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Numerology Life Path

Report for

Name at Birth: Amber Michelle Bailey

Commonly Used Name: Amber Michelle
Date of Birth: May 24, 1984

Astrology Answers
What is Numerology?
Numerology, at its most basic, is the study of numbers. By studying the numbers that are prominent in your life,
you can learn more about yourself and your destiny. Similarly to a music note, each number resonates on a
different frequency which brings a specific energy to your personality.

Every number has positive and negative traits, and (just like in music) some numbers are more harmonious
together than others. You can determine how compatible people are, which careers will work out well, and how
to relate to others through numerology.

Numerology dates back thousands of years. For example, if you study the Hebrew Kabbalah you'll see the 'tree of
life' and its paths are full of numerological significance. Numerology isn't new, it's just gained in popularity and
exposure over the past century or so.

The study of numbers is probably one of the easiest of all the metaphysical skills to learn, because you don't need
any knowledge of archetypal images or astrological signs in order to get started. Numerology revolves around
the single digits 1 - 9, and the master numbers 11 and 22. You just need to know the profile and meaning of
these numbers.

Once you have an idea what those numbers mean, you can start working with your name and date of birth to find
out your strengths and challenges. Like any other discipline, the more you put into the study of numbers, the
more you'll get out of it. It doesn't take long at all to learn, but will take a lifetime to master.

Numerology experts calculate your personal numbers based on your date of birth and your name (including any
previous names or nicknames you might use). Then they look at how you can best navigate your way through
those numbers to find your highest happiness and your greatest success.

The Different Types of Numerology

A numerology profile always begins with your date of birth and your name. Your date of birth is calculated into
what's known as your Life Path Number (LPN). This number is one of the most important aspects-if not the most
essential part-of your personal numerology report.

Next, your name is used to provide you with your Expression Number, and your Heart's Desire Number. Your
expression number gives insight into your personality and how you come across to others. Your Heart's Desire
number reveals your innermost secrets and reasons that brought you to this incarnation.

Other numerological calculations will also look at the day of the month which you were born and how that
influences you. Some thorough numerologists even analyze the vowels, consonants, or initials of your name.
Name changes-if you're married-also play an important part in your numerology karma.

There is no one on Earth who was born at the same time as you who has the same name as you. You're very
unique and your numerology reflects that. It allows you to understand your uniqueness, so that you can make the
very best of your life.

What Will Numerology Do for You?

Knowing yourself is one of the rarest and most profound gifts you can give yourself. Numerology can help you to
understand who you are, and make the most of your strengths. It will allow you to accept your challenges and
turn them into growth. It will help you to find the most successful jobs and relationships.

In reading about the different aspects of yourself, you will find some contradictions; this is all part of the
process. Balancing these areas and making sense of them is what your soul agreed to do in this incarnation.

Understanding the purpose of your life is always made easier when you can see and understand the different
areas of your personality and your spirit that need reconciling. Numerology will help you to identify your

Numerology will teach you how to be your own best friend. It can be a mentor, a counselor, an advocate. It will
help you find the best dates to do things, and advise you when things are best postponed until a more opportune

Knowing someone else's numerology allows you to understand them at a core level, and choose how best to
associate with that person. Knowing yourself-and other people-through numerology will give you so many
advantages. We all need a guide; why not let your own unique numerological vibrations help you to reach your
full potential?

Life Path Numbers

The Life Path Number-Called LPN for short-is one of the core numbers in your numerology, and some
numerologists believe that it is the most important calculation. It is calculated using your full birthday. Yes,
someone who was born on the same date as you will have the same LPN, and yes, their life might be completely
different than yours. That's because they have a different name, and may have been raised in a different
environment. Numerology is much more than just a mathematical calculation; it's a vibration that resonates not
just with the numbers, but also with its surrounding.

Your LPN tells a lot about who you are. How it unfolds will depend largely on how you approach it. If you have a
negative mindset then the challenges will seem oppressing. If you have a positive mindset, then your life will be
full of opportunities to learn and grow. It show you where your talents lie, what your virtues are, and where you
might struggle with things. Just like it sounds, it teaches you what path you chose to take in this incarnation. It's
an outline for your life, a map for you to follow.

Knowing your LPN will help you to understand why you make the choices you make, and how you respond to the
people you meet and the situations that you encounter. It gives you direction and purpose, and shows you the
main reason that your soul took incarnation. No LPN is good or bad. Every LPN has strengths and challenges.
There is no LPN that is better than another.

When reading about your LPN, remember that it is a cycle. This number is with you from your first breath to
your last, and it will interact with all the other numbers in your numerology reading. It integrates with your
period cycles, and combines with the other calculations to weave your destiny. This is another reason why it is so
important; it is the foundation of who you are, your core vibration, the driving force behind all that you achieve.

Your Life Path Number: 6

Positive Traits: Kind, Compassionate, Nurturing
Negative Traits: Low Self-Esteem, Moody, Manipulative
Compatible Numbers: 2, 9
Suitable Careers: Caregiver, Teacher, Chef
Notable #6s: Michael Jackson, John Lennon, Steven Tyler, George W, Bush, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison

You feel responsible for caring for many people, often more than you should. You’re compassionate and caring,
but you’re so innately nurturing, that others might easily take advantage of your good nature.

Try to be objective, because it’s easy for you to get too involved in other people's life and drama. When that
happens, in your attempts to look after others and help them improve their situation, you often become a
meddler or enabler.

The Positive Traits

Whether you’re male or female, yours is the role of the caregiver. Nurturing comes second nature to you. Your
compassion knows few limits, and you’re genuinely interested in helping and pleasing people. You revel in being
of service to others.

Home and family are very important to you and you will go above and beyond what is expected of you to see that
your loved ones are taken care of. Others are drawn to your kind and sympathetic ways.

The Negative Traits

You need to be careful that you’re not putting people on pedestals. It’s easy for others to convince you that
they’re ‘larger than life,’ somehow, and in doing so, you become so captivated with them that you lose sight of
your own individuality.

You’re devoted to the service of others, but you sometimes have a misguided sense of loyalty. When the truth
comes out, you come crashing down and are hurt by how you’ve been treated. You also have a tendency to help
people too much, which makes them feel you’re interfering in their lives.

Relationship Guidance
Out of all the numbers, a 6 LPN is the one that is the most compatible with the others. This is because of your
innate desire to please people. You provide the anchor, sacrificing your own requirements and desires to please
your partner.

You work best with 2, because these people understand your compassion and will work with it, rather than using
you for their own gain. 9 is also a good match if you want someone to take the lead in the relationship. Seek out
an 8 or a 4, for they will provide well for your material needs. Even though you get along well with most
numbers, 3 and 5 are going to be the most challenging.

Career Guidance
You’re a good employee in most fields because yours is a path of service. You’ll look after your flock whether
you’re in a hospital, an office, or on a construction site. However, careers where you use your own interests and
talents to help to nurture others will bring you the greatest success.

A career in teaching, child care, nursing, cooking for people, gardening, looking after the land, farming,
veterinary service, public relations, human resources are all good paths for you. As long as you’re in a position
where you can care for others, you’ll be devoted to your colleagues and your job.
Financial Guidance
You’ll succeed as your own boss, because who nurtures better than you do? You see the bigger picture and the
end results and you’re not afraid to devote yourself to making it happen. You also enjoy your home and many 6s
have home-based businesses.

Money comes easily to you and you know how to look after it to make it work for you. Don’t get too caught up in
trying to make things perfect that you don’t move forward towards making your goals happen. Everyone makes
mistakes—even you!

Additional Information
Even though you often doubt your self-worth, you’re really capable of taking charge. Try to learn to overcome
your fear of failure, or that others won’t like you, and allow yourself the success that is waiting to find you.
People will always be critical of those in charge, so accept that and carry on. You’ll be much more successful if
you allow yourself to be put in charge of something than if you’re being told what to do.

Children with this life path number tend to grow up very quickly. Encourage them to play and stay innocent and
carefree for as long as possible. They will feel the weight of responsibility much younger than others. These kids
are perfectionists and may be bossy or controlling around others. Steered in the right direction, they have the
potential to be great leaders, and very successful in their chosen field.

Challenge Numbers
You come into this life with talents and skills, waiting for you to develop them. You also come into this life with a
set of lessons to learn and a set of challenges you need to master. These often manifest as things about yourself
that you, or others, may not find particularly attractive. No one's perfect, and perfection shouldn't be expected
from anyone. However, your shouldn't neglect your challenges. They're there to teach you about yourself, to give
you something to work towards mastering in this lifetime.

They're not something to fuss over, and you must not make them the main focus of your life. You should know
and accept that they are there, and that you're a work in progress. There's no excuse for ignoring what they have
to teach you. Some people think that the Karmic Debt Number is one of the most important parts of your
numerology reading. Your challenges are an integral part of what makes you who you are. They bring
determination and focus into your life.

They give you something on which to work, helping you to focus your goals and develop your integrity and inner
substance. The influence of your Challenge Number permeates through every aspect of your life. Working on
turning your challenges into your victories makes you a more well-rounded person. Throughout your life, you'll
have four main challenges. It may be the same one repeated in different ways, or it may be a different set of
lessons for you to learn. As complex and perhaps frustrating as this is, you must remember that this is what your
soul agreed to work on throughout this lifetime.

