Structural Analysis of Competitive Behavior: New Empirical Industrial Organization Methods in Marketing

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Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 18 Ž2001.


Structural analysis of competitive behavior: New Empirical

Industrial Organization methods in marketing
Vrinda Kadiyali a , K. Sudhir b,) , Vithala R. Rao a
Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell UniÕersity, Sage Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-6201, USA
Stern School of Business, New York UniÕersity, 44 West Fourth St, MEC 8-80, New York, NY 10012, USA


The impact of a firm’s strategic marketing mix choices on profitability can be evaluated by understanding the impact of
those choices on consumer demand for the firm’s products and on the firm’s costs. Additionally, a firm’s strategic marketing
mix choices, and its demand and costs can be affected by rival firms’ strategic choices. Therefore, to understand the effects
of choice of marketing mix on profitability, we have to understand its effects on demand, cost and competitor reactions. The
effects of choices of marketing mix on consumer demand have been analyzed in great depth in marketing, but research on
the strategic reactions of competitors to such choices have been far more limited. The New Empirical Industrial Organization
ŽNEIO. framework provides us with a source of methods that has potential to substantially add to our insights about
competitive interactions among firms.
In this paper, we first discuss a simple NEIO model to illustrate the basic methodology. We then discuss the contributions
of this literature to our knowledge of competitive marketing strategy. In the process, we discuss methodological extensions
of the basic model that are needed to model the institutional realities of specific markets. We also summarize how the
existing literature has evolved, and provide our view of where the literature might profitably proceed from here. In
particular, we discuss how future methodological innovations in the dynamics of competition, discrete strategy choice, and
asymmetric information estimation will enable wider application of this methodology to competitive marketing strategy
issues. The main advantage of NEIO studies is that they provide greater understanding of the competitive behavior in
specific markets or industries compared to cross-sectional studies across industries. Bountiful opportunities exist for
additional studies that focus on similar phenomena in different markets to draw generalizable conclusions from this line of
research. q 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: Structural models; Competition; Strategic behavior; New empirical industrial organization

1. Introduction standing the impact of those choices on consumer

demand for the firm’s products and on the firm’s
The impact of a firm’s strategic marketing mix costs. Additionally, a firm’s strategic marketing mix
choices on profitability can be evaluated by under- choices, and its demand and costs can be affected by
rival firms’ strategic choices. Therefore, to under-
stand the effects of choice of marketing mix on
Corresponding author. Tel.: q1-212-998-0541; fax: q1-212-
profitability, we have to understand its effects on
995-4006. demand, cost and competitor reactions. The effects
E-mail address: [email protected] ŽK. Sudhir.. of choices of marketing mix on consumer demand

0167-8116r01r$ - see front matter q 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

PII: S 0 1 6 7 - 8 1 1 6 Ž 0 1 . 0 0 0 3 1 - 3
162 V. Kadiyali et al.r Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 18 (2001) 161–186

have been analyzed in great depth in marketing, but strategic, competitive behavior by firms. By a struc-
research on the strategic reactions of competitors to tural model, we mean a model where firms’ choices
such choices have been far more limited. are based on some kind of optimizing behavior
There is a rich tradition of empirical research in Žusually profit maximization.. In this respect these
marketing strategy beginning in the 1950s that exam- models are similar to structural models of consumer
ines the impact of cost and competitive character- choice, which are built on the assumption of utility
istics of a market on the profitability of firms. This maximization behavior of consumers. Where they
empirical tradition following the structure – differ is that NEIO structural models are strategic
conduct–performance Žhereafter referred to as SCP. while structural models of consumer choice are non-
paradigm of empirical industrial organization uses strategic. Consumer models are non-strategic be-
cross-sectional data across industries to find empiri- cause one consumer’s choice has no impact on an-
cal regularities across industries. Many of these stud- other consumer’s choice and therefore, these choices
ies in marketing have used the Profit Impact of can be assumed to be independent. In contrast, NEIO
Marketing Strategies ŽPIMS. data Žsee Buzzell and models of firms need to account for the interdepen-
Gale, 1987 for a survey.. These studies have pro- dency of firm choices: a firm’s choice will cause a
vided valuable insights about the empirical regulari- reaction from its competitor. This modeling of strate-
ties of relationships between marketing mix choices gic behavior is the key difference between structural
like advertising, cost components including R & D models of consumer choice and structural models of
etc., and profits of firms. firm choice.
Beginning in the late seventies, advances in game This difference between consumer choice and firm
theory have led to a large amount of theoretical choice has two econometric implications. The first
research analyzing strategic issues in the context of issue is simultaneity. Firms make their strategic mar-
competition between firms, firms and channel mem- keting mix choices simultaneously. That is, any one
bers, firms and their advertising agencies, etc. ŽFor a firm’s choice is a function of its rivals’ choice, and
review, see Moorthy, 1993.. This research convinced rivals’ choice a function of this firm’s choices. Fur-
empirical researchers that market outcomes Ži.e., ther, firm choices affect demand and demand charac-
firms’ strategic marketing mix choices and the result- teristics affect firm choices. Therefore, from an esti-
ing sales, etc.. and profitability are not merely a mation viewpoint, the realized demand and the firm’s
function of the broad structural characteristics used strategic choices are simultaneous. The simultaneity
in SCP studies. Rather, these market outcomes and is accounted for by estimating the demand equations
profitability are affected by specific industry and and the choice equations of firms as a system of
firm specific demand and cost characteristics that are simultaneous equations. The second issue is endo-
difficult to model within the SCP framework of geneity. In consumer choice models, it is assumed
cross-industry analysis. A consequence of these in- that each individual’s choice by itself has no effect
sights has been the birth of the ANew Empirical on the firm’s choices such as prices and promotions
Industrial OrganizationB literature Žhenceforth re- in consumer choice studies; therefore, firm’s deci-
ferred to as NEIO; for a review see Bresnahan, sions are treated as exogenous. However, in a struc-
1989.. This literature incorporates more industry- tural model of firm choice where separate equations
and firm-specific details in modeling demand, cost, for firms’ choices are estimated, the choices have to
and competition as steps in analyzing the relation- be treated as endogenous. We therefore have to use
ship between marketing mix and profits. Therefore, instruments for these choice variables to account for
this approach should be seen as the next step in the the endogeneity.
stream of empirical research in marketing strategy A structural model of competitive interaction pro-
after the SCP literature. The goal of this paper is to vides at least four benefits, which we will elaborate
review this literature and provide an agenda for on in various parts of the paper.
future work. Ž1. Theory testing: The structural approach pro-
The NEIO approach involves the development vides an opportunity to empirically compare and test
and estimation of structural econometric models of alternative theories of strategic behavior. A better
V. Kadiyali et al.r Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 18 (2001) 161–186 163

fitting model can be deemed to be more descriptive tensions to the basic model that are needed to repre-
of the phenomenon. sent specific institutional realities. We conclude the
Ž2. Ease of interpretation: Structural models are paper with a summary in Section 5.
linked to a behavioral theory Žfor example, profit
maximization. of firms; hence, the estimated parame-
ters have economic or behavioral meanings that can 2. Modeling traditions in Empirical Industrial
be interpreted easily. This advantage is parallel to Organization
uncovering the parameters of the consumer utility
function in consumer choice studies. We classify the modeling traditions in Empirical
Ž3. GWhat-if H analysis: Estimated parameters of Industrial Organization in Fig. 1 to provide an
a structural model are invariant to policy changes overview of various methods and their differences.
Ži.e., they are not subject to the well-known prob- The new empirical industrial organization paradigm
lems of the Lucas critique.. Managers can therefore is primarily focused on the analysis of firm behavior
use these estimates to perform Awhat-ifB analysis to in a specific market or closely related markets. This
understand what effect their actions will have on the is in contrast to the previously dominant empirical
market. paradigm in the field of industrial organization, the
Ž4. Decomposing the determinants of market structure–conduct–performance or SCP paradigm.
power and profitability: Many studies in NEIO have We briefly review the SCP paradigm, the reduced-
focussed on measuring market power. The Lerner form hypothesis testing approach and the reaction
index 1 is a good measure of market power and function approaches, before discussing in detail the
serves as a measure of the profitability of firms. New Empirical Industrial Organization paradigm Žor
Structural NEIO models decompose the sources of structural analysis of strategic behavior..
market power Žprofitability. into components associ-
ated with demand structure, cost structure and com- 2.1. The structure–conduct–performance paradigm
petitive interaction. Hence, differences in profitabil-
ity among firms in an industry can be attributed to Until the early eighties, empirical analysis of firm
consumer preferences Ždemand structure., efficiency behavior in industrial organization was based on the
Žcost advantages., and anti-competitive conduct structure–conduct–performance ŽSCP. paradigm fol-
Žtacitly cooperative behavior.. Armed with this de- lowing the seminal work by Bain Ž1951.. The SCP
scription about the structure of their market, each paradigm is illustrated in Fig. 2.
firm can figure out how they can use the marketing The industry competitive structure is measured by
mix to most efficiently boost their market power. A such factors related to both demand- and cost-side
similar analysis can be done for better understanding primitives; common measures include concentration,
the determinants of profitability in closely related growth, scale economies, buyer and supplier power,
markets Žfor e.g., different geographical markets barriers to entry, and degree of product differentia-
within the same industry.. tion. Industry conduct is defined by the factors re-
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In lated to competitive behavior as choices of market-
Section 2, we compare other modeling traditions in
empirical industrial organization to the NEIO ap-
proach. We use a simple example to illustrate the
principles of NEIO modeling in Section 3. We re-
view the literature and its contributions in Section 4.
In the process, we discuss the current limitations in
the literature and suggest several methodological ex-

Fig. 1. A taxonomy of Empirical Industrial Organization modeling

Lerner index s Žpriceymarginal cost.rprice. approaches.
164 V. Kadiyali et al.r Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 18 (2001) 161–186

