Evaluating Domestic Sheep Survival With Different Breeds of Livestock Guardian Dogs

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Utah State University

From the SelectedWorks of Julie Young


Evaluating Domestic Sheep Survival with

Different Breeds of Livestock Guardian Dogs
Julie Young

Available at: https://works.bepress.com/julie_young1/129/

RAMA-00424; No of Pages 10
Rangeland Ecology & Management xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Rangeland Ecology & Management

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Evaluating Domestic Sheep Survival with Different Breeds of Livestock

Guardian Dogs☆
Daniel Kinka a, Julie K. Young a,b,⁎
Utah State University, Department of Wildland Resources, Logan, UT 84322-5230, USA
USDA-WS-NWRC-Predator Research Facility, Millville, UT 84321, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Livestock guard dogs (LGDs; Canis familiaris) have been widely adopted by domestic sheep (Ovis aries) producers
Received 18 December 2018 because they reduce predation by wild carnivores. LGDs were originally used in the United States to reduce coy-
Received in revised form 4 July 2019 ote (Canis latrans) depredations, but their efficacy against a suite of large carnivores, including wolves (Canis
Accepted 8 July 2019
lupus), brown bears (Ursus arctos), black bears (Ursus americanus), and cougars (Puma concolor), and whether
Available online xxxx
specific breeds perform better than others remains unclear. To assess breed-specific effectiveness at reducing
Key Words:
depredations from a suite of livestock predators, we compared survival rates of sheep protected by different
Canis familiaris breeds of LGDs, including three breeds from Europe (Turkish kangal, Bulgarian karakachan, and Portuguese
Canis lupus cão de gado transmontano) and mixed-breed LGDs, “whitedog,” common in the United States. With the help
livestock protection dog of participating sheep producers, we collected cause-specific mortality data from domestic sheep in Idaho, Mon-
nonlethal predator control tana, Oregon, and Wyoming between 2013 and 2016. All three of the novel breeds of LGD tested were associated
sheep with overall reductions in sheep depredation relative to whitedogs, ranging from 61% to 95% (P b 0.05). In terms
Ursus arctos of predator-specific effectiveness, the Turkish kangal was associated with decreases in depredation from cougars
(eβ = 0.31, 95% CI = 0.10–0.94, P = 0.04), black bears (eβ = 0.33, 95% CI = 0.28–0.37, P b 0.01), and coyotes (eβ
= 0.56, 95% CI = 0.35–0.90, P = 0.02). The Bulgarian karakachan was associated with a decrease in coyote dep-
redations (eβ = 0.07, 95% CI = 0.01–0.49, P b 0.01). The Portuguese transmontano was not associated with sig-
nificant reductions in depredation hazard for any specific predator. Although variations in breed-specific
effectiveness were subtle and nuanced, these findings will help livestock producers and wildlife managers
make tailored decisions about how best to incorporate different breeds of LGD into sheep grazing regimes.
Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of The Society for Range Management.

Introduction 2000; Rigg, 2001; Coppinger and Coppinger, 2002; Gehring et al.,
2010a) but were first imported to the United States in the 1970s as an
Livestock guardian dogs (LGDs) are domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) alternative to poisoning for lethal predator control (Feldman, 2007).
of a few dozen breeds that have been bred and trained to protect live- Scientific research on LGDs began at about the same time and indicates
stock from depredation, injury, and theft. LGDs are effective at reducing that LGDs are one of the few nonlethal management techniques that
depredations by a number of carnivores, including coyotes (Canis both reduce domestic sheep (Ovis aries) depredations (Black and
latrans; Andelt and Hopper, 2000); dingoes (Canis lupus dingo; van Green, 1984; Green et al., 1984; Andelt, 1992; Andelt and Hopper,
Bommel and Johnson, 2012); black bears (Ursus americanus; Smith et 2000; Smith et al., 2000; Hansen et al., 2002; Rigg, 2002; van Bommel
al., 2000); and cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus; Marker et al., 2005). LGDs’ and Johnson, 2012) and provide long-term results (Shivik, 2006;
effectiveness at reducing depredations from other carnivores, such as Gehring et al., 2010a, 2010b). As such, it is generally concluded that
wolves, brown bears, and cougars, has been suggested but not empiri- LGDs are an effective tool for mitigation of livestock depredations,
cally tested (although see Espuno et al., 2004). LGDs enjoy a rich tradi- with reported declines in depredation between 11% and 100% (Smith
tion in European history that dates back at least 5 000 yr (Smith et al., et al., 2000). Consequently, the use of LGDs for reducing livestock dep-
redations has been widely adopted by sheep producers in the United
☆ This work was supported by the US Dept of Agriculture−Wildlife Services and Na- States.
tional Wildlife Research Center; the Ecology Center and Department of Wildland Re- LGD breeds initially selected for use in the United States were chosen
sources at Utah State University; and a graduate fellowship provided by the S. J. and at a time when wolves (Canis lupus) were almost entirely absent from
Jesse E. Quinney family.
⁎ Correspondence: Julie K. Young, USDA-WS-NWRC-Predator Research Facility, 4200 S
the landscape (Bangs et al., 2005) and sheep depredations by brown
600 E Cache County Rd, Millville, UT 84321, USA. bears (Ursus arctos) and cougars (Puma concolor) were rare or poorly
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.K. Young). documented (Smith et al., 2000; Gehring et al., 2010a, 2010b; Urbigkit

1550-7424/Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of The Society for Range Management.

Please cite this article as: D. Kinka and J.K. Young, Evaluating Domestic Sheep Survival with Different Breeds of Livestock Guardian Dogs, Range-
land Ecology & Management, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2019.07.002
2 D. Kinka, J.K. Young / Rangeland Ecology & Management xxx (xxxx) xxx