Your karmic lessons are part of your spiritual evolution. These lessons are likely to be very specific. You might
even see some of these challenges as divine intervention, depending on how the lessons present themselves.
Your life will take you to places, and put you in situations with different people so that you're able to rise to meet
these tasks. When you're willing to meet these challenges and open to what they have to teach, you can greatly
enhance your life and improve yourself. Even though they're labeled as 'challenges,' try to see them as loving
friends who are here to help you become a better person.
Unlike your Personal Year Number (which is calculated using your date of birth and the current calendar date),
or your Life Path (which is based only on your date of birth), the Challenge Numbers are not set dates or years.
They're not precise calculations. They weave in and out of your life, entering and leaving general phases and
time frames, rather than on exact dates. All of your challenges are with you when you come into this life, and at
the appropriate time, they will enter to teach you what you're here to learn.

The first challenge presents itself in the early part of your life. It's with you for several years, sometimes until
middle age. Before you're finished with it, though, the second challenge will make an appearance. It is usually
felt most intensely around the middle of your life, but again, there is no set date or hard rule as to when it will
start or end. The fourth and last challenge will begin around late midlife, and it will stay with you until the end of
your days.

It's the third Challenge Number that we're concerned with here because it's the one that is with you throughout
your entire lifetime. It's the main challenge of your incarnation, and it's pretty unique. It's the strongest of the
four challenge numbers and the one that will make itself known the most. Challenge Numbers are always going
to seem, well, challenging! However, their purpose in your life isn't to bring you down or create problems.
They're here to help you develop character. They're wonderful teachers, they're guides, they're mirrors into your
soul. Learn to work with them and appreciate them. They have wisdom to impart.

Your Challenge Number:

Your First Challenge Number: 1
You’re here to learn how to find your own sense of purpose and independence. You want to assert yourself, but
you feel controlled by others who are in authority. There’s a feeling that people (parents, teachers, bosses) are
overshadowing you.

You want to break away from this, but at the same time, these are the people who look after you in some way.
They’re influential and in the case of parents, a partner, or an employer; you depend on them in some way.

It’s hard to untangle this delicate balance. You have to find a way to stand up for yourself, but not alienate
others. It’s challenging to work out how to respect and admire someone, yet still, disagree with them! Not
everyone is going to like it or appreciate it when you make it clear that you want to start doing things for
yourself, yet this is what you’re being challenged to do. Pick your battles wisely.

There’s a fine line between asserting yourself and being aggressive, and that’s another angle of this challenge.
Any arrogant, self-involved, narcissistic tendencies have to dealt with now. It’s up to you to overcome them
completely so that they don’t negatively impact any progress that you’re making in all areas of your life.

There’s also a tendency for this challenge to bring some negative, self-destructive habits your way. Resentment
is a big issue. Anytime things don’t go your way you have a hard time hanging onto your temper. You’re here to
learn how to be gentler, not only with others but with yourself as well.

You’ll wrestle with feelings of insecurity. The more that there’s a chance you could be proven wrong, the more
you‘ll come out fighting. You require so much support and approval from others that it’s hard for you to make
your own decisions and act on your own desires.

Even when you’re wrong, you need to be right. It means that you could blame others, shirk your responsibilities,
or abandon projects before they’re complete. As far as you’re concerned, your opinions are facts and they’re not
up for discussion. It could give you a reputation for being a know-it-all, and could isolate you from the people
who can help you find your independence and get ahead in life.

The easiest way to work on developing both your independence and a sense of responsibility is to methodically
work through all issues that arise. Organization isn’t your strong point, but it will allow you more independence,
and that’s the main goal. Work through things logically and methodically and try to curb your impulses.

Once you’ve mastered a little self-control, you’ll be able to efficiently and logically work your way through your
problems. They won’t send you scattering like they used to do. Calmly use your intellect and reason your way out
of situations. Learn the difference between being aggressive and assertive. If you do this, you will win the
admiration of your peers and gain a reputation for being compelling, rather than overbearing.

Your Second Challenge Number: 2

2 crops up as a challenge number quite frequently, because it’s concerned with deepening your sensitivity. The
society we live in doesn’t always support charity and benevolence. Sometimes those who are the kindest are
those who get left behind. Everyone seems to want to have more, be more, or do more.

You need to develop sensitivity, understanding, and learn to appreciate other people’s points of view. Whether
you know them or not, everyone is a member of the human race, and everyone is capable of great joy and great
sorrow. By accepting this, you can see beyond class, race, or creed; which is an ongoing challenge for everyone.

2 is the number that echoes fear of the unknown. Different cultures, people from different backgrounds, and
situations outside of your comfort zone will make you afraid. It’s human nature to lash out at what makes you
frightened. The way to really overcome this is to try to understand instead of letting your anxiety take over.

Self-confidence is lacking when this is your personal challenge number. You worry too much about what people
think about you and whether you’re liked or not. You base your sense of self-worth on your perceived respect of
other people. You haven’t found your authentic self, and you’re too inhibited to do so, in case someone doesn’t
approve of who you truly are.

There’s a lot of pain involved with this challenge number. You not only have to learn how to approve of and
respect yourself, but you have to get over placing too much weight on the opinions of others. You need to bring
this into balance while feeling unbalanced and uncertain of yourself. You dread being part of a team; what will
they think? Self-mastery over insecurity is essential to your success. Otherwise, you’ll spend your life feeling
paranoid and unworthy.

This challenge number demands that you understand the negative side of 2’s energy so that you can learn to
work with it. When you understand the negatives, you’ve a better chance at accentuating the positive. One way
of accomplishing this is to use your sensitive nature to try to understand the motives of others.

Another way that you’ll be able to turn this to your advantage is to work a little out of your comfort zone and
start to make your own choices. You’re naturally indecisive, but if you start small and work up to the larger
issues, you’ve got a good chance of succeeding. You have as much right to live your life the way that you want to
as anyone else! Cultivate a bit of integrity, no matter what other people think.

Your Third Challenge Number: 1

You’re here to learn how to find your own sense of purpose and independence. You want to assert yourself, but
you feel controlled by others who are in authority. There’s a feeling that people (parents, teachers, bosses) are
overshadowing you.

You want to break away from this, but at the same time, these are the people who look after you in some way.
They’re influential and in the case of parents, a partner, or an employer; you depend on them in some way.

It’s hard to untangle this delicate balance. You have to find a way to stand up for yourself, but not alienate
others. It’s challenging to work out how to respect and admire someone, yet still, disagree with them! Not
everyone is going to like it or appreciate it when you make it clear that you want to start doing things for
yourself, yet this is what you’re being challenged to do. Pick your battles wisely.

There’s a fine line between asserting yourself and being aggressive, and that’s another angle of this challenge.
Any arrogant, self-involved, narcissistic tendencies have to dealt with now. It’s up to you to overcome them
completely so that they don’t negatively impact any progress that you’re making in all areas of your life.

There’s also a tendency for this challenge to bring some negative, self-destructive habits your way. Resentment
is a big issue. Anytime things don’t go your way you have a hard time hanging onto your temper. You’re here to
learn how to be gentler, not only with others but with yourself as well.

You’ll wrestle with feelings of insecurity. The more that there’s a chance you could be proven wrong, the more
you‘ll come out fighting. You require so much support and approval from others that it’s hard for you to make
your own decisions and act on your own desires.

Even when you’re wrong, you need to be right. It means that you could blame others, shirk your responsibilities,
or abandon projects before they’re complete. As far as you’re concerned, your opinions are facts and they’re not
up for discussion. It could give you a reputation for being a know-it-all, and could isolate you from the people
who can help you find your independence and get ahead in life.

The easiest way to work on developing both your independence and a sense of responsibility is to methodically
work through all issues that arise. Organization isn’t your strong point, but it will allow you more independence,
and that’s the main goal. Work through things logically and methodically and try to curb your impulses.

Once you’ve mastered a little self-control, you’ll be able to efficiently and logically work your way through your
problems. They won’t send you scattering like they used to do. Calmly use your intellect and reason your way out
of situations. Learn the difference between being aggressive and assertive. If you do this, you will win the
admiration of your peers and gain a reputation for being compelling, rather than overbearing.

Your Fourth Challenge Number: 1

You’re here to learn how to find your own sense of purpose and independence. You want to assert yourself, but
you feel controlled by others who are in authority. There’s a feeling that people (parents, teachers, bosses) are
overshadowing you.

You want to break away from this, but at the same time, these are the people who look after you in some way.
They’re influential and in the case of parents, a partner, or an employer; you depend on them in some way.

It’s hard to untangle this delicate balance. You have to find a way to stand up for yourself, but not alienate
others. It’s challenging to work out how to respect and admire someone, yet still, disagree with them! Not
everyone is going to like it or appreciate it when you make it clear that you want to start doing things for
yourself, yet this is what you’re being challenged to do. Pick your battles wisely.
There’s a fine line between asserting yourself and being aggressive, and that’s another angle of this challenge.
Any arrogant, self-involved, narcissistic tendencies have to dealt with now. It’s up to you to overcome them
completely so that they don’t negatively impact any progress that you’re making in all areas of your life.

There’s also a tendency for this challenge to bring some negative, self-destructive habits your way. Resentment
is a big issue. Anytime things don’t go your way you have a hard time hanging onto your temper. You’re here to
learn how to be gentler, not only with others but with yourself as well.

You’ll wrestle with feelings of insecurity. The more that there’s a chance you could be proven wrong, the more
you‘ll come out fighting. You require so much support and approval from others that it’s hard for you to make
your own decisions and act on your own desires.

Even when you’re wrong, you need to be right. It means that you could blame others, shirk your responsibilities,
or abandon projects before they’re complete. As far as you’re concerned, your opinions are facts and they’re not
up for discussion. It could give you a reputation for being a know-it-all, and could isolate you from the people
who can help you find your independence and get ahead in life.

The easiest way to work on developing both your independence and a sense of responsibility is to methodically
work through all issues that arise. Organization isn’t your strong point, but it will allow you more independence,
and that’s the main goal. Work through things logically and methodically and try to curb your impulses.

