220kV Substation, Nawbasta, Kanpur: by Ishank Ranjan 1006421033
220kV Substation, Nawbasta, Kanpur: by Ishank Ranjan 1006421033
220kV Substation, Nawbasta, Kanpur: by Ishank Ranjan 1006421033
Ishank Ranjan
An Electrical Substation is a subsidiary
station of an electricity Generation ,
Transmission And Distribution System
where voltage is transformed high to low
or reverse using transformer.
Examples of Substation:-
400kV/220kV substation
220kV/132kV substation
132kV/33kV substation
33kV/11kV substation
33kV/.4kV substation
220kV Substation
It is devided into two(2) parts:-
A. Panel Section
A. Control Panel Section
B. Relay and Protection Panel Section
B. Switch Yard
A. 220kV Section
B. 132kV section
C. 33kV section
C. Battery Room (Extra)
A. Panel Section
It is a room which contains all types of
It has two sections:-
Control Panel Section
It contain panels related to controlling of
instruments. E.g.:- feeder panel, X-mer panel,
Relay And Protection Panel Section
It contains panels related to relay systems and
protection systems. E.g.:- Relay panel, line
protection panel, etc.
B. Switch Yard
It is the field where components used
in controlling supply and measuring
supply(incoming and outgoing) are
Some of these many components
220kV Substation ,Kanpur
Incoming line
220 kV from(i) Bhauti {PGCIL}
Outgoing lines
132kV to (i) Krishna Nagar
33kV to (i) Harish Ganj
220kV Section
It works on 220kV.
There are two bus bars in which one is
main bus and the other is transfer bus
of 220kV.
It has two 220kV incoming feeders i.e.
From PGCIL ,Bhauti and Fatehpur.
The incoming 220kV line is from the
Northern Grid.
132kV Section
It works on132kV.
It has two buses i.e. Transfer Bus and
Main Bus.
220kV voltage is converted to 132kV
voltage using a 160MVA transformer.
In other words it is 220kV /132kV
This line is directly feded to many
industries like LML , etc.
33kV Section
This section works on 33kV.
It has three feeders of 33 kV.
One from 63 MVA transformer and
two from 40 MVA transformer.
132kV/33 kV conversion is done using
63MVA transformer and two 40MVA
In other words it is 132kV / 33kV
Important Terms
Tripping – Power goes due to over load . It is
for the protection of components.
Shut down – Power is cut due to
maintenance in progress. It is done
Break down – Power goes due to any fault in
the line. When fault is removed , power is
Rosting – Power is cut deliberately on order
of higher authority due to shortage of
One must have never thought that so
many things are required for just
switching on a television or a refrigerator
or say an electric trimmer. The three
wing of electrical system viz.
Generation, transmission and
distribution are connected to each other
and that too very perfectly. Lots of
labour, capital and infrastructure is
involved in the system just to have a
single phase,220V,50Hz power supply at
our houses.
At last I would say...