and Urbigkit, 2010). As is still the case (National Agricultural Statistics carnivores (Hazzah et al., 2009). When assessing the effectiveness of
Service, 2011, 2013), coyotes were the primary depredator of domestic LGDs in the presence of a diverse guild of livestock predators (e.g.,
sheep. Further, most of the literature on LGD use in the United States brown bears, wolves, cougars, black bears, coyotes), it is necessary to
predates the reintroduction of wolves and expansion of brown bear empirically determine the cause of death.
and cougar populations in the Northern Rocky Mountains. Since then, Recent widespread use of LGDs in the United States, their proven ef-
depredations by these large carnivores have allegedly caused some fectiveness against a host of smaller livestock predators, and their po-
sheep ranchers to sell their remaining herds (National Agricultural Sta- tential role in carnivore conservation illustrate the need for a large-
tistics Service, 2011, 2013), limiting the viability of rural communities scale investigation of LGD effectiveness, especially in places where con-
that depend on agricultural competitiveness. In turn, declines in the flict between livestock and large carnivores is growing. Here, we exam-
number of livestock producers may impede conservation of large carni- ined the relative effectiveness of three novel breeds compared with
vores that rely on relatively undeveloped private rangelands, as the de- whitedogs in the United States. We use the term “whitedog” to refer
sertion of agriculture leads to increasing landscape fragmentation via to a heterogenous group of LGDs including crosses of multiple LGD
subdivision or other land use conversions (Hobbs et al., 2008). Although breeds and LGDs of unknown genetic origin. We defined effectiveness
pastoralists have used LGDs to guard against large carnivores for centu- as a statistically significant reduction in sheep depredation from a di-
ries, LGDs’ effectiveness deterring large carnivores like wolves, brown verse guild of carnivores associated with a particular LGD breed. Previ-
bears, and cougars has seldom been scientifically evaluated outside of ous research has already established that LGD use provides significant
some work using LGDs to promote cheetah conservation (Marker et reductions in livestock loss compared with operations that do not em-
al., 2005). LGDs are sometimes killed by wolves (Bangs et al., 2005), ploy LGDs (Smith et al., 2000). Currently in the United States, as in
and LGDs sometimes kill wolves (Tepeli and Taylor, 2008). There is other countries, the use of LGDs with free-ranging sheep is nearly ubiq-
also some limited or anecdotal evidence of LGD-wolf interactions uitous. As such, there is little practical utility in comparing sheep sur-
(Coppinger et al., 1988; Gehring et al., 2006, 2010a, 2010b), as well as vival between flocks with LGDs and those without. Instead, we placed
one study that modeled the predictive benefit of using LGDs to defend three novel breeds of LGDs with long histories of use in areas of Europe
against wolves (Espuno et al., 2004), but beyond this, little is known with large carnivores (i.e., Turkish kangal, Bulgarian karakachan, and
about how effective LGDs are at deterring wolves or other large carni- Portuguese cão de gado transmontano) directly with sheep producers
vores, or whether efficacy varies among different breeds of LGDs. throughout the northwestern United States and compared these LGDs
Scientists have given little attention to potential LGD breed differ- with whitedogs already in use. Brief histories and descriptions of each
ences in predator-specific deterrence. Some researchers have sought novel breed can be found in Rigg (2001), Urbigkit and Urbigkit
to identify differences among LGD breeds—most commonly measured (2010), and Kinka and Young (2017). Because of their longevity of use
in terms of behavior (i.e., trustworthiness, attentiveness, and protec- in countries with histories of coexistence among domestic sheep,
tiveness) or rancher-reported depredation loss, and although significant LGDs, and large carnivores, we hypothesize that the novel breeds tested
differences in depredation were not detected, behavioral differences here will be more effective than common U.S. whitedogs at preventing
were identified (Black and Green, 1984; Coppinger et al., 1988; Green depredations from large carnivores. We collected data in the field, usu-
and Woodruff, 1983, 1988; Kinka and Young, 2017). These behavioral ally b 48 hr after depredations occurred, to address issues of recall bias
differences may extend into efficacy against large carnivores, but anec- and false reporting. Of particular interest is what effect LGD breed has
dotal evidence suggests LGD breeds and crosses currently used in the on the survival of domestic sheep in the presence of competing risks.
United States may not be well-suited to dealing with wolves, brown Results will help managers and ranchers make informed decisions
bears, and cougars (Coppinger et al., 1988; Urbigkit and Urbigkit, about which breeds of LGD to use in areas with different assortments
2010). Meanwhile, some LGD breeds in Europe and Asia are currently of carnivore species.
underused in the United States, and many of them have long histories
of deterring large carnivores in their native countries (Rigg, 2001; Methods
Urbigkit and Urbigkit, 2010).
Despite this paucity of research regarding efficacy against large car- Livestock Guardian Dogs
nivores, LGDs continue to be accepted as a useful nonlethal manage-
ment technique for bridging the gap between carnivore conservation Starting in 2012, we imported three breeds of LGDs to the United
and livestock damage control (Shivik, 2006; Gehring et al., 2010a, States and placed them on working ranches. These novel, imported
2010b). In fact, they may have a mediating effect on tolerance for pred- breeds included the Turkish kangal (n = 20), Bulgarian karakachan (n
ators (Rust et al., 2013) and reduce the retaliatory killing of certain en- = 6), and Portuguese cão de gado transmontano (henceforth
dangered carnivores (Marker et al., 2005; González et al., 2012). To the “transmontano,” n = 6), which were selected for their boldness toward
extent that LGDs deter depredation of livestock and potentially reduce large carnivores, history of use in areas with wolves or brown bears, lack
the need for lethal removal of carnivores, they are an asset to conserva- of aggression towards humans, and reported larger average size (Rigg,
tion efforts, increasing the sustainability of ranching and promoting 2001; Urbigkit and Urbigkit, 2010). We imported most novel-breed
good stewardship of natural resources. However, if LGDs currently LGDs from their countries of origin, but some kangals were sourced in
used in the United States are ineffective at deterring depredations the United States from reputable breeders who were able to trace
from large carnivores like wolves, brown bears, and cougars, then they their kangals’ purebred status to their Turkish origins.
are of limited use to ranchers and conservationists. The long tradition Once we placed LGDs with collaborating domestic sheep producers,
of LGD use in European countries with wolves, brown bears, and large they were cared for by the producers and their staff and bonded to their
felids suggests that LGDs have the potential to be an effective deterrent sheep using traditional practices (cf., Sims and Dawydiak, 2004). Collab-
to larger carnivores, but the supposition has gone largely untested. orating sheep producers were selected on the basis of their willingness
To date, research suggesting LGDs reduce sheep depredations from a to participate in a study of novel LGDs and a history or potential for con-
host of carnivores are almost exclusively based on the results of survey flict with wolves, brown bears, or cougars. Conflict with coyotes was
and self-reported data (Black and Green, 1984; Green et al., 1984; ubiquitous across the study area. We randomly distributed kangals,
Andelt, 1992; Andelt and Hopper, 2000; Hansen et al., 2002; Rigg, karakachans, or transmontanos among available collaborators at their
2002; van Bommel and Johnson, 2012; Scasta et al., 2017). Both tech- time of arrival in the United States. Age of individual LGDs at the time
niques suffer from recall bias and false reporting (Bradburn et al., of delivery varied but was usually younger than 12 months. Although
1987), as the discerning cause of death from livestock carcasses can be most US sheep producers are familiar with LGD use, project staff pro-
difficult and subject to prejudices related to tolerance for large vided continuous support by offering information concerning the

