Hortatory Exposition Text
Hortatory Exposition Text
Hortatory Exposition Text
- Revina Diasti
-Dea Ananda Halid
-Muhammad Muharram bin Achir Johan
Text 1
In this era, there are still some parents who reluctant about sending their daughter to
college. The narrow attitude shown to women’s education is largely due to the
traditional role of women in society. A woman is expected to be a wife and a mother.
Most parents believe that if their daughter gets married and chooses to be a
housewife, then the higher education will be a waste. However, an educated woman
is not only a better wife but also contributes something to the society.
Nowadays, more and more women are successfully combining their career and
marriage. Educated women are richer both emotionally and financially. They are able
to find and outlet for their monotonous drudgery of their housekeeping. They bring
more satisfaction and contentment to their lives.
Women should be given the freedom to be educated whether or not they get married
or to work after finishing their education, because it is only through education that a
woman will find herself useful and discover that she wants in life . A woman who
works not an insult to her husband. Conversely, her husband should feel proud of her
achievements since . marriage is actually an equal partnership
Therefore. parents should not think that girls should receive less education just
because they will get married one day .
Answer : A
Berdasarkan bacaan di atas , orang tua enggan mengirim putrinya ke
perguruan tinggi karena tradisi peran wanita di masyarakat . Jawaban bisa
ditemukan dalam paragraph pertama kalimat
kedua .
3. “ In fact, in the last few decades women have made outstanding contributions to
A. stupid
B. remarkable
C. lazy
D. easy going
E. good looking
Answer : B
Kata Outstanding mempunyai arti luar biasa . Persamaan kata yang tepat ialah
Remarkable. Pilihan jawaban lain salah karena stupid = bodoh , lazy =
malas , good looking = tampan , easy going = ramah .
Text 2
Being on time is a beautiful social ethic and one of great importance, as it creates
efficiency in systems and implies respect for one another. However, it is one the
many values that is not easy for our students to learn.
Inner discipline, one that comes from an understanding of the set rules and
regulations, is the highest from of the behaviour. Most exellent schools try to instill
this with a loving environment. Why, even adults arrive late to meetings, work, etc.
Here, we do not agree that late comers should be shut out. They can be given
warnings, most of which are enough to make them try their best to reach the school
on time later. If this fails, invite their parents to school.
By closing the gates, the school is behaving cruelly, to which we prefer not to expose
our children. Every school has a responsibility to implant good educational principle,
but it should be in appropriate ways. Good schools create competitive students who
can organize themselves effectively in society, so that everyone gets a quality life as a
result of ethics and values learned for as long as 12 years.
children are precious and dependent on the adults for guidance. Understanding them
is the key, and to this end, both parents and schools must work hand in hand without
playing the blame game.
1. What should the school do if a student can't stop his/her habit to come late to
A. Punish him/her
C. Fail him/her
Answer : D
Pertanyaan “What should the School do if a student can 't stop his/her habit to
came late to school?" menanyakan (Apa yang seharusnya sekolah Iakukan
jika murid tidak dapat menghentikan kebiasaannya datang telat ke sekolah?)
Perhatikan kalimat berikut "They can be given warnings, most of which are
enough to make them try their best to reach the school on time later
(Muridmurid dapat diberikan peringatan, yang cukup untuk membuat murid
mencoba untuk tiba ke sekolah tepat waktu di kemudian hari). "If this fails,
invite their parents to school" (Jika peningatan itu gagal, mengundang
orangtua mereka ke sekolah). Maka, pilihan yang tepat adalah Talk to his her
2. What does the writer think to be "the highest from of behavior" (in the second
E. Inner discipline
Answer : E
Pertanyaan “What does the writer think to be the highest form of behaviour?"
menanyakan (Apa yang penulis pikirkan untuk menjadi bentuk tingkah laku
yang tertinggi?) Pada kalimat “Inner discipline, one that comes from an
understanding of the set rules and regulations, is the highest form of
behaviouR?" Menjelaskan disiplin dari dalam diri, satu bentuk disiplin dapat
datang dan pemahaman aturan dan regulasi. Jadi, penulis berpikir bahwa the
highest form of behaviour adalah Inner discipline .
3. "Children are precioug and dependent on the adults for guidance" The underlined
A. Valuable
B. Excellent
C. Clever
D. Innocent
E. Naive
Answer : A
Kata "precious" memiliki arti yang sama dengan "valuable" yaitu (berharga).
Sedangkan arti dari pilihan yang lain adalah:) excellent (baik sekali), clever
(pandai) , innocent (tidak bersalah) , naive (naif) Jadi, kata yang mendekati
makna precious adalah Valuable.