This issue of heterogeneity is, however, deeper

than a debate about the appropriateness of economet-
ric methodology. The relevant issue is that the het-
erogeneity among industries is more than what can
be captured by the structural variables used in SCP
studies. Markets differ in more fundamental ways
Fig. 2. Structure conduct performance ŽSCP. approach. within the industry, such as differences in cost and
demand structures among firms and order of moves
ing mix, decisions to enter a market, R & D invest- by different competitors. Game theory shows that
ment. Industry performance is measured by prof- these kinds of market-specific characteristics have a
itability, rate of innovation, etc. The SCP paradigm substantial impact on market outcomes. This implies
states that industry structure drives industry conduct, that the structural variables used in SCP studies are
which in turn drives industry performance. Much of not sufficient statistics to account for the vast hetero-
the analysis of firm behavior in marketing and strat- geneity across industries and the resulting market
egy using PIMS data was also based on this paradigm outcomes. Such heterogeneity can best be accounted
Žsee Buzzell and Gale, 1987 for a comprehensive for by carefully modeling the details of a specific
review.. To marketers and business strategy re- market. Clearly there is a trade-off between depth
searchers, the structure- and conduct-based determi- and breadth. SCP studies by virtue of their breadth of
nants of profitability were of great interest, because analysis across industries provide generalizable in-
they could provide managers with guidelines on sights across industries. In contrast, since NEIO
what structural characteristics make markets prof- studies are case studies, they do not lend themselves
itable and what kinds of conduct are conducive to to easy generalizations, though there is greater depth
profitability. For example, whether managers should in the observed relationships. Generalizability in
pursue market share for higher profits has been one NEIO should come through replication of results in
of the most controversial questions in this literature multiple case studies across similar markets. We
Žfor a meta analysis, see Szymansky et al., 1993.. discuss this tradeoff in more detail in Section 6.
Therefore, the literature using SCP paradigm has A major methodological issue with the SCP
provided many important insights on empirical regu- paradigm is the non-exogeneity of structural vari-
larities across markets and within markets. ables. That is, the structural characteristics that deter-
There are some conceptual, methodological and mine conduct are not truly exogenous. While struc-
data issues with this literature. One conceptual con- ture has an impact on conduct, conduct in turn can
cern is the inability to effectively capture the hetero- affect structure. Consider these relationships between
geneity in the structural characteristics and the result- conduct and structure: marketing strategies like
ing optimum marketing mix strategies of firms across choice of product characteristics and advertising af-
industries, and across firms within a given industry. fect product differentiation; barriers to entry are a
Typically, studies in this literature pool cross-sec- function of the product positioning and pricing be-
tional data across disparate industries in estimating havior of incumbents; R & D investments affect the
the SCP relationships. To address this criticism, cost structure of firms in an industry. As Wind and
researchers have used econometric methods to con- Lilien Ž1993. say, AThe PIMS results are norms;
trol for heterogeneity across the population. One therefore, the equations do not have a causal inter-
technique employed in the literature is to run sepa- pretation. Although it is tempting to predict the
rate regressions for different homogeneous sub- consequences on profitability of changes in the inde-
groups of firms ŽPrescott et al., 1986.. Another pendent variables of the ŽPAR. model, it is not
approach is to allow fixed effects for firms; this reasonable to do so.B The estimated relationships in
approach has exploited the panel nature of PIMS SCP models are therefore correlational, not causal.
data ŽBoulding and Staelin, 1990, 1993.. Controlling One solution to this endogeneity issue is to use
for heterogeneity in this fashion addresses the econo- instrumental variables for the endogenous structural
metric problem. variables. However, good instruments are hard to
V. Kadiyali et al.r Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 18 (2001) 161–186 165

find. A more complete solution would be to model includes the recycled aluminum suppliers in defining
the process by which these endogenous structural the industry. She finds that despite the presence of
variables are chosen by firms, or in other words, these additional suppliers in the industry, Alcoa has
follow the structural estimation route of NEIO stud- significant market power because recycled aluminum
ies. is viewed as inferior to primary aluminum. Neverthe-
A third issue with the SCP literature is the type of less, recycled aluminum does act as a brake on the
data used in several of these studies. Researchers pricing power of Alcoa for primary aluminum. Since
have typically used three- or four-digit SIC industry the quantity of recycled aluminum in a market is a
codes to define industries in which to study SCP lagged function Žit takes several years for primary
relationships. These code-based industry definitions aluminum to become recycled aluminum. of the
may be too narrow sometimes Že.g., aspartame should primary aluminum produced by Alcoa, Alcoa’s cur-
be included in the competitive set when examining rent pricing policies will have an impact on its future
the market for sugar., and too broad sometimes Že.g., market power. Managers can therefore use Suslow’s
the market for instant photography is quite distinct estimates of demand, supply and costs to determine
from the market for regular developing photographic an optimal long-term pricing policy. Such an exer-
film.. Of course, industry definitions are critical in cise would be impossible to do using a standard SCP
the construction of structural variables such as con- approach.
centration and market share, and in estimating mar- Summarizing, SCP studies are unable to ade-
keting mix–profitability relationships. PIMS studies quately capture heterogeneity across industries and
are more careful in this regard, because they analyze firms in the marketing mix–profitability relation-
competition at the SBU level. Nevertheless, even ships. Additionally, there are econometric issues of
SBUs usually have product lines targeted to different endogeneity of some of the explanatory variables in
segments. The appropriate structural measures would the SCP paradigm. Last, there also appear to be
be at the segment level, but SCP studies usually serious data issues with these studies. Therefore, the
would find it hard to find such detailed data across a results of the SCP studies should be seen as provid-
broad cross-section of industries. Sudhir’s Ž2001a. ing us stylized facts of marketing mix–profitability
analysis is an illustration of how a segment level relationship, rather than giving us insights in to why
analysis of the auto market provides more detailed and how this relationship is structured.2 Further,
insights than would be possible with an aggregate since the estimates of a structural approach are spe-
level analysis. cific to a market, they are managerially useful in
A more vexing data problem is the measurement determining the optimal marketing mix.
of costs. Costs are crucial in the construction of
market performance variables such as profitability. 2.2. ComparatiÕe statics or hypothesis testing
Many studies have used accounting costs for measur-
ing profits. But accounting costs are usually average A reduced-form method is to test comparative
costs and not correlated with marginal Žeconomic. statics generated from structural game-theoretic
costs. Similarly, accounting profits are not the same models with regressions between structural charac-
as economic profits. Therefore, conclusions of SCP teristics and industry conduct. The crucial difference
using accounting data can be suspect. between the SCP approach and the reduced-form
Managerially, while cross-industry observations hypothesis testing lies in the fact that hypothesis
no doubt provide some guidance in selecting opti- testing is done on a cross-section of closely related
mum marketing mix, managers are often interested markets or using time series data on a single market.
in the details of their own industry because these Therefore, while SCP regressions provide correla-
provide invaluable inputs in to strategic decisions.
Consider the study of Suslow Ž1986., where a de-
mand-and-supply model of aluminum is estimated to 2
For a critique of the SCP approach and also a summary of the
understand where and why Alcoa, the leading alu- main insights gained from this stream of research, refer to
minum producer, makes profits. Suslow carefully Schmalensee Ž1989..
166 V. Kadiyali et al.r Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 18 (2001) 161–186

tional rather than causal relationships, these regres- cause they estimate both market share equations
sions give causal relationships resulting from strate- Ždemand-side of the market. as well as reaction
gic competitive optimization resulting from game- functions Žsupply- or competitive-side of the market..
theoretic behavior models. But unlike structural Unlike the hypothesis testing described in Section
NEIO studies, these reduced-form approaches do not 2.2 above, these regressions do not result from any
decompose demand, cost and competitive effects on direct optimization behavior. But unlike the SCP
firm strategic choices. literature, reaction functions are always at the firm
We illustrate the principles underlying reduced- level within an industry and hence, account for the
form model-based hypothesis testing with a paper by industry- and firm-level heterogeneity in marketing
Agrawal and Lal Ž1995.. This paper tests several mix–profitability relationships.
hypotheses about the role of royalty and monitoring Though the reaction function technique is useful
arrangements in a franchising system. Based on the as a description of competitive reactions, it does not
comparative statics in Lal Ž1990. and Agrawal and provide insight into the underlying reasons for the
Lal Ž1995., Agrawal and Lal regress brand name observed reactions. This is because the reactions are
investments, service levels and monitoring frequency not based on primitives of demand and cost charac-
against royalty rate and monitoring costs. Their theo- teristics facing firms and the nature of the equilib-
retical models guide their expectations on the signs rium between firms. For example, if reaction func-
of these effects. For example, a higher monitoring tions show that firms’ optimal choices are very
cost should lead to lower monitoring frequency. responsive to their rivals’ choices, is this because
Based on the evidence from these regressions, they firms have very similar cost conditions and these
argue that the model of Lal Ž1990. and its extension costs are changing over the time period studied? Or
in Agrawal and Lal Ž1995. are consistent with the is it because competition is very intensive and hence,
data. there is price matching every time? Or is it because
An issue with the above hypothesis-testing ap- firms collude, but demand shifts cause price shifts?
proach is that reduced-form analyses provide no Such questions can be answered in a structural ap-
policy invariant descriptions of specific markets. That proach because the reactions are linked to demand,
is, since we do not obtain demand, cost and competi- cost and equilibrium characteristics underlying the
tion primitives from the estimation process, the esti- market.
mates cannot be used in an optimizing model for Nevertheless, the reaction function approach does
managers making decisions. The advantage is that provide insights into off-equilibrium behavior of
they place very limited structure either on demand- firms or to model dynamic interactions, both of
or supply-side and hence are useful in exploratory which, as we will discuss below, are difficult to
empirical analysis of competitive behavior. model in structural models. Reaction functions can
also provide interesting starting points for further
empirical work using the NEIO framework.
2.3. Reaction function studies

