Week 3 IT135-8

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History: The Web Makes it Easy to Use


1. What was a common goal that the various innovators we've heard from were trying
to achieve?

Make sure that their country was the only country with and effective communications
Commercialize their innovations as quickly as possible before anyone came up with a
better idea
#Improve communication between people all across the world
Protect their ideas using patents so they would have an edge over other application

2. What did Robert Caillau see as a major strength of his web editor and browser as
opposed to Gopher and ultimately Mosaic?

It ran on tablet computers

It was much easier to install
It made it possible to search the web to find pages you needed
# It could both edit and view all documents

3. What does HTTP stand for?

Haptic Type Transmit Pattern

Helpful Text Typing Pattern
# Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

4. In 1994-1995, Microsoft saw the Internet as such an important piece of the

future that they devoted how many people to developing support for the Internet and
Web into Windows-95?

# 2000

5. What best describes Robert Caillau's vision for the World Wide Web?

# An interface that would allow academics to collaboratively create, edit, and view
documentation, seeing each different type of material (maps, images, text, etc.) in
its own particular individual window.
A tool that would allow people to shop, connect with family and friends, and
produce public logs of their daily lives
A system through which academics could discover research relevant to their field

6. Which of the following best describe how people used the web server developed by
Paul Kunz?

# As an early digital library

#or As an early search engine

7. What piece of technology had to be created for the web to be successful in 1994?

WiFi and 3G enabled tablet computers

# A method of linking between documents
Touch screen devices that did handwriting recognition
Cell phones with "always-connected" data plans
8. During what time period was Gopher more popular than the Web?


9. What is the markup language invented by Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau to
represent web documents.


10. What problems were the team trying to develop NCSA Mosaic trying to solve?
(check all that apply)

Teaching beginning Computer Science students how to develop web services

Creating a browser where all content popped up in a new window
# Creating a browser that would let people view documents stored on the web
# Creating a web browser that was easy to install

11. Who did Paul Kunz describe the modern implementation of the internet as being a
"win-win" solution for? (Choose all that apply)

# The Web is a win for everyday people as it allows them to do complex product
comparisons effectively
# The Web is a win for companies because it helps them reaching their target
audience more directly
The Web is a win for telephone companies as it gives them a monopoly over long
distance communications

12. Which of the following is true?

One way of reducing cost on a store-and-forward network was to add another school
geographically in-between two connected schools
The NSFNet was a store-and-forward network
# Store and forward networks were better at supporting interactive uses of the
network like instant messaging

13. What did Steve Jobs contribute to the creation of the Internet?

While in college, he created the browser that would ultimately be instrumental in

making the Internet available to everyone.
He made sure that the first web browser from CERN was very easy to install and use
by bundling it into the iPad
He gave CERN a grant to write the software for the world-wide web.
# He was responsible for the company that created the NeXT machine - and on which
much of the most earliest development of the Internet was done.
He invented a new business model for music that ultimate created the need for the
world-wide-web and Internet

14. Which of the following is not true about the CERN high-energy physics lab?

They bring together scientists from all around the world

CERN has a need to communicate with scientists working at universities around the
Many of the experiments at CERN take 10 or 20 years to build before they can be
used to gather data
# They got a grant from the National Science Foundation to build the first Internet
in 1985

15. In what year can we clearly say the World Wide Web took off?

# 1994

16. What makes Switzerland an ideal location to house a multi-national

collaborative research facility like CERN?

The fantastic food available to feed these brilliant minds

The flat landscape allows for the construction of large above-ground particle
The beautiful and inspiring scenery
# Switzerland's longstanding neutrality allows scientists from all over the world
to travel there more easily than other nations.

17. What kinds of atmospheres do we consistently see as providing the right support
to allow fantastic innovation to happen?

Top-down organizations that emphasize specific goals and standards, and refuse to
allow their research to be distracted by new discoveries.
# Organizations that support and encourage creativity in all forms - including
music, art, and the pursuit of extensive side projects.
Organizations that offer financial bonuses to employees that produce innovations
that transform society.
Government-run projects that use statistical approaches to process improvement
reducing the average number of defects in each innovation.

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