Guggenheim Museum at Bilbao: - Pallavi Patil
Guggenheim Museum at Bilbao: - Pallavi Patil
Guggenheim Museum at Bilbao: - Pallavi Patil
¤ Deconstructivism comes from the idea of DE – CONSTRUCTION a form of semiotic analysis .
¤ Deconstructivism is a movement of postmodern architecture which appeared in the 1980’s ,
which gives the impression of the fragmentation of the constructed building .
¤ It is characterized by the absence of harmony , continuity , or symmetry .
¤ Besides fragmentation , deconstructivism often manipulates the structure’s surface skin and
creates by non – rectilinear shapes which appear to distort and dislocate elements of
architecture .
¤ The finished visual appearance is characterized by unpredictability and controlled chaos .