Praise and Worship

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PRAYER: Come, Holy Spirit, Divine Creator, true source of light and fountain of wisdom!

Pour forth your

brilliance upon my dense intellect, dissipate the darkness which covers me, that of sin and of ignorance.
Grant me a penetrating mind to understand, a retentive memory, method and ease in learning, the
lucidity to comprehend, and abundant grace in expressing myself. Guide the beginning of my work,
direct its progress, and bring it to successful completion. This I ask through Jesus Christ, true God and
true man, living and reigning with You and the Father, forever and ever.

As Christians we are continually encouraged and even admonished to pray for one another. As
our children grow and go off to college our prayers for them are essential as they begin to face
“the real world”. They need to remain in prayer as well. Here are seven good prayers for college
students that you might want to use as you pray. These can easily be adjusted for use by the
student or by others who love them and want to lift up intercessory prayers for college students.

Praise and Worship 

Dear Lord, as I continue in this new college life help me never to forget to devote time of praise
and worship to You. I know that you are the One who sustains me and the least I can do for
everything that You have done for me is to dedicate time to You. Help me to know that renewing
my mind in You is a necessary part of my life. Nudge me out of bed on Sunday and if there is a
good mid-week service please make it so I can go to that too. Send new friends my way that are
like-minded Christians who will attend services with me and hold me accountable when I am
absent. I love you Lord and I want to praise and worship You. In Jesus name, Amen

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living
sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.   And be not conformed to
this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that
good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (Romans 12:1-2) 

Instructors and Administrators 

College students have new leaders as they begin this venture in life. Remember to pray for those
leaders – they are the ones that have the greatest influence on students.


Dear Lord, I pray for all of my Instructors, Professors and Administrators.  As we are told in the
Bible, as a student (disciple) our teachers are above us and as we grow and learn we strive to be
like our teacher. Please give them the wisdom, strength and courage to be the best instructor and
administrator that they can be. Help them to stay healthy as they do well to teach us. Lord, if they
do not know you as personal Savior, I pray that they come to know you and in doing so that their
instruction and work is glorifying to You. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.

The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master. (Luke
Time Management 
One of the most difficult things for college students to learn is time management. Success in
college requires goal setting and time management. It is easy to lose track of time when students
are making new friends and spending time in social gatherings. Time must be allocated to proper
study and rest as well as fun.


Heavenly Father I pray that you will give me the guidance that I need to have fun while still
maintaining a schedule of proper study and needed rest. Help me to know that sometimes I need
to “bow out” of a particular social event in order to meet the needs of academic success. Protect
me as I seek your help in scheduling time for everything. I love you Father and pray this in Jesus
name, Amen.

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: (Ecclesiastes

Quizzes, Mid-terms and Finals

Help me to shine the light of Jesus to them so that they too can see how happy I am in You.

Dear God, I have learned so much and right now I just ask that you help me to remember all of
those things. Please bring them quickly to mind so that I may successfully pass my tests today.
Help also my classmates who are studying for exams, that they might have great success. I know
that our success will glorify you Lord because everything that we do should be done as unto
You. I pray for peace as I sit for the exams and I know that peace comes only from You. Thank
you for listening to my prayer and I pray this in Your Son’s name, Amen.

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;    Knowing that of the
Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. (Colossians

Home Visits 
Dear God, I so enjoy my independence while away at college. As I plan a trip home for a visit
please help me to honor my parents as I obey the house rules that they have. I know that the rules
are there for my own good. Help me to show that while I have gained independence during my
time away that I understand that it is their house so I must obey their rules. Lord, I think this
might be hard for me but I know that You will guide me and gently remind me of the honor that
is due to my parents while I am in their house. Please grant me my desire dear Lord, In Jesus
name, Amen.
Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; (Ephesians 6:2) 

Dear Lord, I come to you because I want to be sure that I am keeping company with this right
people. God I know that relationships require careful cultivation and attention. Help me to be
friendly to others and to welcome them into my world. Help me to shine the light of Jesus to
them so that they too can see how happy I am in You. Remind me that sometimes I need to ask
forgiveness when I have offended others. Help me to be forgiving when others have offended
me. God I want to be a great example of Christianity to everyone I meet. I pray that you will help
me never to forget that I must take time to work on relationships … just like a garden, for them
to grow I must be devoted to them. I pray in Jesus name, Amen.

