May 2020 Astrology Magazine PDF

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We Shall Overcome:
Editor's Note 2 Special Message from
His Holiness Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Mars in Capricorn.
Forecast and Remedies 7 Coronavirus Pandemic and
Cure. The Role of Nakshatras 10
Effects of Solar and Lunar Eclipse 12 The Miraculous Health Benefits
Vishnu Sasasranama

Why Coronavirus
Began in China? 22 The Role of Saturn, Mars,
Rahu and the
Eighth House in Epidemics

Words of Wisdom 27 Coronavirus

Naadi Astrology Based Analysis

The Astrological
eMagazine Panchanga
for May 2020

This Month (May 2020)

for You
35 The Astrological
eMagazine Ephemeris
for May 2020


Editor’s Note

Niranjan Babu &

Suprajarama Raman

Dear Readers, वं नो अ या अमते त धो३ऽिभश

ु ृ । वं
तेरव पिध don’t blindly believe in what is
ु ्॥
न ऊती तव िच या िधया िश ा शिच गातिवत being told but use your common
The impact of the COVID-19 crisis sense and intelligence to infer, and
has just begun to reveal itself. The This verse is a part of the hymns for c) Shiksha – self discipline.
pandemic is raging a threat beyond Lord Indra. Indra governs all our
all boundaries, medically and Indriyas – or faculties that help us During the times of Coronavirus,
e c o n o m i c a l l y. D e v e l o p i n g sense, observe and recognize the let’s use this verse as Gospel and
countries like India have fewer and various events and happenings fight together this pandemic.
harder choices to make to combat around us. These include the eyes,
the widespread. For those living the nose, the ears, the tongue, the In these turbulent times, we want to
with hand to mouth resources, it will touch etc. spread positivity and offer remedial
mean starvation. measures in all forms. Author
The verse essentially tells us that if Nirupama brings to you the power
As the governments, institutions, there exists a time in our life when of reciting Vishnu Sahasranama
and experts from all fields are Amata – disease where we are and the various benefits it brings
leaving no stone unturned to arrive unprepared, Kshudha – death or to us. The article is sourced from the
at all possible cure and remedies, sickness that is caused due to English translation of the book on
even the astrologers worldwide are circumstances that are beyond Vi s h n u S a h a s r a n a m a b y t h e
doing deep study and analysis of the human capabilities and Abhishasta internationally well-known Dr.
entire catastrophe. – spreading of falsehood or rumors, Arulamallige Parthasarathy. It is a
then the best response to handle this wonderful process and mechanism
I am reminded of a Verse from Rig carefully would be to use a) that each one of us should practice
Veda – Mandala 8. The verse is Chitraya – self quarantine b) Dhiya every day for ourselves and for our
given below – – use your own wisdom while family.
consuming information i.e.


On a similar note, I feel fortunate to have Gurudev Sri Sri study and analysis of planetary positions at various
Ravi Shankar to share his views about the difficult times. junctures with a detailed chart analysis.
He emphasizes that our resilience during these
challenging times will be tested not only by how we In another article, Mr. Harold Singh investigates the role
combat the spread of the Virus but also how we make of the planets - Mars, Saturn and Rahu and the 8th
the best out of the circumstance. Very aptly he brings house from Rahu during the onset of major
attention to the ancient philosophy of yoga where a great epidemics involving more than 100,000 fatalities
deal of emphasis was given to cleanliness. over the last 120 years. It is an intriguing study and
strangely we see the involvement of Mars, Saturn and
In this issue, we like to present some in-depth Rahu and the 8th house from Rahu. It seems more than a
Astrological perspectives and analysis of COVID-19. We coincidence.
have Ashutosh Chawla, who throws light on Moola
Nakshatra and its impact on the Grahas. Since the The cover story of this edition, is on the transit of Mars
beginning of November 2019, with Deva Guru in Capricorn. Mars, the planet of energy, action and
Brihaspati entering Dhanus rasi, which was already power began its transit in Capricorn on March 20, 2020,
hosting Ketu and Shani for a very long time, got activated and it’s going to stay there till May 2, 2020. During this
with the double transit of Guru and Shanidev. This period transit, Mars begins with Uttarashada Nakshatra,
indicated the beginning of some calamity. Within a entering on March 15, and will remain there for the rest
couple of days from Surya Grahana, a few cases of of March. It then moves to Sravana Nakshatra on April 3
coronavirus were registered in China and on 31st Dec and then to Dhanishta Nakshatra on April 23. When
2019, Transition of these Grahas and Grahana in Moola Mars is in Capricorn, it behaves in a certain way. Read
nakshatra indicates that there has been some adharma and on to get an in-depth understanding of Mars and what
himsa happening, that’s why Nriti (calamity) is happens when it is in Capricorn, along with its impact
awakened. On top of this, Ketu moved to Moola with respect to each rasi (moon sign).
Nakshatra by mid of January. The results of which we are
facing now. We want to conclude on a positive note and wish all the
readers safety and health.
In another such analysis by Prof. N. S Murthy, he throws
light on the effects due to solar and lunar eclipses and Happy reading to you all.
the wrath faced because of the Vikari Nama Please do share your comments or feedback at
Samvathsara, which began in April 2019 to March [email protected]
On the positive note, the author also informs us about the
aftereffects of Sarvari Naama Samvatsara which begins
from March 2020 to April 2021 that should bring in some Raman Suprajarama
cheer, wealth, economic growth and even good health. Senior Editor,
The Astrological eMagazine
The article also ends with a detailed analysis of
We also share with you a rare analysis done by R S
Maniam, where he attempts to analyze the COVID-19
outbreak using the horoscope of the Republic of China as
the birth chart of the nation, with 1/10/1949 as the
primary chart. The chart of the Republic of China has
Capricorn rising and Lagna and Moon fall in the same
sign. Most significant in the chart is the current transit of
Saturn over the rising sign of China and the Natal Moon
that certainly depicts the disaster that is happening now.
The author goes on to also explain the association of the
word Corona with Sun.
In another article by H. Ramadas Rao, he explores the
astrological perspective of the pandemic from the lens
of Naadi Astrology principles. He provides an in-depth

3 May 2020 THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE Those who know Astrology can only indicate

in a way what will take place in future.
Chief Editor and Publisher
Who else, except the Creator Brahma,
Bangalore Niranjan Babu can say with certainty what will definitely happen ?
[email protected]
Senior Editor 2020 MAY ISSUE
Raman Suprajarama
Contents Pg. No.
The Astrological eMagazine appears the
previous month of publication. All rights Editor's Note 2
reserved. No part of the magazine may be NIRANJAN BABU & RAMAN SUPRAJARAMA
reproduced in any form or by any means
without the prior written permission of the We Shall Overcome. Special Message from His Holiness 5
publishers. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Articles submitted for publication in The SRI SRI RAVI SHANKAR
Astrological eMagazine must be certified 7
Mars in Capricorn. Forecast and Remedies
in writing by the author that they have not
been published earlier in any form
whatsoever. Unsolicited manuscripts will
Coronavirus Pandemic and Cure. The Role of Nakshatras 10
not be returned. Views expressed in the ASHUTOSH CHAWLA
articles are not necessarily those of the
Editor. The Editor reserves the right to Coronavirus: Effects of Solar and Lunar Eclipse
reject, revise or rewrite any article/ 12
material without assigning any reason
whatsoever and no correspondence will The Miraculous Health Benefits of Vishnu Sasasranama 17
be entertained in this regard. NIRUPAMA
All published articles will become 22
automatically copyrighted to The Why Coronavirus Began in China?
Astrological eMagazine unless otherwise R S MANIAM
The Role of Saturn, Mars, Rahu and the Eighth House in 24
The publisher assumes no responsibility Epidemics
for products or services advertised by HAROLD SINGH
other than The Astrological eMagazine.
No free insertion of any advertisement Words of Wisdom 27
alleging typographical or other mistakes SRI SRI GANAPATHY SACHCHIDANANDA SWAMIJI
will be given.
Coronavirus: Naadi Astrology Based Analysis 28
Bangalore Niranjan Babu
The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for May 2020 32
201 D, Sarathy Apartments,
48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram, This Month (May 2020) for You 35
Bengaluru-560 003 Tel : +91-80-2336 6864
[email protected] The Astrological eMagazine Ephemeris for May 2020 40

Those of you, whose subscription to The Astrological eMagazine ends with this issue
or the earlier issues, can kindly renew their subscriptions at the following rates.
One Year: Rs. 700
Two Years: Rs. 1350
Three Years Rs. 2000
New Subscribers are also welcome.
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We Shall Overcome
Special Message from His
Holiness Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

The Coronavirus Pandemic has created a global

crisis with far-reaching social, economic and
spiritual repercussions. Our resilience during
these challenging times will be tested not only by
how we combat the spread of the Virus but also
how we make the best out of the circumstance.
While it is important to take this pandemic
seriously and act responsibly it is definitely not
the time to panic.
Beating the Virus requires collective action. It’s
imperative that everyone follows the rules like
staying clean, washing the hands frequently,
maintaining social distance etc. Initially, they
might appear challenging, but they aren’t hard to
practice. If you observe, these mannerisms have
been part of many traditional cultures.
The ancient philosophy of Yoga lays a great
deal of emphasis on cleanliness, not only of the
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (born 13 May 1956) founded the Art body but also of the mind and the
of Living Foundation in 1981, a volunteer-based NGO surroundings. The first personal ethics of Yoga
providing social support to the people. In 1997, he or Niyama is about cleanliness or Saucha.
established a Geneva-based charity, the International Saucha, as enunciated in the Yoga Sutras of
Association for Human Values, an NGO that engages in Maharishi Patanjali, advocates purity and
relief work and rural development. cleanliness as a key foundation for yogic life.
According to Gurudev, as he is fondly referred to, says Saucha in its deeper sense also includes avoiding
science and spirituality are linked and compatible, both unnecessary physical contact and intimacy. The
springing from the urge to know. The question, "Who am self-discipline of eating healthy and chemical-
I?" leads to spirituality; the question, "What is this?" leads free food which keeps us clean from within is
to science. Emphasizing that joy is only available in the complementary to Saucha.
present moment, his stated vision is to create a world free
of stress and violence. His programs are said to offer It also includes the discipline to sleep enough, to
practical tools to help accomplish this. He sees breath as work out, to meditate and the like, anything that
the link between body and mind, and a tool to relax the leads to purification of our system.
mind, emphasizing the importance of both
meditation/spiritual practice and service to others. Making asanas, pranayamas and meditation
an integral part of lifestyle can go a long way in
boosting one’s immunity and keeping the
Coronavirus at bay.


The most important growth and self-renewal. Many assured that we will overcome this
contribution we can make great works of the world have one too. I request everyone to desist
during these tumultuous times is emerged out of solitude. from circulating unfounded
to isolate ourselves to reduce the information about the pandemic.
possibilities of contracting and Meditate more and use this forced While we need to be informed of
transmitting the virus. Stay solitude to improve your mental what is happening, do not get
indoors, avoid travelling and strength, creativity, empathy, and obsessed with Corona. Endless TV
going to public gatherings or productivity. Now that you are debates and mindless social media
community feasts. I would getting to spend more time with shares could add to the uncertainty
recommend even avoiding your family members, listen to and cause an upsurge of anxiety and
congregational prayers and t h e m . Ta l k l e s s a n d a v o i d panic.
rituals. arguments.
The Coronavirus is a catastrophe
Meditation and mental prayers are So far, India has done extremely for the world, but it doesn’t have
far superior and much more well in combating the spread of to mean the Apocalypse.
effective than rituals. Take the Coronavirus, but there is a lot more
imposed social distancing or self- to do. During catastrophic events, Despite the dark clouds of gloom,
quarantine as an opportunity to people must care for and share with silver linings are emerging bright
slow down and go inward. It offers each other. The haves should resort enough to bring hope. This is what
you space and time to focus on to some austerity and spend the we need to focus on. The stories of
yourself, to reflect and reset your savings on those who are in dire birds chirping again in Wuhan or
roles and goals. It is also an excuse needs. I urge all those who can skies and water bodies clearing up
to break the monotonous pattern of afford, to take a pay cut and form as people stay indoors or people
fast-paced life and indulge in some endowments to take care of daily opening up their hearts to provide
right-brain activities like creative wage earners and low-income solace to those who are in need
writing, cooking, music, painting groups in their areas so that the might not immediately compensate
or learning a language. It’s the time economic burden is shared by the losses brought about by the
to move beyond the scenery and society locally. Let’s reassure novel pandemic, but they do come
find the lost seer. It’s also the time ourselves and others that there is as lasting reassurances of the good
to strike a balance between rest and enough humanity to take care of for the human race. For sure, this
activity. One who is always in rest everyone. crisis will also leave the population
doesn't progress in life and one more sensitized about cleanliness,
who is always in activity misses This is a temporary phase of personal hygiene and healthy ways
the bliss of deep rest. uncertainty. Mankind has fought of life.
against and prevailed over such
Social distancing is not a threats before. We have overcome Time indeed is the great healer. Let’s
punishment. Silence and solitude epidemics like SARS, Swine flu and give Time, time with patience,
are a potent means for personal bubonic plague in the past. Be courage and compassion.