Please cite this article as: D. Kinka and J.K. Young, Evaluating Domestic Sheep Survival with Different Breeds of Livestock Guardian Dogs, Range-
land Ecology & Management, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2019.07.002
D. Kinka, J.K. Young / Rangeland Ecology & Management xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

proper handling and implementation of LGDs so as to maximize their ef- from this study design at the time of analysis by including the specific
fectiveness. All novel-breed LGDs were spayed or neutered at about 1 yr combination of LGDs in our models.
of age to minimize problems of unintentional breeding and wandering.
In addition to the kangals, karakachans, and transmontanos, we also Study Area
monitored extant mixed-breed LGDs (hereafter “whitedogs”) belonging
to collaborating sheep producers. After discussions with collaborating Study sites included parts of the Blue Mountains in Oregon; the
producers we are confident that, at most, 1−2 whitedogs were pure- western edge of Payette National Forest and the southern edge of Saw-
bred LGDs. For the purpose of comparison, we treated all whitedogs al- tooth National Forest in Idaho, from McCall to Ketchum; the Front Range
ready in use in the United States as a single control breed. On the basis of in Montana, from Helena to Dillon; and parts of Bighorn National Forest
our collaboration and conversations with many ranchers and wildlife in Wyoming (see Fig. 1). Because of the large geographic distribution of
managers, we believe this generic whitedog, of multiple genetic origins, study sites, habitat characteristics varied. Sites included remote areas of
is indicative of the average LGD in use throughout the northwestern public lands where livestock are grazed by permit through the Forest
United States. As whitedogs and imported LGDs were primarily cared Service or Bureau of Land Management, as well as fenced and unfenced
for and used by a number of different livestock producers, LGD hus- private lands. In many of these locations there is a history of conflict be-
bandry practices varied between ranches. However, study staff regu- tween sheep producers and large carnivores, while others were deemed
larly checked in on all LGDs in the study, both in the field and in to have the potential for conflict due to proximity to extant populations
winter pastures and ranches, to ensure that they were well cared for, of wolves, brown bears, or cougars. We based such designations on
provided enough food, received appropriate veterinary care when nec- input from state and federal wildlife officials and area livestock pro-
essary, and were managed in accordance with standard best manage- ducers. Relative abundances of each carnivore in each specific study
ment practices regarding LGDs (cf., Sims and Dawydiak, 2004). Most area are not known, but a large geographic distribution of study areas
whitedogs were spayed or neutered, but this was at the discretion of was necessary to include enough sheep bands to support a complex sta-
the livestock producer and owner. tistical design. Instead, we controlled for this through the use of nested
LGDs worked in teams of 2 − 8 dogs, mostly in teams of 3 (39% of random effects in our statistical models.
sheep guarded) or 4 (36% of sheep guarded). We evaluated different
combinations of novel-breed LGDs with existing whitedogs to assess Data Collection
whether the substitution of kangals, karakachans, or transmontanos
for whitedogs is associated with loss prevention. On 19 occasions an We collected cause-specific sheep mortality data from domestic
LGD needed to be relocated or removed from the study at the request sheep that died during the summer grazing season (May–October,
of a producer if they were unsatisfied with the dog. Although our inten- 2013–2016), usually b48 hr after the animal died. We determined
tion was to test only one LGD breed per sheep band, the requirements of cause of death by investigating carcasses for a kill pattern that matched
our collaborating producers necessitated that we combine LGDs of mul- a known carnivore (generally from carcass location, amount of
tiple breeds with some sheep bands. Due to the constraints of collabo- hemorrhaging, and teeth spacing), as well as investigating the area for
rating with working livestock ranches, we accounted for deviations tracks, scat, and evidence of scavenging, whenever possible. However,

Figure 1. Extent of study site, with each symbol indicating the location of a monitored sheep band (N = 35 total sheep bands) in a single yr of the study (2013–2016). Circles, squares, and
triangles indicate the location of a monitored sheep band grazed with whitedogs and at least one kangal, karakachan, or transmontano, respectively. The two triangles inscribed inside
circles indicate bands grazed with at least 1 kangal and 1 transmontano, in addition to whitedogs. Crosses indicate sheep bands with only whitedogs.

Please cite this article as: D. Kinka and J.K. Young, Evaluating Domestic Sheep Survival with Different Breeds of Livestock Guardian Dogs, Range-
land Ecology & Management, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2019.07.002
4 D. Kinka, J.K. Young / Rangeland Ecology & Management xxx (xxxx) xxx