The reaction function approach is another re-

duced-form method that measures how firms react to 3. Implementing the NEIO framework: An illus-
competitors within a particular industry by regress- tration
ing a firm’s marketing mix against other elements of
its own marketing mix and those of its competitors In this paper, we will use a simple example to
Žincluding lagged values.. The pioneering work in illustrate the workings of a NEIO model. We will
this area was by Lambin et al. Ž1975. and Hanssens also address some issues that a modeler needs to
Ž1980.. Leeflang and Wittink Ž1996. use this tech- resolve in using these models. Comparing the NEIO
nique to analyze pricing and promotional competi- models to those discussed in the Section 2, the gains
tive behavior using store level scanner data. They come from two features: Ži. these are estimated at the
provide a very useful link to structural models be- industry level, and more specifically, at the firm
V. Kadiyali et al.r Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 18 (2001) 161–186 167

level within an industry, and Žii. these are derived a way as to maximize profits in each period. The
from explicit demand and cost, and profit-maximiz- profits for firm i is given by,
ing primitives.
P i s Ž pi y c i . q i , i s 1, 2.
Because an NEIO model is specified at the level
of the industry, the first task is to define the industry.
In many studies, the focus has been on the largest 3.1. The menu approach
two or three firms in an industry or market. Re-
cently, methods have been developed to deal with We derive the first-order conditions under differ-
markets where there are a large number of products. ent equilibrium interactions between the two firms
An NEIO model has three basic ingredients: Ž1. a and then choose the equilibrium that best fits the
demand specification, Ž2. a cost specification and Ž3. data. As an illustration, we derive the econometric
a specification for competitive interactions.3 Demand estimation models under three equilibria here:
specifications have ranged from simple models such Bertrand, Stackelberg leader–follower and collusive
as linear or log-linear demand to flexible nonlinear equilibrium. In the estimation step, each of these sets
models such as the logit model with random coeffi- of first-order conditions for the different games is
cients to account for heterogeneity of customer pref- estimated separately, and goodness of fit test per-
erences. Costs have been specified using a simple formed to select the best-fitting one.
constant marginal cost model or as a linear or log-
linear function of production cost factors. The speci- 3.1.1. The Bertrand equilibrium
fication of competitive interactions needs a little In the Bertrand equilibrium, each firm i chooses
more elaboration. In our illustrative example, we its prices assuming that competitors do not react to
explain three commonly used approaches to model changes in their prices, i.e., they assume E pjrEpi s 0.
competitive interactions: Ž1. the menu approach, Ž2. The first-order condition for firm i is:
the conjectural variation approach and Ž3. the con- EPi Eqi
duct parameter and the weighted profits approach. s Ž pi y c i . q qi s 0.
Consider a duopoly market with each firm having E pi E pi
a differentiated product. The demand for the two For the linear demand equation this is
products Ž q1 and q2 . is as follows.
q1 s a1 q b 11 p 1 q b 12 p 2 , s Ž pi y c i . bi i q qi s 0, i s 1, 2.
E pi
q2 s a 2 q b 21 p 1 q b 22 p 2 .
These first-order conditions now serve as the
Let the marginal costs of the two products be c1 and supply-side equations describing firm behavior. Note
c 2 . We will assume each firm chooses prices in such that the equations link demand parameters and costs,
i.e., there are cross-equation restrictions.

3.1.2. The Stackelberg leader–follower equilibrium4

3 Let firm 1 be the leader and firm 2 be the
Studies such as those of Panzar and Rosse Ž1987. and Ashen-
felter and Sullivan Ž1987. have many ingredients of NEIO studies
follower. In the Stackelberg equilibrium, the fol-
but are not completely structural. Specifically, Panzar and Rosse lower firm 2 chooses its prices, assuming that the
estimate a reduced-form equation of revenue as a function of leader does not react to changes in its prices, i.e., it
factor prices. Although their specification can differentiate be- assumes E p 1rEp 2 s 0. In contrast, the leader firm
tween competitive and monopolistic markets, they make an as- anticipates the follower’s reaction and incorporates
sumption of identical firms in the marketplace. The NEIO frame-
work has shown this assumption to be a restrictive one. Ashenfel-
ter and Sullivan estimate a supply curve for firms in the cigarette
industry as function of tax and other cost shifters. However, NEIO
studies have demonstrated that to accurately estimate price and
quantity movements, demand-side variables have accounted for as An astructural approach to inferring leader–follower behavior
well. is Granger Causality. See Roy et al. Ž1994. for an illustration.
168 V. Kadiyali et al.r Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 18 (2001) 161–186

this into its pricing behavior. The first-order condi- Table 1

tion for the follower firm 2 is similar to the Bertrand Parameter restrictions for different equilibrium models
equilibrium. Parameter Bertrand Leader–follower Cooperative

EP 2 l11 b11 b11 y b12 b 21 r2 b 22 b11

s Ž p 2 y c2 . b 22 q q2 s 0. l12 0 0 b12
E p2 d 11 y b11 yŽ b11 y b12 b 21 r2 b 22 . y b11
d 12 0 0 y b12
Taking the derivative for the first-order condition l22 b 22 b 22 b 22
with respect to p 1 , we get l21 0 0 b 21
E p2 yb 21 d 22 y b 22 y b 22 y b 22
s . d 21 0 0 y b 21
E p1 2 b 22
The leader’s first-order condition is,
E q1 E q1 E p 2
Ž p 1 y c1 . ž E p1
E p 2 E p1 / q q1 s 0. system and a simultaneous equation instrumental
variable estimation approach will yield consistent
For the linear demand model, and efficient estimates of the parameters. Three-Stage
Least Squares Ž3SLS., Full Information Maximum
b 21
Likelihood ŽFIML., and Generalized Method of Mo-
Ž p1 y c1 . b11 y b12
2 b 22 / q q1 s 0.
ments ŽGMM. may be used for estimation.

3.1.3. The collusiÕe equilibrium 3.1.5. Model selection

In the collusive equilibrium, firms choose their Since the equilibrium models discussed above are
prices as if they collusively maximize their total nested within the general model, a test of restrictions
profits. Each firm chooses prices for its products as can be performed. This test enables us to reject
if it was a monopoly firm selling both differentiated equilibrium models that are not consistent with the
products. The firms’ objective is P s Ž p 1 y c1 . q1 q data, i.e., enables us to Alet the data speakB. Since
Ž p 2 y c 2 . q2 . The first-order condition for firm i is these are structural models, the parameters them-
given by: selves should be of expected signs. Any estimation
that produces unintuitive signs provides indication of
s Ž pi y c i . bi i q Ž pj y c j . bi j q qi s 0, model mis-specification and therefore may be re-
E pi jected. However, even after these tests, one may not
j/i, i s 1, 2. be able to reject several models. Eventhough all of
these models are nested within the general model,
the specific models themselves are non-nested in
3.1.4. Estimation
each other. Hence, non-nested tests are used to choose
For each of the models, there are four equations,
among the several models that are still not rejected
two describing the demand for each firm and two
by testing restrictions. More generally, it is possible
describing the supply for each firm. In performing
that the games being tested are not nested in any
the estimation, all these models can be nested in one
general model nor in each other. Again, in such
general model with the following four equations.
cases non-nested model tests have to be performed.
q1 s a1 q b 11 p 1 q b 12 p 2 , With 3SLS estimates, usually the model that min-
q2 s a 2 q b 21 p 1 q b 22 p 2 , imizes the sum of squares is considered the ArightB
q1 q l11 p 1 q l12 p 2 q d 11 c1 q d 12 c 2 s 0, model. With FIML as the estimation procedure,
Bresnahan Ž1987. uses Cox tests for non-nested
q2 q l 21 p 1 q l 22 p 2 q d 21 c1 q d 22 c 2 s 0. models Žwhich are based on the ratio of the likeli-
The restrictions given in Table 1 apply to the param- hoods of the models. to choose the right model.
eters when estimating the individual equilibrium Gasmi et al. Ž1992. and Roy et al. Ž1994. also use
models. These models form a simultaneous equation likelihood-based non-nested hypotheses tests ŽVuong,
V. Kadiyali et al.r Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 18 (2001) 161–186 169

1989. for model selection. When using GMM, we Table 2

may use the equivalents of Cox tests since in many CV parameters associated with different equilibria for this demand
cases, the maximum likelihood estimation has been
shown to be a special case of GMM ŽHamilton, Equilibrium CV parameters
1994, p. 14.4.. Bertrand Zero
In discussing model selection among alternative Leader–follower Zero for follower,
Non-zero for leader
models of competition, we are making the assump- Dominant firm–fringe Zero for dominant with respect to
tion here that the functional form for demand that we firm fringe
use is appropriate. Given that firms’ pricing behavior Negative for fringe with respect to
is closely related to the demand functional form, dominant
recent studies have focussed on using highly flexible Cooperative Positive for both
Competitive Negative for both
demand models to limit potential for bias Žrandom
coefficients logitrLA-AIDS, etc.. or tested among CVs for different competitive instruments, e.g., advertising, and
alternative models of demand ŽGenesove and Mullin, for different demand systems can be different from the values in
1998; Sudhir, 2001a.. the table.

3.2. The Conjectural Variations approach tion instrumental variable estimation approach like
The Conjectural Variation ŽCV. approach, pio- Industrial Organization textbooks typically intro-
neered by Iwata Ž1974., offers a method by which duce the notion of conjectural variations with a
different types of equilibria can be captured by one homogenous product market with n firms. In this
parameter. In the CV models, firms are postulated to market, the Bertrand model has a zero CV, collusion
have conjectures about how competitors will react to has a CV equal to 1 and Cournot competition has a
changes in their marketing mix and incorporate these CV of 1rn. Hence, there is a common notion that
conjectures into their decisions. The first-order con- the estimated CVs should be below 1, but this is
ditions for firm i in the duopoly case we set up applicable only in the case of a market with homoge-
earlier is given by, neous products. In the case of price competition with
differentiated products, there is no unambiguous up-
Eqi Eqi E pj per bound. In practice, it is useful to test whether the
Ž pi y c i . ž E pi
E p j E pi / q qi s 0, CV estimates make sense by computing the margins
resulting from the estimates. Very high CVs may be
j/i, i s 1, 2. meaningless because beyond an upper bound, discon-
tinuities occur and margins become negative. This is
For the linear model this is
meaningless because positive CVs for price imply
E pj cooperative behavior and higher margins. For an
Ž pi y c i . bi i q bi j
E pi / q qi s 0, j/i, i s 1, 2. example of how an upper bound on the CV is
derived for a differentiated product model, see Nor-
The term E pjrE pi may be interpreted as a conjec- man Ž1983..
ture of firm i about how firm j will change its price There are some advantages and disadvantages of
in response to a change by firm i. Hence, the term the CV approach relative to the menu approach. As
Aconjectural variationB. The CVs are estimated from the number of players and the number of marketing
the data. As described in Table 2, different equilibria instruments increase, the number of potential com-
imply different CV estimates for the demand and petitive equilibria increases combinatorially. In the
optimization system discussed above. Note that the menu approach, since a separate estimation is re-
CV approach above can be extended to advertising quired for each of these equilibria, the estimation and
and other instruments as well. As in the menu ap- model selection can become potentially cumbersome.
proach, the two demand equations and the supply The CV approach, on the other hand, nests the
equations are estimated using a simultaneous equa- different equilibria and therefore avoids the explo-
170 V. Kadiyali et al.r Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 18 (2001) 161–186