Those of you, whose subscription to

The Astrological eMagazine
ends with this issue or the earlier issues, can kindly renew
their subscriptions at the following rates.
New Subscribers are also welcome.
Please visit for more information.
One Year: Rs. 700 Two Years: Rs. 1350 Three Years: Rs. 2000



Mars in Capricorn
Forecast and Remedies
Raman Suprajarama

Mars, the planet of energy, action and power began its transit in Capricorn on March 20, 2020 and it’s going to stay
there till May 2, 2020.
During this transit, Mars begins with Uttarashada Nakshatra, entering on March 15, and will remain there for the rest of
March. It then moves to Sravana Nakshatra on April 3 and then to Dhanishta Nakshatra on April 23.
During this period the following two conjunctions takes place.
• The first conjunction of Mars & Guru on March 20, 2020
• The second conjunction of Mars & Shani on March 31, 2020

About Mars – Kuja, Mangala

Let us first understand the characteristics of Mars. Mars is popularly known as “Commander-in-Chief” as it is the
planet that brings in a lot of energy and command. As per Vaastu, its direction is South. Mars denotes multiple traits and
attributes. For your better understanding, I have classified its traits into 4 broad categories as shown below.

Mental traits Physical traits Activities People with occupation

1. Bravery and courage 1. Muscular 1. Cutting 1. Military – Army, Navy and

2. Energy and drive, 2. Average built 2. Burning Airforce; Mars in Capricorn - Army
particularly Kinetic Energy 3. Red and fiery 3. Engineering 2. Chemists and druggists
3. Pioneering spirit Eyes 4. Building 3. Construction
4. Competitive spirit 4. High endurance 5. Defense 4. Police
5. Living in the moment 5. Engineering workers – particularly
6. High zeal and enthusiasm related to Metals and Metallurgy

Mars in Capricorn
Capricorn is the 10th house of the becomes exalted and auspicious in supremely invincible. It is a very
zodiac, which is owned by Saturn. Capricorn. You will automatically important Nakshatra. Makara
Capricorn fundamentally denotes see a rise in theindustrial activity in Sankranti happens when Sun moves
hard work and security, which can
the world. Humans and even into Capricorn and the Nakshatra
be about personal security, family
security, societal security and animals, very naturally become will be Uttarabhadra. This is the time
national Security. energetic and entrepreneurial. They when a lot of creativity oozes out
also become forgiving toward their within us. It is also an auspicious time.
What happens when Mars is in enemies. in Capricorn. Mars has The ruler of Uttarashada is Sun, who is a
Capricorn? already entered Uttarashada Nakshatra friend of Mars. The Devata of
on March 15. Ashada means Uttarashada is Vishwa Devata, which
When Mars is in Capricorn, it can be closely related to parents
invincible and Uttarashada means
behaves in a certain way. Firstly, it (mother and father). During this time,

you will see that a certain mix of your father, teacher or mentor. This is • Meditate on the veil of Lord
energies get radiated from Uttarashada also a good time to plan your career and Muruga.
and Mars, driving high amount of making an investment in a site or house
creativity. Therefore, I suggest it is the will also be beneficial. Be careful with Kataka (Cancer)
best time to indulge in learning new Government or regulatory advisors in
skills and indulge in creative activities. case you encounter them for any Mars is in the 7th house. A conjunction
You can also be a bit adventurous. transactions. It’s advisable to keep them with Jupiter and Saturn also happen in
However, this is not the right time to be in good books as they might cause the 7th house. The 7th house indicates
adventurous due to COVID-19. problems. spouse or relationships. It is a negative
transit. There will be a lot of tension
When Mars moves to Sravana Remedies: between your spouse or partner.
Nakshatra on April 3, which denotes • Do Mars Kavacham daily. Expectations from them will be high,
‘learning through listening’. Ruler of • Use red color wherever possible. It and hence a lot of disappointments and
Sravana is moon, who is again a friend can be on a Mobile wallpaper, arguments. Things will not go as you
of Mars and Devata is Vishnu – The laptop, kerchief, tie, purse, clothes plan, might be mismatch. Transactions
preserving force. The direction of this etc. and deals with Business partners also
Nakshatra North. Mars again will be will not go too well. You are also prone
auspicious during this time. Vrishabha (Taurus) to accidents. There is also a high chance
Uttarashada and Sravana overlay with of happening a theft during travels.
another Nakshatra called Abhijit Mars is in the 9th house. It is a negative There are high chances that any
Nakshatra. This nakshatra denotes transit. Jupiter and Saturn will also be in agreements you sign will not be to your
victory, which means the larger good is 8th house. This transit will have a lot of advantage. Be extra cautious. Slow
achieved at the end, and the rate of negative effects. This is the time to down your pace, and don’t push things
achievement during this time is quite activate your spiritual work. You can to closure.
high. indulge in Mantra Japam, Agni Homa or
Kundalini Activation. In case you have Remedies:
a legal issue, and ethically you are • Recite Mars Kavacham
Mars then moves to Dhanishta • Visit a Subramanya Temple
Nakshatra on April 23. Dhanistha correct, fighting now would be
denotes wealth and is ruled by Mars advantageous. Don’t try to take any Simha (Leo)
himself. The Nakshatra Devata is The shortcuts in your career as they’ll
backfire. Disputes and disagreements Mars in the 6th house. It is a mixed bag,
Eight Vasus (Ministers of Indra), who so it has both positive and negative
help in fulfilling desires. These Eight will arrive with your father or with a
father like figure. impact. You’ll have health issues and a
Vasus are - Prithvi Deva, Agni Deva, troubled mind. You will feel a lot of
Vayu Deva, Varuna Deva, Dhaupitru Remedies: anxiety and restlessness this time. Your
Deva, Surya/Aditya Deva, • Do Mars Kavacham and recite riches or wealth will increase. This is a
Chandra/Soma Deva and Nakshatra Aditya Hridayam Daily good time to secure yourself and your
Deva. There is natural tendency to family. Any court matters or legal
create and acquire wealth during this Mithuna (Gemini) matters should be closed during this
time. The direction is East for this time, to get a positive outcome. Use this
nakshatra. Mars is in the 8th house. It is a negative
transit. Jupiter and Saturn will also be in time to take that medical break and heal
8th house. This transit will have a lot of yourself physically and mentally. There
unfavorable effects. Both your health is also a serious risk of accidents.
and wealth will be affected drastically. Temptations might become high to
Forecasts for Various Rasis / You might face situations where you’ll consume more alcohol, drugs or
Moon Signs not have liquid cash at your disposal, smoking. Be watchful of those.
and support will also not come in easily. Remedies:
Mesha (Aries) Cash related issues might emerge.
Yo u ’ l l a l s o b e v u l n e r a b l e i n • Do lots of Pranayama
Mars is in the 10th house and is joined
by Jupiter and Saturn. This is a professional part, and you might get • Pitta will be very high during this
favorable transit for you. You will be wrongly accused. Your bodily defense time and naturally the digestive
successful in your professional front – mechanisms will also be very low and track will be affected.
both for businesses and salaried you’ll be prone to infections. Therefore,
be careful and take good care of your • Observe a 48 day Vrata of Durga
employees. If a promotion is due, this is
the time to go ask for it. Most likely you health. • If this is not possible, at least recite
will not be disappointed. You can be Om Durgayai Namah 108 times
Remedies: daily
brave and take bold steps in your life. • Get a Ayurvedic Panchakarma
However, one word of caution for you is Kriya • Refrain from alcohol, cigarettes,
to use common sense. And when in • Recite Mars Kavacham drugs and meat.
doubt, please resort to the advice of

Kanya (Virgo) of the good deeds or work you have Remedies:

done. Maintain a certain balance and Ÿ Recite Mars Kavacham every day for
Mars is in the 5th house. It is a negative 28 times.
avoid overdoing and hogging too much
transit. You will be prone to diseases
attention by being talkative. Let others
and the mind will not be peaceful. Kumbha (Aquarius)
discover you. You could be exposed to
Spend time with children, or if you
accidents involving ears and shoulders. Mars is in the 12th house. Jupiter and
don’t have children try to spend time
Carry a red colored kerchief or tie with Saturn are also in the 12th house. It is an
with orphanages and help them. Try and
you to increase your good luck. inauspicious transit. This is the time,
donate to orphanages. Children are the
best form of remedy to negate the evil Dhanus (Sagittarius) when you will have a lot of expenses
form of Mars. Your mind will always be during this time. Frequent quarrels with
occupied with investment related Mars is in the second house from you, spouse or partner is very likely. Opinions
matters and that can be quite taxing. and Jupiter and Saturn conjunction also become very strong and you might end
You’ll be prone to making decisions in happens in this house. It is a negative up imposing things on others., leading to
haste, which you need to careful about. transit. You will encounter problems quarrels and frustration. You might also
Relations with the spouse can become with your bosses. Lack or recognition in miss out on bank loan or credit card
difficult. Your enemies will use this your workspace and sometimes may payments. Be watchful of your
opportunity to pounce on you. Try to be even lead to disgrace. Enemies will outstanding payments. This is a good
overpower you. Your harsh, frank and time to put your energies for spiritual
honest and at the same time use
uncensored speech will tense upliftment. Be patient and time will heal
discretion if required. Diffuse the
situations. You will tend to acquire everything. This is the time that might
situation instead of attacking.
more knowledge at this pint of time – generate increased cravings for Sexual
Remedies: you’ll experiment with speed learning encounters. Sleep will be disturbed.
• Do meditation every day. Meditate and memorization. Financials will take
on the veil of Muruga a hit. Be careful not to invest in • Recite Mars Kavacham.
anything that is too risky. You’ll also • Avoid Rajasic or Tamasic foods
Thula (Libra) fall prey for “get rich easily” kind of • Avoid Meat
schemes. You are prone to get into bad • Mediate on Durga every day. Recite
Mars is in the 4th house. It is negative
habits, or if you already have those, the “Om Durayai Namah” 108 times
transit. Your emotions will be very high.
chances are that they’ll increase. daily
You will be prone to fever and digestive
Therefore avoid smoking, drinking,
troubles. This is a good time to focus on
overeating etc. You are likely to face Meena (Pisces)
house. If you don’t have a house, it is a
dental issues – especially that of teeth
good time to plan buying one. If you
and gums. Fire hazard is also indicated Mars will be in 11th house. So is Jupiter
have a house, try to correct the Vaastu of and Saturn. This is an auspicious time.
during this time. Hence, be safe and
your house. Family responsibilities will Any hand loans or money you have lent,
avoid strong fires, or there is a
increase – especially with respect to this is the time to get your money back.
possibility of getting some burns.
elders in the house. Be patient with Cashflow should pick up for you. Many
family members, or things can end up in Remedies: opportunities will present for
a quarrel. Take good care of your health. • Recite mars kavacha themselves. Socialize and make a lot of
Make sure your environment is clean • Regularly recite or listen to Vishnu new friends. If you have been dreaming
and free of waste and garbage. Sahasranama of doing something new, take the step
now. Be cautious to not forget basic
Remedies: Makara (Capricorn)
hygiene. You’ll be prone to paying fines
• Recite Subramanya Kavacham. and penalties. Watch out for “Get rich”
Mars is in the first house and
Everyday once in the morning and schemes. Chances are high that you will
conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn take
once in the evening. It takes about 4- be cheated. Spiritual activities can also
place in your Rasi Sign. It is an
5 mins to recite be undertaken during this time.
inauspicious transit. There will be lot of
Vrschika (Scorpio) troubles. Mars will simulate you to
accomplish lot of things. You will end Remedies:
Mars in the 3rd house. It is a positive up taking more activities and try to • Recite Mars Kavacham
transit. You will gain expensive objects. • Carry a viel of Muruga in your purse
solve. Try to minimize the effort. You
Your wealth will also increase always.
will tend to be very aggressive in nature.
considerably. This is a good time to hit Because of this, your temper will be high
the home gym or do Yoga as your body and impatient. Don’t let impatience and
can quickly come into shape and anger spoil the situations. You are also
become fit. You will also pursue some prone to accidents – especially of head.
activities in arts – painting, coloring, Therefore, wear a helmet when you go Stay Home,
photography, dancing, drama etc. This
is the time when you can also focus on
out. You will also have a lot of quarrels
and heated arguments in your
Stay Safe.
personal branding and promoting some workspace. You might also end up
making new enemies.