A man that hath friends must shew himself  friendly: and there is friend that sticketh closer than
a brother. (Proverbs 18:24)

Purity in Thought, Word and Deed 

Dear Precious Father, as I learn to live independently outside of the boundaries that were set for
me at home, please help me to make good choices that will keep my thoughts, words and deeds
pure. I want to honor You with my choices. As I choose how I spend my time remind me that
You are always with me and that my choices should be things that please You. Help me to stay
away from the things that will temp me to do the things that I know are not edifying to You.
Remind me that it is my choice and that I can talk to You any time that I am having troubling
making good choices. Keep me in the company of others that have a good walk with You so that
I too can have a good walk. I know you will guide me and for this I am so thankful. I know Your
wisdom is pure, help me to desire only Your wisdom. I pray this through Jesus, Amen.

But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated,
full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. (James 3:17) 

God our Father, as I begin this time of exams, I feel

some anxiety and frustration. Help me to stay focused.

Give me a clear mind to perform to the best of my ability.

Help me to study with dedication and vigor. Grant
me silence so that I may process the knowledge I have
obtained. Let me sleep peacefully at night, so that I am
refreshed and renewed for my upcoming exams.

Be with me, Lord, during this time. Undoubtedly,

there will be moments when I want to quit and give
up. Please sustain me, Lord. Guide me during times of
trouble. Help me to realize that I have done my best
possible work. Let me be satisfied with the work I have
done, but also help me to see areas that I may improve
upon academically in the future. Amen.

"Any growth requires a temporary loss of security." ~Madeline Hunter

While being an expert in one’s content area is imperative, if one does

understand how to best communicate one’s knowledge to his or her students then
the expertise is useless.  One of the most important elements to communicate
students is that English is significant to their lives and their futures.  One
strive to create a meaningful classroom environment for their students.   In
order to produce a meaningful environment and acquire a significant learning
outcome, it is important to create real world connections, to incorporate
-centered learning, to utilize technology, togenerate continual growth as a
teacher, and to maintain a strict control over the classroom while remaining
First, it is critical to create real world connections in the classroom
producing a student-centered learning environment.  If students do not believe
they will use classroom material in their future, they see lessons as
pointless and not worth their time. In order to achieve one’s objectives, a
must make the material relevant to their students.  English is significant to
student’s future.  Whether one is creating resumes, writing job applications,
applying to college, composing scientific reports, creating a business
presentation, etc., English is crucial to achieving one’s goal.  A teacher
explain how each lesson will aid students in their future endeavors.  It is
important encourage students to use English in a way that is meaningful to
One way to create a lesson that is meaningful to each student is to provide
with a choice. For example, if one wants their students to become better
or practice writing conventions one might offer the option to choose from a
of various types of writing, rather than requiring a particular one which many
students might not find significant.  Students should be at the forefront of
learning.  They should be experiencing and acquiring knowledge rather than
simply listening to it.  Hands-on lessons help makematerial come to life for
One excellent way to engage students in the classroom and create real
connections is to utilize technology and maintain one’s current knowledge as a
teacher. Today, students are constantly enveloped in technology.  Using
technology in the classroom spawns student interest and connects lessons to
their everyday lives. Incorporating technology in the classroom is a must, not
only to engage students but to prepare them for the rapidly growing and
changing world. Technology should be used in every way possible in the class-
rooms. In order to maintain this goal, it is important to continue one’s
as a teacher.  Teachers need to stay informed and current in their knowledge
technology as they do their content area. 
Finally, one cannot attain any goal in their classroom unless it is well-
managed.  As a teacher, controlling one’s classroom environment is essential. 
One needs to produce a strict learning atmosphere.  Educators must, first,
demand respect from students and then prove to them that he or she deserves
that respect.  One must create specific classroom regulations and not waver. 
However, while it is imperative to maintain a firm control, it is also
necessary to
maintain approachable to students.  It is important that students feel
comfortable asking questions and that they see a teacher as an adult that
and one that they can trust.  It is necessary to maintain the role of an
figure while communicating respect to students and relating to them.  If a
teacher is respected, students are more likely to adhere to one’s rules and
class seriously.

