People V Domantay
People V Domantay
People V Domantay
DOMANTAY, @ "JUNIOR OTOT", Accused-Appellant. On the basis of the post-mortem findings of Dr. Macaranas, SPO4 Juan
MENDOZA, J.: Carpizo, the Philippine National Police chief investigator at Malasiqui, filed,
This case is here on appeal from the decision 1 of the Regional Trial Court on October 21, 1996, a criminal complaint for murder against accused-
of Dagupan City (Branch 57), finding accused-appellant guilty of rape with appellant before the Municipal Trial Court (MTC) of Malasiqui. On October
homicide and sentencing him to death, and to indemnify the heirs of the 25, 1996, Dr. Ronald Bandonill, medico-legal expert of the NBI,
victim in the amount of P480,000.00, and to pay the performed an autopsy on the embalmed body of Jennifer. The result of his : virtual law library examination of the victim’s genitalia indicated that the child’s hymen had
been completely lacerated on the right side. Based on this finding, SPO4
The facts hark back to the afternoon of October 17, 1996, at around 4 Carpizo amended the criminal complaint against accused-appellant to
o’clock, when the body of six-year old Jennifer Domantay was found rape with homicide. Subsequently, the following information was filed: 4
sprawled amidst a bamboo grove in Guilig, Malasiqui, Pangasinan. The
child’s body bore several stab wounds. Jennifer had been missing since That on or about the 17th day of October, 1996, in the afternoon, in
lunch time. barangay Guilig, Municipality of Malasiqui, province of Pangasinan,
Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-
The medical examination conducted the following day by Dr. Ma. Fe named accused, with lewd design and armed with a bayonet, did then and
Leticia Macaranas, the rural health physician of Malasiqui, showed that there, wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously have sexual intercourse with
Jennifer died of multiple organ failure and hypovolemic shock secondary Jennifer Domantay, a minor of 6 years old against her will and consent,
to 38 stab wounds at the back. Dr. Macaranas found no lacerations or and on the same occasion, the said accused with intent to kill, then and
signs of inflammation of the outer and inner labia and the vaginal walls of there, wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously stab with the use of a bayonet,
the victim’s genitalia, although the vaginal canal easily admitted the little the said Jennifer Domantay, inflicting upon her multiple stab wounds,
finger with minimal resistance. Noting possible commission of acts of which resulted to her death, to the damage and prejudice of her heirs.
lasciviousness, Dr. Macaranas recommended an autopsy by a medico-
legal expert of the NBI. 2 At the trial, the prosecution presented seven witnesses, namely, Edward,
Jiezl, Lorenzo, all surnamed Domantay, Joselito Mejia, Antonio Espinoza,
The investigation by the Malasiqui police pointed to accused-appellant Celso Manuel, and Dr. Ronald Bandonill, to establish its charge that
Bernardino Domantay, a cousin of the victim’s grandfather, as the lone accused-appellant had raped and killed Jennifer Domantay.
