Answer The Questions Correctly.: NAME: - DATE
Answer The Questions Correctly.: NAME: - DATE
Answer The Questions Correctly.: NAME: - DATE
2. I'd like to _____________ Debbie and talk 7. That is ______________ for me.
to her about this. a) Enough
a) Appoint b) Worse
b) Instead c) Certain
c) Get a hold of d) Already
d) Speak out loud
8. Among other things, he's the
3. __________________ so that all can hear ____________ of this property.
your voice. a) Worth
a) Speak out loud b) Thoughts
b) Instead c) Square
c) Doubt d) Owner
d) Figure this out
9. They made an _______________ to meet
4. What are you going to hide from me that I at six.
haven't __________ seen? a) Get a hold of
a) Enough b) Research
b) Lately c) Appointment
c) Thought d) Owner
d) Already
10. He was able to ___________ who the
5. It's always _________ trying. killer was pretty quickly.
a) Doubt a) Figure out
b) Already a) To get a hold of
c) Worth b) Doubt
d) Research c) Thought