Coronavirus Pandemic and Cure

The Role of Nakshatras
Ashutosh Chawla

The Nakshatra that is ruled by the Nriti the

Goddess of calamities is Moola Nakshatra,
and any major movements of slow moving
Grahas in Moola Nakshatra is always an
alarm from nature to fasten our seatbelts and
prepare for a bumpy ride ahead.
Since the beginning of November 2019,
with Deva Guru Brihaspati entering Dhanu
Rasi, which was already hosting Ketu and
Shani for a very long time, got activated
with the double transit of Guru and
Shanidev. This period indicated the
beginning of some calamity. And we have
started witnessing protests, riots, wildfire,
war like situations in some of the countries
across the globe.
To add fuel to this already burning fire Surya
Grahana happened in Moola Nakshtra.
Hails from a traditional spiritual family of Jodhpur, Rajasthan.
Ashutosh started to learn astrology at age of 16 from his father With this potent Surya Grahana
and first Guru of Astrology Sri Laxmi Narayan ji. Later his happening in Moola Nakshatra, many
Jyotish Guru Late Sri Jai Gopal Bohra ji took him under his astrologers predicted that, as an
guidance and started to teach him as per tradition aftereffect there will be challenges for the
coming three months till the Samvatsar
With natural inclination towards spirituality from a very early changes or till Brihaspati moves to
age, he led a very satvik and spiritual lifestyle while working in Makara Rasi.
corporate. Highly inspired by the philosophy of “Vasudhaiva
Kutumbakam- One world family”, in the year 2011 he decides to Within couple of days from Surya Grahana
devote his life in service of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar ji and a few cases of Corona virus were registered
HIS Mission, and joined Art of living International Center in in China and on 31st Dec 2019, WHO
Bangalore as full time dedicated Sevak and continued his announced a warning against the deadly
Spiritual and Jyotish Sadhana there. Ashutosh is also an Art of virus as science did not have any cure for it.
Living faculty member and teaches various programs such as
Vedic Wisdom, Vedic Jyotish, Upanayanam, Happiness Any Grahana, as we all know increases the
Program, Youth Leader Training Progam, and Art of Living Yoga toxicity on planet Earth, the contamination
Level 1. With the Guidance of Param Pujya Gurudev he has also increases and that’s why certain precautions
played a key role in setting up an Ashram for Chaudhary Group and practices are recommended during
in Nepal that includes a Vaidic Karmakanda Gurukul, a Grahana time. Since the Surya Grahana
Meditation center, a Shiva Temple, a Goshala, a Satvik cafe, a happened in Moola Nakshatra, which was
Heritage museum and a Souvenir store. a l r e a d y a c t i v a t e d b y J u p i t e r, t h e
contamination turned into Nriti (Calamity).


Here if we take Puranic reference of Moola Nakshatra. That’s when first issues i.e. worshipping lord Vishnu
Devi Nriti, she is the daughter of death by coronavirus and first in Shaligrama. As Shaligrama
Adharma (unrighteousness) and international infection was worshipping involves certain
Himsa (violence). reported. Until then it was limited specific rituals, those who
only to China.
Transition of these Grahas and are learned in it can only perform,
Grahana in Moola nakshatra Now if we are thinking that if Ketu but for rest of us listening to the
indicates that there has been some in Moola Nakshatra and Rahu in chants of Vishnu Sahasranamam
Adharma and Himsa happening, Ardra will keep spreading this shall also create a protective
that’s why Nriti (calamity) is disease, this looks like a long wait. shield around us and our family
awakened. But the good news here is, with from the disease.
Saturn Moving into Capricorn the
It is also very interesting to know whole world has awakened against On top of all, if one can do daily
that children of Nriti are Bhaya the disease and started observing Agnihotras, that shall also keep
(fear) and Mrityu (death). That’s certain discipline of social such viruses away from our home.
what Nriti gives birth to, and the distancing and solitude. With
whole world is witnessing it. Jupiter also entering into Makara by I hope this small analysis of
end of March, it will cause the pandemic and remedies help all of
So, coming back to Grahana, double transit and will activate the us and our families to stay healthy
whenever a Grahana happens, second house - the Makara from and protected.
toxicity is born and this toxicity or Dhanu Rasi, indicating destruction
poison is removed by Chandra of all the poison created during Sarve Bhavantu Sukinaha,
(Soma) when it returns to the same Grahana. Sarve Santu Niramayaha,
sign or aspects the sign. However, Sarve Bhadrani PAshyantu,
nature had some other plan, this This movement of Jupiter should Ma Kashchid Dukha Bhagbhavet.
time the next Purnima (full moon) bring some good news in terms of Om Shanitihi Shantihi Shantihi
was a lunar eclipse and before finding a cure for this disease, of
Chandra could transit the same sign course the testing of cure will take
again, Ketu moved to Moola some time, so within couple of
Nakshatra by mid of January. weeks from Jupiter’s transit to
Makara we can expect some
Now Ketu in Moola Nakshatra, its relief. For Jyothisha
own Nakshatra has always
indicated the awakening of Nriti and
Mars in Capricorn
or arrival of some calamity. Last
time Ketu transited Moola Though it does indicate some relief,
Vastu Soutions
Nakshatra it had Kuja’s energy however we must remain extremely
accompanying it, which was an cautious till Rahu is in Ardra i.e. WhatsApp:
indication of a calamity coming out middle of May and with Ketu
for fire or violence, and world moving out of Moola, things should +91 98440 13335
experienced 9/11 disaster in the US. get back to normal i.e. by end of
This time Ketu had toxins/virus
created by Grahana in Moola
Nakshatra. This was the indication Until then it is advised to pray to
of an epidemic or pandemic. the Devata of Ardra Nakshatra -
Bhagwan Rudra by listening to
Ketu and Rahu axis does a very the chants of Sri Rudram, and
interesting job here. Ketu is like Adhidevata of Ketu - Lord
absorber, it absorbs all the poison Ganapati, by listening to
that was created during Grahana Ganapati Atharva Shirsham.
and transmits it to Rahu, which in
turn spreads it all over the world. Puranas give an extremely good
If we note the dates, this started to remedy for Moola nakshatra related
happen when Ketu moved into



Coronavirus: Effects of Solar and

Lunar Eclipse
Prof. N. S. Murthy

In the year April 2019 to March 2020, there were two Solar eclipses
and one Lunar eclipse.
Solar Eclipse 1:
• On 02-07-2019 Tuesday in Jyeshta Masa Krishna Paksha, on the
day of Amavasya tithi, Nakshatra was Aridra and Rasi was
• Jyeshta Masa: Government changes in various states, senior
executives of the government, very important persons and rioters
• Mithuna Rasi: Rulers, government employees and artists suffer.
The people residing near Yamuna river will suffer due to natural
• Eclipses in Airy Rasis: Scarcity and shortage of food, sickness
to people, contagious diseases, cyclones, stormy winds, distress
to mankind, and cruelty to mankind.
Prof. Murthy, with doctorates in Vastu,
Medical Astrology and Alternative Solar Eclipse 2:
Medicine, has received innumerable
awards such as Vaasthu Brahmarishi, • On 26-12-2019 Thursday in Margashira masa, Krishna Paksha
Jyotisha Jyanacharya, Jyotisha Maha on the day on Amavasaya tithi, Nakshatra was Moola and Rasi
Mohapadhyaya, Man of the Year 2009, was Dhanur.
Vaasthu Diggaja, Great Astrologer of
Asia 2008, Jyotisha Vidya Vachaspathi, • Margashira Masa: The agricultural produce will be good but
Man of the Year 2007, Jyotisha Shastra religious people will suffer. There will also be miseries at borders
B r u h a s p a t h i , Va a s t h u J n a n a fronts.
Vishwakarma, Jyotisha Padmashree, • D h a n u r R a s i : T h e r e w i l l b e s u ff e r i n g s t o r u l e r s ,
Vaasthu Gnana Brahma, Jyotisha doctors/vaidyas, businessmen – problem in profession and
Visharada, Vaasthu Shilpa Praveena, financial losses and financial obligation will increase and
Jyotisha Guru ,Vaasthu Nidhi, Jyotisha technology companies will suffer due to financial crisis -
Kalamani, Vaasthu Alankara, Jyotisha software companies, automobile industries, stock market and
Samrat. He is the Secretary of Astro airline companies.
Science & Heritage Research Council,
South Zone, Karnataka) • Eclipses in Agni rasis: These threaten the destruction of cattle
and sheep, movement of armies, fighting, fires, fevers,
contagious diseases, scarcity of agricultural produce.


Lunar Eclipse: the above human sufferings through Effects of new Sarvari Naama
pandemic diseases due to Vikari Samvatsara
• On 16-07-2019 Tuesday, Ashada Naama Samvatsara. The problem
Masa, Shukla Paksha on the day repeats once in 60 years. 1. The King is Budha (Mercury)
of Pournima, Nakshatra was who gives more problem from
Uttarashada and Rasi was Effects of Samvathsaras winds, less rain fall, widespread
Makara. diseases, good silk growth,
After effects of Vikari Nama problems in Ministry, social
• Ashada Masa: The eclipse in Samvatsara (April 2019 to March media will earn a good name and
Aashada indicates less rain fall, 2020) fame and fear of king.
scarcity of water in some parts of
the country, few rivers would During Vikari Nama Samvatsara, 2. The Minister is Chandra (Moon)
drain and also few rivers would according to Bruhath Jyothishsaar who gives sufficient rains, very
change their course. by Dr. Surkhant Jha, the following good agricultural produce,
are indicated: happy people with their growth,
• Dhanur Rasi: The eclipse in prosperity and improvement.
Dhanur Rasi causes sufferings to • People from all over the world Individual health will improve.
rulers, doctors/vaidyas, will suffer from diseases (water Auspicious events take place in
businessmen and technologists. borne diseases - Cholera, lungs each and every house of the state.
• Makara Rasi: Families of very 3. Commander-in-Chief is Surya
important persons, ministers, • Catastrophe due to very heavy (Sun) who makes the
medicine manufacturers and rainfall. administrators rule the land in a
intellectuals will suffer. fair manner. Army will be
• Scarcity of agricultural produce.
disciplined. There will be heavy
Note: The effect of Solar and Lunar collection of taxes from the
eclipses happening through During the flood fury in India about
1100 people have died due to floods. Government, sufficient rains,
dwiswabhava rasis will commence prices of food come down,
sooner and last longer. They will This year caused devastation in
almost 16000 villages in many people will be very happy and
continue for some time, suddenly milk production will be very
cease and then commence again. states like Madhya Pradesh, Assam,
Bihar, West Bengal, Odisha, good.
Here in this year both the Solar and
Lunar eclipses happened in Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra and
Gujarat. 4. Sasyaadhipathy lord is Guru
dwiswabhava rasis. (Jupiter) who gives good and
profitable agricultural produce.
Results of Vikari Nama After effects of Sarvari Naama
Samvatsara during March 5. Konkana (Maharastra, Goa and
Samvathsara Karnataka) and Magadha
2020 to April 2021 (Bihar) provinces will get less
• During the year 1899-1900, the
entire world has faced mass According to Bruhath Jyothishsaar, benefit in agricultural growth.
health problems like Cholera. there will be: Increased production in oil
seeds, sugar and jaggery are
• During the year 1959-1960, the • Abundance of wealth. seen. People stick to their
entire world again faced mass religious code of conduct. Rulers
health problem like Asian flu and • Abundance of food grains.
will be righteous.
AIDS. • Improvement of economic
6. Dhaanyadipathy is Mangala
• During the year 2019-2020, the conditions.
(Mars) who gives rain fall in the
entire world again faced the • More rainfall. first half of the year, good
mass health problem like Corona benefits to short time crops along
Virus (also known as COVID- • No enemies to Government, with other seasonal products and
19). leaders and ministers. gives more benefits from red
soil. Fear of flood and famine
Our ancient astrological scholars • Happy and healthy people of the will be there in some parts of the
had indicated many years ago about countries. country.


7. Arghaadipa is Chandra (Moon) happy and the land is filled with 11. Pashunayaka gives good growth
who gives the entire countries fruits and flowers. and prosperity in agricultural
good agricultural growth and fields. Cows will be hale and
personal growth. Good rainfall 9. Rasadhipa is Shani (Saturn) who healthy.
everywhere and produces good gives less rain, medium growth
crops. Reasonable prices of the in agricultural fields. Fear of Note: This year gives more or less
commodities and rulers will be epidemics, trouble to animals, moderate growth, medium
happy. commodities prices rise and prosperity, medium profits and
businessmen will be unhappy. normal financial gains.
8. Meghadhipa is Chandra (Moon)
who gives the entire countries 10. Neerasadhipa is Guru (Jupiter)
growth in agricultural and dairy who gives yellow colour pulses
products and earns a very good and fruits, yellow colure textile
profit. Men and women will be and there will be fall in prices.