suspect in the gruesome crime. At around 6:30 in the evening of that day,
police officers Montemayor, de la Cruz, and de Guzman of the Malasiqui Edward Domantay testified that in the morning of October 17,
Philippine National Police (PNP) picked up accused-appellant at the 1996, Accused-appellant and his two brothers-in-law, Jaime Caballero and
Malasiqui public market and took him to the police station where accused- Daudencio Macasaeb, had a round of drinks in front of the latter’s house
appellant, upon questioning by SPO1 Antonio Espinoza, confessed to in Guilig, Malasiqui, Pangasinan. Edward Domantay said that he was in
killing Jennifer Domantay. He likewise disclosed that at around 3:30 that front of Macasaeb’s house, tending to some pigeons in his yard. 5 After
afternoon, he had given the fatal weapon used, a bayonet, to Elsa and the group had consumed several bottles of San Miguel gin, Accused-
Jorge Casingal, his aunt and uncle respectively, in Poblacion Sur, appellant gave money to Edward Domantay and asked him to buy two
Bayambang, Pangasinan. The next day, October 18, 1996, SPO1 Espinoza bottles of gin and a bottle of Sprite. 6 Edward said he joined the group
and another policeman took accused-appellant to Bayambang and and sat between Daudencio Macasaeb and Accused-Appellant. 7 Edward
recovered the bayonet from a tricycle belonging to the Casingal spouses. said that accused-appellant, who, apparently had one too many then,
The police officers executed a receipt to evidence the confiscation of the rolled up his shirt and said: "No diad Antipolo tan L(i)pa et walay
massacre, diad Guilig wala, walay massacren kod dia, walay onakis-akis" latter had been brought to the Malasiqui police station in the evening of
("In Antipolo and Lipa, there were massacres; here in Guilig, there will October 17, 1996. Before he commenced his questioning, he apprised
also be a massacre. I will massacre somebody here, and they will cry and accused-appellant of his constitutional right to remain silent and to have
cry"). Edward Domantay saw that tucked in the left side of accused- competent and independent counsel, in English, which was later
appellant’s waistline was a bayonet without a cover handle. 8 It was not translated into Pangasinense. 13 According to SPO1 Espinoza, Accused-
the first time that Edward had seen accused-appellant with the knife as appellant agreed to answer the questions of the investigator even in the
the latter usually carried it with him. 9 absence of counsel and admitted killing the victim. Accused-appellant also
disclosed the location of the bayonet he used in killing the victim. 14 On
Jiezl Domantay, 10, likewise testified. She said that, at about 2 o’clock in cross-examination, Espinoza admitted that at no time during the course of
the afternoon on October 17, 1996, she and four other children were his questioning was accused-appellant assisted by counsel. Neither was
playing in front of their house in Guilig, Malasiqui, Pangasinan. Jiezl saw accused-appellant’s confession reduced in writing. 15 Espinoza’s
accused-appellant and Jennifer Domantay walking towards the bamboo testimony was admitted by the trial court over the objection of the
grove of Amparo Domantay where Jennifer’s body was later found. defense.
Accused-appellant was about two meters ahead of Jennifer. The bamboo
grove was about 8 to 10 meters from the house of Jiezl Domantay. 10 Celso Manuel, for his part, testified that he is a radio reporter of station
DWPR, an AM station based in Dagupan City. He covers the third district
Lorenzo Domantay, a relative of the victim, corroborated Jiezl’s testimony of Pangasinan, including Malasiqui. Sometime in October 1996, an uncle
that accused-appellant had gone to Amparo Domantay’s bamboo grove in of the victim came to Dagupan City and informed the station about
the afternoon of October 17, 1996. Lorenzo said that that afternoon, on Jennifer Domantay’s case. 16 On October 23, 1996, Manuel went to
his way to his farm, he saw accused-appellant about 30 meters away, Malasiqui to interview accused-appellant who was then detained in the
standing at the spot in the bamboo grove where Jennifer’s body was later municipal jail. He described what transpired during the interview thus: 17
found. Accused-appellant appeared restless and worried as he kept
looking around. However, as Lorenzo was in a hurry, he did not try to find PROS. QUINIT:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
out why accused-appellant appeared to be nervous. 11
Q Did you introduce yourself as a media practitioner?
Prosecution witness Joselito Mejia, a tricycle driver, said that, in the A Yes, sir.
afternoon of October 17, 1996, he was about to take his lunch at home in Q How did you introduce yourself to the accused?
Alacan, a neighboring barangay about half a kilometer from Guilig, when A I showed to Bernardino Domantay alias "Junior Otot" my I.D. card and I
accused-appellant implored Mejia to take him to Malasiqui at once. Mejia presented myself as a media practitioner with my tape recorder [in] my
told accused-appellant that he was going to take his lunch first, but the hand, sir.
latter pleaded with him, saying they will not be gone for long. Mejia, Q What was his reaction to your request for an interview?
therefore, agreed. Mejia noticed that accused-appellant was nervous and A He was willing to state what had happened, sir.
afraid. Accused-appellant later changed his mind. Instead of going to the Q What are those matters which you brought out in that interview with
town proper, he alighted near the Mormon’s church, outside Malasiqui. 12 the accused Bernardino Domantay alias "Junior Otot" ?
