Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter
Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter
Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter
Keywords: We have investigated the electronic properties of heterostructures MoS2-ReS2 and ReS2-MoS2 with hybrid density
Band structure engineering functional theory. Contrary to the reported work, we found that ReS2 is an indirect band gap semiconductor
Type-I and type-II band alignments material in the 2H phase, in good agreement with experimental work. Furthermore, the calculated charge density
ReS2-MoS2 and MoS2-ReS2 monolayers
profile and weighted bands show that MoS2-ReS2 heterostructures have type-II band alignment whereas ReS2-
Density functional theory
MoS2 have type-I band alignment with indirect band gaps, which are in good agreement with the literature. In
MoS2-ReS2 heterostructures, both electrons and holes were positioned in ReS2 layer in the form of an exciton,
while in ReS2-MoS2 the electrons and holes were located in different layers which separated the electrons and
holes into two different regions. The former heterostructure material is useful to the photovoltaic devices and the
later is for the application of optoelectronic devices.
* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S.U. Rehman), [email protected] (Z. Ling).
Received 5 September 2019; Received in revised form 13 October 2019; Accepted 21 October 2019
Available online 25 October 2019
0921-4526/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Saeed et al. Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter 577 (2020) 411809
M. Saeed et al. Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter 577 (2020) 411809
(a ¼ b ¼ 3.15 Å), bond lengths (Mo–S ¼ 2.40 Å, Re–S ¼ 2.41 Å). Further, electronic structure of a material, because it always underestimates the
to understand the relative stability of the ReS2-MoS2 and MoS2-ReS2 band gap value. We also include the Van der Waals interactions in our
heterostructures the binding energy, Eb can be calculated by the differ calculation. In contrast to the previous study, we find that the electronic
ence in the total energy of the heterostructure and their components. properties of ReS2 are much more complex than either of the studies
The binding energy formula of ReS2-MoS2 and MoS2-ReS2 hetero they claim. Our analysis on the electronic properties shows that bulk
structures can be defined as ReS2 have an indirect band gap of 1.4eV.
In fact, like the three-dimensional (3D) crystalline materials which
Eb ¼ EMoS2 EMoS2 EReS2 (1)
exit in hexagonal (wurtzite structure) and in zinc blende (cubic struc
ture), every 2D materials exist in two phases i.e. 2H-phase and 1T-phase
Eb ¼ EReS2 EReS2 EMoS2 (2)
but ReS2 can be also crystallized in distorted 1T (Td) phase. In the
Equation (1) represents MoS2-ReS2 while Equation (2) represents previous work, the researchers consider mostly 1T phase of ReS2 or
ReS2-MoS2 heterostructures. Where EMoS2 ReS2 and EReS2 MoS2 represent distorted 1T with Td symmetry, no attention has been made to the 2H
the total energies of ReS2-MoS2 and MoS2-ReS2 heterostructures per unit phase of ReS2 which is the solution to all the above conflicting results.
cell EMoS2 and EReS2 are the total energies per unit cell of the individual The first principle calculation with the semi-local functional GGA-PBE
layers. The calculated binding energies are 0.31, 0.32, 0.34, and on all the three structures has shown that it is metallic in both 1H-
0.37eV for ReS2, MoS2, MoS2-ReS2 and ReS2-MoS2, respectively. phase and also in 1T phase. Their calculation shows that ReS2 are
Where the negative binding energies of the heterostructures confirm found to be semiconductor only in distorted 1T (Td) structure. However,
that the two heterostructures are energetically stable. The binding en the results with 1T phase were recently confirmed by hybrid density
ergy of MoS2-ReS2 is lower than ReS2-MoS2 monolayer heterostructures functional theory and found that it is a semiconductor with direct band
which indicate that the MoS2-ReS2 heterostructure is comparatively gap material [38]. While our calculations are performed in 2H-phase
more stable than ReS2-MoS2. with triclinic symmetry (space group P1) of ReS2 and we also find by
To check the stability of ReS2-MoS2 and MoS2-ReS2 monolayer het the HSE06 calculation that ReS2 is an indirect semiconductor material as
erostructures in the terms of electronic charge distribution, the 3D shown in Fig. 3. This single layer crystal structure is already grown in the
charge density was calculated by subtracting the electronic charge of experiment [39]. Our GGA-PBE and HSE06 results show that ReS2
ReS2-MoS2 and MoS2-ReS2 heterostructures from their corresponding monolayer has an indirect band gap of 1.4eV which is a quiet agreement
pristine monolayers i.e. MoS2 and ReS2. Fig. 1(a) shows that there is no with the experiment both the band gap value and its indirect nature [33,
charge transfer at the interface of ReS2-MoS2 and hence the hetero 34,39].