Once you’ve mastered a little self-control, you’ll be able to efficiently and logically work your way through your
problems. They won’t send you scattering like they used to do. Calmly use your intellect and reason your way out
of situations. Learn the difference between being aggressive and assertive. If you do this, you will win the
admiration of your peers and gain a reputation for being compelling, rather than overbearing.

Personality Numbers
Your Personality Number is based on the consonants of your full name. It's the pathway to your true nature, and
an expression of why you took this incarnation. It represents who you present yourself to be, the parts of you
that you're comfortable with showing other people. As you get to know people better, then you grow more
relaxed with them knowing more about you.

The calculation is sometimes called the 'outer' personality number, because it represents the aspects of yourself
that you openly display. It's your shell, keeping your inner self reserved for those who have proven that they're
worthy of knowing your real essence. As well as protecting your inner self from being too exposed. A number in
this position of your numerology reading also helps to deflect the advances of others, so that you discern who is
allowed a deeper degree of familiarity with you.

We all have more than one way of expressing ourselves. We all have things that we're fine with the general
public knowing, and things that we only reveal to our closest companions. The Personality Number is the bridge
between those two places. It helps you to deter the people and situations that you don't want to deal with, while
at the same time it allows you to welcome the things and persons which you will resonate and experience joy.

Your Personality Number also indicates first impressions. This is where people will warm to you, or you'll
alienate them from you. The information that this number reveals is very valuable, because the ego makes it hard
for anyone to be objective about themselves. Even your closest loved ones will know the real you, and have
trouble helping you to see the first impressions that you make.
The more you learn about the way you come across to others, particularly when you first meet them, the more
you can work on cultivating a way to create a favorable response. If you want to know how the rest of the world
views you, studying your outer personality number is an excellent place to start.

Your Personality Number: 5

People find you fascinating, whether it is your intention or not! Whatever you do, you make an entrance and
demand attention. Your optimism and sense of humor are appreciated wherever you go, and your sense of style
sets you apart from others in your peer group. You’re quick-witted, with a good sense of humor, and people enjoy
your dialogue. You never talk down to anyone, you’re confident and secure in who you are, and that inspires
adoration and trust from those who come into contact with you. Many people even want to be like you! Y

You’re so comfortable in just being who you are that sometimes prone to being a bit overindulgent. You truly
believe that life is for living and you want to taste all that it has to offer. You are easily bored. There’s not a lot
that is off limits, especially when it comes to you trying something new and stimulating. If you like it, you’ll do it
again! It gives the impression that you’re reckless, perhaps even irresponsible. There’s a grain of truth in that,
too, for you’ll need to cultivate self-discipline to both entertain yourself and prove that you are indeed

Your natural charm will open doors for you and take you to many interesting situations with intriguing people. It
can also be your undoing unless you’re able to enforce some personal boundaries. It’s so easy for you to overdo
things, causing people to doubt your integrity and question how close they want to get to you. You’re
mischievous and playful, but you frequently don’t know when to quit, going too far and upsetting people along
the way. You’ll never be short of admirers, but you have to ask yourself do you want the reputation that’s
attached to having a string of lovers—and broken hearts. What you do, and what people see, are always going to
be related to each other, so ensure that you’re creating the notoriety you want to have.

You’re brilliant at creating the life you want to live, but you do tend to make howling blunders when you get it
wrong. You’re not afraid to put yourself out there and draw attention to yourself, but a bit of self-control and
modesty might actually help you to get where you want to go. Your flexibility is often perceived as being
inconsistent and unreliable. Your carefree outlook has the potential to lead you right into irresponsibility. You’ve
got a lot of nervous energy that needs to be channeled into a positive activity, so that you can create some
stability around you.

Personal freedom is important to you, and that’s reflected in everything you do. You’re not afraid to take risks,
and you easily adapt to new situations. You’re able to make the most out of anything that comes your way. It can
be both a blessing and a curse because people see your capacity for great success, there’s also that
irresponsibility that can create great failure, too. Remember, there are people who envy your confidence and
sense of identity. You’re leading by example, whether you realize it or not.

The Hidden Passion Numbers

The Hidden Passion Number is the result of yet another calculation using your name, converted into numerical
values. Every consonant and every vowel in your name is represented by a number. The more often those
numbers repeat, the stronger their influence is in your numerology report. Your Hidden Passion Number is
sometimes referred to as your 'soul urge' number, because it is what your spirit is trying to prompt you to do.
This desire, this urge, was put into your heart before you were even born, so that you could be led where you
need to go to make the most out of this life.
This is the area of your chart that reveals to you your latent talents and abilities. It's your drive, your focus and
discovering this and working with it is one of the reasons that you took birth. Maybe more than any other area of
your birth chart, this number has the ability to show you what's pushing you forward. It gives you keys to
manifesting your destiny, and shaping your life the way that it was meant to unfold. When you're working on
fulfilling the desires of your heart, then you're living an authentically empowered life. You're doing the work that
your soul wants you to do. You're in harmony with the universe, and following the blueprint for your destiny.

It is possible to have more than one Hidden Passion Number. It happens when your name is converted into
numbers and two of them have the same frequency. Everyone will have at least one Hidden Passion Number.
Your Hidden Passion Number brings you a strong desire towards a particular area of your life, and also provides
you with insight and guidance to make it a reality.

Of course, you always have free will. You have the freedom to choose to ignore this calling. However, if you do it
will mean that your life isn't complete. You'll feel empty, as if something is missing. You might even incur karmic
debt that you'll have to work hard to bring back into balance. To ignore your Hidden Passion Number is to hush
your spiritual calling, to negate the reason that you took birth.

It stands to reason, that uncovering your soul urge so that you're able to work with it is an important part of your
time on Earth. You may already be effectively working with this energy without even realizing it. A numerology
report is not necessary to living a successful life! However, when you know your Hidden Passion Number, you
have a special insight on why you're here, and what to do in order to create the best possible life for yourself.
This valuable insight reveals to you what some people take years to work out. Knowing this number gives you a
head start when it comes to realizing your dreams, and being all you're meant to be.

Your Hidden Passion Number: 5

You’re called to a life of freedom, independence and adventure. You abhor routine and feel that many rules were
made to be broken. The wandering minstrels and explorers of old fascinate you, and you often daydream what it
would be like to be one of them.

This curious energy makes you very versatile. You easily adapt to most situations. Your enthusiasm for life is
contagious, and you usually find something entertaining to do no matter where you are or who you’re with. You
like being where the action is, where things are new and different and vibrant, and you’ll seek out these
experiences rather than tie yourself down to liabilities and obligations.

You’re not one to worry about the future. You’ve got above average luck running through your life, and you
depend on it to help you find your way through whatever life throws your way. You know that nothing is
permanent, that every situation is going to change. You don’t let the down times get to you for long, and you
make the most out of the good times when they come your way. Some people may think that you lack motivation;
you probably think that they worry too much!

Your versatility will win you many favors with the right people. You’re resourceful, you see new ways to solve old
problems, and you can talk most people into doing anything that you want to do. Your sense of humor is
sharp—but so is the edge of your tongue for those who cross you. You tend to blurt out what you think without
considering what consequences your words may have, and that’s something that you should learn to control.
You’ll win more friends and influence more people if you take the edge off your words before saying them.

You’re a very sensual person and you’re here to experience all that life has to offer to you. If you’ve got any kind
of addictive personality then you’ll have to be careful that you’re not drawn into overindulgence of any kind. The
stronger this number is in your chart, the more you’ll have to focus on moderation. This could be quite
challenging; on the one hand, you’re driven to have these experiences, but on the other hand, you have to
develop discipline, and discipline just isn’t your strong point!

Cultivating a bit of self-control is necessary to harness your soul’s urge and put it to work for you in this lifetime.
With that discipline, you will finish what you start, and you’ll accomplish much both socially and in your career.
Without that bit of restraint, you’ll drift from place to place, maybe from job to job or even relationship to
relationship, without ever realizing your true potential. Remember, you’ve got that lucky streak in your favor, but
you mustn’t depend on it too much, or it will actually steal opportunities for success away from you.

You naturally want to know what’s next, and seek to experience as much of the world as is possible, and it’s
difficult for you to commit yourself in a relationship. There’s no rule that says you have to be monogamous, and if
it’s not in your nature then don’t try. Be open and honest with your lovers and tell them that you’re not looking
for anything serious. Learning to accept who you are is a great part of this soul urge number.

Hidden Goals
Your Hidden Goals Letter is revealed in the first vowel of your full given name at birth tells a lot about you. It's
hidden in your name, yet it is a primary energy. You can learn a lot about yourself by examining this vibration
and how it influences you. It works in conjunction with your Heart's Desire Number, and it's a very powerful
indication of why you took your current incarnation. It's your hidden essence and determines your latent talents,
and the desires that you keep secret, perhaps even from yourself.

While this letter won't change, because it works on your full given name at birth rather than any nicknames that
you might use, nicknames certainly come into play here. For example, let's say your full given name at birth is
Patricia, yet you go by Pat, then this vowel doesn't change. However, if your full given name at birth is Patricia,
yet you go by Tricia or Tish, then the first vowel changes from an A to an I.

What does this mean? Well, it means that Pat is less protective of her innermost desires and feelings than Trisha
is, who has changed her name to a nickname that hides her first vowel. Going deeper, when Patricia introduces
herself as Pat, she's allowing another person a glimpse at her hidden self. When Patricia introduces herself as
Trisha or Tish, is more protective of her heart's desire. She goes out of her way to shield it from all but only her
closest loved ones.

