost of treating any injury or illness deliberately
caused by you or anyone living with you, or when
outside the UK, anyone travelling with you.
It’s important that you also read ‘Conditions for Veterinary Fees and Complementary Treatment’ and ‘Who
needs to carry out Veterinary Fees and Complementary Treatment?’ on pages 9 and 12. These sections also
explain limitations and areas the policy does not cover.
products mimic natural pheromones, such as the 23. Dealing with your veterinary practice
pheromones a mother naturally emits to her young a) If a veterinary practice asks us for information about
after birth. Examples of pheromone products are (but your insurance cover and we agree to provide
not limited to) Adaptil and Feliway. it, we will only do this if the veterinary practice
The cost of pheromone products are then only confirms they:
covered when used as part of a structured behaviour • Recently provided treatment for your pet, or
modification programme which is in place treat a • Have spoken with you about providing
behavioural illness. For the purpose of this insurance, treatment for your pet in the near future.
a behavioural modification programme is a programme In these cases, we will only tell the veterinary
written by a behaviourist detailing specific techniques practice if you have an active insurance policy
to be used and action to be taken with the aim of with us for your pet, and if you do – the date cover
permanently changing your pet’s behaviour. This started, the type of cover in place, the monetary
programme must be written by a person who fulfils the limits of your policy, the excesses you pay and if
requirements in ‘Who needs to carry out Veterinary any exclusions have been placed on your cover.
Fees and Complementary Treatment?’ in the b) If you have a valid claim, we can usually pay the
‘Treatment of a behavioural illness’ section on page 12. veterinary practice directly; however, if you ask us
When this programme is in place, for each separate to do this, we have the right to decline the request.
behavioural illness you can claim for the cost 24. Complementary and alternative treatments
of pheromone products to be used for up to 6 a) We will pay for acupuncture, chiropractic
consecutive months. After this time, if the behavioural manipulation, herbal medicine, homeopathy,
illness is not fully resolved or it recurs, we will not cover hydrotherapy and osteopathy under the
the cost of any further pheromone products for that Complementary Treatment section of cover.
behavioural illness, either in the same or future policy We will not pay for any other complementary or
years. alternative treatments. Your pet may need some
19. The cost of equipment or machinery veterinary treatment to support a complementary/
We will not cover the cost of buying or hiring any type alternative treatment. The cost of this veterinary
of equipment, machinery, animal housing or cages. treatment is covered under the Complementary
These costs are never covered by the policy and this is Treatment section of cover when needed for the
regardless of whether: treatments listed above; we will not cover these
• A vet advises the item is required as part of costs for any other complementary or alternative
treatment for an illness or injury, or treatments.
• The item is required due to your personal b) Under the Veterinary Fees section of cover we
circumstances. will not pay for any complementary or alternative
Examples of equipment and machinery are (but not treatments. We will also not pay for any veterinary
limited to) home glucose monitors, sharps bins, paw treatment specifically needed to support any
protectors, heat pads etc. complementary or alternative treatments.
20. The cost of treating a retained testicles 25. Veterinary Fees outside the UK
We will cover the cost of treatment which is in We will only provide cover under the Veterinary Fees
connection with a retained testicle(s) if your pet was section when your pet is outside the UK, in one of the
aged 12 weeks or under when his cover started. other EU countries, if:
There is no cover for this if your pet’s cover started • A vet believes the treatment cannot be delayed until
when he was any older. his/her return home.
21. The cost of artificial body parts • The journey was not made to get treatment abroad.
There is no cover under the Complementary
We will cover the cost of hip, knee and elbow joint
Treatment section when your pet is outside the UK.
replacements. We will not cover the cost of any other
prosthesis (also known as artificial body parts) or
any costs which are related in any way to any other
22. Paying for treatment within required time frames
It is your responsibility to ensure the veterinary
practice or therapist is paid within the required time
• If an additional charge is added to the cost of
treatment due to the late payment of fees, we will
deduct this charge from the claim settlement.
• If a discount is provided for paying the costs within
a certain time frame, you must provide payment
within this time frame. If you do not, we will deduct
the discount, which would have been provided, from
the claim settlement.
Who needs to carry out Veterinary Fees and Complementary Treatment?
