Speak or Talk Borrow and Lend

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Speak: Lend:
- used with languages. - it’s the action of giving
-it usually expresses the action something to someone, like
a person addresses
_______ severaltolanguages.
a group. money or things for example.
a) speaks b)talks c)both 1. Could you _______ me some money
2. He _______ for about an hour. until
-it’s thethe weekend,
action please?
of taking
a) spoketo express that 2 people
b)talked c)both a) borrow
something from someone b)lend
are having a conversation.
3. He _______ a lot of nonsense. 2. I must
money take back
or things the books I
for example.
-used with the
a) speaks expression c)both
b)talks _______
ex: I lend youfrom
20€.the library.
4. It was an interesting _______ Ia) lent
borrow 20€ b)borrowed
from you.
a) speak b)talk c)both 3. Could I _______ your phone? My
5. He’s always _______behind people’s battery’s dead.
backs. a) borrow b)lend
a) speaking b)talking c)both 4. Who did you _______ it from?
6. If it’s worrying you, you should a) borrow b)lend
_______ your mind. 5. Who did you _______it to?
a) speak b)talk c)both a) borrow b)lend
7. There’s a serious problem. I think 6. She asked me if she could
we should _______. ________ my camera for the party.
a) speak b)talk c)both a) borrow b)lend
8. We _______ things over and 7. She never paid me back the money
everything’s OK between us now. she _________ off me.
a) spoke b)talked c)both a) borrowedb)lent
9. It’s just_______, they will never 8. He _______ me his car for the
actually do it. weekend.
a) speak b)talk c)both a) borrowedb)lent
10. She _______in her sleep. 9. It’s raining- could I _______ an
a) speaks b)talksc)both umbrella.
a) borrow b)lend
10. The bank _______them the
money to buy it.
a) borrowedb)lent

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