we also relied on evaluations conducted by USDA–Wildlife Services from bands where the total number of sheep were unknown were re-
Specialists and would defer to their expertise in determining thecause moved. Further, mortality records from sheep bands where only the
of predation. For each sheep mortality discovered, we also received de- end-of-season headcount for sheep was known (i.e., the starting
tailed oral and written reports from the shepherds who attended the headcount of sheep was missing or unknown) were removed from
sheep band. The shepherds were usually the first, and sometimes the the dataset before analysis unless their covariate structure matched an-
only, individuals to see a carcass. Shepherds were also our primary other sheep band with complete records. For instance, documented
source for identifying nonpredator mortality (e.g., sickness, drowning). depredations from a sheep band with 2 whitedogs and 1 kangal but
Due to the inherent subjectivity of field necropsy techniques to deter- an unknown total number of sheep would still be retained for analysis
mine cause of death, we were conservative about ascribing cause of so long as there was another sheep band already present in the data
death and recorded some mortalities as “unknown predator” or “un- with 2 whitedogs, 1 kangal, and a known total number of sheep. In
known” if nonpredator mortality could not be ruled out. Specific preda- this way, neither mortality nor survival was overrepresented for sheep
tors were not ascribed as the cause of death unless it could be verified by with a unique covariate structures. We removed records of sheep
project staff or a Wildlife Services Specialist, or the shepherd could pro- grazed with rare LGD breed combinations (i.e., fewer than 10 records)
vide specific evidence to suggest the predator (e.g., pictures or descrip- as well so as not to bias survival estimates for underrepresented LGD
tions of wound characteristics and/or kill pattern). pack structures.
To develop a survival database for sheep, we created a spreadsheet
with an entry for every sheep from every sheep band monitored from Statistical Analyses
2013 to 2016. Because the exact number of sheep in a commercial
sheep band is usually counted at the beginning and end of each grazing We first tested the effect of LGD breed against any type of predation.
season, we were able to create a complete dataset for each band in most As the fate of any individual sheep in a monitored band was known to a
cases (rather than having to monitor a sample of the population). The high degree of certainty, we chose to analyze data within the context of
total number of sheep counted at the end of the season was known to time-to-event survival models (cf., Kleinbaum and Klein, 2005). Specif-
have survived and marked as censored on the last day of the grazing ically, we used semiparametric Cox Proportional Hazard (CPH; Cox,
season. Known mortalities were marked as dead on the date that 1972) models because they allow for the inclusion of covariates and
corresponded to the day the carcass was found minus the approximate do not require assumptions about the shape of the underlying mortality
age of the carcass in days. Unaccounted-for sheep were assumed to have hazard (Wolfe et al., 2015). Instead, CPH models allow mortality haz-
died from an unknown cause and treated as special cases. We calculated ards to vary by time, with covariates acting multiplicatively (i.e., propor-
time of death for unaccounted-for sheep as the midpoint between the tionally) on the hazard at any point in time (Bradburn et al., 2003). We
last day the sheep was counted as alive and the first day it was identified modeled the hazard of predation (all causes) as the outcome of interest,
as missing. As such, we censored many unaccounted-for sheep exactly collapsing all other sources of mortality into the censored category. The
halfway between the start and end of the ≈5-mo grazing season for a unit of interest was each individual sheep in a sheep band, as the hazard
particular band. of depredation acts more on the individual sheep than the sheep band.
Each sheep record in the survival dataset also included the total Primary covariates of interest were the number of kangals, karakachans,
number of LGDs (any breed) with the band, the number of sheep in and transmontanos with a band. We also included fixed effects for total
the band, estimated average age of all LGDs in the band, as well as the number of LGDs (any breed) with the band, number of sheep in the
number of kangals, karakachans, and transmontanos with the band. band, the interaction of number of sheep and number of LGDs in a
When, in some cases, LGDs were removed or added to a band, each band, estimated average age of all LGDs in a band, whether the band
sheep was censored at the time of the change and reentered in the was on open range or in a fenced pasture, and year (treated categori-
dataset with new covariate values corresponding to the number and cally). We included the number of whitedogs with a band in the total
breed of LGDs with the band. Ages for all kangals, karakachans, and number of LGDs term, but we did not assess whitedogs as a unique
transmontanos were known at the time of analysis; however, specific breed in our models. Including the number of whitedogs in the model
ages could not be determined for 22 of 53 whitedogs. Rather than re- would have resulted in the sum of the kangal, karakachan,
moving all records for sheep with a whitedog of unknown age, we set transmontano, and whitedog terms perfectly summing to the number
any unknown whitedog ages at the mean age for all whitedogs across of LGDs’ term. Instead, we treated whitedogs as a baseline or generic
the 4 yr of the study. Substituting average whitedog age in the case of breed in the models against which we tested the three other breeds.
unknown ages, we subsequently averaged the age of all LGDs in a For instance, examining the global CPH equation (Table 1), we see
sheep band together, such that every sheep survival record included that any examination of the “nLGD” term requires holding all other
an estimated average age for all LGDs in the band. Mortality records fixed effects constant at their mean values, such that any change in
“nLGD” must be specifically attributed to the addition or subtraction
of a whitedog from a hypothetical sheep band. We also employed a ran-
dom-effect structure of sheep band nested within producer nested
Table 1
Cox proportional hazard model selection based on delta Akaike's information criterion within state to account for unmeasured differences in husbandry prac-
(ΔAIC). Only the top three models are shown (cumulative AIC weight = 0.842). Note that tices and potential differences in predator densities between bands.
the third model is the global model. Number of parameters (np), AIC weights (wi), and cu- We consider all combinations of fixed effects to be biologically relevant
mulative AIC weights (Cum. wi) are also shown. In the model structure “LGD” is the num- and therefore include all combinations of main effects as candidate
ber of LGDs (of any breed) in a band, “Sp” is the number of sheep in a band, “LGD:Sp” is the
interaction term of number of LGDs and number of sheep in a band, “Kn” is the number of
models. Analysis was performed using the “coxme” function
kangals in a band, “Kr” is the number of karakachans in a band, “Tr” is the number of (Therneau, 2015) available in R version 3.3.2 (R Core Team, 2016).
transmontanos in a band, “eA” is the estimated average age of all LGDs in a band, “F” is Model selection for fixed effects was conducted using Akaike’s Informa-
whether or not the band was in a fenced pasture (1 = fenced, 0 = open range), and “Y” tion Criterion (AIC).
is the categorical effect of yr (2013−2016). The number of whitedogs (if any) with a band
To investigate potential differences in cause-specific hazard as a
were included in the “LGD” term but were not assessed as a unique breed. All models share
a common nested random error structure of sheep band within producer within state. function of LGD breed, we analyzed the data using a competing risk
(CR) framework, which allows for the consideration of multiple
Model np ΔAIC wi cum. wi
causes of death (Heisey and Patterson, 2006; Murray et al., 2010).
LGD + Sp + Kn + Kr + Tr + eA 6 0.00 0.449 0.449 In the CR framework each separate cause of death is mutually exclu-
LGD + Sp + LGD:Sp + Kn + Kr + Tr + eA + F 8 0.48 0.353 0.802 sive to the others, summing to the total probability of mortality. The
LGD + Sp + LGD:Sp + Kn + Kr + Tr + eA + F + Y 9 4.84 0.040 0.842
CR framework is also more robust to bias estimates of cause-specific

Please cite this article as: D. Kinka and J.K. Young, Evaluating Domestic Sheep Survival with Different Breeds of Livestock Guardian Dogs, Range-
land Ecology & Management, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2019.07.002
D. Kinka, J.K. Young / Rangeland Ecology & Management xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

risk resulting from individuals being censored from observation be- Table 3
fore having a chance to succumb to a particular hazard (Kleinbaum Model results for all mixed-effects Cox proportional hazards models with delta Akaike's
information criterion (ΔAIC) b 2.00. Results are shown as coefficient beta values for fixed
and Klein, 2005). To assess the breeds one at a time, we derived effects (log hazard ratios) with standard error shown in parentheses below. All models
three new datasets from the original survival data. We created the share a common nested random error structure of sheep band within producer within
kangal dataset by removing any data from bands with karakachans state.
or transmontanos, the karakachan dataset by removing any data
Top Cox proportional hazards
from bands with kangals or transmontanos, and the transmontano models
dataset by removing any data from bands with karakachans or
1 2
kangals. As such, each dataset contained data from whitedog-only
bands, as well as data from bands to which one or more of the exper- Number of livestock guardian dogs 1.4211 2.0141
(0.308) (0.744)
imental breed of interest was added. First, we modeled survival Number of sheep 0.0021 0.0042
using three types of risk—predation, sickness, and missing—but fo- (0.001) (0.001)
cused only on the probability of depredation. Next, we modeled sur- Interaction of −0.0003
vival for each potential cause of depredation, allowing for seven number of sheep & number of LGDs (0.0004)
Number of kangals −0.9312 −0.8772
different types of risk—nonpredation, wolf, brown bear, cougar,
(0.385) (0.430)
black bear, coyote, and unknown predator. As fixed effects in each Number of karakachans −1.5902 −1.4233
of the competing risk regression models, we included number of (0.731) (0.738)
LGDs, number of sheep, and number of novel-breed LGDs with the Number of transmontanos −2.8471 −2.9661
band (depending on which data set was being used). CR models do (0.730) (0.698)
Estimated average age −0.0583 -0.0553
not accommodate random effects, so we were unable to include a (0.033) (0.031)
nested random term to account for differences in predator abun- Fenced pasture vs. open range 4.2762
dance or husbandry practices in these models. We performed CR (1.867)
analyses using the “cmprsk” and “riskRegression” functions (Gray, Fitted log likelihood −1852.0 −1852.0
ΔAIC 0.00 0.48
2015; Gerds et al., 2017) available in R version 3.3.2 (R Core Team,
Model weight 0.449 0.353
P b 0.01.
P b 0.05.
Results P b 0.1.