The best teachers are those that never stop learning and continue
striving to
improve. It is important to realize that teaching is full of surprises and new
situations and one must be ready to adapt, react and discover new strategies. 
What remains true, it is the necessity to create a meaningful learning
environment and to understand how to relate one’s knowledge to students.
To teach English simply as a language means that students would spend time in the classroom

practicing their language skills by engaging in language enhancing tasks. They would be writing

papers, performing grammar exercises and learning new vocabulary. Ironically, such a classroom

structure seems to mimic that of a foreign language class.  From an outside perspective, it may

seem that English classrooms today appear to be structured in such a fashion. Nevertheless, I

think it would be safe to say that English is not foreign to secondary education students in the

United States; rather English is their native language. This means that in reality, they would not

need the same type of instruction that they would in a foreign language class. So then what

should secondary English education offer students? I believe that English education should focus

on improving communication skills through a variety of different genres to create better

communicators inside English students.

In secondary education English classes, I believe that students should engage in the

traditional English curriculum - grammar exercises, reading poetry and short stories, engaging in

several different genres of writing, etc. However, students may find themselves asking why they

are completing such tedious assignments if they already know how to speak English. They may

ask what the purpose is. Although students may not realize it, such "tedious" tasks are associated

with the improvement of their communication skills.  I strongly believe that the English

classroom is much more than learning vocabulary and writing skills when the goal is learning to

communicate more effectively. The curriculum should focus on improving our students’ ability

to comprehend and to be understood through their reading and writing.

I believe it should be my obligation as a future English teacher to explore diverse

schemes of instruction.  Students need to familiarize themselves with the various learning

processes. They should be exposed to English education through listening, speaking, viewing,

reading, and writing in personal, social, occupational, and civic contexts (Michigan Standards for

English Language Arts).  Through my teaching methods, students will do more than simply

transfer and receive data through a rote style of learning. They will be able to gain a greater

understanding of themselves and others through their own writing. Taken as a whole, this will

help them to construct and convey meaning.  Students will be able to use the English language as

a means of building and exchanging knowledge through their own information highway.

I believe that centering the English classroom on enhancing communication skills is vital

to the education of students.  Students need to leave high school with the aptitude to write

emails, create web pages, give speeches, write book reviews, research using the internet, and

most of all formulate strong opinions on paper.  It is my belief that in this day and age the

English classroom is one of the only places where these skills can be correctly taught and
practiced.  Since most students are already native speakers of English, the secondary English

classroom should teach them how to utilize their language to express themselves and gain a

better understanding of the world.

In my eyes, English students should receive education on the diversity and history of the

English language. Students will benefit from learning why certain dialects are more appropriate

in certain situations and who determines this appropriateness.  Students will be less likely to

discriminate against certain types of English and will have a foundation of knowledge that will

assist them in choosing which type to occupy in a particular circumstance. 

I believe that it is impossible to envelop every form of communication that students will

stumble upon.  My goal is to expose students to as many modes of learning as possible.

However, according to Bruce Pirie, the English classroom should have a theme and purpose for

its curriculum (Bruce Pirie Transforming High School English 5).  Methods for reading, writing,

listening, speaking, and viewing should not be introduced in an unsystematic fashion. Creative

activities such book reviews or film critiques desire a need to be tied to the whole picture in the

scheme of things.  Students need to understand the objective of the classroom and what they will

gain through its completion. 