sion in the number of estimations. Usually, however, empirical work. In particular, the use of the Aconduct
when the number of firms and the number of market- parameterB ŽPorter, 1983., a close cousin of the CV
ing instruments increase, the CV models may not be parameter, is proposed. Porter’s model is based on
identified. This means that identifying restrictions quantity competition. To be consistent with our pre-
need to be made to estimate the model. Sometimes vious discussion, we develop an equivalent model in
there may not be justifiable reasons for the choice of terms of price competition.
these restrictions. Nevo Ž1998. discusses identifica-
tion issues in CV models. Eqi Eqi E pj
Some researchers have argued that the estimated
conjectures in the CV approach may not be consis-
Ž pi y c i . ž E pi
E p j E pi / q qi s 0,

tent and hence, the CV approach is theoretically

j/i, i s 1, 2,
unsound. However, recent theoretical work has
shown that the conjectural variations approach should
is rewritten as:
be interpreted as a reduced-form way to capture
dynamic behavior in a static model. Dockner Ž1992.
derives a conjectural variations equilibrium as the Ž pi y c i . Ž 1 y u . q qi s 0, i s 1, 2,
steady state of a subgame perfect Žclosed loop. Nash E pi
equilibrium in a non-cooperative differential game
with adjustment costs. This model provides a theoret- where
ical foundation for negative conjectural variations.
Cabral Ž1995. formulates a repeated game and shows EqirE pj E pj
that the collusive equilibrium is equivalent to a CV
equilibrium with a strictly positive conjectural va-
ui s y
ž EqirEpi / E pi
riation. We take the perspective of Lindh Ž1992.
in saying A . . . conjectural variations should be
viewed . . . as a measure of the deviation from some qi
common standard like the Cournot behaviorB. pi y c i s y , i s 1, 2.
Corts Ž1999. has investigated conditions under Ž1yu .
which a CV estimation approach will fail to estimate E pi
the right competitive interaction. He finds that in
markets with high seasonality Žnegative correlation Therefore, u s 0 gives the Bertrand–Nash equi-
in demand states., the potential to mismeasure com- librium. Given that own price-effect is negative,
petitive interaction is severe. In recent empirical u ) 0 gives a price–cost margin larger than
work, armed with cost data for the sugar and the spot Bertrand–Nash, and therefore, competition is
electricity markets, Genesove and Mullin Ž1998. and AsofterB than Bertrand competition. Similarly, u - 0
Wolfram Ž1999., respectively, find that the differ- gives a price–cost margin smaller than Bertrand–
ence in their CV estimates are not very different Nash, and therefore, competition is AfiercerB than
from direct measures obtained using cost data. While Bertrand competition. Therefore, the least structural
these studies give us some faith in the empirical interpretation of the CV parameter is to interpret it as
validity of the CV approach, more research is needed conduct parameter, which benchmarks competition
to reassure us that CV approaches are effective in against Bertrand–Nash competition.
inferring the right competitive interaction or to high- Another continuous parameter approach that
light conditions under which the technique fails. avoids the criticisms of the CV approach, but enables
us to measure the level of cooperation in a market, is
3.3. The conduct parameter and the weighted profit
the weighted profits approach advocated by Gasmi et
al. Ž1992.. In this approach the model allows an
Bresnahan Ž1989. explains the equivalence of the unequal but positive weight on the competitor’s prof-
menu and the CV approach from the point of view of its to allow for a more flexible model than the
V. Kadiyali et al.r Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 18 (2001) 161–186 171

Table 3
Summary of steps in implementing NEIO models
Step Alternatives
Identification of industry v Industry level analysis with homogeneous product ŽPorter, 1983.
v Few major productsrfirms Žmost studies in the literature, e.g., Roy et al., 1994.
v Compressing several players into a composite firm ŽSuslow, 1986, compresses all small firms

into a fringe firm; Putsis and Dhar, 1999, combine all national brands into a composite national
player, competing against a private label.
v More complete sample of productsrfirms ŽSudhir, 2001a.

Choice of data v Aggregate market level data Žmost studies.

v Individual level data ŽHorsky and Nelson, 1992; Goldberg, 1995.

Choice of the objective function v Profits Žmost studies in literature, e.g., Kadiyali et al., 1996, 2000.
v Revenues
v Target sales ŽRoy et al., 1994.
v Category profitsr brand profits ŽSudhir, 2001b.

Specification of demand functions v Linear Žmost studies in literature, e.g., Kadiyali et al., 1996.
Log-linear ŽKadiyali et al., 2000.
v Log-log functions ŽBresnahan, 1987.
v LA-AIDS ŽPutsis and Dhar, 1999.
v Logit functions ŽBesanko et al., 1998; Sudhir, 2001b; Chintagunta et al., 1999.
v Logit functions with random Žnormal distribution. coefficients ŽBerry et al., 1995; Sudhir, 2001a.
v Logit functions with random Žfinite mixture. coefficients ŽBerry et al., 1996; Besanko et al., 2000.

Specification of cost functions v Constant marginal cost Žmany studies in literature, e.g., Kadiyali et al., 1996.
v Linear function of factor costs ŽBesanko et al., 1998.
v Log-linear function of factor costs ŽSudhir, 2001a.

Competitive interaction specification v Menu approach ŽRoy et al., 1994; Kadiyali et al., 1996.
v Conjectural variation approach Žmany studies, e.g., Vilcassim et al., 1999; Putsis
and Dhar, 1999.; conduct parameter or weighted profits approach ŽSudhir, 2001a.
ŽThese techniques have different ways of inferring the type of competitive equilibrium.

Hypotheses on competitive equilibria v Bertrand

v Leader–follower
v Dominant firm–fringe firm
v Collusive
v Competitive

Method of estimation v 3SLS Žmany studies.

v FIML ŽBresnahan, 1987; Gasmi et al., 1992; Roy et al., 1994; Sudhir, 2001b.
v GMM ŽBerry et al., 1995; Sudhir, 2001a.

Model selection methods v Cox’s likelihood ratio tests for non-nested models ŽBresnahan, 1987.
v Vuong’s test ŽRoy et al., 1994; Sudhir, 2001b.
v Minimum sum of squares Žmany studies.

collusive equilibrium discussed in Section 3.1. This Nash profits..5 Sudhir Ž2001a. extends this argument
general notion of collusion would allow firms to set to allow for firms to place negative weights on
prices anywhere on the firms’ Pareto frontier Ži.e., competitor profits in his analysis of the auto market.
the set of possible prices that firms might reach if
they were able to negotiate, so that they can all
achieve higher profits relative to the single period We thank a reviewer for suggesting this interpretation.
172 V. Kadiyali et al.r Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 18 (2001) 161–186

The intuition is that firms may price aggressively so optimization conditions of firms, and the economet-
as to gain market share in the small car segments to ric estimation of the same. In this section, we elabo-
gain the loyalty of first time buyers, so that they can rate on some issues in applying the above framework
reap the rewards of greater loyalty from these buyers to marketing problems. We will discuss issues in the
over their lifetimes. However, the same firms will following three dimensions: modeling demand-side
price cooperatively in larger car segments where issues of interest to marketers, modeling cost, and
there is greater loyalty and therefore, aggression does modeling issues in competitive behavior. We next
not pay off in additional sales. In general, the nega- summarize the pattern of, and reasons for, the evolu-
tive weights can be used to detect any form of tion of the literature. We end with a discussion about
predatory pricing. possible directions for future research in this area.
For a market with two firms, the objective func-
tion for the two firms are assumed to be:
P i s Ž pi y c i . q i q f i Ž p j y c j . q j , 4.1. Modeling richer demand structures
i , j s 1, 2, i / j.
Firm i is thus assumed to place a weight f i on firm 4.1.1. Other functional forms of demand
j’s profits. f i s f j s 1 indicates perfect collusion; In empirical applications, it is important to ensure
f i s f j s 0 indicates Bertrand competition. When that the demand function used describes accurately
0 - f i - 1, i s 1, 2, we have intermediate levels of the industry and firm being studied. Recall that the
cooperation. When f i , f j - 0, we have highly com- functional form of demand has implications for opti-
petitive behavior, relative to Bertrand competition. mal profit margins and thus, the supply equations. In
The first-order conditions for this model are a simple linear demand model, the own and cross
EP price effects are constant at all levels of prices; in a
s Ž pi y c i . bi i q f i Ž pj y c j . bi j q qi s 0,
E pi log–log model, the own and cross price elasticities
j / i , i s 1, 2. are constant at all levels of prices. While these
functional forms are useful in estimating pure de-
3.4. NEIO modeling and estimation: A summary of mand models, greater flexibility in the demand mod-
steps els are needed when also estimating the supply-side
models. Marketing researchers have been using more
The preceding example provided a quick review flexible demand models in their research of late:
of the basic methodology. We now summarize the Putsis and Dhar Ž1999. use an LA-AIDS demand
various steps and the alternative approaches that model, Besanko et al. Ž1998., Sudhir Ž2001b. and
researchers have used in building and estimating Chintagunta et al. Ž1999. use a logit model and
NEIO models in Table 3. These steps begin with an Sudhir Ž2001a. uses a random parameters logit model.
identification of an industry context, specification of Researchers also test the appropriateness of func-
objectives of players, specification of demand and tional form used for their markets; for example, see
cost functions, specification of competitive interac- Genesove and Mullin Ž1998..
tion among players Žgame employed., choice of rele- In recent theoretical work on marketing channels,
vant data, estimation and testing models and hy- Lee and Staelin Ž1997. and Tyagi Ž1999. have shown
potheses. The specific choice would depend on the that the functional form crucially determines
problem of interest and the industryrcontext that is a retailer’s strategic behavior Žretail passthrough..
being studied. Demand models characterized by Vertical Strategic
Substitutability ŽVSS hereafter; e.g., linear, homoge-
4. Applications of NEIO framework to issues of neous logit models. always have retail passthrough
interest to marketers of less than 100%, while models characterized by
vertical strategic complementarity ŽVSC hereafter;
As the example above shows, the essence of an e.g., multiplicative model. have passthrough greater
NEIO model is modeling demand and first-order than 100%. Sudhir Ž2001b. explicitly tests whether
V. Kadiyali et al.r Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 18 (2001) 161–186 173

