Proposal - DDC-kitchen Gardening'013

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Proposal submitted to

District Development Committee, Kathmandu


Promotion of Sustainable Kitchen-

Gardening for urban areas and Candle
making Training program.

At Gongabu VDC, Ward No-2,3 Kathmandu

Submitted by:

Social Development Organization, Nepal

Dhapasi-4, Kathmandu

Contact No.9843298588, 9851074669

A) Proposal for Promotion of Sustainable Kitchen-Gardening for urban areas at Gongabu
VDC, Ward -2,3 Kathmandu

1. Introduction:

Social Development Organization Nepal ( SDO-Nepal ) is registered at District

Administration Office and District Development Committee, Kathmandu and also affiliated with
Social Welfare Council with the main objectives to conduct necessary programs on agriculture,
education, health, water, environment , skill oriented and income generation programs for the
development and empowerment of back warded and marginalized women, children, class,
castes and indigenous people. It aims to rehabilitate helpless, poor, orphan children and adults

2. Social Development Organization Nepal Conducted Programs :

i) Health-camp is conducted on coordination with District Public Health Office,

Kathmandu at Jhormahankal where 216 patients received free medicines and
consultation services from specialist Doctors of Gyno ,ENT and General physician
ii) Literacy Program is conducted at Nayapati and Sundarijal VDCs in partnership
with District Education Office, Kathmandu where 1174 illiterate persons
benefitted from the program.
iii) Sewing Cutting Training is conducted at Jorpati VDC in partnership with Cottage
and Small Industry Development Board, Kathmandu where 10 women from
indigenous and scheduled castes get skill development training.
iv) Improved Tomato Farming and Bee-keeping Program is conducted at Gongabu-
3, in coordination with District Agriculture Development Office , Kathmandu
where 50 farmers are benefitted from 2 farmer’s group.
v) 5 nos. of female farmers from Gongabu-3 has received Improved Vegetable
farming training organized by DADO, Agri service Center, Dhapasi.
vi) SDO-Nepal has been running Our Child Home where 6 nos of orphan, disabled,
disadvantaged Children are getting free education, lodging, fooding, full medical
care and guardianship.

Hence, SDO-Nepal aims to conduct promotion of Sustainable Kitchen –Gardening

focusing urban farmers on roof-top and small scale gardening to the Women Group of
Gongabu VDC Ward no.2,3 Kathmandu which would be environmentally sound, cost effective,
using appropriate technology, sustainable , recycling of wastages/garbage’s and also easily
adoptable by the local farmers.
3.The statement of need.

Vegetable farming has been practicing in Nepal since long time as home consumption
and since few years commercial vegetable farming has also been practicing in some part of the
country. But, especially, in the urban areas like Kathmandu valley, almost the farming land is
changing into concrete land with housing, roads and other huge infrastructures. Huge amount
of money is being expensed to import the vegetables to fulfill the demand of urban areas like
Kathmandu valley. Similarly, the garbage/wastages came out from every household is creating
pollution and badly affecting the environment which is being a serious challenge to Nepal
government to manage it.

Hence, Social Development Organization Nepal aims to promote the sustainable kitchen
gardening for urban areas by encouraging the urban farmers towards roof-top and small scale
kitchen gardening which :

 Provides nutritious food and essential vitamins, carbohydrate, protein, minerals needed
for human body.

 Reduces the expenditures to buy imported vegetables and also can earn by selling
surplus vegetables.

 Properly utilizing and saving the time of family members.

 Creates recreation and refreshment from the beautiful garden, and exercise for healthy

 Properly utilizes the garbage/ wastages as a compost manures by recycling which would
be used on kitchen gardening and ultimately reduces the pollution and garbage
dumping problem.

 Sustainable kitchen gardening properly utilizes the local resources , farmer experiences
and hence reduces external dependency and expenditures.

 Promotes of using compost manures, vermi manures, and environmental friendly

organic/homemade insecticide/pesticides which help to protect the urban environment.

4. Recommendation / solutions:

a) SDO-Nepal’s responsibilities:
 Needy Farmer Group and farmers will be identified at Gongabu-2,3 in close co-
ordination with local key persons.

 Technical trainings will be designed, participants selection and trainings will be

conducted in coordination with beneficiary farmers.

 Practical and technical advice will be provided in appropriate time interval.

 Timely Monitoring and evaluation of the program will be conducted.