In order for English to be a beneficial course for students to take, I believe that it must

address more than the traditional activity. Students require a need for understanding what they

are doing and why. It will be my goal to show future students the significance behind each

English activity we engage in. Students will learn how to utilize their English skills in order to

grasp a more meaningful understanding of who they are as individuals and of the community

they live in. An atmosphere such as this will be created for students in order for them to learn

and grow through their practice of the English language. 

In my eyes, it is critical that English teachers assess the relationships that exist between

their students’ language varieties and society.  It will be necessary to use the knowledge of such

linguistic prejudices which exist in the U.S. in order to educate students. Through precise

discussion, students, especially non-standard English speakers, will be able to overcome the

invisible barriers of such language issues. Students will be able to analyze language variety

beliefs, texts, and their own writing styles in order to gain a better understanding of such


Although it is necessary to adhere to a school's curriculum, I believe that it is also

necessary to focus on the needs of the learners within the classroom.  In order to achieve such a

goal, it is important to me to be aware of the diverse cultural and social backgrounds which exist

among the student population. Molding my instruction around students’ personal experiences

and beliefs will help to make connections between their lives and subject matter presented in the

classroom. Such connections can then assist in each student’s knowledge construction.  Some

students will call for guidance from a range of resources in order to build their own perspectives

while others will not.  Hence, while designing lesson plans and units, it will be necessary to take

into consideration who my students are in order to facilitate their learning to the best of my


Further, I agree that it is easier for students to understand concepts when they can relate

new information to their prior knowledge (Smagorinski 268). Organizing lessons and units

around students’ experiences allows them to make imperative connections with the subject

matter.  Having specific themes and certain goals ensures that students will stay focused on the

material provided. Therefore, not only should teachers develop lessons and units that correlate
with one another and with the students’ social and cultural familiarities, they should enlighten

students about these themes by assisting in the identification of connections.

I feel that discussing issues that may transpire in themes and units presented in class

helps to construct knowledge. This is the belief that students construct their ideas by speaking

aloud or writing (Smagorinsky 73).  Students will be given the opportunity to discuss topics with

teachers, classmates, and even outsiders.  Since each student expresses him or her self

distinctively, I believe that it is vital to have many varied language provisions in the classroom. 

Such provisions will range from classroom discussions, to group/partner work, to reflective

journaling or creative writing.  Most notably, I believe that student interaction is the key to

generating meaning.

It is my belief that by interacting and discussing amongst each other in the classroom,

teachers and students are able to support one another in the learning process.  This form of

assistance, known as scaffolding, rivets modeling a skill for students followed by support for

students’ attempts at the activity (Smagorinsky 19).  Through this approach, students can

eventually complete the task or skill without assistance.  This may occur through the process of

imitation. Students will imitate, for example, the process of textual analysis and will eventually

be able to analyze texts on their own.

For these reasons, I believe that the English language is an indispensable tool used for

expressing ideas, thoughts, and feelings. However, it is also much more than that. The variety

which exists in the English language affects employment, relationships, and most of all, our

education.  As a facilitator of English, it is crucial that I clearly address such language varieties

and their undertones while still attending to the personal needs of my students. I will be able to

do this through my knowledge of their social and cultural backgrounds. In close, I truly believe
that English education should focus on improving communication skills through a variety of

different genres to create better communicators among English students.

Teaching is hard work and some teachers never grow to be anything better than mediocre. They
do the bare minimum required and very little more. The great teachers, however, work tirelessly
to create a challenging, nurturing environment for their students. Great teaching seems to have
less to do with our knowledge and skills than with our attitude toward our students, our subject,
and our work. Although this list is certainly not all-inclusive, I have narrowed down the many
characteristics of a great teacher to those I have found to be the most essential, regardless of the
age of the learner:

1. A great teacher respects students. In a great teacher’s classroom, each person’s ideas and
opinions are valued. Students feel safe to express their feelings and learn to respect and listen to
others. This teacher creates a welcoming learning environment for all students.