structures is less stable because of no strong binding between the two Furthermore, the band structures illustrated in Fig. 4 shows that the
monolayers. On the other hand, the charge density is spread at the heterostructures ReS2-MoS2 and MoS2-ReS2 found to be indirect band
interface for MoS2-ReS2 which confirm strong binding between MoS2 gap semiconductor materials. Normally, the semi-local functional such
and ReS2 and hence MoS2-ReS2 is stable than ReS2-MoS2 hetrostructure. as GGA-PBE underestimates the band gaps; thus, the HSE06 Functional
is adopted as it already demonstrated that HSE06 functional offers more
3.1. Electronic properties precise value of band gap in term of experimental observation [40]. The
band structures presented in Figs. 4 and 5 represent the indirect band
The electronic band structure calculations were performed using gap nature of MoS2-ReS2 and ReS2-MoS2 monolayer heterostructures,
HSE06 functional to study the nature of the energy gap and their direct respectively. The reason for the indirect band gap in these two hetero
and indirect behavior in ReS2, ReS2-MoS2, and MoS2-ReS2 monolayer structures is due to the ReS2 which have dominated indirect band gap
heterostructure. All direct band gap semiconductor materials including behavior in the bulk part in the 2H-phase. Our results are also in line
their heterostructure can show novelty to the optoelectronic devices. For with the other theoretical work that type-II band alignment often have
the 2D semiconductor materials, the band gap is direct only when their an indirect band gap (see Fig. 6).
thickness is reduced to the monolayer levels because of quantum To understand the physics of different band alignment, localization,
confinement occur at this level. Bulk ReS2 is the only material which has and delocalization of electrons and holes, we further investigate the
a direct band gap in their bulk counterpart as investigated by recent CBM (electrons) and VBM (holes) for both ReS2-MoS2 and MoS2-ReS2
experimental reports and therefore attracts considerable attention [5]. monolayer heterostructures. The CBM and VBM are investigated in the
However, the situation is now uncertain because even more recent term of weighted bands as shown in Fig. 6. In the first part (top) of Fig. 6,
studies of photoluminescence (PL) and reflectivity contrast measure it is clear from the weighted band diagram of ReS2-MoS2 heterostructure
ments have reported the observation of an optimal transition in bulk that there is a strong contribution of orbitals to the VBM (holes) and no
ReS2 having indirect character and lower energy than the associated to contribution to the CBM (electrons) mentioned i.e. CBM is unaffected.
the direct [33]. Another report found the value of the band gap is This contribution to the VBM at the L point is due to the d3z2 r2 atomic
1.41eV, lower than the 1.5eV direct optimal transition, however, it is in orbital of molybdenum (Mo). In the second part (bottom) the
good agreement with the energy of the indirect optimal transition,
providing independent confirmations that bulk ReS2 is an indirect band
gap semiconductor and have the same property as other two dimen
4 (a) 4
sional semiconductor materials (e.g., MoS2, WSe2, etc) have in their bulk
counterpart [34]. They have reported that ReS2 requires detailed
2 2
research in relation to feasible optoelectronic applications. Other
Energy (eV)
Energy (eV)
M. Saeed et al. Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter 577 (2020) 411809
4 (a)
4 (b)
Energy (eV)
2 2
Energy (eV)
0 0
-2 -2
-4 -4
Fig. 4. Band structures of ReS2-MoS2 monolayer hetrostructures GGA-PBE (a) HSE06 (b).
pairs. Since such type of contribution to the CBM and VBM from
4 4 (b) different monolayers gives type-II band alignment nature to the ReS2-
MoS2 heterostructure. This is also observed experimentally in such type
2 2 of ReS2-MoS2 monolayer heterostructures so our findings are in good
Energy (eV)
Energy (eV)
agreement with the literature [20]. This Type-II band alignment can
0 0 make the charge carriers (electrons) to freely move over the hetero
structure interface and hence the heterostructure becomes n-type
-2 -2 semiconductor which in turn can be used for the application to the
n-type transistors. Recently, different strategies are adopted to bring the
-4 -4
type-II band alignment in many other different heterostructure mate
L L rials. For example, the direct evidence of the type-II band alignment in
ZnO-nanorods/Poly(hexylthiophene) heterostructure makes it very
Fig. 5. Band structures of MoS2- ReS2 monolayer hetrostructures GGA-PBE (a) useful for the realization of the underpinned mechanism of the devel
HSE06 (b). oped optoelectronic devices.24 The formation of type-II band alignment
in novel heterostructures of functionalizing M-xene makes it a potential
candidate for the photocatalytic, photonic and solar energy conversion
[41]. Similarly, many other novel type-II materials have been reported
for different application from optoelectronic to photovoltaic [21–25].
On the other hand, the VBM at the L-point is contributed by the Mo-
d3z2 r2 orbital and the CBM at the same symmetry point is also
contributed by Mo-d3z2 r2 orbital, hence the heterostructures MoS2-ReS2
keeps a type-I band alignment in better agreement with the literature
[20]. In type-I band alignment both CBM and VBM are located in the
same material with the narrower band gap. Electrons and holes excited
in the wide band gap material transfer to the narrow band gap material
in the form of exaction. The quantum confinement of electrons and holes
in the same region facilitates their radiative recombination, which is
desirable in LEDs application [20]. As we have already discussed that
only six kinds of heterostuctures of the monolayer are investigated and
these six kinds of heterostuctures materials have type-II band alignment
[19]. Since the type-I band alignment determination in monolayer het
erostructure is a unique property which controls the electrons in the thin
monolayers. Such an alignment can provide the hetrostructure a new
way to the application of light emitting devices and to study
electron-hole pairs (excitons) across the van der Waals interface.
Therefore, the researchers using a different technique such as strain
engineering and quantum confinement to bring the type-I band align
ment to obtain such kind of alignment.
M. Saeed et al. Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter 577 (2020) 411809
Fig. 10. PDOS for the d orbital of Mo and Re in MoS2 -ReS2 Monolayer
M. Saeed et al. Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter 577 (2020) 411809
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