In total, we worked with 12 producers and 35 sheep bands over the

4 yr of the study to monitor 20 individual kangals, six karakachans, six
2.00, reaching a cumulative model weight of 0.80. Between the two
transmontanos, 53 whitedogs (Fig. 1, Table 2), and N 88 000 sheep.
top models every candidate fixed effect is represented except year
After removing incomplete records from the dataset, we retained 88
(see Table 1). We tested the utility of including a nested random effect
073 records for analysis. Records show 181 sheep were depredated,
(i.e., band within producer within state; a post-hoc control of relative
114 died from sickness or drowning, 13 died from unknown causes, 8
predator abundance and varying husbandry methods) in our global
were killed by an LGD, and 252 were missing and assumed dead from
model against an identical CPH model without the random effect
unknown causes. All sheep identified as missing were grazed on open
using a likelihood ratio test and found the variance associated with
range. The sample size of sheep kept with karakachans and
the random effect was not likely to be due to chance (χ 2 = 218.71, P
transmontanos was smaller than for kangals and whitedogs (Table 3).
b 0.001). We also tested for a possible correlation between number of
Of the 31 documented wolf depredations, 19 occurred in a single band
LGDs and number of sheep and found them only weakly correlated
that included two kangals. We analyzed competing risk data for kangals
(0.13). Currently, there is no supported method for calculating residuals
with and without this outlier event.
from mixed-effect CPH models.
Examining only the top model, increasing the number of LGDs with a
Cox Proportional Hazards Models band increased the risk of predation for any given sheep in the band by
≈4× (eβ = 4.14, P b 0.001). However, the way the model is parameter-
The best CPH model for sheep survival (by AIC rank) retained the ized, this term represents increasing the total number of LGDs by adding
fixed effects of number of sheep, number of LGDs, estimated average a whitedog (and not any other breed) to the band. For each additional
age of LGDs, number of kangals, number of karakachans, and number sheep added to a band, the risk of depredation also increased marginally
of transmontanos. There were only two models with a delta AIC ≤ (eβ = 1.002, P b 0.001). Increasing the average age of LGDs in the band
by 1 mo also marginally reduced the risk of sheep depredation, although
the term is only weakly significant (e β = 0.94, P = 0.08). Holding all
other variables constant, the substitution of one kangal for one
Table 2 whitedog decreased the risk of sheep predation by nearly 60% (e β =
Number of individual livestock guardian dogs (LGDs) by breed retained in dataset for anal- 0.39, P = 0.02). Likewise, the substitution of one karakachan for one
ysis. Certain individuals were present in multiple years of the study, and the number of in- whitedog decreased the risk of sheep predation by ≈80% (e β = 0.20,
dividual LGDs by year is shown. “#” denotes “number of.” Mean age and standard
P = 0.03), and the substitution of one transmontano for one whitedog
deviation of age are shown as well. Note that ages were only known for 31 of the 53
whitedogs in the study, and mean age and standard deviation of age for whitedogs were decreased the risk of sheep predation by ≈95% (e β = 0.06, P b 0.01).
calculated using that sample of the total population of whitedogs. Both of the top models retained the number of LGDs, the number of
sheep, estimated average LGD age, and all three novel breeds as predic-
# # Individuals × Mean Standard deviation of
Individuals Yr age age tor variables at similar magnitudes (see Tables 1 & 3). The second most
(mo) (mo) likely model of sheep depredation (AIC weight = 0.35) also included
Kangal 20 37 22 16
the nonsignificant interaction term (P N 0.1) and the effect of fenced
Karakachan 6 8 14 9 pastures (n = 8 037) versus open range (n = 80 036; see Table 3).
Transmontano 6 7 11 4 This model predicts a nearly 720% increase in the risk of
Whitedogs 53 71 39 29 sheep predation on fenced pastures compared with sheep on open
All breeds 85 123 29 25
range (e β = 71.94, P = 0.02).

Please cite this article as: D. Kinka and J.K. Young, Evaluating Domestic Sheep Survival with Different Breeds of Livestock Guardian Dogs, Range-
land Ecology & Management, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2019.07.002
6 D. Kinka, J.K. Young / Rangeland Ecology & Management xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 4
Number of sheep depredations by predator in sheep bands including at least one of each of the novel-breed LGDs. “Mean Sheep” indicates the average flock size in each category. “All
Predation” includes depredated sheep where the predator could not be determined and therefore may be greater than the sum of depredations identified as wolf, brown bear, cougar,
black bear, and coyote. Note that some bands included LGDs from two of the novel breeds. Thus, rows 1–3 in the table are not mutually exclusive and the last row of the table does not
indicate totals from the first four rows. A single sheep band with two kangals experienced unusually high wolf depredation in 2014, accounting for 19 of the 28 total wolf depredations
in that category.

Mean sheep n All predation Wolf Brown bear Cougar Black bear Coyote

At least 1 kangal 2 310 45 581 90 28 14 4 13 12

At least 1 karakachan 1 672 9 848 11 1 0 5 1 1
At least 1 transmontano 1 879 6 924 15 4 1 0 3 6
Only whitedogs 2 157 30 304 76 7 1 6 3 51
All combinations 88 073 181 36 15 15 17 68

Table 5
Model results for competing risk regression models for kangals. Includes data from whitedog-only bands and bands with at least one kangal dog present. Results are shown as coefficient
beta values for fixed effects (log hazard ratios) with standard error shown in parentheses below. “#” denotes “number of.”

All predation Competing risk regression models for kangals

(n = 155)
Wolf Brown Cougar Black Coyote
(n = 31) bear (n = 10) bear (n = 61)
(n = 14) (n = 13)

# Livestock guardian dogs 0.1201 −0.023 3.8002 0.9932 1.0302 0.231

(0.069) (0.101) (1.260) (0.377) (0.121) (0.160)
# Sheep −0.0001 0.00102 −0.01822 −0.0001 0.00172 0.0003
(0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0060) (0.0005) (0.0002) (0.0002)
# Kangals −0.091 0.2692 0.220 −1.1693 −1.1212 −0.5773
(0.091) (0.058) (0.234) (0.564) (0.070) (0.239)
P b 0.10
P b 0.05.
P b 0.01.