A I asked him what was his purpose for human interest’s sake as a
In addition, the prosecution presented SPO1 Antonio Espinoza and Celso reporter, why did he commit that alleged crime. And I asked also if he
Manuel who testified that, on separate occasions, Accused-appellant had committed the crime and he answered "yes." That’s it.
confessed to the brutal killing of Jennifer Domantay. x x x
This provision applies to the stage of custodial investigation, that is, . . . According to this rule, once the primary source (the "tree") is shown
"when the investigation is no longer a general inquiry into an unsolved to have been unlawfully obtained, any secondary or derivative evidence
(the "fruit") derived from it is also inadmissible. Stated otherwise, illegally some incriminating information from the accused." 44 This is pure
seized evidence is obtained as a direct result of the illegal act, whereas conjecture. Although he testified that he had interviewed inmates before,
the "fruit of the poisonous tree" is at least once removed from the illegally there is no evidence to show that Celso was a police beat reporter. Even
seized evidence, but it is equally inadmissible. The rule is based on the assuming that he was, it has not been shown that, in conducting the
principle that evidence illegally obtained by the State should not be used interview in question, his purpose was to elicit incriminating information
to gain other evidence because the originally illegal obtained evidence from Accused-Appellant. To the contrary, the media are known to take an
taints all evidence subsequently obtained. opposite stance against the government by exposing official
We agree with the Solicitor General, however, that accused-appellant’s
confession to the radio reporter, Celso Manuel, is admissible. In People v. Indeed, there is no showing that the radio reporter was acting for the
Andan, 40 the accused in a rape with homicide case confessed to the police or that the interview was conducted under circumstances where it
crime during interviews with the media. In holding the confession is apparent that accused-appellant confessed to the killing out of fear. As
admissible, despite the fact that the accused gave his answers without the already stated, the interview was conducted on October 23, 1996, 6 days
assistance of counsel, this Court said: 41 after accused-appellant had already confessed to the killing to the police.
[A]ppellant’s [oral] confessions to the newsmen are not covered by Accused-appellant’s extrajudicial confession is corroborated by evidence
Section 12(1) and (3) of Article III of the Constitution. The Bill of Rights of corpus delicti, namely, the fact of death of Jennifer Domantay. In
does not concern itself with the relation between a private individual and addition, the circumstantial evidence furnished by the other prosecution
another individual. It governs the relationship between the individual and witnesses dovetails in material points with his confession. He was seen
the State. The prohibitions therein are primarily addressed to the State walking toward the bamboo grove, followed by the victim. Later, he was
and its agents. seen standing near the bamboo grove where the child’s body was found.
Rule 133 of the Revised Rules on Evidence provides:chanrob1es virtual
Accused-appellant claims, however, that the atmosphere in the jail when 1aw library
he was interviewed was "tense and intimidating" and was similar to that
which prevails in a custodial investigation. 42 We are not persuaded. §3. Extrajudicial confession, not sufficient ground for conviction. — An
Accused-appellant was interviewed while he was inside his cell. The extrajudicial confession made by an accused, shall not be sufficient
interviewer stayed outside the cell and the only person beside him was an ground for conviction, unless corroborated by evidence of corpus delicti.
uncle of the victim. Accused-appellant could have refused to be
interviewed, but instead, he agreed. He answered questions freely and §4. Evidence necessary in treason cases. — No person charged with
spontaneously. According to Celso Manuel, he said he was willing to treason shall be convicted unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the
accept the consequences of his act. same overt act, or on confession in open court.