This section explains who needs to carry out the different elements within the Veterinary Fees and Complementary
Treatment sections of cover. If these requirements are not met, the treatment will not be covered by the policy. For
everything other than veterinary treatment, acupuncture and homeopathy, if the treatment is not carried out by a vet,
a vet must refer your pet for the treatment and confirm to us when you claim that it is required to treat the injury or
Veterinary treatment: A vet, a veterinary nurse or another member of a veterinary practice under the
supervision of a vet
Acupuncture: A vet
Homeopathy: A vet
Treatment of a behavioural A member of a veterinary practice, a person who holds the CCAB
illness: qualification (Certified Clinical Animal Behaviourist) or a member of one of
the following organisations:
• Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC)
• Canine and Feline Behaviour Association (CFBA)
Death from Injury Death from Illness
Cover in this section applies when your pet is in Cover in this section applies when your pet is in
the UK only the UK only
The section only applies if it’s shown on your The section only applies if it’s shown on your
Certificates of Insurance. Certificates of Insurance
What we will pay What we will pay
The price you paid for your pet if, during the policy The price you paid for your pet if, during the policy
year, he/she: year, he/she:
• Dies due to an injury, or • Dies due to an illness, or
• Has to be put to sleep by a vet due to an injury • Has to be put to sleep by a vet due to an illness
which that the vet believes cannot be treated. which the vet believes is not curable.
If you can’t provide a purchase receipt or rehoming document showing how much you paid or donated for your
pet, we will pay the market value or the purchase price/donation amount, whichever is less. If you did not pay
for your pet we will pay the market value.
What we will not pay under Death from Injury and Death from Illness
1. More than the maximum benefit shown on your 4. Any amount if the death results from breeding,
Certificates of Insurance. pregnancy or giving birth.
2. Any amount if your pet’s death results from a 5. Any amount if your pet is put to sleep due to a
pre-existing condition. behavioural illness or problem.
3. Any amount if your pet’s death results from an illness 6. Any amount for having your pet put to sleep, cremated,
which starts in the first 14 days of cover. buried or disposed of.
Theft or Straying
Cover in this section applies when your pet is in the UK only
What we will pay
The price you paid for your pet if he/she is stolen or goes missing during the policy year and does not return within
30 days. If you can’t provide a purchase receipt or rehoming document showing how much you paid or donated
for your pet, we will pay the market value or the purchase price/donation amount, whichever is less. If you did not
pay for your pet we will pay the market value.
It’s important that you also read ‘Conditions for Theft or Straying and Advertising and Reward’ on page 14.
This section also explains limitations and areas the policy does not cover.
Advertising and Reward
Cover in this section applies when your pet is in the UK and the other EU countries
What we will pay
If your pet is stolen or goes missing during the policy year, we will pay:
• The cost of advertising, and
• The reward you have offered and paid to get your pet back.
If your pet is stolen or goes missing when he/she is outside the UK, we will also pay the cost of your
accommodation to stay and look for your pet if he/she is not found by the scheduled last date of your journey.
Third Party Liability (this section only applies for dogs)
Cover in this section applies when your dog is in the UK only
The section only applies if it is shown as covered on your Certificates of Insurance
In this section ‘you’ and ‘your’ mean you or any person looking after or handling your dog with your permission
Details of what you need to do if an incident happens can be found in ‘Conditions for Third Party Liability’
point 2, on page 16.
Boarding Fees
Cover in this section applies when your pet is in the UK only
In this section, ‘you’ means you or your partner who is your husband, wife, civil partner, girlfriend, boyfriend or
other life partner.
What we will pay
The cost of boarding your pet at a licensed boarding establishment or £15 a day towards the cost of someone
looking after your pet while you are hospitalised during the policy year for 4 or more consecutive days.
Holiday Cancellation
Cover in this section applies when your pet is in the UK and the other EU countries
What we will pay c) Cut your journey short because your pet, who is
We will pay travel and accommodation expenses, for
you and your immediate family, which you cannot
with you on the journey, needs to return home for
the treatment of:
recover if, during the policy year, you have to: • An injury, or
a) Cancel your journey because, up to 7 days before • An new illness (which he/she has never shown
you leave, your pet needs immediate life-saving signs of before).
veterinary treatment for: We will pay for the unused travel and
• An injury, or accommodation expenses and the extra travel
• A new illness (which he/she has never shown expenses to get home.
signs of before)
b) Cut your journey short because your pet, who has
not gone with you on the journey, goes missing or
needs immediate life-saving veterinary treatment
• An injury, or
• A new illness (which he/she has never shown
signs of before)
It’s important that you read ‘What we will not pay’ and ‘Conditions’ under Holiday Cancellation, Emergency
Repatriation and Quarantine Expenses and Loss of Documents starting on page 18.