Competing Risk Models Collapsing across all causes of depredation, CR models for
karakachans indicate that substituting a karakachan for a whitedog de-
Kangals creased the risk of predation by 49% (e β = 0.51, P = 0.02). Increasing
Collapsing across all causes of predation, CR models for kangals indi- the total number of LGDs (i.e., adding whitedogs) within a band in-
cate that each kangal substituted for a whitedog in a band does not sig- creased the risk of predation (e β = 1.69, P b 0.001), as did increasing
nificantly decrease the risk of sheep predation (P N 0.1). Holding the the number of sheep in a band (e β = 1.001, P b 0.01). All three trends
number of kangals constant while increasing the total number of LGDs corroborate those found in the top mixed-effects CPH models. Regard-
(i.e., adding whitedogs) with a band may increase the risk of sheep pre- ing specific predators, increasing the number of karakachans in a band
dation, but the effect is only marginally significant (eβ = 1.13, P = 0.08). was associated with a 93% decrease in risk of coyote depredation (e β
Increasing the number of sheep in a band also had a nonsignificant ef- = 0.07, P b 0.01). Karakachans did not significantly affect the risk of
fect in the CR model (P N 0.1; Table 4). All three trends obfuscate wolf or cougar predation (P N 0.1; Table 6). The brown bear and black
those found in the top mixed effects CPH models. Regarding specific bear models failed to converge, as no brown bear killed a sheep in a
predators, increasing the number of kangals in a band is associated band with at least one karakachan and only one sheep was killed by a
with a 69% decrease in sheep predation risk from cougars (e β = 0.31, black bear in a band with at least one karakachan (see Table 3).
P = 0.04), a 67% decrease in risk from black bears (e β = 0.33, P b
0.001), and a 44% decrease in risk from coyotes (e β = 0.56, P = 0.02).
However, replacing a whitedog with a kangal is associated with a 31% Table 6
increase in risk of wolf depredation (eβ = 1.31, P b 0.01). The effect of Model results for competing risk regression models for kangals with outlier data removed.
kangals on brown bears was nonsignificant (P N 0.1). Includes data from whitedog-only bands and bands with at least one kangal dog present
except for a single band of sheep that experienced unusually high wolf depredation in
Because 19 of the 31 documented wolf depredations of domestic 2014. Results are shown as coefficient beta values for fixed effects (log hazard ratios) with
sheep occurred in a single sheep band with two kangals present, we standard error shown in parentheses below. “#” denotes “number of.”
also ran our kangal CR models without this data as it may represent
All Competing risk regression models for
an outlier. Using this abridged dataset and collapsing across all causes predation kangals
of predation, CR models for kangals indicate that each kangal (n = 130)
(outlier band removed)
substituted for a whitedog in a band does slightly decrease the risk of
sheep predation, albeit only marginally significantly (e β = 0.84, P = Wolf
(n = 12)
0.1). Holding the number of kangals constant while increasing the
total number of LGDs (i.e., adding whitedogs) with a band may still in- # Livestock guardian 0.1461 −0.109
crease the risk of sheep predation, but the effect is still weakly signifi- dogs (0.081) (0.420)
# Sheep −0.0001 0.00112
cant (e β = 1.16, P = 0.07). Increasing the number of sheep in a band (0.0001) (0.0002)
still had a nonsignificant effect in the CR model (P N 0.1; Table 5). # Kangals −0.1791 −0.103
These findings are more in line with the results from the CPH models. (0.107) (0.124)
Regarding wolves, the abridged dataset for kangals shows a nonsignifi- 1
P b 0.05.
cant effect of kangals on wolf predation of sheep (P N 0.1; see Table 5). 2
P b 0.01.

Please cite this article as: D. Kinka and J.K. Young, Evaluating Domestic Sheep Survival with Different Breeds of Livestock Guardian Dogs, Range-
land Ecology & Management, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2019.07.002
D. Kinka, J.K. Young / Rangeland Ecology & Management xxx (xxxx) xxx 7