the VSS or VSC implications best fit the data by An example of a deterministic utility approach is
using both a homogeneous logit ŽVSS. or the multi- that of Bresnahan Ž1987.. He assumes that all prod-
plicative model ŽVSC.. He finds the VSS implica- uct characteristics can be summarized to a single
tions of the logit are more consistent with the data. number called product quality by an appropriate
Flexible models such as heterogeneous logit and function of product characteristics. Consumer valua-
LA-AIDS allow passthrough to be greater than or tions of quality are assumed to be uniformly dis-
below 100% and should be potentially useful in tributed. Feenstra and Levinsohn Ž1995. allow prod-
future research modeling channel behavior. uct characteristics and consumer preferences for these
The use of discrete choice models has vastly characteristics to be multidimensional. With these
increased the usability of the NEIO approach to assumptions, the demand equations for the products
problems of relevance to marketers. Most studies in are constructed. Products with similar characteristics
the NEIO approach have focussed on multiple firms will compete against each other than products with
selling fairly homogeneous products or a limited divergent characteristics under these specifications.
number of differentiated products. In some cases, a In many situations, several unobserved character-
small number of products truly reflect the competi- istics affect consumer choice. Accordingly, the ran-
tion in the market Žfor example, rivalry between dom utility framework has been adopted in recent
Coke and Pepsi modeled by Gasmi et al., 1992; work. In this framework, there are two components
rivalry between Kodak and Fuji in the film market of utility: a certain deterministic component ob-
by Kadiyali, 1996.. In other cases, the number of served by the researcher, and a random component
competing products is restricted to a few major unobserved by the researcher. Assumptions about the
players to enable ease of estimation. However, most random component of the utility are made explicit,
markets of interest to marketers have multiple play- taking into account the market characteristics. When
ers, and multiple products, and also horizontal and the random component of utility is assumed to be
vertical differentiation. The simple linear model is independently and identically extreme value dis-
incapable of handling such markets for the following tributed across products, we get the logit model. By
reason. assuming appropriate correlations across products for
In the example of Section 3 above, there are two the random component, we can generate the nested
firms, each manufacturing one product, leading to logit model.
four price effects to be estimated in the demand Berry Ž1994. develops a general contraction map-
function. When the number of products increases as ping approach to compute the mean level of utility
in the auto market or breakfast cereal market Žor the for a product across consumers for a general class of
number of firms., the number of parameters to be models that include the logit, the nested logit and
estimated explodes. For example, in a market with random parameters logit models, using observed
30 products there will be 900 price effects in a linear market shares. This mean utility can then be used as
demand model.6 A solution to this problem is to a dependent variable for the demand equation in
impose greater structure on the demand specification, estimating the parameters for the utility associated
so that fewer parameters need to be estimated. A with the characteristics of the product. Verboven
Lancasterian approach ŽLancaster, 1971., where util- Ž1996. estimates a nested logit model in analyzing
ity is based on the product characteristics, can serve inter-country price discrimination by firms in the
to impose a suitable structure on demand. The de- European car market. Berry et al. Ž1995, henceforth
mand equations are derived by aggregating individ- BLP. implement this method in a random parameters
ual choices in a utility maximizing framework. Both logit model of the US auto market, where the coeffi-
the deterministic and random utility approaches have cients of utility for characteristics are assumed to be
been used. normally distributed. In their paper, they assume that
the firms are involved in Bertrand competition. Sud-
hir Ž2001a. generalizes the BLP analysis by allowing
This problem occurs even if we use a log-linear or log-log for deviations from Bertrand competition in different
model. segments of the US auto market. He finds that firms
174 V. Kadiyali et al.r Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 18 (2001) 161–186

are more competitive in the smaller car segments and Horsky and Nelson and Goldberg assumed the
more cooperative in the larger car segments. Bertrand–Nash equilibrium, rather than infer the
competitive interactions from the data.
4.1.2. Aggregate Õersus indiÕidual-leÕel data
In addition to the product differentiation issue 4.2. Modeling richer cost structure
discussed above, another important issue in demand
specification is that of the level at which demand is There has been much less sophistication in cost-
specified. Marketing researchers have debated the side specification relative to the demand-side devel-
use of individual choice data versus market-level opments discussed above. Typically, constant
choice data. Most studies in the NEIO tradition in marginal cost specification has been used Žsee Jarmin,
marketing have used aggregate firm-level data on 1994, who allows costs to fall over time due to
sales and prices to specify both the demand and the learning, for an exception.. While many studies have
marketing mix optimization rules. Marketing re- estimated costs as a single parameter, Besanko et al.
search in the consumer choice area has used both Ž1998. estimate a linear function of production cost
aggregate and individual level, and in particular, the factors while Sudhir Ž2001a. estimates a log-linear
advances made in estimating various dimensions of function of production cost factors.
choices using individual-level data are very impres- Functional forms of demand and cost need to be
sive. Using mainly aggregate data in the NEIO tradi- carefully considered in studies that use conduct pa-
tion means that the degree of sophistication in de- rameter estimation procedure. Bresnahan Ž1989. dis-
mand modeling is much less than the one in the cusses the issue of identification of the conduct
consumer choice literature using individual-level parameter under a variety of functional forms for
data. demand and cost. A major conclusion is that a
There are some notable exceptions, however, in minimum amount of nonlinearity is needed to iden-
the NEIO literature, which use individual-level data. tify conduct parameters. For example, Parker and
Horsky and Nelson Ž1992. and Goldberg Ž1995. Roller Ž1997. use a semi-log form of demand to
estimate models of the automobile market using enable identification of this parameter. Researchers
survey data from individuals. This enables them to are advised to verify that the conduct parameter is
model demand heterogeneity at a great level of indeed identified in their models by using appropri-
detail. Horsky and Nelson use their model to do ate functional forms of demand and cost.
optimal product positioning given the estimated de-
mand and cost characteristics under the assumption 4.3. Richer specification of competition
of Bertrand competition among the auto manufactur-
ers. Goldberg attempts to infer whether the voluntary 4.3.1. AlternatiÕe objectiÕes
export restraint imposed by Japanese auto manufac- The model in Section 3 assumes that firms maxi-
turers had any impact on the auto market in the US mize profits. This is the NEIO counterpart of con-
during the 1980, assuming that firms were in Bertrand sumer choice model assumption that consumers max-
competition with each other. imize utility. Researchers have speculated that firms
When dealing with individual data, researchers often maintain market share and may have other
use a two-stage estimation procedure. In the first goals as well. Roy et al. Ž1994. assume that the
stage, they estimate the demand parameters using objective of firms is to be close to a preset target,
standard choice modeling techniques. In the second where the targets are treated as exogenous to the
stage, they aggregate market shares from individual analysis. Sudhir Ž2001b. allows for alternative objec-
choice data and then estimate supply-side parameters tives Žcategory profit maximization, brand profit
Žcosts and competitive interactions., subject to the maximization, charging a constant markup. and finds
demand estimates from the first stage. The gap that that the best fitting model is one where the retailer
remains in using individual-level data in NEIO stud- maximizes category profits. Other possible objec-
ies is that, techniques to estimate general models of tives include maximizing profits subject to market
competition have not yet been developed. Both share, or subject to a certain level of consumer
V. Kadiyali et al.r Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 18 (2001) 161–186 175

surplus Žto avoid antitrust activities., or minimizing sumer behavior. In multi-person choice models pa-
time to market. One difficulty to keep in mind is that rameters of agents’ Žfirms’. payoffs are estimated
closed-form, unique and econometrically identifiable using threshold models of games.
optimization rules cannot be found for all games for As an illustration of the methodology, consider
these alternative objectives. the example of an entry game used by Bresnahan
A related issue is that most NEIO studies have and Reiss involving two firms. Each firm has two
assumed that firms choose prices, Žor advertising or actions: to enter or not to enter. Let us denote the
capacity. to maximize profits. The theoretical game action of player i as a i where a i s 0 indicates that
theory literature has shown us that changing the firm i does not enter and a i s 1 indicates that firm i
competitive game from price to quantity competition enters. The following tables represent the two firms’
significantly alters results. Therefore, an important payoff matrices. P jki indicates the payoff to firm i
question is whether the assumption of price competi- where firm 1 takes actions j and firm 2 takes action
tion rather than quantity competition is correct. Raju k. D0i indicates the increase in profits to firm i when
and Roy Ž1999. find that for the US microprocesser firm i enters a market with zero competitors. D1i
industry, price competition fits the data better than indicates the decrease in profits to firm i when firm
quantity competition. They argue that a reasonable j enters a market in which it had a monopoly. By
case can be made that quantity competition is likely economic theory, we expect D1i ( 0.
in this industry, and therefore, finding that price
Player 1’s payoffs
competition better describes the data is reassuring,
given that many marketing studies use price competi- a2 s 0 a2 s 1
tion. It must however be remembered that the notion a1 s 0 P 001 P 011
of quantity competition is widely used when model- a1 s 1 P 001 q D01 P 011 q D01 q D11
ing homogeneous or monopoly markets, because in-
dustry quantities essentially determine industry Player 2’s payoffs
prices. In contrast, in differentiated product markets,
a2 s 1 a2 s 1
with excess capacity Žmost marketing studies fall in
this category., price competition is theoretically more a1 s 0 P 002 P 012
appealing and is therefore widely used in theoretical a1 s 1 P 002 q D02 P 012 q D02 q D12
In a Nash equilibrium,
4.3.2. Continuous Õersus discrete choices of market-
ing mix a1 s 0 m D01 q a 2 D11 ( 0,
In the example discussed in Section 3, the price
decision of firms is a continuous choice variable. a 2 s 0 m D02 q a1 D12 ( 0.
However, in many classes of games, strategic deci- For an econometric model, we need a stochastic
sions may be only qualitative, e.g., entry and exit specification for unobserved profits. For their pur-
games are 0–1 variables. Modeling of the retailer’s pose, Bresnahan and Reiss treat the D1i as constants
decision to sell a product offered by a manufacturer and the D0i as random variables that vary across
is similar. In these kinds of situations, we need to firms and markets. Assuming that D0i , the incremen-
make inferences about player’s incentives from qual- tal profit firm i receives as a monopolist in any
itative data. given game, is a linear function of observables Ž X .
Bresnahan and Reiss Ž1991. extend the approach and unobservables Ž ´ ., i.e., D0i s X bi0 y ´ i , then the
of single person discrete choice models ŽMcFadden, structural equations determining the Nash equilibria
1982; Hausman and Wise, 1978. that has been widely of this game are
used in marketing to analyze consumer choice to the
multi-person discrete choice framework. In singe y 1) s X 1 b 01 q a2 D11 y ´ 1 ,
person choice models, parameters of consumer pref-
erences are estimated using threshold models of con- y 2) s X 2 b 02 q a1 D12 y ´ 2 ,
176 V. Kadiyali et al.r Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 18 (2001) 161–186