Emergency Repatriation
Cover in this section applies when your pet is outside the UK in one of the other EU countries
What we will pay • The cost of accommodation for you to stay after your
If, during the policy year, your pet is injured or suffers scheduled date of travel home until your pet is well
from a new illness (which he/she has never shown enough to travel, and
signs of before) while on a journey and cannot travel • If your pet dies, the cost of returning your pet’s body
home the same way he/she travelled abroad we home or the cost of disposal overseas.
will pay:
• Extra costs to get your pet home,
It’s important that you read ‘What we will not pay’ and ‘Conditions’ under Holiday Cancellation, Emergency
Repatriation and Quarantine Expenses and Loss of Documents starting on page 18.
Quarantine Expenses and Loss of Documents
Cover in this section applies when your pet is outside the UK in one of the other EU countries
What we will pay We will pay:
If, during the policy year, your pet is either unable to • The cost to keep your pet in quarantine,
return to the UK or must be quarantined on return to the • The cost of getting a duplicate pet passport. We will
UK because of: also cover the cost of temporary accommodation
1. A new illness (which your pet has never shown while getting this and extra costs to travel home if
signs of before), you missed your scheduled travel arrangements
2. The failure of the microchip, or back home while you were waiting for the duplicate.
3. The pet passport being lost or stolen,
What we will not pay under Holiday Cancellation, Emergency Repatriation and Quarantine
Expenses and Loss of Documents
1. More than the maximum benefit for the section, 5. The cost of food for any person or pet.
shown on your Certificates of Insurance, for all 6. More than £50 for the cost of a coffin, casket or other
journeys during the policy year. container for your pet’s remains.
2. Any amount resulting from a pre-existing condition. 7. For Emergency Repatriation and Quarantine Expenses
3. Any amount resulting from an illness which starts in and Loss of Documents only - Any amount that results
the first 14 days of cover. from an injury that happens or an illness first showing
4. Any amount that can be claimed back from anywhere clinical signs before the start of your journey.
Conditions for Holiday Cancellation, Emergency Repatriation and Quarantine Expenses and
Loss of Documents
You must keep to these conditions to have the full protection under these sections. If you do not, and the condition you
have not kept to relates to a claim, we can refuse the claim.
1. Timescales for making a claim 5. Your pets travel documents and microchip
You must send us your claim no later than one year a) When your pet passport is left unattended it
after the journey is cancelled or your pet returns must be kept in your locked accommodation or
home. Any claims received after this time will not be in the locked boot, covered luggage area or glove
covered by the policy. compartment of a locked vehicle.
2. The cost of accommodation b) If your pet passport is lost or stolen, within 24
For Emergency Repatriation we will provide 14 days’ hours of discovering it missing, you must report the
accommodation costs, and for Quarantine Expenses incident to the police and get a police report. If the
and Loss of Documents, 7 days accommodation loss or theft occurred on a ship, aircraft, train or
costs. For both sections we will cover up to £50 for coach you must report the loss to the operator and
each day’s accommodation. get a report.
c) Your pet’s microchip must meet the standards
3. Going overseas for veterinary treatment ISO 11784 or ISO 11785.
We will not provide any cover if your pet left the UK
to get treatment in another country.
4. Veterinary confirmation
When you claim you need to provide evidence of the
• For Holiday Cancellation – if your pet goes with
you on the journey and returns home for treatment
you will only be able to claim under this section
if a vet confirms your pet had to return home for
• For Emergency Repatriation - you will only be able
to claim for travel and accommodation costs if a vet
confirms your pet was too sick to travel home the
same way he/she travelled abroad.
General exclusions that apply to all sections of your policy
1. There is no cover under this policy if: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has
a) Your pet is less than 6 weeks old (or less than put restrictions on your pet.
8 weeks old if sold by a licensed breeder). e) Any amount connected with, or resulting from, a
b) Your dog is used for security, guarding, track Criminal Court Case or an Act of Parliament.
racing or coursing. 3. War, terrorism, civil commotion and radioactive
c) Your dog is, or is crossed with, a Pit Bull contamination – all sections of your policy
Terrier, Dogo Argentino, Perro De Presa Canario, do not cover:
Dogo Canario, Japanese Tosa, Fila Brasileiro, a) Any loss or damage caused by, or resulting from,
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog, Saarloos Wolfhound/ war of any nature, including but not limited to war,
Wolfdog or any wolf hybrid. invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities and
d) Your dog must be registered under the Dangerous warlike actions (whether war be declared or not)
Dogs Act 1991, the Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) and civil war.