There's nothing innately good about this letter, there isn't anything particularly challenging about it, either. It
works with your Heart's Desire Number to indicate your deepest yearnings and innermost secrets.
Understanding this letter-and the hidden goal letter of any nickname you might use-indicates much about the
way that you want to relate to the world. Also, how you'd like to see your life unfold. If the vowel in your full
name at birth (which is your Hidden Goal Letter) is different from the vowel in your nickname that you usually
use, then it's buried even deeper in your psyche, and will take much more inner work to uncover it and use it to
your advantage.

Your Hidden Goal Letter: A

You have a tendency to hide your ambition. You feel a lot of drive and purpose in your life, but you may not be
embracing it to the fullest. You want to be independent, but somehow you are a bit backward about stepping up
and asserting yourself. You have your own thoughts and ideas. You’re not really open to the influence of others,
but you’re hesitant to take charge. You’re waiting for your willpower to emerge.

You’ve got a strong faith in yourself, and you’ve got plans and ideas that you want to accomplish. You’re a
natural leader, but you’re not ready to assert yourself—it doesn’t come easily. You’re able to produce results, and
you’re efficient and capable, but you don;t let others see the extent of what you can do.

It’s possible that you’re too set in your ways, and that you struggle to change and let people see who you truly
are. Perhaps you're shy or reserved—the rest of your numerology reading will give you glimpses into this. You
can do great things in this lifetime, but you mustn’t keep hiding your integrity and strength. You were born to
lead, and you want to lead; go forth and lead!

Subconscious Self Number

Your Subconscious Self Number treveals a lot about you that you perhaps you might not already know. It has to
do with who you are at your very core; this number might also be referred to as your authentic self, or your true
self. Studying this aspect of your psyche reveals how you can make the most out of any skills that you brought
into this world, and how you can apply those to meet with opportunities and challenges in this life.

Your number also shows you areas of your life where you might need extra focus. Remember, this is your
subconscious self, so it's things that you're not particularly aware of, not yet, anyway. It goes hand in hand with
the lessons you're here to learn so that you can live the life you were meant to live, and manifest your destiny to
its fullest.

You'll also find a good indication as to your personal power and how well you deal with things in your
Subconscious Self Number. It shows how capable you are! Also, where you might have some shortcomings that
need work, so that you can function at your best. You'll learn how you deal with unexpected situations and how
you respond to tests and confrontations.

Since this is a calculation that depends on your name, it's quite possible that you could have more than one
subconscious self-number. In rare instances, all of the 9 numbers in numerology could actually make an
appearance here! However, this is unusual. Examine your Subconscious Self Number carefully. They show you
what's missing. They show you where you need to reach deep into yourself and pull that energy and the qualities
needed up to the surface. These are traits that do not come easily to you, and when you find yourself in a
situation that requests them of you, you'll feel uncomfortable, perhaps overwhelmed.

If this number doesn't appear anywhere else in your reading, then it's going to impact you strongly. However,
because this calculation is based on your name, it is possible to have this number appear in other areas which
are based on your date of birth. Numerology is best studied as a whole, rather than in parts, so look through the
rest of this report to see if this number appears anywhere else. The fewer your Subconscious Self Number, the
more you have different reserves that you can fall back on in times that are demanding or uncertain.

Your Subconscious Self Number: 6

Your mission in life seems to be to help others. You’re good at it, and you like to do it. You'll be presented with
ample opportunities to provide assistance and support to others. Sometimes you sacrifice your own needs to
meet the requirements of your loved ones.

Make sure to practice self-care! Unless you’re looking after yourself well, how can you fully be there for someone
else? When the day comes when you need someone to help you; where are they? When this subconscious self
number is out of balance, you’ll struggle to stay emotionally balanced, and perhaps even physically healthy.

You are very involved with your home and your family life, whether that’s a blood family or friends whom you
consider to be as close or closer than family. Nothing is as important to you as your loved ones, and a cozy haven
for them to retreat to at the end of the day. You’re genuinely concerned with the well-being of others.

When you’re met with challenges and stress in your life, you turn to those who are dear to you for solace and
support. You want them to be there for you in the same way that you are for them. You truly believe that love
makes the world go around, and makes it a better place to be.

Karmic Lesson Numbers

Karma runs through most of your numerology reading, and the three areas where people sometimes get
confused are those that concern Karmic Lesson Numbers, Karmic Debt Numbers, and Past Life Number. It's
possible that you have many, or all of them in your chart. They could be permeating your life, or you may not
have any of them at all! Having a numerology reading that doesn't have any Karmic Lesson or Karmic Debt
numbers doesn't mean that your karma free.

What's missing is indeed the clue, for Karmic Lesson Numbers look at what is not present in your name, and
then deals with that. It converts your full given name at birth into numbers and analyzes it. Most people usually
have one or two Karmic Lesson Numbers, but there are some who have more, or-as mentioned above-none at all.
While being 'karma free' might sound like a blessing, an absence of karma is karma in itself, and you have to ask
yourself what's missing in your life?

There's a lot of new age romanticism around karma. It has nothing to do with how old your soul is or how many
times you've incarnated. It's not a competition. You grow and learn and evolve at your own rate, like everyone
else does. All the talk about someone being an older soul than someone else because they have more karmic
lessons in their numerology reading is fantasy, so if someone starts referring talking about being an old soul
because of the karma in their chart, take it lightly.

Some people want to make karma into a big drama. Mention the word, and it's as if there's a cosmic hammer
waiting to crash down on you when you least expect it. Karma is the simple law of cause and effect. Karma is
neither good or bad. It's simply the consequences of things that you've done in the past. You can work through
karma to bring it into balance, you can do things to create good karma, and you can incur challenges through
inappropriate actions.

In this light, understanding your karmic lessons is quite helpful. They reveal to you any potential challenges;
they assist you in understanding your life's lessons, and they allow you insight to make informed choices about
what you do in this incarnation. Remember, that karmic lessons are based on your name; it's possible that the
number calculated here might also appear in another area of your reading-such as your personality number or a
life path number.

In the case of a Life Path Number, then your karmic lesson would be associated with the destiny you were meant
to manifest in this lifetime. Numerology can become very complex and involved indeed! So, what domyour
Karmic Lesson Numbers do? How does it function throughout your numerology reading? It is the number that
points you where you need to go. It shows you what you're here to find your inspiration, your resourcefulness.

Your Karmic Lesson Numbers represent the aspects where you're meant to push yourself. Although the force
that it adds to your life is diminished, rather than strengthened, if this number repeats in other areas of your
numerology reading.There's an old proverb that says necessity is the mother of invention. That's the purpose of
your karmic lesson; to see what's lacking in certain areas of your life, and help you to find the divine inspiration
to fill the void.

Your Karmic Lesson Number:

Your First Karmic Lesson 6:
You have trouble with commitment. You’re always reaching for the next best thing, and don’t have any issues
with using people to get what you want. You’re not one for responsibilities and obligations.

You’d rather flit from person to person to achieve your immediate goal. Once you’ve done that, you change the
scene completely. You’re here in this life to learn tenacity and responsibility.

It doesn’t mean that you have to settle down into a faithful commitment with one partner, or even tie yourself
into a monotonous career. You should just be honest about your intentions.

Let your lovers know that you’re not looking for commitment. Seek out jobs where you can freelance. You’d be a
great entrepreneur. Find situations where you can have variety and roots.

Of course, even this degree of flexibility requires some responsibility. That’s where you’re going to have to apply
yourself. Be open about your emotions; something that won’t come easily to you at first, but you’ll master it.

It’s not uncommon for you to feel very strongly about someone, yet still shy away from any form of attachment.
The more intense your feelings, the stronger the chances are that you’ll radiate an air of detachment and
aloofness. Potential partners see you as cold and unfeeling.

When relationships—even friendships—are going well you take them for granted. It makes the other person feel
more like an appendage than a partner. Part of the lesson here is to learn to take the feelings of others into
greater consideration.

People are not there for you to use. They’re there as half of a partnership. If you don’t take some responsibility
for your actions and your part in the relationship, you’ll find that you’re once again alone.

Feelings of loneliness make you doubt the importance of friendship and what a blessing loved ones are.
Relationships take both dedication and compromise to thrive. While neither of these qualities comes naturally to
you, they are not out of reach.

The more you let down your guard and let people close to you, the easier it will be for you to learn sincerity and
trust. Your lesson for this incarnation is to experience true love.

Give and accept love; with all of its ups and downs, all of its joys and heartaches, and the responsibility that
comes with a commitment to making things last.

Balance Number
The Balance Number is another numerology calculation which is based on your name. It uses the initials of your
full given name at birth to understand what balances your nature, and where to find the equilibrium in your life.
It's possible that there are areas of your numerology reading that seem to contradict each other. The Balance
Number is where you find the resolution to this. It's the energy that is constant and reliable, even as your life
and it's events change.

Everyone responds to the circumstances in life differently. No two people are going to react the same way,
because no two people are exactly alike. Some are very emotional, careering first one way then another. Others
feel emotions but withdraw, rather than exploding. Certain people may not feel the situation at all, but rather
approach it through clear thinking and logic.

Sometimes your emotions are conditioned responses. If you were raised in an environment where one mode of
behavior was the norm, then that's the pattern you're likely to repeat. Even if it isn't the healthiest behavior or in
your best interests. If that's the case, then as you grow through your life, you'll be presented with opportunities
to change that. It can help you bring yourself back into balance with your authentic way of being.

Your Balance Number: 7

Your emotions get the better of you too often, and this knocks you off your center and puts every aspect of your
life out of balance. You lurch into things led by your heart when you need to think clearly and be level-headed to
solve them. You'll find things much easier to deal with when you can detach from them and see them objectively
rather than subjectively.