Celso Manuel admitted that there were indeed some police officers around Accused-appellant argues that it was improbable for a brutal killing to
because about two to three meters from the jail were the police station have been committed without the children who were playing about eight
and the radio room. 43 We do not think the presence of the police officers to ten meters from Amparo Domantay’s grove, where the crime took
exerted any undue pressure or influence on accused-appellant and place, having heard any commotion. 45 The contention has no merit.
coerced him into giving his confession. Accused-appellant could have covered the young child’s mouth to prevent
her from making any sound. In fact, Dr. Bandonill noted a five by two inch
Accused-appellant contends that "it is . . . not altogether improbable for (5" x 2") contusion on the left side of the victim’s forehead, which he said
the police investigators to ask the police reporter (Manuel) to try to elicit could have been caused by a hard blunt instrument or by impact as her
head hit the ground. 46 The blow could have rendered her unconscious, The killing was committed with the generic aggravating circumstance of
thus precluding her from shouting or crying. abuse of superior strength. The record shows that the victim, Jennifer
Domantay, was six years old at the time of the killing. She was a child of
Accused-appellant also contends that the testimony of Jiezl Domantay small build, 46" in height. 47 It is clear then that she could not have put
contradicts that of Lorenzo Domantay because while Jiezl said she had up much of a defense against accused-appellant’s assault, the latter being
seen accused-appellant walking towards the bamboo grove, followed by a fully grown man of 29 years. Indeed, the physical evidence supports a
the victim, at around 2 o’clock in the afternoon on October 17, 1996, finding of abuse of superior strength: accused-appellant had a weapon,
Lorenzo said he saw accused-appellant standing near the bamboo grove while the victim was not shown to have had any; there were 38 stab
at about the same time. wounds; and all the knife wounds are located at the back of Jennifer’s
These witnesses, however, did not testify concerning what they saw at
exactly the same time. What they told the court was what they had seen But we think the lower court erred in finding that the killing was
"at around" 2 o’clock in the afternoon. There could have been a difference committed with cruelty. 48 The trial court appears to have been led to
in time, however little it was, between the time Jiezl saw accused- this conclusion by the number of wounds inflicted on the victim. But the
appellant and the victim walking and the time Lorenzo saw accused- number of wounds is not a test for determining whether there was cruelty
appellant near the place where the victim’s body was later found. Far as an aggravating circumstance. 49 "The test . . . is whether the accused
from contradicting each other, these witnesses confirmed what each had deliberately and sadistically augmented the victim’s suffering thus . . .
said each one saw. What is striking about their testimonies is that while there must be proof that the victim was made to agonize before the [the
Jiezl said she saw accused-appellant going toward the bamboo grove accused] rendered the blow which snuffed out (her) life." 50 In this case,
followed by the victim "at around" 2 o’clock in the afternoon on October there is no such proof of cruelty. Dr. Bandonill testified that any of the
17, 1996, Lorenzo said he had seen accused-appellant near the bamboo major wounds on the victim’s back could have caused her death as they
grove "at around" that time. He described accused-appellant as nervous penetrated her heart, lungs and liver, kidney and intestines. 51
and worried. There is no reason to doubt the claim of these witnesses.
Lorenzo is a relative of Accused-Appellant. There is no reason he would Second. There is, however, no sufficient evidence to hold accused-
testify falsely against the latter. Jiezl, on the other hand, is also surnamed appellant guilty of raping Jennifer Domantay. Art. 335 of the Revised
Domantay and could also be related to accused-appellant and has not Penal Code, as amended, in part provides:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
been shown to have any reason to testify falsely against Accused-
Appellant. At the time of the incident, she was only 10 years old. ARTICLE 335. When and how rape is committed. — Rape is committed by
having carnal knowledge of a woman under any of the following
For the foregoing reasons, the Court is convinced of accused-appellant’s circumstances.
guilt with respect to the killing of the child. It is clear that the prosecution
has proven beyond reasonable doubt that accused-appellant is guilty of 1. By using force or intimidation;
homicide. Art. 249 of the Revised Penal Code provides:chanrob1es virtual
1aw library 2. When the woman is deprived of reason or otherwise unconscious; and
Any person who, not falling within the provisions of Article 246 [parricide] 3. When the woman is under twelve years of age or is demented.
shall kill another without the attendance of any of the circumstances
enumerated in the next preceding article [murder], shall be deemed guilty As the victim here was six years old, only carnal knowledge had to be
of homicide and be punished by reclusion temporal. proved to establish rape. Carnal knowledge is defined as the act of a man
having sexual intercourse or sexual bodily connections with a woman. 52
For this purpose, it is enough if there was even the slightest contact of the area by a hard rigid instrument.