Act 1997 or any further amendments to this Act. b) Any loss or damage caused by, or resulting
2. Laws and regulations - all sections of your policy from, rebellion, riot, revolution, nationalization,
do not cover: confiscation, expropriation, deprivation, requisition,
a) Any amount if you break the UK laws or insurrection, civil commotion assuming to
regulations, including those relating to animal proportion of or amounting to an uprising and
health or importation. military or usurped power.
b) Any amount if a government or another official c) Any loss or damage caused by, or resulting from,
body orders that your pet must be vaccinated any act of terrorism. An act of terrorism is any act
against an illness as part of a compulsory mass of persons acting on behalf of, or in connection
vaccination programme. We will not pay any with, any organisation which carries out activities
costs relating to the vaccination itself or any directed towards the overthrowing or influencing,
complications that happen due to the procedure by force or violence, of Her Majesty’s government
taking place. For the purpose of this insurance, in the United Kingdom or any other government de
‘a mass vaccination programme’ means a jure or de facto.
programme of the compulsory vaccination of a d) Any loss or damage caused by, or resulting from,
species, or a selected group within a species, ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity
with the aim of protecting that group, people or from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste,
other animals from an illness or another risk. from combustion of nuclear fuel, the radioactive,
c) Any amount if your pet is confiscated or destroyed toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of
by government or public authorities or under any nuclear assembly or nuclear component of
the Animals Act 1971 United Kingdom because such assembly.
it was worrying livestock. This includes any further 4. All sections of your policy do not cover any amount
amendments to this Act. that results from a disease transmitted from animals to
d) Any costs caused because the Department for humans.
Fraud increases your premium and the premiums of all ‘Void your policy’ means we will cancel your policy from
policyholders. If you: the date the fraud occurred. If we take this action you must
• Provide us with false information, repay us any claim payments that we have made from the
• Make a false or exaggerated claim with us, or date the fraud occurred; this is regardless of whether or
• Make any claim with us which involves your dishonesty, not all of the claims were fraudulent. If any other insurer
We will not pay your claim and we can void your policy, asks if you have had a policy void, you need to tell them
inform the relevant authorities/other organisations and that your policy with us was void. If you do not, this can
record the details on anti-fraud databases. If we pay a invalidate any insurance policy you hold with any insurer
claim and subsequently find the claim was fraudulent, you who asks.
must repay us the full amount.
It’s distressing when a much loved pet is ill or injured so we do all we can to make the claims process as quick and easy
as possible. There’s lots of useful information on our website where you can download a claim form or
track the progress of an existing claim at your convenience. This section tells you what you need to send us if you claim.
Don’t forget, if you have a valid claim under the Veterinary Fees section we can usually pay the veterinary practice direct.
Getting a claim form after this time will not be covered by the policy. If treatment
• Most claim forms can be downloaded from our website is ongoing you must make sure that claims are sent to us at least once every 12 months. For all other sections of
• Most veterinary practices will have a supply of Veterinary cover, you can find out when you need to submit a claim
Fees claim forms and some are able to submit them by reading the ‘Conditions’ part of that section.
electronically. You need to tell us about any incidents that could lead
• If you would like us to send you a claim form please to a Third Party Liability claim
contact us. If an incident happens that could lead to a Third Party
When you need to send us your Veterinary Fees and Liability claim you must call to tell us about it as soon as
Complementary Treatment claims possible. You must do this even if you don’t believe that a
You must send us your Veterinary Fees and/or claim will be made against you at the time. Details of what
Complementary Treatment claim(s) no later than one year you need to do if an incident happens can be found in
after your pet received treatment. Any claims received ‘Conditions for Third Party Liability’ point 2, on page 16. 19
How to make a claim
It’s easy to make a claim with Petplan. Simply send us your completed claim form along with the supporting
documentation listed below. Please make sure your claim form is completed fully by both you and if applicable your
vet, as we need this information in order to process your claim. If any information is missing, we will return the claim
form to you which will unfortunately delay your claim. Your insurance does not cover any charges made for the
completion of claim forms or the cost of any supporting documentation needed as part of your claim.
The supporting documentation you need to send with your claim form
Veterinary Fees and/or For both sections of cover, the veterinary practice must complete the relevant
Complementary Treatment section of the claim form.
Please send us:
• The invoices from the veterinary practice or therapist which show what you are
claiming for.
• If it’s the first claim you are making for your pet - his/her full clinical history. This
is a record of all visits your pet has made to a vet and can be obtained from
each veterinary practice your pet has attended. We can also require this if you
submit claims for certain conditions but will let you know if this is needed once
we have received your claim form.
• For Veterinary Fees when your pet is outside the UK - the booking invoice for
your journey or any other official documents which show the dates of your
Death from Injury or Please send us:
Death from Illness • The purchase receipt from when you bought your pet.