2. A great teacher creates a sense of community and belonging in the classroom. The mutual
respect in this teacher’s classroom provides a supportive, collaborative environment. In this
small community, there are rules to follow and jobs to be done and each student is aware that he
or she is an important, integral part of the group. A great teacher lets students know that they can
depend not only on her, but also on the entire class.

3. A great teacher is warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring. This person is approachable,
not only to students, but to everyone on campus. This is the teacher to whom students know they
can go with any problems or concerns or even to share a funny story. Great teachers possess
good listening skills and take time out of their way-too-busy schedules for anyone who needs
them. If this teacher is having a bad day, no one ever knows—the teacher leaves personal
baggage outside the school doors.

4. A great teacher sets high expectations for all students. This teacher realizes that the
expectations she has for her students greatly affect their achievement; she knows that students
generally give to teachers as much or as little as is expected of them.

5. A great teacher has his own love of learning and inspires students with his passion for
education and for the course material. He constantly renews himself as a professional on his
quest to provide students with the highest quality of education possible. This teacher has no fear
of learning new teaching strategies or incorporating new technologies into lessons, and always
seems to be the one who is willing to share what he’s learned with colleagues.

6. A great teacher is a skilled leader. Different from administrative leaders, effective teachers
focus on shared decision-making and teamwork, as well as on community building. This great
teacher conveys this sense of leadership to students by providing opportunities for each of them
to assume leadership roles.
7. A great teacher can “shift-gears” and is flexible when a lesson isn’t working. This teacher
assesses his teaching throughout the lessons and finds new ways to present material to make sure
that every student understands the key concepts.

8. A great teacher collaborates with colleagues on an ongoing basis. Rather than thinking of
herself as weak because she asks for suggestions or help, this teacher views collaboration as a
way to learn from a fellow professional. A great teacher uses constructive criticism and advice as
an opportunity to grow as an educator.

9. A great teacher maintains professionalism in all areas—from personal appearance to

organizational skills and preparedness for each day. Her communication skills are exemplary,
whether she is speaking with an administrator, one of her students or a colleague. The respect
that the great teacher receives because of her professional manner is obvious to those around her.

While teaching is a gift that seems to come quite naturally for some, others have to work
overtime to achieve great teacher status. Yet the payoff is enormous — for both you and your
students. Imagine students thinking of you when they remember that great teacher they had in

Dr. Maria Orlando is a core faculty member in the doctoral Educational Leadership and
Management Specialization at Capella University. She also serves as an adjunct professor at
Lindenwood University in St. Charles, Missouri.

Socrates was one. Plato too.  So was John Taylor Gatto of New York City. And so was dear Mrs.
Corey in rural Indiana who ushered 32 second grade students happily through phonics and
arithmetic for many years. The greatest of all was Jesus Himself.  I'm talking about great teachers
of course. They inspired their students, whether those students were formally enrolled in a class
they taught or were simply those who crossed their paths.

We've all had good teachers and bad ones. What makes us scurry quickly from the latter and
flock to the former? I believe it is just a few characteristics or traits that just about anybody can
develop. And surprisingly, these traits have nothing to do with academic credentials, intellect or
measurable knowledge. What's more, it's not just classroom teachers who find success and the
ability to relate to others when they develop these traits. Parents, coaches, employees, in short,
anyone who needs to convey information to another can benefit from developing these qualities.
If a person can develop just a few of these he can become a Great Teacher. If someone can
develop them all, there is no telling who or what that person can inspire.