Analysis of Horoscope through Mundane Astrology: 13-04-2020

5th 6th 7th 8th
Surya 00:00 Ash Shukra 14:07 Roh Rahu 07:29 Ard
Budha 09:43 Ubh Uranus 11:43 Ash
4th D-1 9th
3rd 10th
Yogi: Budha
Kuja 15:25 Shr
Ava Yogi: Kuja
Shani 07:12 Ush
Dagda Rashis: Kataka, Dhanur
Guru 01:37 Ush
2nd 1st 12th 11 th
Chandra 14:38 Psh Lagna 04:54 Anu
Ketu 07:29 Mul Gulika 06:12 Anu

From Natural zodiac, when we take The concentrated venom/ virus enhancement of chronic problems.
tatvas from Mesha Rasi which is moves in the air which contaminates Guru gives infection in kidney, lung
Agni Tatva, Vrishabha Rasi is Pritvi the atmosphere, destruction and diseases and enhances the current
Tatva, Mithuna Rasi is Vayu Tatva mostly cheating behavior. problems.
which is also a Dwiswabhava (duel
personality) Rasi gives good results Disease in lungs, difficulty faced by
doctors to diagnose the symptoms Ketu is posited in Dhanur Rasi,
as well as bad results. which also gives rise to trouble in
of the disease.
Rahu is the lord of venom posited in lungs, eye ailments, diseases from
Vayu Tatva Ras i w hich is a Disease due to poisoning, ailment of unknown causes, phlegmatic and
Moolatrikona Rasi for Rahu. He eyes and difficulty in breathing. nervous breakdown.
becomes much stronger when who The diseases associated or caused
moves on Aridra, Mrigashira and by Budha who is the Mithuna In this horoscope, the problem will
Rohini Nakshatra. Since, Rahu is Rasiadipati and Vayu Tatvadipati – come more from the Islamic
posited in Vayu Tatva the venom disease in chest, neck, nose and countries (Dubai, Iran,) since it is
moves in the air. Rahu has started eyes, lungs infection, pneumonia, ruled by Rahu and from the
giving bad effects from March 2019 respiratory complaints (like Christian countries (Italy, America,
up to September 2020. asthma), many organ failures, also United Kingdom, Spain, Germany)
Rahu produces sorrows, difficulties, creates lot of confusion while as they are ruled by Ketu. In India,
urge towards unethical conduct, diagnosing the disease and nervous the government has passed a Jammu
fowl tongue, fallacious- breakdown. and Kashmir bill in August 2019
misleading/deception and the entire Citizenship amendment bill was
Guru aspects Rahu, posited in passed in December 2019.
world will collapse. Dwiswabhava Rasi, which leads to


A mass gathering was conducted in When we consider the natural lord of medicines and posited in the
New Delhi by the Islamic group – zodiac of 13th March 2020, the 6th 6th house indicates that the treating
Shaheen Bagh protest against CAA house rules the mass sickness the diseases will take longer time.
- was destructive to the public where, 6th lord Mangala is exalted
property and many deaths occurred. and posited in Makara Rasi which is But the government will overcome
his 4th aspect on 6th rashi (roga, all strong problems which they face
Another mass gathering was ripu, runa). in this period.
conducted again in New Delhi
between 11th to 13th March 2020 When Surya comes to 6th house on
which has enhanced the fear as well 13th April 2020 at 9:25pm he
as the spread of the Corona Virus. becomes exalted but unfortunately,
All these problems are happening he has entered the 6th house. 6th
only due to the positioning of Rahu house being the diseases, enmity
in Dwiswabhava Rasi. and increase in liability. Surya is the

Rahu transit to Vrushabha Rashi: 19-09-2020

12th 1st 2nd 3rd
Lagna 25:23 Bha Rahu 29:59 Mrg
Kuja® 04:16 Ash Chandra 09:49 Ard
Uranus 16:15 Bha Gulika 28:42 Pun

11 th D–1 4th
19-09-2020 Shukra 11:38 Pus
Yogi: Rahu
10th Ava Yogi: Shukra 5th
Shani® 01:27 Ush Dagda Rashis: Simha, Vrischika Surya 25:04 PPh

9th 8th 7th 6th

Guru® 23:16 Psh Ketu 29:59 Jye Budha 14:50 Has

• We take the rasi chart of 19th • Mangala is posited in 1st house • In the same horoscope Guru is
September 2020 time 21:25 hrs and signifies the masses. Hence, sitting in Bhagyasthana or house
of Mesha lagna. Rahu moves to the common people, public of luck that indicates power
Prithvi Tatva, Vrishabha Rasi. health, general condition of the enhancement to ministry of law,
country and ministry of home courts, priest, judges, religion,
• Rahu who is a yogi gives good affairs will improve. commercial power and sciences.
results in the area of finance and
mutual discussions. • The lord of the 6th Budha is in • Another planet Shani is posited
his own exalted house in 6th in 10th house which is his own
• When Rahu moves to Prithvi Bhava along with Surya. Surya h o u s e , h e i s o n S h u k r a ’s
Tatva Rasi, it gets exalted represents allopathy medicine Uttarashada which is indicative
position along with Ketu. This and Budha who is on the of good results to the
indicates a big change for astamadipathi Mangala indicate government, leaders, society,
betterment with an increase in finding the permanent cure will affluent people, ministry of
national wealth, banking take longer period. There will industries and ruler of the
activities, improvement in stock be change in leadership in present government.
exchange, commercial affairs Defence, industry and labour
and trade. leaders.




The Miraculous Health Benefits of

Vishnu Sahasranama

This write up is sourced from the English translation of the book on Vishnu
Sahasranama by the internationally well-known Dr. Arulamallige
Parthasarathy for his scholarship and erudition in different aspects of Indian
Culture. With the Coronavirus pandemic creating a scare all over the world,
we felt that the recitation/hearing/understanding of Vishnu Sahasranama can
work out as a kavacha or an armor against not only the Covid-19 but also the
thousands of viruses that are there all over us all around the globe, without our
being aware of it.
Before we understand the power of Vishnu Sahasranama, we should first talk
about Dr. Aralumallige Parthasarathy. He has widely travelled and written
many books on Indian Culture. Though his specialization is in Dasa Sahitya,
he has extensive knowledge of different facets of our culture. His books on
assorted subjects of Vedic wisdom make very interesting reading. He has
l e c t u r e d o n R a m a y a n a , B h a g a v a t a , B h a g a v a d G i t a , Vi s h n u
Sahasranama.Haridasa Sahitya and many of these are available on audio
cassettes and CDs. He has received many awards and laurels from across the
world for his encyclopedic knowledge and wisdom.
As a member of the Karnataka Sahitya Academy from 1992 to 1995 and as a
member of the TTD Dasa Sahitya Project from 1986 to 1996, his contribution
has been immense and notable. Dr. Parthasarathy has arranged Samuhika
Parayana (mass recital) of Vishnu Sahasranama across the world.


Vishnu Sahasranama is one of the turmoil of life. One gets clarity meanings, evey nama in Vishnu
most well-known and cherished and confidence in whatever he Sahasranama is said to have 100
chants. The glories of Lord Vishnu does. It gives better character and meanings. It is interesting to note
are expounded. The book tells us conviction. It has the power to that Charaka Samhita too mentions
that the regular chanting of Vishnu remove sickness and disease. It that the daily recital of Vishnu
Sahasranama strengthens the mind makes the dull student bright and Sahasranama cures all maladies
power and thought currents. the pessimist, an optimist. Anger, and prevents future health
Continuous chanting, the author jealousy, avarice and impure problems.
says, can become a form of thoughts are removed. Saint
meditation. Chanting or listening Madhavacharya, in an assembly of Certain Vishnu Sahasranama
to Vishnu Sahasranama removes scholars, is said to have told them, slokas are said to cure specific
fear, anxiety, tensions and while every vedic word has three ailments of the body. Let us see
some of them.

Stomach Problems Knowledge and Concentration Achieve Aspired Objectives

Sarvagaḥ sarva vidbhānur- Asaṅkhyeyo prameyātmā viśiṣṭaḥ

viṣvakseno janārdanaḥ | śiṣṭa kṛcchuciḥ |
Vedo veda vidavyaṅgo vedāṅgo Siddhārthaḥ siddha saṅkalpaḥ
vedavit-kaviḥ || 14 || siddhidaḥ siddhi sādhanaḥ || 27 ||

Bhrājiṣnur-bhojanaṃ bhoktā Intelligence and Brilliance Marital Problems

sahiṣnur-jagadādijaḥ |
Anagho vijayo jetā viśvayoniḥ
punarvasuḥ || 16 ||

Lethargy and Laziness

Mahābuddhir-mahāvīryo Bhūtabhavya bhavannāthaḥ
mahāśaktir-mahādyutiḥ | pavanaḥ pāvano nalaḥ |
Anir-deśyavapuḥ śrīmānameyātmā Kāmahā kāmakṛt-kāntaḥ kāmaḥ
mahādri dhṛkḥ || 19 || kāmapradaḥ prabhuḥ || 32 ||

Eye Related Problems Career Recognition

Vedyo vaidyaḥ sadāyogī vīrahā

mādhavo madhuḥ |
Atīndriyo mahāmāyo mahotsāho
mahābalaḥ || 18 || Agraṇīḥ grāmaṇīḥ śrīmān Vyavasāyo vyavasthānaḥ
nyāyonetā samīraṇaḥ | saṃsthānaḥ sthānado dhruvaḥ |
Sahasramūrdhā viśvātmā Pardhiḥ paramaspaṣṭaḥ tuṣṭaḥ
sahasrākṣaḥ sahasrapāt || 24 || puṣṭaḥ śubhekṣaṇaḥ || 42 ||

Well-being of Elders and Family Happiness Family Happiness

Sick People

Vaikuṇṭhaḥ puruṣaḥ prāṇaḥ Anivartī Nivṛttātmā Saṅkṣeptā Sadgatiḥ satkṛtiḥ sattā sadbhūtiḥ
prāṇadaḥ praṇavaḥ pṛthuḥ | Kṣemakṛcchivaḥ | satparāyaṇaḥ |
Hiraṇyagarbhaḥ śatrughno Śrīvatsavakṣāḥ Śrīvāsaḥ Śrīpatiḥ Śūraseno yaduśreṣṭhaḥ sannivāsaḥ
vyāpto vāyuradhokṣajaḥ || 44 || Śrīmatāṃvaraḥ || 64 || suyāmunaḥ || 75 ||

Financial Strength Grace of God Enemies, Misunderstanding

and Disagreement

Vistāraḥ sthāvara sthāṇuḥ Śrīdaḥ śrīśaḥ śrīnivāsaḥ śrīnidhiḥ Sulabhaḥ suvrataḥ siddhaḥ
pramāṇaṃ bījamavyayam | śrīvibhāvanaḥ | śatrujicchatrutāpanaḥ |
Artho nartho mahākośo Śrīdharaḥ śrīkaraḥ śreyaḥ śrīmān Nyagrodho dumbaro śvatthaḥ
mahābhogo mahādhanaḥ || 46 || lokatrayāśrayaḥ || 65 || chāṇūrāndhra niṣūdanaḥ || 88 ||

Memory Power and Expertise in Disease, Depression, Fears, Worries and

One's Vocation Disagreements, Tensions, Mental Challenges
Anxieties And Family Problems

Yaṅña ijyo mahejyaśca Udīrṇaḥ sarvataścakṣu ranīśaḥ Sahasrārciḥ saptajihvaḥ

kratu-ssatraṃ satāṅgatiḥ | śāśvatasthiraḥ | saptaidhāḥ saptavāhanaḥ |
Sarvadarśī vimuktātmā sarvaṅño Bhūśayo bhūṣaṇo bhūtir-viśokaḥ Amūrti ranagho cintyo
ṅñānamuttamam || 48 || śokanāśanaḥ || 67 || bhayakṛd-bhayanāśanaḥ || 89 ||


Satisfactory and Profitable Bad Dreams and Sleeplessness Problems of Prarabda Karma
Completion of Projects (previous births) and Evil Eye

Sanāt sanātanatamaḥ kapilaḥ Uttāraṇo duṣkṛtihā puṇyo Ātmayoniḥ svayañjāto vaikhānaḥ

kapiravyayaḥ | duḥsvapnanāśanaḥ | sāmagāyanaḥ |
Svastidaḥ svastikṛt-svastiḥ Vīrahā rakṣaṇaḥ santo Devakīnandanaḥ sraṣṭhā
svastibhuk svastidakṣiṇaḥ || 96 || jīvanaḥ paryavasthitaḥ || 99 || kṣitīśaḥ pāpanāśanaḥ || 106 ||

C h a n t s / L i s t e n i n g o f Vi s h n u Vishnu Sahasranama regularly will dazzling brilliance. They will also

Sahasranama every day/night be reputed and resourceful and be free of disease caused or likely to
facing North is suggested. The enjoy ever-lasting bliss. They will be caused by Virus including the
planetary lord of North is Mercury, be free from fear, sickness and Corona Virus, which is creating a
the planet of intelligence and depression. They will have power, scare all over the globe. The
finance. The deity of Mercury is position, possession, popularity, recitation has to be done every
Lord Vishnu. Dr. Parthasarathy in strength, success, satisfaction, day/night with faith and total
his book says that those who chant health, happiness, brightness and conviction.