• If your pet is a pedigree, a copy of the pedigree certificate
• The death certificate from your vet – this isn’t needed if you are submitting
a Veterinary Fees claim for the illness/injury that caused your pet’s death.
Theft or Straying and/or You must phone us on 0345 074 4406 for the approval of any reward before
Advertising and Reward you advertise it.
Please send us evidence showing:
• The advertising carried out to try and find your pet.
• The police or relevant authority being notified within 24hrs of your pet going
missing (only needed for cats if you believe he/she was stolen).
• The relevant party being notified within 5 days of your pet going missing. If
your pet is microchipped, this is the microchip provider. If your pet is not
microchipped, this is at least one veterinary practice in the area where he/she
went missing.
For theft or straying please also send us:
• The purchase receipt from when you bought your pet and if your pet is a
pedigree, the original pedigree certificate. These must be the originals (copies
will not be accepted) and if the claim is paid, these documents will not be
returned to you.
• If you do not have a purchase receipt OR we have not paid a Veterinary Fees
or Complementary Treatment claim under the policy – your pet’s full clinical
history and a recent photograph of you and your pet.
For advertising and reward please also send us:
• The invoices and receipts to show the costs you are claiming for.
• If a reward has been given - a receipt giving the full name, address, telephone
number, email address and the signature of, the person who found your pet.
• If the loss or theft happened outside the UK - the booking invoice or another
official document to show the dates of your journey and evidence showing the
loss was reported to the police or operator.
Third Party Liability • If an incident happens that could lead to a Third Party Liability claim you must
call to tell us about the incident as soon as possible, even if you don’t
believe a claim will be made against you at the time. Our specialist liability team
are available on 01483 218 782 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, excluding Bank
Holidays (outside these times please contact us on 0345 071 8000).
• You need to send us all correspondence, writs, summons or any other legal
documents as soon as you receive them. You or any other person must not
respond to any of these documents.
• If you or any other person are advised of any prosecution, inquest or enquiry
which could lead to a claim under this section, you must tell us as soon as
Boarding Fees Your doctor/consultant and the owner of the boarding establishment (if one has
been used) must complete the relevant section(s) of the claim form.
Please send us:
• The invoice from the boarding establishment or written confirmation from the
person looking after your pet showing the dates and daily cost of boarding.
Making a complaint
Our aim is to get it right, first time, every time. If we If you do not refer your complaint in time, the
make a mistake we will try to put it right straight away. Ombudsman will not have our permission to consider
If we are unable to, we will confirm we have received your complaint and so will only be able to do so in very
your complaint within five working days and do our best limited circumstances. For example, if the Ombudsman
to resolve the problem within 4 weeks. If we cannot we believes that the delay was as a result of exceptional
will let you know when an answer may be expected. If circumstances.
we have not resolved the situation within eight weeks The Financial Ombudsman Service,
we will issue you with information about the Financial Exchange Tower,
Ombudsman Service (FOS) which offers a free, London E14 9SR
independent complaints resolution service. If you have Website:
a complaint please contact our Customer Satisfaction
Telephone: 0800 0234567 or 0300 1239123
Manager at:
Email: [email protected]
Great West House (GW2), The European Commission has an online dispute
Great West Road, resolution service for consumers who have a complaint
Brentford, about a product or service bought online. If you choose
Middlesex to submit your complaint this way it will be forwarded to
TW8 9DX United Kingdom the Financial Ombudsman Service. Visit
to access the Online Dispute Resolution Service. Please
Email [email protected]
quote our e-mail address: [email protected].
Phone 0345 026 1985 Alternatively, you can contact the Financial Ombudsman
You have the right to refer your complaint to the Service directly.
Financial Ombudsman, free of charge - but you Using our complaints procedure or referral to the Financial
must do so within six months of the date of the final Ombudsman Service does not affect your legal rights.
response letter.
In the Fair Processing Notice below you’ll see that Allianz is mentioned. Petplan is a
subsidiary of Allianz Insurance plc and where we refer to ‘we’ ‘us’ and ‘our’ it means Petplan
and Allianz Insurance plc.
How to contact us
BY EMAIL [email protected]
Petplan is a trading name of Pet Plan Limited who administer the cover and Allianz Insurance plc who provide and underwrite the cover. Pet Plan Limited
(Registered in England No. 1282939) is a subsidiary of Allianz Insurance plc (Registered in England No. 84638). Registered office address: 57 Ladymead,
Guildford, Surrey GU1 1DB, United Kingdom.
Pet Plan Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Financial Services Register No. 311969. Allianz Insurance plc is
authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Financial
Services Register No. 121849. Petplan’s trading address is: Great West House (GW2), Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex TW8 9DX.