Life isn't always going to be perfect, and you have to find a way to deal with the imperfections. You've got innate
analytical skills that are strong and focused, but you're not using them. Instead, you let the little upheavals that
happen to everyone knock you sideways. You react with your feelings, rather than taking a step back, and seeing
how to best approach the issues.

There's a chance that you depend too much on other people. You're not meant to lean on everyone all the time.
You expect people to support and enable you. You might try to run away from the problems and hope they won't
catch up with you. You were born to be independent, but not unreliable. Learn how to face things by yourself and
work through them on your own, step by step.

You mustn't retreat into yourself every time something goes wrong. There's an answer to every problem, and you
have the capability to find it. You'll not only work out what will soothe your frayed emotions, but your powers of
deduction will help you to seek out what is best for everyone concerned.

It won't be easy for you to detach your emotions and work with logic and discernment, but it's not impossible for
you to do. It will be one of your life's lessons. You'll be better equipped to come to terms with the challenges that
meet you. By all means, acknowledge your feelings, but don't dwell on them. Realize what you feel, then lay that
aside and find a more orderly way forward.

Birth Date Numbers

Your birthday is the day that started it all; it is the day you began your current life. It's why the calculations
around the year, month, and the day you were born are so important when looking at your numerology. Your
name might change during your lifetime, but your date of birth won't. Even though many other people share your
date of birth, no one is going to share the same date of birth and the same name as you do. That's what makes
the study of numerology so fascinating. No one else is you!

Understanding the numerical energy of the day that you were born is one of the easiest ways to learn about
yourself. There's no calculation. There's no name to convert to numbers. There's nothing to be added or
subtracted. You simply look at the number of the day you were born. When you know how this energy influences
you, then you know a lot more about yourself and your direction in life.

Most numerology takes a compound number and reduces it to a single number (with the exception of the master
numbers 11, 22, and sometimes 33). A calendar month can have up to 31 days in it, the numerology here takes
into account compound numbers, too. If you were born on dates 1 - 9, you'd have a pure energy from the single
digit number. The master numbers are a bit more complicated, and 33 is always interpreted as 6 because no
months have 33 days in them.

Working with the date of the month brings intriguing influences into play. Even though 23 and 14 both reduce
down to 5, they're going to exhibit the personality of 5 in slightly different ways. The reason is that their energy
is the result of different compound numbers. Consequently, if you were born on the 23rd of the month and
someone else was born on the 14th, you'll find a common core running through your individuality.

Your Birthdate Number: 24

You are a great listener. You put people at ease the minute they meet you. They feel that they can pour out their
innermost secrets and troubles to you, and know that they're safe in your presence.

Your kindness and your compassion is strong; others might take advantage of you if you let them. You have to
establish some personal boundaries so that you don't let others lean on you so much that you become their

Don't let their crisis become your drama. You also have to learn the difference between helping and meddling,
for there's a tendency for you to get too involved, and want to take over.

Heart's Desire Numbers

In numerology, the Heart's Desire Number is based on the vowels in your name and reveals the inner you. Some
numerologists call this your 'soul urge number,' because it examines your deep passions, and the ambition of
your spirit in this lifetime. This number is the force that guides and motivates you; it defines the reasons for your
actions. It also greatly influences your choices.

The Heart's Desire Number doesn't impact only one area of your life. It permeates every aspect of your
existence: from your friendships, your romances, career, financial matters, personal style, to the environment
you create around you.

Your inner nature doesn't apply to one aspect of your life, and neither does your soul's urge. The consequences
of your heart's desire affect your entire life. It reflects what's deep within your being, waiting to be set free. It
also colors the talents and abilities that you brought into this lifetime with you.

The vibration of your Heart's Desire Number manifests itself the strongest in relationship to the path your life
takes, how you express yourself, and even the number of the day you were born. Even though your Heart's
Desire Number is just one number, it will resonate in a positive or a challenging way with all the other numbers
in your numerology reading.

Whatever you came into this incarnation to learn or to achieve is reflected in your Life Path Number. You also
have a Personality Number. However, the Heart's Desire Number influences these two numbers, and the three of
them together are part of what's known as 'the core numbers'.

They represent the core of who you are; your destiny, your desires, and your personality. Your soul's very
identity shines through the Heart's Desire Number, though, and that is why it is so important to understand it,
and pay attention to the lessons that it has to teach you.

Acquainting yourself with your Heart's Desire Number is vital because it can help you to understand things
about yourself that defy explanation anywhere else. How often have you loved someone so deeply or feared
something so strongly that you can hardly contain yourself; yet you've no logical reason why you feel this way?
That could be your Heart's Desire Number calling to you, don't ignore it.

Your Heart Desire Number: 5

Freedom is your cry if you’re a Heart’s Desire Number 5. You’re independent, a free-spirit, a non-conformist, and
you flit quite happily through all the experiences that life has to offer. You rebel against anything not aligned
with your desires, and you abhor anything that keeps you trapped in mundane or routine situations. You want
your relationships to be inspiring and provocative, and you’ll not stick around if things get boring or banal.

You were born with an edginess that leads you towards stimulating activities and people. You eagerly embrace
the new, seeking out different and perhaps even unusual ways of doing things. The more unstable and
unpredictable your life is, the more you rise to the challenge of finding success and fulfillment. You enjoy
starting things but leave many things before they’re complete, for once you’ve mastered something, it bores you,
and you move onto something else. Unfortunately, this often happens with your relationships, too; it’s the thrill
of the chase that captivates you, not the security of being tied into a partnership. Success and real happiness
may ultimately elude you unless you can discipline yourself to finish what you start.

You find any new idea or plan very stimulating, and that energy is contagious. It motivates others, exciting them
into action. While you may not actively seek to be a leader, your pure enthusiasm for your ideas makes you one.
You’re very talented, but your lack of perseverance may let you down. For you to be effective, you’d do well to
seek out positions where you can be the entrepreneur, the ideas person, and leave the more routine side of
things to others.

Your exciting nature means that you have a lot of admirers in your social circle. Cultivating meaningful
friendships is more of a challenge. You enjoy meeting new people and getting to know them, and easily glide
from one encounter to the next. Your friends both admire you for this and are frustrated by it. They want to know
more about you, and it pains them when you move onto someone else. You rarely even see your part in the
situation when they abandon you in their quest to find someone more reliable. You feel let down, disappointed.
You hate to be alone, yet you don’t seem to be able to cultivate the roots needed to form lasting ties with people.

As adaptable and changeable as you are, you still have to have total control over your life and the things in it.
You can’t stand for people to make plans for you, and you don’t like them messing with your property, either.
When something happens that's beyond your control you take it in your stride, but when others instigate things
without consulting you first, you take it as an insult; how dare they disregard you in such a manner!

To be happy in your career, you’ll need something that’s flexible, varied, and that piques your curiosity. If you’re
not interested in what you’re doing, you’ll soon leave. In fact, you may start and end many careers during this
lifetime. Anything that involves travel, self-expression, creativity, and meeting new people will satisfy you. You
excel when it comes to networking and liaising with others. Don’t rule out a career in PR!

Romance is something different for you than for the other Heart’s Desire Numbers. You won’t be short of
admirers, but it’s not going to be easy for you to find someone to inspire commitment. You don’t like your
personal freedom limited in any way. You need a partner who understands that, or the relationship won’t last
very long.

You’ve also got a bit of a reputation for walking away from challenges and difficulties. That’s something that’s
going to have to change for you to become happily settled. You don’t like being alone, but you don’t like to
commitment, either. Many Heart’s Desire Number 5s are 'serial monogamists.' They want to settle down; they
mean it when they say “I love you;” but when things change, they’re off again.

Minor Heart's Desire Numbers

Your Minor Heart's Desire Number may or may not be the same as your Heart's Desire Number. Your parents
gave you your full name at birth, but when you start to introduce yourself, and you might have a different name
which you want to be called, you're asserting your own authority and taking charge of what you want people to

Many people have nicknames or abbreviated versions of their names that they use among their family and their
friends. For example, Charles might go by Chuck; Robert Smith Jr. might be called Junior; Jennifer might be
called Jenny. Most people when they introduce themselves to other people, only use their first name and your
surname, leaving out middle names.

Using a nickname or a shortened version of your full name concentrates the energies of your name. It will refine
who you are and highlight some aspects of your personality while playing down others. Of course, you're still
you! You will adapt as you go through life, and your attitude towards your name changes with you.If you use a
different name among the various social groups in your life, your Minor Heart's Desire Number is likely to be
different than your formal name. In some instances, it can calculate to the same number. If this is the case, the
same energy will manifest in your life twice.

In numerology, a lot can be learned from the shortened version of your name, because it's a name that you chose
to identify yourself, one that you have personally chosen to use. A shortened name reveals what you desire from
your life, as opposed to your hidden desires and passions. It shows the strengths and weaknesses that you've
chosen to place upon yourself.

Do you dislike your name, or maybe know someone who does? Have you completely changed your name? Do you
insist that you be called something vastly different to the name your parents gave you? The most famous example
of this is probably the pop legend, Prince. Born Prince Rogers Nelson, he went by Prince, and then changed this
name to a symbol! It is a wonderful example of how over time, people change how they see themselves.

There are also the cases where people have been called, and introduce themselves, by their birth name all their
lives. If this applies to you, then your Heart's Desire Number and your minor expression number are the same,
and they will strengthen and support each other. It will apply to both the positive and the negative traits of these
numbers, and can really show you what you're here to achieve in this life.