1. Great Teachers Are Humble.

Great teachers speak simply. They don't need to impress with their knowledge. They are
comfortable with what they know and eager to learn what they do not.  They do not puff. As the
tongue twisting adage goes, "He who knows not and knows he knows not is a wise man. He who
knows not and knows not he knows not is a fool." Great teachers are modest about their
knowledge. Or as succinctly put by Saint Paul in 1 Corinthians 8:2, "If anyone supposes that he
knows anything, he has not yet known as he ought to know."

If a Great Teacher is asked a question to which he does not know the answer, he promises to find
out, and then does. He knows he is not the only one able to facilitate learning. He is grateful for
the opportunity to help just one person gain knowledge. Great Teachers want their students to
learn, even to surpass them in knowledge. Great Teachers are never arrogant.

2. Great Teachers Are Patient

What is patience? It is the bearing of misfortune, difficulty, and annoyances without

complaining, losing one's temper or showing irritation. Great Teachers are patient with their
students, no matter how many mistakes the student makes or how many times the teacher needs
to explain. The wonderful thing about practicing patience is that it benefits the one practicing it
as much or more as the one it is practiced upon. Being patient is indicative of self restraint and
discipline and demonstrates a quality in a teacher that will likely be emulated in the student.

But patience greatly benefits the student too. When I think of tremendous patience I think of the
Great Teacher Anne Sullivan teaching Helen Keller. Helen was unruly, disobedient and very
closed to learning when Anne was hired to teach her. Through gentleness, perseverance – indeed
patience – Anne provided an environment that coaxed Helen to reach her potential. Helen not
only learned but exceeded all expectations.

Consider Helen Keller's words, "The most important day I remember in all my life (emphasis
mine) is the one on which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me." What gratitude in
a special student patience has wrought, and what learning! It is unlikely that most people will
often encounter students as difficult as Helen Keller. But all will do well to remember the trait
which brought about such great learning and accomplishment in Anne Sullivan's young student –
the quality of patience!

3. Great Teachers Are Kind and Show Respect.

Great teachers recognize the value and worth of each person. They try to understand their student
and his perspective. They have empathy. They try to 'get into' the other fellow's shoes and 'walk
a few miles'. Great Teachers esteem their students as valuable, even if they are much different
than themselves, less educated or in a lower position. They recognize that they too were once in
the place of apprentice.  Bad teachers demand respect. Great teachers treat their students with
respect and thus earn the respect of them as well.

4. Great Teachers Have Enthusiasm for Their Subject Matter.

Great teachers enjoy talking about what they teach. Whether they have one year or ten years
experience, great teachers show eagerness and excitement when they approach their topics. They
speak with enthusiasm, even wonder. They may have been teaching 7th grade math for 35 years,
or have been working in accounting since 1975  but they approach imparting their knowledge
with the same fervor as when they first began when they are trying to help someone else along.

5. Great Teachers Show Not Tell.

Great teachers may explain a concept but they demonstrate it too. They look for ways to bring
examples in the classroom, board room, studio or basketball court.  When they are not able to
bring in examples they draw pictures or diagrams. They think of other creative ways to express
knowledge and aid in their students' understanding.

6. Great Teachers Learn from Their Students.

Great Teachers know they do not know everything. Part of what makes them great teachers is
that they too are willing to learn. They are not threatened by a student's thoughtful question or
outstanding aptitude. They do not take it personally when a student asks 'why', wants more
information or challenges a fact. They know that real learning occurs when people question,
think and make a subject their own. They know they are encouraging learning for a lifetime, not
just for a semester grade, one athletic event or one company presentation. Great Teachers are
life-long learners themselves. They gain knowledge and wisdom from those they teach.

7. Great Teachers Are Positive; Great Teachers Smile

Great Teachers believe in themselves. They believe in others. They look for the best in both and
their attitude reflects it. They are positive, not negative. Great Teachers also smile.

Mr. Harekrushna Behera, Unchahar, a teacher and personal tutor wrote in Teacher, Do You
Smile? "(A) smile is the expression of love. It's the magnet, which pulls all towards itEverybody
wants a smile A teacher touches the heart of a student through the magnetic touch of smile. (A)
smile creates confidence (and learning) happens only when students start likingthe teacher. .."