Table 7 It is likely that the increased hazard of wolf depredation associated

Model results for competing risk regression models for karakachans. Includes data from with kangals in the full dataset was driven by a single sheep band grazed
whitedog-only bands and bands with at least one karakachan dog present. Results are
shown as coefficient beta values for fixed effects (log hazard ratios) with standard error
in central Idaho in 2014, which happened to be guarded by two kangals
shown in parentheses below. “#” denotes “number of.” The brown bear and black bear and one whitedog. The band incurred at least 19 wolf depredations
models failed to converge, as no sheep was killed by a brown bear in a band with at least throughout the season, nearly two thirds of all the wolf depredations
one karakachan and only one sheep was killed by a black bear in a band with at least one detected throughout the study and included in our analyses. Clearly,
this incidence represents a statistical outlier that can greatly skew the
All predation Competing risk regression models results of any survival model, thereby warranting its exclusion from
(n = 87) for karakachans the data. However, while wolf depredations of domestic sheep are infre-
Wolf Cougar Coyote quent, when they do occur, wolves tend to kill many sheep at a time
(n = 8) (n = 11) (n = 52) (Muhly and Musiani, 2009). In this way, the incident may be simulta-
# Livestock guardian dogs 0.5241 −0.312 1.03672 0.3421 neously biologically relevant and statistically irrelevant. Thus, we
(0.114) (0.838) (0.527) (0.051) chose to model the data both with and without this incident in CR
# Sheep 0.00071 0.00113 0.0001 0.00091 models. Excluding the outlier from the dataset caused the effect of
(0.0001) (0.0006) (0.0003) (0.0001)
kangals on wolves to become nonsignificant, but rather than clarifying
# Karakachans −0.6732 0.066 0.384 −2.6591
(0.294) (0.845) (0.481) (0.990) the role of kangals in defending domestic sheep from wolf depredation,
this example probably indicates that far more data would be necessary
P b 0.01.
P b 0.05.
to properly model the effect of any LGD breed on the lethality of rare but
P b 0.01. costly wolf attacks. Interestingly, both shepherds in charge of this out-
lier band believed one of the kangals to be exceptionally good at deter-
ring wolves, despite the unusually high numbers of wolf depredations
Transmontanos that year. Both believed that more sheep would have been killed by
Collapsing across all causes of depredation, CR models for wolves without this female kangal dog.
transmontanos indicate that substituting a transmontano for a In addition to breed-specific effects, most of our CPH and CR models
whitedog decreased the risk of predation by 66% (e β = 0.34, P = of sheep survival indicate that increasing the number of sheep in a band
0.04). Increasing the total number of LGDs (i.e., whitedogs) within a increased the risk of predation. That each additional sheep added to a
band increased the risk of predation (eβ = 1.46, P b 0.01), as did increas- band would increase the risk of depredation for any sheep in that
ing the number of sheep in a band (e β = 1.001, P b 0.01). All three band (albeit by a small amount) is somewhat intuitive: a bigger band
trends corroborate those found in the top mixed-effects CPH models. may simply be a bigger target. Indeed, wolves that fed exclusively on
Regarding specific predators, substituting a transmontano for a livestock were shown to target larger flocks (Vos, 2000). In our system,
whitedog was associated with a nonsignificant decrease in risk from large sheep bands were probably easier for a predator to track and more
coyotes (P N 0.1; Table 7). The wolf, brown bear, cougar, and black detectable from a distance. Although grouping behavior by wild ungu-
bear models failed to converge as no sheep was verified as killed by lates has long been considered an antipredator strategy (e.g., Lazarus,
any of those predators in a band including at least one transmontano 1979), prey also decrease group size to avoid detection by predators.
(see Table 3). For example, elk (Cervus elaphus), a primary prey item of wolves, have
been shown to keep group size low in high-risk habitat when wolves
Discussion are present (Creel and Winnie, 2005). In addition, LGDs may become
less effective as more and more sheep are added to a band, increasing
To better understand the contribution of different LGD breeds to the ratio of LGDs to sheep and, presumably, increasing the burden of
sheep-loss prevention in the northwestern United States, we assessed guarding for each LGD. The magnitude of this effect is small but also sig-
overall and cause-specific predation in sheep as a function of the nificant, which is not surprising considering that the addition of a single
breed composition of LGDs used to guard domestic sheep. Ranked sheep to a band of 1 000 is unlikely to significantly impact the depreda-
mixed-effects CPH models indicate that all three novel-breed LGDs tion hazard across the entire band. However, adding 500 sheep to the
tested here—kangals, karakachans, and transmontanos—are associated same band would multiply the effect magnitude to a level of practical
with decreases in overall depredation hazard relative to the whitedogs significance. The sole exception to this effect for band size is the CR
traditionally used in the United States. Because our CPH models in- model for kangals and brown bears (see Table 4), which indicates that
cluded a term for total number of LGDs with a band, these results can each additional sheep added to a band with kangals reduced the risk
be best understood as the effect of swapping one of these novel-breed of brown bear depredation by about 2%. It may be that a larger sheep
LGDs for a whitedog, all other fixed effects being held constant. CR band creates a larger disturbance as it moves through the landscape,
models of overall depredation risk show similar decreases in depreda- which brown bears avoid the same way they seasonally avoid human
tion risk associated with each of the novel breeds, although the effect disturbance (Ordiz et al., 2017). It may also have been an artefact of
of kangals only becomes significant after an outlier incident is removed. our study design, as we documented fewer brown bear encounters
Regarding predator-specific effectiveness of the novel breeds, replacing than we predicted when designing the study. A lack of brown bear dep-
a whitedog with a kangal (i.e., increasing the number of kangals with a redations in sheep bands with karakachans or transmontanos meant
band while holding total number of LGDs constant) significantly re- that we were unable to replicate this finding in other CR models.
duced the risk of cougar, black bear, and coyote depredation. Similarly, Perhaps less intuitive are our results showing that increasing the
replacing a whitedog with a karakachan significantly reduced the risk number of LGDs with a band could increase the risk of depredation. As
of coyote depredation. Interestingly, replacing a whitedog with a kangal described earlier, this term also serves as a proxy for a number of
is associated with a significantly elevated risk of wolf depredation, but whitedogs. That is, holding all else constant in the model, increasing
only using the full dataset. When the outlier event for kangals is re- the number of LGDs in a band equates to adding a whitedog to the
moved, their effect on wolf depredation becomes nonsignificant. For band. The effect of adding any other breed to the band while also in-
all other predator-breed combinations, there is no significant effect or creasing the total number of LGDs was not explicitly tested, in that it re-
too little data available to effectively model an effect on depredation quires the simultaneous manipulation of two model terms. Still, it is
hazard. Disregarding an outlier in the data for kangals, none of the unclear why adding an LGD of any breed would increase the risk of dep-
novel breeds were significantly better or worse at preventing depreda- redation for a sheep in that band. LGDs did occasionally kill sheep when
tions by wolves or brown bears relative to whitedogs. they were young or not properly bonded, but we relegated the eight

Please cite this article as: D. Kinka and J.K. Young, Evaluating Domestic Sheep Survival with Different Breeds of Livestock Guardian Dogs, Range-
land Ecology & Management, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2019.07.002
8 D. Kinka, J.K. Young / Rangeland Ecology & Management xxx (xxxx) xxx

