Webercise Blank
Webercise Blank
Webercise Blank
In this webercise you will visit three sites. The first two sites will address the major lasting
contributions of the Roman Empire and the internal/external reasons for the empire’s fall in
476 CE. The third site further discusses the Roman contribution to civilization and has maps
about the territorial decline of the empire.
Using diigolet, the notetaking tool on your web browser, you will mark up the three sites as you
look for answers within the texts to answer questions in this webercise. While I will not require
you to turn in your notes, I will expect you to take thorough and meaningful notes and will see
whether or not you have accomplished this task not through how much you are writing, but
through the content of what you are writing to answer the questions.
The maps are able to be viewed in your browser through the available links below. I highly
recommend you download them that way you will be able to zoom in on details on the maps
and see them more clearly.
Map of Roman Empire (117 CE)
Map of Roman Empire (395 CE)
Map of Roman Empire (125 CE)
In the table below you will see a column with questions and directions, a column for your
answers, and a column for points to be awarded.
The questions will be blue and the directions will be in black. Read the directions first and then
answer the question. Points are awarded in the points column and will read as a fraction. For
example, if you answer a question that has 2 points and you get the entire question right, then
you will see a 2/2 in the points column
Turn this sheet in through the email me button at the bottom of the webpage for Webercise for
credit. Total points for this assignment:
Question + Directions Answer Points
1. Open the link for National Geographic /3
Article: Rome’s Lasting Contributions.
After reading and taking notes on this
article, answer the following question:
List three of the most important Roman
contributions to Western civilization.
2. Write why the three major /5
contributions (listed in question 1) are
the most important Roman
contributions to civilization. To get full
credit you must have 3 unique or
different contributions (3 points), you
must defend why these are the most
important contributions, and it must be
in the form of a thesis statement:
Roman contributions in X, Y, Z are the
most important to Western civilization
because…. (2 points)
3. Open the link for Adapted Article: /4
Roman Chronology (96CE-476CE). After
reading and taking notes on the section
“The Five Good Emperors and the Age
of the Antonines” answer the following
question: why was the age of the “Five
Good Emperors” so good for the Roman
Empire? 1 Point for each reason why.
4. In what ways (politically and militarily) /3
did the Age of the Antonines further
invite internal weakness in the empire?
1 Point for each reason why.
5. Read and take notes on the section /3
“The Severans and the Soldier-
Emperors”. Discuss the key effects of
reestablishing the dynastic transition of
power on Rome’s decline using
information learned from the Antonine
and Severan paragraphs.
6. To what extent did frequent military /4
backed power struggles weaken the
Roman Empire internally and
7. Read and take notes on the section /2
about “Diocletian, Constantine, and the
Late Empire”. Why did Diocletian split
the Roman Empire into two halves
governed by four emperors?
8. How did Constantine the Great’s /3
ascension to power mirror the
ascension of the Severans?
9. Open the final link for this exercise, a /5
Storymap on Roman Territorial Decline
and Lasting Contributions. First you will
read through the sections on the lasting
contributions. Add any notes from this
link to your notes on other similar
sections, i.e. architecture, language,
literature notes should be with the
same notes from the National
Geographic article and notes on
Constantine should be with the notes
on Constantine from the chronology
article. Discuss the strategic reasons for
why we see an extensive road network,
aqueducts, sports arenas like the
Colosseum, civic centers like the Roman
Forum, and amphitheaters throughout
the empire? Why have these wonders
lasted for so long?
10. Compare the similarities and /3
differences between Roman institution
of slavery and slavery in the U.S.
11. How did Constantine help the Catholic /3
Church build its influence in both Rome
and Constantinople?
12. Open the map links for the Roman /5
Empires at 117 CE and 125 CE. The links
are within the instructions. After
analyzing the two maps, assess the
challenges to the territorial cohesion
inside and outside the Roman Empire.
To earn full credit, you must use the
information in the maps to form your
13. Open and analyze at the map of the /7
Roman Empire at 395 CE and review
your notes about Rome just before
Constantine came to power. Infer the
economic and political reasoning
behind Constantine’s decision to move
the political capital from Rome to
Constantinople. To earn full points,
your reasoning must include geographic
and political reasons for the capital’s
move to Constantinople.