The Minor Heart's Desire Number is often difficult to assimilate because it requires you to be brutally honest
with yourself-something that none of us like to do all the time! To really understand what this number is telling
you, compare it to your Heart's Desire Number. Often, things you're trying to hide, cover up, or downplay will
become apparent. Even when the numbers are the same, there's a message there; something is being
highlighted, begging you to see it and work with it.
Your Minor Heart Desire Number:11
You’re creative, intuitive, and perceptive—and you’re doing your best to learn to trust your hunches—especially
when it comes to philosophy, theology, and metaphysics.

You know what you believe; now find the facts to authenticate those beliefs. The more elusive the support, the
more captivated you are by the journey. The answers are out there, waiting for you to uncover them.

You’re quite psychic and might feel a draw to the mystic arts such as astrology, tarot, numerology, crystals, or
divination tools. There will be moments when you see things very clearly when you seem to have an innate
understanding of the situation.

You could even have insights without any knowledge or experience regarding a situation. Learn to work with
this; it’s a great responsibility, yes, but it’s also very rewarding. ?

There is a tendency to second guess yourself and to be your own worst critic. What you perceive as a weakness
is part of who you are. Learn to love it, and work with it as part of your life’s journey, rather than put yourself
down for being human.

Seek out relaxing environments, and the company of people who are soothing to your soul. Meditation would be
good for you. You should find a way to release the day’s anxieties and to find peace of mind, for you’re prone to
nervousness and might find it hard to unwind.

Period Cycle Numbers

Don't be deceived because your Period Cycle Number is very easy to determine. It has a far-reaching influence
on your life. There are three period cycles, all based on your date of birth. Each of these cycles governs
approximately 30 years of your life. It is fascinating, because that's also the approximate timeframe of Saturn's
orbit around the Sun, and in astrology, Saturn returns are given a lot of significance.

The Period Cycle Numbers indicate stages of growth. They're turning points in your life, where you leave one
phase and enter into another.For the first 30 years of your life, you're trying to figure out who you are, where
you're going, and what you're meant to be doing.

For the second 30 years of your life, you're settling down into maturity, leaving the last remnants of your
childhood behind. The last 30 years of your life, you reflect on what you've done, perhaps reinventing yourself to
revisit and achieve some of the dreams that you had, but possibly abandoned in your youth to tend to

Think of your life as a story, and these periods are the way that it unfolds. As a child, you're still learning and
growing. There is much you don't know, and you'll make many mistakes along the way. You have elders and
mentors to guide you. There's a real struggle to find out who you are and to establish your own identity. At the
same time, you're still very heavily influenced by your peers, your elders, and your environment. It has been a
very confusing and challenging phase.

Usually the arrival of your second cycle coincides with you having confirmed your definition of yourself and what
you want out of life. Your authentic self is emerging, along with the talents and interests that are accompanying
you in this incarnation. The struggle to find your niche in life is ending, and now you're starting to establish
yourself, you may even be accomplishing some of the what you wanted to achieve. This second cycle takes you
into your late 50s.

The third and final cycle of your life overlaps the second cycle and takes you to the end of your physical
incarnation. You've got nothing to prove! You know who you are, what you want, and where you're going. You
feel a sense of accomplishment, perhaps even that you can relax in the knowledge that you're aware, and
awakened. Your true nature has been explored, and you know how to express yourself.

You're by no means perfect-we're all a work in progress-but you've made peace with who you are. Although you
know where you still have personal growth to work on. Your period cycle is one of the most important parts of
your numerology reading, because the period cycles-like your life path number-are with you from your first
breath to your last.

While period cycle numbers are useful on their own, they are best interpreted by looking at how they interact
with your pinnacle cycle numbers. We'll take a look at pinnacles in the next section of your report.

Your Period Cycle Number:

Your First Period Cycle: 5
Changes and growth occur quickly in the cycle. The doors of freedom open for you, and you’re eager to fly
through them. Travel opportunities probably present themselves, and your life seems to be in a state of flux.

Major adjustments, such as house moves, career changes, family additions, will happen during this period cycle.
You find yourself freer than you have been in a long time, and you want to get out and enjoy it.

Life thrusts changes at you during this phase, but it’s easier for you to deal with those changes if you're flexible.
Adaptability is necessary to succeed during this cycle,

If you try to stick with what’s familiar, you’ll frustrate yourself and miss chances to do things that are bold and
strategic. Take what happens to you in stride, and learn to bend and go with the flow.

Self-promotion comes easily to you, and that means you have openings to get ahead. Your conversation comes
easy, and it’s charming. You find yourself becoming more of the center of attention.

You’re able to captivate your audience with your charm and openness. People like to be with you and want to see
you succeed. These connections may not be permanent, so make the most of them while they’re strong.

The energy of this cycle often brings out a latent flair for writing. If you suddenly find you’ve got a talent with
words, run with it! It is a good cycle for you to study languages, or delve into some kind of writing or other
activity where words and communication are important.

Your gift for self-expression is strong, too. It's possible that you’ll find a niche you never dreamed would open to
you, where you’re using a combination of words and your personality to create something that’s trendy and in

New ideas and exciting people seem to find you during a period cycle 5. You’re a magnet for things that are
stylish and innovative. You’ll contemplate philosophies that maybe you hadn’t thought about before.

Knowledge and exploration may change some of your core beliefs and values. You might even completely
reinvent yourself. If you do, rest assured, it will be well received by other people.
You’re living life by your own rules now, and you flaunt conventionality. There’s a restlessness that will create
excitement when you feel bored and forward momentum when it's necessary to accomplish a goal.

It could also manifest itself in moodiness and nervous energy. You attract people to you from many diverse
places. Anything that contrasts your previous experiences will intrigue you.

The only constant in your life is change. While at first is disconcerting, you soon learn to take it all in your stride
and work with it. If you get to a point when your life becomes routine, you’ll do something to upset the status
quo. You need that busy energy around you to feel alive.

Be aware that all of these changes may take their toll on relationships. If your loved ones aren’t willing to let you
have your independence, if your family is trying to put restrictions on your personal freedom, then your
connections could break down.

There may come a day when you might have to choose between where your freedom calls you to be, and your
familial obligations. It will be an agonizing decision that won’t be easy to make.

This cycle is not a time to hold anything back. Look for things that are progressive, experiences that are original,
and people who are popular. There’s a caution not to spread yourself too thinly, though. All of this newness and
originality is so tempting that you’ll want to have it all!

Remember, there is only so much of you to go around. If you over-commit yourself, even when it’s only a social
engagement, you’ll get a reputation for being superficial or unreliable. That won’t do you any favors, particularly
if this number occurs as your middle or later cycle.

Your Second Period Cycle: 6

This cycle heralds a time of family and a sense of responsibility. You examine your commitments, you prioritize
your obligations, and you review the promises that you’ve made to others. The cycle generates a lot of love and

You’re there for your family and friends. You encourage and counsel each other. You don’t disappoint your loved
ones when they’re in need, and they in turn, strengthen and reassure you.

You want to look after other people. Domestic responsibilities increase. This calling may develop into care work,
ministering, or even teaching. You are more likely to take into consideration the needs and requests of others.

You follow the traditional approaches to doing things and resolving problems. You’re unwilling to take
unnecessary risks. Even calculated risks leave you uncertain about whether they’re worth your time and

People who are irresponsible or who break with convention will irritate you. You don’t understand indiscretion
and foolhardiness. You see no need for dishonesty and unfairnes.

You will withdraw from those who display these characteristics. You also tend to avoid loud and abrasive people
and prefer instead those who show introversion, compassion, and sympathy.

This is also when your loved ones are likely to need you the most. You’re appreciated and respected.
Commitments to others, such as marriage or buying a house together often happen during a number 6 period
cycle. Partnerships thrive. Joint activities seem to go particularly well. There’s a sense of devotion and harmony.
If things haven’t been going well, then separation from others occurs in this cycle. It’s a real make-or-break time.
All parties have to be deeply committed to each other to overcome obstacles that could arise.

This phase of your life can be a blessing or a challenge. It’s not the events that happen which will make the
difference. It’s how you all respond to the events that will determine the outcome.

In the middle of all of this, any latent artistic talents might come forward, so that you find you have a flair for
creativity and self-expression. Use your experiences as your inspiration.

It gives what you do a genuine feel; it enables others to connect to it, admire it, and you. There’s potential for
you to turn this into a business of some kine, or at least a hobby that makes you a bit of money.

Slow and steady progress is made, but you have to remain attentive, flexible, and cooperative. Never be hesitate
to compromise if it is in the best interests of a loved one.

Take a break for yourself, too. Unless you’ve looked after yourself and made sure that you’re functioning at your
peak, you can’t really look after someone else to the best of your abilities.

Sometimes during this phase, people are called to care for their loved ones through illness, injury, or at the end
of their lives. If this happens to you, accept the task with warmth and dignity. It’s a true labor of love and one
that is entrusted only to a special few.

You’re sowing the seeds of kindness and nurturing, so that others will nurture and be kind to you, for what goes
around always comes around in one way or another. Opportunities to share your unselfishness will present
themselves to you.

Your could be called to teach, to nurture others, or to advise and counsel. Whether this happens professionally,
in your community, or with your family and friends, use it. It’s there for a reason, and it’s part of your life’s
purpose for now.

Your Third Period Cycle: 22

There’s great potential here for creating something of substance during this cycle. 22 is the number of ‘the
master builder,’ and it’s here for you to build something that will be of lasting benefit to many people.

It doesn’t have to be anything physical, either. While other aspects of your numerology reading may point to
building a business empire, this cycle is more to do with generating archetypal awareness, and making ideas and
conceptions a reality.

Any noble, idealistic dreams have the potential to manifest in these years. Other people see you as a visionary.
They want to follow your lead. Whether you know it or not, you’re leading by example.