male sex organ with the labia of the victim’s genitalia. 53 However, there Q Could it have been caused by a human organ?
must be proof, by direct or indirect evidence, of such contact. A If the human male organ is erect, fully erect and hard then it is
possible, sir. x x x
Dr. Ronald Bandonill’s report on the genital examination he had ATTY. VALDEZ:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
performed on the deceased reads: 54 Q In your remarks; finding at the genital area indicates the probability of
penetration of that area by a hard rigid instrument, this may have also
GENITAL EXAMINATION; showed a complete laceration of the right side of been caused by a dagger used in the killing of Jennifer Domantay is that
the hymen. The surrounding genital area shows signs of inflammation. correct?
x x x A Well, sir when I say hard rigid instrument it should not be sharp pointed
REMARKS: 1) Findings at the genital area indicate the probability of and sharp rigid, it should be a hard bl[u]nt instrument.
penetration of that area by a hard, rigid Q Do you consider a bolo a bl[u]nt instrument, or a dagger? A The dagger is a sharp rigid but it is not a bl[u]nt instrument, sir.
Q This Genital Examination showed a complete laceration of the right side
Hymenal laceration is not necessary to prove rape; 55 neither does its of the hymen, this may have been possibly caused by a dagger, is it not?
presence prove its commission. As held in People v. Ulili, 56 a medical A No, sir. I won’t say that this would have been caused by a dagger,
certificate or the testimony of the physician is presented not to prove that because a dagger would have made at its incision . . . not a laceration,
the victim was raped but to show that the latter had lost her virginity. sir.
Consequently, standing alone, a physician’s finding that the hymen of the Q But this laceration may also have been caused by other factors other
alleged victim was lacerated does not prove rape. It is only when this is than the human male organ, is that correct? A A hard bl[u]nt instrument,
corroborated by other evidence proving carnal knowledge that rape may sir could show. Q My question is other than the human male organ?
be deemed to have been established. 57 A Possible, sir.
x x x
This conclusion is based on the medically accepted fact that a hymenal COURT:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
tear may be caused by objects other than the male sex organ 58 or may Q You mentioned that the hymen was lacerated on the right side?
arise from other causes. 59 Dr. Bandonill himself admitted this. He A Yes, your Honor.
testified that the right side of the victim’s hymen had been completely Q And if there is a complete erection by a human organ is this possible
lacerated while the surrounding genital area showed signs of that the laceration can only be on the right side of the hymen?
inflammation. 60 He opined that the laceration had been inflicted within A Yes, your Honor, its possible.
24 hours of the victim’s death and that the inflammation was due to a Q How about if the penetration was done by a finger, was it the same as
trauma in that area. 61 When asked by the private prosecutor whether the human organ?
the lacerations of the hymen could have been caused by the insertion of a A Well, it depends on the size of the finger that penetrat[es] the organ, if
male organ he said this was possible. But he also said when questioned the finger is small it could the superficial laceration, and if the finger is
by the defense that the lacerations could have been caused by something large then it is possible your honor. Q How about two fingers?
blunt other than the male organ. Thus, he testified: 62 A Possible, sir.
PROS. F. QUINIT: Q Now, what might have caused the complete To be sure, this Court has sustained a number of convictions for rape with
laceration of the right side of the hymen, doctor? homicide based on purely circumstantial evidence. In those instances,
A Well, sir, if you look at my report there is a remark and it says there; however, the prosecution was able to present other tell-tale signs of rape
findings at the genital area indicated the probability of penetration of that such as the location and description of the victim’s clothings, especially
her undergarments, the position of the body when found and the like. 63 right buttocks.