Smiling offers many benefits. It makes one look more attractive. It can alter one's mood.
Scientists speculate it can relieve stress and possibly boost the immune system. But one really
good reason for a teacher to smile is that it is contagious and conveys a message of personal
bonding and encouragement. This facilitates just the right learning environment for most people.
This is why Great Teachers smile.

8. Great Teachers Engage their Students.

Great Teachers know that knowledge is not like a liquid to be poured into one's mind. Obtaining
knowledge and understanding is an active not passive process. Great Teachers stimulate
creativity. They are excellent communicators. They tell stories. They listen. They maintain eye
contact. They don't just lecture or throw facts at their pupils. Great Teachers engage their

9. Great Teachers Have High Expectations.

Great Teachers don't believe that learning is only for a select few. They are not elitist. They
understand that God's gift of knowledge and understanding is for everyone. They recognize that
while not everyone has outstanding aptitude in music, or art or golf or math or financial
statement preparing, that nearly everyone can learn and usually achieve much more than they
originally imagine they can.

Great teachers help their students see that they are capable. They never 'dumb down' a course but
do look for ways to make complex material easier to understand out of courtesy towards their
students. Great Teachers are realistic in their expectations, but also know that expectations are
often set too low for most people.

Norman Vincent Peale said "We tend to get what we expect." Lady Bird Johnson once said,
"Children are apt to live up to what you believe of them." I would add that other people do too.
Great Teachers expect a lot from their students. And because they are great in so many other
ways, they usually get it.

10. Great Teachers Provide a Warm Environment and Allow Their Students to Make

Great Teachers realize that mistakes often precede great learning. Thomas Edison once said of
his many failed attempts to prove something, "I am not discouraged, because every wrong
attempt discarded is another step forward." Great teachers understand this too.

Against the backdrop of a supportive environment, Great Teachers encourage risk taking and
accept errors. The Great Teacher Coach encourages the young athlete to take the shot. Who
knows if he might make it? The Great Music Teacher lets the young pianist try a harder piece
that he aspires to learn. Perhaps the teacher's initial assessments are wrong and he is capable.
The Great Parent Teacher is probably the most important teacher of all. He allows his children to
make choices and live with the consequences. He knows that experience often provides more
memorable lessons than lectures ever could.

Great teachers do not say things like, "You're not really cut out for this." "This is not your thing."
They realize that students soon learn their own limitations and do not put false ceilings up for

Most importantly, the

teachings of Jesus, the Great
Teacher, elicit an important
fact that all should remember:
Knowledge is nothing
without its companion,
wisdom, and wisdom comes
from God.

Finally, an article about Great Teachers would be remiss in not mentioning a few points about
greatest of all teachers, Jesus Christ. Look how He taught:

 Jesus, the ultimate Great Teacher, gave everyone a chance.  Think of the tax collectors
and prostitutes. Surely there is hope for those who some perceive as the least able or
willing of students.

 Jesus spoke the Truth in humility and straightforwardness. Surely all students deserve to
be spoken to in the same way.

 Jesus taught by example. Example is the most powerful teaching tool of all.

 Jesus told stories with lessons. We call them parables.

 Jesus said "Let the children come to Me." He made time for the youngest people.

Most importantly, the teachings of Jesus, the Great Teacher, elicit an important fact that all
should remember: Knowledge is nothing without its companion, wisdom, and wisdom comes
from God.

To be a Great Teacher, then, one can work to develop the ten traits listed above. As the capstone
to this, it is good to emulate Jesus Himself, the Greatest Teacher, and to remember "I can do all
things in Him (Christ) who strengthens me."  (Philippians 4:13)

Following these guidelines, anyone in a position to help others learn in business, school, athletics
or any other category in the "real" world can, with some focused attention, develop the necessary
traits to be a Great Teacher.

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