We give you simple daily habits that keep you safe and away from
Corona and other Viruses:
1. Greet with a Namaskar sacred wick lamp/s. December 3, 1984 when the
poisonous MIC gas leaked from
a. No hugs and shakehands 6. Get a Mrtyunjaya/Sudarshana Union Carbide factory at
Homa done once in three Bhopal. Hundreds of people died
2. Wash your hands and feet months. and thousands were hospitalized
whenever you enter your home but there were two families –
from outside. a. This done on a Krishna Ashtami those of Shri Sohan Lal S
day is recommended. Khushwaha and Shri M.L.
3. Drink water (kept in a copper
vessel overnight) as soon as you 7. If you have the time, get Rathore, living about one mile
get up in the morning. Agnihotra done in your home. away from the plant who came
out unscathed. These families
4. On an empty stomach, in the a. What is Agnihotra? It is a were regularly performing
morning, drink half a cup of process of purifying the agnihotra (havan). In these
warm water mixed with the juice atmosphere through a specially families nobody died, nobody
of half a lemon and two spoons prepared fire performed at was even hospitalized despite
of honey. sunrise and sunset every day. being present in the area worst
affected by the leakage of the
5. In the prayer room, take a few 8. B h o p a l G a s Tr a g e d y a n d toxic gas. This observation
whiffs of the fragrance of a Agnihotra: The tragic incident implies that agnihotra is a proven
turmeric root that is burnt in the occurred on the night of antidote to pollution.


Price: Rs. 300.

Available at 1120, Haridasa Bhavana, Ganapathi Sachchidananda Ashram Road,
Girinagar Second Phase, Bangalore 560085. Call: 9480304541, 8748000784

Haridasara 10000 Haadugalu

ಹ ಸರ 10000 ಗ
This mega book of the century is a must for
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It is a treasure of rare collection of 10000 songs
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Why Coronavirus Began in China?

R S Maniam

With a string of titles and awards given by different groups for his proficiency in astrology, Jothida
Acharya R. S. Maniam had worked as a Medical Enforcement Officer in profession and currently is
a clinical instructor and coordinator at Lincoln University College in Malaysia. He has been
described by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Saibaba as ‘Divine Astrologer’ and he has been awarded the
Nostradamus award in 2010. He has had his spiritual training under Swami Bramma Sri Sivananda,
Ponnamaravathi, Puthukottai District in South India. Mr. Maniam, with an experience of over 36
years in the study of astrology, has contributed many articles to various journals on different aspects
of mundane astrology. He attributes his initial learning to Dr. B. V. Raman’s books, later having
studied under late Mr. Muthuratina Bharathi. He has been honored the title Jothida Acharya,
Jothida Gaurau and Jothida Kalamani by various organizations. He has been doing spiritual
sadhana at Laksmy Mantralaya being a senior disciple of Swami Bramma Sri Sivananda.

The world is shocked by the outbreak of the epidemic which began in China. The fear has
escalated as it is being declared as a global pandemic. It is a major outbreak of disease on
large scale after SARS that started in China in late November 2002.
We can attempt to analyze the outbreak using the horoscope of Republic of China as birth
chart of the nation, with 1/10/1949 as the primary chart. Since the COVID-19 outbreak
began in late November and December 2020, we can use the lunar chart to establish a
celestial link to the fearing disease. We can use the Vikari Margashirsha lunar chart which
began on 26/11/2019 at 23: 06 taking Beijing as capital of China and followed by Lunar
chart of Vikari Pusya which began on 26/12/2019 at 13:13 hrs. To support some findings,
Solar ingress into Aries for 2019 can be used too.
What does the lunar chart of Vikari Margashirsha indicate?
The Chart has Leo rising, with Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and Ketu in the 5th house. The worst
malefic for Leo Lagna, Saturn afflicting the 5th house of Purva punya. It also has the
affliction of Ketu. Saturn/Ketu association in the 5th house depicts a curse of previous birth
and normally causes birth with defects.

Does the Vikari Margashirsha lunar month chart show in Kala Chakra Chart?
The first lunar chart Vikari Margashirsha
shows a Kala Chakra, where the planets
transit in the direction of Nirutthi and
Yama. These directions bring about fear,
disaster and death. The direction of Nirutthi
depicts the curse of the Gods. The planets
are in constellation of Mula and
Purvashada. Most of the planets confined to
the South and South-west directions which
depict curse and sorrowful incidents.


Does the Vikari Pushya Kala Chakra show any direction in special link?
Yes! The lunar month of Vikaari Pusya shows
planetary pooling in the direction of North west
which is ruled by Vayu, the wind God and it
depicts wandering, major shift of place and form
of migration. The medical mode of spread of
COVID-19 is through air in the form of droplets
emitted by the carrier or the diseased person.
What are the astrological findings associated
in Republic chart of China?

Republic of China has Capricorn

rising and Lagna and Moon falls in
the same sign. Most significant in The word Corona is related to the
the chart is the current transit of planet Sun. Does the horoscope show
Saturn over the rising sign of China any relation?
and the Natal Moon. The renowned
saint Pulappani has narrated in his There is an association of the Sun with
stanza "When Moon crosses 12,1, lunar southern node Ketu. In the natal
and 2 sign from the natal Moon, one chart, retrograde Mercury and Sun
will undergo sickness, bodily joined with Ketu in the 9th house of the
ailment, suffering, theft, poverty Republic. However, eclipse occurred 22
and wandering and shift of place, days later in the 10th house from the
theft and loss of dear ones in the natal horoscope. The affliction in the 9th
family.” Since China has both Natal house only shows curse of the ancestors
rising and Moon rising in the same and Gods. The recent eclipse, the same
sign of Capricorn, the effect will be And when SARS was first reported in lunar southern node occurred on
double folded. China, Saturn was transiting the sign 22/12/2019 in the deadly constellation
of Gemini at 4:05 in the of Moola which is the 12th house of
constellation of Margasirsa in China. We can take it as the beginning
Does the transit of Saturn have retrograde motion too. The first report point of the current surge of cases.
any impact on China? to public was reported on 16/11/2002.
The lunar month of Chitrabanu Do dirty conditions are associated
Kartika started on 5/11/2002 at with epidemic outbreak at Wuhan?
Yes, when a major earthquake
4:35hrs. The rising sign of Virgo
occurred in China on 1/6/1786, 21:19 Saturn in the 10th house. In
where an earthquake struck Sichuan fact, the Kala Chakra position Saturn The available literature in astrology
district in China and about 100,000 then was in the direction of Vayu too. about description of a situation, or lost
people died. Saturn was transiting It was with Rahu in the direction of items, description of the thief are
the sign of Capricorn with Rahu. In Northwest. SARS according to WHO discussed by the great Saint
fact, the COVID - 19 cases started was reported by China on 11/3/2003, Varahamihira in his tretay known as
surging after 24/1/2020 when the Brihat Jataka. He discussed in the
current transit of Saturn moved to when Saturn in Retrograde joins Rahu chapter known as Drekana Lakchana,
Capricorn sign. in Taurus.
Continued on Page 26...


The Role of Saturn, Mars, Rahu and

the Eighth House in Epidemics
Mr. Harold Singh

Mr. Harold Singh is a retired Actuary practicing in North America for over
20 years. His last assignment was Chief Actuary and Chief Financial Officer
with American Express in San Rafael, California. He has been a student of
Vedic Astrology since 2000. He now shares his residence between India and

This article investigates the role of planets were between the Rahu debilitated and would be ruling 7th
the planets - Mars, Saturn and Rahu /Ketu axis called Kala Sarpa yoga. and 10th house. Jupiter is an
during the onset of major epidemics expansive planet. In this case,
involving more than 100,000 The next chart is the situation on 1st would the role of Jupiter is to cause
fatalities over the last 120 years. April, the time when worldwide global expansion or maybe to plant
awareness of the danger of this a latent vaccine? Also, it may be
Here is the chart over Beijing about Coronavirus rose. noted that at about Christmas,
Christmas 2019 when the COVID- during the onset of COVID-19,
19 is thought to have begun in Jupiter was conjunct Ketu and the
Wuhan, China. On 13 January 2020, Mahadasha lord was Ketu. Jupiter
Mercury, dispositor of Rahu, may not be able to express its
entered Capricorn to join Saturn benefic nature amid all the
when China admitted it was overpowering malefic influences. I
involved in a pandemic. leave the evaluation of Jupiter here
to the more learned. Based on these
observations I thought I would look
back at several epidemics in the past
and check the involvement of these
specific planets (Rahu, Saturn and
Mars) at the outset of the pandemics
as well as to observe if the 8th house
applies. In all these cases I would
Countries are normally assigned treat Rahu as being in the first house.
their individual sign as their
Ascendant but in this context with
us facing a global pandemic, I
have felt inclined to use Rahu’s
sign as the first house which
On 29 March 2020, Mars and Saturn makes the current MA-SA-JU in
were exactly conjunct in Capricorn the 8th house of serious disease.
and conjoined debilitated Jupiter.
By this time, it became clear we The role of benefic Jupiter is not
were in a global pandemic. Also, all clear. Jupiter is a natural benefic,


Placement of Mars, Rahu and Saturn and the eighth house from
Rahu during the major viral epidemics
COVID-19 2019 ongoing More than 100,000 to date Currently Saturn and Mars are 8th away
from Rahu.
Swine Flu 2009-2010 200,000 plus
HIV/AIDS 1981 to present 25 to 35 million
This appeared in the spring of 2009 and
Hong Kong Flu 1968-1970 1 million initially labeled H1N1.

Asian Flu 1957 -1958 1.1 million Transit over Hong Kong on March 21st
Spanish Flu 1918-1919 40-50 million

Russian Flu 1889 - 1890 1 million

Rahu is with Jupiter in Capricorn. from 8th) from Rahu in Cancer.

Saturn is 8th away from Rahu in Leo Rahu is aspected by Mars.
under aspect of Mars. All 3 planets
are involved as well as the 8th {So much for Jupiter offering
house! potential cure as this disease has not
received a vaccine although it can be
controlled by an expensive

1956 -1958 with approximately
resulting in 2 million deaths.
Transit Jan 15th, 1956. All 3 are
First identified in 1981 that resulted conjunct in Scorpio. Rahu (23d),
in 25 million deaths and counting. Saturn (6d), Mars (7d)
As an Actuary doing my financial
review for Transamerica Life, I
noticed an unusual rise in death HONG KONG FLU:
claims in early 1981 and narrowed
down the area of the country to San Transit March 1, 1968 over Hong
Francisco and Seattle. A few months Kong: Saturn (17d), Mars (16d),
later the CDC (Center for Disease and Rahu (25d) all 3 conjunct in
Control) identified HIV/AIDS. Pisces.

Transit January 1st, 1981: Saturn

conjunct with Jupiter and 3rd (8th


In all these previous epidemics we see SPANISH FLU: RUSSIAN FLU:

the involvement of Mars, Saturn and
1918-1920 with an estimated 20 to 70 1889 -1890 –Transit over Moscow
Rahu and the 8th house from Rahu is
million deaths. November 1888.
very much involved. It seems more
than a coincidence. In fact, it seems Transit Jan 1, 1918 over Madrid – No I used a few months earlier for this flu
rather compelling that Mars, Saturn CDC or WHO so onset date might be as this was before the days of WHO or
and Rahu are very relevant in major earlier. CDC or telephone etc. So
pandemics. identification of this illness over
Saturn in Cancer is 8th away from
various geographical areas would
Rahu with Mars aspecting Rahu.
take some time to recognize the onset
of an epidemic. Saturn and Rahu
Why Coronavirus began in China? conjunct in Cancer under 8th aspect of
Continued from page 23 Mars.

the decanate. In this situation the lunar horoscope for the month Vikaari Margashirasa will be more accurate as the new time
is calculated. Based on this chart, the lagna rising falls in the first Drekana of Leo at 2:47 Deg.Min. This is the first decanate
of Leo described as "A vulture and jackal” seated on a cotton tree, a dog is near, and a man has poor attire (Alan Leo) and
dirty ( Chitamabaranatha iyer) lamenting for his parents (Crying, by Nadesa Sasthri). This is quadrap sign which is ruled by
animals. Certain things can be deducted at least inductively. Dirty, animals, words like separation form parents, gives a clue
that a distress situation has existed. As reported by media the food preparation and eating habits were reported.
Will situation improve?
With planets Venus moving to the sign of exaltation Pisces on 3/2/2020, situation is expected to improve especially when
Sun moves into Aquarius on 13/2/2020 when the Sun becomes free from Saturn affliction. Mercury retrogression on
17/2/2020 may slow the situation of recovery. However the transit of Saturn
over the natal Moon of Republic of China is main hindrance to the recovery
Any remedial measure suggested as per astrology?
Yes, they should pray to Goddess Nirutthi and Yama. The transmission References
which is air borne will be reduced if they utter the mantra of Vayu. The best Ÿ Erin Sullivan, Saturn in
will be to ask for forgiveness from the ancestor. The disease also coincides Transit,2002 pg -1, statement by
with Chinese New Year. Shelley onSaturn,
Conclusion Ÿ James Kelleher,Uses of Drekana
The transit of Saturn in the sign of Capricorn has double effect on China as Ÿ Sars in China, Astrology chart out
the sign of Magara is lagna and Moon sign. Saturn is maleficent often break
regarded as planets of sorrows, suffering, old aged people, and handicapped
status. He is considered as elder brother to Yama, God of death. Finally, he is Ÿ Wuhan Corona Virus Out Break
considered Air in the panchaboothas. The spread of the Covid-19 Virus Ÿ Constellation of Mula, Nirritti
through air is the main determinant in the spread of the disease. The
statement by Shelley may prove the impact of Saturn


Words of Wisdom
by Avadhoota Datta Peethadhipati Jagadguru
Parama Pujya Sri Sri Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji

In Kali Yuga
merely by participating in meritorious deeds,
the person is blessed with Punya.