where many lags should be included Žsee also Chintagunta

et al., 1999, for a similar approach.. Slade finds that
0 if yi) - 0
ai s ½ 1 if yi) - 0
for i s 1, 2. for the saltine cracker market, the appropriate num-
ber of lags to consider was two. She uses a Kalman
filter approach to estimate the model. Interestingly,
These two equations form a discrete dummy variable she finds that what may be usually considered as a
endogenous system for the unobserved yi) . This collusive equilibrium in a static context is an out-
system is a special case of the systems considered by come of a non-cooperative game when inter-tem-
Heckman Ž1978.. From here, the joint probability poral dynamics are considered. This shows that mod-
distribution of D1i , i s 1, 2, can be estimated and the eling dynamics can give us greater insights into the
thresholds of entry recovered. Their model is used to behavioral rationale underlying the observed equilib-
explain the number of entrants in the market, and the rium. One should add that the descriptive value of
threshold of market size that is needed to sustain the static analysis, however, continues to be relevant.
these entrants. They also illustrate how to develop A third approach by Slade Ž1992. is to focus on
models for sequential Žleader–follower. models and off-equilibrium behavior. She estimates a dynamic
collusive games. model of demand and supply of the Vancouver
Summarizing, the NEIO framework can be ex- gasoline market during a price war. While this paper
tended to estimate discrete choice marketing strategy is close in spirit to the reaction function estimation
variables, but the general conduct parameter estima- discussed earlier, it differs from that stream of re-
tion approach is yet to be implemented. search in that, reactions are explicitly linked to de-
mand and cost characteristics in the market. Thus,
4.3.3. The dynamics of competition this paper provides a more structural approach to
The model discussed in Section 3 is a one-period reaction functions. She classifies the firms in the
or static model of competition. The reaction function market into two types: majors representing major oil
literature allows for dynamic competitive effects, but companies and independents. She attempts to under-
is not structural in nature. Modeling dynamics in a stand the out of equilibrium strategies used by firms
fully structural context turns out to be a challenging during price wars, by estimating the reaction func-
task. We discuss three approaches used in the litera- tions using a Kalman filter. She allows for asymmet-
ture. Fully structural dynamic models of competition ric reactions to price increasesrdecreases and also
have not yet been estimated in the NEIO literature; allows for nonlinearity of reactions Žby allowing
in Section 5.3, we discuss the shortfalls of current reactions to depend on price levels., a feature similar
developments in the area. to reaction function studies. She finds that reaction
An attempt at modeling dynamics is done by parameters are not constant over time. However, the
Roberts and Samuelson Ž1988.. They develop a stochastic process that generates the variation is sta-
model of advertising as a goodwill stock Žsee also tionary, indicating that there are long run stable
Vilcassim et al., 1999.. All competitive effects of values for these parameters.
advertising greater than two periods are summarized
by a constant in this model as these effects cannot be
separately identified econometrically. In other words, 4.3.4. The issues of endogeneity, simultaneity and
only two-period dynamic effects are estimable in this periodicity
model. As discussed in Section 1, the question of endo-
Another attempt at modeling dynamics is made by geneity and simultaneity need to be addressed in
Slade Ž1995.. Her model allows inter-temporal dy- applying the model of Section 3 to marketing con-
namics in price and advertising to last several peri- texts, as well as in extending the model to other
ods and chooses the appropriate lags based on the marketing strategy instruments. If the model of Sec-
data. That is, unlike Roberts and Samuelson Ž1988. tion 3 were a model of competition between two
where effects greater than two periods cannot be retailers, are the prices truly endogenous to retailers
estimated, she allows the data to determine how or are they determined by manufacturers? Since de-
V. Kadiyali et al.r Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 18 (2001) 161–186 177

mand for the product is also a function of national endogeneity was introduced by Besanko et al. Ž1998.
manufacturer advertising, should we treat pricing and has been applied by Kadiyali et al. Ž2000. and
decisions as endogenous to the retailer but treat the Sudhir Ž2001b.. A potentially difficult situation
advertising as exogenous? NEIO studies have typi- would be if different decisions have different period-
cally examined manufacturer pricing and advertising icity, e.g., pricing decisions made weekly, but adver-
decisions, and these decisions are both endogenous tising decisions made monthly. That is, pricing deci-
to manufacturers. The issue of simultaneity of deci- sions are endogenous in weekly data, but advertising
sion-making is also relevant here. For example, if is endogenous only once in four weeks. Therefore,
capacity decisions or product line decisions or entry periodicity of decision making and time aggrega-
decisions are made prior to the decision on pricing tionrdisaggregation are important issues to bear in
and advertising, then these decisions can be treated mind in implementing NEIO models.
as exogenous.
NEIO studies in marketing have dealt with the 4.3.5. Incomplete information
issues at various levels. In many papers in marketing The model in Section 3 above assumes that firms
that use scanner panel data Žfor example, Kadiyali et have full information about demand functions as
al., 1996., features in newspapers are treated as well as each other’s cost functions. In many competi-
exogenous decisions to manufacturers. In Besanko et tive situations, however, there may be incomplete
al. Ž1998., Kadiyali et al. Ž2000. and Sudhir Ž2001b., information about demand and cost conditions. Mod-
both manufacturer and retail price are modeled as eling this in a fully structural framework is limited
endogenous, with optimization rules for both. by the lack of detailed data on firm decisions. Hence,
Kadiyali et al. Ž2000. treat features and displays as reduced-form hypothesis testing approaches are more
endogenous, but no optimization rules for these are widely used for such testing. Game theory papers on
specified. Sudhir Ž2001b., however, could not reject agency or principal-agent problems describe the ef-
exogeneity of features and therefore treats it as an fects of lack of information on equilibrium out-
exogenous variable. Researchers are therefore ad- comes, and these effects can be tested with data. For
vised to perform econometric tests to determine example, Shepard Ž1993. tests the role of monitoring
whether or not to treat variables as endogenous, and issues on which gas stations are franchised out and
then determine if the endogeneity needs to be mod- which ones are company owned. She finds that
eled as a separate process or whether it is enough to full-serve stations are more likely to be franchised
use instruments to account for endogeneity. out because of the difficulty in monitoring a man-
An econometric issue here is the choice of appro- ager’s effort in providing this service.
priate instruments for variables that are assumed to However, as discussed earlier, hypothesis testing
be endogenous. Typically, demand and cost shifters does not provide structural estimates of demand and
have been used. In certain situations, lagged values cost which are policy invariant. The task of building
of endogenous variables may be appropriate. BLP and estimating a structural model is significantly
Ž1995. and Sudhir Ž2001a. use averages of own harder under incomplete information. Miravate
firm’s other products and other firm’s products as Ž1997. estimates consumer preferences for local tele-
instruments by making a supply-side argument in phone calling deals, given private information be-
analyzing the auto market. In an analysis of multiple tween consumers and local telecommunication com-
markets for breakfast cereals, Nevo Ž2001a. uses panies. In a market, consumers are faced with a
prices in other markets as instruments for prices. nonlinear price schedule that consists of a fixed fee
The issue of periodicity of decision-making is and a marginal rate that are both functions of the
trickier. For example, in modeling manufacturer minutes called. He assumes that consumer types Žin
competition using scanner data, do we believe that terms of their calling preferences. in the population
manufacturers set price weekly? An econometric test may be known by their demographic characteristics
of endogeneity may be needed to determine whether with any asymmetry of information being captured
these variables are indeed exogenous to weekly scan- by a beta distribution. Based on this assumption, he
ner data. A variation of the Hausman test to test derives the optimal demand for the various types and
178 V. Kadiyali et al.r Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 18 (2001) 161–186

the optimal fixed fee and marginal rates for each Vertical Nash behavior. Cotterill and Putsis Ž2001.
type. He then computes the expected total payments also tests for alternative models of manufacturer–re-
for consumers and finds that total expected tariffs are tailer interaction in the absence of wholesale price
a linear function of demographic characteristics when data. Alternatively, Kadiyali et al. Ž2000. use actual
all information about consumer types is captured by wholesale price data to tackle the issue of incorporat-
the demographic characteristics. However, if the ing channel response and infer the balance of power
asymmetry of information is relevant, i.e., the beta between manufacturers and retailers Žsee also Parker
distribution is not degenerate, then the expected tar- and Kim, 1999..
iffs include interaction terms of demographic charac-
teristics. By testing the significance of the interaction
terms he concludes that there exists significant asym- 5. The evolution of literature: Retrospective and
metry of information. He also finds that failure to prospective
account for the asymmetry of information in his
We now discuss how the literature has evolved
model leads to systematic overestimation of demand.
and how we expect it to evolve in the future. As in
Therefore, accounting for the effects of incom-
the previous section, we organize this discussion into
plete information, not just between consumers and
those relating to demand, cost and competition is-
firms, but also between firms, is critical to estimating
sues. Clearly, theoretical developments in game the-
correct demand, cost, and competitive conduct pa-
ory, and marketers’ empirical observations from SCP
studies have given us enough puzzles to empirically
explore further. We argue that the evolution of this
4.3.6. Modeling intra-channel strategic behaÕior
literature has been mainly data- and methodology-
Manufacturers in many product categories sell
driven, and these two constraints will also shape the
their products through a retailer to the consumer. A
future direction of this literature.
model of market response for a manufacturer there-
fore needs to take into account not only how con- 5.1. Demand: looking back, looking ahead
sumers and competing manufacturers react to the
marketing mix, but also how the members of the The most active area of development has been in
channel react to the marketing mix. Measuring chan- sophisticated demand modeling using widely avail-
nel response, simultaneously with consumer and able aggregate data. Advances in the economics
competitive response, is therefore managerially im- literature Že.g., BLP. have fueled these develop-
portant. ments. Its quick diffusion in marketing is not surpris-
With scanner data, in general, the wholesale prices ing given the rich tradition of demand modeling in
are unobserved. Researchers have in the absence of marketing. In fact, this is an area where more bridges
wholesale price information made the assumption between marketing and economics literature can be
that retailers charge a constant margin. With this built. There are several directions this literature can
assumption, wholesale prices can be known up to a profitably pursue. BLP Ž1995. illustrated how we can
constant margin and they then infer competitive be- model heterogeneity among consumers using the dis-
havior among manufacturers. Prior studies have usu- tribution of consumer demographics Žincome. that
ally found cooperative behavior among manufactur- are usually available with consumer data. This tech-
ers with this assumption. Given that retail prices are nique of using aggregate distribution information to
used for the analysis, it raises the question whether effectively account for consumer heterogeneity is
we may be misinterpreting retailer category manage- further enhanced in the work of Nevo Ž2001b. and
ment as manufacturer cooperation. To test this issue Petrin Ž1999.. These methods to infer demand pa-
when wholesale price data is unavailable, Sudhir rameters with purely aggregate data should be of
Ž2001b. uses a game theoretic modeling approach to great interest to marketers, because in practice man-
infer wholesale prices. He tests for alternative mod- agers usually have much greater access to aggregate
els of manufacturer–retailer interaction such as man- store-level or market-level data rather than individual
ufacturer Stackelberg Leader–Follower behavior and level data.
V. Kadiyali et al.r Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 18 (2001) 161–186 179

