Create Calculated Fields in Access 2010
Create Calculated Fields in Access 2010
Create Calculated Fields in Access 2010
MS Office
8 Comm ents
In Access 2010, you can manipulate data fields in many ways by applying constraints, changing data types,
creating relationships and so on, but creating Calculated fields would be of great use, as you can easily
calculate field values based on other field’s data in real time. In this post we will guide you through the
procedure of creating a Calculated field, which will take values from other fields to evaluate result.
To start out with creating calculated fields, launch Access 2010, navigate to Create tab and click Table.
We will be making a simple Marks table, carrying marks of students in different courses and Total field,
containing total marks. For this right-click Table1, and click Design View.
Enter an appropriate name of table name and click OK.
Start entering field names, i.e, name of courses and under Data Type, click drop-down button to select Number
as data type.
Change data types of each course field to Number, except of ID (which is unique identifier) and Total field.
Under Total data type list options, select Calculated.
It will bring-up Expression Builder dialog. For illustration we will be adding all the marks secured in different
fields in Total field. For this start entering all the field names enclosed in square brackets, separated by plus
sign. Click OK to continue.
Now close the marks field and save the changes made. From navigation pane, double click the table to open it
in datasheet view. Start entering marks obtained and you will see that the on filing out one complete record,
Total field will add up marks obtained in corresponding record.
You can also check out previously reviewed guides on How to export Access 2010 table to XML Data
file & How to Export database Table to Plain Text in Access 2010.
Create Calculated Field in Pivot Table [Excel 2010]
Insert “Quick Fields” In Access 2010 Database Table
Create Hyperlink Field In Access 2010
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