Naadi Astrology Based Analysis
H. Ramadas Rao

H Ramadas Rao was born in 1952 in a traditional Madhva Brahmin family of

Kashyapa Maharshi lineage from Surathkal near to Mangalore. Through the
Blessings of Shri Raghavendra Swami Ji of Mantralaya, he started learning
Jyotish with the books written by Shri B.V. Raman. In 1991, he got a Mantra
Diksha from a Shri Vidya Upasaka from Udupi. His interest in Jyotishya
increased and he studied Jaimini Jyotishya and later Nadi Jyotishya from Shri
R.G. Rao. He regularly writes articles on Nadi Jyotishya on his Facebook page
and currently teaching Nadi Jyotish in Surathkal.

By this time many experienced Astrologers have analysed about this deadly disease COVID-19 and gave their
expert predictions. Even a young boy of 16 also has predicted almost 7 months before about this disease but it got
published very recently. Even the famous Nostradamus has written about this disease in 1551 through his prophesy.
This is only an analysis of this disease as when it started and which planetary combinations have taken part in the
formation of this deadly virus and when it may end.
With the Blessings of Guru Shri R. G. Rao, I am going to analyse the present pandemic disease Covid-19 through
Naadi Astrology principles.

To start with we must know some basic Karakatwas of planets. Here the most important planet in consideration is
Shani whom we consider him for day to day life activities or the Karma of everybody. Ketu is a planet of breaking
anything related to Karma. Ketu is also responsible for the formation of deadly viruses when he gets certain
planetary configuration. Rahu is the planet of communication or spreading the virus. As he is in Mithuna Rashi, it
indicates nose and throat parts of human beings. Dhanus Rashi is the Moola Trikona Rashi of Guru, the Jiva Karaka.

To start with in 2019,

Shani was retrograde
f ro m 3 0 / 4 / 2 0 1 9 t o
18/9/2019. At this time,
Shani Retrograde was in
Dhanu Rashi and Ketu
also was in Dhanu Rashi
and both were in Dhanu
Rashi ruled by Guru, the
Jiva Karaka while Guru
was in Keeta Rashi of
Vrschika. Shani even
though retrograde till
18/9/2019, he lost Graha
Yuddha with Ketu on
24/6/2019 and it was
decided by Ketu to stop
day to day activities
ruled by Shani.


But the time has to come to take over by Ketu. For 2 days from 16/9/2019 to 18/9/2019, Shani was in Retro-
Stambhana. When Shani became direct on 18/9/2019, again he was in Stambhana mode.

So totally Shani was helpless and Ketu, the significator of virus started acting. Now the sign lord of these 2 planets is
Guru and was placed in Vrschika Rashi which is a Keeta Rashi lorded by Kuja. Now if we look at the sign lord of
Guru, Kuja is with Surya in Simha Rashi on 16th of September which gives a suspicion that some country
leader may be involved in this deadly virus production. But Surya was in end of Simha Rashi and next day, he
was about to move to Kanya Rashi lorded by Budha. So, this leader wants to involve in a business through which he
can control the world. Now on the same day, if we look to Chandra’s position it was in Meena Rashi/Pisces sign
ruled by Guru. Thus, Ketu links with Chandra indicating the virus testing was started as Guru, the Jiva Karaka was in
trine to Chandra and also he is the sign lord of Ketu + Shani. Also, Budha, the planet of multiplicity was exalted but
the time has to come to spread this deadly virus. Please note that all planets are held between Ketu and Rahu
forming a perfect Kalamrita Yoga.
As per live science website, the 1st case of known Corona virus was traced back on 17/11/2019.

On this day, Chandra was in Mithuna Rashi along with Rahu and are in trines to Budha (V) + Kuja placed in Tula
Rashi and in Dhanus Rashi, we have Guru + Shani + Ketu. This is the perfect combination of planets for virus
transmission. Guru has just entered Dhanus Rashi indicating Jiva Karaka. Day to day life Karaka Shani has already
crossed Ketu in Dhanus Rashi which indicates Shani has taken the malefic energy of Ketu. Ketu was heading
towards Guru, the Jiva Karaka. But it was kept secret as Shukra was in Keeta Rashi of Vrishcika ruled by Kuja.
On 26/12/2019, there was Annular Solar Eclipse and it occurred on Dhanus Rashi, Moola Nakshatra where
along with Surya and Chandra, Ketu, Budha, and Guru were also in Moola Nakshatra indicating a dreaded
danger to the universe due to Virus outbreak.


The above is Ketu Grasta Surya Grahana. In

Dhanu Rashi there is a cluster of planets i.e.,
Surya + Chandra + Budha + Guru + Shani +
Ketu. Surya and Chandra indicate eyes and
they are afflicted by Ketu as he is coming near
to both of them. This means the universe has
been made blind by Ketu, the Karaka for Virus.
Shani has already crossed Ketu and has started to
enter in day to day lives of human beings.
Guru, the Jiva or Prana is running in his own
Moola Trikona Sthana to protect himself as Ketu
is coming in opposite direction (behind) to
swallow him. But during this running of Guru

called Ati Chara, he became afraid energy was in Vrishcik Rashi only. so Surya also will be afflicted. As a
or Bheeta and gets in hand of Ketu. He entered Dhanu Rashi on 8th of result, cat, tiger etc. may be
This happens between 3/1/2020 and February, 2020, slowly the number attacked with Corona virus. This
6/1/2020. So, Guru takes the energy of Virus affected patients started may continue after Surya enters
of Ketu further till the end of his increasing. Between 23 and 24 of Mesha Rashi on 14/4/2020 when
Rashi and enters his sign of February, Kuja lost war with Ketu, both Rahu and Surya aspect each
debilitation, Makara Rashi. so the energy of the human beings other. Also, some powerful
affected by Virus has reduced and so country king/president/prime
On the day of Solar eclipse, Virus took over the charge. minister will be attacked with
Budha, the planet of Corona Virus and the result may
multiplication has just entered Now Budha, the planet of be fatal.
Dhanu Rashi, so the disease multiplication has moved to
started slowly increasing. On Makara and then to Kumbha From 28/3/2020, Shukra will enter
3/1/2020, Budha got completely Rashi on 31/1/2020 and suddenly its own Rashi of Vrishabha which
afflicted by Ketu as he lost war with the number of patients started will be in trine to Guru + Shani in
Ketu. As he moves very fast increasing as Rahu was in trine to Makara Rashi. So new types of
(inferior planet), there was an Budha. From 17/2/2020, he became medicines will be invented along
increase in number of patients. retrograde. This means he started with gain in energy. But he will be
looking at Makara Rashi where retrograde from 13/5/2020 to
Rahu is a planet of spreading as he Shani is placed, thus interfering 25/6/2020. At this time, both
is also the sign lord of Mithuna more with day to day life of the Surya and Budha also will be in
Rashi whose sign lord Budha gets human beings. Budha became direct Vrishabha Rashi and this Shukra
his aspect link. Now Mithuna Rashi on 10/3/2020 and suddenly there is the lord of Lagna of Indian
indicates right hand but as Rahu was was rise in the number of patients Independence. So, Ayurveda type
transiting in that sign, the left- and death also. Now he will be of medicine will be invented and
handed work has started by some entering Meena Rashi, his sign of tested for human beings during
country. So, the increase in debilitation on 7/4/2020. He will be this time as Budha is the Karaka
number of Virus patients started leaving this Rashi on 25/4/2020. But for green leaves and medicinal
more and more when Budha came he will have a link with Ketu as both leaves.
to Dhanu Rashi and gets afflicted Rashis are owned by Guru who is
by Ketu and Rahu. By January also debilitated. So till he reaches 15 On 11/5/2020, Shani becomes
13, Budha had won war with degrees in Meena Rashi, there will retrograde in Makara Rashi
Shani, the planet of day to day life. be a lot of casualties related to followed by Guru also will become
So, from this day, there started a Corona Virus i.e., till 16th of April. retrograde from 14/5/2020. But
huge number of Virus affected both will be in Stambhana state
patients all over the world. After this date, some medications from 4+4 days before and after the
will start working. Till 14th of date of retrogression has started. Let
But the number was not that much. April, Surya will be in Meena us look at the chart on 17/5/2020..
This was because Kuja, the planet of Rashi which has a link with Ketu,


Here I would like to explain the main purpose of

Shani + Guru + Shukra retrogression.
Shukra being in his swakshetra getting retrograde
means he gains more strength to stop the fatality of
the problems caused by the spread of Corona Virus.
Supporting to human day to day life Karaka Shani
who also becomes retrograde, so he also becomes
more stronger to solve the problems of mankind.
Now let me explain about retrograde Guru who is in
Makara Rashi where he is debilitated. He is getting
retrograde means he starts looking at the back door
of his own powerful house, Dhanus Rashi where he
saw the problem maker, destiny breaker Ketu has

started leaving Dhanus Rashi. As able to get rid of Ketu’s mischievous Chakra destroys both Rahu, the Virus
retro Guru gets the support of deeds. spreading planet and Ketu, the
retro Shani + retro Shukra + Karaka for Virus creator.
Now to end this article, I would like to
Budha + Surya, he will start his
explain one more chart as below: On 21/5/2020, Rahu will be leaving
journey to his powerful Rashi of
Aridra Nakshatra and will enter
Dhanus through back door of his In this chart, all planets are in the
Mrigashira-4th Pada. Thus, his
Rashi and starts chasing Ketu. He same Rashis as in previous chart
spreading power will slowly
will be entering to Dhanus Rashi on except Budha has moved to his own
reduce. Budha, then enters its own
29/6/2020 and becomes more Rashi of Mithuna and crossed the
Rashi of Mithuna on 24/5/2020 and
powerful. This is how Jiva Karaka longitude of Rahu, so has won the war
slowly prepares war with Rahu. Also
Guru gets strengthened and with the with Rahu and thus Lord Vishnu, the
retro Guru will be chasing Ketu from
support of the planets above, will be personification of Budha with his
Makara Rashi.

On 29/5/2020, Budha will win the war with Rahu

and becomes more stronger to remove the evil
effects of both Rahu. Once the virus spreading
planet Rahu has lost its powers, it cannot spread
virus to anywhere in the Universe. There is one more
thing to be written here. On 18/6/2020, Budha who
will be in Mithuna Rashi will become retrograde
in Punarvasu Nakshatra 1st Pada. This clearly
indicates Lord Vishnu (Deity of Budha) will be
chasing Rahu from behind. This retrogression of
Budha will end on 12/7/2020 and he will be at 11
Degrees 21 minutes of Mithuna Rashi and Rahu will
be at 3 Degrees 51 minutes of Mithuna Rashi.

Here when Budha becomes will chase Ketu who will be at 4 enters back Dhanus Rashi will
retrograde he becomes more Degrees 33 Minutes. This will become immensely strong to chase
stronger to chase Rahu, thus continue till September 13th when Ketu and his malefic effects on earth.
nullifying the malefic effects of Guru becomes direct. On this date,
The above analysis is through the
Rahu. Ketu will be at 0 Degree 32 Minutes.
blessings of my Guru, Ishta Devatha,
Lastly on 29/6/2020, Guru in So, this clearly indicates even though Kula Devatha and Naadi Guru Shri R.
retrograde motion enters its own Budha crosses Rahu’s longitude on G. Rao whose Atma has helped me to
Moola Trikona Rashi of Dhanus and 29/5/2020, Guru retrograde when write this article.

ना अहं कता । सव य ह र कता ॥

(I am not the doer and HE, Lord Vishnu is the doer)

The Astrological eMagazine

Panchanga for May 2020
First column gives the English dates and next to it the names of the regional months and dates. The ending moments of Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga and
Karana are given in the 24 hour clock extending to 30 hours.
Of the Nityayogas, Vishkumbha, Parigha, Vyatipata, Vajra, Vyaghata, Vaidhruthi, Sula, Ganda and Atiganda are generally spurned for auspicious
events and they are marked in red in the Panchanga. Vydhruti pervades from 346°40’ to 360° and Vyatipata from 213°20’ to 226°40’ of the sum of
the Nirayana longitudes of the Sun and the Moon. Vydhruti and Vyatipata punyakaala are observed on the day when the yogas prevail for 1½ hours
or more, when Sraddha is performed by the astute. These two belong to the shannavati -96- Sraddhas ordained for a householder. Considering the
astronomical implications, the Sayana Vydhruti and Vyatipata days are also indicated in the Panchanga. The auspicious Amritayoga and
Siddhayoga and inauspicious Maranayoga and Prabalarishtayoga come under Amirtaadiyoga scheme and are different from the Nityayogas.
The Karana is the half of the Tithi. They are mainly classified as Sthira - fixed or immovable and Chara or moveable. The Chara Karanas are seven
in number and the Sthira are only four. The fixed ones are inauspicious. They are Sakuni, Chatushpada, Naga and Kimsatugna. The seven
movable Karanas are in their order, Bava, Baalava, Kaulava, Taitila, Gara, Vanija and Vishti (or Bhadra.) Among the movable Karanas Vishti or
Bhadra is considered to be of dreadful. The forbidden Karanas are marked in red for easy identification.
We have most of our religious observances pegged on to the Tithis. Pournamipooja Chandradarisana, Sankataharachaturthi Vrata, Shastivrata,
Ekadasi Vrata and Pradosha are specially mentioned in the Panchanga. Pournamipooja is done in the evenings on days the full Moon is prevalent.
Chandradarisana is observed on the evening on the day when the crescent Moon appears for the first time in the west after the Amavasya.
Chaturthi of the Krishnapaksha or Bahula Chaturthi of every month is known as Sankataharachaturthi. The evenings of Sukla and Krishna
Trayodasi days are specially observed as Pradosha Vrata days.