Secondly, as mentioned previously, marketers keting have paid great attention to institutional de-
have advanced techniques for estimation of demand tails in modeling channel behavior Žsee Section
using individual data as well as analyzing the biases 4.3.5.. Marketers are now making strides in this area
in using aggregate versus individual-level demand as theoretical and data constraints are relaxed. As we
ŽGupta et al., 1996.. This would be a promising area discussed in Section 4.3.5, a unique innovation of
for future work, because with individual level data, marketing to the NEIO literature has been the study
dynamics in consumer preferences can be better of manufacturer–retailer relations. These studies have
captured ŽErdem, 1996.. Studying the role of con- been mainly confined to the study of pricing. It
sumer dynamics on firm pricing dynamics is a diffi- would be instructive to expand the scope of this
cult but important issue. Bayesian estimation tools research to other channel decisions like advertising
for modeling demand offers great promise in estimat- or promotions. Additionally, models of multiple re-
ing finer levels of heterogeneity across firm demand, tailers interacting with multiple manufacturers in a
cost and competition parameters in the NEIO frame- complete intra- and inter-channel model of competi-
work. In the short- to medium-term, we therefore tion are yet to be estimated. Relevant data for this
expect the literature to focus on further sophistica- type of analysis may be hard to get. While the
tion in modeling heterogeneity in the aggregate de- relationship between manufacturers and retailers has
mand-discrete choice arena and the use of Bayesian been explored in some detail because of data avail-
methods to capture the heterogeneity on both the ability, the relationships between a firm and other
demand and the firm side. intermediaries Žincluding suppliers rather than retail-
ers. remains an area yet to explored in the marketing
5.2. Cost and supply: looking back, looking ahead NEIO literature, mainly because of data constraints.
Non-packaged goods industries Že.g., high-tech prod-
On the cost dimension, specifications used in ucts with complex supply chain partnerships, or
marketing have been relatively simple. An important pharmaceuticals with R & D processes. are especially
reason for this is that given weekly scanner data used well-suited to expand the literature in this area.
in several marketing studies, it is not always possible
to find weekly cost-side instruments. Second, NEIO 5.3. Competition: looking back, looking ahead
studies in economics have been more varied in their
application across industries, whereas marketing On the competition dimension, several marketing
studies have been mainly confined to packaged good studies have explored a variety of issues in pricing
industries. Given issues of retailer versus manufac- competition. Pricing is clearly a very important mar-
turer margins when using local market data, the lack keting mix element, and therefore, it is not surprising
of data on various manufacturer–retailer transfer that it has been the focus of the majority of attention
payments Žfor e.g., slotting allowances. and the diffi- as the literature has evolved. Examples include Roy
culty of estimating hedonics or characteristic-based et al.’s Ž1994. study of price competition between
costs for these industries, a richer cost specification Ford and Chrysler, Kadiyali et al.’s Ž1996. study of
is not easy. That said, the hope is that marketing product line pricing decisions of two firms, Sudhir’s
studies in the future will explore non-packaged goods Ž2001a. study of price competition across Žcar mar-
industries and get past some of the cost specification ket. segments, Vilcassim et al.’s Ž1999. study of
issues associated with these. hierarchy in with three firms in the market, Putsis
Another area of importance is the modeling of and Dhar’s Ž1998. study of national brand-private
institutional details of supply in a particular market. label price competition. There have also been at least
An example of detailed supply-side modeling in two studies of manufacturer–retailer pricing compe-
economics is the previously cited Suslow’s model, tition ŽSudhir, 2001b; Kadiyali et al., 2000..
where first-time and recycled aluminum are treated All these studies have found that simple
differently in modeling and estimation. Berry et al. Bertrand–Nash pricing is not a good assumption to
Ž1996. model in great detail the hub and spoke make, and firms in markets have varying degrees of
structure of the airline industry. Researchers in mar- market power because of the efficacy of brand posi-
180 V. Kadiyali et al.r Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 18 (2001) 161–186

tioning Žmeasured by own- and cross-price elastici- ing. Roberts and Samuelson’s Ž1988. study of adver-
ties., and their low costs. All these applications have tising accounting for dynamic advertising effects and
typically been driven by researchers’ interest in pric- advertising costs provides a building block for an
ing policies under different marketing strategy situa- empirical analysis of these issues. It would be in-
tions. We expect the future direction of this literature structive to generalize their demand, cost, as well as
to be comprised of other applications of the NEIO goodwill specifications, to test optimal market and
framework to other marketing strategy situations. In competitive conduct scenarios for alternative adver-
particular, we expect a more complete analysis of tising schedules.
manufacturer–retailer pricing interactions and the ef- Competitive analysis of promotions like features,
fect of new channels of distribution on these rela- displays, etc., has not yet received attention in the
tionships in the immediate future. Data availability is marketing literature. This could be because it is not
likely to be the crucial limiting factor. easy to formulate the variable cost structures of these
An issue with discrete choice demand model NEIO marketing mix variables. Additionally, the tech-
papers using aggregate data Že.g., BLP. is that they niques of estimating discrete choice models de-
impose the assumption of Bertrand pricing among scribed above in Section 4.3 could be used to study
firms. ŽAs we mentioned in Section 4.1, this is also feature and display competition, but to combine them
true for models that use discrete choice models using with continuous choice of pricing is a challenging
individual-level data.. For these functions, there is task. Future applications of these techniques espe-
no solution yet to estimate separate competitive in- cially to retailer competition can be very instructive.
teractions among several firms. Sudhir Ž2001a. has This could also answer the long-standing debate
overcome this issue by estimating segment-level about whether there are mixed-strategy equilibria in
competitive interaction parameters among firms, ef- promotions Žalthough we await the finessing of dy-
fectively reducing the number of parameters that namic equilibria testing to better test this..
need to be estimated. However, future work will Another marketing mix variable that has been less
need to decompose the competitive interactions be- studied is choice of location. The limited attention to
tween products in terms of simpler basic primitives this area is possibly again because of data con-
to estimate a full-blown model of competitive inter- straints, as well as the discrete nature of this choice
actions among all products Žwhether the application variable. Data of firms in an area, with location
is to pricing competition, or other types of competi- coordinates, as well as other dimensions of competi-
tion.. tion like price, quantity, etc., are needed to estimate
Applications of the NEIO framework to advertis- such models. An example of such work is Davis
ing competition have been more limited Že.g., Vil- Ž1997., who analyzes spatial competition among
cassim et al., 1999. and therefore, several issues movie theaters. However, the insights offered by
remain to be explored. This is possibly because it is modeling competition in an NEIO framework are yet
harder to obtain advertising GRP data for markets, to be explored fully.
especially at the weekly or other high frequency A marketing mixrproduct design variable that
level at which pricing data are available. Also, adver- has received some attention in the marketing litera-
tising competition is likely to be more dynamic than ture is network externalities. Shankar and Bayus
pricing competition given its long-lived demand ef- Ž1999. analyze the impact of network externalities
fects. This poses a significant challenge to re- on competition in the home video game player indus-
searchers, and further developments in the dynamics try. This literature points the way for studying
of competition will enable researchers to study these switching costs in general in the context of either
issues in greater detail. product life-cycle or entry. Given the widespread
An example of a future application in the advertis- importance of network externalities in the emerging
ing competition arena is promotion scheduling. The- area of e-commerce, insights on this topic should be
oretical research has identified demand and advertis- of great value to managers.
ing cost conditions for when it makes sense to pulse A general issue with measuring marketing mix
advertising or to have to steady stream of advertis- competition is to test if competition varies over time.
V. Kadiyali et al.r Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 18 (2001) 161–186 181