In People v. Macalino, 64 for instance, the Court affirmed a conviction for
the rape of a two year-old child on the basis of circumstantial evidence: It is noteworthy that the deceased was fully clothed in blue shorts and
65 white shirt when her body was brought to her parent’s house immediately
after it was found. 71 Furthermore, there is a huge bloodstain in the back
The Court notes that the testimony or medical opinion of Dr. Gajardo that portion of her shorts. 72 This must be because she was wearing this piece
the fresh laceration had been produced by sexual intercourse is of clothing when the stab wounds were inflicted or immediately thereafter,
corroborated by the testimony given by complainant Elizabeth that when thus allowing the blood to seep into her shorts to such an extent. As
she rushed upstairs upon hearing her daughter suddenly cry out, she accused-appellant would naturally have to pull down the girl’s lower
found appellant Macalino beside the child buttoning his own pants and garments in order to consummate the rape, then, he must have,
that she found some sticky fluid on the child’s buttocks and some blood regardless of when the stab wounds were inflicted, pulled up the victim’s
on her private part. (Emphasis in the original) shorts and undergarments after the alleged rape, otherwise, the victim’s
shorts would not have been stained so extensively. Again, this is contrary
In contrast, in the case at bar, there is no circumstantial evidence from to ordinary human experience.
which to infer that accused-appellant sexually abused the victim. The only
circumstance from which such inference might be made is that accused- Even assuming that Jennifer had been raped, there is no sufficient proof
appellant was seen with the victim walking toward the place where the that it was accused-appellant who had raped her. He did not confess to
girl’s body was found. Maybe he raped the girl. Maybe he did not. Maybe having raped the victim.
he simply inserted a blunt object into her organ, thus causing the
lacerations in the hymen. Otherwise, there is no circumstance from which From the foregoing, we cannot find that accused-appellant also committed
it might reasonably be inferred that he abused her, e.g., that he was rape. In the special complex crime of rape with homicide, both the rape
zipping up his pants, that there was spermatozoa in the girl’s vaginal and the homicide must be established beyond reasonable doubt. 73
Third. The trial court ordered accused-appellant to pay the heirs of
Indeed, the very autopsy report of Dr. Bandonill militates against the Jennifer Domantay the amount of P30,000.00 as actual damages.
finding of rape. In describing the stab wounds on the body of the victim, However, the list of expenses produced by the victim’s father, Jaime
he testified: 66 Domantay, only totaled P28,430.00. Of this amount, only P12,000.00 was
supported by a receipt. Art. 2199 of the Civil Code provides that a party
[A]fter examining the body I took note that there were several stab may recover actual or compensatory damages only for such loss as he has
wounds . . . these were all found at the back area sir . . . extending from duly proved. Therefore, the award of actual damages should be reduced
the back shoulder down to the lower back area from the left to the right. to P12,000.00.
Considering the relative physical positions of the accused and the victim in In addition, the heirs of Jennifer Domantay are entitled to recover
crimes of rape, the usual location of the external bodily injuries of the exemplary damages in view of the presence of the aggravating
victim is on the face, 67 neck, 68 and anterior portion 69 of her body. circumstance of abuse of superior strength. Art. 2230 of the Civil Code
Although it is not unnatural to find contusions on the posterior side, these provides for the payment of exemplary damages when the crime is
are usually caused by the downward pressure on the victim’s body during committed with one or more aggravating circumstance. An amount of
the sexual assault. 70 It is unquestionably different when, as in this case, P25,000.00 is deemed appropriate. 74
all the stab wounds (except for a minor cut in the lower left leg) had their
entry points at the back running from the upper left shoulder to the lower In accordance with our rulings in People v. Robles 75 and People v.
Mengote, 76 the indemnity should be fixed at P50,000.00 and the moral
damages at P50,000.00. 77
WHEREFORE, the judgment of the trial court is SET ASIDE and another
one is rendered FINDING accused-appellant guilty of homicide with the
aggravating circumstance of abuse of superior strength and sentencing
him to a prison term of 12 years of prision mayor, as minimum, to 20
years of reclusion temporal, as maximum, and ORDERING him to pay the
heirs of Jennifer Domantay the amounts of P50,000.00, as indemnity,
P50,000.00, as moral damages, P25,000.00, as exemplary damages, and
P12,000.00, as actual damages, and the : virtual
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