The important dates and festivals for May 2020 are as follows:
01 Friday Sayana Vyatipata. May Day. Durga Ashtami. 16 SaturdayVaidruti Sraddha.
02 Saturday Sita Navami. Trichur Pooram (Kerala). Vasavi 17 Sunday Rogation Sunday (Christian). Dattatreya Jayanti.
Jayanti. Srirangam Rama Navami. 18 Monday Apara /Varuthini /Krishnapaksha/Bhadrakali
03 Sunday Mohini Ekadasi (Smarta). Birthday Anniversary of Ekadasi (Punjab).
Dada Chellaram (Sindhi). Budhan Jayanti. Smarta 20 Wednesday Krishnapaksha Pradosa. Masa Shivaratri.
/Shuklapaksha Ekadasi.
21 Thursday Savitri Chaturdasi. Phalaharini Kalika Pooja. Sab-
04 Monday Mohini Ekadasi (Vaishnava & Vidhava). Minakshi e-Qadr (Preceding night-Moslem). Ascension Day- Holy
Kalyanam. Trisprisha Mahadwadasi. Agni Nakshatra Thursday (Christian).
Aarambha. Vaishnava Mohini/Sannyasta Ekadasi.
Parasurama Dwadasi. 22 Friday Vata Savitri Vrata (Amavasya Paksha). Jamat-ul-vida
(Moselm). Krittika Vrata. Amavasya. Vaisaka Sana Ends.
05 Tuesday Runavimochana Pradosa. Chinna Matsya Jayanti
(Midnight). Shuklapaksha Pradosa. 23 Saturday Zarthost-no-Diso (Parsi). Karaveera/Punnaka
Gauri Vrata. Ganga Dasara. Ganga Pujana Starts.
06 Wednesday Nrisimha Chaturdasi. Pournami Pooja. Sri
Narsimha Jayanti. Ardhanareeswara Vrata. 24 Sunday Ascension Sunday (Christian). Chandra Darisanam.
07 Thursday Vaisakhi Pournima. Buddha Pournima (Beginning 25 Monday Rambha Triteeya. Pratap Jayanti (Rajasthan). Id-
of Buddha Era). Vyatipata Sraddha. Chitra Pournami. ul-Fitr (Moselm). Kathali Gauri Vrata.
Chitragupta Pooja. Buddha Jayanti. Sampath Gauri Vrata. 26 Tuesday Sayana Vyatipata. Guru Arjan Dev’s Martyrdom
08 Friday Birthday of Rabindranath Tagore. Day (Sikh). Masa/Angaraka Chaturthi. Uma Vrata.
10 Sunday Sankatahara Chaturthi. 28 Thursday Vindhyavasini Pooja. Aranya /Shuklapaksha
Shasti Vrata. Jamatri Shasti (Bengal). Agni Nakshatra Ends.
12 Tuesday Krishnapaksha Shasti Vrata. Aranya Gauri Vrata.
13 Wednesday Sayana Vaidhruthi. Saura Jyaishthadi. Sravana 29 Friday Feast of Weeks (Shebuoth) (Jewish). Dhumaavati
Upavasa. Sravana Vrata. Sri Nataraja Abhishekam. Jayanti (Midnight).
14 Thursday Kala/Sadhashiva Ashtami. 30 Saturday Mela Kshir Bhawani (Two Days) (Kashmir). Durga
15 Friday Shahadat-e-Hazrat Ali (Moslem). Ashtami.
31 Sunday Whit Sunday-Pentecost (Christian).

The SUN : Sun in Mesa Enters Vrisabha On : 13:05:2020 05:21; Sun in Bharani Enters Kritika On : 09:05:2020 18:30; Sun in Kritika Enters
Rohini On : 23:05:2020 14:29;
The MOON : Moon in Karkata Enters Simha On : 01:05:2020 22:37; Moon in Simha Enters Kanya On : 04:05:2020 00:50; Moon in Kanya
Enters Tula On : 06:05:2020 00:59; Moon in Tula Enters Vrischika On : 08:05:2020 00:55; Moon in Vrischika Enters Dhanu On :
10:05:2020 02:36; Moon in Dhanu Enters Makara On : 12:05:2020 07:39; Moon in Makara Enters Kumbha On : 14:05:2020 16:35; Moon in
Kumbha Enters Mina On : 17:05:2020 04:21; Moon in Mina Enters Mesa On : 19:05:2020 17:00; Moon in Mesa Enters Vrisabha On :
22:05:2020 04:48; Moon in Vrisabha Enters Mithuna On : 24:05:2020 14:51; Moon in Mithuna Enters Karkata On : 26:05:2020 22:47;
Moon in Karkata Enters Simha On : 29:05:2020 04:28; Moon in Simha Enters Kanya On : 31:05:2020 07:55 ;


Panchanga For May 2020
PANCHANGA FOR MAY 2020 (Chitrai/Mesa - Vaikasi/Vrisabha) (Vaisaka-Jyaistha)

May 2020


Panchanga For May 2020
PANCHANGA FOR MAY 2020 (Chitrai/Mesa - Vaikasi/Vrisabha) (Vaisaka-Jyaistha)


May 2020

This Month for You

May 2020

The Sun enters Taurus on 13th. Mercury enters Taurus on 8th and enters Gemini on 24th. Mars enters Aquarius on 2nd. Jupiter
remains in Capricorn and becomes retrograde on the 15th. Venus remains in Taurus and becomes retrograde on 14th. Saturn
remains in Capricorn becomes retrograde on 12th. Rahu and Ketu remain in Gemini and Sagittarius respectively.

domestic issues that will require your crucial to help you materialize these
attention. Professionals can find the opportunities. It is best that you weigh
MESHA time best suited to acquire new skills. all options before delving into any new
Finance prudence is essential as losses venture. Financial assistance will be
(Aries) are likely. forthcoming there can be a marked
improvement. Avoid any unwanted
Bharani: Domestic peace and expenses. Though there can be good
Ashwini, Bharani and health, minor ailments can make you
happiness can make you cheerful.
Krittika 1 Professional progress is possible if you suffer once in a while. You might tend
can devote extra efforts. Financial to lose focus and wander with unwanted
Mars, Mercury from 8th till 24th, Venus matters will require caution as deceit is thoughts. You need to be optimistic and
and Rahu are favourable. likely. make efforts to stay positive. There
can be trouble from associates and it
Professionals will find themselves in a Krittika 1: There can be general might add to your misery. It is best that
position to complete their assignments weakness and fatigue that can upset you keep a low profile and do not give
on time and there can be good progress. your schedule. Professionals can face any knee jerk reaction to situations.
Some of you are likely to see new some challenges and must be prepared Yo u n g s t e r s w i l l h a v e t o s p e n d
opportunities. Important activities will for some surprises. Dedicated efforts additional time in revising their
require you to spend more time. Though can help you overcome much trouble. subjects. Take the help of seniors and
there can be a smooth sail for most of counsellors on important subjects.
your initiatives, exercise caution about
deceit that can work against you. Krittika 2,3,4: There can be some
Business activities will be smooth and health issues if you do not take
there can be new opportunities to keep
you occupied. There might be
VRISHABHA preventive care. Fatigue can make you
dull. Professionals will find challenges
important meetings that can help you
scale your operations. Financial
(Taurus) with coworkers. Important matters
should be addressed as a slip can prove
activities are likely to take a positive costly.
turn. Be sure that you do not speculate. Krittika 2, 3, 4, Rohini and
There can be some health issues, it is Mrigasira 1,2
best that you take some preventive care. Rohini: Domestic matters can cause
Tendency to get impatient can create some hardship and may lead you to lose
some trouble. Your intellectual pursuits Mars from 2nd, Mercury from 24th, focus. Extra efforts will be essential to
can help you learn new topics. There Jupiter and Venus are favourable. accomplish your goals. There will be
can be happiness on the domestic front. support coming in from close
You might tend to spend more time at associates.
Professionals should be careful as there
home. Try to get yourself involved in
can be criticism for some of your
doing some creative work. It is Mrigasira 1,2: Mental anguish and
actions. Take the help of experts on
important that you do not lose focus. anxiety can run high. Try not to lose
important matters and do not act in
Students will have to put in extra efforts your focus and approach issues with a
haste. It will be essential that you put in
and a lacklustre approach should be calm mind. Professionals should put in
sincere efforts that can help you
kept under check. Youngsters should extra efforts. Exercise caution and do
overcome likely trouble. A change of
avoid activities that are a waste of time. not let unscrupulous elements disrupt
position is likely for some of you.
Business professionals will be able to progress.
Aswini: You may resort to spiritual find new avenues, however extra efforts
practice often. There can be some and support from associates will be


Punarvasu 1,2,3: There can be losses if can materialize. It is the right time to
you are not careful. Domestic matters make the best use of your skills and
MITHUNA might take an ugly turn if you are not work on your career progression.
watchful. Professionals should try to
(Gemini) keep a low profile and pay attention to Pushya: There can be some domestic
detail. issues that will require your attention.
Some trouble at the workplace is likely
Mrigasira 3,4, Aridra and if you are not watchful. Take important
Punarvasu 1,2,3 decisions after consulting your mentors
and seniors.
Sun till 13th, Mercury till 8th and Venus
are favourable. KATAKA Aslesha: You might tend to spend
much time on philosophical activities.
A challenging time for professionals.
There can be a change in position, and
(Cancer) Domestic matters can have a smooth
sail. There can be good progress for
this might pose additional problems. professionals and there can be some
You might have to compromise on Punarvasu 4, Pushya and financial growth.
matters as things might not go as per Aslesha
your plan. Co-workers and associates
may not help and may want to part
ways. Be careful about any important Sun, Mercury till 24th, Jupiter, Venus
decisions. You will have to be patient and Ketu are favourable.
and keep your pursuit on to see
progress. Business activities are likely Professionals should work on their SIMHA
to take a beating and there could be skills and keep them abreast of the
losses if you are not careful. Financial recent developments in their field of (Leo)
matters are likely to cause much work. A constant pressure to meet
trouble, being prudent about expenses deliverables can make you busy. There
and avoiding speculation will be can be many opportunities to help you Makha, Poorvapalguni and
essential. There can be some health- seek out new assignments. It is Uttarapalguni 1
related issues if you are not careful. important that you stay focussed and do
Family members might require some not let unwanted diversions cross your Sun from 13th, Mars till 2nd, Mercury
attention as well. You might be path. Those of you looking for a change from 8th, Saturn and Rahu are
disappointed due to many hurdles that in portfolio might be able to find one. It favourable.
come your way. You should try not to is best that you pay attention to your
react in haste and avoid any work as a slip might prove costly. Professionals can see some good
confrontation to the extent possible. Business professionals will have to progress if they are able to devote
Yo u m i g h t fi n d s o m e d o m e s t i c work hard to fulfil existing contractual additional time. There can be some
disturbances which can make you feel obligations. There can be substantial trouble with co-workers and unless you
dejected often. Friends might turn foes. opportunities and a possible partnership are tactful things can turn unsavoury.
There can be misunderstanding with or amalgamation that can work in your You will have the support of your
relatives and you might tend to pick an favour. Health will be good. Take seniors and the authorities. Avoid
argument unnecessarily. Youngsters preventive care to avoid minor prejudice as this can harm your
should avoid distractions which will be ailments. You might find yourself in an progress. You will get opportunities to
galore. Spending quality time with the exhaustive mode and this can upset network with the right professionals in
right friends will help you achieve some your schedule. Though there can be your field of expertise and you must
of your goals. domestic peace and happiness, some utilize this opportunity in the right
amount of hardship is likely if you are earnest. Business activities can have a
Mrigasira 3,4: A change of place might not careful about your temperament. smooth sail and there can be good
be necessary. Some of your efforts may You might be able to gain new friends momentum on diversifying or
not yield results. Professionals will and a change of place might be on the expanding your operations. Health
have to face some challenges. cards. You will find ample time to might trouble you if you are not careful.
Persistent efforts will be essential to network with friends and relatives. Avoid neglecting any symptoms and be
succeed. Youngsters wanting to pursue advanced careful. Domestic issues might cause
studies can look forward to receiving s o m e h a r d s h i p . Av o i d a n y
Aridra: There can be some health- support. Vocational skills can help you confrontation and it is best that you
related issues, take preventive care. augment and shape your career path. approach issues with a calm mind. A
There can be an inherent fear that can sense of depression and fear can make
cause agony. Professionals will have to you lose focus. Keep a check on your
Punarvasu 4: There can be support
be cautious about important decisions. irritable temperament. There can be
from associates and this can help you
Avoid haste and take only informed some misunderstanding
scale new heights. Some of your desires

