Lubrication and Friction

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Lubrication and friction

Luis Gómez
Ingeniería Mecánica, Universidad Santo Tomás
Bogotá, Colombia
[email protected]

ABSTRACT each surface on the other. The part that is tangent to the
contacting surfaces is called the frictional force, which
When two solid bodies rub against each other, there is resists the relative motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers,
considerable resistance to movement regardless of how and material elements sliding against each other. There
polished the surfaces are. The resistance is due to the are several types of friction, among which dry friction
abrasive action of the microscopic edges and projections. describes the reaction between two solid bodies in contact
Enough energy to overcome this friction is dissipated as with each other when they are in motion (kinetic friction)
heat and wear on moving parts. When using metal parts, it and when they are not (static friction) [7].
is necessary to use additional substances to reduce friction
between the two surfaces in contact. These substances are Damage caused by the wear of parts in industrial
called lubricants. Lubrication is to interpose a lubricating equipment, continuously leads to the replacement of parts
agent between two elements in contact with a certain in the machinery, causing generally long production
relative movement. This lubricant aims to reduce friction downtimes. For this reason, undertaking serious studies
and the temperature of the elements in contact. related to the issue of wear and tear, adopting an adequate
working method, allows foreseeing future equipment
I. INTRODUCCIÓN failures, thereby preserving productivity, industrial safety,
and the reduction of costs related to these issues. Among
In a system of mechanical components, friction is an the different types of wear that can act on mechanical
unavoidable phenomenon, it will always be present,
parts (abrasion, erosion, sliding, fretting, among many
generating drawbacks that can lead to higher energy
consumption together with progressive material wear. others [8].
These aspects directly affect work performance and the
useful life of the machines [1][2]. Therefore, to extend The useful life of mechanical components is determined,
fault-free operation time and also reduce material and in large part, by the quality and efficiency of the
energy losses, it is essential to know the friction state of lubrication system. Since, without a good system that
the machines. helps to reduce friction and wear, damage to machine
components will be imminent. Below are some of the
It is known that friction is characterized by some wear that occurs due to friction on mechanical
tribological characteristics, such as torque friction [3] components.
friction coefficient, and oil film thickness [4] etc.
However, in real mechanical systems, it is difficult to Fatigue wear
predict and obtain data for these parameters, mainly The processes of wear by contact fatigue occur due to the
because of current limitations in measurement methods. succession of repeated loads that can cause surface failure
and detachment of metal fragments [9]. These produce
Energy consumption in mechanical systems has become
much more important, due to the search for improvement micro-cracks on the surface that spread and eventually
in the efficiency and performance of these systems, detach microscopic pieces of metal. The most common
becoming a major concern for the industry [5]. Bearing types of superficial fatigue are micropitting and pitting or
manufacturers have been the most advanced in this macropitting (visible to the human eye) [10].
research and development, seeking to improve bearing Adhesive wear
designs to reduce the loss of power generated, energy Another type of wear that occurs on surfaces, especially
consumption, operating temperatures, and lubrication
gear teeth involves displacement or removal of material
conditions achieving a lower environmental impact [6].
Given these reasons, it has become the main objective of due to mechanical or chemical actions [9]. In these cases,
lubricant manufacturers to develop products that extend adhesive wear occurs, due to the fact that it presents a
the life of bearings along with dissipated energy. transfer of material from one tooth to another due to the
material tear. This occurs on contact surfaces, where
II. FRICTION surface imperfections wear away. Depending on the type
of wear, some subtypes such as scuffing, frosting, or
Friction is a common phenomenon in nature. When
seizing are considered [10].
two surfaces come into contact, forces are produced by
solid lubricants such as graphite, molybdenum sulfide, or
Abrasive wear talocyanins. Generally, a lubricant is made up of a base
The main cause of abrasive wear is the contact of one and additives [13]. The base provides the base properties
surface with the other or with an external solid and the additives tailor the properties to the specific
contaminant: dust, rust, machining chips, or other requirements of the application. Two lubricants with
contaminants. This contact causes scratching of the different applications may have the same base and differ
surfaces and is visually presented in the form of polishing in additives. When a lubricant is designed, it is done
or parallel scratching. Depending on the origin of the with the objective of exceeding certain specifications,
contact - the other surface or an external contaminant - it which usually include laboratory tests [14].
can be divided into abrasive wear of two or three bodies,
respectively [9] [10]. Additives for lubricants
A phenomenon of adhesive wear occurs due to lack of Additives are chemical products that intervene in the
lubrication causing the generated particles to remain formulation of a lubricant to improve or reinforce their
between the surfaces [4], as they are not dragged out of properties [13]. Thanks to the additives, the lubricating
them. This, in turn, generates three-body abrasive wear, oils have acquired the properties with which we know
resulting in the generation of more particles [7]. them today.
Additives serve two purposes:
Corrosion wear • Protect the metal surface and
This type of fairly frequent wear, a consequence of • Improve the properties of the base oil.
corrosion, is caused by environmental conditions, Additives are classified according to the function they
generating detachment of particles from the surfaces in perform in the following types:
contact [9] [10]. • Viscosity index improvers
• Freezing point depressants (flow point
• Antioxidants
At an industrial level, lubrication is quite an important • Corrosion inhibitors
issue to ensure the reliability and availability of different • Dispersants
equipment. All mechanical systems require lubrication, • Anti-foaming agents and
since they are susceptible to tribological mechanical
• Lubrication improvers
failures, due to the constant wear and tear that
components can suffer [9][11]. The lubricant must be changed periodically when
The oil, by means of its physicochemical characteristics, recommended by the manufacturer [12], it must be taken
the effect of the viscosity and speed ratio is specific, it into account to replace the oil filter in the same
generates a pressure that separates the sliding surfaces, operation, which plays an important role in cleaning it
forming the so-called “hydrodynamic wedge” with a [5].
thickness of between 1 or 2 microns to manage to
completely separate both parts [10]. IV. CONCLUSIONS
The useful life of the mechanical elements is determined It is important to identify how the friction is generated
by adequate lubrication. Without good control over
by two surfaces, mainly in mechanical components, on
friction wear, mechanisms can be seriously damaged
over time [11]. which to generate wear that affects their performance
and damage. Given this, it has been important to identify
IV. LUBRICANTS the different types of wear generated by friction to solve
A lubricant is a substance capable of reducing friction As a solution to prevent and reduce friction wear,
between two surfaces that are in contact, forming a thin, science has developed lubricants to reduce friction
thin layer of fluid, avoiding direct contact, and allowing damage and extend the life of these components.
their deterioration to be as minimal as possible. According to the needs of the industry, special additives
The main characteristics of these oils are to allow the have been implemented for lubricants, providing them
evacuation of impurities, reinforcement of with specific properties to meet these needs, due to this
impermeability, and a good conductor of heat, allowing there is a great diversity in lubricants.
the efficient transmission and dissipation of heat, cooling
the components to avoid deformations [12]. REFERENCES
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