Take care that you’re creating the image by which you want to be known. Notoriety will follow you whether you
seek it or not! You want people to remember you for the right reasons.

You’ve got an uncanny insight into seeing what people need, and then being able to create it for them. This
ability manifests itself through hard work and application. You have dedication and determination. You have the
skills to make what you set out to create.

It doesn’t really matter what period of your life this cycle falls in. 22 is one of the few numbers whose energy will
permeate your entire lifetime providing long-term vision, purpose, and results of your life's labor.

There are no half measures with this number. You’re being called to dedicate yourself fully and commit yourself
completely to the work you want to achieve.

If you’re not prepared to undertake this with every cell of your body, then chances are it won’t rise to the
distinction that you have the potential to realize.

These are big shoes to fill. You’re being told that you are capable of wearing them, but you always have the right
to decline the task. Should you do that, though, know that you’ll create some karmic debt.

You may have to work this off either later in this lifetime or in incarnations to come. It’s far better to live up to
your worth when called to do so, rather than to delay it. You'll complicate things for your future.

Pinnacle Cycle Numbers

Pinnacle Cycle Numbers are calculated using your month, day, and year of birth. They represent four segments
of your life. You enter life in one pinnacle cycle. It will change three times during the course of your life. No one
ever has more than 3 Pinnacle Cycle Numbers.

There are 12 interpretations of this number. They weave in and out of your period cycles, supporting the lessons
and presenting new challenges to be overcome in your spirit's quest to grow. You can understand what you're
meant to learn if you know your period and Pinnacle Cycle Numbers. The first Pinnacle Cycle Number and the
last Pinnacle Cycle Number are the longest. The middle two Pinnacle Cycle Numbers always last a period of nine
years. The years when the numbers change mark times of evolution and intense change in your current

These cycles are long-lasting periods, but they're not to be confused with the period cycles. They work hand in
hand with these cycles to support them. Understanding your pinnacle cycles gives you an idea of what to expect
and when to expect it. You'll know when the time for change is approaching, and can prepare for what lies
ahead. Being prepared is always useful!

There's no specific date when one pinnacle cycle ends and the next begins. They overlap, and the changeover
takes about two years to occur. The end of that changeover period, where the one pinnacle cycle finally
succumbs to the next, can be particularly unsettling. Many life-altering events happen at this time, from changes
in your circumstances, to changes in your character. It could result in anything from a house move, a job change,
a marriage or a divorce, rejection of your faith and embracing a new philosophy, or entering into a completely
different lifestyle.

Even though you'll change pinnacle cycles three times in your life (making a total of four cycles), it's the change
from the first to the second cycle that's often the most profound. This takes place in your late 20s or early 30s,
depending on your Life Path Number. The onset of this changeover is often felt some 24 months before it
actually occurs. It's a challenging time, one that involves difficult decisions. It's also an immensely rewarding
period. It brings with it a clearer sense of direction and life's purpose, although it's possible you'll only really see
this in hindsight.

Pinnacle Cycle Numbers show what you need to focus on to learn what you're meant to learn and accomplish
what you're meant to achieve. These cycles bring you challenges that demand every ounce of integrity and
resolve that you have.They will test you to the very core of your being and then some. They'll force you to deal
with aspects of yourself that you may not realize you need to work on, or even want to work on. In short, they're
stern teachers and you must listen and pay attention.

Don't let that frighten you. These are cycles are when you come into your own, where the best that life has to
give to you has the greatest chance of happening. This time is where the most growth, the greatest
improvements, and the biggest accomplishments can occur.

Your Pinnacle Cycle Number:

Your First Pinnacle Cycle Number: 11
This is a master number and as such it’s a hard taskmaster. These are the years when you develop a very intense
connection with your inner self. You’re very sensitive and intuitive. You have to learn how to shield yourself, for
you’ll pick up feelings from others, and you’re sensitive to the atmospheres of different places. Unless you learn
to discern what is yours and what belongs elsewhere, you’ll have trouble with your emotions, and be susceptible
to nervous energy or anxiety.

This sense of sympathy with everything isn’t necessarily bad; you have to learn how to handle it. When you work
out what is yours and what belongs elsewhere, then you can use the external stimulation to enhance your
creativity, and use what you feel as a form of self-expression. Many great works are born from this combination,
of feeling the world as an observer, then internalizing that and creating something that makes a statement.

You’ll be very service oriented these years. You’re a visionary, and want to take your beliefs out to others, so
they too have the opportunity to improve their lives and grow their spirits. You’re philosophic and people come
to you for insight and guidance. They see your spirituality, and feel safe with you. Don’t take advantage of that.
Careers that involve self-expression, creativity, or service to others are suitable for you. You’re also probably
interested in metaphysics, spirituality, the supernatural, and social reform. You’re always looking to the future,
and how to make things better, as opposed to dwelling in the past.

Sometimes this pinnacle will put you in the center of attention, whether you want it or not! It can be a very
daunting time, with lessons repeating themselves in cycles, in all areas of your life. The stronger this energy is in
your numerology, the more it will ask you to share who you are. Look to other areas of your reading to find out
where your strengths are, for when this is compromised or negatively influenced, it will be easy for people to
walk over you, and use you to their advantage. Don’t let them.

Your Second Pinnacle Cycle Number: 1

Whenever a 1 falls in your pinnacle cycle (and it doesn’t matter which cycle it is), you’re focused on self-
awareness. You’re asserting your own independence, learning how to rely on yourself, and finding out who you
really are. The keywords here are mastering self. You’ll learn how to express your individuality, and establishing
your own ideas, tenets and belief systems.

You won’t get a lot of support from others these years. This may be thrust upon you, or perhaps it’s of your own
choosing. However it unfolds, you’ll have to learn to be self-reliant. The alternative is you’ll have to do without,
and you’ll not take kindly to that. When the melancholy sets in it is hard for you to climb out again.

You’re here to do things by yourself and for yourself. You have the talent and the skill, but they’re raw and
untested. This is your proving ground, where you instigate what’s on your mind and see just where it gets you.
You have to learn how to balance being assertive with being stubborn or headstrong. Listen to others, for most of
them mean well, but at the end of the day, make up your own mind.

You’ve got great capacity to influence others during this cycle, too. Your vitality and your determination are
inspiring. People want to follow you; they trust you to lead them to victory in their own lives and you rarely let
them down. Your greatest gift is your faith, whether it’s faith in a divine being, or faith in yourself. Your beliefs
will carry you to success as long as you have the courage to stand strong on your principles.

You’re also making your mark on the material world. This is where you’ll find a new and innovative way of doing
something, you’ll be successful in accomplishing that, and you’ll be recognized by others for what you’ve done.
There’s a lot of success to be had during these years, but it comes through you asserting your originality, and not
simply being a team player.

Everyone in your life and all the things that happen to you are there for a reason. The people are your nurturers,
your caregivers, your teachers. The circumstances in your life are there to teach you, too. You’re learning how to
develop your sense of self, and how to form your own ideas and opinions. The world is at your disposal, and
you’re doing your best to try to find your place in it.

This is a time to explore new ideas and see what works and what doesn’t. You learn that if you behave one way
you’re met with appreciation, and if you behave another way you’re met with disapproval. You walk the fine line
between doing what is expected of you, and developing your own sense of personality.

If you’re negatively influenced at this time, you’ll develop stubbornness and self-centeredness. This doesn’t have
to be permanent, and you have the potential to grow out of it as you reach your next pinnacle cycles. It will
create problems for you unless you work out how to discipline and control these emotions.

Above everything else, this is a period where you’re going to be learning and stretching your boundaries. It’s
where you learn to think outside the box, possibly challenging others who seek to control or wield power over
you. It’s a time that will enable you to develop a strong character and sense of personal identity. You’ll have to
partake in all the lessons and challenges that come with this period, and while they all have something of value
to offer you, not all of them are going to be pleasant.

Your Third Pinnacle Cycle Number: 3

These are the years to express yourself! Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, do it with style and grace.
Social activities will call to you, and you’ll be most welcome at the functions you attend. Other’s appreciate your
personality, your wit and your sense of originality. You sparkle and shine and make the room come alive, and it’s

This is a true voyage of self-discovery. No matter what pinnacle cycle this energy lands in, you’ve got the
potential to explore your inner self, find out what it wants, and then create ways to express those qualities. This
is when your natural born talents show themselves—and usually along with opportunities to work with them to
your advantage.

Words probably come easily to you at this time, too. You’ll develop an articulate use of the language, and find
that it—along with your charm—opens doors for you. You can’t hold your feelings and ideas inside. Even if you
try, they’ll burst forth, anyway. You are open and transparent. People see who you are, whether you want them
to, or not!

Of course, not everyone is going to like you, and that’s okay, too. Any worries about this should soon be
dismissed. No one is liked by everyone, and there are enough people in your life who do like you that you
shouldn’t concern yourself with someone who doesn’t. They might be rejecting you out of jealousy anyway,
because they don’t have it in them to be as vibrant as you usually feel.

You will probably attract many friends and would be lovers during these years. This is both a blessing and a
challenge. If you’re single and want to play the field, go right ahead—particularly if this is one of your earlier
pinnacle cycles. Be mindful of your obligations to others. Be honest and sincere with your words and your
actions. You don’t want to get a reputation for being shallow or superficial.

Creative talents that have been dormant often emerge during a number 3’s energy. Words are one option, but
not the only choice. Go where your heart leads you. Self-expression is the key, not the means you choose to to
reveal it.