with friends and relatives. A sense of Some of your associates will help you might not be able to get things going in
despair can make you sulk. Avoid any steer through the tough times. the right direction. Persistent efforts
negative thoughts and keep a positive Financial stability is possible. There will be essential. There can be overall
outlook. Youngsters should focus on can be normal health and for those of increase in your confidence. This can
their calendar and stick to the plan. you on a recovery path, it is good news. help you accomplish some of your long
Diversions and deviations can prove to You might find yourself vacillating with pending goals. Those of you involved in
be costly. thoughts that can only prove to be fields of marketing, advertisement and
harmful. Domestic issues can surface arts are likely to do well. Business
Makha: There can be some health quite often, and it might be a good idea activities can bloom, and you might be
issues if you are not careful. to avoid any confrontation. If you are able to reap the benefits of your
Professionals will have to tread inclined, it is the right time to venture expertise and experience. There can be
carefully as there can be some into any intellectual pursuits. Your new avenues that can open up.
challenges. Patience and perseverance creative thoughts will receive much Substantial amount of time spent on
will be of essence. Avoid any new support and recognition. It is best that existing contracts can help you generate
initiatives for the time being. you put the time to best use and focus on new prospects. Financial progress is
improving your personal traits. possible, do not speculate. Health will
Poorvapalguni: Mental anguish can Youngsters wanting to pursue advanced require attention, do not neglect any
make you feel low. Keep a check on studies can do well. In case you are symptoms. There can be domestic
your temperament as it can work interested in pursuing vocational matters that will need attention.
against you. Professionals can look courses, the time is ripe. Dejection can run high and it might be
forward to growth but there might not important that you put your best efforts
be good financial progress. Uttarapalguni 2,3,4: There can be and stay positive. There will be support
some domestic matters that will need forthcoming from loved ones. There
Uttarapalguni 1: Some of your desires your attention. Professionals should be can be some relaxing time with friends
are likely to get fulfilled. Health will be careful about financial transactions that and family that will be a welcome break
good and there can be good domestic have high stake. Intellectual pursuits from the monotony. Your spiritual
progress. Professionals can have can help. practices take predominance and you
substantial progress but will have to might find solace in seclusion.
fight some rough weather. Youngsters are likely to slip if they do
Hasta: Though there can be some not prioritize their activities. Some of
disruption to normal life on account of your hobbies might have to take a back
domestic issues, your strong will can seat as studies will require utmost
help you. Professionals will find new attention.
KANYA unexplored opportunities that will
require additional learning and efforts.
Chitta 3,4: Losses are likely, pay
(Virgo) Chitta 1,2: Domestic matters can cause
attention to financial matters.
Domestic issues can hamper progress.
some hardship. The young at home Professionals should keep a tight vigil
Uttarapalguni 2,3,4, Hasta and might need your attention. There can be on their deliverables.
Chitta 1,2 smooth sail at the workplace. Financial
matters will require your undivided
attention. Swati: There can be much trouble to
Mars from 2nd, Mercury till 8th and health if you do not pay attention. Lack
from 24th, Jupiter, Venus and Rahu are of interest can cause much hardship.
favourable. The workplace will demand much of
THULA your undivided attention, which might
be a difficult proposition most of the
Professionals should be watchful of
pitfalls. You will have to put in extra (Libra) time.
efforts and seek the support of
associates to get to your goals. Despite Visakha 1,2,3: Financial matters will
the odds, there is good progress Chitta 3,4, Swati and require caution. There can be unwanted
indicated and much depends on how Visakha 1,2,3 spending that must be curtailed.
you spend your time. Those of you in Professional progress is possible
the creative fields are likely to score Mercury from 8th till 24th, Venus and despite the odds. There might be a need
better than others. You might have to get Ketu are favourable. to put in extra hours to meet deadlines.
yourself involved in minute details to
get things going in the right earnest.
Professionals should pay much
Business professionals will have to be
attention to their objectives and will
patient as things might not progress
have to put in extra efforts. There can be
well and there can be delays.
much trouble from co-workers, and you


skills continuously. There can be less Youngsters should focus and work on
opposition and some of your long their objectives. Tendency to become
VRISCHIKA pending goals can get fulfilled. complacent should be kept under check.
(Scorpio) Jyeshta: There can be good progress Moola: Health will require attention.
on the domestic and the professional Domestic matters are likely to trouble
Visakha 4, Anuradha and front. You might be able to accomplish you. Professionals may have to resort to
Jyeshta some of your goals and some of your expert advice and support on important
desires are likely to materialize. Your matters.
academic pursuits can reach new
Sun till 13th, Mars till 2nd, Mercury till
8th and from 24th Saturn are Poorvashada: Hatred and enmity can
favourable. rule high. Avoid knee jerk reactions.
Professionals will have to face some
Professionals are likely to see some rough weather at the workplace.
turbulent times at the workplace. There Dedicated efforts will be essential to get
might not be good progress until you
put in extra efforts. Lack of
DHANUS things going in the right earnest.

concentration and the lack of support

from associates can add to your woes. It
(Sagittarius) Uttarashada 1: Domestic matters
is best that you prioritize your important might keep you in a sense of distress.
goals. Revisiting the progress will be an Keep a positive outlook and calm
Moola, Poorvashada and yourself. Professionals can look
important milestone to chase. Pay
attention to feedback from peers and
Uttarashada 1 forward to success if they are able to
seniors. It is an ideal time to augment spend additional efforts.
your skills and prepare for a better
Sun from 13th, Mars from 2nd,
future. Business activities will take a
Mercury from 8th till 24th and Jupiter
back seat. There can be unproductive
efforts that can frustrate you. Travel
are favourable. MAKARA
plans are best postponed. Financial
matters should be planned in advance. Professionals are likely to face a busy (Capricorn)
Take the help of experts on urgent schedule. There will be much to do and
matters. Health might cause you some less time to accomplish goals. Honing
trouble. Your mental anguish can lead to your skills will be essential as there can
some unsavoury moments with loved Uttarashada 2,3,4, Sravana and
be much attention on you at the
ones. It is best that you keep a low workplace. There will be support Dhanishta 1,2
profile and keep a check on your coming in from associates. There can
t e m p e r a m e n t . Av o i d u n w a n t e d be much to learn all the time and it is
arguments that can lead to altercation. Mercury till 8th and from 24th, Venus
important that you pay undivided and Rahu are favourable.
You might not be able to focus due to attention. Business professionals are
your wavering thoughts. A calm mind likely to face some challenging times.
will help you overcome much of the There can be fewer opportunities and Career progression is on the cards if you
anguish and deliver your productive there can be delays and obstacles. devote your undivided attention. Your
b e s t . Yo u n g s t e r s s h o u l d a v o i d Persistent efforts will be essential to get problem-solving skills can help your
diversions and stay focussed on their things going. Avoid any new ventures progress in your goals. A new
studies. Even the best minds are likely for the time being. Financial matters responsibility is likely. You will be able
to fail without dedicated efforts. should be handled with care. Though to add much value to your new
there can be limited income, expenses if responsibilities and it can help you
Visakha 4: Financial matters will not managed well can lead you to establish further. It is important that you
require attention to avoid losses. There trouble. There can be good health. pay attention to your work products. A
can be enmity with friends and There can be a smooth sail on the new normal will have to be adopted in
relatives. Professionals should lie low domestic front. You might find yourself your day to day affairs. Business
for the time being and focus on building being able to devote much time to your activities can do well but there might be
their skills. loved ones. You might tend to pick some obstacles and delays. Business
unwanted controversies, which are professionals should try to keep a low
beset avoided. You might find a profile and not exert themselves too
Anuradha: Domestic peace and newfound interest in chasing your much. Financial stability is possible
happiness will give you cheer. There dormant personal goals. Support from with improved gains. Health will be
can be substantial progress in all efforts, your loved ones will be encouraging. normal. There can be much solace on
and you will be able to improve your the domestic front.


You will be able to cherish some good experts to arrive at the best strategy. and prowess you will be shine well and
moments in the company of friends and Financial activities might have a long- deliver on your promises. You will be
relatives. Singles can look forward to lasting impact if you are not careful. able to improve your knowledge and
finding their ideal life partner. Tendency Though there can be limited income, learn new subjects quickly. You might
to slip into arguments easily can only proper planning can help you reap good be able to mentor some of your close
cause harm to your reputation. It might benefits. Health will have to be taken associates which can help you further
be a good idea to spend much time with care of. It is best that you keep away your professional goals. Business
your hobbies and divert your mind. from activities that can be accident activities are likely to see a steady
Youngsters are likely to lose focus if prone. Domestic matters take a beating. growth and new avenues can greet you
they are not careful. It is in your best An unexplainable fear can make you with success. Financial matters should
interest that you pay attention to studies lose focus and falter on basic be handled with care. Avoid speculation
and prioritize your schedules. responsibilities. It is important that you and try to reduce unwanted expenses.
keep yourself motivated and do not let Health will be normal. You will be able
Uttarashada 2,3,4: It is best advised negative thoughts bring you down. to accomplish some of your long
that you pay attention to your health and There can be good support from loved pending activities. There will be good
avoid any high-risk activities. ones if you care to listen to them. Be support from the loved ones. Try to keep
Professionals will be able to get to their watchful of the unscrupulous elements away from controversies to the extent
goals with some additional efforts. that may cause much harm to you and possible. You might be able to garner
your loved ones. Youngsters can look new friends. You might find time to
Sravana: Domestic matters can take forward to being able to progress well pursue some of your hobbies and that
away much of your time. Try to keep a and those of you planning on advanced can keep you cheerful. Those of you
calm mind and not get into any studies can initiate efforts that can yield with a spiritual inclination might spend
confrontation. There can be smooth sail good results. more time on the same. Youngsters can
at the workplace and there can be good look forward to overall progress. Those
support coming in from associates. Dhanishta 3,4: A change of place might of you planning on advanced studies
Dhanishta 1,2: Be watchful of the be necessary. Domestic issues are will be able to get the required support
company that you keep. Difficulties on likely to take a backseat. There will be and help from seniors and mentors.
the domestic front must be handled with wasteful expenditure. Professionals
should pay attention to focussing on Poorvabhadrapada 4: You will be
care. Professionals should keep a low able to outshine many of your peers in
profile for the time being. Financial their deliverables.
your field of activity. Professionals will
matters should be handled with care. be able to deliver their best. Domestic
Satabhisha: Small losses are likely if
you are not careful. Financial prudence matters can also encourage a positive
is an absolute necessity. Professional trend.
matters will require your attention and
KUMBHA additional efforts will be essential. Uttarabhadrapada: Increase in
welfare and overall prosperity is likely.
(Aquarius) Poorvabhadrapada 1,2,3: Be careful Some of your desires can materialize.
Professionals will see overall progress.
not to stress yourself. Professionals can
face some challenges in the form of Recognition of your efforts can bring
Dhanishta 3,4, Satabhisha and delays. It is important that you stay you cheer.
Poorvabhadrapada 1,2,3 persistent with your goals and give your Revati: Financial prudence is
best shot. important. Domestic matters will
Sun till 13th, Mercury from 8th till 24th, require your attention. There can be
Venus and Ketu are favourable. some anxiety on account of young at
home. Professionals might have to put
You may have to work hard to get to MEENA in extra efforts and there will be a
your objectives. An unrelentless smooth sail overall.
approach will be essential. Though the (Pisces)
task looks uphill, you will be able to
achieve the goals with your sheer Poorvabhadrapada 4,
determination and skills. Uttarabhadrapada and Revati

Prioritization and a pragmatic approach Sun from 13th, Mars till 2nd, Mercury
will help you move ahead. There can be till 8th and from 24th, Jupiter, Venus,
good support from associates and well- Saturn and Ketu are favourable.
wishers. Business professionals should
adopt out of the box thinking to make Professional matters are likely to have a
the best use of the opportunities smooth sail. Additional responsibilities
knocking at you. Take the help of can be entrusted to you. With your skills


The Astrological eMagazine

Ephemeris for May 2020
Nirayana positions of planets at 5.30 AM (iST)

Ayanamsa on 1st May 2020 is 22 41 25

* Local Mean Noon Sidereal Time
All times are in local time for the respective cities

Edited and Published by Bengaluru Niranjan Babu at Sarathy Apartments, 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram,
Bengaluru 560003 and Printed by him at Sharadh Enterprises, # 51, Car Street, Halasuru, Bengaluru 560008. Ph: 25556015,
9845944311 Email: [email protected]

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