 Program reporting and timely and effective conduction of the program will be done in close
coordination with beneficiary women farmer’s group and District Development Committee.

b) District Development Committee, Kathmandu’s responsibilities:

 To provide financial and other required supports and guidance in time to SDO-Nepal in
order to complete the program in a agreed time and to make the program effective.

 Guide, monitor, support to the concerned parties and farmer groups.

c) Farmer (women) Groups’ responsibilities:

 Assist to SDO-Nepal to identify needy farmers.

 Timely inform, gather and motivate to the targeted farmers(women) to participate on

trainings and use the gained knowledge on a practical way.

 Demonstrate the Women Group itself as a Sustainable roof-top and small scale kitchen
gardening pocket-area presently and after the completion of project period too.

 Best and effective use of training knowledge and practical/ supporting materials i. e.
compost bin, vegetables seed kit etc. provided by SDO-Nepal.

 Timely and effective conduction of run program in close coordination with concerned

5. Details:

A ) Promotion of Sustainable kitchen- Gardening( roof-top and small scale) for urban areas:

 Project Area : Gongabu VDC, Ward No-2,3 Kathmandu

 Name of farmer group: Chetansil Women Group.

 No. of farmers involved: 50 Nos. of women

 Summary of detailed Cost Estimate:

SN Particulars Quantity Rate Total Farmers’ DDC

amount participation
1. Compost Bin purchase/ 75 Nos 2500 1,87,500 93,750 93,750
transportation expenses
2. Sustainable kitchen gardening 3 Events 37,450 1,12,350 - 1,12,350
Trainings expenses (as per
attached appendix )
3. Compost manure purchase 5 mini 2000 10,000 10,000 -
4. Program co-ordinator for 30 Days 1000 30,000 15000 15000
program implémentation, (SDO-Nepal)
Sub-Total: - - 3,39,85 1,26,250 2,28,60
0 0
5. 5% overhead expenses - - 16,242 - 16,242
printing, typing and other official
misc. expenses) for SDO-Nepal
Grand Total: - - 3,41,09 1,11,250 2,44,84
2 2

Total expenses = 3,41,092Rupees

Request for grant = 2,29,842 Rupees

 Sustainable kitchen gardening(roof-top and small scale gardening)
training (3 days * 25 participants):

SN Particulars Quantity Rate Total Remarks

a. Tea/ snacks 25*3 100 7500
b. Stationeries 25 Sets 50 1250
c. Training materials( brown paper, 1 set 1000 1000
marker, tape etc.)
d. Banner preparation 1 no. 500 500
e. Certificate for participants 25 nos. 40 1000
f. Facilitator allowance 3*4 class 1000 12000
g. Practical materials purchase 25 set 500 12500
( polythene bags, seed, manure,
rope etc)
h. Training coordinator allowance 1*3 days 500 1500
i. Helper allowance 1*3 days 400 1200
k. Rent for training hall 3 days 500 1500
Total expenses: - - 37,450

Total expenses for 3 events of kitchen gardening training: @37,450 *3 = 1,12,350

6. Summary :

The conduction of the Project would transfer sustainable kitchen gardening ( roof-top and
small scale gardening) on the urban areas farming technology to the local farmers which would
be cost effective, affordable, easily adoptable, environmental friendly, recycling of
wastages/garbage, conserve bio-diversity and run the project sustainably even after the project
completion which would be replicated to the neighboring farmers and farmers’ group too. It
would establish close and smooth relation between the project implementing stakeholders.

6. Additional information- appendices:

Appendex-1 : Constitution of SDO-Nepal

Appendex-2 : District Administration Office Registration Certificate

Appendex-3 : District Development Committee Registration Certificate

Appendex-4 : Social welfare Council Affiliation Certificate

Appendex-5 : PAN Certificate

Appendex-6: Profile of SDO-Nepal

Appendex-7 : SDO-Nepal’s Bank Account >>

a) Samaj Bikas Sanstha Nepal

Sunrise Bank Limited , Baniyatar Branch, Kathmandu

Account No. : 04310192276016

b) Samaj Bikas Sanstha Nepal

Nepal Bank Limited, New Road Branch, Kathmandu

Account No. : 2-11- 79608

Contact/reference : Samaj Bikas Sanstha Nepal

Dhapasi-4, Kathmandu

Murari Mohan Adhikari

( Chairman)

Cell No. 9843298588, 9851074669 Email: [email protected]

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