There’s a lot of happiness to be had when a three is your pinnacle cycle number. Live in the moment. Long term
plans have a way of altering during this phase, so learn to be flexible, and adjust your life so that it aligns with
what’s happening, rather than the other way around. It’s a time for dreaming big, and imagining what you can
do, and then seeing where those ideas take you. Don’t be too flippant. It will be very easy to start things but not
so easy to see them through to completion, and you shouldn’t shirk any obligations or responsibilities. A little bit
of self discipline will go a long way to you making the most of this bubbly number.

Even though this number is fun and lighthearted, it still brings challenges when it appears. In your first pinnacle,
the challenge is to recognize opportunities as they come your way. You might not notice them, or you might be
talked out of them by your peers and other people in authority. Maybe you won’t have the dedication to work
with them to make them an asset; after all, discipline is nowhere near as much fun as frivolity, is it?

You’ll risk setting yourself up for failure if you’re too busy having fun to worry about your future. You’ve not yet
acquired the wisdom to make really informed choices, and if you’re not guided by your mentors into some kind of
routine, you’ll miss your chance. You’ll be too busy goofing off, and one by one, different prospects will pass you

The other side of this is that you’ll be so intrigued by everything that’s out there, you’ll spread yourself too
thinly. You’re only able to do so much, for you’re only one person and there are only so many hours in the day.
You need someone to guide you into being disciplined and learning how to prioritize what you truly want to
develop, and what you can postpone or dismiss.

The best outcome of all this energy is that you’ll be captivated enough by one or two pursuits that you’ll stick
with them. Developing this tenacity and sense of responsibility will set you up for a good work ethic and
reliability when dealing with others. A little restraint goes a long way. See it as an asset, and don’t resent it.

Your Fourth Pinnacle Cycle Number: 9

You’re here to show the world what it’s like to live your entire life in love and compassion for others.
Humanitarian issues take precedence, because you want to help everyone be the best they can be. You don’t
understand suffering or unfairness or cruelty. You want to inspire others to make the world a better place.

These are big shoes to fill! You’ll feel lonely and lost a lot of the time but you cannot give up. You’re here to learn
what it’s like to love and be worth loving. You won’t be able to do that if you isolate yourself. Have your down
days, have the days where you retreat from human contact, then get over it and get back out there. It’s only by
interaction with others that you teach and inspire. You have to lead by example.

This is never an easy period, and it asks so much of you that you feel constantly challenged. Remember that the
bigger the challenge, the greater the reward; that should help you to get through things that seem
insurmountable. There’s plenty of potential for greatness, success, happiness, and fulfillment in these years. It all
depends on your outlook.

In order to fully embrace what this pinnacle cycle wants you to learn, you’ll need to start letting go of your ties to
the physical world. Stuff you no longer need, ideas that you’ve outgrown, emotional baggage that you’ve been
carrying; it all has to go. This is scary. These have been you for so long that you feel incomplete without them.
This is an emotional reaction, and one that you need to learn to transcend. It’s only by gracefully surrendering
what no longer serves you can you open yourself up to your true higher purpose. This is never an easy task but
the rewards that it brings are immeasurable.

This is a rough period. There will be an above average number of losses and challenges, and you’ll have to
mature very quickly. It's your nature to champion the underdog, to be friendly to the lonely, and to stick up for
others. You’re a bit of an outsider yourself, and you’ll stick with those who don’t fit in anywhere else. You don’t
judge and you’re not prejudiced. You simply see souls in need of your kindness.

You’ll often feel that life is bigger than you are. Some of the obstacles that come your way will seem
impenetrable, but that’s your task, and you’ve got what it takes to do it. Your success will not just benefit, you,
but it will also reverberate out to others, and enrich their lives in some way, too.

Protest groups and social activism interest you. You want to make a stand that will raise the consciousness of
society, and you’ll take risks and make sacrifices to do it. If you have any artistic skills, it’s quite possible that
you’ll use them in some kind of a humanitarian way, or a way that influences others to take action on a cause
that is close to your heart.

Cornerstone Letter
The first letter of your full given name at birth is called your Cornerstone Letter. By studying its numerology
interpretation, you can learn much about yourself. Your Cornerstone Letter represents the vibration that is at the
front of your name; it's at the very front of who you are. It determines how you experience life; how you face
obstacles; and how you approach new opportunities.

There's nothing innately good or beneficial about this letter, nor does it hold any foreboding. It simply shows you
how you're most likely to respond to a situation, not what that situation might be. As with all aspects of
numerology-and life itself-there are positive and negative aspects in everything, It's your job to accentuate the
positive and work on mitigating the negative so that you get the most out of every situation, and make the most
of who you are.

Understanding the vibration of your Cornerstone Letter enables you to delve deeper into realizing more about
yourself and your genuine personality. Your name was given to you at birth by those who loved you and wanted
the best for you. The first letter in your name leads the way to your identity. You might change your name at
some point in life, or you could go by a nickname, but your given name is a vibration that holds much about your
life's purpose. The cornerstone is the leading edge of that energy, and reveals much about who you are and why
you're here.
Your Cornerstone Letter: A
You have a lot of ambition and zeal for life. You’re independent and will campaign endlessly for what you want to
achieve. You have your own thoughts and ideas and others don’t easily influence you. You want to take charge of
things, and you’re capable of doing it. Your willpower is strong, sometimes to the point of stubbornness.

You also have firm beliefs and great plans centered around those ideals. You’re a natural leader, and others look
to you for answers and ways of doing things. You’re competent and able to produce results. Even though you’re
very demanding of yourself and others, you have an open mind, and don’t dismiss the ideas or input of others.

Flexibility is the key to your success. Once you’ve learned to balance your determination and focus with being
flexible about how you reach your end results, there’s not a lot you can’t achieve! Always remember to stay open-
minded. In your zeal for accomplishment, you sometimes forget to consider the feelings of others.

Capstone Letter
The last letter of your full given name at birth is called your Capstone Letter. By studying its numerology
interpretation, you can learn much about yourself. It represents the vibration that is at the end of your name, so
it wraps up the essence of who you are. It determines how you complete tasks, bring episodes of your life to a
close, and finalize your accomplishments.

While the Capstone Letter can reveal much about the ending of your life, it won't tell you how your life will end.
Rather, it's an indication of what you'll be doing in your later years, how you approach the close of your
incarnation, and what you'll need to wrap up when your life is at a close. Don't view your Capstone Letter as
frightening, or see it as a messenger of death or sadness.

There's nothing innately good about this letter, nor does it hold any foreboding. It simply shows you how you're
most likely to respond to an experience, not what that situation might hold for you. As with all aspects of
numerology-and life itself-there are positive and negative aspects in everything. It's your job to accentuate the
positive and work on the negative so that you get the most out of every situation, and make the most of who you

Understanding the vibration of your Capstone Letter enables you to delve deeper into realizing more about
yourself and your genuine personality. Your name was given to you at birth by those who loved you and wanted
the best for you. The last letter in your name indicates your final say in things. You could change your name
during your life, or go by a nickname more than your given name, but your given name is a vibration that holds
much about your life's purpose. The Capstone Letter is the last word on this energy. It reveals much about who
you are and why you're here.

Your Capstone Letter: Y

You believe that rules were made to be broken; problems were made to be solved, and boundaries were made to
be pushed. You don’t know how to take no for an answer. You have both the guts and the glory to live life to the

You have a great capacity to lead others and take charge, but sometimes you’d rather fade into the background.
This is fine, but it depends on the situation. Usually the larger the problem or, the greater the opportunity, the
more you rise to the occasion.

You love fashion and presenting yourself well, You’ve got a great sense of style, and you know how to use it. In
your attempt to assert who you are, you sometimes let your desires overrule common sense. Pay attention to
your conscience. It’s the voice of your heart and it really is leading you forward.

Numbers, like people, have their own personalities and behave different ways in different situations. When you
meet someone new, there are things that seem obvious about them from the start, and things that you have to
dig a little deeper to find. It's the same with numerology. When you know how different numbers behave in your
name and your date of birth, then you begin got get an idea how they apply to your life.

Numbers do far more than help you understand yourself. By dong the numerology calcualtions for your loved
ones, you learn all about their strengths and weaknesses. Do the numerology of your business colleagues, and
you learn how to work with them to bring out the most that they have to offer. Even working out the numerology
of a street address or a phone number can give you insight and guidance as to whether this is something that
should be in your life, or not.

Numbers govern everything in our lives. Computer coding is in numbers. At certain workplaces, we're identified
by work ID numbers. Most of us have a drivers' license number. We're in the healthcare system as a number,
recognized by the government as a number. Vehicles have their own number plate. Addresses, phone numbers,
flights, bus schedules, a calendar, our credit and debit cards. They're all numbers!

Do you ever see repeated numbers? Maybe you see the same numbers recurring in your life. Do you seem to look
at the clock the same time every day? Do you see numbers that pop up across your home address, work address,
or phone number? Make a note of these, and look up the profile of those numbers. Often this is your unconscious
mind trying to send you a message.

Even the other metaphysical arts are numbers. Astrology works with numbers; the signs, the houses, the angles
between the planets. They're all numerical representations. The tarot cards are numbered, too. Everywhere you
look, no matter what discipline, numbers rule. It's said that numbers-as in math-are the only true
language.Numbers are pure. There's no emotion behind what they have to share with you. They're objective, free
of any preconceived ideas. Push beneath the surface, though, and those same numbers take you deeper into your
own psyche than you've ever been.

There are many ways that you can apply numerology to understanding and improving your life. Once you start to
work with numbers on a personal level, you learn all kinds of interesting things about yourself, and other people.
The insight that numerology has to offer is immense! You're only limited by how much of your time you want to
invest into studying it and how diligently you're prepared to work with that information.

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