Text 3
Some people in Pakistan have been advocating for sustainable hunting of the species
instead of a complete ban, but this is highly debatable. Reckless hunting for decades
has pushed this beautiful species toward extinction and it is now critically endangered
in Pakistan.
Under these circumstances, they only logical approach to save the species from
extinction in the not-so-distant future is to immediately start comprehensive captive
breeding program for the species across the nation.
Game hunting works only when a stable population is achieved with strict monitoring
on the ratio of males to females hunted per season. If the females (no true statistics
available) are being taken out of the population through random hunting, the
population is sure to pass through a bottleneck in the wild habitat, with high
vulnerability to eventual extinction.
The people of Pakistan need to decide what is more important-a few petrodollars or
protecting the biodiversity of the nation.
Lethbridge , Canada
1. What is the subject of the text?
Answer : B
Answer : D
Dari text tersebut kita bisa mengetahui bahwa penulis mencoba mengajak
pembaca untuk melestarikan burung houbara. Dari pernyataan - pernyataan
tersebut dapat disimpulkan jawaban yang benar adalah Tries to persuade
people to conserve houbara bird .
3. According to the text, why does the writer want all kinds of houbara bird hunting
be banned?
Answer : A
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ”According to the text, why does the writer want
all kinds of houbara bird hunting be banned?" (Menurut teks, mengapa penulis
menginginkan segala jenis perburuan terhadap burung houbara dilarang?).
Karena populasi burung houbara yang semakin sedikit dan terancam punah.
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah the population of houbara bird is getting
smaller and smaller.
Text 4
Bullying is the use of force or coercion to abuse or intimidate others. The behavior
can be habitual and involve an imbalance of social or physical power. It can include
verbal harassment or threat, physical assault or coercion and may be directed
repeatedly towards particular victims, perhaps on grounds of race, religion, gender,
sexuality, or ability. The victim of bullying is sometimes referred to as a "target”.
Bullying can occur in any context in which human being interact with each other.
This includes school, church, family, the workplace, home, and neighborhoods.
Bullying is absolutely wrong for several reasons. First, nobody wants to get bullied.
Imagine if you or your family member is one who is being bullied. What do you think
will happen to him/her? Nobody wants to live his /her life like a frightened rabbit,
Second, the victims can make a revenge by telling their parents, teachers or even your
principal about what you have done to them, and surely, you will be in a very, very
big trouble.
Finally, bullying can result in very serious consequences. Maybe it is done for fun,
but the victims can consider it as a deep traumatic experience that can lead to
depression, or even suicide. When that happens, surely you will forever be regretful.
From the facts above, it is clear that bullying is wrong, and it only brings negative
Answer :A
Answer : C
Land Reclamation
Land reclamation will definitely increase land area for a certain country. More land
has been made available for development. More buildings and infrastructure can be
However, much greenery has been removed in order forthe land needed. Land
reclamation can be damaging to corals and marine life. Corals are usually move to
another place when land is to be reclaimed. The corals might not be able to survive in
that certain habitat, and thus die out. In some countries, where the project is large
scale, they do not even bother to re plant the corals elsewhere, instead just reclaim the
land on their habitat, causing them to die out immediately. Marine life, such as fish,
might not have enough food after the underwater plantations are destroyed due to
reclamation of land. This applies to the food chain. The water might also be polluted
from the soil used to reclaim land, causing the fish to die and blocking out sunlight,
depriving the underwater plants of growth. Marine habitat are also destroyed;
therefore, the marine creatures would be forced to move to another new habitat. Some
might not be able to adapt, and thus die out. Some would just die without even
finding a new habitat, as they cannot move long distances in water.
Finally, the reasons and examples look tempting to humans, but marine life is life
too! We should try to protect it as much as possible, instead ofjust focusing on the
1. causing them to die out immediately.” (paragraph 2) The underlined word refer
A. underwater plantations
B. large scale projects
C. marine creatures
D. greenery
E. corals
Answer : E
”In some countries, where the project is large scale, they do not even bother to re
plant the corals elsewhere, insteadjust reclaim the land on their habitat, causing them
to die out immediately.”artinya “Di beberapa negara, dimana proyeknya berskala
besar, mereka bahkan tidak menanam kembali terumbu karangnya dimanapun,justru
mereka hanya mereklamasi Iahan habitat mereka, yang menyebabkan mereka mati
seketika." mereka (yang dicetak tebal) dalam kalimat ini maksudnya adalah terumbu
karang (corals).