There are two ways to do this. The first is to develop analyze how competitive conduct changes over the
fully structural dynamic models of competition, and product life cycle in the mainframe computer market.
the second is to estimate a static model of competi- The constraint to expanding this study to marketing
tion with a time-varying conduct parameter. The might be the data requirements Žwe would need
techniques for fully structural dynamic models of price, sales and other marketing strategy instruments
competition have not yet been developed in the by brand from the start of the market to its matura-
NEIO literature. Pakes and McGuire Ž1994. have tion.. Another future application might be the study
developed techniques using Markov-perfect Nash of early and late mover advantages, which can also
equilibrium concepts to model the dynamics of com- be addressed by estimating time-varying demand,
petition Žwhere last period’s firm choices are suffi- cost and competition parameters.
cient statistics for predicting future behavior.. The Another application of time-varying competition
estimation is based on a computationally intensive is in the area of new product introduction. Two
dynamic programming technique. However, there are papers in marketing have addressed some aspects of
two roadblocks in widespread application of these this. Kadiyali et al. Ž1996. analyze how a new
methods to NEIO framework. The first is that the product introduction changes competition in the mar-
Markov-perfect Nash equilibrium assumption needs ketplace. Shankar Ž1997. analyzes what the best
to be relaxed because it is restrictive, and second, the entry strategies are when accounting for competition.
estimation needs to be extended to forms on compe- However, many aspects remain to be explored in
tition other than the currently possibly set Ži.e., much greater detail. For example, how the market
Bertrand, fully collusive, etc... moves from the competitive disequilibrium caused
A second solution to estimating whether competi- by market entry to a new competitive equilibrium is
tion varies over time is to measure time-varying of interest to marketers, and can be examined by
conduct parameters. This has so far not been at- using a time-varying conduct parameter. Addition-
tempted in marketing. An example in economics is ally, models of how firms learn of each other’s cost
Parker and Roller Ž1997., who, in a study of compe- structures or of consumer demand for a new product
tition in the cellular phone market, estimate the and the resulting competitive structure remain to be
conduct parameter as a function of multimarket con- estimated.
tact and cross-ownership. As the multimarket contact In contrast to pricing and advertising, many mar-
and cross-ownership changes over time, they analyze keting decisions are discrete and dynamic in nature.
the impact of competitive behavior. For future appli- The dynamics of these are also slowly being devel-
cations in marketing, one simple alternative is to oped. Ericson and Pakes Ž1995. develop estimation
specify the conduct parameter as a hazard function techniques for dynamic models for R & D investment
or as a logistic function and to examine whether and entry-exit decision of firms using the Markov-
there are any cycles of marketing mix competition. perfect equilibrium concept discussed above. While
The current NEIO solution is Porter’s Ž1983. en- R & D investment decisions are continuous, entry-exit
dogenous switching regression model of Žpricing. decisions are discrete. They use their model to ana-
conduct parameters that alternate between periods of lyze the entry and exit of differentiated products in a
collusion and breakdown of collusion. A general market. This approach is used to test alternative
specification of the time-varying conduct parameter theories of firm dynamics and the evolution of mar-
is needed to provide more insights into the dynamics kets in Pakes and Ericson Ž1998.. However, the same
of competition. This is a simpler solution to captur- issues discussed earlier, i.e., modeling dynamics more
ing the dynamics of competition than awaiting more generally than Markov-perfect behavior and more
realistic models of Markov-perfect competition. general models of competition in the conduct param-
A direct and especially interesting future applica- eter framework, need to be developed before these
tion of time-varying competition is the study of methods can be applied to gain insights.
marketing mix efficacy in different stages of the In the age of the Internet, firms can very easily
product life cycle. In the NEIO literature, Greenstein track pricing behavior of their competitors and react
and Wade Ž1998. have addressed this issue. They virtually instantaneously by appropriately changing
182 V. Kadiyali et al.r Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 18 (2001) 161–186

their prices. Markov-perfect equilibrium models are A major benefit of structural NEIO estimation is
therefore appropriate to model price competition on that it enables theory testing. Game theory offers
the Internet. We therefore believe these types of competing theories under different assumptions lead-
models can be useful to model the ease with which ing to different predictions. For example, Green and
competitors can react in many Internet markets. Porter Ž1984. suggest a theory of dynamic competi-
A final frontier in analyzing more realistic models tive behavior that suggests procyclical behavior, i.e.,
in competition is accounting for incomplete informa- prices rise during periods of high demand of a
tion in structural models, as we discussed in Section market and fall during periods of low demand for a
4.3.4. Apart from the methodological difficulties, a market. Rotemberg and Saloner Ž1986. in contrast
major bottleneck in estimating structural models of develop a theory that predicts countercyclical behav-
incomplete information is that it is very difficult to ior. Ratomberg and Saloner use estimates of compet-
obtain detailed data on decisions at a very disaggre- itive behavior from Porter Ž1983. to show that the
gate level. Fortunately, in the area of auctions, there railroad cartels of the 1880s behaved in a manner
is detailed data on the bidding process across multi- consistent with procyclical pricing implications.
ple auctions. Here is where the most progress on Bresnahan Ž1987. shows that the auto market be-
estimating structural models of asymmetric informa- haves consistently with the procyclical prediction of
tion has been made ŽPorter, 1995.. With the easy Rotemberg and Saloner. NEIO research can thus
availability of auction bid data on internet sites such serve to judge the appropriateness of theories.
as eBay , this could potentially be a very promising An issue with such theory testing is that while the
area for research; for e.g., see Bajari and Hortacsu tests are based on structurally rich and industry-
Ž2000.. Given the importance of consumer-to-con- specific studies, it is not clear whether and how these
sumer auctions in the internet age, this should be of findings can be generalized. We have argued previ-
substantive interest to researchers in marketing. An- ously that managers care both about strategic gener-
other potentially attractive area would be the analysis alizations across industries and strategic specifics of
of sales force compensation. Sales force compensa- their industry. There are several studies that combine
tion models are principal-agent models in an asym- the methodology of NEIO and yet study several
metric information framework. Since detailed data closely related markets. For example, Parker and
on sales force performance under different compen- Roller Ž1997. and Nevo Ž2001a. analyze firm behav-
sation schemes should be available in many firms, ior in the cellular telephone and breakfast cereal
one can estimate a structural model of asymmetric markets, respectively, across multiple geographical
information to infer distributions of sales force risk markets within the United States. Verboven Ž1996.
preferences and utilities. In the absence of such analyzes price discrimination behavior in different
detailed data, researcher could collect experimental countries of the European car market. Sudhir Ž2001a.
data to refine estimation techniques for this class of analyzes multiple segments of the US auto market to
problems. In short, we believe there are a number of infer differences in competitive behavior across dif-
opportunities waiting to be explored in this area. ferent segments. The studies across closely related
markets analyze how similar firms adapt their behav-
ior in different markets to account for the variations
6. Conclusion
in structural characteristics of these markets.
Structural models in the NEIO framework provide Putsis and Dhar Ž1999. use a hybrid of NEIO and
estimates of, and insights about, the underlying com- SCP approaches. They infer competitive behavior for
petitive game, demand and cost structures for a about 42 different frequently purchased product cate-
specific industry. We have argued in this paper that gories across 59 local markets using NEIO tech-
they are therefore extremely useful for managerial niques that account for the endogeneity and simul-
decision-making, and specifically, for marketing mix taneity of firm choices. In a second step Žin the SCP
decisions. As we stated in the introduction, there are tradition., they meta-analyze their estimates of com-
several benefits to estimating NEIO structural mod- petitive behavior against structural characteristics of
els. the different product markets to draw conclusions
V. Kadiyali et al.r Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 18 (2001) 161–186 183

about the relationship between competition and tive behavior in other segments. Additionally, the
structural characteristics of a market. The criticism nature of competition can vary in different periods.
about the appropriateness of pooling competition For example, research by Bresnahan Ž1987. suggests
estimates across disparate markets is somewhat tem- that competitive behavior changes depending on
pered by the fact that all of these product categories whether markets are in an expansionary or recession-
are frequently purchased consumer goods. ary state. Such information about competition, when
To obtain generalizable results, researchers need a accounted for in Awhat-ifB simulation models, will
number of such industry specific studies in similar give managers a more accurate picture of the impact
competitive contexts. At this stage, the volume of their choices of marketing mix and positioning
empirical research in this area is still too limited to strategies on profits compared to the original Bertrand
perform a meaningful meta-analysis; hence, the assumption in Horsky and Nelson. A manager could
lament of researchers in industrial organization and also use these estimates to evaluate profitability im-
competitive strategy researchers in the areas of busi- plications of a merger between firms. For example,
ness strategy and marketing about the paucity of when Chrysler bought American Motors in 1987, it
empirical studies in this area. In a survey of applica- would have been possible to study the profit impact
tions of game theory to competitive marketing strat- of such a merger using such estimates. Antitrust
egy, Moorthy Ž1993. says A . . . the ratio of theoretical officials could have used such a model to evaluate
to empirical work is . . . unpleasantly largeB. Ghe- the social welfare implications of the merger. In fact,
mawat Ž1997. argues that the inability of game the- Nevo Ž2001b. uses his estimates of a structural model
ory-based new industrial organization to influence of the cereal market to evaluate the profitability and
business strategy is primarily due to the lack of social welfare implications of the merger between
empirical work. We look forward to more studies General Mills and Ralston Purina’s branded cereal
that would enable robust generalizations. line Žthat included the Chex line..
In addition to theory testing, the structural esti- In general the structural models enable us to
mates of NEIO models are managerially useful. First, better understand the sources of market power and
the estimates have behavioral meaning and hence, profitability. ŽWe had argued in the Section 1 that
managers can easily interpret them. Second, since this is the fourth benefit of using NEIO models..
the estimates are policy invariant, they can be used This is useful for managers and anti-trust officials. Is
to perform Awhat-ifB analyses. That is, by estimating the superior profitability of a firm due to its better
detailed structural parameters of demand, cost and ability to provide customers what they want Ždemand
competitive interactions, a manager can evaluate the advantages., superior efficiency Žcost advantages. or
impact of decisions such as the effect of a introduc- anti-competitive conduct Žtacitly cooperative behav-
ing a new product or line extension, merger with a ior.? Nevo Ž2001a. finds that the market power of
competitor, impact of a price change, etc. In one of firms in the cereal market can be best explained by
the early papers in marketing in the NEIO tradition, the firms’ demand advantages through differentiated
Horsky and Nelson Ž1992. obtain detailed estimates products targeted to different segments of the market
of demand and cost, and then investigate the impact than by anti-competitive conduct.
of product repositioning and price changes for cars Given these benefits of the NEIO approach, we
assuming Bertrand competition. These results are believe that there are several applications of this to
very informative for strategic marketing mix choices the empirical study of competitive marketing strat-
and are possible because of the firm-level modeling egy. Thus far, much of the applied work in this area
of this industry. has been on market power, because these methods
However, in order to be more broadly applicable have been of great interest to researchers exploring
to the auto market, the estimation should allow for antitrust issues. Some of the most pervasive findings
general forms of competition. For example, in a have been that even in the most homogeneous of
recent study, Sudhir Ž2001a. finds that firm behavior industries, there is significant market power if there
in the auto market indicate more aggressive behavior is a sufficient degree of concentration. Bresnahan
than Bertrand in some segments, but more coopera- Ž1989. presents the Lerner indices for a number of
184 V. Kadiyali et al.r Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 18 (2001) 161–186

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