Evidence Statement: Explanation of Current Knowledge and Understanding
Evidence Statement: Explanation of Current Knowledge and Understanding
Evidence Statement: Explanation of Current Knowledge and Understanding
Extensive primary and secondary research were undertaken within this professional learning to gain insight
to the most effective teaching strategies to assist primary students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
The research identified key strategies across the areas of communication, receiving and expressing
information, visual supports, student motivation, learning styles and accommodations to the classroom.
The information gained from scholarly articles, interviews with current educators and other professionals
within the respected area has allowed me to analyse the strategies that should be implemented in the
My understanding of addressing students learning needs is that it is the teacher’s obligation to understand
the student and then establish a learning program. Students of all abilities should feel safe in a positive
classroom environment and be granted the opportunity to be successful. This can be achieved through an
Individual Negotiated Learning Plan, where the teacher, student and their guardians assess personal
learning goals, as their individual strengths and difficulties.
The evidence statement is based on the information obtained through a series of research on effective
teaching strategies to support ASD primary students. It demonstrates an understanding of the APST
standard 6.4 ‘Apply professional learning and improve student learning’ as the analysis and evaluation of
the research saw an improvement in my understanding of the condition and the different pathways that
can be used to assist students with their learning. The research distinguished multiple strategies that have
been effective in the classroom and how teacher support can improve the quality of education that
students with ASD receive. From this research and new understanding, I am confident that I will be able to
successfully support all my students and ensure that everyone feels safe and positive in my classroom. The
evidence and explanation provide an example that level 5 (of Standard 6.4) is being achieved:
‘Listens carefully and responds positively to advice, feedback and professional learning
Through the responses I formulated from the interviewees and scholarly research, it is evident that I am
taking initiative to seek out professional learning, obtaining the feedback I receive and then applying it to
my classroom practice.