LGD depredations in our final dataset to the “sick or other” category of how the results would be interpreted, since multiple LGDs were present
mortality or as a special case in our analyses, so it did not drive any pat- with each band. Further, the exact age of 25% of the whitedogs was un-
tern of increased risk corresponding to number of LGDs. It is also possi- known by their owners. Instead, we included a fixed effect of estimated
ble that having too many LGDs with a sheep band leads to “boredom” average age of all LGDs with a band in our CPH modeling exercise. Re-
and wandering behavior among LGDs, which would reduce guarding ef- sults indicate that each additional month of average LGD age is associ-
fectiveness (Zingaro et al., 2018). However, the average ratio of sheep to ated with a statistically significant 5 − 6% reduction in depredation
LGDs in our study was N 679:1, and wandering behavior was seldom re- hazard. This corroborates findings that older LGDs are more effective
ported. This ratio of sheep to LGDs is relatively high compared with guardians than very young LGDs and may continue to improve over
some studies (Espuno et al., 2004), so it is unlikely that this is the time. Nevertheless, the fact that, despite their generally younger age,
cause of our finding. What is more likely is that by not explicitly model- kangals, karakachans, and transmontanos were associated with de-
ing carnivore density associated with each sheep band (although we creased overall depredation risk as well as decreased risk in depredation
attempted to with nested random effects), the number of LGDs in a from a number of specific predators compared with the generally older
band was somewhat collinear with the unmodeled risk of predation whitedogs only adds strength to our findings of their greater effective-
risk. Predation risk is impacted by large carnivore presence and spatial ness. In other words, the relatively inexperienced novel-breed LGDs
density (Hebblewhite and Merrill, 2007). In our study system, pro- seem to have outperformed an average whitedog.
ducers often responded to elevated risk that they perceive on the land- Although only included in one of the top CPH models, fenced pas-
scape by adding additional LGDs to a band. If producers are accurately tures are associated with a nearly 720% higher risk of depredation for
gauging such risk, then increasing the number of LGDs in a band domestic sheep. Similar to the way adding sheep to a band was gener-
would be largely collinear with increasing depredation risk, albeit an ally associated with an increase in risk of depredation, sheep behind
imperfect proxy. That we were unable to control for this potential col- fenced pastures may simply be easier for predators to find because
linearity during data collection is an example of the constraints imposed they do not move across the landscape but are generally located in
on this study by collaborating with working sheep producers. Instead, close proximity to a single ranch all year long. As pastures are typically
we attempted to correct for this through the use of nested random effect more open and less topographically diverse than forested grazing allot-
in our modeling exercise. Nevertheless, our nested random effect struc- ments, sheep in these fenced pastures may also lack escape paths and
ture in the CPH models may have failed to capture all of this variance, escape terrain (cf., landscape of fear, Laundré et al., 2010). Alternatively,
and the number of LGDs may have served as a partial proxy for preda- this higher risk could be an artefact of carcass detectability. Over the
tion risk. We were unable to manipulate the number of sheep or the course of the study, more sheep went missing than were found and
number of LGDs with a band for the sake of this research and only in- could be ascribed a cause of death. Although some proportion of missing
cluded the term in our models as a control. As such, results for number sheep are likely to have been depredated, to be conservative, they were
of sheep and number of LGDs presented here, as well as their respective censored from our analyses halfway between the end of the season and
effects on sheep survival, should not be considered prescriptive of ideal the time at which they were last counted. However, all 252 sheep iden-
band size or ideal ratio of LGDs to sheep. Future studies should investi- tified as missing were on open range. No sheep was ever classified as
gate the optimal ratio of LGDs to sheep, as it is a salient question for pro- missing from a fenced pasture, which is to say every sheep in a fenced
ducers and one that has not been adequately studied. pasture could be accounted for. Thus, the effect of fenced versus un-
Because we mostly imported novel breeds from their countries of or- fenced pastures shown here likely indicates that carcasses were more
igin as puppies, the novel-breed LGDs tested here tended to be younger, reliably located and necropsied on fenced pastures, not that risk of dep-
on average, than their whitedog counterparts. Whitedogs included in redation was higher there.
the study ranged from very young to very old depending on which The sheep that went missing on open range—nearly twice as many
whitedogs producers were already using to guard their sheep (Table as we could confirm having been depredated—are perhaps a limiting
8). LGDs younger than 2 yr of age may not be as effective as their factor for our study. On the basis of our known ratio of depredated
adult counterparts (Sims and Dawydiak, 2004). Recent research also sheep versus those that die from other causes (≈1.25:1), the majority
shows differences in LGD behavior before and after 2 yr (van Bommel of the missing sheep are likely to have been depredated, but it is impos-
and Johnson, 2012). It is unclear at what age LGDs tend to senesce, but sible to know the exact proportion or how those depredations would be
conventional wisdom among sheep producers suggests that LGDs be- distributed among covariate values (other than all missing sheep having
come less effective starting at around 8 yr old. We did not include indi- been grazed on open range). Knowing the cause of death for these unac-
vidual-level covariates for LGDs, such as age, in CPH and CR models as it counted-for sheep would have lent us far more statistical power, and fu-
is unclear how they could be integrated into our model structure and ture studies should consider methods to ensure that fewer mortalities
go unaccounted.
Another limitation of our study was our inability to explicitly model
Table 8
Model results for competing risk regression models for transmontanos. Includes data from variations in predation pressure between sheep bands. Keeping preda-
whitedog-only bands and bands with at least one transmontano dog present. Results are tion pressure constant across all carnivores and sheep bands (which is
shown as coefficient beta values for fixed effects (log hazard ratios) with standard error impossible) or somehow modeling predation pressure would more
shown in parentheses below. “#” denotes “number of.” The wolf, brown bear, black bear,
properly gauge the effectiveness of an LGD at reducing depredations.
and cougar models failed to converge, as no sheep was killed by one of these predators in a
band with at least one transmontano.
We attempted to model this latent variable through the inclusion of
our nested random effect (band within producer within state) and a
All Competing risk regression models for model term for study year. In this way, we hoped to capture most of
predation transmontanos
(n = 80)
the variance in predation pressure across the carnivore guild by focus-
Coyote ing only on certain grazing pastures or allotments within a single graz-
(n = 55)
ing season. However, considering the surprising effect of more LGDs
# Livestock guardian 0.3791 0.3371 increasing depredation hazard (discussed earlier), it may be that the in-
dogs (0.080) (0.047)
clusion of the nested random effect of band and the fixed effect of year
# Sheep 0.00071 0.00081
(0.0001) (0.00005) was insufficient to capture all of the variance in predation pressure, both
# Transmontanos −1.0862 −0.620 within and between sheep bands. A preferred alternative would have
(0.534) (0.543) been to try and calculate relative carnivore densities between study
P b 0.10. sites as a proxy for predation pressure, but such data were not available
P b 0.05. and it was beyond the means of our research project to collect it.

Please cite this article as: D. Kinka and J.K. Young, Evaluating Domestic Sheep Survival with Different Breeds of Livestock Guardian Dogs, Range-
land Ecology & Management, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2019.07.002
D. Kinka, J.K. Young / Rangeland Ecology & Management xxx (xxxx) xxx 9

Lastly, a small sample of sheep bands with karakachans or Tepeli and T. Taylor for their helpful guidance. L. Aubry, Z. Ma, D.
transmontanos resulted in a small sample of depredations on which to MacNulty, D. Jackson-Smith, and anonymous reviewers who provided
draw inference on predator-specific effectiveness of those breeds. As helpful edits. Lastly, we thank state and federal wildlife biologists, land
such, determining predator-specific effectiveness for those breeds was managers, NWRC staff, and WS operations. Any use of trade, firm, or
not possible for many carnivore species, but differences in overall risk product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply en-
of depredation were still identified. This suggests livestock producers dorsement by the US government.
should consider using these breeds but also sheds some light on the ef-
fort required to investigate differences in effectiveness between LGD
breeds and may suggest why it has not been well studied to date. References
Despite possible limitations, our findings are some of the first to Andelt, W.F., 1992. Effectiveness of livestock guarding dogs for reducing predation on do-
show breed-specific differences in LGD effectiveness by direct compar- mestic sheep. Wildlife Society Bulletin 20, 55–62.
ison (but see Green and Woodruff, 1983, 1988). With N 30 unique Andelt, W.F., Hopper, S.N., 2000. Livestock guard dogs reduce predation on domestic
sheep in Colorado. Journal of Range Management 53, 259–267.
breeds of LGDs to choose from (Rigg, 2001), sheep producers generally
Bangs, E., Jimenez, M., Niemeyer, C., Meier, T., Asher, V., Fontaine, J., Collinge, M.,
rely on anecdotes and shared experience when choosing a LGD breed to Handegard, L., Krischke, R., Smith, D., Mack, C., 2005. Livestock guarding dogs and
integrate into their operation. Here, we provide empirical evidence for wolves in the northern Rocky Mountains of the United States. Carnivore Damage Pre-
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Black, H.L., Green, J.S., 1984. Navajo use of mixed-breed dogs for management of preda-
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outperformed whitedogs at preventing depredations from cougars, van Bommel, L., Johnson, C.N., 2012. Good dog! Using livestock guardian dogs to protect
black bears, and coyotes, while karakachans outperformed whitedogs livestock from predators in Australia's extensive grazing systems. Wildlife Research
39, 220.
at preventing depredations from coyotes. In addition, we suggest that Bradburn, N., Rips, L., Shevell, S., 1987. Answering autobiographical questions: the impact
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Please cite this article as: D. Kinka and J.K. Young, Evaluating Domestic Sheep Survival with Different Breeds of Livestock Guardian Dogs, Range-
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Please cite this article as: D. Kinka and J.K. Young, Evaluating Domestic Sheep Survival with Different Breeds of Livestock Guardian Dogs, Range-
land Ecology & Management, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2019.07.002

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