Essential Information: Financial Sanctions
Essential Information: Financial Sanctions
Essential Information: Financial Sanctions
Financial Sanctions If your pet needs to be treated by a referral vet, your usual vet will let
Please note that Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc is unable to provide you know which vet from our preferred referral vet network is closest to
insurance in circumstances where to do so would be in breach of any you. If you choose a referral vet from outside our network, you’ll need
financial sanctions imposed by the United Nations or any government, to pay £200 of the referral vet bill yourself. This amount is in addition
governmental or judicial body or regulatory agency. to your policy excess. If your pet needs emergency treatment because
Full details will be provided in your policy documentation. without it they could die or suffer health problems now or in the future,
you won’t have to pay the additional £200 excess regardless of which
The Law and Language that applies to your policy referral vet you visit.
Both you and we may choose the law which applies to this contract.
However, unless you and we agree otherwise, the law which applies is Making a complaint
the law applicable in the part of the United Kingdom, Channel Islands If you think that we haven’t given you the service you expected, we’d
or the Isle of Man in which you live. Full details will be provided in like you to let us know so that we can try to put things right. If you’re
your policy documentation. The language used in this policy and any not happy you should contact the person that set up the policy for
communications relating to it will be English. you or contact us using the address shown in your documentation.
If they’re not able to resolve the complaint for you they’ll contact our
Are you protected if we go out of business? Customer Relations team to look into your concerns on behalf of our
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc is a member of the Financial Chief Executive. If they can’t resolve your complaint they’ll let you have
Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). This provides compensation written confirmation of our final response so you can refer the matter
if any member goes out of business or into liquidation and is unable to the Financial Ombudsman if you’d like to do so. This won’t affect
to meet any valid claims against its policies. You may be able to claim your right to take legal action.
compensation if we can’t meet our obligations but this will depend on
the claim. If you want more information on the compensation scheme
Customer Financial
you can contact FSCS.
Relations Team Ombudsman Service
Cancelling your policy
PO Box 255 Exchange Tower
Once you’ve read your policy, if you don’t want to go ahead with the Wymondham London
insurance and this is your first year with us, you’ll have 14 days from the
NR18 8DP E14 9SR
day you receive the policy documentation to let us know. If you’re due
to renew your cover then the 14 days starts from your renewal date.
Once we know that you’d like to cancel, we’ll refund any payments About us
you’ve already made unless you’ve made a claim in the current period Tesco Bank Pet Insurance is arranged, administered and underwritten
of insurance. You can also cancel your policy at any time after the first by Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance plc.
14 days and we’ll refund you for any payments you’ve already made for
the time you have left on your insurance if: Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc, is authorised by the Prudential
• You haven’t made a claim, or Regulation Authority as an insurance company and is regulated by
• You’ve only made a claim because your pet was stolen or lost or the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority.
they passed away. It is authorised to sell and administer insurance contracts under
Registration No. 202323. You can check this on the Financial Services
If we need to cancel your policy we’ll write to you at least 14 days before Register by visiting the FCA’s website
the cancellation date, using the address we currently have on record.
If we cancel your policy we may refund you for payments you’ve Tesco Bank is a trading name of Tesco Personal Finance plc. Tesco
already made to us for the time you have left on your insurance, Personal Finance plc. Registered in Scotland No. SC173199. Registered
provided you’ve not made a claim. Office: 2 South Gyle Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 9FQ. Authorised by
the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial
How to renew your policy Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
We’ll contact you before your policy is due to renew each year, to let
you know the price and terms and conditions that will apply for the Tesco Bank will not charge you a fee for their services. Tesco Bank
following year. If you’d like to make changes or cancel the cover, receives a commission from Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc in
please let us know before the renewal date. relation to any insurance policy Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc
arrange for Tesco Bank. A percentage of the premium you pay is given
Unless you advise us before the renewal date that you wish to cancel to Tesco Bank. Tesco Bank may also receive a share of the profit from
your cover, the policy will automatically renew if you pay by Direct these policies, if Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc calculates that a
Debit, or we’ll collect your annual premium by credit/debit card if profit has been made.
you’ve previously given us permission to keep your payment details
on file. Tesco Bank only offer pet insurance from Royal & Sun Alliance
Insurance plc.
If you normally contact us to pay for your policy once a year, then you’ll
need to do this before the renewal date to pay the premium and renew
your cover.
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